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Durham Chronicle (1867), 20 Jan 1898, p. 4

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[tn mai the; Ihe plot pra tho life To alo but er Bin (n 'thc [K tl Mr. Gamey,‘ .1 Grey. has decided litical life. The «hoosing another mink J. M. Davis thoroughly canve Lucas and Bolam would have a. poor ' The prorogation of the Ontario parliament took place on Monday afternoon last and the elections wil fixed. The result. of the session has not Strengthened the Hardv-Ross combination. The time-for-a-change cry. is as potent as ever. Twenty five years in power. however has given the government party a strong pull. Their three thousand officers ail acting as agents for the party who gave them their positions, will have an influence, but the people want a Au Educational Policy to remodel the Public school course so as to bring it in touch with the education- al needs of the peOple: To create an advisory council. composed of repreo are some of the planks in the educa- tional platform of the Conservative party As they are at variance with Mr Ross' policy and practice at all points, the Ministerialists voted solidly against the rest-lution em- bodying them But- efl‘icieut schools, restraints upon an automatically dis- DOStEd Miniszer, and cheaper text books. are reforms that it is vain for the Government to resist. The time is ripe for them, and the people want them. The very last act of the Ontario Legislature, prior to proroe'ation, was to rectify some serious blunders that had been incorporated in the Pharmacy Bill which was passed last week. Had the bill gone through it would have caused consideiahle trouble and annoyance to those en- gaged in the di no trade over the use of alcohol in preparingtinctures,etc 'l‘he leltoGOVOl'llOl‘ was called upon to disallow the bill. The necessarv amendments Were mule and the bill, Still in a Soinnvhat bungled state. passed throngs. at a. single sitting. We «lon’t exactly see the nee'l of such a rush. as the government have generally bee l slowenough in making needed amendments. THE CHRONICLE. The elections certainly can not be' {M elf. 'l‘de Assembly is now closed and the session of the House of Com- mons is called for Feb 3rd. Thingsl in Ott ixva are in a horrible state of unrest. ltzvalttions of incapacity, duplicity and bungling will be expos~ all there as soon as the business '06-; gins. The Hardy government has been weakening, and the exposure of lecrul weakness in Ottawa. will further destroy the chances of suc- cess in Ontario Premier Hardy knows that delays are dangerous to the political life of his party and the elections will come on before the dominion government is rightly un- der way. 'l‘hough .\lr. Hardy refuses to acknowledge the Glnh a’s announce- ment that the electimu will come on during she latte-r put of Febrziary. we may feel safe in assuming that that organ has had some au- thority for its uttira'ices. b:sides. the predictions of the Oppniiion press have nude fairly good guesses all along the line. and these too. give warning t) get renly for the battle. tthl‘ltV’ IL)I' .[S HEB ‘t‘a'lCeS. U SNIUS. l \Jdpluh 0) In”, an“; uuv...--_, H- _ _ . the Predictions of the 0m) )sit ion : Fact”? “‘0 1““3’5 wing“; ““3 “Lens“ um" - , . . :. . , ‘ am With a smile pen .1 » .we or co press. hue m ul-Rldd 1) good guesses: we J-” thereon and at“) becaube “t the {.8 all “*U'lf-‘I ’lm line. and these too. . put that tue King’s serva-I‘ 4' «Did the give, Warning 1.) get re Llj for the Ellen ut the jWidQ .)0é:|30$:0d by on spll'lle' ‘ butt in. to certain ot the people. . . . a: Whm the great cooaczl met no the purita- , , ’l‘ 4‘. _ moot chambers these tum princes. and mahy I‘ln L 3rd :3 Day Blll Introduced by 0.1lBt‘HLla‘U stood up w the CUJllCll'illld With fin, {)JtM-io G'JVVBI’HRIIJHL s. in the dy- l gre.tt piwor told all they knew about this! ing lm'n's of w «'1 Wow .1. ‘ ,, l grett wwkeluess. luey also etamluedl ' ' 5 3 pm lame!) l’ - those SUA'Vtha‘ and many other Wlillcrhiea' Was withdrawn last week. While attitude them telluuzty wonderful things Conservatives m w give Mr. Hardy ilb-JUt.tlte swine herd insomuch that Kiug Stargts became very moth, both heath-.1 all or adit [or the ! -. r ‘ « , . . . . . . l t b' k d' 11) al uturage necos his servants being hlled wnth tear lest the Gary 0 .10 0W". It Will b3 hard (0| people should become angryatlso ani refuse believe that the feasibility of the tolet them ruleover them any ltlUlO. For Bill was 611” considered, or if com the time was high at uaud when all the peo- ple were to be numbered even lro.u the .sidered whether the goverltznent was ‘ smallest w the greatest M was 3:10 0 13.0 ” conscientious m Introducing it. A among this people abmt every fourth year IOOmlllg syiupathv with the Sebbat- When they also declared we» should rule uriens might can, .: overtnem.’ Therefore this King toured ex ‘ Oh the Sabbdtmmn ceedmglymsolndch that he knees emote VOW, Whlla the o.verthrow 0f the one agaiufst the other and he tried to hush measure would satisfy the non-Sabdup'tots thing that the petple would not fietariens, and catch some of them. “9" “.“ch me“"°*"~ b‘“ "‘9 ‘9‘"9 a "9““ duel did these two princes zell It shred end ‘0 ° ' Bud ”39 his” 1“ schemes 0‘ mice publish it everywuere so thet there is now an . .men e t gang eglee and the greet mutation among the |people add no pollttcal dodge has brought odinm on W “'0‘“ “‘0 ”d tuereo - - the Government by the Comrvutivu . M "'0"â€" lor introdocmg the were so let’e . It’s nottho cough. but what it In ,o’ud in the meson while the extreme Sah- "N “I“ ”k“ i‘ ”m 1'“ my hug-3“,, “a“... 3‘ [or her“: - he cared. the serious MW prevent . . g '1“! h t ‘1 ; «1mm mu. «n»- W. M» ttwwmwt, 3W ku-vuâ€"v- would be 8 800d .mey, M. P. P., for Centre a decided to retire from po- fe. The Patrons talk of another candidate. “76 M. Davis woiild Be a good â€" -A Jan. 20th, 1898. chance. 3 timber policy .9 had to crawl boat. to save his remodel tests had greater weight with as; Government than their conscientious scruplee regarding the sanctity of the Sabbath. A few days ago an incident occur-l red which set us thinking as to the righteousness of certain actions teries are condemned by churches, by moraliste and by the law of our It came to pass in the second year of the reign of King Arthur Sturgis that there wasa great commotion among the people because it became noised abroad that the King’s servants had committed a sore evnl in regard to swine’s flesh. The King had purchased great fields in that part of the c )untry beyond the river llumber and built many houses and barns in which there were kept many swine. and rayed that he might make great riches ther y. The King called it a swinet‘old but all the uncircumcised in the land, and the Gentiles would call it 3. And behold ! after many days it came to Bass that satan entered mto them and they eca me exceeding mad, foamed at the mouth r and lay on the ground very sick insomuch that they would not eat, no not so much as a cup of the King’s corn. Then those serv- ants became greatly afraid, not knowing what had happened to the herd of swine, and called in all the doctois of the King‘s household and his chiefoti‘icrs and they coun- selled together. They knew not at first that it was satan that had entered into the swine but. thought it wasa sickness that had happened to them. Then they enquired of the keepers of the herd from whence they? had got their food and of what sort it was. When they learned that the food had been taken from the almshcuses, the place where the luthics were kept, and the prisoners they feared exceedingly, and asked ifthe food then_'could be goo 1. Then they held another great CUllllcll and examined man) of the swine again very carefully. Some of the wisest «.f the doc-ors shook their heads and said they thought it must be demons that had g me into the swane. but others said it seemed like a disease the Egyptians call- I ml Hog Cholera. Then when the others who ed iiog Cholera. Then when theothers wno tiiought it was demons heard this saying, all rose up greatlv agitated and said if this he so we must order that the whole herd be de- stroyed quickly lest it spread to other herds, the people be made sick who eat the flesh, and the country lose niany Shekels. They gave this advice, not that they :ared so nuch for the Gentiles who ate the swine’s flesh, as for their countrymen who had great herds fattening hard by. \Vhenlthey made this thing known to the king and to his counsellors there Was commotion and great canisternation in the king’s household for many days. After the King had counselled with his wise men he commended the phys- icians for their wisdom and although he him- self believed that it was satan that had en- tered into the herd, yet nevertheless, he commanded that all the barns should he de- stroyed, the ground ploughed up and sown with salt lest the contagimi spread 'l‘heu those servants went forth immediately and did all that the King commanded them, hot when they knew that it was only cholera and not satan that possessed the herd, they took coan -el together and sail: Why sho lltl l all this waste of swiae’s flesh be made? Do i not the Gentiles all use this flesh and is there not a migntv city on the other side of the Number in which there are not only Samaritans, but men from Italy and all other countries, and lo ! will they not thuy it? . Besides there is a great .prison 'therein in which are many great sinners, a kept at the King’s expense and lo I will not l this swine‘s flesh do for them ‘3 So they 1 slaughtered all those swine as the King com- i mandod. but there went out a report among 1 the people that the best of the flesh was sold a for four hundred pieces of silver, and so, there was joy among all those servants, and ' the King’s etficers. But when certain other princes of the peo-1 ple heard thereof they . were rel')’ people. One of them wuose surname was Wnitney. being a lawyer and an eloquent. man waxed very wrotn and with great relie- meace condemned the King and his servants l for this abomination wnich they had. i wroignt among the people. And an itacr ot itne princes, a good man, who was called lSaiiltJJtlil, also became greitly 1310!};th ‘ Iv'ti.’ LA-A It’s not the 09031:. but what it an . and in, that makes 1t no notions. Tho cons my be carol. the sogious commune“ prevent at by Dr Uhase’s gulp uf Unwed mad ‘L‘urpoasiao. Erica c’u. at all‘Drmiau. CHRONICLES. l‘HE DURHAM CHRONICLE, The annual meeting of the Arte- mesia Agricultural Society was held in Priceville on Wednesday.the1‘2th, with a fair attendance of the mem- bers. The auditors’ report made a good showing of the finances of. the society. It was decided to erect a hall 60 x 30 ft. this coming summer and to have it ready for the fall ex- hibition. The following were elected oflicers for the ensuing year. viz: President, D. McCormick; ISt Vice- President, J. Nichol ; 2nd Vice-Pres.. A. Muir; Secy-Treas., J. Brodie; Directors,-â€"-J. McInnes. P. Watson, J. Geddes, J. Patton, D. McMillan, W. Meads, J. Brodie, D. McLean and A. McLeod; Auditors~Dr. Hutton and J. Hemstock. The annual meeting of the Arte- mesia District Orange Lodge was held in the Orange Hail. Eugenia, on Tuesday, the 11th. There was a goodly number present, all the prim- ary lodges composing the district being represented. The officers for 1898 are: D. 31., S. Sheardown; D. D. M” N. Lawrence; Chap., F. '1‘. Carr; R. 8., D Mathewson; F. S.. S. Bowles; Treas . I. B. Lucas; I). of 0., R Purvis ; Lecturers, S. J. Halo herb and J. Brodie. ORCHARDVILLE. Mr. Robt. Tinck, Court Deputy High Chief Ranger, of Barrie. has been the guest. of Mr. John McEwen for the past few weeks while around building up the Foresters. Quite a number joined the Court here. Miss Elm Paterson. was the guest 0f Mrs. lasr Sunday. Mr. Thomas Sirrs and Miss Aggie were guests Quaen last. Friday. Mia Jmnes Calvert, of Duluth, af- ter an absence of sevei 41 ye ems is vis- iting her patents. There will be a tea-meeting in the Baptist Church here on January 20th. Tea trom 6 to 8 o’clock. All are in- vited. Miss Victoria Carmount has been ill for the past week or so. We how: she will soon be better. Mrs. Gammon. of Normauby, has been very sick of late. Mr. Adam Douglas’ been the guest of Mrs. few days. SKATIN u CARNIVAL. 'l‘he attendance at the Carnivdl on Thursday evening last. was not large but the interest was good. The tilst Battalion Band disconrsed sweet mu- sic. to which the skaters kept excel- lent time. The masqued characters \VCl’e: "‘ r1 1 UIUO Bert. Mockler, Negro Coachman; Lauder Buclian, Klondylwr; F. C Ryan, Colored sport; Thomas Saun- ders, Negro Swell; \Villie Brown. Indian. Boy; Willie Laidlaw, Um. brellar Tinker; Edwin Allan, Joan of Arc; J. I). Munro, Fancy Dress; Mabel Smxllow, Nam Girl; Earns Swallow, Night; Maud Saunders, May Qmen; May Saunders, Star- light; E.la Laidlaw, 20th Cemury Girl; Kate Cameron, Nurse. All were well tagged out; some were neat skaters and some not quite so neat. but all did their best to make the time pass pleasantly and in this they succeeded well. 1“ [1‘13 [110.) 05‘VVVVV-, The Judges were Mr. W. J. Hov- ard; Manager of the Markdale rink, and Messrs, Moore and McIntyre. of this town. Their decisions, we be- lieve were, satisfactory. The prizes ,were awarded as fol~ lows :â€"â€"Comic Gentleman. F. Ryan; Fancy Dressed Lady, Miss E. Laid- law, 20th Century Girl; Fancy Dressed Gentlemen, Mr. D. Munro. aduole; Fancy Dressed Girl, Miss M. Saunders May Queen; Fancy Dressed Boy, \V. B. Brown, Indian C‘stnme. Notwithstanding the soft weather in the early part. of the week the cold wave on Wednesday enabled Mr. Whelan to furnish first class ice. Ar 3 recent meeting of Court Dur- ham No. 111 I. O. F., the following officers were duly elected and install~ ed for the current term: U. l). H. C. it. Bro. 'V‘V.’ Calder, 'Praas. Chap. Auditors . W. Ir. W. (“5‘003 VAN DELEUR. aterson . of Dm'h am. 6f Mrs. H. Caldwell Douglas’ of Ayr, has of Mrs. Schram [or a Wm. Johnltop, B10. \V. Calder, “ R. Torry. “ 1’. Ward. “ W. Johnston “ R. Meredith. ” S. \Vright. “ A. Browning “ G. Meekle. “ W. Scarf. “ J Livingston " '1‘. 'l‘nrnbull. { J. Staples. | Aljoe { wright I. Torry k Johnston. Calder ’ Browning. January 20th [8925. BL sec’y. Next to Bunk. ' Agent for Dominion Express. Best and y, cheapest way tound money is by Don. Ex- pun )lonoy Orders, to all put: of world. ORGAN Fgm SAI.E.-â€"Somml ‘1 class cuudltmn. Apply tu .las. Durham. The new Law Punk bearing the above name, although only on the market for a little over a your, has becmne r. recognized authurity auumg the lending pmfeviunul and business men hf Canada. It has um rival. 'l‘herei«- unthinglike it. lt. is als” tllecllea stlnw bmk on tlm market. the enlarge new Dumiuiuu vditiuu soliing in only 81.50, pnszt free. “no agout in (nu-h township wnuld find it a small l{loud"ke at home fur tlxerc--t of the Winter, Atldlv-ss the nblislwr, \V. ll. Anger, 41 Ricluuu. «1 St. Vest, Toronto. McPHEEâ€"In Nonnanby, after a 10m: ill 11853, on Wednesdaw Jan. 12th. Mrs. Hectur Mel’hee. aged 37 years 11 mos. Deceased was a dzmghter of .‘13'CHIIII Mcl’hee, ex- Deputy Reeve of Norman- Fall Wheat ............... 4min! Wheat ............ Oats ...................... Peas ....................... Barley .................... Hay ...................... Butter .................. Eggs per doz ............ kpples. . . .per bag ...... Potatoes. . . .per bag ...... Flour per cwt .......... . Oatmeal per sack ......... Chop per cwt ............ Turkeys per lb ........... Geese per lb ............ . Ducks per pair .......... Chickens )8!‘ pair ........ Dressed dog's per cwt. . . . Hides. . .per lb .......... Sheepskins .............. Wool .................. XMAS PRESENTS. WATCH or RING. Watches from $2.50 up. Ring“- Solid Gold from $22 up. Also have them set. with Diamonds. 0931: and other Gems. WEDDING RINGS in 18 k., 14 k., and 10 11., any price you wish. A Fine Line of Sterling Silver Goods. What is nicer than a GOOD BE YOUR UWN LAWYER. Market Report. per cut ............... l 75 to 240 ml per sack ............ l 75 to l 90 oer cwt ................ 75 to 75 ys per lb ................ 7 t0 8 per lb ................. 5 to 5 .per pair ............... 40 to 50 ans er pair .............. 20 to 30 3d eggs per cwt .......... 5 75 to 6 25 per lb ............ .. 6 to 8 skins ............... . . . 50 to 90 ........... . 17 m ‘1) DURHAM, Jan. 19th. 1898. [IBM .................... 80 to 80 Wheat ................ 80 to 80 ....................... 24 £0 25 ........................ 46 to 50 ........................ ‘2) tn 3O ....................... 5 00 t0 8 00 ....................... 14 to 14 er doz ................ 13 to 14 and SILVERWARE a Full Stock. . A. MACFARLANE. -‘QOH DIED ha' ‘1 H. 14 to 14 13 to 14 {,0 to I 0) 50 to 60 75 to 2340 . in first Carson, to to to to 8’) SCRIBNER’S MAGAZINE FOR 1898 A GREAT PROGRAM. Rudyard Rippling, Richard Han-l ing Da'ris,]ocl Chandler Harris. George “K Cable, and. Dim”; elm- I“. under engagement (0 cuuumux during [898. Robt. Grant’s ‘Search-Ligln ters’ I'epzies to vannus zom- 1L. in consequence of his “R- fiwm Married Man" sud “The 01 mm: Philosopher. “The Workers" in 3 new tic-hi “r 11- “ECU”; the colirgu mar. ‘ came a lulmrer. will tel: about . .- ieu2e with urea ecu-1, .ui. anarchists in Chicago. (llfllx. life by w. R. Leigh.) The Theatre, The Mine, rm. tremed in “'1 he Conduct 0: “’(‘u nears." series ms th'e “'l‘ne Farm.” “The Newspaper," em, with numerous illusxrmivne. Life at Girls’ Collcgcsaikv bicles on "Undergraduate Lifer .1'1' Princeton and Ydle,” and a: ”an trated. ' Political Reminisccnses 3 .‘-' Hoar. who has been in 1min «‘ {arty-five years. 0. D. 01.11507] Will contribute 1w scum drawing! during 2"; “ York Day." and “Tue Sun America! \Voman. " ‘5’ Thefull pmspedzu bookfrmn (24 paws, ) [m' with numerous illustratiun rations by Max/fen: l’tn‘l‘ upon application, [Kmfuyc PRICE $3.00 A YEAR, CHARLES Scnmsxx e: HOLIDAY J BY; ELM. consu tit-non." four years to the it hi‘ best work. Clineliin at.) 0111' Styles are tlzv 1‘ “'0 haw" it i line and everv style. 69' Diamonds, Pearls. 01’“ other stones accmdin: Sign. and will be foul Nutrient and Most S Goods on the Canadian. 3 can save money by buy? goods. It is more plea! ClOCkS, Flat“ Jewelry k. meat [0 «y. and he luslraiul ‘ Cum h In H "I mli .md ”w Suitable ”arket. IFVI HI m 49' d the cal M b floor ”I. W #0:! Mn "In M a “I51. u. hon W has V4531 hll work gfl (131. a and soul l'nLher a! twenty knot 100. hr pink 4 Upton. {1i “(ht fut; lamina to ”I kind “tout. it." fight. flo bathin 031 we. on" wf mm In Th1 t'o we “a WJ flit \V

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