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Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Feb 1898, p. 12

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it lb oh lit '1“ leave! Town. Implemem?‘ \Varerooms. Ni oncy go .Lpa-n at 5 and 5% per cent. on Good Security. INSURANCE Promptly Attended to. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. am “Iv V"VI vu- â€"v v--- rJnfulence that the instruction is: ithorough Indjhe best to be «obtained in this country‘ Individual instructnou : Students can enter at any time. Circulars Free. ()UR (X 'URSES ARE PKAU'I‘IUAL - _ _And {are offerp-l ‘tn Que public with Al ___--- W. J. Elliott, Principal. We have on hand A few pieces of Dress Goods which it would be to your benefit to call and price as they must be sold before Stock Taking;r next month. "WINTER 'Iialk‘lhnmfieady Made Clothing Wimmvel: had better value rm: the money than What ma. are now offering. lowest rates. Conveyancing, Leases, Wills, Mort- gages, etc.. drawn up on short natice. Horses bought and sold. \V'aterloo Threshers for sale at ware- rooms. Patronage solicited. Orders for Sales may be left at THE CHRONICLE OFFICE. Eirant’s Ad. Farm Implements and Machinery. Noxon’s Binders, Mowers, Drills, Spring 'l‘ooth Harrows, best in the in the market. Guards, Sections, etc., for all kinds of machines. Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. Money to loan on tarm property at 3"""m‘ F AR M S “HCHIGAN f l k ' I. , “p ‘ I - 3 M?!” or. ter 00 Int-‘Ult (Ougu'y over id“? Brmu‘an" uaw settled in (lentral ?iiohig;a:.~. xx hemthey have bonght firsbclass ’1‘. vim: ‘.. s) ’s at $5 to S‘Oper acre. on long time 13an L‘:’..-'\' f-ux'u’u'nts 130 30!: want to 0W]! » ‘omn ‘2‘ x on squadrmy don't. We offer you a .‘5 Km «cum mcfloosn from. Come and 109k 1 ‘. ‘ » r-Wr, We assure satisfaction P‘ullparnc- (in; a;-_ d fur. lefigfi. n.7B0RLAND. And Say! 3} pet Town, C L Grant Have you seen our Linnen Towels. They are nice ones. About a Dozen Ladies Jack- ets left. You know what that means ‘? ,8 KC»? STRATFORD, 0x1: UR CUURSES ARE PRACTICAQ.‘ I carry the Largest Stock of SEWING MACHINES and OR- GANS in Town and all away down in price. Stoves. ROBFS of 3:31 descriptions. ROOT PULPERS, c.. c. A Full Supply of UUTTERS and SLEIGHS at Prjces that will surprise you. Variety of STOVESâ€"Cooking‘ Stoves, Box Stoves and Coal s. T. ORCHARD, Cash Store, lower Town. S. T. ORCHARD, .‘ xv o nu. luv-Cunt I'. ma Dept jellsfitonecic‘o, Saginaw, ‘li: 3,, CALDER, Sharp’s old Stand. â€"Licensed Auctioneer. Agent for GOODS. Agent ' *5 fi“ Durham. IN the Town of Durham, Count\ (.1 [flidla Fem D Grey including a \aluable water-‘1’}.II-Belti0 Dow 3r buck dwelling and many efieynle'klllS,E18ie Pe 511311131810“ “ill besuld i1 1 one or 1111"}o1e Huber: Mona lots. Also‘ lot No. 60. 0.011., 2. W. (' I“ Av 1'3 :1 am Township of Be11ti11ck,l(l)ac1es, adjuining Ellie p Town plot, Durham. ‘ Mort}; ag'es taken for money. Apply to "--vvv uv-l- A‘Vo 1U, VUI‘.£,UUDL‘- D ELG, contaimng 100 acres. about 70 acres cleared, 9 acres fall wheat sown: sexton miles from Dachau): convenient to Church and School: Frame House; Erame Stable; Log Barn; Well Watered; Small Orchard. Will rent or sell on easy terms to the right man. For further particulars, 3 pply 0n the premis‘es to V». N. McDONALD, Jan. 27th. tf RBCkV. Sana-Hm: I) n ‘1 John Morrison, Lot 32. Con. 3, N. D. R. Glenelg, on or about the 20th of August last, One Ewe. The nwner may have her by proving property and. pangngexpumes. EDWARDS-flu Glenelg on Tuesday the lst inst., to Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Edwards a daughter. WRIGH I‘.â€"-At Henfryn on Fridav, Feb. 4th. to M r. and Mrs. Sainue} Wr‘ght. a son. KERR.â€" In Egremont, near Varnev. on Tuesday: Fel_)._ lst, to Mr. and M rs. Jolm COOPER~ In Hamilton on Jan. 221.6. at her mother’s residence, in the 20th year offier age. Frankie, only daughter of thlate W. H. and Mary Coor-er. AME TO THE PREMISES OF . ”j Jphu Morri§on. Lpt 32._Cop. 3, N, I), R. prices, among them : The “Teasdale ” 11.11111â€"lu‘1t30, C011. '2, \V. G. R., Benti111...k 100 acres The “Hall” Farmâ€"181 and 2nd Divisions Lot 1, W. G. R. Beutinck 100 211163. L0t32311d5001113, Glenelg, 200:1cres. the Hanover Canveyancer, offers for sale 100 farms. and other proper- ties for sale or exchange _at rock bottom â€"§br Saleâ€"A Portland Cutter; goo 53 new Chas. Mchtbur. Mer- chant, Upper Towm ‘ 3 CHOOSE A CANDIDATE PROPERTIES of all kinds sold or exchanged. NOTES and ACCOUNTS collected on commis- sion. DEEDS, MORTGAGES and other writings carefully prepared. ALL BUSINESS promptly attended min the qmetest and most conhdeutml manner. address Oct. 4th, GENTS “GLIMPSES OF THE UNSEEH." Fascinating book. Sweeps the entire field of borderland sub- jects. .Everybody orders. Marvellous lllggs‘tranpns. _P_rgspectus $1. - 1 application for loans on gmd farm properties at 5);; interest, payable lmlf yearly or yearly as desired. Reasonable terms of repayment to suit borrowers. Ap- ply to A. ' “-‘nr-â€"- ‘- n A "- m R; EN AND WOMEN VVHO- CAN \VUR‘K HARD, T‘ALKING AND Writing six hours daily fur six days a week, and will be content with ten dollars weekly, address NEW IDEA 00., TORONTJ. {"1 FIELDS. A large cheap valuable book. selling likea whirlwind. Beautiful palippg‘tpsjyeyt_y-fi v0 gentfi Books on time. A Eunsewative Convention fl BUAR at Lot 15, Con. 2. Egremont. Bred at the Model Farm. Nov. 17th, tf. S. T. ORCHARD. GEORGE, registered pedigree, bred by W. J. Shemnardson, Walters Falls, Out. Second owner, A. and J. Sealey, Buuessan, Out. Terms, two for $1.0). Nov. 16. 3m GENTS “THE BEST LIFE OF , HER MAJESTY I HAVE SEEN.” writes Lord Lorne about “ Queen Victoria.” Agents make five dullars dallv. BRADLELGA Râ€"RE'I‘SON COMPA NY. Jan. 2lst, 1898. .lustratmns. Bros ctus $1. - BRAULE Y-GAR {EDISON COBAPANY, IIIUO BR‘A’DLEY. bARRE'l‘SOV COMPANY LIMITED, TORONTO. 1 VASSIXG 0N YEARLY SAIJAIEI‘ES‘ THE LINCUTT CUMPAMY, Touoxm He is Lending Meney. at 5 per cent., easy terms, costs light. Réi‘r. a'daughter. BlNg LOT‘No. 19, Con. 2, GLED or Sale or To Rent. HAVE been inszructed to receive ERKSHIRE BOAR, ROYAL GENTS " KLONDYKE GOLD I‘HE EDGE PROPERTY yaw 0.001) MEN FOR "GEN Mane y to Loan. PEDIGREED BERKSHIRE but it is alré‘gly decided that G. LEF ROY \IcC AUL Barrister, Upper Tow 11, Durham. For Service will-32% called to CARDS. Strayed- Wanted. . MILLER, THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, 'or Sale H. H. MILLER CHAS. GRAY Jr. Lot3, con. 2 Eglemont BORN. DII-ll). Lock Box ‘28, Hanover JAMES EDGE. Educ Hill, P. c marsh, 'I‘biiéN-fO. v.1. JIA‘ L 151nm) '1‘0R0.\}T0 ., z. W. H. 1;, Icl'eS, adjuiuing part purchase Buuessan 1’. v. o As'r’fâ€"I- Iv Uu ;Henher: Me? 51113. Awtagn attendance 44. M183 E. PATTERSON. Teacher DUkflAbflâ€"Sr. Eachâ€"Alma. Hughes, Lexie Anderson, Harry Kresa, Wal- ter’McCgig, Mny Hopkins. Jr. 5thâ€"_- Report of S. S No. 11', Bentinck, for month of January : Sr. IV~Laura Hutton. Lizzie Campbeil, Campbell Milligan. Jr. IVâ€"Winnie Hopkiin, Tis Hopkins, Charlotte Webber, Annie Petty. Sr. IIIâ€"Maggie Alexander, Wellington Hutton, Albert Noble, Arthur Web- ber, Maggie Aldied. Sr. II-Lily ' , Alice Lawrence, George Hutton, Alfred Ashley, Thomas Mil- ligan. Sr. Pt. IIâ€"Thomas Morton, Bella Petty. Douglas Mountain. Jr. D. Tr n - â€" l:S. S. No. 2, B. G. Names in or- ‘der of meritzâ€"Sr 4th.â€"Duncan Mc- Gillivray, Susie Campbell. Jr. 4th,â€"-â€"Malcolm McKechnie, Harry Snider. 3rd. CI.-â€"â€"Peter McGillivray. Dan McKechnie, Willie Newell. Sr. 2nd. CLâ€"Annie MeGillivray, Agnes Vessie, Rosie Ewen, Jr. 2nd Class, â€"â€"'I‘ena Newell, Alfred M‘cKechnie, Willie McKeclmie and Aggie Mc- E-wen aeq. Sr. letâ€"Frank Collin- son, Ella Edge, Minnie Vessie. Jr. 18t.-â€"â€"Neil McGillivray, Jonn Newell, Elias Edge.-â€"Cassie Fletcher, Teach-l er; Mister Editor, -v--- â€"â€"_.__ I didnot get in my budget last week, as that thaw I predicted last week got frozen up, when it was 20° below zero, or buried inasix foot snow drift. on the road between here and Prieeville, the morning the stage waslate. I think Ipromised to let you know about the roads and weather. and perhaps you’d like to know what they’re go- ing to be like beforehand. It will be pretty stormy all along until about the last of the month, when it will become fierce, but with the reads pretty well tramped and broken, but on or about 10 o’clock p. m. on the lst of March. the thermometer will suddenly drop in “two places" and get down about. two or three hundred belo 3’ zero. Talking about cold weather makes me think of the proverb of turkeys roosting higher the colder it gets. I guess Sam‘y HOpkinn must have some turkey about. him, for I’ll blow- ed if he wasn’t roosting on top of the Orange Hall one cold morning last week just after daylight. Say Mister. I’ve got a good scheme and there’ 8 “millions in it. ” I’m going to b01 row Jones’. what do you call it?, clatte1ingmaehine, and take it to some cf the many political meet- ings where Mayo1sand. ex-Mayors, Editors and ex Editors, and-other ex- big guns, are fired with political e‘n- thusiasm, turn the "machine” back- wards. and wind some of the speech- es into it as literary cur1osities, to entertain the little boys, now going to school, when they grow up Probably you’ve heard‘ it said that “every boy is born apoet,” but most of them get the poetry knocked out of them by their dad, with a bed slat before they grew up. \K’hen I waken- ed upthe other morning Ivcaught my boy working off the following, and I’ll leave it to you whether I’ll apply the usual remedy. IT’S TIME FOR A CHANGE. \Vhen politicks are on the bum, And the Gut “line” is on the 1mm. And school books‘cost too big a sum. C. C. McDougall, Johnny Crozier, Andy McDougall. Dan McDougall. Pt. II classâ€"Johnny Clark, Lizzie McDougall, Mary McKechnie. I class --Cyril Burns, Violet Forster. Report of S; S. No. 6, Bentinck, for January. III classâ€"Vida Burns, Lizzie Mc- Dougall. Jr. III classâ€"Lizzie Fors- ter, Joii_nn_y Livingston. II classâ€" U -â€"â€". vâ€"v-v-UD It’s time'fa a , cfiauggé. But as methinks I bear your.~-read- ers saying. “It’s time for a change" or a rest, I’ll quit. Yours, It's time for a changersâ€"n, When Inspectors; hotel-men inspect’ To see the}: oliticks are c )rrect, While £159." Juty‘they peglect, It’s time for a changfé. When Yanks can “honk” away or lugs, And feed their men on Yankee hogs, And leagqouy mull damp to the frogs. It’s time for a change; " i “r, When “ ’efmm” is only a mimomer And from the truth each (irit’ s a manner And Wh_it.nQy IS the trqe reformer, ' ' T" r'" '. ""4 "W”! It s time tor a change. “ hen farmers rise up in thei1 mioht Bo 111d that the truth shall see the light And want to leave the pa1ty tight, It’s timé for a; change. When men are picked for purses long, And “tixing’ivutes is puthinp; wrong, So lung’s theyr "gull ’ 15 gmd and strong- IA! :8. S. No. 2, It’s time fur a change; _ _ 1,, When “hogs.” are fed on party pap, So Jack or JunOmay have a snap, And dea'd‘pr‘ .ahvg don’t. matter a rap, It's {ime fur a changé; -_ When surplnges on napez' Show, And revenue 13% on the “gr.” And our bu: plle IS only blow, 'AQ SCHOOL REPORTS. AGGIE H, CLARK, Teacher. AROUND TOWN. Lie waus. Séfil'ina. H013? Petty. Sr. 16-41910 Cufie, â€"FA1x. 1:!qu uauuucxa, “Du-v “an..-“u, .. ___ nie Lauder. Jr. pt 2nd--Hazei- Gal-d- well, Allan Robertson and John Mc- Lean aeq., Lizzie Cameron Beatrice McCracken and Percy Valle!» as.“ Rita Irwin. Part 2nd (Miss Ander- son’s room)â€"A-rchie Davidson, Alfred McClocklin, Bertie Townsend. Geo. Lloyd, Fred Smith. Sr. ls‘â€"Marion Gun. L. Kinnee and Lyn Grant aeq.. lrntermediatezâ€"Eflie Hunter, Willie Campbell, Jun. A.-â€"â€"Irene Leavens, Cecil \Volfe. Jun. B.â€"R. Thompson, E. Guthrie. Av. attendanceâ€" 297. Mande Whelsn, Welter 'Willis, Jo- seph Moore, Jessie Munro, Nellie Sibley. Sr. 4th,â€"- Annie Lawrence. Wesley Hunt, Cassie McDonald, Dora Davidson. Frazer Patterson. Jr. 4th- â€"Wm. Brown Shirley McIntyre, Maggie Hutton, Kate Cameron, R. Kelly. Sr. Suiâ€"Nellie Watt, Edith Grant, Grace Barclay, Vina Kress, Rosina Nester. Jr. 3rdâ€"Arcliie Thompson, Susie McClocklin, Nora Knapp, Homer Hind, Bessie McKay. Sr. 2ndâ€"Florence Saunders, Murray Smith, Violet Willis, Annie M’Kay, Willie Saunders. Jr. flailâ€"Maggie Grant, George Harbottle, Arthur Allan, Hugh Nester, Laura Milligan. Jr. 2nd, (Miss Gunn’s Rcom)â€"-â€"John McKinnon, Jane Kilmer, Annie Thompson, Robt. Stinson, Iverard McKinncn and Arthur Knislev, aeq. Sr. pt. 2nd.-â€"â€"Jenn Crawford, Myrtle McDonald and German Aljoe aeq.. Al- ister Saunders, Essie Luidlaw, Win- February can do It ! Miss Lottie McNally returned to Grand Rapids, Michigan, on Monday after Spendinga merry month at the old home here. It seems increditably early. but sew r11 affirm that they have repeted- 1y seen a lively swallow out this way of late. We doubt if ever there was such a rush of business in ’l‘raverston as at present. The sawlogs are pouring in and the flour millis kept humming. A. Goodfellow and his right hand man. Harry Ridley. have their hands full these days. Mr. Wright and Jim Davis are running the saw mill. Miss Sue Greenwood returned last Wednesday frnm a three weeks’ visit to friends at Molesworth and Tees- water. Mr. and Mrs. G. Timmins are re- gaining their old time \igor. Mr. Henry Mofiat is a busy man this winter. He is preparing to build a barn next summer. The con- tract is already let to Ben Sharp, who has a monopoly of such work in west Don’t 109:9 sight of the fact that if you want :m f Men’s Drawers only, were 400. a pair, â€" Men’s Shirts and Drawers, our famous 50c, line, three kinds, 43c. or per snit Menis Shirts and DraWers,.. fancy striped ' Merino underwear, regular 900. Men’s Shirts and Drawers, best quality, _ Scotch knit,.Price $1.00, for - Boys’ Lamb’s-wool Shirts and. Drawers, 3 sizes, were 40, 45 50c., N ow 30, 35 year. So well that we are quite contented that you should take the balance at cost. At our regular prices these goods were the best mhw we ever had, At Cost they’re a snap for you. For Cash or Value. TRAVERSTON . Clearing 83k. We’ve done well with underwear 1h}- OF DIOCKLER’S Glonelg. His reputation as a chanic needs no propping. A wee bit lassie flPl‘chd at om Shmty on the lst inst. any] as 51w in-~ herite specially good qualifies we» we’ll keep her. " quite a master at swapping hm‘Svs. A aleighioad drove over from I’uis. lay last week to visit relations in the neighborhood. It consisted of Mr, and M11. N.'~ Raid and Tiwir 3W0 daughters,“ Munitoiiu, .\l_r and Mrs, a liReed and Charlie Reed “ho is on tho lookout for an Ontario m; to take back with him to the run, West in the Spring. Dr. Jamieson will poli a Imuy vote in this part of the township, They ea the‘eiephant in a “ gay «M ~ He tr! to kiss the ma. id in Hm dark He blew out the light and made :1 gr.- But she ‘ drew a knife and gax e M.“ That he bellowed loud And in poured the crowd ! Muster John Cook is home 1’ Markdale at; present llot living good health. 1 he pure Home tan bod-liver Uii made into a delig tfu! cream, skill- fully blended with the Hypophos- phites of Lime and Soda, which _.. m such valuable tonics, u .5; makes thispreparafign at; V , "Ft-j, ideal one and checks the .. . wasting tendency,aud the tient almost immediate oomences to put on ‘ gudqdn {strength does, but they fall to perform it. Th; pure NomcgiaanCod-Iiver Oi? Scott's Emulsion has been the standard remedy for neariy a quarter of a century. Phys-Edam readily admit that they ohtgin re- sults from it that they cannot get from any other flash-{grazing food. ' That: an many other prepan. hon: on thc mafkct that prawn} to do what 300 77,3 EMUleflgt? General Debility and Loss of Flesh ‘ is fit 1*“: 'c. and .I.OO. an druggflzts. SCOTT BOWE. Chemists. Torom " 400. 7 0c. ark It WANTEDâ€"LI tutoring. AD ff!” ‘Chtpnicle 31:, Alex. F Bantinck, 109 Suzuki, by 'wfl Mr. Arch Li put in; hands Williuns mak: inclines. Th medium telnet Sold only at P; It. gab. 24ch',"93, H. HmKay a The Reform just over thil body guard u into the hand! Tim“ must followingjmvc from Mr. S. 'l‘. per. Miss M. Jan. Tucker, Election NU" T50 ”OrkCT: Jan-30000 ‘0' Konhutious ”0in Mr. W. J. A who ha been pan-emu here mcndu: recur: his prairie ho: a resident for A pquor church willt Vanity, on Sloighl will ‘ who wish to Tm.- familil Scott is nuain‘ J IhO'ing g p urliést cou‘vi U990! Town. 0‘ lute um ; bufiqg filled t. d.!:‘ ma nage‘ corent Acct-10x SA How hard i All urn Town. in.

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