Mint-a ban. the home order: up I 0' kitchv. Do be jotted o. tagethot hes with lliar. t nothing h to.†q living the stepladdor omn. rs may be them roâ€" "l' potato .3 "no i. i; Oaluvts. ing (ilw at [m men L at the am. a or her tn- are re \\ Eook u; 'IPINU .t Speaker ugly VB!) ion Inumm. Tit. [in]. »t rucnve your bets I rn that 0r Win-a hot. I charcoal little. pow. he bottom if ll \V .VO 1' he how in. half "m Wm DO )8? um ('01) less sol .111]. and youngest in than 001mg: \V t makes m ap along 11 haug- W’ 0 0“ wnco. if? 'lt 06V?! “ mmk 'im an. ti in a 'ho DO)! not not 0 In th tl' Ul' $0 ou ll ~ .MM Karl's Clover Root. Tea is a hunt laxative. Regulates the home a. puri- ties the blood. Clears the mglexi . Buy to nuke :nd pleasant to aka. ml". Sold by Ml druggiatl. Tun in a high profit in substitu- tion. aided by public indifference. There will in no profits, at ull it people. al- “aye! and everywhere. rerun con-tor- Mt urticla. She-4 prosume you have forgotten. you outrageous brute. that you once promised me I should be the queen of the household. Heâ€"Mebbe I did, but I didn't intend that you should be the boss, too. "Kindly Ml unload ordor at once. Dr, Agnow‘n 011mm. :7. hga [hen the gtâ€ of nushctlon hon. If. u one of the but «Hora we ever handled and lo mkclm! in the cure of pkin discus. and gun. Your: rmâ€. Eureka â€mg C... Munch ( hunk. Pt. Orders mg. gm. aocompufled bv ju st. mob word-r of ; mm. are the commonest. oocurrcnro u houdqnsrtou {or thin: grout romedy~provu th. â€0910'- faith in 1!. and prov" in your" to rofigyg and cure He: and all itching and torturing akin troub u. Bi Ordors ;nd Word. of Praise Prov. tho orth a! Dr. Aim ow'a Ointment. Guestâ€"What. sort of a lamp is that? Hostâ€"A Study lamp. . Guestâ€"Ah! ('ulled that because it is (or the study. I presume. Hash-No. railed that, because it taken 3 grvat deal of study to run it. Mr. Cavendish is only 21 years old. He has vortainly had some remarkable mgwriem-es and ham brought homoin- fnrnxatinn of value. Round the shores of Lake Stefanie the exiiloror had some oxveliont Sport, and it. was here that he wasoaught by a. wounded elephant. “My m'opo.â€soid Mr. Cavendish. "was nothing loos than miraculous. Thogroothoast. mod with rage. wu chorgiog me. when. at tho i-ritival moment. my gun failed. and I had to run. But tho elophant noon vuught me. and going on his kneos tried to pin me to the ground with hi< tusks. Failing in this. he caught nm with hi< trunk and flung me round under his‘ body with the idea of crush- not know. as. I was in this situation for half an hour. At tho and of that time the great hrutv got up. and kick- ing a piece of wood. which he riouhflm ‘ took to be my dead body made off to his retreat. ï¬zriimsly enough I had no bones broken. but I was ('OV- arm! with Hood." (‘ount 'l'eloki found at. the south and of Lake Rudolf. the only active vol- nann then known in Africa. Two years ago. Dr. Donaldson Smith found this volrann still in a state of erup- tion but Cavendish nowreports that it has been shattared by 1 great con- vulsion and where it stood there is now a plain of lavo. He discovered another lake south of Rudolf in which n u‘ a volcano that had also begin siiat: tered. killing the fish in the lake, Wilma bodies covered the shores. a mass of mountains. entirely unin- habited. and exceedingly difficult to traverse. He journeyed west of the lake and traced the whole of the west shore» hitherto unvlutted on our maps. For a width of about fifty miles it is quite flat. when the land rises sudden- ly into the muuntmns. It. is subject to very great variations. often flood- ing the country all around. His predece‘. org in this lake region were 'l‘eloki, â€Donaldson. Smith and Bot- tego none of whom have given the world any idea of the country to the west of Lake Rudolf. It may be. how- ever. that the records of the Bottego expedition a part of which were re- covered after the massacre of his party will rontain information about the west side of the lake, [or it is said that. Bottego visited that district. Cav- endish supplies the first intermtion of that region. He mended e noun- tain 5.000 FEET BIG-l. at the north end of Lake Rudolf, from which he had an utenalvo View of the country to tt‘w'wost. thsays it in Most of the region around the two lakes Stefanie and Rudolf, is pitted with am-ient Prater: and Cavendish found the most remarkable water that has yet been discovered in the district. The native: val! it Sodigo V0, and it is about a mile and a half wide and 1,300 feet deep. He says he found coal both east and west of Lake Rudolf that. burned well, and there was a gand deal of it. If his report is accurate. this news is inter- est‘ng for coal has not been found hitherto in any part of troxviv‘al Africa. ewept for some distanve along the Zambesi River. not lose a man during the year’s jour- nry. which in a remarkable record. Intervene; Facts that Ir. Cavendish [rings In. the late Incl." legion. It was reported about three weeks 380 that a young man named 11.8. H. Cavendish. who has titled relations, a tortune. and proclivities as a sports- man. had been murdered in Somali- lanrl. The story of the tragedy was spoiled the other day, when Mr. Cav- endish turned up in London with an amount of his extensive travels in East Africa and the interesting dieâ€" eoveriee he had made. He was aaay only a little over a year, and he and the eighty men in his caravan had ex- citing atlventurea with the natives. who gave him some hard fights. 0f r-ourse. the Gallas got the worst of these encounters. and Cavendish «lid M A’I'R [M( )N l A L DISCUSSION NEW DISCOVERY IN AFRICA. ONE OF THOUSANDS. A 51' l 7 DY LA MP. {- QV .. +13- - Tea, soon clean-ed my lichen I0 thor- oughly that I r Ml regained halt]: and strength. r0. . A. Sweat. Hat- (ord. Conn. Sold by 0.1! drug-gill. 13’s one to'Gin Ii ' loon '[o ’ m get his supp" REFORMING THE WORLD. Callerâ€"I suppoxod all would find our parents at not,†his tin. of in). out. are they Small Bo yâ€"Yelm. [other tin't got book yet tryom the woman’s ever “- ternoon “mum muting. an m- Gentszâ€"I was drudfully nervous. and for relief took your Kerl’a Clover Root. Tea. It quieted my nerves and. strengthened my whole Nervous Sys- tem. I was troubled with Constipa- tion. Kidney and‘ Bowel trouble. Your Dr. Agnew': Cure for the Hoar. given relief in 30 minutes in most acute on†of but! discs“. One do" in all tint is needed to con. Vince the moat Icoptï¬osl. Thou~ando of live. have been ssved through in “mew use. It! 0-0 0' the wand": of mnflorn m-divg! 9clence. I knoiv it. he killed three frionds of mine. HEART SCBPTICS ARE CUNVINCED IN 80 llNUTIS. That young Dr. Pillsbury. Ho lif_e _very easily. Be Not Deceived. A (Much. H'oarso« ness or (‘roup are not to be trifled with. A dose in time of Shiloh's Cure will save vou much trouble. Sold by all druggists. Jewettr-She misses me \\ hen I am at home. Hewittâ€"\Vhat do you mean? .lewettâ€"Sho can’t throw a. cup straight. \Hewitt-â€"Does your wife, miss you wile!) you are away! Cure the Cough with Shilnh's Curo. The best Cough Cure. Relieves Croup promptly. One million bottlps sold last year. 40 doses for 25 vents. Sold by all druggists. A MODEL WIFE. Thar. is a man in Hamilton who has such a, good wife. that in all his mar- tial life he can’t. remember that he ever found the salt-cellars on the ta- ble empty once. H’ills, as she knew of several cases ‘where they had worked wonderful cures. and I concluded it would do no {harm to try them anyway, and men- ! tioned‘the fact to the doctor. The doc- ! tor did nut oppoae their use. but said ihe thought they might do her good, as they were (‘ertainly a good medi- cine. In September of last year she hum to use the Pills, and before ‘two boxes had been used. she began : to show signspf improvement. She has continued their use since, and is to- day a living testimony of the curative )ower of Dr. “'illiams’ Pink Pills." Ir. Minah‘ull has no hesitation in sounding the praises of a remedy that has worked em-h a vhenge in the health of his sister and cheerfully gave the “News" the above partirulars. end when asked to do so most willingly ei ned the following (lei-la.ration:â€"- iih's Falls, Sept. lth, 1897. I hereby make declaration that the statements in above as to the. condition of my sister. and the benefit she re~ eeived from the use of Dr. Willidms' Pink Pills are absoluter wrrect. Thos. Minshull. doctor told me l'ec-‘mlld(l()n0Uâ€"!_i}:g "a; her. I consulted w1th my wife, who had great, faith in Dr._ Williams’ Pink hundred dollars in cash, divided am?!“ Mamy cases have been reported of the senders of the ten best testimonial: how invalids who have suffered_ for received from those who use their Pills years and whose case had .been given They reserve the right either to giw . up by the'attending hysician, have the five hundred dollars 1) one or tw¢ been restored 'to hea th and Vigor persons, or to divide it amongst the “11'0“ b that POW world~famed medl- senders of the ten best testimonials tune, .1" Williams’ Pink Pills, but we K. H. Schiller Com any are to be doubt 1fthereisonetgioretï¬tetrtlénifor the sole judges of whic are the 'hesllJ more convmcms an a 0 ‘35: ' ‘ V (1 will award the cue Elizabeth Minshull, who resides with|test1monials, an . accordi l . her brother, Mr. Thos. Minsk)“. or: This 358’} “unmain open new in. this town. an employee in Frost 1st Marc ext. “'ood,’s A ricultural \Vorks. The You with get find these Pins in drug News hear of this. remarkable case. stores at present. nor' until a demand and 111090083515 Minshull 381‘“ .1111“ is created for them; at all events. if the story was correct, He replied: Schiller does not in the meantime wish "All I know is that my sister had been . . to risk the druggist offering you given as incurable by two dphysi- to “something just as good" . on w ' h be . ~ 0 any would make four or five times the pro- kind of housework and can. go and ï¬t. prompt in sending in. for the . V . » testimonials will be considered as they brought about by the use of Dr. “'il- come to hand. but the award will not. linms' Pink Pills. Mr. Minshull than be made until the lat March next. related the following story to the The price of the Pills is fifty cents Newszâ€""My sister is twenty yearsof per box, but Schiller 8: Company re- age. She came to Canada from Eng‘iquires each person to send for twe land about ten years a o, and resrded I boxes 80 that the pills can be ‘ivcn a wrth a Baptist minis er, .Rev. Mfufair trial (‘ody, at .Sorel, Que. In April, of 1896,, Get the. Pills and try them. and, if she took ill and gradually grew worse. , you find them good. write Schiller your She was underalmal physician’s care : opinion in as few words as possible. for over five months. The doctor said ; and if your testimonial is the best of that she was suffering from a comph- . all sent‘in .011 will get the five hun- vation of nervous (_liseases. and that he i d ed d 11 ' 5 .f ten others are as good. could do little for her. The minister i f'li't do “antivi†be ‘ iven to each of with whom she lived then wrote me ' ti) yt 0 “$5 timonialsg must not be of my sister's state of health. and],l e on, 0" f.“ . is and the had her come to Smith’s Falls, in the; 2’18?!“ than! {my “°" ' hope that. a change and rest would a £513.8th )(gomgliany say they have do her good. When she arrived here thousands of foreign testimonials. but She was â€.1 .3 very weak â€â€œ16 and a . they want Canadian and American local physician was called In toseeionw and take this plan of getting her. He attended her for some time. l them at once. and, of course, they L’ut “i'tdh piwtrh r5831)â€, “1‘1 finally ae- i want testimonials only from those Who now e gm 0.. e case was one ~ {- , ' s a f it trial. which he could do very little for. M lha" 8"" "h" P’" a The Pills are a soverei n remedy for sister had by this time become a Pit‘ ’all blood impurities and age boxis equal iable object; the elightest noise would to any dollar bottle of Sarsaparilla. disturb her and the slightest exertion Remit direct to K. H'. Schiller Com- almost make her insane. It required pally. Toronto, Ontario. someone to be with her at all times. .. ,_ ____ and often after a fit of extreme ner- M .~ ,, T musness she would become uncon- ‘ Aid-ER INFORMAHOA' scious and remain in that state for Mr. Jimpson. severelyâ€"Tbmmy. nev- hours. When 1 went home I had to er let me hear you use the word sling take my hpots off at the door-step. again; Always say throw. _- ._ _-A L- ---- .‘ 'LtheIs, J. the (‘au of a Young lady In Imuh' Fall» Who Such-ed Severely-Given lip By 1"" “acornâ€"Dr. Williams' Pink I’ll]- Have mum! ler lenll‘l. From the Smith’s Falls News. FREQUENTLY BRINGS ITS VICTIM 1‘0 THE VERSE 0F INSANITY. EX IREME NERVOUSNESS DREADFU'LLY NERVOUS. notnto disturb hor.‘ Whéh viii; HER BAD AIM. EVIDENCE. nm muting. and pi. 'inslinx’s free lunch so- w“*'- w 'w-‘ ‘Ivvp‘ -'-â€"v“u‘. fl'lON. On [In tho-:ddrm o! PO’MIttti;; who hull“ 01 .118 in 21 AYS. u m to I“. right A your own 1! MI. I. L. NICHOLS 00.. 83 Richmond We“. Tom... nun at 1.41.. and gentlemen can be cup- Wtuh 30-3091 and _VO!:] PROEJTABLE lieâ€"~01), my dear, if they had ladiea’ faces on them we never would be am. to pass them! “WE WANT You QUICK." Kidney “Buds †D3,; by dgy ie when; the good will of ell kidney eufl‘erern. Ken 11 e psi- in the Beck. Bladder. or Kidney a?! e. Juettry them once. you will] eve then. hey're net, 2 full boxes, oat paid he a addreu fer 25¢. In etempe. he) ere a high 1 prized Unfit-h ï¬emedy. en- eomd by theuunds. ALI. 80! In. com. Ireekvllle, Ont. Beautiful! They were really tickled with it. _ Old Ministerâ€"Umâ€"s’pose you hold him up, merely! How did your French go in Paris, Mrs. Parvenu? v ’ v boy. New Ministerâ€" What would you sug-. gest, then»? New M‘iniwterâ€"I propose to hold old Monebyags up to scorn. _ ()ld Minister-â€"l)on't go too far, my Wlll be Bountiful if the Simple Gold In the Heed 1e Nexleeted Now _. Dr. {new'e Oeterrhel Pewder ls Nature'e ever. Thu le the needing time for an dreed mledy-eeterrh. A. simple cold in the bend, indneed by sudden change in the weather. hey men te you yeen et torment if n lect. ed. Dr. A new’e Cetenhpl Powdet ! re- lieve e eel in the heed "I ten minutes. It will ellay all inflammetlen like negio end pm- Vent. the seeking of diemetlng «ten-h. If {on ere ee nutcrtunete M to heve contracted 8. ne nutter how many years heve passed, there 14 a certeil cure in this Leatel remedy. Bermusé he hasn't a hartivle of busi- ness about him and [can't afford to give him employment in my office. Why are you trying to get your frifnd a qulig clerkship? made Tommy J 'uï¬peoniâ€"Y-es.‘ piw. And did David really put a stone in his throw and kill Goliar? Mr. Jimpson, mverelyâ€"lbmmy, nev- er let me hear you use tho word sling 332m. Alyays say throw. Schiller Company say they have thousands of foreign testimonials, but they want, Canadian and American ones. and take this plan of getting them at. once, and, of course, they want testimonials only from those who have given the Pills a fair trial. Get the Pills and try them, and, it you find them good. write Schiller your Opinion in as few words as possible. and, it your testimonial is the beat of all sent in. you will get the five hun- dred dollars; if ten others are as good. fifty dollars will be given to each of the tent Testimonials must not be longer than fifty words and the shorter the better. Be prompt in sending in. for the testimonials will be considered as they come to hand. but the award will not be made until the lat March next. The price of the Pills is fifty cents per: box, but Schillexf 8: Cqmpginy re- to risk Rife "diuigigt' QEEgii‘xlé' '52)? “something just as 390d" on w ich ho ï¬guld make four or ï¬ve times tho pro- This offe'r will remain open until the lat March next. You will not find these Pills in drug §toros at present, nor until a demand 18 created for them; at all events. $chillqr does not in the meantimo wish l‘lve Hundred ll liars Olin-ed for Test! mentals by the Proprietor cl killrer's Savanna-Illa l'llls. T0 introduce into this country this old and well-tried German Pill, and to .Obtayl Canadian and American testi- lynomals which will greatly aid them In selling this admirable tonic and blood remedy here. K. H. Schiller Company have determined to give five hundred dollars in cash, divided among the senders of the ten best testimonials received from those who use their Pills. They reserve the right either to give the five hundred dollars 1) one or two persons, or to divide it amongst the senders of the ten best testimonials. K. H. Schiller Com any are to be the sole judges of whit: are the best testimonials, and will award the cash acg‘ordingly. DR. ALLISON’S TOO ATTRACTIVE. THE GOLDEN MEAN. CATARRH’S HARVEST. nK ' ‘indixn'tti in His éai‘e'nti' EXTE- to ‘ucgro QOOD 11E]! NERA- HIS ONLY HOPE. AMUE How's This ? A NOVEL IDEA. WP0894 Gives Back Original Lusterâ€"{- Prevents Breaking and Falling Out. PRODUOEB NIW HAIR. GENTLEMEN,â€"-I have personally examined the heads of ten respon- sible citizens of London, Ont., who have given sworn testimony to the effect that by the use of “ Amberino Hair Producer" they have succeeded in growing new hair where they were formerly bald, and I found their state- ments to be correct. They also speak of it in the highest terms as a cure for dandruff, itching of the scalp and falling out of the hair. Had it not been for my personal investigation, I could not believe such results were possible. Jon Coox MANUFACTURING Co. ï¬qliib} n “was; 5.35.'y"t3'InÂ¥a.H5m 52??? 10 t alr'sd‘wlgfi‘e to gggpgniqage with AGEITI. ADI!!! WANT! » Bo TON rnnnorxox Pin: m 00.. 1 Knee 81:. W.. Totem... loo-sore mbrvtiixoaâ€"Krâ€"HI; inâ€"L-he Evan-5t}; Mild] Esau. Kant ad human) or 3:10 vlery o to†I??? flaunt 481:», 11:11:30“: ttsowaon 01'." WILLIAII F. ‘30]; N. an". 3am Lou: a; Detonator. 00.. London. The Dawson commlulon 00.3““! Apples, Poultry, Eggs, ‘3? “ / ~- - " g 3*: : t-Wâ€˜ï¬ - a, ï¬t a. ï¬nd hoï¬â€˜Ã© mate; who { t. . . v“! - gï¬PO 0.1m we" aegdfm .se is muzz‘leï¬ ibhzrhq; éi’TtyfluRfltzep ' your house cteemA grocers ee p it- Cleanliness and neatness about a house are necessary to insure comfort. Manlikes comfort.“ if hecan’tï¬nditathome,he wil seek elsewhere for it. Good housewives know that SAPOLKD makes a house clean and keeps it bright. Happiness always dwells tnaoomfatablehome. Doyou want cleanliness, comfort ani happiness? Tty SAPOLIO and youwill be â€prised 1 you ,Lo Canadian Poo Oman 3 waihd Good prion paid. Dr. «on. 131 utua! ot’i‘oronto nun-nuisa- : 411231311}. m‘vmun GOOD IMPROVED no AND -‘A Iell' to v “‘9 to F. J. Mtzï¬n‘osn, on!" 9»: u non-Leo in N EW TH l N G I PERI-MP. YOUR DRUGGIBT DON'T KEEP IT! Preparation, with full directions, mailod on receipt of ".00. A OLE RGYMAN’S LETTER. Order direct or through newsdcaler or post- master and secure THE Cumsnus Emnou FREE. "â€""- w-" U-W‘. ‘:nd Anna-inn hog min“ g ‘hrh t prion. urn, luck-cl INCLUDING“ The 24-page Saturday Illustrated Edition The Daily ï¬lobe 6‘ .‘WAII 0f IMI‘I’ATION‘ 93 McCanl St. Toronto. VII-v v“ to Weiloy Bldg. Rich- mond 8t (pronto Bullish“, gtc..remoyed I remain, yours truly, gulp, mu. 1; Hanoi (Morning Edition) mberine†THE GLOBE, Toronto. LONDON, ONT. , October 20th, for than. on‘ it 17:;de- not'koop mafia." stock to procuro o'hom fur you. Price 8100 por Bome «Co: 85.â€. Wholosolo Lento: Tho Toronto Mm! Oo.. Unltol. torooto. any romeay wnncn an be man They no coupon-H oolely from the um. pri .1050! \ movable mix“. “4 cu perfectly at. rolioble 9,“ your at: 'A- ‘L-- --‘ K. L. ‘..A- _..A I- A--. «in. For you! sch. For yuu Old letdown. roam“ a â€" 9.“! 19‘1““ " ,9??? 9‘9‘ In" Eta»?! _A__ AL BRAD OFFICEâ€"TORONTO 81.. 1‘0:an Bunch omensâ€"~Wmmru M O ‘.o. VANCOUVER. I. C. an -â€"-4 Th. ample resource- or thin 00 It: Directors to make MVufl'I-OII or? “to, without dehy. At low uto- t and on the no“ ("cable tom- of .mpisgm ' all raw on Fomduotfvoj‘own u “Awicationo will be nook-d u the on... 0! 0 II any. p J. HERBERT HABON. no a ï¬ne boon to every lady who man‘s In an pet-(191.. Inc: of num'l olon. Thu at uuce can the gain a: restore natural 9nd ,hgslth} goth. o! {be qunu v .4. 8.909%. for F9m.le_0°mplainu. cAuAnA Plasmas" mu SAVIJLGS comm" THE COOKS BEST FRiEND FOB TWENTY-83V]! YEA†PAIMESS â€EMMY“. HMS ._ v -â€" -'--' LABGEIT S‘HIâ€" IN CANADA REV. MARTIN LOWRY. DR. GOODI'S 000... 0"... Mancini: Director, Tom. '0 0000-00...‘ $.00.