(‘H RISTMAS To TIIOSG BL ‘11 10111 I) c l. It Is No Trouble “'0 h ( {VG 'mver While they last who have seen but 6 large cases of est articles we suitable to our U in the Old Count} rived in good théï¬plmly the†Price. w E v; A N '1‘ To clear them out. will be almost NOTICE is beret) g perymf- haxiun' chin We have Others oat. 75c. and Rim. They go at 600. “’6 have a few Cloudsleft which we will sell at Equally Low Prices. We start. them at. 200 each THIS is a good (pporlunity to secure one of these shawls so DON’T LOSE THE CHANGE. We have a few, Woollen Shawls, Neat Patterns. and Good Colors at LO W PRICES. 9 v ----- w â€"â€" . ‘\ per-suns hmimz claiun against th " Estate of R. \V. Hum. late of the Town uf Durham blacksmith deceased. are required to send by [Mist premid or deliver on or. be- foxe the llthday of December, A.l)., 1897, a detailed statement of their claims or ac- counts to the undersigned by whom the same will be settled. Dated at Durham this 15th day of Nov- mhar. A.D.. 3897. As this is the season of the yvar when ‘hey are worn. they v $11 Go Fast. so Don’t Delay purchasing. TRY OUR TEAS. about 3 dozen knitted W001 Shawls at $1 .00 each. in Gray, Black, Cream. Jardinal, Gar- net and Other Cu'i‘ors. NOW L’l-Uitlllg \7/(‘1 Llllltolq \J‘w‘vg l) [1“ l ‘J ‘‘‘‘‘ net and Other Colors. A ohm Fields†likeawhirlwiml. Ex- , w T perienced (-mimssers reaping the richest 3‘) A harvest of their lives ; new beginners (luing wmulers. Nearly everybody subscribes. One young fellow on a farm at $12.00 a .110 t‘IBDV 138t .nmntli is making .7000. A ladymgypex- . 1 v â€" .. l writer at. $3.0). a week in clearing 31.1. “10} £0 at ‘ 00. The)". iriechzuiieswag) 15ml mulled-81.50 a day is . i " r. _. V . ‘ , , Zeearing 5. Va ay. 'e want more agents. (110 I: 11 St (JIdSS GOOdS? ; Canvassing outï¬t. 25 ets.. worth $1.00. THE nothinn‘ “1 YOU“ flbOUtJ B RADLEY-GA BRETD‘UN (50., Limited, 9 C - i'l‘oronto, Ont. .11-ly buying insures better service. had such an elegant. V at such moderate Already many selec- have been made bv prudent buyers. .L.GRRNT 1‘0“? 31, Durham seen but a. part it NOTECE. ï¬rst choice IV ....... mas. ANNJ. HORN 1mm 2. o. comm. 1891. ï¬vml that all ;CEI W834: fl] Ham and v1cinity with the iu.Millinery. Sept 23, 3m A Cnnsenative Ennvnnt'nnn the Hanover Canveyancer, and other pmper: offers for sale 300 fzwmsx 519 at rock bottom ties for sale at exclmn prices, among them: The " Teasdale †Farm-lmt :50, Con. '2, \V. (}.l{., Bentizwk. 100 acres. The †Halt†Farm-lat and 2nd Divisions Lot 1, \V.(.}.R.. Bentmck, 100301135. Lots Zand 3. Con 1:3, nlenclg. Macres. ## PROPERTIES of all kinds solt‘ NOTES and ACCOUNTS collec siou. DEEDS. Attend the DEEDS, MORTGAGES and om carefully prepared. A LL â€.1me E33 promptly attend quietest and must cunhdenu address \,V nLV 1.14;! i. ....... u ,, good education, whom $00) and ex- ‘zu' would he an induce- penaos for the ï¬rst 3’ mom. \\ mm with tull partiuulms. TUE Toronto. )1 ~\\’ AGE R, Medical Build ing, trodlwe a lumschuld wn ’ returns to competent persons. 3 LU“ AY, l‘orunto. V AN’J‘ED.â€".'rhme m. I \"7 ANTED.â€"â€"An eXpenenceu V vasser to travel and appuint :‘ Nu canvasdng. Salary and expense: Tm; BRAULL‘Y-UARRETD‘UN De... L 'l‘uronto. ‘ V character. COMPANY, Toronto WA? \ 7 LX\Y1‘E (har atop He is Lending Money. 31' cent, easy terms, costs light. I LILL§hL 43 acres, known 3.5 “ The Fagan Lot †near the leway Statmn, Durham, wul be sold on must roasumble terms. Ap fly to 4 J. P. ’I‘ELFURD, trham. J. Elliott, A‘ppl‘; toâ€" Oct. 21%. Street West, in the town of Durham, ‘ known as the \Ville ' Lot. being lot N0. 9, Q - cantainiug 1 acre. {Vill sell the whole Int 1 or half as the purchaser may desire. Easy t terms. For further apply to the owner. ‘ J. M. EU M131; 2 "HOUSE AND LOT on Garah'axa" l (irev, incluning a 'alzialile water mver, brick dwelling and many olegilie Building lots will be sold in one or more l.lt~l. Also lot No. 00. 00“.. 2. \V. Gr. 1‘». 'l‘uwusliip of Bentiuck, 1(1) acres, adjoining Town plot, Durham. Mortgages‘ taken for part purchase money. ¢Azlply W I).EI=NG Lotl‘lo 30, Con 3. Egre-l, . mm. H; miles north of Holstein. 100‘ acres, about ’iOmcres cleared and in qnudl state of cultivatimn. . r house, lathcll and a plastered. frame barn, rame stable. \Velll a watered by spring creek. Will sell on easy. but terms. GENTS sell “ Klgpdike Gold “V0 Bark-shire Sows, one extraï¬ large, in fzu‘rnw to Tamworth Imam! ml‘; to R. J. MATHEWS, Lot. 68, con '2, 't- fllst. 4w E U R, Uleuelg. I . I $ N the Town of Durham3 Cfiunty of ANTEDflInd .. 211d. will be called to I‘HE EDGE PROPERTY. H- H. MILLER 'l‘llOS. ORRHARD, Holstein. Anexmrienced Can- Thtee Ladies t_0 in- Jock Box 28, Popular for yourself. Shop 0\ ex S. t Out, a the {very be“ hand education. joys a splendid nexcelled facili- nent. Students and other writings HStliOCS ‘10" Of THE lescorr Principal- sold or exchanged. llected on cummis- attended min the hdennul manner. JAMES EDGE; lappuint agents. 1 expenses paul. N bu. Luulted, rself. V L'S.b N0 cott’s 'E‘aéeiiin, 1’. c Men with .f/ y llanover. "ORTY YOUNG B have and two' good ‘ r tn one year old. A ADDIIBLV' EIN G LOTS 15, ) balfof 17 and the WT 2nd Concession of Glenelg ing in all 250 acres. 01 gram] frame house, a ï¬rst ‘ 50x70 With undergrom’u‘ sufï¬cient tn 21001 nnmmlate and a frame shed 25x00. ' cleared and under cultiwy mg‘orch‘ard, ‘a never fall -1. :‘1\ fr“ [[16 U1 v lllll and well. ’One mile from some from clu1rch"and8 miles from 'l‘lnerearealso 85 acres cleared and 18. Possession can be given on the 20th of October Unly tenant. need ap )l . apply to {U '1: TWA MLEY A igree. R. Glenelg‘, Oct. 21. 4w Oct. ISL, ‘LJâ€"vv" _ J with regâ€"igtgred pedigree. J KINS()_N._L,ot 56,,00113, Ulenelg. â€"â€"-â€"- ’7'“ A PEDIGREED BERKSHIRE BOAR at [mt 1?), Con. 2.. Egremout. Bred at the Mmlel Farm. Â¥ NW. 17th, tf. S. T. ORCIIASD. For Sale or ' ERKSHIRE BOAR. 1t . UXU‘J teachers will be compelled to (“Up , GEORGE, registered pedigree, bredi . . by W. J. Shephardson, Walters Falls, ()nt.! 01†0f the DI‘OIBSBIOH. and the tram- b‘econd owner, A. and .l. Sealey, Bunessan, i ing of our pupils will he placed in the hands of raw recruits. of immature Ont. Terms. two for $1.00. CHAS'URAY' Jr., ' l" ’ t 1\'holl' inc'mahle of N '.16. 3 .2 .Ju‘."‘.“““‘ i‘u‘ ‘ 3 ’ 0‘ m LULU’ CU" .Lgtcment vgu-ldmg the intellectual faculties. rgued. that through ........ our increased High School facilities, I o the premises of Mr. w. Bolh- ‘Veb.‘.â€â€œe “1‘3“â€? v‘r“L“ed{c}ass..?f well, lot 17. 01.11.22. Egremont. three p" no 901100 ted". 9.3 t..an Olllléll}. In some respects we admit tlllS to he head ofyoung cattle, one two year old and ltwl) yearliugs. Thu owner may have them true, but in others {31* from it9 and | by pruymg propel-t3 :tl‘ul [It'lymg expenses. - moreover. we venture ‘0 assert. that J’ “0111\‘Ll-J“ UVW‘OW" some of the recent changes in our ischool curriculum have a tendency lto-destroy the practical. by substitu- l l 0.....- ‘ It may be a l ting some of the embellishments. Why put on two languages never HAVE been instructed to receivel . . . applicatt-m t 1...... gm farnr likely to be: .used m, â€10, Public school, lproperties at 5 interest, payable half at the sacriï¬ce of English and mathe- hics, neither of which is too well yearly or yearly as desired. Reasonable. mat "mm†m"“"’“"“" t†5â€â€œ borrowers. Al". understood by our best teachers. ' '0 the premises of Mr. \V. Bo‘h-t well, lot 17, (um. 22, Egremnnt, three, head ofymmg cattle, mm two year old mul two yearlingx. The owner may have than by proving property and paying expenses. J. BUTUWELL. Umnmm. (Received too late for last Issue.) The Orchard School has been closed 1 this week on account of the teacher Ihaving a sore throat. It is hoped she ‘ will be able to resume her duu'es on ‘Monday, q I. ‘ , ‘ L HAVE been instructed to receive application for loans on good farm prawn-ties at 5 interest, payable half yearly or yearly as desired. Reasonable. tqrmsuf repayment to suit borrowers. Ap- )- ' to I 3 G. LEFROY McCAUL, Barrister, Upper 'l‘uwn, Durham. Oct. 4th, LUUl John Calve1t.cattle dealer, got lid of all his 111‘. go herd ofA stock some time ago. He has. noneI to 1101 1 even for the Winter. Miss 1311111121 11101111 is visiting Mt. Forest lrien is at p1esent. Messzs. James and Olive r Brown. R Watt, and R. '1“0r1y returned last week {10111 the N01Ll1- “est, wl1e1e they had been making their fortunes (luri11wtl1e summer. Mr. lie1bert Stonehouse of Dur- 11am who recently 1eturned f10111 iCmman. Mam, visited friends in iOrchardville last Sunday VI \zuuu u v n..v -v... There is a prayer meeting in the Baptist Church every \Vednesdav evening at seven o’clock. Everybody is welcome. '_l‘a m w o 1 'th B o a r BERKSHIRE BOAR, 45 and 46, con 3. NZ_D' Ru This is the tradz-mark which is on the wrapper (salmon-col- ored) of every ‘ l" i‘L'K'J 1" me shed 25x00. 'ljllere are Eancres ,nd under culnvanon, a good boar- ll‘d, a never failing spring creek . One mile from school,l:},1niles ' ‘ miles from Durham. " res cleared on luts 17 ’8 also 8-.) ac. l’ossessinncan be given to plnngll lth of October Unly ï¬rst class eed np )l . For further particulars â€EU 'lr. TWA MLEY, Urawfurd, GEO. TWAMLEY, Dornoch. ’ " ask for it. N 0th ing hasbecn made that cquals it to give s‘rength and so'id flash to those who at: run down (:2 cmaciatcci.. Your dcctor will tell you that it is the one. food for all thosz whose weight is below. the standard of health. Putupin53cts.and$l.00dzap and sold by all dmggistl. SCOTT BOWNE. Toronto. Ont. ï¬zï¬nfél’xmolé of, 18 in H. e m of Glenelg E G. l ., cuntain- 0 acres. Uu Int 17 them is a m-e a ï¬rst class flame ham 9 stone stabhng‘ undm‘ngmdm 1mm] nc â€min ORCHARDYILLE. L 'ICLE, (Bill 3 \' D R. Bentinck. JOHN HOPKINS, JI‘ 21115 ............................................. BOAR, ROYAL Yorkshlre Bears, \JI' I‘ 'Ia 1 stone stabhng 5'0 1192111 of cattle 1 here we 90 111:1 es tinn a good boar- |imv snring c1 eek Be sure this is on the package, and that nothing else is palmcd off on November ‘2 when you at lots Mr. Whitney in his. campaign has ._. ' ted out, time and again, that only ï¬ve per cent of the children of this province, receive the beneï¬ts of a- High School or . and he has demonstrated last a clearly. that the eXpendit-ure of pub- lic funds for the support of i iate. or secondary education, is wholly out of proportion to the; amount eXpended ' ° ' schools, where t ï¬ve per cent begin and end their‘ educational career. The evil is be- ginning to work out its results, and in the course cf a few years will reach its full fruition. Mr,Ross, the head of the cdu’cational machine, is cans-l ing the country to be over-run withl public school teachers, who jostle? with each other in the race tc secure the advertised vacancies, and in some instances to resort to the deplorable system of unierhidding, and causing, vacancies where no vacancy would otherwise have existed. The penur- ions trustees, oiten the most pcnur- ious in a penurious section, without. considering the ultimate result. 80" ‘ lect the cheapest teacher to be found.} with the mistaken idea that a great' service has been done to the commun- - ity. We do not wish to say I , ' ks for a small salary‘ - is necessarily a poor teacher, bu“; in Eninetyhine cases-out. ' ' - l the value a man places on 35 services is generally on a pa 3- l teal. worth. Thus, under the present system, and its inevitable resultâ€"â€" the reduction of salaries to a mer; wageâ€"the better class of to drop ‘M‘LI|‘_ t ~ I '0 L' starvation - -1 l .1. teachers wul he compel.ed 1 The coming premier, Mr. \Vhitney is makinggood time in edu- Cating the province on the wickedness of the Ontario Liberal administration. If Premier Hardy had only called the meeting of the Legislature for June or July instead of November 30th, the chances for the retention of the Liberals would have been better, but. Whitney has been giving light on the subject that will not fail to shine at the next election. The four million ' dollar surplus bequeathed to the party lon entering: ofï¬ce has been reduced ‘ to a a deï¬cit of $446000. or at best i as Mr. Hardv would have it a deï¬cit \ of $212,000. The big surplus cry has i vanished and the effort of the Liber- :als now is to make out that the i‘wicked Tories are trying to magnify } the deï¬cit. Even Mr. Hardy’s deï¬cit 30f $010 000 is a poor substitute for of $212,000 is a poc the boasted surplus. Mr. McNichol, the present sitting! member in the Ontario Legislaturel is the strongest candidate the Pa- trons can bring out. Erom what we; learn he is sure of the Patron Stip- J)Ol‘i§ generally, seventy or eighty per cent of the Liberals in the west and a large percentage of those in the remainder of theconstituency. Many of the Liberals of all classes express dissatisfaction regarding the choice i of the Liberal candidate and are not i backward about saying;r so. As mat- ' ters now stand Mr. )icNichoi is the Samson of the party and i will . certaiulv go to the J-v'v w Samson of the party and will . certaiulv go t9 the poll 'tliougli many of the machine Liberals Openly l_)OaSl’ that they will “fix †him so that he will not be in their way. THE Durhamâ€"Clmtsworth mail} route was restored on Monday morn- inglast, and is likely to continue until after the election. This conces- sion has saved to the Liberal party, as one.of them said to us, “more Grit votes than $5000 could buy.†' Mr. Mulock’simmutability exists only lwhere Grit. influence is not Sacriï¬ced, and Dr. Landerkin is able to give pointers. Unfortunately, Merritt has none of the Mulock stripe of :politics and needn’t. look for any l favors. There will be a Conaervative Can- djdate m. the coming, contest. in South Grey.- Whitney the nut Premier. EDITORIAL. l 897. An extra good stock of these useful goods. Eancy Striped Fhunelettes 5c yd~ 3‘2 in. Flannelettes‘ 7c yd 36 ‘in Flannelettes. heavy. 10c yd. Plain Colored ‘Flammlcttes in lightblt‘le. pink. whize and-red, beautiful goods 100 yd Fans/y Wrapperettcs 12§c yd Some BARGAINS .inâ€"w - THE VALUE IS EXCELEERT One dozen only At a while) tlmy “St- Pork WI: 1 be ï¬t'arca next summer, for Jack bought all the pigs in Mr. and Mrs. R. Ede: Mr. and Mrs. R. Eden were \ friends in Egremuut one d; week, Adam Little is enlm Good idea to have thin The The The There are services Hills twice a. week, 01 \Vedlles-'ay (Neuinos 200d attendance. Mr. Redford is going to wield rod in.S.S. No. 1 Nux‘umuby for Mr. Kerr having resignoaul. lie is g to devote his time to farming. Billy Bryan took up a sleigh l of turkeys to Durham, and got ‘0 “5 (or them. You bet Le had quin pile coming home. Mr. “7111. Ritchie is in our h this week, ï¬xing up she hrivkw on Clark’s engine. builelingachim on the Orange Hall, and all sorts? repairing. Mrs. John Petty has been very" this last week. It. is to be hoped old lady will have better health. L Our town was deserted last Sum Everybody was at Ebenezer attt ingeervices, and Speak highly of treatment thev received at the ha of the Ebenezer pimple. ---HOSIER 1"? 3‘ Pete hast-lie chimney on now. the stove was there you might, look out for something else. There is going to be a free enter- tainment in Knox chum: . fliViDg night. A good time is expect- vauvv â€"-~-â€" â€"- ' - of Eczema Ed. Eveiâ€"y body weicome, night to visit liisnoig‘nbo Smith about nine o’clm lost in his own ï¬eld. h'. around about. two hour found his own house. (9 are getting too old to around after nine o’clock Long Sleeves. ,e “ Startler ' '13 “ Pearl ’7 ‘ he “ Hygeian They say John Mu pretty wvll used up ‘ since G. Young left, no dancing parties. Grace Ella Aiton, â€lizfrtland. VARN EY. ‘V'uhy nhouse. George. 3cm too old to be sxraying nine o’clock. John Baclms is getting mad up with rheumatics m: left. on account. of 9’ ’1 V V est. 08f. 9:001! est t} ing his h scomfor‘ held at valu ( round argam e d u u d :15 Then: ’.B.. Cured be h am m’. If u: look k \\'( "'Hlf H VOM -â€"-Fcr. S horses, six â€"â€"-For Am a nice Lam! kind try MI Norm oration Topic La Ides Skates Skates ho Hunter s. ADC -â€"Uro Saving i decided 1 large std ï¬sh a 11 went ant In our [11 .d an! COIDUH‘. H won a I und “'3 look am Gus pap! its wont every 04 dred an1 brimful “7911 m{ the sud Family mce (1e (11 anthus Ball. 0 lay De ’urthel 1H dtixe [l2 l0 US H [h CHE