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Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Dec 1897, p. 1

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want. They strong and be splendid food .of them become .For adults who very strong,a i trcatmcnt with asicn for a couple :3 in thc fab will :1 through the in first-class con- Ask your doctor ice of with Hypogabosn d Soda sugpliu "S Ennisiou. $00M“. .en 0! 15¢ robust and a .nd fat-forming ht used for two I the fall~fint ' from cold. n ren ts. Mr ORGAN FOR SALE.â€" Second hand. in first . vlass coalition. Apply tu Jas. H. Carson, Dufham. 3 VOLUME .30. ON Monday last M1. Philp Eva left us an 01] country honey suckle in full leaf and ready to bloom. “R. \V. E. Hunt, of Vickers, de- livered to Hewson Bros 868 bushels of wheat during the past few weeks. Mr Wm Lawrence made a final ro- turu of a fully paid up tax roll for the North Division of Egremont. Total amount, collected, $5505.30. THE Annual meeting of the Egre- mcut Agricultural Society will be held in their new Hall on \Vodnos- day January 11th next. W. '1‘. Pe- trie. Secretary, Holstein. THE Furmers’ Institute meeting will be held in Durham on Tuesflay next when practzcal addresses will be delivered by Mr. Zavitz, of Guelph, Mr. Thompson. of St. Catherines, and. a number of [oral agriculturists. Mr. Robt Morice, an aspirant for the Normanby Reeveship, is looked upon as a competent and likely cant didute. A municipal experience of 0 years, an honest life mm a genial 03 hand disposition should go a long way ,in winning public favor. Promment ax‘uongst. the event-a ’ of the year passing away is the enor- mous achievement. made by the Fam- ily Herald and Weekly Star, Mone- real. This great weekly paper sur- prises the wlmle “‘ut'ld by its success. The Family Herald and Weekly Star now gladdcns the homes of five-hun- dred thousand people. Well may Canadians be proud of it. HAPPY NEW YE the ye and \\ and Weekly Star of Montreal. which during the past. year has made :1 rec- mnl. Ins Strides in usefulness and pOlearity are recognized by the press everywhere. All Canadians will wish the Family Herald and \Veekly Star a confituance and in- crease of that wori wide support to which it is truly c:.2,itled. ixiends the past week returned home on Tuesday. Mr Matthews was born in Durham. got izis early education in the old Orange Ha : and left here about twenty-five years ago. Since leaving; he has been home only four times but never remained over night on previous occasions. As an old ty- po he felt an interest in THE CHRONI- CLE where he learned the case. Rev. A. G. Jansen, Presbyterian clergyman of Durham will deliver his ponular lecture on “Holland and the Hollanders” in the School-house 8.8. No. 1 Glenclg, on Thursday evening the 6th of January All are cordially invited. A liberal collection will be taken upon behalfof theleper Mission, for the lepers in India. and China. Mr. Jansen has delivered this lecture in many towns and cities throughout Western Ontario, and judging: from the various 'presa re- ports that have come under our no- tice, we are confidenta rare treat is in store. HONOR Rom. of Du rhzun School for l t Deminlzer:â€"~Sr}V: Cassie McDonald t Annie Lawrence. Ella. Lniillaw, Eva. t Mockler. Phoebe Wolf aml Ada Brown aeq. .lr.1v:Je:<sie Luicilaw, Anniel Uolvillm Emma McUaul, Mag. Hut- 9 ton, Mabel Cameron. Sr 111: Vin’a Kress and (Piece Barclay eaq, Nellie Watt. ll‘lossio Lilnin, Ctlith Grant, Mary Vollet. Jr Ill: Mary Fermmon.1 F. !l: Horn.” Hind. Archie Thompson, Dun- can McKenzie, Susie McUlocklin. Sr.. 11: Florence Saunders, Violet Willis. l Fred Kelly. Willie Lavelle and Blur-l ray Smith aeq. Willie Saunders, 1: Jr 11: Maggie Grant, (Alice Ramage, l. John Lloyd and Arthur Allan aeq.,)‘ Grace Willis, Daisy Blackburn, \Vm. l - Laidluv anil Mamie Munroe aeq. Sr Pt. 11: Amy Kelly, Arthur Knisely, Everard McKinnon, Robert Vollet‘ Mid Ed Kilmer aeq. John Fox. Jr' Pt II A : Frossard Benton. Essie Laid-l ' law. Curmun Aljoe, John Darling,l Islay Gordon. Jr PL 1113: Jewel Little. Rita Irwin, Nellie Smith. Effie Barony and Percy Vollet aeq, Hazel Caldwell and Pearl Vl’arner aeq. Sr 1: Carl Brown, George Lloyd. Interm’t: Kate Nestor, Ber: Caldwell. Jr A: ~Archio Gray, J emima Saunders and 350 Hunter neg. J r 3: Eve Bonnet, . June: ”013.0131“ end Irm Divan: l t 1 l One of the greatest monuments to h LOCAL NE‘VS. lC H 3‘ :. Mutth son of who past \VL‘ BAR. wws of Gladwyn, “(4:5 Matthews in has boon visiting cask ruturned home 31 at t he ws was born is eariy education Ha 1 and left here years ago. Since an home only four Family Herald Montreal. which Lt. Col F. Hunter is in town. \Iiss Meenagh of lEopevilo is visit ing at Mr. S. Scott’ S. Mr. Thos. Lauder, of Peoria, 111., is visiting his mother. Miss M. Wallace will spend New Years at home. Misses Collier an-l Kress spent Xmas in Toronto. Mrs. Boynton, of Toronto. is visit- ing her mother, Mrs. Lauder. Mr. Thos. Farr returned Monday to Huron College, London. Miss Maggie Buchan left for Mil- verton last week. Miss Gertie Meredith bemns teach- ing at Orchardville next week. Miss Hattie Mofiat, of Owen Sound, is visiting at Mr. Laidlaw’s. Mr. J. Castles spent Xmas at his home in Fergus. ‘Miss Allie Grant returns Monday to the O. S. Coll. Inst. Mr. Will Moore of Flesherton pass- ed through on his way to Normanby. Dr. and Mrs. Culbertson, and fam- ily are visiting triends in town. Mr. W. D. Staples is spending a few weeks with Glenelg friends. Dr. Gun. of Wood’s ock spent Xmas with his parents and fliends 1n town. . Miss McKenzie, teacher of Nous- stadt IS spending her holidays in town. M1 H. A. Hunter, of Minneapolis, spent a few den 3 in town since list issue. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Corbett, of Toronto. visited at Mr. Geo. Whitmore’s over Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Davis, of Portage la. Prairie, is visiting her parents at Edge Hill. .Jr. Althur and \Iiss Lizzie Laid- law mturn Monday to Hanistou High School. Mr. \Nallace, oi Hai'i'istcn, Spent Sunday in town visiting‘his sister, Miss Maggie. Mr. John \Vhelun, of Wiarton, is holidayng with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thus. \thlan. Mr. and Mrs J. A. \Varren and niece of KoWntin are visiting at Mr. H. W. Mockler’s. Mr. horge Wright, Markdale, son of Mr. John Wright, spent Christ-I mas at home. ‘ Mr. W. Swallow, who spent the .summer sailing between Buffalo and Chicago, is home for the winter. Mr. George Grant. of Elmstead, is visiting his mother and other rela- tives in the vioinity. Miss Bull, of the Orangeville teach- ing staff is Spending the holidays with her parents and friends in Dur- lham. Mr. Malcolm McInnes returned lately from Kamloops B. (3., Nicola Valley. to continue farming near Priceville. Miss Bessie Hughes of \Viarton and Miss F. Hughes, of Owen Sound Collegiate Institute are spendinga few days at home. Miss Mearns and Miss Nellie of Hanover, SlStel‘ and daughter respect. ively of Dr. Mearns were visiting at Mr. W. D. .‘viills’ lately. Mr. Patterson. of Fordwich, and two sistsrs, the Misses Patterson, of the same place are visiting their sis- ter. Mrs. \V H. Been of the Big 4.1 Mr. \V. J. Mitchell, of ClintJn, ex. editor of THE CusoxxcLE, spent Christ- mas in Hanover where we had the pleasure of an interview with him. I Mr. Thomas Matthews. of Portage la Prairie. son of Mr. George Mat- lthews, of (ilenelg. is home on a visit , Prairie province. Mr. Dugald McArthur, of Scotland, 'a. former partner of Mr Neil McAthur l in Klondyke mining stock, is visiting ‘ his cousin. Mr. Charles McArthur, l merchant of Durham. i OVE of 9111' citizens is troubled over fa. dunner he got. f1om a Walkerton Firm for 21100 plug: of smoking to- ‘bacco. * Dot. vosh peesiuess The messenger Who cheated the govern- "ment by delivering the account is billing the merchant for 150. Dot- !osh peeaineu too. PURELY PERSONA L. -â€"~All personsindebted to me are requested to call and settle .by cash on or before the 15th of Janu- ary. If not, so paid, the accounts will be placed in other bands for collection. Alex Beggs, Allen Park. DURHAM, ONT, DEC. 30 1897. and Elf. On Monday evening last the Council Chamber of the Town Hall was well pi filled Wlth anxious rate a r wh p V9 39 0 t m assembled to hear the Council for l a, 1898 give an account. of their stewart- i ci ship, and particularly to see how 3 ti Mayor Calder would handle his case b in the face of a growing opposition ri to him in the discharge of his duties J as the Chief Magistrate of the town. 1 13 Our statement in a recent issue, that l n no serious charges were to be pre- 1 ti ferred against the individual mem- l f, , bers of the Council was confirmed, by l}, the action of the meeting. in allow- l b ing them to be returned by acclamao ‘ c tion, as well as Reeve Sparling, l t, whose nomination was included in a that made by Mr. R. Macfarlane Sr, 'l‘he ch‘ef interest centred in the :1 election for Mayor and in opposition .to Mr. Calder, the name of Mr. Wm. 0 Laidlaw was proposed amidst con- 8 siderable enthusiasm. The time ll having expired. and the time for re- ‘a ceiving nominations being declared'l‘ over, Mr. Laidlaw raised an objection 1 to the proceedings. which he charat- i terized as illegal owing,r to the whole e list of Councillors being nominated l by a ratepayer who had no preperty , in one of the wards. ()n the other 1 hand it was contended that since no ' objeccion had been made until after T the hour had expired, it was prima . facia evidence ofsatisfaction on the part of the ratepayers. i l Mr. lalder in speaking, reviewed; the past year’s work, pointed out: . wherein efforts were made to estabq 3 l‘ish industries, explained his action‘ in connection with the electric light 00., and in soliciting the support of the ratepayers he showed a pardon- able pride in his ambition to hold the , mayoralty asecond term. and that t if re-eiected would retire at the end of 1898. Mr. Laidlaw followed, in a vigor- ous criticism of the Calder adminisxration, and challenged the Council and Ratepayers for a: prece - "t dent in justification of the illegal 7' proceedings of the nomination. The address was Spirited, and the rounds '3 . of applause showed that Mr. Laidlaw d hada good following. At the close however he expressed his desire to ,d withdraw from the contest, rather than run for an office created by an illegal nomination. 1- ll 1‘. But the fun continued and at one time it seemed as if there was more to fellow. The. jangling became general, but settled down aftera time without the aspirants getting into a “scrap.” Over and above the general Jurrmg the stentoriau voice of a well known citizen was heard to tell a member of the Council that he was “crazy." 'l‘hisdiverteil the general attention and for a few minutes the war of words ran high. Both gentlemen, however, left the hall as soon as the wind had passed over. and no calam- ity has since been reported. -- 1'1 n-IJ.‘.. ‘XT DURHAMâ€"~Mayor -- Wm. Calder, \V. Laidlaw. Reeveâ€"Geo. Sparling, elected by acclamatiou. Councillors â€"â€"North Wald, Parker, Hunter, El- vidge,-â€"-â€" West Ward, George Mc- Kechnie. Robb. Bull and D. Kinnee. “East. Ward, Jas. Brown. George Moore and Wm. Whitmore. BENTINCK~â€"S. Dickson.‘ Reeve; J. Brown, 13:. deputy; J. Devlin, 22nd deputy; R. Leslie 3rd deputy, Geo Adlam, councillor. All re-elected by acclamation. ._ _ ‘ ‘ lIIUUICIpIJJ;vvu-v-- . GI.F3NELG-â€"â€"Reeve, Staples rnd dep- uty Reeve, McFadden were elected byacclamution, George Lamb. J. Williams, J. McMillan, J. Firth, and '1‘. Sullivan. are nominees for the position of councillore. Emmnox'rukeeve, P. Dickson, J. Swanscon. lst Deputy, John Philp, 1). Hunter. 2nd Deputy, C. Melnnes, Wm. McFadden. Coun- cillorsâ€"43. Robb, 'I‘hos. Ferguson. D. .\ cQueen, F. Rusnell. Tf-__-:‘_, -nfl ‘\ (1“ L'W I, .1. Q LU'ItJl-v.-. NOX{\1A.\'IlY-â€"Reeve, Koenic, and MOHCO. 13: Deputy Foxbes,Heipel, 2nd Deputy. ()‘Rein and Ellis. Cuuncillors-â€"D1:er, Black Kr eller. and Bruso. ,_.__â€"- T . P. SMITH ESQ 1'. 1'. Dnlllll ““WH Elorm Ontario. DEAR szâ€"The glasses you fitted for me HOHIB twonwnths ago. 1 have been using ever since. and although [have been cum- pelled to use 4215304 for the past fifteen years: and iu’tiiat time have spent a large amount of money buying unsuitable ‘articles â€"fur my eyes you said were not guike but the glasses 1 go: from you give entire satis- faction. , . . [would not give 239. for the best [NIT of "loam in Durham unless it was only to look .‘va-w___ I wmdd not 2? glasses in Durh at- Yours are NOMINATIONS. ,,- above the general jarring an voice of a well known heard to tell a member of 1 that. he was “crazy." Glanroadpn DURHAM. NOV- I3; Yoursngmlg.‘ Wu..)mms1'nx. _ len Miils, Durham. MneFurlue’s Drug \‘.1d., Jan. 12th, a “On Wednesday afternoon the pu- pils and teacher of S. S. No. 1. Nor- manhy had their closing exercises, and after passing an hour or so in so- cial intercourse after which Mr Kerr the teacher, was presented with a beautiful Easy Chair, The Presbvteo ri‘an Book of Praise, with music and a handsome copy of Mrs. Heman’s Poems. Mr. Kerr made a suitable replv eXpressing his thankfuiness to the pupils and rate pavers generally for their kindness during: five and a half years. All were treated to a bountiful supply of cakes, apples. candies etc., after which all returned to their homes feeling that a pleas- ant evening was spent. ADDRESS. To MR. KERR. OUR ’1‘EACHER;-â€" We your pupils when on this occasion our relations as teacher and pupils are about to sever. desire to express in words of kindness and respect our apprecia- tion of your efforts, interest and teaching ability on our behalf. Many of us we think have made creditable advancement in school learning and those of us who may not. have done so well have ourselves largely to blame; We desire to assure 3011 of the respect and efi'teem in which you are held by the school and beg you to accept of this chair and these ho" ks, as a further token of our respect, which you have so richly merited as our teacher and friend. We hppe you will re- ceive these simple presents as indicating our desire and kindness towards on, and that their value may be exceeded ythe pleasure of giving and receiving, is the wish of your 1 pupils. i Signed on behalf of the school ; LYDIA mum. i MAGGIE MEARNS. JOHN BAcxus. . ARCHIE WATsON. Walkerton Ont., Dec. 17.-â€"-(Special) ~A party of Hunters from Walker- ton came across a curious arclneolog. ical “find” at the “Blue Springs.” three miles east of here. while out! hunting for game some time ago. These Blue Springs are a small stream emptying into the Saugeen at Maple Hill, and consist mainly of a pool of water of unknown depth, the over- flow of which, on its way to the river. has worn into the ground a number of holes not much larger than pudalle holes, but all of which have the remarkable quality of turn~ Interesting Discovery PRESENTATION of them! "3 2’) so man: The Prices never were so low! “'8 never had such a Stock Children’s Handkerchiefs, fancy border, 1c. Children’s Hdk’fs, liemstitch border, 50.. or 6 ii; Ladies’ white hemscitch Haudk’is 5c. Ladies’ fine “ “ 100. or 3 fl Ludies’ fancy white Hifndk'is, inlaid corners, 21 Fine white fancy Hdk’fs, lace insertion borders White Silk hemstitch Haudk’is ‘25, 40, 60, 75. m Colored Silk Handkerchiefs 31'), 40, 50. 60, a Gentlemen’s Neck Scarfs, Spec’l value at 25, 30, I If you wish to send that distant friend. of yours a Xmas Reminder, this is one of the things that will be appreciated. Five lbs. Clmice Mixed Candies for -50. Fine Chocolates - - 150. a 11). Fine French Creams, mixed 150. “ erchiefs, fancy border, 1c. mmh. , hematite!) border, 50. or G for 2.36. :scitch Baudk’fs 5c. " “ 10c. or 3 for 25¢. te Haldk’fs, inlaid corners, 2 for 2:30. Hdk’fs, lace insertion borders, 95c. itch Haudk’fs ‘25, 40, 60, 75. and 83c. lkurchiefs 3.3, 40, 50. GO, and 73m. Ram-{8. good! value at 25, 30, 35, 40c. ing into stone and substance that is thrown into them." Away flown in the unknown depths of the mam spring can be seen on a clear day the branches. limbs, and trunks of trees of the primeval forest, all of which havelong Linewock. SMII‘Hâ€"WEIR -â€"In Glesnelgat the t'midence of the bride’s father. by the Rev. A. Ur. Jansen Mr. William Smith to Miss Janet \ 'eir,_9_!d_mt daughter of fit. and MCGIRR «In (Heitelg 011 no (jourge, infant ~30“ of '1‘: 3th Alch‘uirr. aged 9‘mm Kira. Adam \Vcir. "‘ lit'.’ 2 since turned into adaman- llGVCI‘ “'85 MARRIED. so high ! .1913: an Dec. I9th, \Viilim t sum of Tues. and Eli“- aged amounts and 17 days DIE!) N O 1601' LOWER TOWVN.

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