West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Feb 1898, p. 9

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Bsur be t THE WAGES 0? n ides: lznk nuts in the ‘ {med :1 Lhina in I“: ”00‘ II '3 P: mak 1px;; that. apart tm‘ “‘ hnwnt Crime does not ~.~ .11»: unumuerate 21 may“ "whats" as the M: uynfir ")U81) termed, ‘1“ th’. (.1 z m) each “awn 0!) gn Lt ”ON' r‘¢ mgr BANK NOTE. I! a: new: one person NY and Lben in ten ’9.” made 3.650 personl W 1 a small town b! 1°" the fund of general "‘3 any state of life fl" "PiAu(L lcmuw. > xukets. the) Ar» th it wealth W1“ m gi.e for the 800‘ u Know. the his” .1121 giveâ€"Trials" I" U’. '1'". PM!!! at ws only in ouIZWOY,‘ [i=1 our best (10108 '. nt.-â€"Jacobi. Arcs in life are the. at putting forth. W suu‘eedr-E. P. “ UP" i temembol‘ pportunbty to 13 guillotined. ed from his c u'seilles until m The jewelry '- n. he was ore tender tbs! , it is the abodo elsgen and two me 3' 1D ail amount to- cr'ummals war! 9d never Siva udence to IE‘ "nan liming i. l secured 84,“ my- Fearing to ' ,le 1:!) Paris, h . are be sold it to )Iadrid and leaned 865 Md ery aw e3 up“ 3rd: of the trimild g- in each in- .» offer an ad- tual work in- Lt. aside inn ",hat must :1- s to he hoped in this light. Hug. one mur" one murder 1'. one murd- Slme. Berlnt ml two 5117.! illon. Sonnet. Frey and Bi- murder ad less: tbex did tunate crim- Iound wen ’alli‘ng to the my and Fran- earned nix- one martin, wh at heal“ 501:“ murders. by . was “rat. expend one 8WD C BYOB )oked ac “'33 on away on 1' “'0le ctr-rented Koenig, woman y with his, mg nation. tut We are still Mive, and con- tinue to reduce prices. (9.1m us a call, and you will be canvinced that we offer you great bargains any «lay. ANOTHER SHIPMENT or MIXED PAINT JUST ARRIVED. Rnttpr Dishes 1 Pickle Jars l Mugs Napkin Rings Salt and Pepper Bottles per bt’ m No.91 00 (‘Ilothes Wring’s 2 00 s2 00 ( arpet Sweepexs Steel Enamel Cream \Vhippers 10c. Horse Singers 30 One dot. Knives _',rnets Chamber Set 1 65 2 UU Hay Knife 90 “ 1 00 Cobblers set with kni‘o, hammer. lasts. awls 3nd two pack’s nails for 80c. former price 31. Five Gallons Canadian Coal Oil 800. IMPLEMENT WAREHUUMS â€" 7 and Forks 81 10 Pin Boiler. cop- Our . . . Winter Goods! Consisting o! a lag. stock of CUT’I‘ERS of the Lstsst Designs and Best flakes. ROBES of all kinds at Prices a- way down. mow ROOMS .. urn-m TOWN. ROOT CUTTERS 3nd :11 Agri- cultunl Implements to be found a CHAS. I°KINNOWS STOVES--â€"A large stock of Mo- Clary’s famous Model Cook- ing Stoves. Fancy Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves, Coal Stoves. etc., at. prices that. will surprise you. NEW Williams Sewing Machines BELL PIANOS gnd Organs. BERLIN ORGANS - A Large Black on hand to pick from at prices lower than over. WAGONS, Buggies, Plows. Har- rows and a. full line of . BLACK. itc UPPER TOWN Sf} 50 former price 8?) 00 for’r price 20c u 50 6‘ ‘l S! ‘6 6‘ 6‘ ‘3 6‘ 6‘ H $1. 0 wéJnHN uvmasmu, Agent, gafamlers -WW XMAS PRESENTS. THE PAGE WIRE “NEE. Farm Machinery that will “Surprise” you. Call at Our Show Room Saturday Cochrane’s 01d Foundry. Lower Town, Du' Next to Bank. Agent for Dominion Express. Best and cheapest wa _v to send money is by Dom. Ex- press ; loney Orders, to all parts of world. In Groceries we WATCH or RING. Watches from $2.50 up. Rings- Solid Gold from 32 up. Also have them set with Diamonds, Opals 81m wan WE at": 1:03 OIL? 10 (71‘s.â€" Take biotinâ€"You yo ”van a choice of one “The Home” 3 of the follovvi uncles and . Lord Lisle’s Bummer. by i . . . . on Crocheting 3M hunting; or What is nicer than a. GOOD and other Gems. WEDDING RINGS in 18 k., 14 k., and 10 k., any price you wish. A Fine Line of Sterling Silver Goods. CLOCKS and SILVERWARE a Full Stock. W. A. MACFARLANE. Who intend Improving theu' falu'ms by removing broken down untidy Fences from around their buildings or along the from. of their Farms would do well to get. particular: about. we have purchased at 'Bottom Prices and ofier for less than regular whoiesale cost. Call and see than. @3ch outs for next 30 days. Before thinking of getting any other kind. Call and see our Different Styles and prices and you will not build any other FENCE. while in Town, where we cab show you a LINE OF JUST [Na A number of Ready-mag? SUITS, (Boys and Men’ 3) which mo hnvn lam-chased at Bottom at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES for Cash or Produce. TWEEDS, OOT‘I‘ONS, co'r'ro; - ADES, FLANNELS, FLANNEL- ETTES, Etc. a Fail Lina of LOWER TOWN Durham . ave a Changeable weather of late; quite a contrast betWeen the first. and sec- ond weeks of Febrnnry. One bitter cold, the Other mild and thawing. The coming elections are as yet quiet, udne of the candidates having put. in an appearance around our burg. Anxiety will prevail throughout the province for a couple of weeks. Death has again visited our neigh- borhood, this time claiming for its victim. Mrs. Frank Prylo, syoung woman in the prime of life, taken away from a kind husband and three smsll children. Her remains were followed by a large concourse of friends and neighbors to the R. C. cemetery at. Dornoch for interment. Much sympathy is being felt for Mr. Pryle, in this his timooi nfllictiona Mr. Wm. Williamson has been seriously ill and confined to the house for over two months, but is slowly improving of late. Mr. Wm. Ritchie and man have been hustling things around here for over a month, putting down material for a barn and dwelling to be erected next summer on his brother John‘s place. Mr. R. on arriving home will scarcely find time to enjoy his own fireside, when he will have to should- er the assessor’s bag and take the road for another six weeks. Mrs. Wm. Charter of Winnipeg it expected down this week to visit hor brother, Mr. 000. Lamb, and other ralativea and friends. Severe colds (menu the children have leen quite prevalam of late and effect the schoel attendance. Mr. James Goodwin has lately put- chased from Mr. John Hunt. what is known as his swamp lot, being Lot 12, con; 12 Glenelg. Now Jim will have lets of winter work to keep him on the move. Mr. Richard English is busy pre- paring to erect a fine veneered res:- dence next. summer. We take great pleasure in congratu' lating your 'l‘raverston scribe over the young arrival who came to his residence to stay for a time, claiming board and lodging from his hand. The Garrick farm, which has been under the care of Mr. Geo. Lamb for a number of years, has been leased to 5" r. John McLean of Sydenham Tp. for a. term of five years. The Foresters entertained their wives at their annual oyster supper, in their Lodge room, on Wednesday evening of last week. After refresh- ments. parlor games were heartily engaged in, a pleasing program was rendered and altogether an evening of much social enjoyment was spent. Mr. J. M. Davis. Patron candidate aired his pOIlthIl views, at a meeting called by him in the Town Hall here, on Tuesday evening last week. Mr. Wm. Taylor of this place has bought out the McAuley livery busi- ness of Flesherton Station. Roy’s Muhan of this place and Scott of Corbetton exchanged pulp?“ cn Sabbath last; Dr. Christoe occupied the Baptist pulpit here. Mrs. Gjerdrum has purchaeed from the executors of the estate of the! late Mrs. W'm. Wright, the home occupied by her on 'I‘orontoostreet. Mr. N. Williemeon, formerly in the employ of M. Richerdeon 00.. but. recently in Toronto peid Mr. Richardeon end family e flying vieit lest. week, before leaving to teke e good sitnetion in Seettle. Mr. Price Teeter is repreeenting the A. O. U. \V. Lodge here. at the Grend Lodge meeting or Toronto this week. Miss Maggie Wico of Wsltors Falls is spending stow weeks with Mrs. Wm. Clayton. Mr, D. Clsyznn of Collingwood paid his parents sad the I. O. O. F. Lodge here, a visit on Tuesday evening of last week. “ Mesa'rs. W. A. Armstrong and R. Pcdlar were in Owen Sound a. day or SD 138‘ “'33k, . Miss Christoe spent. Friday even- mg at Eugenia, accompanist to Mr. Piggou. of Toronto at. the Orange entertammeut. Mr. and Mrs. Barnhouse were call- ed to Toronto one day last. week to see the letter”: mother. who is very 111, Mr. Barnhouae returned home on Monday. Rev: B. Leiteh of Greenbank, Mrs. Button of Niagara. Falls, Mrs. Moore of Owen Sound, and Mrs. bedside of flieir mother, Mrs. '1‘ Loitoh, whq “firm, of writing is Pills: Cured Without the Use of Knife by Dr. Chase. Iwu trail?! for yours with Piles and hid anything. I could buy without 31 benefit. soul I tnad Dr. Chm’s Ointmst. The result In marvellous. Two boxes 0*. My aunt! no. " “calving ' > not. eXpocted to live. GLASCOTT. FLESHERTON . H 0.0 0â€"0 Ameeting in the interest of the Reform candidate, Mr. Morgan, was held in the Latona School House on Tuesday evening the 15th. and Mr. A. B. McCallum endeavored to cheer and redeem past recollections to his party friends. Mr. Hunt is at present moving his extensive stock to his new premises across the street. This new struct- ure when completed will be A. l. in every department and reflects much Credit on the proprietor. Dr. McIntosh left recently to take charge of his practice in Hapeville. The Dr. is clever in every respect and will undoubtedly meet with succecs. Quite s. sensation was caused in churchhill educational department Saturdsy evening by the islling ol the gasoline pipes. With the excep- tion of at low scalp wounds no one was seriously injured. Mr. G. O. Corlett spent a. portion of last. week in the County Town. Mr. J amen Lester Spent. a. pleasant evening recently in the Valley. - iMr. Ed. Shew'ell and Ed. Sullivan are becoming profusion“: on the skates. We greatly sympathize with our brother scribe at Welbeclt whose general health is not the best at pres- ent and last week it was necessary to have the presence of a practical nurse, who will, we trust, cause his speedy recovery. _ The village umbrella brigade took advantage of the unpleasant rain on Pride evening and as a csravani glide out of the village the chime of the bells and the roar of the thunder, as the cheery maidens bid farewell to their dear ones and huddled closely under the shelter of their McIntoshes and curley furs. It was s grand scene which will. linger long in the memory of our peaceful citizens. In the evening the company was enter- ,teined at the home of Mr. McCallum, {of Bentinck. Never before in this division of South Grey has the Consertatives been so united and so determined to{ win as they are in this contest. Dr. ; Iamieson is proving a strong man and he has the undivided support of the Conservatives from one end of the riding to the other the Doctor’s friends have gone into the contest in earnest and inclinations are strong that the Opposing candidates will be snowed under. It is true that this was one cf Mr. McNichol’s strong holds in the last Provincial election. but those cheering accounts are only past recollections and the rally now is in favor of Dr. Jamieson who will DORNOCH. ‘ be found at the had of £110 polo tad ' ' that with o. substantisl majority. 1 Mrs. Alexander Hamilton 0! Da- ‘kota, who is home visiting her par- ‘ents and other friends around Hol- stein, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. {1). Hamilton for a. few days. Mr. John McFadden’s sale was u huge success, a very large crowd be- ing pveseut. Tho cows went from 830 £08“) per heal, and the other stock accordingly. A successful wood bee was given to Mr. David Hamilton on Thursday. We don’t say they broke the record of any other wood bees, end we do not think they will, for they do not bosst about their work, sud do no; expect others to bosst_ for_them. * Sir. nod Mn. Dnvid Allen of E01- otein, cnd the farmer’s mother were visiting friends on the 20th con. last, week. A very huppy event took piece a; the residence at Mr. John Scott. on Wednesday of last. \yeek at‘six o’clock p. m., when Mr. Wm. Setter was united in wedlock to Miss Ellen Scott. The groom was Iupported by Mr. J. Latin, while the bride wusupportcd by her sister, Miss Mary Scott. The knot wee tied by the Rev. Mr. Gunp- bell, pnetor of Dromcre Presbyterieu church. We wish the happy couple 3 very prosperous future. Nothing equal to it for cloning the head and cicansing the sir passages. Gives instant relief for cold in the head. Cures incipient Catarrh in a. few (1%)"; Chronic Catarrh in one to three month A. specific for Hay Fever. MR. JAS. 8PENCE.CLAW.OI1I.. writes: “ I had been . macro: from Csmrrh {or 15 yeu's. I ui M lot. of money and tried sever-3 0cm. .100 303“]: Speculum .1 .ondon. Out. At in: I wu din-occur. bv tho ode uni-omens: and mum mink I rad to try Dr. Chuo‘n Cumin Cure. I used 3 bozo-s. sad . oomph“ out. was enacted." Price. complete with blower. 15 cu. Boll ”mandamundeuo-tah Taco-w. 00L. LAKE VIEW,

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