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Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Dec 1897, p. 9

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than tint ,becanso d of the mite. in- but man hat he in nberit in It. is tha its most. hanging an awful re herself before she lies every. lame form we know Lg death. it 3" t0 am sure d3 have we shall r you will And in- tannot. of an. but I of a very ark about. sentence bid 0003 mmtiofl the earth the dead There is Ither of a M I, who users be- It as this ametbim WVO itu L W3 bo- situation atio co 1’- mtonish- r of wo- Lho first vnld taco , tromox‘. u: some- .0 that 11 me. that mug no r boiml Lb itself. In. to the ‘imself to 0n the no known 0, though- tho tom Mn with I within .1d meet indeed. sum“ mind *fibk‘éékzéwgfi . Me 00. Wishing All our customers a Happy and Pros- perous New ‘Year, “'9 are vours for Trade, BEAN 81 004, Big 4, Durham, 9".I m J 0h :1 Livingston, Lower Town, -â€"-and guarantee the best. Woadstock Wagons and Sleighs. Set; CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS Horse Powers, Straw} Cutters, Root Pulpers,§ Gram Crushers, Eta; vzniiazfy' 3.11:1"Bé'éf Quality, includingâ€"â€" TEAS SU G A RS SPICES RAISINS CURRANTS FIGS NUTS CANDIES ETC. l_n___Clothing We have a few Ready- madc Pants. but for a first class suit, you will find our tweeds Al, in every particu- lar, and at Rock Bottom Prices. Inspection Solicited. S- SCOTT Insurance eEected at lowest rates in the Farmers’ Grey and Bruce Fire Insurance Co. and the Northern Insurance 00., of England. Show Rooms open Saturda a, Fair Days and other pubhc ays. Licensed Auctioneer. FRESH GROCERIES in Great win-g Machines, 0r- gans, etc., Also Agent for the celebrated “’0 also keep a full stock of Farm Machinery of all kinds including: Cochrane’s Old Stand. LOWER TOWN Durham . A Large Shipment of Coal Oil to hand, and we have Recid- ed to lower the price ‘20 a gallon. Trays, Bon Ben Dishes, Individual Cream Pitchers, Salt-and Pepper Bottles. Napkin Rings, Pickle Jars, Cruits, Butzor Dishes Pie Knives, Berry Spoons. Berry Dishes, Card Receiv’s, Knives Forks, Nut Crackers. Orange Spoons. Consisting of a large stock of Winter Goods I Our“B1ackety Black” Stove Enamel is A l. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- UPPER TOWN -â€"â€"â€"-- IMPLEMEHT WAREHUUMS Our American and Canadian Coal Oil is superior to any ROOT CUT’PERS and all Agri- cultural Implements to be found at CHAS. M°KINNON’S SHOW ROOMS. - UPPER Tavern- Sleigh Bells of Every Description Another Shipment of BELLS. Special 132:..1’gains WM. BLACK. all and see our new designs in Enamel- ware and Gramteware. SKATES X CUT SAW SAW SETTS AXES SNOW SHOVELS HORSE BLANKETS ROBES LINED MIT'I‘S GLOVES CHAFF BASKE' ‘S GRAIN BAGS LANTERNS COAL OIL CANS COPPER KE’PTLES NICHEL XETTLES TIN KET'I‘LES COPPER BOIL «ES TIN BOILERS STOVE V ARN ISH, STOVEPIPE 'VARNISH, ETC. CUT'I‘ERS of the Latest Designs and Beat. Makes. ROBES of all kinds at Prices 0.- way down. STOVESâ€"A large stock of Mc- Clary"s famous Model Cooli- ing Stoves. Fancy Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves, Coal Stoves, etc., at prices that will surprise you. NEW Williams Sewing Machines BELL PIANOS and Organs. BERLIN ORGANS â€" A Large Stock on hand to pick from at prices lower than ever. WAGONS, Buggies, Plows, Har- rows and a full line of DOWN 2 CE NTS. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, December, 30th 1597.. -â€"~INâ€"-â€" 9 -- UPPER TOWN. Happy and prosperous new year to you Mr. Editor and to your myriad of readers. The post office is 'ahappy spot these days. Mr. D: laney is home from the lower ccunties, Miss Mary came home from Dornoch laden with pres- ents generously given by her pupils and friends. and Miss Maggie is home from Loretta Abbey, Toronto. . Mr, Robt. Miiiburn came up from Brantford last Friday, paid his broLh- er'inimw, Mr. George Peat-L a short visit, purchas: (1 [119112111 farm on the Garafruxa Road for $2,600 and re- turne<l home Saturday. ’Twixt extra work and mme ardent courting .Smithy dastie has had to engage Mr Thos. Darby fox some time. ' Mr Thos, Buland. of Markdale. has purchased A. Goodfellow’s lumber and was there culling a couple of days during the past; week. The school concert in No. 5 on Xmas eve was a grand success. The place was packed with a happy crowd who came from far and near. The teacher, A. W Park, the young folk and children had an excellent pro- gram. Proceeds $16. The Nelson family have a reunion. Paul and Will and a cousin, named Dean, are up from GalL. John Pcart- left Brantford for home lusc 'l‘lmrsday, but. as his best girl reâ€" sides at Hanover, he didn’t get here till Tuesdav. Mr Asa Robson is engaged to teach in a fine section lying between Gale and Prestonâ€"salary away up. Miss Abbie, was seriously ill last week but is better again. Mr A. W. Park is spending: his holidays in Bentinck and in town. There is more than ordinary happi- ness in the cosy home of. Mr and A] vs R. Jack. For the first time in sever- :11 yeawrs all the family were home for Xmas. \\- ill came f1om 011111918- ville and Sam from Bimilford, the latter bringing a handsome easy chair for each of his parents. They had a large party on Monday night, when all the young people of the neighbor- hood were there and had a lllOSL jovial time. [lllllUc 4A lll..\n5’ VI. vvvuvun .\“vuuv Municipal nominations today, 'luesdr-u evening and a number on 7 V0 ' , , ' ‘0 - liondax ””3" “ 0“ t t]1e.e L” a \\ ednesd'iy to “i511 them good bye. CHRONICLE lot 0f 1“ e or ”"t 11101111893 made on '111111311113' afternoon was an inter S. I . . V v ,( v ““95 0t economy {01 ’8 ieetiuvr 111111 eVentful one for I1ish ‘ Upper Town A\Ie11\, Me1’1yCh1istmas and a Lake School pupils. It being the 811 Happy New Yem to the Chronicle Editor and Staff, and congmtulations Orders for S11. v..â€"_â€". ”n.â€" for the efficient 111111111111 in which kueuuxvflsw‘wu‘vfl I,Amethjpeta..\1I}‘3115.9111,'..\1r,. {aux/,4 .- an.» 11-09(1045‘». 4.0.; 3.- .9. g‘--.‘n-:afivc-m the Chronicle has been edited (11111119! .15 '12s 42171151.? 311‘: 5“? (“‘1'qu ”A‘VE‘W'WV‘? I“? 1“ 7R1 . . . w the year and best Wishes for 118 fuL-; 21’s ure p"OSpel‘ity. ; 1?»! 4:. inst. Mr. Molnnns 1 position as foreman on Brantford. He was a. ‘ zen and. neighbor, so successin his .now vent M r. Geo. McRae met with an acci- dent on Thursday of last week which came well nigh depriving him of life. He was engaged in drawing a few logs or poles from the woods when one of them flew round and struck him on the side completely knocking the wind out of him for a lew min- utes. When he came to he was nearly smothered in snow. He was taken. to his bed but is apparently better. ‘ _ A L A‘ALAD'-“ Miss N. McAsey, teacher in Sep. S. S. No. 7. held her closing enter- tainment on Wednesd 1y of last week. With a nice program, an attentive audience and Mr. J. S. Black in, the chair, everything passed 011' in apple pie order, to the satisfaction of the onlookers. Her abili'y to instill knowledge into the minds of the lit- tle ones under her charge is apprecia- ted by the fact that she- has been reengaged for next year. J. D. Morgan of Dundalk, the Ro- form candidate, accompanied by his brother-imlztw J. Egan of Flasherton Station, attended service at Glent‘lg Centre R. (3'. Church onSunday week. Dr. Jamieson, the popular Conser- vative candidate lo“ the Local Legis- lature for South Grey at the next election, has a warm corner in the hearts of the people of this part of the Riding, who look forward to the fray to fight harder than ever for h 5 election. A few from here attended the con- cert at No. 4') Public]School on C. eve. and report a. praiseworthy entertain- ment. The chairman kept the au.l- ience in such good humor between the acts that one love-sick Swain came near popping the question in real euld Irish style. Success to ye. Put. There was a large gathe1ing for midnight Mass :11 St. John’s Church, Christmas eve. TRAVE RSTON . POMONA. reman He was a respected citi- 1bor, so we wish- him s new venture. , .-:$‘:§4 of Scotch to wp Mr Stewart Grafton and Mr. W. Lewis, of Wesmon. are the guests of Mr. Henry Brigham. _ Mr. G. Moore afrived home from Manatoba on a visit to friends. The Christmas tree held in Trinity church on Xmas eve was a. grand suc- cess. Mr. Henry Brigham occupied the chair and presided in a, very able manner The query is. who was the young man that took his lady love {01 11 diive “inch ended in one of them having a long walk home ? Mr. George Henry arrived home from the West last, week and intends remaining in this part for some time. Mr. '1‘. Noble, of Durham, passed through the burg on his way to Ay- ton on the look out for timber for the Hartford gang. ‘ Mrs. M. Sullivan and family took their departure on Thursday for Hes- peler, where they intend to live fora l time. A merry crowd called on them .Tuesdav evening and a number on . Wednesd'ty to wish them good-bye. Mr. James Brovén, of Dakota, is visiting at his parental home. The Band boys will hold a concert at Carlsrhue on new years eve. Year to All. Mr. M. Foley of Alliston is spend- ing a fortnight among his friends. the Sullivanfamily. at. the Lake. Mr. Duncan Malia-w came home for Xmas from Niagara-on-theLake Duncan is a welcome and esteemed visitor. Mr. Angus McCormick of Glenroa- den was the guest of Mr. 'l‘lnos. Sulln- van on Christmas eve. Miss K. B. McCormack having completed her engagement; here, xeturned home with him. “My... 5. [/4 \\ W13. [4. V‘ I! 4‘ \ I4 I} C. ’ u I. '0‘ L MW“- "8/ ‘ (l .w x .1 \ \mfi.“ \ x 7 \‘ s I I .2. Km . '33P happy and prosperous New Me ’ n s Ulster K... «2' ALLAN PARK. IRISH LA KE. ~â€"â€"-9â€"â€". 4.,“ -â€"â€"â€"- MOSS LAKE. We 1111113011 few left on hand which we a1eelearir1g out without reserve at ’ .09 Each. The se were sold as high as M1110 (+1011 can 1y 111 the season but we want room 1'01 0111 Sp11n<r Stock 1nd thev must m1. cioan of the term. a Christmas tron w“ the chief attraction. Several visitors were present and all with the exception of two or three made brief addresses. An entertaining. but short pregram was given 0y the chiidren. The gifts “ere then dis. tri! uted, which had a pleasing efiect on all. Farm Implements and _ Machinery. No3: on’s Bindms Mouers, Drills Spring '1‘ 00th Barrows best 1n the in the mmkct Guaids. Sections, etc ,for all kinds of machines. Pianos, Organs and Sev.1ng Machines. Money to loan on {arm property at 10“ est rates. Conveyancing, Leases. Vi ills, Mort- gages, etc.. drawn up on short norice. Horses bought and sold. Waterloo Threshers for sale at were, rooms. Patronage solicited. Orders for Sales may be left at Tm:- Cunomcuc OFFICE Tells haw Dr; 031239 Saved her Boy. MRS. A. T. STEWART, Fol ar, Ont" 81‘. s: “15:13th 7th of Jam: ry to the V‘cwulu w w v C “ I tried as. awe to get some. but an! the dealers here had it. A neigm ho was in Kingston managed to pm I.“ two bottles which he brought “mi us, and I bciicvo it was the me saving our oniy boy. “ One teaspoonful of the Syrup Ito the cough so he could sleet) till morn . Our b y is perfectly we! would nnt be without Dc. Chase-'8 Sy“ of Linseed and Turyentine in the hon His Syrup of Linseed and Turpen- tine a Precious Boon. PRICE 25c., AT ALL DEALER: CT S. T. ORCHARD, ,", T. ORCHARD, 8ET HER SPEAKS. Sharp’s old Stand. Licensed Auctioneer; Agent for Batua 6: (30., Toronto. Ont. Durham. .’:\‘ I w, ' m‘ .er

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