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Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Feb 1898, p. 3

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nations in the â€"‘ Hence. 'he Prefect prun a font this army, 0' L29 forces of ‘ us: V\ 017190. most 0! th mix-(ls. or "3191”“?! a \no {in arm 088 \- DH I V KIVE [X BRITAIN. 'ON 11168 rfnot um- put, Westâ€"Is it nous-fl! 2’! 111 this sectiun? \fil. that depends. WW3 It ha! been mod 3 :3.“ Id tba injuries 01 para“? thr» band showed. In foun'i in the river - q; hut the grolico halt“ a -t indicated nothing. a“ .- ave been eaten out. by“; «r invention of the girl “.3; ,.;.riving a victim of his“ figs after robbing him. Q : the 80198 of his feet m . than he would be mutant 9 [niihf‘rSâ€"OVOD if be in. file. which was not. m urn nf this hand was tho b- ' 'ho end. The police (In. 1 “(HT and closer around lb 'un'h and gradually th ‘rmm ”wan to gin up. “- I~“-na!!v a few dsya ago th .f any inwortance, that o! .u-r" nf Neuilly, was con- -f um 21 music teacher- 11:? NW y'oura boron I g1? in town ’11 b0 r3185. - 4’.“ :1 pianer an' “8“” buurs a day. I 10030. go armed. (‘H FIVILIZATION. 1 fur the theatreâ€"Soft! \‘uu waitim so long. If- "H ‘' has taken mololll’ "v LN ready. I look “3' K i n m l ( >111 consumes ll ~'h’b.\' OF A ROMANCE- n: 4.000.000 gala, of tag. h is’ 1% much 33 is I159" unwe, Nurtb autism!“ em! nta: m d- you k001i? Hung he keeps his oy- “flows. 0f 0‘ -l. too. runs of saying 80!!" tryâ€"[t isn't theâ€"O! :ely hat. I am 80" "mum“! not .1 ml A ustralia mmuwration of I aang _ planned -P!y any resistm twenty-eight y 2's, the. oldest 010:: have to their arm av robberies. not b nrders. \Vith thiald ’Hlind the bars. the a are beginning to 31'? dune more V9.- "WYA aItor dark. BI! feeling of security fur a little apnea. nus: will be done to Hurt a respectuhb . they will be Ola ! aa good, or M- It is: the history fl '4‘ for a century a! hour your sister“ I like the other? mix one is 8 pi.” Ig'ht to MI “I bus im1"leménu“ '3 we“ Duppliod. «thawed tool u.- (‘HARACTER NS'I‘RUMENT :‘h .t man ahead l' i‘HORI'l‘Y. r» :hero's amok. My against tb u.’fi:.‘€. I amok“ It DOIICQM . were h... 22 yea "d deks, carbonized LU um uroucu “van"?- Each sen-tibia is ring shaped. and of a size to Hannah the central. steel tube, whirh is forced into place through these rings by hydraulic pressure. The lec- tiona are held; innimovably together by means of steel rods. which are bolted on cross heads at each: end. The larg- est. and h--_-zwiest part of the gun is the (neutral tube. of tth steel containing the Mr». The simplicity and ingenuity of th s arrangement of steel tube fit- ting into steel. rings of tapering size win he sum :11 uni-e. Whpn the in. net who exp-ands with the heat it is oniv clasped ma clmr in the embrace U of the steel nil-33, which take up the beat. “In case the inner barrel in powder burned or its rifling impaired it can be un-kiy minimal and a new one suppli- ;ed, making prank-ally a new gun. “16 new“ 01 “£5" VJwâ€"wâ€"-_ perm have been seeking an vam for 30 10mg 3 t‘me to prwu're. It was invent- ed by Edwin 1“. Blood, of Chicago. (The most interesting feature a! the gun to those who are not experts in the mutter of the force exerted by exploding powd. metal is that the cannon in con- strufited 'm such small sections that it u "The. pun is constructed in sections of moderate welgiu, each section being made not 0‘! may ‘nuL of roLled steel desks, carlmuzed Lu the desired degree. I . -__l -3 A rings by by tiona are be] means at St! on cross heal eat and hewv neutral tube ' "l‘be vast advawtug'e 'thnia gun p08- avssss is the feature whfich permits it to he quickly knocked down. shipped in St'c'tions of modern/ta weight to any de- sired location, and again quickly 'aa- Srmbled will be readily seen.” (11,133. U111 (H".ln'll‘y interest to thfi Plii'll“ ('«TlUiE'I “(fit)” JUlige Lafc'iltalne my.» main). the faz'tsinéingas follows: F”;- 54,111.: [Aim-i, Emit, one H..i‘i. Mignflr his 1,0311 gum: almut gelling a. pill “Li-ch he rcm'cwnts {wilting thesamo as Dr. \i'iifiuns' Pink Pills. The Dr. \Villizms 31-; .i fine C0. placed the mat- t‘r in the Mn i4 of Detective Haynes. of tins (‘slnnrliun secret Service, who soon l-ml milected sufficient eVi- «heme. towarrunt the arrest of Migner on a i‘nru‘go of obtaining money un'lu‘ {also pretenms.‘ Meantime Mignwr had lvft Ml n1 real, going to St. Juhn, Nil, 011 hi»; arrival in that city he urns 'li, “me placed un'ler arrest and in «ME izil Sent to bring him back b'rv. He was brought before Judge Lilfunluin‘. this morning on two Ulidl‘flk'fl. and pleaded guilty to both. it w .15 lX“’ilLiR-fi out that his offence “as agrave one and left him liable to it {wingthy term of imprisonment. The Q‘Ui‘lnbel fair the 01‘. Williams' Nwli inn (‘0. stated that his clients did not u' h ta {mess for severe punish- mom (ll this time: they only wished to can? llah the fai't that representingan FlllllilllL-ll pill t» he th‘o mm M Dr- \Vili'zrims' link Pills was acrime which lf‘li ilm [n'rpvtl'atfll‘ liable t" 8.10th “Ulrinnnnmxt. On one (”barge the luilgv (non imposed a. aentenw of ten 4:153 with the. optiun of a fine on ten tlhtlzu‘xx zinc! in the other case anon- tv‘nzfo of tw.» (lays in jail without the “M‘ n 01' a fine. li':.l\' \lm'isit‘m l8 liltelltr to have n fnr. A Pedlar Sent to Prison for Repro- senting an imitation Fill to be the same as Dr. Wi$liams’ Pink Pills A Far-Reachidg ’ ecision. W i 00k! Was - round "W of so wonderful I» rem- My “8 NPTV'I‘Uneâ€"nervo-pain cure. No remedy 1'“ thr‘ market uffnrdo such relief for toobhacb‘s, noun-5131:, "3.1 “be“ 78m. Its action in W mat mm 8m" is “imply melon. Wedd ’Oubt V1 iams’ P riminia} The 11* I. 1t ".v ‘- aw- ' 9' ‘1' : effect, as; it seems to establish rim-L. Iv that ciubstituters and uhn sell imitations representing III M 1e " the same as" Dr. Wil- 115' f'in': Pills, are liable under the n zxwzé vo’e, which is in force all xj‘ I'm Dominion, and it will no wt tn :1 vonsiderahle extent. Put an dtu {MR nefarious business. as it i8 "fin! from the tact that than “I‘â€" iams Merlioim: Co use of bringino ’1) LT? AN IMPORTANT CASE xux‘ Momma Co. went to the w of bringing- this man back 50 great a distance I8 St. John hey amend sparing no (5me to t Mté: the public and themselves h cases. ' 8 with an Oscar Gnu' 'QOIIII lieu '0 H'“" m1 L 0 “9‘7““ . max-35mm: :18 LE GUN. 1nd put together again in an gLy abort time, and when ready 11g acrording to the claims of enduusivy powerful charges 3 days, it has been impos- mm. the mm so as to in [l tact that do 1898.â€";X C 3.93 0‘ The Native: Are Noted Trapper: and Hunters. Most of these people are smaller than. their Bakoko and (Mabeya neighbors, but not a141, as the dwarf women, are sometimes married) into these itribes. They deserve the meme dwarf more from the similarity of their habits to the true dwarfs further inland. They live a wandering, Indian-like life, blunt- imgx ll‘hey hum: nets 120 feet long and 3 or 4 feet high; a'mnmber of ‘which they stretch. zu-russ .the bush, and the men, women and children dritve the game into these bets. They are ex- perts im trappixngd too. .They do not stay in one place long enough to plant. so they trade their game to their ag- ricultural neighbors for vegetable food. These Mayebe head anon have a cerâ€" tain kind 0!! ownership over them mtimes furnishing them with pow- dlea‘ and guns and nets and a very list- tlo cloth for thle‘ir game during the time they are in that cmnmumity When (not successful in the hunt they must depend upon the wild plants, nuts, honey, which they know so well how to find. They often have a feast and more often a. famine. fIh-eir sheds are ,‘fmm 15 to 50 feet long. the leaf roof touching the ground am one side and heir; about 41â€"2 feet high on the other side. [When there are large trees the roofs are made of the bark of a tree 4 or 5 feet in die.- meter... which often does not have time to crack and leak before the dwarfs want to more. lUind er these sheds are “the pole beds, supported by forked sticks 4 or 5 imohes from the ground. \There is aspaoe left for a gun, or a. native ax; and no one man is rich enough to possess all of these. They can move all their possessions on fifteen mfimntes notice; may be living here to-day and twenty miles away to- morrow. Three moves do not equal one fire \Vizt‘h them. For amusement a man goes through violent form of exercise, trying to move as many of the muscles of his bodys at one time as possible, the spectators clapping their hands and calling, beat- img on sticks and their drums during the performance. [They seem to the- leieve in one supreme being. who is good and kind, but of course, have no de- finite knowledge of him. They feacr the spirits of the departed, and are said to move at once from a. plane where one of their number died. They fear and try to appease many evil spirits, as three bliiind fonies made blind some night by the agent of this evil spirit as a punishment for some offense. . Miss MacClewn. a lady of Glasgow, has given the funds for the work for these people. It is the purpose to es- tablish a station about ninety miles from the beach, doimg regular. station work with the YMabeyw-speaking peo- ple there, and at the same tame domg everything possible for the speedy ev- angelizatio'n of ithese wandering peo- ple. But the workers are needed. men with good constitutions and {a real love for itineratin'g bush travel. If a. man has a love for plants and insects and birds, so much the better. These " heable to show hima medical property ofsome of the plants Is Canada’s Gmatoat Medicine. Sold by Drug. slats. Price, 81; six for 85. Got. only Hood’s. there is nothing to be seen unless they have a. pot or__borwl, or basket, a net or fire between every two beds. If they have any boxes .or small tin trunks they keep them Hood’s Pills Danvmc, Que., Man Tells 80mg. thing of His Experience. “ It is with much pleasure tLat I tes- tify te the value of the medicine which has caused a remarkable change in my coalition. I was troubled with sleep- lessness and headaches at night. I coulcl not sleep naturally. I had her- rible nightmares and dreams. My sleep- ing hours were to me times of terror. I decided to take Hood’s Sarsaparills. The use of this marvelous preparation soon produced the very best results. My, health is improved in every respect. I am stronger ind sleep bettér. “I: in}; pleased to recommend Hood’s Sarsap- arilla to all sick people as it is the best medicine in the world.” ALEX. MUNRO, Danville, Que. Nightmares and Dreams Filled the . Nights With Terror. Hood’s room-gar: DWARF LIFE IN AFRICA. HID IN THE BUSH. are the only pills to take with Hood’s autumnal-ills. ad 1! no; ggdactor;!0flf cm “A “(Ifi‘m Sarsa- parillav The following little story of how a horse called his driver to work is only another instance of the intelligence of man’s most willing and able helper, the “It is on record that during the‘build- has of the Waterloo bridge, 3 horse called Jack was eruployed to draw atone trucks along a tramway. Near at hand was a beer shop, used by carters and navvies. I Jack's driver, named Tom, was an honest fellow and very kind to Jack. but too fond of spending more time than he ought at the beer shop. Jack, though a restive animal, got accustomed to Tom’s habits and waited patiently till an bverlooker styr‘ted imto activity._ Does not consist in mines alone. Put- nam's Painless Corn Extractor is a boom. It goes might to the root of the trouble-mad acts quickly and painlessly. Beware of substitutes. Tomâ€"So you did not prOpcue Pto that dear girl last night, as you intended to. Ah. my friend, I am afraid you were not fired by the divine spark 0f with LOCAL APPLICATION S. as: they can- pct reach the seat of the dl-cmc. Cata'rh no a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take tutor-cal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is to]:- en ln'crnally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall’s Catarrh Cure i1 not a uack medicine. It was pros cribcd byono n the beat physicians in this country for years, and la angular proscrlpâ€" tiou. It is composed of the bcstronlcs known, combined with the beat blood purifiers. acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two lugredlints in what produces such wonderful results in our- ing Camrl'h. Sand for tostimonl 113, free F. J. (”HENRY 00.. Prat-8., Tolcdo, 0. Sold by Druszgists. price 750. Hall's Family Pills are the best. NVhat i8 a meteor. mamma? W e11, irt's just one of your father’s excuses for staying out late at night. WP0905 Tho Dawson commisslan co.,u""t-0 car. of Vat Marmot and colon. IL, . TORONTO. files, Poultry, Eggshga U'Ufifioi-aity. 1:01am” 50091511150 Ullwu.u Blood, Communion“ Ailments. ' N “Mama Vital Energy. Letters ounfidontiall! answered. i'm"'i'r’€d'\?i'£a1Eueru- l 93 arlton St, Toronto. V OUNG MEN. 1 or profusion. Dickâ€"I was fired by bier father. 75mm. cutting £9999; CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED ,.SPROULBLB: Canada’s Golden Heritage DIDN’T PROPOSE. ASTROI‘TOMICAL‘. . B. A.. (graduatq of Dublin Ireland). “Spfiiallst Chroma A__L2-._.-‘ ‘3‘mA-r..- Liam to On? No batter trad. Write (or particulars. 1]: Yggggghl‘oronto, THEORY WITH Mills. mm a. Halo. Barmm figremmd snoughg marriage one day last week by e cler- gyman in Cleveland. The clergyman noticed tut in eeph case the huubend was tall and the wife short in‘ stature. By inquiring he learned that the com- bined height of the bridegroom was thirty feet, three inches. and that of the brides. . twentyâ€"foul feet. six indies. flute, Sheet-flew, Tile, and cruel Beets-o. Sheet-Motel Ceilings, Terra Cotte Tile. Red. Black and Green Rootl Slete. Motel Cora nioee, Felt, Tar. Roofing itch. Etc. Guttem Downplpes. et.c.. supplied the trade. Telephone 1936. Adelaide a Wldlllcr Ste. TORONTO. â€" HAVE YOU -â€" A PIG WITH TWO TAILS? -llSo,Wun-u W. G. HARRIS" mom. mum. at... - *ORONTO. Ont. '03 cu“ Most wide] Attended in America. For mum-ma Ca ‘ oguo Nth you), Ammuâ€" “WE WANT Y 0 U WK." Intelligent ladies 3nd gentlemen can be up. plied with entoei and very PROFITABLI omgio men . Industry is the meant!“ NEC- ES A Y to secure GOOD REMUNERA TION. Can give the address of repreaonutln who has just cleared 8113 in 21 D AYS, 86 can be mad. risk: AT our own HUME. . L. N CHOLS 8c 00.. 83 Richmond Wat. Tomlin A Specific for Female Complaints, on e true boon to every lady who euflere In the portal-m- enco of nature's eflort. They at once one the sin end mtore natural and heelth notion of tho over on yer eele. For young end deve oping womanhood they excel euy remedy which an be ueod. They ere compounded eolely from the active principlee o! vegetable substence end ere perfect! sate end reliable. m your d [or them, end I he doee not keep them in stock he on procure them for you._ Price $1.00 per Bottle, or 6 for ruinous ROBINSON JOHNSON, r.o.A.. G. DUTHIE 8:. SONS won its re utation entire] on its menu. The choice of all EXPERT RIDERS ' 3 being more trey. speedy am durable, and “ won’t get out of “ IND. " Send your address for "T‘ catalogue. Dealers quoted. memo“ was 00., Limltod, 104 and 160 King St. In, Toronto. * mnwwewowweo a: Goodrich Res-Flex single tube iii. urea" to m 3:5,. ONTARIO BUSINESS 0M LBGI 3|! ”3!! wiptor but PAINLESS PENNYROYAL PILLS Removes Dandruff in One Week. Cures Itching of the Scalp. Prevents Breaking of Hair. Stops Falling Out. POSITIVELY GROWS HAIR. W swonu TESTIMONIAU SENT FR“. .“HAIR PRODUCER OVer 300 are using “7 In Hamilton. OVer 1000 in Toronto alul London. TIRES TO TIE T0-- :‘AMIERINE’N “.00 par Bottle from Enigma. or on receipt of price to a! 00.. W. Tomato. Job Cook Mf’g 00., London, Ont. \ SURE! / i v I - ‘ - By I Prootiool lining Soul-cor ONTAINING truthful inter-motion of Ala-hand its floordoo ( : Tron-um, flow to got to tho Kiondiko. Outfit, Clothoo. Food. Expenooo. How the Gold Oot‘l‘horo. flow to (lot tho Gold. Siberia: Motto“ oi Mining. Lowo oi Condo and tho United states. and Colored Mops ol Alain. noting in oil o complete compondiun ot nocoasory inotmetion for than who no oint to Klondlko. ond voiuoblo emotion for on ot homo. This book will to Kon to ro- o t. ond how to loo-two lining C ti... o a ould study ond hoco o main with th fining Lows of both Soundo and o Unit Stat». Further. you can study tho difleunt method: of lininc. sud how and“ tho cold out of tho growl. You ohouid y tho methods the: nu in Siberia». when tho! hove mined for not: in boson ground. Article- on on thooo LA__ L- -__-_l-_.-..‘ “lâ€"‘-- 30â€"11-6513??? 7513 â€" flown. 60th hlcoll ungrfwlogl Ir. 0 Alaska ond tho “ugh-We“ To torloo. It you wont to be np-to-dm. ho woll lutomod md woll road. You should know tho rd has concerning one of tho [WI-duo- ot both melon: and motor- unog. Got postodon whot thousands who go my. 193,9 The 1131' is none tan awed. Our CATALOGUE explains why tho 5833a? 32";14'633"? Tx"'}i;nced”mn{n' ntinoou. KLOIIIK A. AOLLAB 01’ main: ovarythinc _own. both mam}! 11 is. an; Boon Iowa Flume nexus. 1cm. Bend tot Klondike Klondike Supplies. . .‘ The Wightman Sportlnz Goods ASK YOUR DEALER FOR BURNING OIL. UU "IDEI’UI’W‘ (‘â€" SOON INDO-CEYI. TORONTO. ONT. The Best CANADIAN OIL MANUFACTURED ONLY BY IV'UIW I‘IIIIII moo-canon 1‘84. tithe but In the quthogu-o-m 81.:an BLOC. Bjorn: 3‘ 00.. 403 81'. PAUL 81.. MONTREAL. QUE III) ALL ABOUT IT... Royal Oil 00. «~13

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