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Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Dec 1897, p. 4

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Mr. A. R. W. Burrows left Tues- day of last week for his new home near London taking with him a car load of stock. implements, furniture, 06. Messrs. John Logan and Jas. Dal- garuo returned last week after a couple of years life in Dakota. The anniversary services of the Methodist S. S., which were held on the 19th and 20th inst., were a de- cided success financially and other- wise. The Rev “7. J. Magwmd, of Kenilworth. preached Sabbath morn- ing and evening, and on Monday evening the children of the school were treated to a free tea, after which addresses were delivered by Rev’s. Kitching, of Varney, and 'Sabine. of Gleneden. ()n the morning of the 15th inst. the slumbers of the mllagers were disturbed bv the loud alarm of the fire bell Nearly all hastened to the scene when it was discovered that the residence of Annie \‘iergart was doomed to destruction. The bucket brigade lined up but it was soon seen that it w as useless to attempt to save the buildiwr hence attention was di- rected to the adjoining residence some ten feet away. By the timely arrival and use of two force pumps the fire was kept confined to the building in which it originated. The contents were all saved. Insurance on building about $300. M1 1'. and Mrs. (180. F‘ eming, of East Assinaboia, N. W. T., are visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity. Mr. I". went west in 1882, returned in ’92 and took to himseli a partner in life in the person of Miss Edith Main. They both look as if western life is agreeable. Mr. Wes. Sharpe and Misses V. Gardiner and M. Sharpe, of South Bend, were the guests of W. J. and Mrs. Sharpe on Wednesday evening of last. week. Mrs. I“. Lh'cenough of Vassar, Minn” is home on a. visit to her par- ams. Mr. and Mrs. D. Cameron. ’l'he Xmas tree entertainment un- der the auspices of the Presbyterian S. 8. here was held on Friday even- ing the 24th inst. The little folks pronounce it a decided success and they are right. Mrs. 'l‘hos. Brown, ne Miss Maggie Miukleboro, arrived Thursday from Regina, N. W. '13., £0 Spend the win- ter at. her old home hc-re. The Put on: have so far nominated eleven candicates as follows: Fron- tenacâ€"J. L. Haycuck; Centre Simcoe d-Amos Train; Prince Edward, John Cavnn; North Essexâ€"Geo. A.» Win- termute; Stormont J. G. Adams; 'West Wellington -â€"James Tucker; Monck --S A. Becki West Simcoeâ€"~ A. Currie; Dufierxnâ€"-\Vm. *Dynes; Glengarryâ€"D. M. McPherson; South Greyâ€"~I)avid McNichol. Conventions were held this Week in North Bruce and East \Vlallington.'.]udging from what we saw here and what we learn from their 0: gall they are confident of success in many constituencies. However, eleven candidates in the field at this stage of the proceedings is not a strong evidence of confidence in themselves as apolitical power in the Ilouse. Mrs. A. HamiltOn, of North Dak., after an absence of six years, return- to visit the scenes of her childhood. Her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Doupe, are much pleased to have her with them to enjoy the Xmas festivities. 3 Mrs. E. Kennedy returned from Toronto to spend Xmas with her rel- atives here. Mr. F. Manuel, of Moorefield, and M rs. Kng, of Toaonto J auction, were the Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. \V. \Vullace. Mrs. J. Sills is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs I. Pierinock at present. \Iisse; M. Allan a J. Coany. of London, are Spanking a few days new, the former with her parents and the latter with Miss K; Healy. 1V1: are pleased to SP1: the 511123119; face. of Mr. R. M. Triba in our midst ag-til1.Moricn is looking flue. 11121111113118. Den11v.ofNorval,are the guests' of .111. N. .1116!) this week. DURHAM, Dec. 30th, 1897 fir. and 3113.6. W. Burrows, of Conn, were guests of Holstein friends on Sunday. 'l‘ne annual meeting of the Egre- mont Creamery Co. was held here on Friday afternoon, 24th insc. The President, Mr. Thos. Brown, occupied the chair. There was not a very large represent. cion present which seems to beta thet there was not much fault, if any. to find with the fimn’s opentiens. The secretary read the fiuncihl, anemone of the year which do «lapsed. The season Opened on, In] 13th end eloaed on THE CHRONICLE. HOLSTEIN. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McGirr’s Xmas holidays were saddened by the death of a little boy of nine months. The funeral on Tuesday was well attend- ed and the and hearts have the sym- path) of the whole neighborhood. Mrs. Robs. White after enjoying the sweets of married life for one year, returned home for a. couple of week’s Xmas holidays with her friends. She will leave for her home in Artemesia this week much invig- orated by the rest. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hillis, of Shal- low Lake, visited the farmer’s father on Saturday. Mrs. F. Shields is negotiating for the purchase of McKechnie Bros.’ fnrm. We hepe he may succeed; as he is a good neighbor and we would wish to have him remain amongst us. Misses Philis Wilkinson and Jane Morrow, of Grand Valley, visited the Mark family Xmas week. They were delighted to find good sleighing after leaving bare ground. Our school entertainment was bet- ter than we eXpected, and consisted of singing and recitations by the school. From a distance were the following famous ones : Misses Large of Durham, Doupe and Isaac of Hol- stein. Watt of Greenside, and Mr. Scott,ot Urlenelg, as well as John McMeeken of our own neighborhood. One of the principal features was the presenting of an address and hand- some presents by the children to their teacher, Miss Loughren. The Rev. Mr. Ryan was also present to express the gratitude of the Church and S. S. for her valuble assistance. Mr. W. Allan, the chairman, in be half of nine-tenths of the section, ex- pressed appreciation of Miss Laugho ran’s management of the school and regret at her departure. The meeting concluded with the national anthem. For the consolation of those absent we may say that even standing room could scarcely be found for the crowd that came. The latest gift of honor bestowed on Warden Allan was a young heir- ess on Monday, Dec. 20th. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Flemming, of Summerbury, Man., are visiting friends here. Mr. T1103. Sirrs, of North Dakota, is home for a visit after an absence of seven years. He may return in the spring with a partner, but this is only a matter of conjecture. Master Thomas and Miss Sarah Tucker are Spending a. fortnight with their grandparents at Belgrave. The home of Mr Wm. Pinder has been made happier by the arrival of a. young daughter recently. A school entertainment was held on Wednesday, 22nd. Miss Ena Pat- erson had the children well trained anda good program was rendered. The shool was packed to the doors During the day Miss Paterson was presented with a set of furs from the parents and friends of the school children showing that she had been appreciated during her stay in Orch- ardville. We wish Tum CHRONICLE and' its many readers a successful new year. Oct. 30th. During that period 120.667 lbs of butter were manufactured. The total sales amounted to $21,092.; 21. During the year the company improved the factory by the addition of a cold Storage and ice house at a cost of $485). Although the greater part of that amount was borrowed yet we are glad to report that not one dollzr of indebtedness now re- mains. but on the contrary a hand- some balance is to the credit of the company. Mr. C. W. Riley, of Inger- sol. an extensive buyer. says the 13,- OOOlbs bought from Egremont was the only butter that gave entire sat- isfaction. No doubt this is owing to the facts that the cream was gathered every Second day, in geod condition, was properly manufactur- ed into butter. and that We had stor- age suitable to keep it in good con- dition until sold. The Orchard Baptist Sunday School will hold their annual entertainment in the church on Dec. 3lst. There will be a tree and good program. Miss Emma Brown who has been sick is recovering again we are glad to state. Miss Tilly Brown is home on a visit Miss Annie Watt was the guest; of Mrs Wm. Brown for a few days. Mr George Bilton and wife were the guests of Mr and Mrs Jos. Bilton for a few days. Mr James Calvert and wife, of Durham, were the guests of Mr and Mrs Joh'n Calvert on Christmas. Mr Henry Caldwell has returned home aftero. visit up through the country. It is a. good thing for Wâ€" that the snow has come. It may save a seri- ous uccident to a. certfin young lady by falling out of a buggy. CORNER. CON GER 1ENS ORCHARDVILLE. HIE DURHAM CHRONICLE, December 30th 1897. Miss Delaney, who has had charge of the separate school here for the past; three years has left. The po- sition will be filled by Miss Breon,.of Stratford. The remains of the late August Sweiger, of Kinghurst, was interred in the Latona cemetery last week. The deceased was an enterprising young man and highly reapected by all whoiknew him. The Dornoch and Williamsford Or- cherstra supplied the music to the satisfaction of all at. Miss Dargavel and Mr Spencer’s concerts. It has been credibly reported that our esteemed townsman, Mr Mul~ doon, has become one of the chief officials in the mercantile business in Durham. As the editor calls for briefness this week we decline giving further details. Our village has been enlivened of late by the recent downfall of snow. Business in every line has taken a fresh start. Messrs. John and Dan. McDonald enjoyed Christmas hospitality in the vicinity of Allan Park. A happy new year to the readers of the people’s paper. Mr and Mrs Grant, who for the past two weeks have been§the guests of the Smith families, leave next week on a visit to friends in Chatham prior to their return to the Prairie Pro- Vince. Look out for matrimonial connec- tions in the near future. Mr. Fred Shewell lost a very valu- able horse, one of a well matched team of blacks, by inflammation last week. Messrs. George and .3113. Alexander of Allan P111k, me busy t11i~ week taking out barn timber in this sec- tion. They are hustlelms Mr C. R. McIntosh, who has been guidihz the youth in a section near Chesley, is residing at; his home here at; present. Mid night Mass was dispensed in St. Pauls church on Chrismas eve. Rev. Father Buckley of Owen Sound officiating. Tuesday evening a number oF our citizens drove over to the concert in S. S. No. 11. Sullivan. Truly they had a pleasant outing as they say it could not be surpassed for excellency . Much credit is due Miss Dargnvel for the manner in which the program was plepmed.Edit01 Blyth of the Ghatswon Lh Nens occupied the chair. Panceeds $2.3. Mr Robt. Watt, who took charge of a school near Chatham after the summer holidays, arrived home Thursday. We are pleased to state he has been re-engaged for ’98. Mr. Edward Bray. of Petrolea, is expected to arrive to swell the home circle. It is the home-coming of the boys and girls who have wandered far away that makes Xmastide the most joyous season of the year. A ])1._,asm'1t and joyous company consisting of Messrs. and Miss Mc- Kinnon, of Queen Hill. Bruce (30., Mr. and Miss McNeil, of Paislev, Mr. and Miss Grier. of Saugeen Tp., are this week enlivening the home of the Stewart family. On Christmas eve in their honor a. pleasant social party was given at which a most enjoyable time was spent. A happy new vear to all. Mr and Mrs O’Flinn, of Stratford, are at present spending their Xmas vaca'tion with friends here. Mr. \Villiam;Cross, of Bay City. Mieh,, last week was the welcome guesr. of his brother Jas. here. It is nearly thirty years since the broth- ers met, hence the meeting was one of mingled astonishment and pleasâ€" nre. "Ewes a well packed school room with pupils and visitors that green-2d our popular teacher, R. B. Leading- ham, on Monday of last week to listen to the well prepared recitations and songs by the pupils and to hear the many complementary remarks by the various speakers on the efficiency and progress of the scholars. Rev. Mr. Little made a model chairman and contributed not a. litzle to what it was considered by all a grand liter- ary feast. GENTLEMEN :â€" Finding that we cannot avohl an Election in the Township of Ulenelg to fill the otfices in the Council, I beg respectfully to intimate my intention to remain in the field and solimt your vpte and influence to support me in the coming contest. My work during the past year is the best evidence 1 can give of my ability to serve our interests in discharging the municipal uties requir- ed of me. “Econom ” has, and will always be my motto in the fscharge of public. 3% well as private duties. Thanking yo;1 for libegnl support in the pastgmd again solicit- ing‘your supportsY I remain as ever. ours, To the Electors of Glenelg : D counts and st due N otes.are read y for mailing. We 8 all hold them, until the First of January. 1898, and would ask a call and settlement at this oflice. Unless called for we must itivel use other means for collection. . A. H ER, Upper Town PECI AL NOTICEâ€"ALL OUR AC WELBECK. DORNOCH. JOHN WILLIAMS. ho has been ~ ' section near 1 is home here ' dispensed in C I“IQIT\'JQ Ol’l) I 0:111 be ofi‘med at so lmv 11 111 11“ ginning to 11131‘110011111 11111! t: 1.- Why should not 1 011. 9 DURHAM, Dec 29th Fall Wheat .................. 9min; Wheat ............... Oats ......................... Peas .......................... Barley ....................... Hay ......................... Butter ...................... Eggsper doz ........... ' ..... Apples. . . . per bag ........... Potatoes. . . .per bag ......... Flour per cwt ............... Oatmeal per sack ............ Chop per cwt ................ Turkeys per lb .............. Geese per lb ................ Ducks per pair ............. Chickens per pair ....... A . . .. Dressed I ogs per cwt ....... Hides. . . .per lb ............. . <l1eepskins ................. W001 ....................... Christmas Groceries, New Fruits, Etc. 0" ~ ' , ' ' ‘ '.\A. . I l ."o O 22 lbs best Granulated Sugar for one Dollar. N ext. to Bank. Agent for Dominion Express. Best and cheapest way to send money is by Dom. 1'31- presa Money Orders, to all puts of world. H. PARKER, Druggist, Durha n. XMAS PRESENTS. “ Seems Jmpessihle ” ' “The last bottle I got from the doctor he said if that did her no good she would be compelled to have an operation per- formed. I luckily picked up a so. ple of Dr. Chase’s K..L. Pills in Mr. Edna’s store, and my wife took one p t at night and one in the morning, and she never felt the least Sign of 9““ sin , . will always keep Dr. Chase I Pill. my house for all our family comphints. PRICE 25 CENTS A BOX. ‘1’ ALL DIMRIo Too many doctors are too read . to use the knife. Many a. one is Shari and on the altar of a urgeop'é Mp tion to 6' er- ate who ooqldsbe saved by he use of t. Chaae's K.-L. Pills. The one of MRS. W. B. AIKEN, of Zephyr, Ont, is one in point. Her hush ml says that she had been dootoring w th several doctors for Inflamm‘ation of the Bladder for over 3 7°”; n3. CHASE'S KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS BENDERED 11' UNNECESSARY. THE SURGEON FOILED. CLOCKS and SILVERWARE a ‘Fu'll Stock. \Vhat is nicer than a GOOD \VA'I‘CH or RING. “Hitches from $2.50 up. Rings- Solid Gold from 82 up. Also have them set with Diamonds, Opals and other Gems. WEDDING RINGS in 18 k., 14 k., and 10 k., any price you wish. A Fine Line of Sterling Silver Goods. Wanted to Perform an. Operation. - Market Report. W. A. MACFARLAN E. WW3,” mgmmmnzavmm air ............... 40 to a" rpair ....... . ...... 20 to 30 {S per cwt .......... 500 tofi 25 'rlb.............. 6 to NOVELTIES 25, 140.53 586. .LEM PACKAGES. poo-coco... IOOOOOOO... .0000000000 «Ly CEYLG fl TEA Thafa pure (3851011 tea such as . 1897 22 to 24 42 to 44 25 to 30 5 00 t0 8 00 14 to 14 13' to 14 17 to to to 100 825 ' .. .. for the Carmen. with complete outfit. “or photographing and developxpg. 86nd l to-day for fu l partirtlgrs regarding {Ins re- ‘markable offer. as , IS iexgremly hmited. The Camera is thormmhly high rude Ind first class in every respect. ttecf with all modern unprovements. and is guaranteed as represented. Address .. .. THE NEW‘YUHK LEDEEH At. a. merely nominal price. the NEW YORK LEDGER is making one of the most remarkable Camera offers of the season. Phey are sendin out an immense number uf Cameras to a] parts of the United States. It is in reality but The Goods You \Vant! E“’SPAPER ADVERTISING IN THE UNITED STATES. A book of two hundred page.» containing a catalogue of about six thousand newx] 'aperu. being all that are credited by the American bows- paper Directory ( December edition of 1897) with having regular issues 01 l ,000 copies or more. Also separate Stale mags at each and every State 0 the American I nion. nami those towns only in which t aere are ins newspapers having more than 1111) cited:- tinn. This. book (issued December 15. I”) will be sent, postage paid. to anv address. on receipt of one dollar. Adflress' The 600 P. Rowen Adverti.-ing (30., IO Spruce 8%.: New York. HOLIDAY JEWELRY. Our Styles are the Newest CRME‘RM- Camera Department Ledger Building, N. Y. City. iH t 1t 18 so, others are be- lmntag‘e of this snap. line and everv style, set with Diamonds, Pearls, Opals and other stones according to de- sign, and will be found the Nattieat and Most Suitable Goods on the Canadian Market. “'e have it and besit on the market. You can save money by buying our goods. It. is more pleasing to visit our store and examine our large and complete stock of Silver 'm'e, Watches, Clocks, Flatware and Jewelry Than to visit a. millinery opening. in Great Variety fifty Cen‘ts UPPER TOW’N . 1n CVQI'V Pressed Chi ken in as H it from burni. away from tt move the bout it o, littlc. new name butter. I out the. pot is all wrong. for it. gets "; n teapot thl breeds and 3 than one illn neglected (em as you do an, microbes. If obliged (hat it is ke quent scouri the dark st metals. M 1 habit of us in; new ten The longer and sugar. be min-d di care should when mixed Diver taste I found out. paring some Cheap (1 better have drying it :4 world and \ iteration. A find that d 1 mg is. “a 1 800 and an the best of tity will SI It is no supplies u ticed. W paid for e of pun-ha as at the When all {one anyth‘ and well % ordered in to weigh, :1 toasoertaid was speclfk to be dam: dampness I and well l( The meanil know just 1 then pun-h Vantage. C siderable pl it is the 4 help her bl rainy day. have the fine point utilize lei She kna afford to the quaint} ies with u nut Tht women If

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