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Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Dec 1897, p. 12

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ya xii-i #w‘a,’t W ABEE‘KSHIRE 30‘3”” 4°“. A P01311194 ”Institution 2“ n ‘v f‘ h’:_LAZ '_.-.AL Oct. lat, 1897. BUARat L0H) Con. 2. 13an A PEDIGREED BERMIRE Bed tti Mod 1F wa. laItln,mtf. 8 arm S..T ORCHAW [Sufffifiéfi registered pedi 60, m by W. J. Shephardson, \Valters fills, 0M2? Sewn“! nwnm’, A. ands). Seale-y, Bunessin, Uut. l'wms, two for $1.00. . CHAS. URAY,.Jr.,' ; Nmr- 16; 3m L0t3, 0,911.2, Egremont.‘ Nov. 16; C‘Tlâ€"RAY'SED to "up Premises of the L I'anRmuNEDLm Np. 11, £951. ’2, Nurlnnl‘tbv. on or about the hrfi day of .50- \ muhm'.Â¥()ne two year 91d lwzior. .( ““65 may have her by provxug propeny an ~ x )OHSOS. P3) “’1'" e K 1 ,. \n we “'mnn‘RR- Varnev. Six \Iens’ Ulsters, two 39, one 40, and three 42 in. IN GOOD SULFS. A few Ladies’ JackeLs still le'ft at a Great, Reduc- tion. Remember; we don't put (11 Big Prices, so we can throw them off. Our Bargainé are Genaine. \‘v’c Have Bargaiifi ‘V B. have 3136}! few Robes, GUOQER nine, to manage for WOOD. ‘ WTS'T’H hflVIn}: (“UNIS ilgiuuab uu‘, Mate of R. \V. Horn, late. of the Town uf Durham Mack mith duceased, we required to send ‘3’ 1M x prmmi‘ w deliver on or be~ fore the 12th any of Umw-mhcr, A.D., 1897, .3 detaihfl sta‘temvut of their claimfl or ac« counts t , we undersigned by Whmn the mme will be settle-i. . Dmed at Durham this 15th day of Nov- mbufl, «\. 0.. 3397. 1-110 nxVTd'l “(ION Emis HIRE _BOA_R. mi'tm Li‘t. Iust issued. \VA'I‘CIIBS, Rm mm: PRESSER. An: RIFLESand manv 'ahfahle Article: 36:?) be U {‘1‘53‘ G'Bl§ 89' “ Slmuld send at once fnr Special Pre- P Money to Loan at“ u and I); ' per cent. on Good 5{ cavity. INSURANCE Promptly Attended to. OTlCE is YUfk Led 831's A Full Supply of 013'! SLEIGHS at Prices a surprise you. 1 uriety of STOVEE "Stoves, Box Stoves Stoves. HOBBS of 2.11 descriptions. ROOT PULPERS, c.. 550. 'or Senflce '1 :azry the Largest Stock 6f SEWING MACHINES and OR- GANS in Town and all away Issuer Strayed 3‘ J. 401‘“ E. JAMES Wmmmn, Varney. i hereby given that all having «things .aga'i'pst thy] down in price. of S'fOVESâ€"«Cooking Box Stoves and Coal MRS. ANN J. HORN. Durham, P. O. 21 ft) fe w Ladies’ :UTTERS ami'; 368 that. will, 3W G 05M ('13 Licenses. . I ’I‘KUES in all De: .~.rtments; b‘ix 'mau l aclxers: Graduates eminently successful '. card cheap; Moderate rates: 'l‘he.l3es ;‘ Business College in Western Untano. l. Circulars Free. -_ p ‘Vinter term Monday, J an. 3. T898.- 15 prepared to furqish tht ham and'vicinity w1th the in )lillinery. m .\_uumery.. . . . . Come and inspect for yourself. 1' 4‘10 trouble to show goods, Shop over :5. Scbtt’s store, lower town. Sept ‘23, 3m the Hanover CanVeyancefip,‘ an offers for sale 100 farms, and other properâ€" ties for sale or exchange at rock béttm‘ prices, among them: " The “ Tcafidalef’ Fal'll‘lrhut 30, Con. 2, W. ‘1 A Conservative Convention G.R., lieutinck. 100 acres. The " Hall ” Farmwlst and 2nd .Divisions Lot 1, W.G.R.._ Buntinck, 100 acres. Lots 2 and 3. Gun 13, ulenelg, 2“) acres. LI PROPERTIES of all kinds sold or exchanged. NOTES and AUCUL’N I‘S collected on commis- siun. DEEDS, MORTGAGES and other writings carefully prepared. ALL BUSINESS promptly attended win the quietest and most co'nhdcutml manner. add I‘OSS 1 Oct. 4th, HOOSE A CANDIDATE TINCK. 'l'hir¢l(,‘l;1.~es Certificate. Ap- ply stating salary (lcr-zirml tn 1 l kit/'1‘ U R M C R A E, Secy‘l‘reas. TEACHER FOR 8. s. No 9, BEN- ‘ GEN'I‘S.â€"â€"Book business is better . than for years past; also have better and faster selling bunks. Agents clearing " from $10,“) to $401” weekly. A few leaders ‘ are: ” My Mother’sJiible Stones,” “ Pro- { grassive .‘épeakerfl’ “ Klondike Gold Fields”. i"Woman,” Glimpses ot the U menu,” “ Break fast, Dinner and Supper,” “Canada: An Encyclopnedia.” Book. on time. Outfits {tee to canvassers. THE BRADLEY- GARRE'I‘SON 00., Lnnitcd, Toronto. ' Lorne abuut “Queen Vic umke five (lullarx' (flaily. ()u BRADLEY-UARR ICSUN 'l‘uroum. He is Lending; Mbnéy. at 5 per cent, easy tcnns, coSts light. mission as home. 'I H Brannon]. ’Z; 7 A j. W m ‘b‘ULvlL J-Vvâ€"-_ , v" keys and two good Yorkshire Boar's, : One year old. Apply to ’ C. M. BLYTH, Orchard. .5 \ l‘H‘E EDGE PROPERTY . M Y ‘HE UNDERSIGNED OFFICES 1 for Sale Lot No 8, Con. 4 Glenehg. buc- ty acres cleared, mostly under grass, free from stone, and wellfeuceJ; plenty of co- dar timber: balaufle h‘ardwood. .. up n 1\'\‘ I? #n (131' IlllXWl . U|§IIv--‘ v -_‘_ ‘ c b m' partwulars apply to JAMES CARSON Esq. m‘ JAM] DURHAM. M A ILK l )x‘ Crawford P. O. BUILD m yr WELL KNOWN . I Hiring used as an Orange Hall 111 the town of Durlmm.-~Apply to A IILVK Q’I‘A FIXER , Oct. 2nd. .1. Elliott, Principal. Grey, inclu..ing a \‘alxtalsle‘\'.':lte| uwar, buck dwelling amlmapy caegxlle guildiug lots will be sold m one‘or‘nume lots. Also lot So. 60. com, 2. \V..(1.'l"». Tawnship of lientinck, 100 acres, adjunung .Town plol; {Durham}. ' l __ . --A Q‘.“vl.‘~ ll . l. ' .‘T‘V'I‘Vâ€" - :fi'ortgugas ”taken tor part pun-h: money, Appny no ‘ JAMES EDGE. 0ct.2ud. Edge Hill, 1’. Miss Culbertson Money to Loan. GEN'I'S-â€"“ 'J‘he Majesty 1 June but it is alread y dcbided thaT 7 A NTE’D ~\Ve can emgloy thirty POR'I‘Y N the Town of Durham2 County of Or Men and wunzon upon salary or cum “‘I‘ I‘l} EING‘Lot Bo 30, Con 3. Egre- Mt. timiles north of Hulstyiu. 103 a, ubum 40 Acres cleared and in good bufqulgimtiop, ng house. talked and ~ -‘ L..- “_"" (1.5 a}, ’l(’(: n In |\I.y-u-._,__-> "I HEB 1500K and BLULE HOUSE. CARDS. ”c" an” “mum “PM "1.1.“ iu‘uund n ' ' A , t5 H'BSOH ‘ _ ¢~”_3g'f”_‘id.3i’ Y 1‘ “In: 'h‘ lllllTSId‘. ;. LEFROY 3.1.34; A ULLBa'rrister, wili be called to . MILLER, '8 VJ nted. n. 1-4.. M2LLER ~-" The best Life of Her y I have won,” writes Lard “(Moon Victoria.” Agents arsaaily. Outfit free; ‘ THE 6m YOUNG BRONZE 'gUR- h the Ladics uf Dur- 1 the Latest Nm chic.) S. CULBEPJI‘SOL . T mck Box 28‘ Hanover. JAMES STAPLES, Wm. ANDERSON. HUGH MACKAY. !\ " 313' 111i 3m RYAN M .mKnALE 1’. 0. Baillie; 51.619; '* Wen k. Will nation Guy Limited, purclmx Tye AnniverSaty': entertainmx tho Presby term}. Sabbarl‘yLSc halt? on Christmas ev’enm'gai A O‘c- ‘ III ‘r'vyv. 1115'"1I11“11'11111¢4v" “#511111. 11 . v? p the'l ‘reasurer for the Inflow [0150 e611, ;' §% 11' ' ‘ere a very-.3111 314m r0. Mcl’éachlan. work at I“ g P ;Peter Neil repairin vise gram was render-@1311 1‘ 31‘" 91p“. 00 4.8950;D1)11.\1c 11111011. 16 )131090111‘9 pasm4,£fi1{’\h¢ 191W!“ :42'11’11311110100 01111.] N. D. R. $6.â€"-Ca ._ 1‘11? Offier was 61111111111 #:1111374, 11111111111141 1c11111.111’â€"J1‘11a1 11111111 111111111» every child could 116 hear a’t “41251311113111115 '20 {111321213111 offilling 11113111111â€" bflCk 0‘ the church... In the reenn'1' 01111111011" 111111111sr'l‘hatChm. Auu‘tt 110115 the 01111613811" lenéurefl 1.1101." M 34:10 1‘1“?) 9111111 111;; raflinw a1 1111 3. N 11. 1â€"4 21111911.1 ( parts w’e11 and 11m“- chomuses were 1430 ' 1 M1 Fa e11â€"-I‘1nu11bâ€"~'1‘ 11111 1110111611 1111111 a11ni1e11'a11. ' ' ' 1 1 13a Hf» :P11cker rendex 1011:3631 M103?!” 1111111111311 and 11,1. 41.1 ed ag-excellent 00711615 8010 and N18 14.".153 pard {qr 30,111.95. 04,131 (1811»;111111 \111'1. \113x.\1câ€" Blaékburn a11d-:M-r.A,1'cbie (1111190111M fidxmh (.F 5 $11.11 )- a )leasinm .6391: ’1? CTR I dll1)l‘%tfl(1€r1 1H] L118 11‘01) (11 “11"1'111'1 ' 1’ I â€" -'~ 19. S16 111(‘11111311 1111c 110%."111 11 113111.11“ «1111111111111, 1.. selectipng by Muss Annie, Enfhéamfim"i_E;lgni‘é?qix('e.-â€"lmrfied. - 3...: elocutlon‘st, who recently returned] \V‘ilhamsg4hgmbâ€"Tlxat the clerk Db. yard , from pursuing hersbndiiaain Lm’ndohhgflflff~nrepafiiwg mmutes of cu11ncrl,,-f6r ‘ ‘ " ' )ubxcgtxpmeUpprwd. . p .. 1- ‘ a ‘ ‘ . ’o s. :I . . o - O and On this “er inst appearance saneq‘ . Mc‘lflilla.r-‘â€".\MFad«lenJI‘lmt Wm. Falwe received a ”105'" flattering receptidon ; be paid 83.60 fa‘r4 cords of woud delivered at from an appreciative audience. Hepktb‘e};all.-Carried. . MeFadden-Lamb-That the clerk be mud numlwrs w;re--The Bishop "find , ‘ , " ‘ - ‘ . '. __ ,_.$'2.08 for usage-and mmd:‘10:.â€"~(.arrwd. t~heth0rPI‘1aP-C°“” Seine: , Hm}, 'ljambklc’lafudd'enâ€"Tl'm'ttheReevebepaid '73. fillL-Shakespeare; ”CbrEStm’ls' MD-fur letting-and.imppqtiug 100 fur map. Aftei‘npéu at Puntomineyra'nd “The’j‘rgork "“9.” cungtlyi‘swm’l“ far Evan; 4130 'Dmd fBE ‘ ._. ’ - .1. her. us we» .; _;.-__m'-_mspc,_1}1g, mu ,m («tgmmnssxmrer engage an.d‘]n L116 m'r-5r'p b 'forwaTd'Y'he {raid 82.53013” letting and m- of those difficult. ~§elemzons mud“spewingâ€"Carried. .. Skill and artistic trdfififl'g was dls~' Ljrnbfjwilliamsf'l‘lrat the treasurer be laved evoki _ ea”. "ffiause and.pa1 535 or pre arnrgfinancialstatemt‘lzar. Ignv'horés “g“b ,.y w". . ‘ McFadden~ ’rllmms-‘Thatihemlhming , ' ’ ' ' . . .Dcrspns be exempt frum paying taxes for! ’ Juflge Creasor presnded at D" ‘S‘On . municipal )urpuses for 1897 : Catharim» "Court here on Friday last. The] (figment)? E 928“” .Ginn, Jas. Dilluu and Court sat from t 0 (min r in the ' 4' “3,9 yxm.~ “VFW-‘- he I) g... \\ INHHDS~31CF8ddeH*That the cullmtur morning But” 8 I) In 3‘1“ then a numâ€" for ward 1 be instructed to strike 011' $2: for her of Cmuhad t0 0‘3 postponed. two days’ statute labur charged agawst Mrs. "l’wo Jury cases occupied the greater McC-un;bearrjed. . - . Lambâ€"McMillan â€" That Richard Haley F;E:?§f}le gay thecfirsc f biaimg .Ehe : give 33 Wurth 'Lf gmvd smurd cedar m bwuild a L ”5 Lance 0- 0 amt 0“ } culvert at Int 14, Cull. 7, bemg m hen 0t three ,y's V‘ m Marshall of Inistoge, suit on : days‘ unpcrfuruml \tzrtntc labnr charged on ---.---‘:..u....., “ML. n: mm {.13 JmL-m- . ruH fur 18‘.’7.â€"('M'rivd. ... )AUUIIUIJV uvn’ vvvvvvvv ,-_ \ Bu Bla'é'kburn and1:‘M-i:f;Archie Glbqonhibfi “amt“ cFadde11~-"l}1at M1 1 n, f 21111»; ‘a‘id ~15tu1 the km sang a pleasin duet The fiecre ‘,McMilla11 she madhawm tar‘y "s 1(11o1t shoWgfi‘W’e so 1001 t:o be said ammmt to M, W W «12116 in a p1ospero: zs cdndition ‘ “The,“ ’~Mglu1111m1â€"-â€"1|11a1i§â€"9’4 enI‘ea tainment uas~1nfe19pemcd witty.“ el‘lbe paid 82 30% mo 1.1-11 -~ .for James Dillon he being in selections by Miss Amne 191314.30“ cunishme -$ 3'73“} run A 41 A __ ‘0’“-â€" u- - 'â€"_ Court sat from the opening in the morning gntil 8 p m and then a numâ€" ber of 05333 had to be postponed. Two Jury casos occupied the greater naryofnthe day, the first, being The Fede‘rhllnsuvance Co. of Hamilton .vsVVm Marshall of Inistoge, suit on bromissal‘y note of $38.55. Judge- ment for plaintiff. MacKay for plaintiff. l B Lucas for defendant. The second was J T Best of Tyrone vs: the C P R, suing for $60 for horse killed on the track. Judgnmnt in full with costs for phim; . 'W " \Vright for plaintiff ' dgfpmlants. ; I. 1 3: 41“! \‘pth- The officer: dist S. S fO‘ as follows :- R iv ”Hwy “"5. '1 Sprint! f 1311' and M 1's Luz. Whit , . :1. Christona Richardson .» .a l and n 11H...‘a‘1'(1 from Markdale ; P linrnhousr- 3: from Jfiadjoros ; Missi Boecroft {'s‘om Georgetown ; Messrs:l Thfllang; fiom Owen Sound. Miss RAMey of Toronto is visiting- Mrs JRadluy. Miss Tucker of Sundnrlitnrljs‘ visiting; her brother, Mr Ffl‘nokgr, Mr's LeGard Sr is visiting; hexagon in Chicago. Mr and Mrsz N Handcrmm are visiting in TorO‘nm. 31;?!er and Mrs Karstedt at Elmwood; Editor Thurston and family apentgthas with friends in Kimbarmytv-f? Mr and Mrs R Trimble iv’rsite‘w'tl‘ifieir daughter at Owen Sound. Mr and Mrs Tomlinson 'are visiting their daughper in Toron- to. Mr D stald holidayed at the parental home at Pontypool, and Mr W” Proct‘ér‘at Rosamont. Mr and Mrs Whitten at Heathcote, Miss Kline at. Dundalk, and Mr WMoorc at Varney. __~ ‘A ich 0,1480!) Mr. and Mrs. John Watson of Artemesia drove over on Thursday to attend' the funeral of the latter’s brother, Mr. C". Gray. The Chrlstmas tree on Christmas evening was a success as. usual. The attendance was good. Lively adéres- ses were delivered by Rev. Mr. Kitching and Mr. Wm. Allan. P'mv ceeds $30.06. UVV‘ vvv_- Rev. H. Caldwell of Abingdon, who 19 visiting his parents here, premhed in'tlle Methodist Church on Smut v morning last. VANI_)ELEUR. Miss Raids. of Lindsay, is Visiting with her’sismer, Mrs. Joseph Buchan- an. Prof. Brush. the celebrated horse trainer, exhibited {or a couple of nights at Vandeluur last week. Our teacher, Miss Gil ‘ay, is spend- ing her holidays with friend-s in To- romo. â€" :- Anal ‘ Miss Eisie’ Richardson, ofi Gibral tar, paid her sister, Mrs. E. Brodie, a short; visit Christmas. Vmidelcnr is to have a. polling booth on )‘lnnicipal Election day. g at Devembar 15th pursuant to Atatute. Al themembers were present, “10 RWW? in ne chair. Minutes uf hut meefing rem ‘ml co.lfirmall. Communica- tions readas :llows- Froun.the“.\iunicital Ft‘um C. W. Rd“ 9:8 flnrs. . ~ .1 . officers elected m the Metho- S. for the ensuing your are '.‘:--W Barnhouse Sum. M ~ison Asst Supt, 'I‘ Bulmer ' Clayton Treats. T Clayton and FLESHEBTON. \jfl GLEKQM} on (man. VARN EY . «toâ€"4 4.. Jdto“ ; C Munshaw 311' and Mrs Ez elm Richardson n Markdale; P lfiadjqros ; M iss -’--* 'gi ied *fog r w 'lbluuuu -u vyuv-uâ€"w..- _ } of d l aid 32 WE: mo (UNIS. . . :3: @3235 Dillon, he being in destiiutfi cir- » -â€" 11106. >'--. cljy‘l'g‘gll‘e‘s (Ba... 1‘ 'l“sn4 4““) 0!an.: I§h 1321111 {ed Xiéz‘i'iiiféilLâ€"Sili{wealâ€"Thar 310 be grant- ed towards buiiding an Agricultural Hall in UIQ _\_'_illage ot_1’ri(:m ifi19.â€": (Lufriud . 'I _._-..-.L \Villiaan‘é:l:anihâ€"fi'l‘htlt tia'» council grant} $50 to w Lanlhtn‘l S .I m.,hyid“‘¢ ‘ 'u n grgnlth «(he élmir_ which 1 by": epxreeve - McMillan-t l.amhâ€"â€"â€"’l‘h:tt the thanks nfthis Council are. due and are hereby tendered to. James} Staples, Esq..‘1°ee\'e, for the impa‘f' tialxnannel' in which he has presided u.\"fl' this council during the year now enmity”. {0 a close, and not forgetting to tender odriéi‘n' cere thanks to the clerk and treasnleq' ' r their ohliging and courteous manner’in 7% performance of their official duties while" have been In Otlice. And we wonlJ heartily co) rratnlate ourselves on the harn'mny and got will which has existed at tlie counciL board during the year, and we'uust that our actions Inny meet with the 3f) oval o tthe ratepayers in general thron’ ton; th'e .tuwnship. God save the Queen â€"â€"C$1‘r£6d nnaninmnsly. The Council adjourned 51x1; hm. J. 5. BLACK‘ Clerk. ZiWorn Gut? in 13(me d ‘for lildl- X“ ii f CocHiver Oif, with Hypo- ?5; 21105911in of Lime and Soda, '9“; contains just the remains to 3‘ ’3‘ (a m 6‘ feeds the nerves, we the by- § pophOSphiteS' give them tone (F 4‘ ax 0 e c a o O l 4 O I All druggists; 5°C- sco-rr a; BOWNE. C1 Do you comc to the close of thsdav thoroughly cxhaustzd? Does this continue day after day, possibly wad; after week? Perhaps you are cvcn too ex- hausted to slap. Then some- thing is wrong. All these things indicate that you are suficring from nervous ex- haustion. Your nerves nccd feeding and your blood ca- ticking. Scott’s Emulsuon couxgxgi comma: Call early and av li1 ycuxsclf of his valuaole services,a as this IS a ram Opportunity to have your eyes topso- ly tested, free. of _charge. gm T. P. 8211'“, smamne 2v: sputum N’cw Yuck ”Made! Mia, and Toxomo Graduate O,ni..d Luilegcs. 0thâ€" I 65811bei g thé total amnfnm Q1 paymes; amnfawruf in hair mommy atluwamertm thro Wartmmmting’b 800. 3336 en-- l‘hat the fall” Em: no 11‘ 4519‘“? u\ “led"? $3.2; ”i. l”‘ ‘ 1“. Ja coffins; mm“ I 10Wer To wn, Dill'hm‘é my m Accounts A10 110“ made Ont Those who do not wish them mailed can get them at the All Accounts musk: be settled promptly. -.j3

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