West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Feb 1898, p. 7

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m; thatis tin darting“ health. Without it Dy... *3 AND SHOPPING D0“. m Complaints, Sad-h, beam thrive and m. .""q""II .v--_ Ncnsoon" Teak put up . _ yrs as a sample of flu but gush” (“Q SUI“ I lrlli um nifullf illustrated. hare! wxeut flc journal, woek!y.1 six months. Spocimnn K 03 humus sent (red :, OATMEAL. and FEED E SAWMILL n and 13 Front emu I“ now prepared to d of custom work. N we. NATw; mum. MISUR me fur 'n l'lIIUll ~'.‘ *- . 1:1 {DUNN 2' m-rarx" [‘0' t'I-a‘ullw'Y .‘ . (rte-sir a. a 231 or . rtnrna'. fepidoptert “(I o mts. It is pIOpoaod ‘0 fl .mp5 w 1th a globe 000i».a unposition. Tho 1?“ * nd once they tom Vlonsoon” lea. plus W 3:13: sample of tho .â€" Thercfore they “I. ‘5‘ m of the Tea ant! it. Page Local itrrn umaflo. yhe .. \ {,hrunieln" UREA _- â€" MUNN a 00.9 361 Broadway. 30' Y (! ILLS SHINGLESAND LA?" “way 011 had. .- x l. MCKECHN. W mem I, tame“ c1 wool! y . “Pm“ (,c‘mgtn wvw am: free. M of ‘0‘ n all kinds q"O w: T“ .L up BUISTEROUS. Loud! why, it would disturb the MP of a silk hat! 081cc». "t "1 cm) LO ' mm QUEEN, ()RCHARDVIL {WWW “‘"' t ‘ UGH .‘JacKAY, Durham, Land Vain 3 ‘ Mar and Licensed Auccioueor for the Funny of Grey. Sales promptly “tended 0 “1:1 notes cashed. was:maxmc~Middaugh House. Oi‘zicc hour.» 2) mm. to 6 pJu. \\ ul be at the Commercial Hotel. Priceville. first and third \\'u.;nusd:ty.~ :n ouch month. r W Hired. Money to loan at ARRlS'l‘FR. Solicitor. em. OIfice over C L. Grant’s «tore. Lower Town. ' Any amount of money to loan at 5 per cent. on farm property. )UiRISTER, SOLICITOR etc. Office ) Lflpper'lown. Durham Collection and Ag» ncx promptly nttendev‘ to. Stun hes made in, she Reghtry Ufllce. Will be at the Commercial Hotel. Prioevme, first Wednesday in each month. Officezâ€"Flrst. door east. of the 4 nam Pharmacy. Calder's Block. l{esidence.â€"First (1001' was: -f Post Office. Durham. Licentiate of the Royal Coile go of Physicians, Edinburghy Scecland. 0(- {ice and Residence, opposite lemperance Hall, Holstein. Office and Residence a short diets out of McAllister'a Hotel, Lunbaf: Street, Lower Town. Office ha t 12 to 2 o'clock.“ on rem AMEN BRUW'N, {samu- or Matting. I-.'.:*:I.Sc.'4, Durham, Out. A nersl Banking business transact- ed. 8Butts Issued snd collections nude on all points. Deposits received end inâ€" terest allowed at current rstes. Interest showed on Saving: Baa]; do- ponita of .1 and npwnrfia. Prompt attention end every hcnlity word- ed customers .1113 _nt_ n AMnm. 1. A J: I: ls’I‘ERS, S(i>LIClTORS, NU 3.4mm, («M'Lx'szxcu 5.: {5, ETC. magic: Ln gll prjgciqgljoinjajn 0n. I. 1:. LUCAS, )‘IABKDALE. W. H. w I: u; HT, OWEN 5.0an r. A. mus-us, DURHAM. "at-“ “.98 Chihuahua: etc. )' ‘o lend. Money invested for parties Farms bought and sold. "e DR. T. G. HOLT, L. D. 5. U financial basilica-u: transacted. wt' door to Standard Bank. Durham Standard Bank of Canada . A. L. BROW’N, tario, Quebec, â€"Min‘itibs, United. Static and Englind. pita! Authorized . Ld Up . . . . nrvn Fund LMM The maul 14 through imecta G. LEFROY McCAUL. u SAVINGS BANK. Durham Agency. Medical Directory. JAORQON lload olce. Toronto. G. P. REID. Manger. MIESON. Durham. V4631“ D’l'l'eClU'I'y TH BULOGICAL d a tailor’s bill ‘. Not an epistle; J. P. TELFORD. '\ O DENTIST. lowest. rates. Easy terms Numy P-ntit. Ingnranoo Axon 'fluttered a. collect. g It is uncertain where the San Jose “scale originated. It is known to exist 3 in Australia, Chili, tihe United States i and Canada. The first reliable infor- imation that we have of it is that it lwas found. in (the San Jose Valley, rCaliIornia, in 1870. It was at once re- cognized as a serious menace to the fruit-growing interest of the State. The :s-pread of the scale from the point of ioriginal infestation was rapid, its area [increasing in every direction. in 1873 ".t had become a serious pest. In 1880 'Professor Cunistock said it was the most pernicious scale insect known. and that he had never seen any other {species so abundant and so injurious. it was not discovered east of the Rocky Mountains until 1895. Now it thus been found in nearly every state ’and quite extensively distributed in !sozne of them. Trees from New Jersey gnurseries have been the source of the linifestation in the Eastern States and ‘ Canada. four points near Boston. This is of special interest in [View of its being the moat northerly occurrence of the scale. In Talbot county, Maryland. J. H'. Reid‘s orchard of tourtecr} acres, 31â€"th frequent occurrences have been found. _arnong tlggnz lgeing_ moat d}e$ded Of all insect pests, and earnest effort is xpade to prevent its ggttimq a- fqpthold {a} ngw localities. In Prof. P. H. Bolts reports that the orchard whens the scale was first found is now practically killed, less than 5 per cent. of the trees being oliive. The scale is new in Canada, and as we have little experience with it. the opinions of those who have known it for years are valuable. Professor J. M. Aldrion. otldaihp ‘._s_ay:s that it is the 'Tfie source of their imfestation was Japan plum stock imported from the San Jose Valley, California, in 1886 or After dissolving the soap in the wat- er, add the coal oil and stir well for E5 to 10 minutes. .When properly mix- fed, it will adhere to glass without oili- ‘ ness. A syringe or pump will aid muoh tin this work. In using. 'dilute with ifrom 9 to 15 parts of water. Kerosene emulsion may be prepared with sour ,milk, 1 gallon, and coal oil, 2 gallons. | no soap being required. This will [not keep long. For Scale, Bordeaux i mixture according to the Iollowing for- jmulazâ€"Copper Sulphate, 4 lbs, Lime 4 =l.bs., Water 40 galls. It is usual to add ‘the Paris Green to the Bordeaux mix- .ture, thus makinng a combined insecti- icide and fungicide. The first applica- ‘tion should oe made just before the buds begin to swell, the second, just lbeioro the blossoms open, the third Just after the blossoms have fallen, the fourth and. subsequent spraying at in- tervals of. 12 ‘to 14 days, as long as: l there was danger of scale. 75 per cent. ; i of the so-called spraying was not spray- : ‘ 1mg at all, the trees were only drenun-i ied. the spray should be broken like a! 2 tag, and when the sun was shining you I ‘could see a rainbow around the nozzle. I :Dou’t drench the trees,_spray them. 1 Probably the advent of no insect has caused such wide spread alarm in this country, as mas that of the San Jose scale. A great deal of care shduld' be taken in selecting a. pump, the points to be looked to are: 1, Babe of operation. 2, Evenness of distribution. 3, Compactness. 4, Durability. 5, Power. (3, Agitator. A lance should be used to elevate the nozzle into the tree and a double or tri- ple discharge should be used as in this way work could be done much fast-er. THE SAN JOSE SCALE LLHIJH box Masticntory insects, Paris Green : It will pay in the should be used, 1 lb. to 200 gallons of I bulletin published. I water for apples. For suotorial insects, .gmlturtingXperlzmez Kerosene Emulsion should be applied. 11 y, ’ says. 7 . this insect on any c To make kerosene Emulsion take Qcaltmity. and uncox Hard soap, 1-2 pound, or soft soap, 1 qt. 'pu'blip danger that s Boilixng water, soft, 1 gallon. ! getggpotfiumrgr tha Coal oil, 2 gallons. 7 ' m nun A..- -Ifl__ 001'de to the formation of their. ‘ months. I lst. Masticatory insects, such as cats .memiltg.l.1:lort:0vgo%tt: aJmtqst apb it‘ll:- ' bee Does my a u- yexmgms e ”pm”? and. ties. . gscale when Ounce fully entrenched with- 2nd,buctor1ul nnsects, such as hoe and out the destruction of the wood on scales. ' [which it ntmrishes. Otur first mice, The first were treated. by putting : therefore. 18 under any and all circum- Poison on their food. The second were stances ‘50 treated by using some solution which‘GRU-B UP AND BURN INFESTED kLlled by contact. I "‘DDDQ These were diwided into t-wo claéses, ac- cording to the formation of rtlbeir mouths. ‘ lat, Masticatory innsects, such as cat- erpillars and beetles. th hotels wereâ€"a. dash-ace}; By spraying with the the apple. â€" '1'" 'w of results of the different treatments in other localities are conflicting. There appears to be different results in dif- ferent localities from similar treat. ment. Professor L. 0. Howard, of the Unit- ed States Department of Agriculture, Washington. says: “The scale still ex- ists in nurseries and orchards in near- ly all the States..w~here it has been make, .81!!! W30 1' little or no doubt; {of dollars. As to the natural enemies of the scale as already noted, Professor Webster says there are none of any that has been effectual in every case practical service. The only treatment is burning. Whale oil soup solution has failed in some cases. Hydrocyanic acid gas has not been altogether satisfac- tory. Some have reported satisfactory results from the use of pure kerosene. Others have used. it with partial" Buo- cess, but kiéLled nuznbers of their trees.‘ Our experience 18 lumted,‘ and reports 1 1.4.4 , ‘0‘. destroyivng all odeciduous trees and pl_a1_1ots and causxmg a loss of millions M. Orr to imwestigahe. They soon as- certained that it hads been imported on nursery stock from New Jersey, and Mr. Orr wrote to all the nurserymen in Ontario for lists of stock imported from N. J. nurseries during the past 5 years. Many of the trees had been traced and about 20 occurrences of the scale found. Three were principally in- Essex. Kent and Lincoln Counties. Eight or ten trees had been found in 1 stamp out the pest. Although it was thought two years ago that this scale could not exist in tour country and that we «had nothing to fear from it, it now appears that the climatic conditions are favorable. That we are in its life zone is proved by the rapidity with which it has mul- tiplied in infested sections. Not only are our orchards and our vineyards in danger of destruction, but our forests also, except only conifers, pines and cedars. If unchecked there is no ques- tion, but that it would the existénce elf .the San Jose scale at flagara, he sent Prof. Panton and W. lated. Against this most insiduous ipest both nurserymen and fruit grow- ;ers are alike practically helpless isn- idetecting its presence, until it has ceased to be the insignificant atom that it at first appears, and has be- come master. Heretofore orchards and nurseries were considered as the only places in special danger, but recent discoveries of the pest on forest and 'ornamental trees shows that this was a mistake. It has been found on the black walnut, mountain ash, bass-wood, maple, willow, poplar, birch, elm and chestnut. It is usually the case that as we become more familiar with a spe- 0503, more v‘ulerable point is found, or a stage during which it can be man- aged with greater case than at other tunes. It must be confessed that in the case of the San Jose scale, the ibetter we come to be acquainted with Hit. the more we see to fear of its rav- iages. and of the great labor involved in its eradication. No one who has lnot seen the work of this pest where it ’has had full sway can understand its ifearfully destructive nature. If then. i the variety affected: is not satisfactory, for if the trees have passed their best, :or the inner bark has been. discolored, tilt would be far better to end the mat- ter at once, and save expense and trouble by burning the trees. The only scale to be trusted is the dead scale. As far as any practical service is concern- ed from natural enemies, this subject might be dismissed with these words: ‘There are none.’ After making ex- Derirmenlts. there is nothing to indicate that either the fungus or the insect enemies have had, any influence even in holding the pest in check. We have little. if anything, to expect for the present, at least from the aid of ne- tural enemies." ~ SOON OVERle THE COUNTRY. bulletin published. by the Ohio Agri- cultural Experimental Station. dated J uly, 1897, says: “The presence of this insect on any one's premises is a calamity, and uncontrolled becomes a public danger that should not be toler- ‘L-J A E It is at last realized that not only are our ocrherda in danger, but the ex- istence at all decidnms vegetation is threatened. should the pest once he- come distritnrtod generally throughout our forests; for in Uta-at case all hope of its final extinction would be lost Inevitable, even dhould remedial treat- AND BURN IN FESTED TREES. 5373 Expeflmental Station fruit untested with the scale (or the , says: " . . flats in Georgia had hem lfour. or five yeqrs. M’e found Cali» Jose scale. To-day fmmgforma pears .thma season in Toronto: to are aghast at the pros- and Langlon mfegbed with the sale, span: of the scale to de- Wine?! might easily have been com-‘ utter understood." mumcaxed to some tree or plant. trealimed that t 1 T'h" 33.“ J9“ Act recently Passed by ‘3‘ in 51m, 331; 044111132: Ithe Leglslatgye Membly at Ontario ‘ -‘â€"-_:J._ t The latest N. G., J. McKechnie. New Regulauuuu Isum'cl by the ”column-I (Santa-neat. â€"â€"\- 'U 10qu 50c., and should exmfiififié his trees, es- pecially those which are not doing well, Only by co-Operation can this pest be dealt with. ' tested trees. It also provides for com- pensation to the extent of 1-4 the v:- lu_e of the trees. CANADA'S MINING RULES. ever be stamped «mt where m thoroughly established. It 13, e to say t.h_a.t the maimpoesixb it! ma 311mm gunmen patronage, and we are convinced that the new system will merit a continuance of the same We beg to inform our customers and the public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its Equiv- alent, and that our motto will be “Large Sales and Small Profits.” Adopted by Titefistâ€"My wife is just the finest cook on top of ground, she is. .- Mrs. T.'s motherâ€"And I suppose that's the reason you don't think it ne- cessary to hire one, is it? alty of ten per cent. on the gold min- ed shall be levied and collected by Gov- ernment officers .appoionted for the in. â€" v‘_" V‘- any mining claim up tdmt'mr) thousand five hundred dollars, so that claim. that do not produce more will not he lia'ple (o; royalty. authors. Its Local News Is Complete? and market reports accurate. THE JOB : : mm Formica! advertisements 8 cents": line for the first insertion ; 3 Ltuls pi “IE8 . . . line each subsequent tnsemon -mimm m Hessian! cards. not exceeling one inch ‘04.” I!!! mum. Advertisements without speciti All ndvertisements ordered .by strangers must be pain ix in dance. Centred rates fmdy advertisements furnished on ”yuan to the . All advertisements, to ensure insertion in Clifton week, should be brought in not later than Tuawnt M Tu: Cuxomcu wit! be .en: to as adding free of postage. for $0.30 on um o . . o ”supp“: m fianceâ€"Sq.” m b. M if no: to pad. The date to winch even subocriptioo is id is denoted by the numberon 0: m label. go paper silenptmued unti! all men. _- â€"___. “IO... 3‘ m pill. «up: at duopuon bfvihe proprietor. '- nI‘II IHIV I m "aw "PB. thu‘ .[. ‘N‘h‘ “emu“ for turning out Pint-dun Each week an epitome of ch world’s news, articles on the household and farm, and Korma Axn'Puormmn. A GENTLE HINT. by the most populgr ' I: completely stochd with .3

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