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Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Feb 1898, p. 9

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father, George [ajesty's vision; Th. 1.“ maxim! once humorously (1.. be two lectricea CI “ .air of spectacloa-" . . '3 Fraulein Bauer and m nd French. as her 3133““ her by her ladies in waiting I l ujesty.” she declared. “read. of the lighter side of out unless, indeed. one except. 5 periodicals which arena. perusal from the lecrehry’ e be is especially 10nd of the urs' “orks. Xavier de Ilia- pr. Ilugofls and portions oi 'Maistre's touching ‘Leprenx ; d’Amte.’ I have read it es without number. the mm of the tale appearing her in. a remarkable man- «m 5' .\'~ ‘~. git. who. in he‘ we I: :mrzo theQuecn' \‘vzz-n.» _\' 1.. 1191' MBjOStY «.5 Km! enuuggx to add ‘ hi the lectrices- ‘- ‘nt- in English litefa' \z. i ‘ .Lft‘. mtholic. She (“.(‘L'y {wax Lonk “'biCb is it." ;.«..3é'ssing real }('.£I‘\' 134‘ Qtit'en (00k Lord 5.0;i11w11 ::r,:ely on the ..~.-.' I. 9 grvat Premier’s it be 1's are: many. '1 ix‘ new-r tired of re-read" wrgre. Sw-tt and Dicker?- ' I. 1x \huuu :1, sympatheuo Rina-n. uni has teen 1’03" .fli IH-‘I'S “'(Drks. Lord . 1.: \'-t“»t‘1'. her favorita. 11‘ mrly yrrwneous opinion 5L.- greatly dislikes SWln‘ lin' ('Unfr’iry. She has.“ liking fur Atalanta» 11’ ti Uilkrl’w of Swin'mrna’fl- lute. she has men fading 311:1 expresses admitfltwn' r and keen insight into I!" . She told a friend that' shown her empiro to bf realistic manner. . fondness for historical 110' ncos much interest in t5! of historical fiction. '1‘. nee also attracts hor. ‘“ us With the 6301 to D oxtent. and is prondor. I 0. .ol_ hot kinship *0 .‘P’ O he muderm. I really believe flajegsty holds M. Alpha”. no admirable. She think too mordant. though. “Id delidous ‘Letters from I, twinoe’ and 'Trente Ans do us better known books. You trhaps. astonished to let"! rueen likes Henri Margot; n time have we laughed “>- Br the graceless scampl of D Bohemefi Last year we Inn's "l‘elemaque' from cover Her Majesty declared tht‘ lrought back her 1110’: hp- lsâ€"her own childhood": d”. L_,_. h - â€"' .' honor. the courtesy of the Queen’. ladies regarding the tutu. .istress in literature. M110. sprightly and Ohm" an. \\ .‘L‘l eamly enough in. .keâ€"How stout that min. , of the boys found up m Al I - uumn. and has lind poet’s worl however. her utterly erroneo she greatly dial the contrary. liking for 'A 1 others of 3! late she has 001 191' day l ' Turned out to be nothin’ ine. [he thievin' coo-Id- SALTE D. rmnt branch of my reading the many let- ly by the Queen Iron family and intimate :13! pt these are eith- r French. Many 0f JDL‘m descendants 8" 9nd her long weekly diaries in factâ€"o! In] ~ 8» communicav nuswrs in many ELK ltflS back. - Mt: ”reads con- [1 German liter.- -nni at the humor- !s'x'ihes to all an and the days in ' children their llar German .. .‘Iucher, enro- newspapor urti- r. her. and send. =.. I thinkthat "a favorite Ger- ,sw very fond of Vikes intensely. the Prince Con- Heine’s genius nt light of do- novels, partiâ€" 1tsche Krios.’ .’ This taste alieve, follow. ,nguages. Bho Felix Data #9 favorites. 5 voluminous forms a very " Suffer. SHOW ROOMS, .. UPPER TOWN.‘ Winter Goods I Ccnsiating of a. large Stock of _ ['I’PER TOWN â€"""' :MWNI wanmunms ROOT CUTTERS and all Agri- cultural Implements to be found at CHAS. M°KINNON’S STOVES-«A large stock of Mc- Clary’s famous Model Cook- ing Stoves. Fancy Parlor Stoves, box Stoves, Coal Stoves. etc...“ prices that will surprise you. CUTTERS of the Latest Designs (‘nd 895‘: makes. NEW Williams Sewing Machines BELL PIANOS and Organs. BERLIN ORGANSâ€" A Large Stock on hand to pick from at prices lower than ever. ROBES of all kinds at Prices 3- way down. \VAGONS, Buggies, Flows, Har- rows and a full line of 1.322133 1112.3’ 1301 “cturned if not satisfactory and money refunded. Remember We have been working like beavers for two weeks, moving our Big- Stock from Upper Town to the New 741.;z':- in .lxnver Town. Every thing is now in first class order and ready for business. The Stock scented *iun'ilihl‘s to move but hard work, perseverance, pluck and energy will almost move the Earth. We arranged to have our Spring Goods delivered in time for our Opening Sale. These goods are ,1.- 3 the country produces at Spot Cash Prices, and m'nearly all in our New Stock. We have increased emg' 5?"!1‘k in I'lzu'dware, Tinware, Dry Goods, Tweeds, and intend placing in a nice stock of Crockery, ‘.‘.'«._g~ shall be pleased to have you call and see us. No trouble to show goodsâ€"1t is a pleasure. . lepafimemal Store, ,~.ir Women’s Dongola Oxfords, .‘rlw Stock, all sizes. reg. $1 at 750. p.125 Women’s Don. Button Boots. .‘ww stock. all sizes. reg. $1.50 $1.11. ; Mrs Men’s Laced Boots, all sizes, :4 -«_: £1.74") to $2.330, Op’tr price $1.22. “A XX Century Kid Buttoned l' IK‘. Reg. $2.50 at - $1.77. lmiizzula Kid Walking Boots. ll mular $1.75, at - $1.27. N tin» kid strap Slippea‘s, regular H. a snap at - - 69c. ., s patent leather strap Slippers, 3{w_rul:-tr $1.710, extra'for - 990. f nits” Dongola Slippers, sizes 6 7. regular 6.30. for - 35c W's lmugola Oxfords, sizes 11, 12 :nul 13. regular $1.25 at - 890 I: As: . $1. 73') .3 \X 0‘ HHS. Reg. .‘5 [Mngula {Dunlar $1 {ff-1:75 and Shoes. l COMPARATIVE Snowman, CHART.â€"As . the 32.000 prize competition advertised by 'the Com arative Synoptical Chart 00.. 01 Turonto me created a certain amount of public interest. owmxz no less to the unique nature ot the contest than to the amount , offered in prizes, special inquiry has been . made as to the manner in which the compe- E tition is being coud octed. All that is wanted f this kind, so far as the public ' m matters o_ . . ,g ceueerned. n a guarantee of good faith H‘UIDISGS made W1" be carried out. that the l The profit or loss of the venture concerns In this case the advertising ('00)?!le alone. : n ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ A.-- A {rmfinrn e11K511<)iie.1r1 mus ca 86 oard of Directors, twhi is; presidedf oveer by Mr. Hewitt Bos- . tack. M. P.. should bear indication that the - ybonna fide one. From t yof view alone the con- Vv--â€"»1 â€"_u we have purchased at 'Bottom Prices and offer for less than regular wholesale cost. Call and see them. Special cuts fer next 30 days. We also keep a 'Full Line of TVVEEDS, COTTONS, COTTON- ADES, FLANNELS, FLANNEL- ETTES, Etc. In Groceri BS we have a {slitâ€"4 flames ‘1‘ ‘H‘ \Ivv Complete Assortment of Teas, Cofiees, Sugars, Raisins, Figs. Currants. Spices, Etc. All at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES for Cash or Produce. Clothing. . LOWER TOWN. JUST IN, A number of Ready-made SUITS, (Boys and Men’s) which Curtain Dep’t. 36 Roller Curtains, mounted, regular 450., opening price, each - S lately boncna fide one. From point of view alone the con- fullest consideration of the 24 Roller Curtain Blinds, heavy laced trimmintr. reg. 750. Opeu’g price-550. 24 sets Curtain Poles, rings brad'- ets, completn, reg. 400. op’g price 280. ‘6 Cheniele Table Covers, very pretty shades, reg. 650. op’g price each 530. 12 sets pure white do. reg. 75c. 63c. 60 pair Lace Curtains, regular 3:") Openino' price per pair - M TO THE LOWER TOWN Our School leacher had to retire from the school last. week through illness. When he admits being sick in will be doubted by no person who knows the amount of vim and push he possesses. He engaged Mr. James Coleridge to fill his place and we hepe soon to hear of his recovery. Mr. Wm. Allan was kept indoors last week through “neuralgia, but was out. as usual on Sundavv. ‘ Your Orchardville Correspondent asks why we did not prepare another grist o‘ the likes of our young girls. The present grist is in the hopper, but look Up our marriage column for the first product. We expect now that the mill has started to grind. it will soon run out, when we will si‘t om more. when there will hp none left but the dusty old miller living by himself. The Rev. Mr. Campbell on making hisfirst visit to our schoolhouse a week ago last Sunday night, no doubt imagined the. audience very much in the dark, owing to an acci- dent to some of :chimneys, but on further acquaintance expressed much pleasure at the attention and appreciation of the audience, and promised to soon come again. All were glad that a treat was in store for them. A special school meeting was held last week to consider the advisability of purchasing a physiological chart. but owing to the inclemency of the weather, there was a poor turnout, and as the matter had not been very much discussed beforehand. or much interest taken. no business was done. We had the pleasure last Tuesday night of meeting a merry crowd from Normanby, and spending a happy time at the home of Mr. Wm. Grant. who assisted by hi: better half an New Departmental Store, Lower Town, Durham. CORNER CONCERNS. SC. 290. Grocery Dep’t. 200 Cans Salmon at 3 for 100 Boxes Table Figs, reg. 10c.. Op- ening price per box - 11 pounds Mixed Tea. for Pure Toilet Soap, reg. 80. cake at 5c. 50 Wash Boards, reg. 15c., each 2 Large Bottles Ammonia, reg Opening price - - Last Saturday Mr. James Baird returned from the west, and imme- diately after his arrival a most happy event took place, which every lady likes to hear about; his marriage to Mrs. M. A. Grierson, who was hand- somely attired for the occasion. look- ed the picture of health, and happy as the day is long. She was ably assisted by Miss M. Loghrin of Fer- gus. while Mr. W. James Mack kept the groom in good cheer. The Rev. J. S. Williamson of the Methodist parsonage, Mt. Forest, tied the knot firmly, We voice the wishes of everybody, in extending congratula- tions and best wishes to the happy couple. Ed. Fay, bartender in a Skagway saloon, shot Dep. \Iarshall Rowan and one McGrath as they entered the bat door. Fay will probably be lynched. I suffered from Catarrh for veers, and have found Dr. Chase’s Catarrh Cure the best that l have used. and gladly recommend it to sutl'erers Yours truly, HARRY STONE, Rainhan Centre, Ont James Allison, who murdered Mrs. Orr in August last was hanged in Berlin gar] on Friday morning last, Feb 4th, the Minister of Justice re- fusing to interfere with the sentence. The execution was secret, only a few being admitted, anil thus the morbid curiosity of some of the still exi8ting ofiscourings of the lowest types of humanity failed to feast their fiend- ish gaze on the taking of a. human life. The authorities are to be com- mended for carrying out the require- ments of the low in u printe a manner as possible. give hospitality unequalled. Your Vdrney man will please not think us retaliating by stepping in on his territory. Catarrh Cured for 25 cents. this point. GENERAL. .15c. $1.00. 100. 7c. 90. It is impossible for us to print any- thing like; full list of our Bargains. Call in and see us. See the Store. It is a Model in every way. Deal at the Up-to'date Store. where you can buy almost anything you require in the or- dinary way. We extend our most hearty thanks to our many friends who dealt with us at the Old Store, and solict their 08- teemed trade at our New Stor . We also hope to see manv new cat m-rs, to whom we shall give our inert heartv welcome and attention. A LITTLE girl near Annapniio. daughter of a prominent mm: in the ranks of the Liberal party, says the Spectator. had been taught to pray for everybody, and recently stariled her mother one evening by lwr de~ vout prayer as follows: “‘Now, oh God, take care of yoursl-lf; for if weloee you, we shall only have Lanrier left. to take care of us. and he is not. doing as well u papa expec- LOSEâ€"A bunch of keys between McIntyre’s Block and Post Uffim. Finder will confer a favor by leaving them at this Office. ted him to do. Not that I am at 1.11 fond of having my name put in public places. but as a life saver to mankind. I hereby state Wim‘ Or. A W. Chase’s K.-L. Pills did far no. For neariy four years I was greatiy 'mu- bled With Constipation and geneml uu- *- neg-1 in the kidneys. 9nd i_n_my pcri on: AUFE SAVEHTU MANKIH‘D is what Mr. George Benser, Wiarton, 0nt., styles Dr. Chase's Kidney- Liver Pills.

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