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Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Dec 1897, p. 11

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. t)?“ to their clothing “It” 1d weather. They run mtfl‘cfli 0 dress and perhaps M t“ 1:88 a day they step fl ' ,. )urpose of another, f Wt Wl‘lppi - a shawl about them. ‘ I omwurm end flushed from their . k. “Ill team is readily contract- I?" -d.‘ No sooner ere they over one coidfi MUM! get another, and. thus it goes Whom. the Winter, leaving them: “10 find weak when spring arrives. ‘ ‘ of dripooffoe whothor the am or coarse. The flu- 3m is what 3h. public calls for, and to be- come skilled one must give time and lot-vice udil it is accompliqhed. Ewen? menial the sex-vine we enter upon. let us make it honorable by do. fig it wil. If ye do the family wash- » L!‘ ‘A- ”NIH-5t as do it. in 6156a; meu'ma labor invn] "-3.an us do it in the best possible 131mm?” The labor involved in begin- flflmt haw dogon things, would finish hfi" 0' than and make them profitable and useful. “ '«tboy will magmat- W .' ~ (5 an they grow older. 5")!” rite". - [rim 1" “vflnin .41] >3..§,1:1 mama-I - and profit than - ' begun and left un- half a Luz " . ‘ of waitifig for ,.i. . " And hmides ”1°20 of work well done gives; us a; m d pleasure that we never ex- ,rient‘e if illy. done. If one sets out a [ram a trade or profecsinn let him barn it ‘y remaining under onmgmton‘r, instructors until every detail of the. Erasmus is mastered. Skilled labor If on! desires to wear a woolen dress 3: work, largo aprom should be mado Vhich almost meet in the back and with a pie-co in frqnt reaching to the abouldars. It is net-essary then to have long cuffs of calico or gingham extend- ha over the elbow where they may be 'n‘ned. These protect the Sleeves, are Epla to make and will be found very won-hut and neat. I reoplse. and“ EM W 0001].. vs a. way of Winning things that y never finish. It may be. a piano ‘ embroiwdery patthuwork, 01‘ cm Igament that; they have com- ”and. when something more congen- 181 to their taste strikes their eye; they throw down thvir work in an unfinish- 0d condition to he conwzned to some cmt or drawer and finally to find Ms vim, to the rag man. Tho woman who works about the m needs, as Dumb as anyone, to be v.11 0W. Sh» is almost constantly «raising and her clothes 'become law from perspiration. For that rea- ”n we ought to wear flannel or other woolen undergarments so that every n ‘ “ W cold will not. chill ‘w‘kw‘w to foot she '7 4" "e to keep her health. WI‘JIQ cold weather no Wm aum.“ go about the house in flippers. Show which come up close ebont the ankle are best. The ankles ' tsare very susceptible tocold, amtism is frequently contract- carolassmess in not protecting ' ‘ For kitchen dresses nothing is more Satisfactory thaneither calico or Mm. because it is washable, but has materials are not warm enough 901' winter unless the bodice .is lined with canton flannel or other heavy, warm material. A woolen petticoat extending below the knees. will afford warmth and is almlut-ely necessary .vhen thin d ressea are worn. Met. Om; t. hghit (amt-11 a neat “311 ll better for tb . . 1y hmfito'g' t as thl EN quotasâ€"Make cold rice out mhsshapingwith the hand; 33’. and fry; sprinkle with one. and serve. T0 HOUSEKEEPERSI 10 LB. l' Can't [have your daughter as a. l-Chrietmas remembrance? asked the brave young man who had bearded the rich dd father in his den. No, air. I would rather part with ev- ery cent I have on earth. Very well. Out at consideration for your Inter-nu feeling! I will accept the tltern¢ivq - ' It is proposed to employ the elect- rical deposition of metallic substances {in the formation of the frames used! to mount sections of prismatic glass, so ‘as to unite them to form large sheets for windows. The sections are mount- ed loosely in frames of thin ribbon or wire, forming the ”cathode," and near them, acting as the “anode," is asim- ilar framework of the metal, of which the electroâ€"deposited frame is to be formed. The metal is deposited along the wires. between them and the lass, until a complete grid or frame is- orm- ed, which holds the portions of glass firmly together in. one piece. 1 Coffee Cakeâ€"Ha'lfacupful of butter. 1 cupful brown» sugar, I. cupful molas- ses. lcupful clear, strong coffee, 1 beaten egg, 1 1-2 teaSpoontu'ls baking WnQ/Vder. 4 cupfuls sifted flour, 1 tea- té.wpoon.ful mixed mace and cloves. 1. tBMWOOnIul cinnamon. 1 cupful cur- rants. wall washed and dried, 11b.; Seeded raisins. 1-4 Lb sliced citrond Drodao the fruit and add fruit last. 2?}0 about an: hour in a moderate WW: , _ together 1-2 cupmgral .~ " ' 5,-:\V'ork. “butter, or nice, sweet lard, 1 . an teaspoon. cinnamon, lscant half tea- spoon glove and a little salt, then stir in 1-2 cup mice molasses. When the cup-tins are ready, and the oven hot, dissolve 1-2 teaspoon soda in a few drops of water or milk. add it to 1-25 cup sour milk and beat it. into the mix- ture. Then add flour enough to make a moderately soft dough that will not run; beat all together thoroughly, beating several minutes after it is smooth. Drop a. tablespoonful into Ee:u:h little cup and bake immediately in a mtxlerately hot oven til! evenly browned. Brush: over with a coating: made of powdered sugar mixed with a. very littlecold water and let stand a few hours before using. These little "wkes are attractive ‘and appetizing. and are nice for the tea table, or for the school lu'r-‘h basket. Farnia Porridgeâ€"Put farina into hot water and let it boil 10 minutes. Pour in cold milk and let scald. but: not boil. When done there should be‘ about 1 qt. of Lhe whole, of which about 1-3 is farilna and 2-3 milkâ€"about! 4 tablespoons farina to 1 qt. milk. This is sometimes very palatable to people who are Slick in bed. Pickled Eggs and Beetsâ€"Boil beets until tender. peel and slice in vinegar, with Bait and. a little swgar. Boil eggs 1-2 hour. stmmd a few minutes in cold water. remove shell and entirely cover with the vinegar and beets. When wanted for the table the eggs are cut in two lengthwise and served with the beets. or on a separate plate garnished with celery leaves. éhr‘fiezii,‘ p613); int}; 5. butterml mold and steam four hours. Turn out on a flat. pan and bake one hour in a moder- soda in am elqual quantity of boiling water, put into on» cup of molasses. Stir a quart. of cold water or milk in»- _t0_ Q11}; dyy ingreQie-nts, add the mobs; Brown. Breadâ€"Mix a quart of gra- ham flour, a print of corn meal, a tea- Spoonful of salt and one of baking pow- der. Dissolve a scant teasmmnful of Cream of Celery Soupâ€"Wash, scrape andcut-i‘n'to half-inch lengths enough celery to measure one pint. Add to it a pint of boilimg water and cook till very tender. Put it through a sieve. water and all, but leaving out any tough fiber. Melt a. tablespoonful of butter. stir into it a. heaped tablespoon- ful of flour, satIir till . blended; adrl Sfiadually three cups of hot milk and stir till smooth and slightly thickened. them put in the prepared celery, seawn to taste. and stir in a half cup of rich cream, but, just .hefore sending to table. This is delicious. NEW USE FOR ELECTRICITY. can (-131.32; 2:11;”fisfiig‘xflgger’fi’la“; of Ontario children are admitted into ”1'0 greater weight of the. water off the Hospital for 5101: Children at Tor. and; then atew.shakes of the brush onto. free if theiryarente' cannot af- will dampen the clothes much more ford to pay. : evenly than it can be done by hand. _ a “ . . If you-ha‘ve a slink in your kitchen And few 01 the poor little sufferers gleam the drain pipe by pouring down ‘ who arenuréed and cared for nave It a bmhng hot solutnon of washlng rich parent8,.it W911“ seem. Last year . . - ' R. All a - mitagflih‘r 21): “tyizur quarct: of theexpense of the Hospital was near- water. Use it liberally. : 13’ $30,000- lAnd to meet this 'but If cranberries have dried and Shl‘iv- . 81,325 was received from my patients v ‘0 . The ed-itorr of this paper has been informed. that if anyone knows of any link child under fourteen years of age who is suffering from accident or disease. and whose parents cannot at- '. ford to pay for proper medical or sur- gleal aesistanr‘eâ€"they' are asked to communicate with the Hospital for Sick Children. There ia room for such children in the Hoepltal. They will be nursed. canted for: and :in all probability, cured. ‘_- Pieces of unbleached cotton :1. yard long are better than small holders for Handling things around the. stove. They can be washed. and ironed as holders If cranberries have dried and shrivâ€" eld, thee skins willbe tough when they are cooked. The remedy is to soak the shriveled berries in cold water’tor sev- eral days beforewiug. it a. boiling hot solution of washing soda at least once a week Allow a quart of the soda. to four quarts of water. Use it. liberally. or is also declared to be better When the particles are fine. Save time in handling handkerchiefs; 00113113. obey... in the "wash by putting themin aflow caseas you rub them out. There is then no “fishing” in the boiler to get them, and they can be put through the wringer in the pil low case more rapidly. Keepaclean. whisk broom to sprinkle (lathes with. Dip this in Mater, shake the greater weig ht of the water off and than a. flew“.8 shakes of the brush will dampen the clothes much more evenly the!) it can be done by hem}. QUITE \VILLING. SOME GOOD RECIPES. ASTRONOMIOAL'. laud sturdy limbs sâ€"\Vork1 In tha disywnsary department medi- T}; ,im was given to 4,133 (hildren. » ‘ AMI tf‘awrly 500?) children “are treat- I “I0 “Well. mister. there is ing I would like better." said the w Hb was assisted. into the cdyriago. and, told to direct the driver to his tathbr. who had a. Wetsuit ’ shop nbar by. '11» boy m m of fam- ily of seven ohildnn. Moat gin y did the fathgr give his to the child's removal to- tMH m for (Group of children who are being treated by the best doctors in Canada. at the Hospital for Sick Children’.-â€"reproduced from photograph.) enits hear of the work of the Heapdtal . Heepital from this bondage of debt, will through the newspapers. In some in-ibo ackmfivledged by letter and also . . . [in the columns of The Evening Tele- etances friend's of the little sufferersggmm’ a copy of which will be mailed make application on behalf of parents i to each- donor. who are 9001‘: but independent and, Mommr mav hp. fnmarana +n 1mm. 'â€" V“"‘Ul¢'wo “'hm‘e du the Little pa tients come. from? From all parts of the province -â€"('ilies, towns, villages and. townships. How do they come? Very often par- nu Vv" \"'â€""-.‘-" “‘1 ‘J ‘ ed in nine year. A great, record of good. In. twenty-two years some children; have been nursed [or by the Hospital for Sick The HospitalforSick Children is the largest of its kind in the world--With~ out exception. There are 200 cots. The average number of patient/Bis 100 per day; 476 were nursed in the Hospital. this yearâ€"312 little ones were cured. and departed with. health. strength rich parentajt wquld seem. Last year meoxpense of the Hospital was near- ly $30,000. find to Mt this but 31,325 was received from pay patients. The balance must come from the more fortunate folks. who are charit- able and generous. suort Sketch of the Work Done by the Great lather Nineâ€"Jule Inpllul hr Sick Children. @ronto. From every country in the Province of Ontario childmn are admitted into the Hospital foi‘ Sick Children: at. Tor- JARED, m AND my LITTLE SICK CHILDREN. l“PPY '3 some 24,000 sick Child re. , Do you consider it. healthy to (51399 An" eating? . , . j I don't know, but I've ulwn‘ya found git mighty healthy to oil: titer sloopâ€" Some Rand Mining Figures that are not In the lions! Eueonrnglng. A correspondent of the London Tele- graph writes that. as rich as are the gold mines of the Rand district. in lSouth Africa. it is costing about as much as the gold is worth to get out the metal, and 100 mines must be clos- ed. ddwng, as they cannot be operated at a profit. There were 186 mines in operation last year in the district. but: ,‘some of these have already been clos- led down. The big paying properties number only about a dozen. This is not an unexpected report. M'hen the noted experts of some of the strong South African operators came to Am- erica and scoured the country for pay- ing properties, it was noticed that the charm of South African mining was wound up. “'hen the outrageous “ex- pert". reports of South Africa. already practically exposed Mere circulated two years ago and all the winter fol- lowing. it was clear to anyone who knows anything about mines that such unparalleled purchased lying had never been done before. But it was swallow. ed in’ England. and it lost European invutors, it is said. $750,000,000. Manny may be forwarded to Miss . Maria. Bucham, treasurer, 165 Bloor St. ; East, Toronto. or to J. Ross Robertson. :chairman. of the Hospital Trust, Tor- .omto. .â€" v.§--- vv I‘M 0|!" 5". In, this enlightened Canada of oursâ€"E -_ 4‘“ 1* ,1 I . this bright Provinma of Ontariwâ€"this’ LS 5? 1 onc 08” ’3 shall nut. be as long as the doors of ”mg . . h: u.‘ .. Hqsp'ital for Sick Childmn remain open. * bu?” .- ‘ ’ 5L . .. . _ H3“, remove that, mortgage. . e“ Lsh eungxdtmn Help umload that load of debt. I creasing in rousem It was Charles Dickens. that great- hlearbed. Englishman -- the friend of the fatherless, the reliever of the op- [meased and (imvn-Lrodden. who ap- pealed to every human heart, when he said: "The two grim nursesâ€"poverty and aicknessâ€"wlru bring these vhildren before ’you, preside over their hirtha rock their wretched cradles, and nail down: their coffins." Your dollar will bless you in the giving. And you will give it. Every penny aidsâ€"every dollar helps -â€"and your dollar may restore health. strength. and straight; limbs to some poor crippled boy or girl. Won't; you help? This is a. home charity â€" something than; should appeal lo every heart. --. my r‘vv Cllbtd Suith' aâ€"errrailâ€"nould have a million friends in Ontario. If each friend could. spare a dollarâ€"what a rich em- dmeent with which to carry on the work. But the trustees only ask for $20,000 â€"a sum which they are required to pay 13'8me the end of January. Everyone can help. The need is most; pressing. The appeal is the appeal of poor, Weak. suffering childhood, of little, wanp-faced babies and children who lie on beds of pain. The Hospital. appeals to youâ€"the reader of this newspaper. There is a deb'fi (if $70,000 'fiadéihé over the institution. $20,000 of which is for debts .thh must be paid at once. The work of the Hospital is ever in- creas-ing. Its doors are wide open to every ailing ghilgl in the province. _ Even; with the strictest ’economy it requires no less than five executive officers. 24 muses and 20 domestics to carry on the work of the Hospital. Twenty-five more children could be taken; care of with the same number of attendants. coming When the boy walked firmly and straight without the aid of stick or cmtches. This is a single case. Thousands 015 cm might!» cited. Thu little dofqrmed lad thus for- tumbly canton the highwayjneur Broqufllo in a. cripple do longer. His 139.13 stilt. but it is straight. Eb re- mained in: the hospital for many moqtba; -Bu-t it was a. joyous _1_10m_e~ Contributions for Lip. deliverv of the MATTERS OF HYGIENE LOSSES $750,000 down as you can spare. Omaha-Give you 976. Lopatory candotoryounir. Btungerâ€"l want to be [0 souto mdymtheb l Clork-I- roan ~81...“ u...’ _-__ to parlor C.- .The London correspondent of thin ’Freeman's Journal relates a curious attempt to evade payment under the death duties act and its sequel. Up- on the massing of the not. an old gem. tlemzm transferred by deed of gift-.11“i property to his young wife. Never dreaming that she would pro-den... ban, the lady made a. will in favor of {an old lover. a youmg fellow who had leen too poor to marry her. She died of accident. in the hunting-field. an her widower would have been des~ touch a. penny V of the. property no long as the old gentleman lived. A Baltiimore judge has deckivd that faithâ€"cure doctors are net entitled to remuneration for their servives. He takes the ground that the faith-mm physicians renders no am‘arent ser- vice to the sick. The results of 13.196 analyses utmilk made in different. parts of the world during the year 1892, and the nverage of all these analyses show that the milk yielded 8.91 per cent. of fat. and 12.71 per cent. of solids. The Constantinople Museum has been enriched by archaeological treasures ta- ken by the Turks during the late Greek war from the museums of Larissa. 'l‘rikkala. 'l‘yrnavos. and Almyron. France has 83,465 public schools. an increase of 223 within a year; 15,909 of them are, under clerical control. The number of beau-hers is 151.563, tho num- Let of pupils 4.5m.183. The German governmvm makee enur~ wows profits on its railways. The an- nual receipts are about $250,000,000. of which 45 per cent. is pure profit. Elephants on Indian raihsays pay at the rate. of 6 cents a mile. The l~ag~ gage-cars have compartments for dogs. cats. guinea-pigs. ‘rahbits. and mon- keys. Jewish emigration from Russia is de- creasing in consequencw of me Emâ€" peror's liberal palivy, which elm-outages ers to settle as farmers. Germans consume as much wine. bcvr. and brandy every year zu unuld equal one-half uf (begin-mix indozw nity after the Franrd-Gerumn war. For England to maintéh her present. level of prosperity. her exports must. according to My. lxershaw. increase in value £16 millions annually. It is estimated that 12...“)0 000 bicy- cles have been built in Europe and Amerim, up to date. According to a decision of the Su- preme Court of Illinois. raiding achick- (en-«house 'us not burglary. Hindu ploughs are so small that pea- sants (-arry them to the fields on their shoulders. I": or Informal“ Fro- all I’m of 1N The only windows in Corean house. are pieces of glass alxmt tfla size of a nickel. There are parts of the Ganges valley in India where the population averages 1.200 to .the square mile. Germany expends $600,000,000 ayeur on spirituous liquors and nearly 821.- 000.000 8, year on tobacco. Millions of families in India live on 60 cents a, week and women wbrk in this fields [or 3 cents a. day. Among the natives of Mexico there are. according to Lumholtz, atout 150.- 000 survivors of the Aztec race. London had 18,900,000 at the 79,400.- 000 telegrams sent in England during the past year. ending Man-h 31, 1897. It takes 2,000 of the Curean coins known as “cash" to equal 81. Trav- ellers need an extra. bullock to carry their funds. More than a. third of tho Frondl crown jewels have been bought by Am- ark-ans. In proportion to the size of its body the ant has the largest. brain out :11 animals. Most of the inhabitants of Perch still live in villages. for safety against! robbers. _ Berlin is to have several clu‘lhuusos where single women can get, _ their meals and pass their leisure hours. About. 75,(I)0.000 telegrams \s’ercsem in an L'nited States last, year “his tthltl’lephono was used ten times a8 (linen. Pekin u 1th its 1,500,000 inhalniwms, An aemnautt has declared that a woman's voice carries three times .0 far as a man’s. The best“ farming lands in Sihorhuo those nearest to China. Commoroo in Persia. is still carted on almost entirely by caravan. '- Almost all the camphrmr used by tho world comes from Japan and Forum”. NOTES 0! GENERAL INTEREST. THE FINISHING TOUCH PROFITABIJE GUEST. Show a. wall sixty feet as high as a four- yours; Flight:

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