lish engineers w'ork ' dilyaeng-Ht 1133:; a. day. . It is pointed out that the men in the American engineering yards work .ten hours a day. and it would be im- possible for Grant Britain to maintain a. protitnblo oompotition if the Enn- H‘he Lord Mayor of London has de- clined the gift of “some paintings from an Englishman and an American, to, form a nucleus of an art gallery, on the ground that many of the pictures are spurious. Six hundred reindeer are to be col- lected from the United States Govern- ment herds in Alaska, to take part in the expedition to be sent to the eight Whalers ice-bound in the Arctic. The temperature which was high last week in the United Kingdom suddenly dropped on Sunday, and snow has fallen in Scotland and the north of England. r- vwvâ€"v L‘v. ‘ don. reiterates thatnCanada s't‘rongl‘y desires friendly relations with the ’United States. Mr. Fielding. the Canadian Minister of Finagce. whqjs _at. present in Lon- About three hundred firms which were burned» out by the London fire are seeking for new offices. It is reported that Most Rev. Fredâ€" eric Temple Arehbishop of Canterbury, is about to reagn. on account of ad- vancing yeera. Major-General Gascoigne, on Thurs- day held an investigation in Montreal into the dispute existing in the com- missioned ranks of the Royal Scots of Canada. The Commnder-in-Chief vensured Lt.-Col. Strathy, A.D.C.. and Major Ibbotson. and said if the bicker- ing did not cease he would dismiss 110:}: officers and dishand the corps. GREAT BRITAIN. Mr. Gladstone is {reported to be growing very feeble. The Prince and Princess of “'ales have hegun their Saturday to Monday parties at Sandrindbam. ' The Montreal Harbor Commissionâ€" ers have finally accepted the plan of harbor improvements proposed by the Department of Public Works. The Government will do the work, which will Cost $3,000,000. The Chateau de Ramezay. Montreal, has obtained a valuable addition to its collection in a portrait of Gen. \Volfe, by G. Constable Alston. the only paint- ing extant that was executed during the general’a lifetime. “John Hough. 84 years of age, an in- mate of the House of Providence, Dunl- dos. wandered from the institution on Monday afternoon and his body has been found in two feet of water in the rear of Wardlaw’s Woollen Mills. The arrangements for the exten- sion of the Intercolonial railway into Montreal over the lines of the Drum- mond County road are now completed. and the service is expected to com- mence the first of December. Mr. W. A. Grenier, who was sen- tenced to six months’ imprisonment for libelling Mr. Tarte. Minister of Public Works. was released on Thurs- day afternoon, having served one month of his sentence. _ w .. “vvâ€"v uvrw- vnuvuv Ottawa £5340}: ay 38 duties collectezil It is said that President) McKinley on miners’ outfits at the port of Lake has prepared an Anglo-American arln- Tagigh, tration treaty, which, while not' go- . ' far as he would wish goes as A party of four Englishmen. under mg as - ’ ,. the command of Captain E. H. Bernard. far as he thinks the Senate “1†of the Indian Staff Corps, a nephew of “3‘?“ . , ' . . . . the Baroness Macdonald. left Montreal, ! 53““ ,3 , Inv1sible “ 01"],(1. Displayed, on Thursday night for the Klondyke. or Despairmg Democracy, IS the sensa- . tional title of a sensational hook The Department of the Interior has . ,- , ' ’ received a report from Major \Valsh dealing “1th the Greater New York, . t , ‘ ' which Mr. Stead, the editor. of. the Re- gggeéottalblkig:aggpplliigs833:? tigafmgg view of Reviews, will give to the public and is now on the way to Selkirk. I “9;“ month. ' A â€"- '7 Twenty thousand dollars in gold ar- rived at the Customs Department in Ottawa on Monday as duties collected on miners’ outfits at the port of Lake Tagish. Mr. George Goodwin. of Ottawa, the chief financial backer of the roller boat, says the machine will not be given an- other trial this year. ‘3'" Ottana wants to be the metropolitan ’ suit Anglican See of Canada, instead of Rail Prince Rupert’s Land, which at pre- blac? sent holds the honour. road ““5‘39‘5- . . The Knights 0 fLabour, at their as- The grading on theOCorow’s Nest Rall- sembly in Louisville, Ky., have passed way 18 at present finished to CTOW’S a strong resolution condemning the N9“ Lake. 8 distance 01 73 miles from proposed Anglo-American arbitration Mï¬CL€0d~ treaty, simply because England is a Thomas Davidson. messenger in the goldâ€"coining country, anda majority of Bank d'Hochelaga at Winnipeg. com- the Knights of Labour are silver men. mitted suicide by shooting in the rooms Fred. R, Ketcham. of Chicago, was over the bank. given a judgment of $21,666 in his Ottawa wants to be the metroxiolitan{suit there against the North-western Anglican See of Canada. instead of Railroad for $35,000 damages. He “'38 Prince Rupert’s Land. which at pre- blacklisted while a conductor for that sent holds the honour. road. It is estimated that the amount of wheat delivered by western farmers since September 1 to date is 17,000,000 bushels. A construction engine and seven cars on the Crow's Nest Pass went down with the bridge over Old Man. River. Brakeman Hillier was drowned. The Canadian Pacific railway is now arranging a series of special excursions to the Klondyke for the coming spring. The C. P. R. has reduced passenger rates one cent a mile on a. number of its western branch lines. Mr. “'m. Miller. a Napanee hunter, was lost, in the woods near Plevna for four days without food. r The Dominion Bank statement for October shows a remarkable jump in the circulation of the banks. Archbishoz: Langevin’s health isslow- 1! unprovmg. There is talk of the erection of a “0W 350.000 Opera house at Brantford by a. syndicate. "if NEWS IN A NU'ISHflL uterestin: Items About Our Own Country. Great Britain. the United States. and All Parts of the Globe. Condensed and Assorted for Buy Reading. IE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. CANADA. my 8181“ hours ton.’ Jamaia, beenâ€"1r; livol,y Bog-1:11} . . Major Buck. who was called to the as m excellent Boone, bravely confronted the men. . ro- o cocoa-non of Quad _tho majority to order 3nd and .8.â€" 1.. mg. , in. to, It is estimated that ahmitwne thou- on sand eight hundred persons were ren- tures dered homeless by the rising of the waters of the Neva, the flooding an in of the canals, the suburban islands and work the outlying portions of'the 'City of St. 3 im- Peternburg. Main The black soldiers of the first batta- Ene- lion', 'West Judie regimen? ‘9 Kill!!- Inn‘s-a 1-. A Havana Special says that: nearly seventy-five per cent. of the four hundred thousand women, children, and non-combatants, affected by Gen. Weyler’a starvation policy are dead. Serious tension exists between Japan and Russia, owing to the latter’s efforts to control the Corean' Cus- toms, and some of the Japanese Min- isters go to the extent of advising war. The leak. of French military secrets has not been stopped by the de- portation of Captain Dreyfus, and suSpicion points at Comte Ester- hazy, who has demanded an investiga- lion. The rebellion in northern China is Spreading and fears are expressed that theb insurgents will advance on Tien T sm - , Dr. Thomas \V. Evans, the famous American dentist, who aided the flight of «Ix-Empress Eugenie, in 1870, died in Paris on Sunday. He was seventy- iive years of age. *A bill has been introduced; into the New Zealand Parliament for recip- rpcal trade relations with Great‘ Brit- am. A branch of the Royal Mint is to he established in Perth, \Vestern Austral- ia. for the. coinage of native gold. It is announced from St. Petersburg that the Czarina may present an heir to her husband before long. Under pressure from Russia. Tur- key has “abandoned her idea of increas- ing her armament. GENERAL. 4 {Heavy rains have caused floods in the south of France. Elal nrate preparations are being made for Dr. Nansen’s next expedi- tion in quest of the North Pole. l ' According to reports from New York, the general trade conditions show? no marked variation. In some lines there is a moderate improvement in' de- mand, as cooler 11eather in some di- rections has helped retail trade to a noticeable extent. Better prices have prevailed in wheat, oats, corn, hides and leather, syrup, turpentine, etc. 'lhe consumption of iron and. steel is increasing so rapidly that an advance in prices is probable. Railway earn- ings for the third quarter of the year lead us to anticipate fairly satisfactory net returns, and the reports of a large prOportion of the railwï¬ay com- panies in the United States point to a more satisfactory genpral result. The. commercial failures in the United States for the week just ended amount to two hundred and thirt1-five, as compared with three hundred and ‘ eight in the corresponding week a . year ago I l The first Scientist church in Chicago or.and the largest in the world of that in l denomination, was opened on Sunday. It i has a seating capacity of two thousand. Dr. Nansen. who lectured in \Vilwauâ€" kee, \\'is., on Thursday night, denied that any arrangements were being made for another voyage to the North Pole. In fact, he was not at all cer- tain that he would try again. It is stated that the reason Mr. Sove- reign resigned from the office of Grand Master Workman of the Knights of La- hour was that he might have free ha n-ds to run for President of the United States at the close of Mr. McKinleyis term. President Fetterolf, of Girard Col- lege, Philadelphia, has issued an edict against football, and henceforth the students of that institution must keep off the grid-iron. ' Euroyean diplomats are asking what the United States, whose interests in the East are advancing. will say of Germany’s recent seizure of 3. Chin- ese harbour.; The first shipment of five hundred earloads of potatoes, in’ band from Canada to Cuba passed through Sar- atogs, N. Y., on Tuesday. ( It has been determined in New York to appeal to the public at large‘ for’ sub- scriptions to a memorial for Henry George. arms over the visit of the Prince of Wales. their best customer, to a large depart:nenta1 store, where he made many purchases. The law ordering the muzzling of dogs, passed by the [English Govern- ment is likely to cost the Conservative party many votes in the next election. So grave is the issue considered that Mr. Long, the Minister of Agriculture, â€"vâ€"° has beenc defending his course by ela- borate statistics. UNITED STATES. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, December 2, 1897. Bud Rog-an. Of Gallatin‘. Team, is a? negro giant eight feet six inches in} height. and weighing 300 pounds. His ' gee; are seventeen and one-hut inches and my n'ttle brother stole. 313 "u; sweets." ‘is told of the Italian Queen's August: visit in the Gressoney Valley. Mug» herita. received from a peasant girl. to whom she took a. fancy. a pair of lace , mitts. When she received the mitts in Rome last month. she sent back to the girl two kid gloves. one filled with I money and the other with sweets. In , a. note she told the girl to write which ’ one of the gloves pleased her the more. The girl wrote this answer: “My Dear Queen: Your present- have ceased me many tesrs. My {other .took the glove_ with the money in it __._I â€"_ â€"â€"â€"v-' V'- issi is a. student at the Kieff Th ‘olo- gical School. though a. born Japan nee. A story that has no connection w. ith the above heyond _i_ts oxjgim in Eurme 2.. 1.-“ n Tolstoi had been obligel by the in- firmities of his eighty years to give up much of his literary work. Twice in the last year he has had light strokes of apoplexy. He still rides his bicycle, however. and is accompanied on most of his wheeling trips by one of his daughters. He has been highly pleased recently by the work of a young man named Conissi. who is tran - slating “Anna Karenina†and “The Krestzer Sonata" into J a_p_anese. Con- The policeman looked over the odd figure before him, and evidently was inspired with some respect by the Count's long white board. He ans- wered only half gruffly; “No, I haven't." “Well, if you had known more aLout them you would not treat that poor man so.†The policeman sr'atched his head, looked pityingly on the philoso- Pher and then came lack at him. "Sir. have you read the p...5ce regu- lations for the city of Moscow . “I have not. my friend," re. ied Tol- stoi. . “\Vell, it you had you wouldn t inter- fere with me when I am trying to obey them." That ended Tolshi's elfort to evangelize the police of Moscow. “My friend." he objected, as he plac- ed himself in front of the policeman, “have you read the Gospels?" Count Leo Tolstoi believes in preach- ing the gospel of brotherly love wher- ever he is and to all who will hear. About three ..enths ago he was in Moscow. He saw a policeman lay rough hands on a drunken laborer, jerk him about by the collar, and start to drag him to the station. He was horriï¬ed by the policeman's violent treatment of the case, and remon- strated; one AlmuI 'l‘ulslul and a l’ullrvman and CHN‘ Alum! a (lawn and a l'c-amuu. lbut when raised it catches a lever ? had arr ived, and on being questioned [hanging from the passing locomotive. i by her husband remarked that she ex- The latter lever then automatically , pected t0 hear 0f LOT d Tyrone's death causes an' air valve on the engin to , which she declared had taken place on causes an air valve on the engine to l the prevnous Tuesday. Her husband in action. During the trial the train ,5 laughed at her, but half an hourlater came to a standstill before reaching ; a letter was brought in stating that the station. iLord Tyrone had died on Tuesday "Careful calculation has been made ; morning at Dublin. To the astonish- that the hook or catch on the roadbed ' ment 0f Sir Tristam, Lady Bel‘eSfOI‘d. should have at the same time suffi- ! instead of manifesting grief, showed cient suppleness to insure its action. 2 feelings 0‘ relief and exclaimed. "1 can “Another ingenious arrangement now give you a most satisfactory piece ’connects the grade crossing gate. 0f Intelligence; I am going to become with the apparatus in such a manner a mother. It Will be 8 boy and an that the former cannot be Opened . heir to your estates," A son was born without the latter being in position, ! more than half a year afterwards, who 1 SO that an approaching train must - in (‘0111'80 Of time, inherited thB pro- necessarily stop before reaching the hefty- crossing thus avoiding all risk of in-‘ REVEALING THE REASON. juring persons passing at the time. 1 - - ’ Not until her deathbed. fully 40 years iglrrtilfé‘ gigging? Sggalï¬gldustea‘ulrenn ' afterwards, did Lady Beresford reveal the Prevention of collisions.†‘ the reason Of her wearing the ““300- . ‘ She told her son and ArchbishopKing -+________. I of. Il‘ubl_n,__who was her intimate “Careful calculation has been made that the hook or catch on the roadbed should have at the same time suffi- cient suppleness to‘ insure its action. a wire and lever from the station. When lying flat trains pass it readily but when raised it catches a lever hanging from the passing locomotive. The latter lever then automatically causes an air valve on the engin to causes an air valve on the engine to in action. During the trial the train came to a standstill before reaching the station. “The point chosen for the official experiments offer the greatest possi- ble danger and difficulties. It was on the single track line between Cha- tres and. Orleans at the point of di- vergence of the branch running to ! Anneau and immediately over agrade I crossing. “There at a distance of 250 yards from the station, the mechanism was placed in position. The invention con- sists of an immense hook, or catch, made of heat iron, to which while rig- id a certain elasticity is given. It is- fastened to the rails and regulated by I “Some little time ago," says a cor- respondent, "the French State Rail- way gave a public trial of a new in- vention designed to effect automati- cally the stOppag-e of trains with a view to preventing collisions. grade crossing accidents, etc. The experi- ments took place under the direction of the inventor at Beaulieu le Cendray. before many railway engineers and a numerous gathering of scientists. Those present were convinced that the apparatus fully satisfied all claim- ed for it. Test of n Novel-Invention by a Belgian to Prevent Railroad Accidents. A novel automatic train checker. in- vented by a. Belgian has just under- gone a successful test in France. on foot between Austria». France, and Germany, in regard to the opportuneâ€" ness of convening an international con- ference to secures. general agreement for the diminution or abolition of the sugar bounties. "I W0 LITTLE STORIES. AUTOMATIC TRAIN CHECKER. A FIRST-CLASS HEARSE IN CONNECTION She lies buried in the Cathedral of St. Patrick, in Dublin, and-periodically makes her appearance whenever any family event is about to take place which tou_ches a birth a death or a vâ€"v marriage in the Beresford family. After Lady Beresford's death, which occurred as had been predicted in her 68th year, her two children and the Archbishop untied the black ribbon and found the wrist exactly as she had described it, with every sinew shrunk. â€"'â€"vâ€" v“' “Now,“sm’d he, “let £16 'ï¬Eâ€"ortal eye Whig; yo_u' ]ive ever see that wrist." m; marble. on my' wrist: dad :Wv'ï¬Ã©â€™iQ the fingers touched it the sinews sh_r_u_nk _up apdthe nerves whithered." " 'On her screamingâ€"with fright he ex- ;claimed, "Have you then forgotten 'our promise to each other? I died on . Tuesday morning at 4 o’clock. I have been permitted thus to appear to as- sure you that the revealed religion is the true and only one by which we can be saved. I am also suffered to inform you that you will seven months hence become a mother of a son. who will marry my heiress, and that you will die in your 68th year." 'I‘LHE SHRUNKEN SINEWS. Lady Beresford continued: "I begged him for some convincing sign or proof so that when the morning came I might be able to know that his appear- ance had been real and not merely the phantom of my imagination. Be there- upon laid his hand, which was as cold friend, of the engagement which she contracted with Lord Tyrone when a young girl, and declared that during the night which preceded the arrival of the letter notifying her of the Earl's death, he had appeared to her sitting by_ the side of her bed. nmuuM, - 01w. Fifteen years later, Lady Beresford. ’who had married Sir Tristam, came down one morning for breakfast look- ing very much agitated, and with a black ribbon tied around her wrist. Her husband asked her if she had i hurt her arm, whereupon she earnestly I entreated him not to enquire asto the [oause of her wearing the ribbon.say- ‘ 7 ling, “1011; will never see me again .without it." She then eagerly and 'anxiously asked_whether any letters ' She is supposed to be the wife of Sir ;Tristam Beresfori and the ancestresa of the present Marquis of Waterford. IIt seems that as a child she was I brought up with Lord Tyrone in the I doctrines of Deism. When they areached the years of discretion they became filled with doubts and fears as to the value of their religious Opin- ions, and made a solemn promise to one another that whoever of the two died first should, if permitted by 1the Almighty, appear to the survivor ’for the purpose of declaring which . form of creed was most acceptable to l the Creator. . SHEWELL Furniture JACOB KRESS. Strange Story or line "hauled Ancestral Sent»! alu- neresford Familyâ€"The Ghost In In the Form of a Lady. The marriage of young Lord Water- , ford to the daughter of the Marquis of Lansdowne calls attention to the fact that a ghost is supposed to haunt Cur- raghmore, the ancestral seat of the I Beresford family, of which Lord Water- ford is now the head. The ghost is in s the form of a lady dressed in the garb of the beginning of the last century, with fair hair and with a broad black ribbon tied around the wrist of her left arm. GHOST BF UURRAGHMDRE. WEARS A BLACK RIBBON TIED ROUND THE LEFT WRIST. Price- Out; Denier In all kinds of Embalmlng a Specialty. THE BLACK RIBBON. A SPECIALTY. { U‘IBIR. SHINOLEB AND LA TH BRISTING AND DROPPING DUNE. v- w- "hb't Mauflfnll Illustrated. Int-v9." anecmnt c ournal. erk'r.“ “.50 six man be. ï¬rm 'mvz‘. ( BOOK 0N PATENTS nee-“x free I. Anyone sending a skmds-mld description m- quickly ascertain, free. v'hcthvrr :Irx invention 0 probably menuble. (‘ornmurzmzz 1mm Briefly conï¬dential. Oldest annoy for M‘curzmt patent; in Amer-flog. We have n Wushfngmn ofï¬ce. Patents mien through Munu J: Co. wean Cp‘ï¬uiul notice in the SBIENTIFIO AJEEEGAN. I.n-n‘IO.-Il._ nn m In mum: mun-y ‘ “T ’C FIRTH. - Gleuelg‘ ] TAXIDERMIST. ‘ ’ o 3 Cash Price L13: for Stufï¬ng Buds: ’ Annuals. etc., etc. :Small birds up to Sparrow size. 3100 3 Robin, BlneJay VVooapeekers. and pints of simj rslze. . . ..125 ngfishers, Snipes, Small Hwakl, Owls, and birds of similar size. 100 Partridge, Ducks Hawks, Owls. and hard: of simhiar size. e250toaoo Large Hawk: and Owls.etc.300to400 Loans. Cranes, etc. . . (“â€0700 ulrrels. . . . . . . 115m175 eagle, Mink, Musk Rat. zoomsoo Fox. Lynx, eta . . . . . 800 t01200 Fox, lawn. etc. . . . . . 800:01200 Deer ends . . . . . . 500L070!) Speciments must be in guod candl- tion or will be‘ thrown sway. Fania are requested to take away their spe- cimens whenjead-y of whlch due no- tice will be Riven. e are now prepared to do all of custom work. u‘mds on shortest notice and satisfaction General chilitz. The {with it is 21.13:. FZ 361 38.13%; MUNN alway on hand. ‘r. J. MCKECHN. vv . ' commcu'rs ' ac. Ming :4 skflh'?! and description m' n, free. v'hcthvrr z-n hmemim: I anuble. (‘O’nmw‘k'r'qu ‘ . Q .A .uA‘ |.. Etri£.t‘ Oldest agency furmn'urxm: pzueng ‘Vo hang n \IY....|.:-.__- _ The modern stand- rd Family Medi- (ine: Cures the. â€". ‘ I Lgmmon every-(133' 5115 of humanity. , 5 UV. . '. Sew York. COPY KL not cimtlntlbn of '.u~rms$3.cua 'eu" :copios and AND to. Addrcu Olloe non door ma vanta- 0’ resumed his ed to Ion: may I acute. Old m‘ mooth'be‘ul ten mmeï¬ectedin st lowest r51 Orchu'dvill P. An ingeniou- wind. It is I 0’ Auctioneel had Vuluuor Conn Sale. sod attended wâ€"hi 1 required. UGH Mac “or and County of Gre‘ to and note. cc (Mice hour-u Will be m m ï¬rst sud third Money (010.: u l'pper 'l‘d Ace-MW prom m u the Registry Clerk Divioic OHN QUE U888. AMES CA AMER BR licenses, Du Will he Prioeville, month. BARRI> W'. H.\\'l Residenc Pout 0(in ARRIS'E‘E L. Grant Any amount I farm propel NO TA]: DR Licentiai Physicinni {we and R4 11.11.1103 THROAT Office out of Street. J 12t02 A R RI STEI Interest. to lend. on all team Benet V4 Ram’s! D1133 edc