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Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Dec 1897, p. 3

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wnu'n 3“ her (him: was her How any Lady Vi" bparad in prison old him . in silem In t sin buboniin Ll" Of "a” You sh a dist rubles Mn Lady Vii- am known all, but it 'arld mm; m Miss oint muse! jmous. ?. Not lY‘Pm nswer. Hate nt ingenious track. nor-em. 'HIEP. to the stand. Ire sta t inns mg "in?! 'I if“! "ti 0! more fielding ltv Ind pro- SI In at 9 1's in [‘0 s’ pol! kt D96!) 83W W38 1H ON I! ha n! V Oll h 13 W'ZL‘O fl all I: conducted 5y tight boots. Corn: teaming is heat (-onductod by 'Put- '3 Painless Corn Extractor, thp only we. am. pmth and ptinlou Adm-In "11". HOW“. 0‘ Mit‘tiou ' l:'s a small thing. but when you Honk that most people drink it at eat-h meal. and some [eonle drink two or three cups each time. you can readily «9v it is most important that you drink gure tea. Very few know what hap- ,s-ns from the time the tea leaf is ». irked uut il they buy it. from their uro- cer, who as a rule, sells bulk tea. Few of them parry a sufficient sto:-k of teas to blend successfully. and large in), orters, knowing this, and seeing the advantage of keeping the tea from ex- ;msure. have intro-'luce'l the package tea. One of the most successful of these is Ludella Ceylon Tea. which seems to be thbroughly appreciated wherever used. A few years ago one clUHill' :l pound) would not he as good a tea as 2.50. Ludeilla. To a great ex- tent this is accounted for by new methods of production; instead ofiroll- ing the lea! by hand. this is now done by machinery. All these apartments have been ly- ing unused for many years since the time of Friedrich Wilhelm 111., in fact. The court life in public resembles that: of most other countries; the dinnm‘ is the most noticeable difference. It lasts barely three-quarters of an hrmr; ('ourses come and go like lightning, and. as at Napoleon's table, a man who gives too much time to talking may find himself extremely hungry when 'it is over. One of the great enter- tainments is the timeohonored ball at. the end of the Carnival, where as many as twelve hundred guests have teen invited. The waltz is the prin- l-ipal dance. and the minuet was lately lntrodured. The Emperor and Em~ pre‘as just join in one quadrille. but the lall is for them more of a big re- c-eptéon, they make their rounds of the guests in the "White Hall" before l dam-lug legins. Do you find sermons in stones, and hooks m the runmng brooks? ”lied the romantic maiden} I never find pocketbooks in them, repiird the matter of fact. 'young man. have 'men made in the same style and point. The walls are in dark olive and gold brocade. Here the inventions are Made, pit-tures painted, dismissal of rabinets signed, and telegrams com- .»(wed. It will be an historic room. 'l'hz- Empresss private rooms are also very fine. Her reception-room has more of the immense mirrors, and the ualls are panelled in greenish-gray marble. Yet she herself is the ordi- nary German Hausfrau. and is what pbe has been from her girlhoodâ€"a no- Mutity. The Emperor's and Empress'e pri- vate-apartments are near the Pillar Hall, which also faces the Palace Square. There is a private entrance and a public one for deputations and 50 on. One gets as good an idea of the general extravagance from the Emperor's workshOp. or study, as any- where else. True, there are the writ- lng«talrles. the leather-covered furni- ture. and the bookshelves, but the cell- ing is in Splendid whiteâ€"and-gold race- to workâ€"done in Frederick the Great's Limeâ€"and Me in the ceiling. But perhaps the most magnificent is the front hall, the Treppen Hallo. which faces the Fal- noe Square. A view can be had with- out opening the doors, for they are each of one immense pane of glass. and even in the day-time the white and gray marble covering the walls is effective. At night it is a marvellous sight. the electric light flooding the hall. the marble balustrades, and the red carpet on the marble steps. You page down these between colossal mir- rors on either hand, and the Star Hall is directly in front. it is here the reg’anental colors are need as orna- ments for the walls on a [rat-.kground of rml damask. 'l‘he panelling is done in rivh rococo work. ECLIPSES IN SPLENDOR almost my other in the world. The 3partments that the present Emper- or uses. axe those between the “Pillar Hall" and the “Star Hall." or “Star Chamber," whichever we would call it in English, only in this case the stars But any one who sees the royal pal« ace knows that the stories of extra- vagance are true. Restoring it was the work of three months, and every- thing that the best. of science and art and the tax-payers money could do was done. Those three months turned out a pelave that mm now. not. French. but the aristo- cracy generally have not followed suit; There are things even a. German Em- poror cannot do. would bring him into native wherever he was. But though we hear so much is. Yet it is afact that agreat deal of the solemn etiquette of the ordinary com-t life has been done away with. the staff redux-ed in several ways, and there have even been economiesin the kitchen. The officers of the guard have to put up with beer instead of champagne. It is true the menu at the Emperor's table must be in Ger- [co-0., In Some [Departments and Ex- travaga-ce In «fliers. Not that the German Emmrm' xm‘ THAT. SORT OF BOOKS CHIC. EHPEROR WILLIAM AT HOME. LATE IMPROVEMENTS AUSAcE 0A8lN03.-â€"New Importations, finest English sheep and Amexican hog cacmgs. Roliubfe goods at right prices. Park, Blackwell a 00., leltod, Toronto. Oar. of West Market and Dolborno It, - TORONTO. The Dawson Commission 00.,“Wm Apples, Poultry, Eggs, Is It Infalllble. Canadians 2,000 Good Men Wanted " -v-v' ‘wvw- "OO‘ Sample 33.50. or stamped envelo o for particn an. '1‘. MOUNCE,10 in: BLW l‘orunta. - -3-\.-'VL We will give One Hundred Dollars for say cm of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send to: circulars ; free. F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo. 0. Sold b Dmggiste. 75c. Hall’s amily Pills are the beat. by local applicationsas they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure d as loose, and that is b! constitu- tional remedies. Deafness is cause by an in- flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Emtachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed l yen have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear- ing. and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, homing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catnrrh. which is nothing but an inflamed com ditipn o(_the mugous surfaces. Over I want something in a small check, said young; \Ir. Twitters, as he exam- ined the tailor’s cloths. When there is such agood remedyas Nerviline for all kinds of pain; It cures neuralgia in five minutes; tooth~ ache in one minute; lame back at one application; headache in a few mom~ eats; and all pain just as rapidly. Give it. a trial. Did you bring it with you, sir? asked the tailor. Bring what with me? The small check. Popperâ€"Mabel, you’d better discour- age the attentions of that young shoe dealer; he’s thoroughly unprinc cipled. Mabelâ€"Thoroughly unprincipled? Popperâ€"Yes; he sold‘ me a. pair at patent leather shoes to-day, and said they wouldn’t crack. to give him wholesome advice. One morning the young practitioner was called to visit!- a man who was very sick. On his way he happened to meet his old friend, the doctor, and, as usual, he had something of importance to say. He drew It out 80 long, however, that the. younger man grew." impatient, and finally said, Doctor,, you will have to excuse me; 1 am. on my way to visit a gentleman who is said ’to be dangerous- ly ill. Oh, was the unexpected reply give the man a chance; and the old fellow yesumed the subject. he was discuss- ing Can Kootenay Cure Rheumatism? A now famous physician relates that. early in his career in the city where he was located, there resided an old- 9rly .phy_si.cizm who was always ready DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED GIVE HIM A CHANCE. A SUGGESTION. Why Suffer 7 A LIAR. in eve town-hip to "120m C}! U - N. Fastest «new. 'VU‘. " demand. 899 wâ€" -v wv-"v â€"' faint. Hie up ite left him and he grew very week. A at thin time we heard of “Ryckman’s Kootenay Gare," and 0031' menood 'ving it to him, with whetOrmlu I an placed to tell you. Since “has the 1. Mas. Isuzu. SULLIVAN, residing at 65 Walnut Street South, in the City of Hamil- ton, County of Wentworth, do solemnly declare: That last fall my little boy. aged five and a half years, was attacked with rheumatism and also sins in his back and kidneys. He was unagle to stand and could not get out of bed without assistance. His suffering was terrible, and although he had medical treatment he got no better. The pain was so severe at times he would almost CANADA PERMANENT LOAN SAVIHBS OGMPANY The ample resources of this Company enable Its Directors to make advances on Real E8 tate.without delay. at low rates of interest, and on the most. favorable terms of repayment Loun- granted on Improved Farms and on Productive Town and City Propel-Um. Mort- gages and Municipal Debentures Pur- chased. . - n... I ‘ A 4‘ _ -m-__ A‘ Rheumatic sufferers who have doctored : for years with the best physicians, and under- gone hospital treatment to no purpose, declare ithemselves cured by Kootenay. Limbs that have for months at a time been warped and twisted by the letters of rheumatism are released by the action of Kootenay Cure. The [new ingredient which enters into its composition reaches the old stubborn and chronic cases and leads the way to speedy recovery, causing discerning physicians who have watched its cures to admit that it is a “miracle worker." Read the testimony in which the convincing ring of truth is sealed by sworn statements. It is the only true cure for rheumatism on earth. Us Lil-9" Applications will be received at the offloaa of the Company. J. HERBERT MASON, (NON. Can give the address «' fraprosent‘otiiâ€"o who has just cleared 8113 in 21 D AYS, 85 can be made right AT your own HUME. J. L. NICHOLS 8: 00.. 33 Richmond West, Toronto. CAN KOOTENAY CURB RHEUMATISMI This is a question which has agitated the minds of thousands of Canadian citizens. The answer is contained in the testimony which comes from all parts of the country, from all classes of people, and never before in the medical history of Canada has there been such a popular flood of testimony as that which has poured into the Ryckman Medicine Co.’s offices at Hamilton during the last year. Intelligent ladies and gentlemen can be sup plied with genteel and very PROFI'I‘AHLE grnplpltnent. Jnduattyls the 99mm NEC- AAA' n“------â€"__ wishing to make from Ten to Twenty- five do]. lara this month, write us quick. We have a brand new 25c. article that. smart. boy a and flu from fourteen upwards can sell rapid”. t. is instructive. interesting cd1f31ng ond fascinating. Send 250.1’or complete outfit to J. L. IIIOHOLO 0o.. Vleeley Building, Toronto. gsSAiw to sécuroi'GOOD REMUSEIU- HEAD OFFICEâ€"TORONTO ST., TORONTO. Branch omceB-W'INNH’EG MAN.. AND VANCOUVER. B. . 18 THE BEST. 35. 30. 40. 50 and 60 cents per pound. flu Monmn Ta 00., 1 Vlafllngton-ot. \V., “I’m “ WE WANT YOUumcK." “Mons Most widely Attended in America. For Illustrated Cataylogue (30th year) ADDRESSâ€" Boys Giris ROBINSON . JOHNSON, F.c.A.. BELLEVILLE. - - - ONT. UNG MEN. Learn to(‘ ut. N.” better trad. 4"; .1 w. __G-. HARRIS. REFERENCE : â€"IMPERIAL BANK. Subscribed capital ..... . . Paid-up Gapltfl. . . .. . . FOR TWENTY-SEVEN guns. THECODK’S BEST FR2ENF: Toronto CuttingSohool. ;DUNNS 0WDER LARGEST S‘U-T m Qumran MONSOON I: Clean MONSOON ts Fragrant MONSOON ls Delicious MONSOON ls Economical HONSOON [ado-Ceylon Tea William Street. Tor onto. W" COPPER, BRASS, LEAD. ONTARIO BUSINESS COLLEGE HAMILTON. Managing Director. Toronto .........'.’.'...12;ooo;ooo 112 Yc-xigg St. 'l‘orbnto. Barrié‘ters. excurcmdv'ccâ€"l to VVealey Bldgs., Rich mane SL W Toronto. Mmg, Mills a Halo. . . . £5,000,000 .. .. 2.699.999 1, Mann: WATSON, of the City of Ottawa, in the County of Carleton, do solemnly de- olnre that I live at 112 Cethoert Street, in the City of Ottawa. That I am thirty years of age and e tinemith by trade. I was ’severely afliioted with rheumatism, and lo bed was my case that I was confined to my bed for two monthe. In J une, 1895, I began taking “ Ryckman’: Kootenay Cure.” I used 4‘ two bottles and am now entirely cured and free from rhenmetiem. I hove since been “pone-:1 to wet weather which bu had no bed-efleot on me. I consider Kootenay a great cure for rheumetiem. I have eleo geined 27 pounds in weight. It is e grend tonio end a. wonderful blood purifier. I attribute my cure solely to the nee of Best watch on earth. 81.25; our celebrated 20th century watch; American movement; warranted five years . Equal as timekeeper to any 825.00 watch; nickel case. stun‘ wind. pendant set. finely finished dial sunk second hand; received highest gold medal awards at American and l-luropein ‘. International Exposition; patented the ‘ world over; just a watch which sell: any- wheref r 34 to 85; agentsmake big money by selling it; one agent Sold 2‘2 in a single day: will send sample to :my1address on .- receipt of price: 6 for 87, 12 for $12; 6 or ' more sent 0. 0. D. if 31 is sent with‘order; (or 82 I will send watch and handsome - ~ rolled plate chain warranted to wear tire years. and all money will be returned if you are not “timed with your bargain. . Fred M. Manon, box 123. Madison square. New York arty. I, C. B. HAMILTON, of the City of London, County of Middlesex, do solemnly declare that I reside at 131 Sydenham Street in said city and that I had rheumatism for ”over seven years. I was so bad that at times I was unable to satisfactorily use my limbs. I was employed by I. D. Saunby, Black Friars Mill, as head miller, and it was while working for him that I was so severely afllicted. I am now a well man and was cured by “ Ryckman’s Kootenay Cure," which I recommend to all rheumatic sufl'erers. In connection with this 1 may add that my wife gratefully endorses my recommendation of Kootenay Cure, as she also has good cause to speak highly of it as a tonic and blood Sworn to before Notary C. G. Jam. 15th day of August, 1896. first bottle of medicine he has not had a ain, never complains, and is as healthy a y as one could wish for. He has gained flesh and plays hard all day. and in my opinion is completely cured. Young as he is the boy himself appreciates the medicine, and I heartily recommend it to anyone suffering from rheumatism or kidney trouble. purifier Sworn to before Notary T. F. Lynn, 25th day of August, 1896. THE TORONTO ELECTRICAL WORKS CO.,LimitCQ. This Miniature Electric Railroad is complete with track and battery. We have all kinds of electric supplies. Get our prices. Are the pride and glory of lovely woman. Amberine cleanses the scalp, removes dandruff, itchiness, harsh- ness or brittleness, and . . c makes the hair as beauti- ful as in youth. SWOB N EVIDENCE : DOMINION OF CANADA. ‘ IN THE MATTER of the “Amberine Heir Prod". Province of Ontario, manufactured b Mescre. Job Cook and Conway. l8 ‘ County of Middiesex. To Wit :I lington Street. ndon. Cunads. 1, Henry Amos Piastow, ot the City of London. in the County of Middleeex. Wcter Wor- Inspector : Do solemnly declare that I have used the “ Amberine Heir Producer.” munufcotured by Messrs. Job Cook and Com any. of No. 58 Wcliin ton Street. in the City of London. Cnncd bince the 15th day of Apri 1897. It has etopp the itching of the main, atop ed the h 'from falling out. removed the dandruff. and has brought out a thick crop of he where my head was entirely bald before I commenced using their preparation. An I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true and known. that it is of the s tine force and effect as it made under oath and by Virtue of " The cm Electric Railroad Complete $3.50 £8211éh2§b§m 1893'" th 01 Lo ec are ore me at , o by ndon in the Coun'y of Milidloaex. an 11th dnv of Ocaoher. A..D. 1897. all which I certify under my notarlal “:1 H. A. MOW E. T. E mnav, a Notary Public in and for the Pro vin -o of Ontario. “ LUDELLA” Am ' ......... ....CEYLON TBA Infllnutrylt. 'l'Mnyouwllltlunkuo. maximum 83.0....“ Ml SOFT, GLOSSY, PLIANT SILKEN TRESSES, WE INTBND TO TALK GROWS A NEW CROP OF HAIR. )9f "13 OTTAWA. LONDON. 42 ADELAIDE ST. W., TORONTO. ISABEL SULLIVAN, HAIR PRODUCER. bottles con ova a month's Gutmcnt, mdaoldforfl makhgitchapa than a month’s mo! inferior medicines. If not obtainable from year dab, seal 6*.- arges p‘rpaid, hr 6 {Trash S. S. vam Medicine Co, Limited, umfiton. vâ€"___...__ waIhMBoobmaibdfrea‘Itmfltcflyou If you are lkk md diatom-aged b Rhco- W New" 959%ny 4mg, Sworn to before Notary J. F. MONOK. 2m duy of August, A.D. 1896. I, CHARLES Barnum, of the Town of sIngersoll, County of Oxford, do solemnly declare that I am forty-five years of age. and I live in said town. and was formerly employvd by the Ingersoll Pork Packing Company; that I suffered severely with rheumatism for six years. I tried severe! kinds of patent medicines and was under the care of a physician for some time with- out 'reliet. I was so bad that I was unable to hold up my arms; in fact I could no. lraise my hand to my head. I have taken two bottles of ‘° Pyckman’s Kootmy Cure " and em nowe: l y free from rheumatism. end I attribute my recovery solely to the use of “R kman's Koounay Cure.”tnd I reoommen the remedy to all suflereu from rheumatism. I, Gnona: Bums, of the City of Toronto! Count\ of York. do solemnly declare that am a fur dyer and reside at 14 Stayner Street 1n the ysaid City. That I was amioted with inflammatory rheumatism 1n the knees fo1 over a year and was barely able to walk the short distance from my home to my work and then only with great pain. A“. taking two bottles of “ Ryckman's Kootcna' Cure ” I am an all round healthy man, have a good appetite and sleep well. I frequently walk six to ten miles at a time and feel no fatigue whatever from this exertion. Am free from all pain and attribute 111 present wholesome and sound condition 0 body to “ Ryckman’: Kootenay Cure.” Gxonal an. Sworn to before Notary J. W. Smmovl Comr.10th dax of July, A. D. 1896. are a. true boon to every hay who tum-rs in thr- pedali- ance of nature’s effort. Thu, at once one the pain I‘ rem-re natural and healthy action of the ovarial m cc 3. For yvung and develuping wmunhood they any_rez_nedy yhich pan by upgd. :l‘hey ar‘e‘conL ‘AA _AAA mole-1y from the active principles «I vegetablembu-un and re rerfectly safe and reliable. Ask your drug: {or them. and i! he does not keep them in Itock he “I w ure them for you. Price ‘11!) per Bottle. or.“ . . Wholesale Agents: The Toronto Phamul 0... Limit“, tomb. mmass mmom ”- Specific for female pomplaigtg This little Motor in comp] with battery and chm :- a boy’s delight. The following ladies ha ve kinda Iy permitted us to refer to them. They have used Am- berine, they know its worth, and they recommend it high- ly :â€" Miss I. V. Ryckmun, Hughson ht. 5., Hamil“ Miss Eva Dickcnoon, Young St., Hamilton. Miss Jenni. Tibbo, Nelson St.. London. Mrs. J. Manson, Young Sh, Han um. Miss E. Patterson, Hess St. N., Humiltcu. Mrs. INJERSOLL. TORONTO. LADIES PRAISE AMBERINE. DR. GOODE'S SI 00 COHPLETE. Camus Barman. Jordan, Hill St.,

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