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Durham Chronicle (1867), 20 Jan 1898, p. 12

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3nd Del}: Bra 3 be Wfil' it n Inai the) SI pra; thou life. Ihe plot To Clo: 0 Inc at Bin lra W8 IN ERKSHIRE BOAR. ROYAL GEORGE, registered pedigree, bred by W. J. Shephardson, Walters F alas, Ont. Second owner, A. and J. Sealey, Buuessan, but. Terms. two for 31.0). A PEDIGREED BERKSHIRE BOAR at Lot 15, Con. 2. Egremont. Bred at the Model Farm. Nov. 17th, ti. 8. T. ORCHARD. We have on hand a large Stock of Axminster Rugs WblCh we are anxious to dispose of. .“'6 have a special value in Bleached and Unbleach- ed Cotton, 50v. 2". 3m Don’t forggt Just a Few Fans 01" Women’s Felt Boots left. "egular Price $1. 25â€"Our P1 we $1..OO Have you seen them? All Sizes of Men’s Over- shoes and Rubbers now on hand. We can fit you. AND Our 250. Linen is a Snap. 'I‘HE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE , GERMANIA_ FAR.\IER_S_’_ MUT‘UAL FRIDAY, JANUARY 28TH, 1898, TO‘VN HALL. AY'I‘ON VILLAGE. All Members are cordially invited to at- tend. GEO. II OPF, Manager. J ANVASSERS. “QUEEN VICTORIA: ' , Her Life and Reign,” has captured the British Empire. Extraordiuary testimoniak from the great men : send for copy free. The Marqui‘ ni Lorne says, ”The best p0 ular Line uf the Queen 1 have seen.” Her 3 ajes- '3’ sends a kmd letter of apprecia'ion. b‘ell- ing by thousands; gives enthusiastic satis- fmztiun. Canvassers make 315 W3“) weekly BRADLEY-GARRETSON QUAIPANY, I ‘S'I‘RUNG. If you are, above foolish nw'udice agaimt canvassing for a good In; . writeand get-my proposition. ‘he nJOt'uzatinn will cost nothing. I have put 'Uindt'Pds of men in the way of making money : some Of whom are now rich. 1 can 1‘.) 20nd things for you it youzu‘e honorable .mcl \s in work hanL '1‘. :S. LINSCO’I‘T. TORONTO. J GERMANIA FARMERS’ MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company “ill be held on Money to Loan alt-«'5 and 5;} per cent. on Good Security. INSURANCE PtomatZy-gAt‘tended to. Issuer of Marriage Licenses- Met You» implement Warerooms.- Moltke, Jan. 3rd, 1898. NDUSTRIOUS MEN OF CHARAC- , TER. THE LlNS(-0'l"l‘ COMPANY TORONTO. 1" YOU ARE ENERGETIC AND GOODS. A ,Full Supply of CU'I‘TERS and SLEIGHS at Prices. that will surprise you. ,. Variety of STOVESâ€"Cooking Stoves, Box Stoves and Coal Stoves.. ROBRS of all descriptions. ROOT PULPE'RS, 8ch c. I carry the Largest Stock of SEWING MACHIHES and OR- GANS in Town and all . away down in price. For Service at one o’clock p. m., in the W CALDER, NOTICE- Wanted. CHAS. GRAY, Jr., Lot3, con. 2. Egremont. (Limited) TORONTO. ‘ NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING IN: ..... THE UNITED STATES. A book of , ' two hundred pages, containing a catalogue 'E of about six thousand newspapers. bei all- 1t-:tha.tare credited by the American ewsa ! paper Directory (December edition of 1897) p with having regular issues of 111!) copies or 3 more. Alno separateState ma s of each and .L every State ot the American nion. naming ed those towns only. in which there are issued at newspapers havrng more than 1.000 circulao ‘ " ‘ tion. This book (issued December 15. 1897) m’ i will be sent, postage paid. to any address. on receipt of one dollar. Address The Geo. P. Rowell Advertising 00., 10 Spruce St, M- 5 New York. ST RATFORD, ONT. )UR COURSES ARE PRACTICAL And are offered to the public with confidence that the instruction IS thorough and the best to be obtained in this country. Individual instruction : Students can enter at any time. Circulars Free. W. J. Elliott, Principal. CHOOSE A CANDIDATE the Hanover Canveyancer, offers for sale 100 farms. and other proper- ties for sale or exchange at rock bottom prices, among them: The “ Teasdale " Farm-Lot 30, Con. '2, W. G.R., Benti'hck. 100 acres. The ” Hall " Farmâ€"1st and 2nd Divisions Lot 1, W.(}.R.. Bent/ruck, 100 acres. Lots 2 and 3. Con 13, ulenelg, Macros. A Ennsenative Cnnvnntinn PROPERTIES of all kinds sold or exchanged. NOTES and ACCUUXTS collected on commis- sion. DEEDS, MORTGAGES and other writings carefully prepared. ALL BUSINESS promptly :‘xttended to'in the quietest and most cunhdeutml manner. add regs HAVE been instructed to receive application [for loans on gum] farm properties at 517,; interqst, pavable half yearly or yearly as defined. Reasonable telrms ofrepayment to suit borrowers. Apâ€" p y to G. LEFRQY MchULL Barrister, Oct. 4th, lowest rates. Conveyancing, Leases. Wills, Mort- gages, etc.. drawn up on short nOtice. Horses bought and sold. Waterloo Threshers for sale at. ware- rooms. Patronage solicited. Orders for Sales may be left. at THE CHRONICLE OFFICE. Noxon’s Binders, Mowers, Drills, Spring 'l‘ooth Harrows, best in the in the market. Guards, Seebions, etc., for all kinds ofvmachines. Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. Money to loan on iarm property at For particulars apply to JAMES CARSON Esq. or JAMES RYAN DURHAM. MARKDALE P. O. l fur Sale Lot No 8, Com-4 Gleuolg._ Six- ty acres cleared, mostly under grass, free from stone, and well fenced; plenty of ce‘ dar timber, balance hardwood. mus UNDERSIGNED OFFERS Upper Town, ‘1) IL U B N V O W K L L L E \V H-AJB f I \ I ing used’ as an Orange Hall in the town of Durham.-â€"Apply to n I Grey, incluuiag a valnallle..watm )ower, buck dwelling and many elegille uilding lots will be sold in one or mum lats. Also lot No. 60. 0.011.. 2. \V. G. 1‘. l‘ownsllip 0f Bentinck, lmacres, adjoining 'l‘own plot, Durham. Mortgages taken for part pure-ham Inunuy. Avg}; w. JAMES EDGE; Oct. 21nd. " Edge Hill P c ~ REING Lot .\0 30. Con 3 Egm J mom. l§ mihs north of Holstein, 10 acres, album. mamas-cleared and in gum". state uf cultivation. Lop: 310.156, tad-ed and plastered, frame barn. frame stable. We}! watered by spring creek. Will roll on a...» He is Lending Money. at 5 per cent., easy terms, costs light. N the Townprurham, County of Farm Implements and Machinery. Or S. T. ORCHARD, S. T. ORCHARD, Money to Loan. but it is already decided that I‘HE EDGE PROBERTY. CARDS. win he called to . MILLER, Sharp’s old Stand. For Sale mos 030mm: new”. H- H. MILLER â€"â€"Licensed Auctioneer. Agent for Upper Town, Durham. Lock Box 28, Hanover JAMES STAPLES, W M. ANDERSQN... HUGH MACKAY. Durham. A Pretty Wedding A large gathering of friends from far and near assembled on Wednesday evening of last week at the residence of Mr. Geo. Campbell Aberdeen, the occasion”being the marriage of his daughter Mary to Mr. John Morri- son, a young and prosperous yeoman of Glenelg. The young couple were supported during the ceremony by Mr. Peter Morrison, brother of the groom, and Miss Bella. sister of the bride. The quartette, as they Stood be- fore Rev Mr. Little, who performed the main part of the ceremony. look- ed their very best. The dresses were becoming and fashionable. both as to design and richness of material and the contrasts of light and shade bro’t out to the beer advantage “the beauty and the chivalry" of the group. Rev. Mr. Little, in his usual hap- py sryl-e, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Jansen of Durham, soon reached the “whom God has joined together let no man put asunder,” and there was showered upon the happy pair a regular flood of congratulations from every one present in turn. Among the guests present. were Messrs. Will' Angus and Will Gil- christ, and Misses Sarah and Mary Gilchrist of Bruce, Mr. and Mrs, Lamont of Saugeen, Mr. and Mrs. McKia-non of Port Elgin. Mr. and Mrs, Smith of Derby, Mr. and Mrs. Buyers of Wiiliamsford, Mr. and Mrs. MoGilvray of Elmwood, Dr. and Mrs. Smith of Doruoch. Inspect- and'Mrs.CampbelI‘ of Durham, be- sides numerous friends from Glenelg Bentinck. and other places. The marriage gif€s to bride and groom were man-y, well assorted, rich and useful. The esteem in which the young couple wa‘eheld may be judged by the long. listâ€"boo bug to insen t. Suffice to say that the kindness extended will not soon be foegotten. The supper was truly a sumptuous repast. Mr. Little and Mr. Jansen occupied seats of honor at the tables. The groomsman managed to gebbhro’ the trying ordeal of distributing the wedding cake, with the assistance of the bridesmaid, and with credit to himself. The evening xx as spent by the old er people in conveisutiou and by the younger in the usual social games of such festive gatliei lugs. At a late hour the guests “ith one accord wished the young people WI 0 enter life so propitnously. the most prosperous and happy future. So do Interest in the Shelburne forgery case is Still at high water mark. It was reported that Hamilton had made a confession but subsequently it was learned there was no truth in it. Hamilton is game. Whatever other faults the ex-reeve may have, peaching on his pals is not one of them. The adjourned trial will take place in March next. An American gentleman visited our school one day recently and on returning to our sanctum he penned the following about one of our school ma’amsrâ€"She is the pride of the town, the star of the west. the mo- ther of invention and a jewel of rare brilliancy. She drew a picture of an iceberg on the blackboard. 18 was so natural that the thermometer froze up_solid.. Wit-h rare presence of mind she seized acrayon and drew a fireplace on the opposite wall. The prompt action Saved the school but all cattght cold from the sudden changefi’ The Youth’s Companion contains the most carefully selected, instruc- tive and interesting miscellany printedin any American periodical. The New Year’s number is rich in this department. The principal feat- ures of the number are Mr. Glad~ stone’s recollections of Arthur Henry HallamHa paper of extraordinary interest and charm. The article is illustrated with the fine portraits of Mr. Gladstone and the subject of his sketch. A number of excellent short- stories, editorial articles touching on various cunrenttopics and notes on science and alfaiis fill out’ this most attractive number of this great family weekly. OTHER Towns besides Durham need ' 51.71““. V.- to take alew 16330113 in Municipal? . . . Law. The Walkerton Herald says : a has provccl xts cffectxvcncss m a "The town cannot congratulate itself i ing the trying. affcotiqns 0? l on the result of the trial held last! throat andwlungs, and this 18 1 Week nndvr nine transient trader’s'. mason why:- the cod-liver Oil, p. By-law. This b:.-1n‘v was passed nt’fiany digCSth, strgggthcns a the last. meeting of the council for‘ vitalim “'16 [WhOIC 5' December being introduced by Mr . VPO has hi é‘xefiei'vrmn.‘ Lt was dvfligHPd '0 gangémzhtOfl-fc “f1 bench the Louroyd Bros. who base-J. mind'zfid nervesanch .lntely openezl out in. town. A3 the ' th ~c'ouncil has no power to pushy-laws haunt. 890 C8 1 gal} the «nation. C that are retro-active; the only thing; . that the council has «to allow for its}- ,. you “0f any 00m eixploita is a lillof costs amounting' 4‘ _ mtbnmoffcctivcuth to $9.75) not including the uoliciton’l 3,4,, ”scam m 5..“ (ac for drawing the by-luw. The and monum- whole liuuinou mflocta'little credit. “Ilka-“m . “@989 Vaughan! had in it." l ’00". * m MT“ D"...oo- A Wm! “rumâ€"Sir Walter Scott. was ri ing one day with n ifriend in the neighborhood of Abbors- ford. They camero a field “are near ‘whrch an Irish beggar was standing. The beggarmnn seeing the two gentle- men approach, hastened to open the gate for them. Sir Waiter. desirous of rewarding the poor man’s civility. took out. his purse, With the inten- tion of giving him Sixpence, but find- ing that he had no emalier coin than a shilling he gave it to him, saying: " Now, remember, you owe me a ‘sixpense,” " God bless yer honor,” said Pat, “and may yer live till I pay ye.” â€"--All persons indebted to me are requested to call and semle by cash on or before the 15th of Janu- ary. If not 30 paid, the accounts will be placed in other hands for collection. Alex Beggs, Alhm Peak. Baby Eczema and Scald Head. Infants and young children ere peculiarly subject to this terrible disorder. and if not. promptly arrested it will eventualhr become chronic. Dr. Chase (mule a special study of Eczema and diseases of maskin. and we can confidently recommend Dr. Chase’s ()int- ment to cure all forms of Eczema. The first application soothes the irritation and gives the little sufferer rest. (Provincial Editor’s Budget.) A word of encouragement is more valuable than gold to any society. Do not be afraid to speak it. Do you ask, how ?. Say you- enjoy the meet- ing or the singing, or the prayers were helpful or that the words spok- en, did you good, or that the spirit of the meeting: was excellent. Look for the best side of everything and applaud it. Nothing helps so much as a word of real encouragement. It works like a charm. It gives confid- ence. It binds the Socit-ty together with silken ban is and strengthens it mightily. It breaks down barriers and lets the sea of love flow in. Car- ping criticism is like a blight. It destroys all that is best and all that is beautiful. It is an evil spirit and should be carefully watched te.;.;ainst and repressed. In these cold winter days we ap- preciate warmth. I. have been learn- ing a very important i'essl n from a flower. I was expecting it to bloom but. it did not and I waited and wait- ed and waited. Why did it not bloom? It ought to. I discovered one day that it was being treated to cold water and chilled. The treat.- ment was changed and hot water given then it bloomed nicely. So it is in all our societies and churches. \Ve need a warm, kindlier atmosphel e to bloom. The great majority of our Endeav- or hos: belong to the church an.‘ there they should make their influ- ence felt by their devotion to its work, by their regular attendance upon the Sabbath services and mid- week prayer meeting, bytheir as- sistance in the Sunday School, and by their contribution to all 1"..e church schemes. Their growth in spiritual knowledme and their christ- ian activity should go together with equal step. 'lhey should seek to be examples of zeal and cons'stencv. firmly attached to their own con: reg- ation,. always in their place and asource of encouragement to tlu r pastor and of strength to their church. How many Ch1istia11s me of no value whatever because they are unreliable. One never knows where to find them anything new carries them away like sear leaves. Be not like to them. 1 A rough which seems to han on in Spite of all the remedies which you have a lied certainly needs energetic an sensible treatment. For twenty-five years that stand- ard preparation of cod-liver oil, has proved its effectiveness in cun- lng the trying. affections of the throat and\ lungs, and this is the reason why:- the cod-liver oil, par- tially digested, strengthens and vitalizes the whole 83':- A_.;@ fem: the‘hvpophosphita Persistent Coughs act. as a tonic to the mind'and carves, and the ‘chcrinc. soothes and L15 tfic irritation. cm you think of any combi- , k: . mtionsocffectivcasthis? mgr get SCOTT’S W in that th- . I 3001'7’3 EMULSION uâ€"H ‘O.-‘ O. E, NOTES. For” Sacrifice of Shawls. 20 Pairs Carl Coatings. We are selling what “'1‘ have 101': 01" these :11 greatly reduced prices, lardinal and Navy (,‘111'l Coatings especially fur childwns11(1:11.(:le;11'l113.: 21181.52 111111. ' Speciai Sacrifice SALE Lower Town, Durham -‘ Ladies' Card. Over Shoes 31 0t", Misses’ Card. Over Shoes 9.3, Child’s Card. Over Shoes 7.”)- Ab0t1t20 Shawls of .111 sorts which we will sell at cost or less. Girls’ Felt ()Vershne» Reg’r $1.25 kind, Clear ing at 75C. 3 pair. Days. FOR OF h) \'( sale a (4385 ('A OUR ton 8 ho VI Mr. this t onion I burhal the ”05th will rebn think {or n ms 8[ \K HIM; NQW' OX iuabJ is out man well R argzu mus“ Ill 8C1“ V61“ nee ( HUG the! Ill! all“ d ortl 2th an nu 11] CC! Kl Mr (0H (Hi UL"

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