West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 20 Jan 1898, p. 3

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it last season. and tho Ll previous records. in rapidly filling up with who will start. for 0.5. n as spring opens. I. a 17-year-old Rio-land use” because his mother I. He will get better. Iry has resigned thawin- tbe “'est Ward School. He will travel a petritiod Lughton. who wu acci- ‘led by a $109th while Briti-th Columbia wu u m'twter. Ont. Spin-well has left Wood- 'ew Westminster. B. 0.. l! he prinvixwal of the Co- ist College. Pacific brakoman was top 0! a train near week. [lb lit in a now aped uninjured. tbl‘ sale of eighteen can- Fraser has fallen throu‘cll h syndicate say the caplc toward the Klondike. at. of Stewart, isrojnicln. - arriod brother hash“ Oregan valued at 35.000“ of the six who will din what on Sunday and took vaa he medicine. Sh: will 3 ITEMS ABOUT 0‘! 'N COUNTRY. atest vours' list wow. n the metropolh of tho no 'an no r ioa we re oporgtod t. Thumaa’ java! ~rk 4i3s'covered tl aim the swim“: «raged himself By constable bu indiscriminat- Exposition Coxnpany has my l}am'an’s (arm 3nd int.“ a permanent exhibi- ay «hwy-lo has been any indim-riminam shooting of rd vitizens have petition. mil to sink a tent n- III.- rtbe Cuba-o ry {o ived in Rat Put... an at nut, istant so: “SM 0! '1‘1' do 5.. h Boa d of Trade will blp .d. “we Alhort route totho “'5de of St. M... 'od. \mden’s clerk :t tho Various Poo-u Lie to the Pacific. .t verdict in itontiary. has loen ap- nrd at tho Dorcheator IBIS Lama “V0“ to ‘ n! exberminatod b! 'I‘hwmaa’ jewellery story. c dams-cred tha {rand Ill :9 the swindler give up; ?£\DYIIIII‘R NAMES- U ll le trzide and man'nfao- uugb a special selling ! to plat-e their 309d- A n go rs, former do 1‘! of“)? coit- ant? (109M we ; Sans . krifi. U911“ word 8583"" of Mont- celebrated sub- The snail's mouth is one of the moat extrzmrd'mary objects in nature. B! the time the email has worn out “10 gist of its 30,000 teeth, 3 new set has an provided for it to begin :11 0V8! 888115 in; in him course of a serious illness has dos-"rilml graphi 'ally in a. London i ‘Pbl' wht are likely to be one's feelâ€" __".w in the fzwo of death. 1‘ 'm must remarkable impression 11:1, upun my mind," he writes, "was mgr of thinking clearly and ra-- [DY pl Y ‘ ‘flAI‘ nf‘n' Exam “that, Mumfim‘ â€" m 1-)! buy her Putnam's MN 'm' Over 4‘” ”actor. Hum will then mm m m laden. Much of the Ilka?! 0‘ marflfld v ht” lie .is due tv mm: Putm'a Extra» I of flux! brawn Mu.u|dpmpt° '03. vol Inc." Dr \XiHi'tms’ l’ink: Pills cure by 2w”); in HM rout. of the (“86388. 45"} r~ncw and' build up the b100do .um strt-ngthen the nerves, thus (hi)?- i“ “iv-1m from the system. AVOld mitwti-yus by insisting that eyery ""‘ N011 purchase'is enclosed Id 3 “~ F‘lztilin: itearing the full trade mark. l:r \\ i'Eiams’ Fink Pills for Pale Peo- say cured, rec ur rents A3 pro-i :ng Llle «li- lrsity Of troubles fir when Dr. \l'illizuus' Pink Pills are a cure it may also lb mentioned that law restorel Mrs. Frank Chase: 8' ‘lJ-Uglf“: Err-law of the gentleman referred to. to health and 5 r-ngu. after all other means had 81’- [:ern‘ly failed. Mrs. Chase 3333:" 'l '21” Saarz'ely tell what my trouble 4 21:. {pr even doctors could not agree 14 w. the nature of it. One said it was mum: on of the stmnach, while an- » wt was equally emphatic in declar- n: ML it was liver trouble. One lllllg l llu know, and. that is for years 1 .15 a. lek woman. I know that I A is afl'licted with neuralgia. m-y NOW! «is gmr. and I was subject. to leiirvxmng headaches. My appetite MU not good at any time. and the oils: .xertion left me weak and do- i on Mil A lady friend. who had been relivinell by lbw use of Dr. \Villialms' 1 ml; l’ills advised me to try them, and am they had also cured my father-in- !H. Imam-mined to do so.- and I like muvh cause' for rejoicing that l lull, for. you can easily see that ti-“bv' Have made a well woman of me. I . took the pills steadily [or a couple 0? thumbs. and at the end of that time }‘- 1h“ Af‘njoying _the Messing of good AB proving the d for which Dr. “Ci!“ a cure it may also “my restored Mrs ward “45:11“: {I‘Vay- .l W» 3"" qua-v . an was. I could not dec-lde whether I was gliding back into an oblong dark plzu'e or if it were approaching me. [ remunriznd if, meanwhile 85 the 883,0 0! death. "This was my last thought. I seem- ed. tn melt away. and then all was a blank. The next day the dOCtOl‘ told m.“ that. at first he believed I was Two ("us In Which They ”Coma lean. and Strength An" All Other Mean Ila. railedâ€"w lint They Ila" Ibo-o for “ion Thu Will Do for You. From the (fullmrne Express. There a m fmv if any people in Mur- my township. N =rthuml‘erland county to “hum the name of Chase is not familiar. Mr. Jacob Chase, who has {niloued the ovcupafion of farmer and " ~lxerrnan and fish!lealer. is Cape'cially «all known. He has teen agreatsuf- [ervr from rheumatism, as all his m‘ gh‘wors know, but has fortunately sll weedetl in fitting rid of the disease. '1'” fl. reporter he gave the following particulars. 1 had leon a sufferer from rlwumatsm for Upwards of twenty pars. at times [wing confined to the house. At one time I was laid up for Sixteen wei’ks. and during apar- tun of that. time “an confined to my lml and {wrfe'tly helplem. I had Hz." lmnel'it of excellent medical treat- urn! but It waq of no avail. I believe, m. that, lha (e tried every medicine uleu-d {or the cure of rheumatism m'l ln'n HITO lexpemled at. least BMW" an:l gut. nr-thing moreat any hmetlan thv mermt temporary relief. At lawl. luau Enrllbcd togive Dr. \Vil- lianb l’ivzi. Pill-4 a trial and from that fine i «H' ' nn' govd fortunein getting l'ul of wisease [ Continued using them for several months and daily fountl that. the trouble that had made my lifo mimrzmle for so many years The Best of Results ALWAYS nag IN THE FACE OF DEATH. Is Your Wife III-10mm 9 .YS FOLLOW THE USE OF DR. WKLLIAMS’ PINK PILLS. It gives: me mach pleasure able to hear public testimony value. of this wonderful medl- 'I‘ITE SNAIL'S MOUTH. a; pouring and at last all traces by! left um an 3 I. was cured. I M, for I have not since had a u‘ e mi the H'uuhle. life By ' st remarkable impression my mind," he writes, “was of thinking clearly and rat-- When. as I learned after- 7e Wes believed to be slowly ' I lmrame perfectly can-- I g surroundings. and, as I (1‘39 - below {fixgre' my sisier and! me sorrowfully waiting. 0 my ride. kissed me fwd I hmr was now on one side ~tnr on His other. and I: :bte'uzing to think before it 3 to say annlyt-h'i'n'g. I then H I send a message to some “mug death. I re- moving my lips and Confusion is frequently caused by English weights and measures. The same term does not mean the same quantity in all parts of the kingdom, and this is more frequently the case with grain than with meat. The last named is usually quoted per stone of eight pounds in the principal markets, and official statistics are based on that quantity; this is known-as the butch- er's stone. Yet in some parts of the country the stone is locally understood to be 14 rounds. and meat is sold occa- sionally by it. A stone of flour is also 14 pounds. When meat animals are sold by live weight, they are sold by :he cwt of 112 pounds: which consists of eight stones of 14 pounds each. If a man says a calf weighs 10 stone he means 140 pounds, if, however, he is dealing with dressed carcass, he will' say it weighs so many stone, meanâ€" ing eight pounds. it being dead meat. A stone of .v.'ool, potatoes. or other mA-,‘L\n ‘J:-â€"‘ merchandise is alsb 144 'pidhnés The Sanatorium, although it has only been opened for four months, has already proved that its work is no longer an ex~ periment. Up to the present time 45 patients have been received, representing every part of the Province, especially from the low area of western Ontario, represenflng all classes of societyâ€"edi- tors, ministers, business men, servants, mechanics, students, clerks and others. In almost every case, it can be said, that remarkable pro ress has been made. A number have en discharged by the Medical Superintendent, cured, or with the disease arrested, so that work may be resumed. Great Improvement in Patients. One of the indications of improvement in the patients, which might be noted, is the encouraging fact that 42 out of 45 have shown a decided increase in weight. About twenty patients have gained from 3.5 to 38 pounds during the short time of «hair stay, and one young men dis- charged a month ago as cured, returned “0 his work in the city with an increased weight of 45 pounds. D‘AR $1.3:â€" At this time of the year our thoughts turn in sympathy towards those less for: tunate than ourselves. The successful work that has been done at the Senate-4 rium at Gravenhurst for the cure of in+ cipient pulmonary consumption, and the urgent need for help in that direction; compels me to ask for aid from those who wish to help one of the best of all chari-f ites, the only institution of the kind in Canada. Should it not be a sense of gratitude to .he thousands of suffering people throughâ€" .mt thisPcountry, as well as to their friends end the interested public, to know for a certainty, that consumption is now being cured in our own land, and that it is no longer noonury for the sick ones )0 take a. weary pilgrimage to Coloredo )r California, end thus be exiled far from Emma. A Suggestion of the Excellent Work That Has Been Already Done by the Gravenhurst Senatorium. Spirit of “ New Hope." Letter from Rev. J. Peeren. The report ofâ€"‘Dr. Bryce. Secretary of Provincial Board of Health. shown over 3,000 died lastoar in Ontario from this cause alone. are the necessary fund. ‘ \vlbuv ergo-v- --‘â€" But what shall we say of the Bitiful mpoal from the large number of young men and wanen who seek admission as patients. but cannot be received for lack of means? If we had the necessary funds, the experience of the past four months assures us that we could promise We to fully one-half of those who are now turned away apparently to die. We want. 810,000 at once to help the trustees in carrying on this work. We 3190 went L'U Uuu-u nvâ€"â€" _.- coming season. These wJuld mako'boau- tiful memorid gifts. IRTERESTIHG STORY FROM MUSKOKB Spirit of New Hope. An incident occurred recently which cues to express the spirit of “new hope " that comes to those who enter the isnatorium. One of the best known sitieens of Toronto having occasion to bring his sick daughter to the institution mid to a. friend at the dinner teble, “This is the first meal I have eaten for a month.” During the previous weeks he ‘znd been watching with a troubled heart Wis child, week end suffering from the lisease, but after entering the Sans- orium with its cheerful surroundings, md with the wonderful improvement shat he found in so many of the patients, rm felt that a new hope had come to him- 10“. Rev. J. Peeren, :1 Well known Methodist sinister, in a. recent note to the Medical 3nperintendent, says :-â€"-“I am desirous :hat all sufferers should know of the good work that the Senatorial!) is doing. When I sent my daughter to the Institu- ‘iou I felt that it was our last hope so far .13 human help goes, but after spendin about three months there she return with a new lease of life upon her face. The benefit she received seems also to be permanent, . for she has increased in weight since her return a. month ago." __ .1 LL _ _:L::..‘ Lives of 1500 Young Men and Women may be saved. HOME FOR COHSUMPTIVES. THE ENGLISH STONE. \Veeping Daughterâ€"No, only one; but that keeps us nagging and quar- relling and fighting from one week’s end .0 the otherâ€"boo. hoo, hoo! Only one? \tht. is it? \ We differ on religion. I! you suffer from its agonies, and faflto getaremedy. we want you to try Nervflime. Its action on nerve pain is simply marvellous. Nerviline is the mm‘t pleasant and powerful remedy in the market. Try it. Mrs. Slimdie‘tâ€"So you have placed yourself under the care of a physician who reduces superfluuus flesh? Did he recommend any special diet? aA'nxious Motherâ€"And so you and {our hugband have a great many dif- wFRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence. this 6th day of December. A. D. 1886. {m A. W. GLEASON. . , Notary Public. Hall‘s Catarrh Cure is taken internally. and acts directly on the blood angl mueous anthem of the system. Send for testimonials. tree. F. J. CHENEY 8t. 00., Toledo, 0. fl." '._ n---__1_4.- "I- Padlocks are being mana‘factured with an auxiliary chamber which car- ries an explosive to be fired by aham- mer inside the lock and give an alarm when the look is tampered with. TRY a half pound package of Sun or OHIO, 011'? or Touno, LUCA. COUNTY, II. FRANK J. Fm NEY makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. CHENEY 00.. doing business in the City of Toledo. lounty and State atoreeaId. and that. said firm will pay the 5mm of ONE HUNDRED DOL- LARS for each and every case or CATABRII that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'B CATARRH CURE. Nexwl£our*dyerv-N6. madam. He aim- vly recommended your boarding. house. 'V'VIIU UUIIIIIIII lNDO-CEYLON TEA, Am!!! it i; not the boat you pvor tasted take -- HAVE YOU â€" A PIG WITH TWO TAILS? OWWWW: ‘4. u. Aunansou, M. 0., Ho. 5 collage-It. TOWRONTO 0 t. â€"â€"~â€"â€"- .‘I:-_ 9 running W. G. HARRIS, 3533b». William St. - - - TORONT0,0nt. ran ovum. M W909! â€" -â€"â€"â€"â€" _-_ __ __ Tc, nacho-It. denu- want.â€" â€" m it -§uordond :11?“ purl“ sold by drug- or The 8. 8. Ham- . (Limited), WI“: A- - _ - Sold 0 Druikhte. 75c; Hall’s amlly Pills are the boob. Hero you burn a couplets history of a aloft-om beginning to end and can ace (but when used with menace and conscientious . how thoroughly Koch uanuro g atth‘q mo of.“ dis- Kootenay Come! with Eczema and Overthrew It. James A. Wilson. of Pub. 0218.. do- flghtod wit): his Daughter'- According to previous information re- ceived from this same gentleman, we learn that Miss Wilson had the disease for :1 months before beginning to take Kootenay Cure, and was under the doctor’s care {or about 8 months. He aid the case was a very obstinate one and she did not get any better. Si; began using Kootenay on the recon.- mendatioo of the Rev. Mr. Brown and Rev. Canon Richardson. of London, and in now well. All along the line Kootenay is march- ing to victory. Wherever there is a stand 9? fight between Kootenax 93d disaffe, Kootenay always comes out Victor. The “ New Ingredient " gets in its home thrusts that make disease yield the battle. Nowhere is this better exem lified than in the case of any stubborn s in disease. The use of Kootenay means certain cure. It Was so in the case of Miss Wilson, whose sufferings for 18 months from the cruel tortures of Eczema were such as to make her thankful for any remed that afforded a chance of relief. ' Her ether, Mr. James A. Wilson, Writing under dates of April 29th and May 8th states :«-â€"-" in regard to the health of my daughter. 1 am happy to inform you that she is cured of Eczema and has this Monday gene to work in the Woollen Mills here after being out nearly 18. months, and I give your. .Kootenay credit for curing her. ,4.. AL- J “ You may use the contents of my letters as recommendations, for we be- lieve that every person who has Eczema should know the benefits of Kootenay. There are lots of witnesses here to testify to the contents of my letters, people who saw her when she was very bad and it back t6 yo (- tocei' ahd gét yâ€"éilrvxiéaa backâ€"we mane t good to him. ANOTHER ViBTflRY. EIXPLOSIVE PADLOCKS. Signed, JAMES A. WILSON. A R ECOMM ENDA'DION. “Noam Have You Neuralgla? -â€" I! So, WRITE â€" MISMATED. Mine, Mills Halos. Barridmm etc..rem oved to Wesley Bldglgi, Rich mond Sb.W ‘oronto W P0902 I doz. Indestructible Ltm Wick! M tumult unon fricndaatwctoxum .eru u Igowmmu youtgerckI. You acumen g; and as ch, gape; gm; we 3111 111:1! ypq tpo Bing. The flawson Commission “"an Ow. of Hoot flute: and colhorno CL. - mourn, 0'! "III nunosuiuuuluorui IL, - I". IIII, w- - no am Eng: [Iva one Angus-round fled Gold plate a war- ranted, to my one who will «u 1 doz. Indestructible 1.ng Wick: Most widely Attended in America. For Blustrabod Catalogue (30th year), Annulmâ€" ROBINSON JOHNSON, EDA” manna. - - . our. omgloyment. Industry 1.4 we oaaenuu NEG ES A)“: «:0 ascgro _G_OOD _REMUNAER‘A Apples, Poultry, Eggs, .251 FAMOUS “WE WANT Y 0 U 0010K." Intel“ onb ladies and gentlemen can be up. plied w ch gen'toql qngnvery PROFITABLE A..- -_‘A__L._‘ "“.\ TION. Can glvo .ghe ddrou of reproagfiaun who has just. cleared 113 In 21 D AYS, on be made right AT your own HUME. J. L. NICHOLS a: 00.. 33 Richmond Welt. Tor-on». Loan and Savings Company. INCORPORATED 1855. Bubaorlbod oapital. . .......... 0 $000,000 Paid-up 0am“! ........ 2,600,000 [Home Fund .. 1.400.000 Total A0001. ................... .. 12,000,000 00looâ€"00mpany'o lulldlnn. Toronto St, Toronto. DEPOSITS received at current rates of inter- esfi. paid or compounded half-yearly. I 1.. n____._-..-_ A- OLA-‘In- Vup-‘vw â€"v..__ WBEygé‘r‘lfijiig'Gnuod in Currbhby '0: Sterling. with interest coupons attached. payable in hands or ‘.3_qulo._m‘l. Executor: and Trus. , A- ‘_.__A_‘ l.â€" bLA \launuu "I L- ”I. .‘o.‘-. ---â€" . -_-- , too are authorized by law to invent in the De cultures of this Oompum y. MONEY Anvnzonn on Real Eatgto security at. current rates and on favorable conditions .- bompaymont. Mortgages and Municipal Debentures pur- chased. J. "In!!!" MASON. Managing Dlrootor. It could not uflord to otherwise. is, to. 60 sad we. LEADING GRoouu. Ix LIA!) PAcxr; IT’S A STICKER for quality, This Miniature Electric Railroad is complete with track and battery. We have all kinds of electric supplies. Get our pricee. THE TORONTO ELECTRICAL WORKS CO..LImitc¢. GROWS A NEW CROP OF HAIR. SWOBN EVIDENCE : DOMINION OF CANADA. IN THE MATTER of tho “Anton-ho Hut Profit?" Province of Data-lo. manufactured b “our; Job Oook ad Company. 58 0'8 County of Manx. To Wit: Huston smut. don. Uganda. 1, Hoary Amo- Plutow, o! the 0“! of London. In the County 0! Middle-ox. Want w:- R . W at» I ht” In“! the “Amber!” mu: Moon.” nun-heme“ h In... Job kuflcom at No. 58 Wall 1: Street. Man City of Lon“; Cam I. [It 43W. Ith- otop (hitching ottho soup. W the out. MR. .35! by hgpnpht out [Quick crop of fibers I! Are the pride and glory of lovely woman. Amberine cleanses the scalp, removes dandruff, itchiness, harsh- ness or brittleness, and makes the hair as beauti- ful as in youth. 1 Electric Railroad Complete $3.50 CANADA PERMANENT If “If" iii 71361133 sud weir!!! miflyon thd Eli; PAR OLI- 0. 1301578. Conant-00k. Conn. Gii'ls”Who use C SAPOUO are v 'w' SAPOLIO is one of the best known city luxuries and each time. cake is used an hour is saved. On floors, tables and painted work! ext: like a charm. For scouring pots, pans and metals it has n equal. If your store-keeper does not keep it you should insist upon hi:~ doing so, as it always gives satisfaction and its immense sale all over the United States makes it an almost necessary article to any well supplied store. Everything shines after its use, and even tb Qikiren delight in mint it in their attempts to help around the w SOFT, GLOSSY, PLIANT SILKEN TRESSES, "5 .r-copvm I’lr h GNTARIO BUSINESS COLLEGE JEHHB 42 ADELAIDE 51‘. w., TORONTO. QUICKLY MflRRIED HAIR PRODUCER. County at ladle-u. this «Wm-cu lnan-s nan. 3nd 5 But watch on“. 0115' our «um a sou: century watch; Am momma" wunntcd an 7cm; land u “not“, to say 825.“) wctdl' nlckcl dc- wind. pendant at. finch In! ' not ccoond Mud; rccdnd um medcl awn-d: at Amcrim In Europe:- lntctuctloncl Expocition; potent“ “I ‘ world our; just c wttch which ccllc cm whm tn! .4 to 85; “cannula big a . " bycclli 1t; oncucnt cold 82 inc dad c‘dcy: wil tend um 10 fit so: Mann on ‘rccciptot ricc: 6 or .1. 13 or .13; 6 or ,- more cent . 0. D. it Ol coat with Mu” (or 82 I will upd w. cud mam-3 roll“ plot. chum mud to won I yarn. cud cll money will be mar-nod I! you an ‘ ntimcd with your bc sin. Prod I. III-cu. box ' Wanna. low at city. A Specific for Female Complain ere 3 true boon to every L‘u‘, who enter: In the potion.- nnce of nature's eflofl. They A 0300 one an poll on. rector; neturel “333.3!“ omen of “”325qu 7" sell. or yo ev op woman a. o my remedy 330!) on be used. They ere coupon-fl .011“, from the entire principle-o! "nun. sub“ nnd are perfect! Me end reliable. Ask your for then. end he does not. k p then in nook been. rooure them for on. Price “.00 per Mo. all. £5.00. Wholeule enu: Tho tern-Ito ”annual 0... Unit“. rm Tubular Boiler 75 h. p. from d '1 HEATER Sturtevant Pan Wilson Pubiishing 80., limited 78 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. Canada. PAINLESS PEXMIOYRL PILLS VERY CHEAP FOR CASH. m little Into:- :- mph“ with battery and chemical. ‘0 II a boy's delight. mm: omcs, Toronto. ER, (or 75 hp. Boiler A CHEAP FOR CASH. mum omos, tomato. The following ladies ha ve kinda ly permitted us to refer to them. They have used Am- berine, they know its worth. and they recommend it high- ly :â€" Mrs. J. Manson, Young 5L, Ha ‘ Elton. Min E. Patterson, Hess St. N., Hamilm Mrs. Alfred Jordan, Hill St... London. Miss l. V. Ryckman. Hughson St. 8., Hamilton. Miss Eva Dickenson. Young SL, Hamilton. Miss Jennie Tibbl, Nelson SL, London. FOR SALE CHEAP. LADIES PRAISE AMIERIIII. CEYLON TEA. n 00 COHPLETB.

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