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Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Feb 1898, p. 12

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3nd Del" with CDS‘ W9? it h nai thev pm tho his. Ibo plot tea alo hm Bl' 3i) ‘1". mi 'tb HI [a ' ‘ ( L Grant ()UAnd R COURSES ARE PRACTICAL are offered to the public with « 2 ifidence that the instruction is thorough dthn best to be obtainedin this country. {Individual instruction: Students can enter at any time. Circulars Free. w. J. Bniiiii, Principal. We have on hand .A few pieces of Dress Goods which it would be to your benefit to call and price as Talk About Ready Made Clothing We never had better value for the money than What we are now offering. Have you seen our Linen Towels. They are nice ones. About a Dozen Ladies Jack- ets left. You know what that means ? Farm Implements and; Machinery. Noxon's Binders. Mowers, Drills, Spring Tooth Barrows. best in the in the market. Guards, Sections, etc” for all kinds of machines. Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. i Money to loan on farm preperty at‘ lowest rates. Conveyancing, Leases. \Vills, Mort- ‘ages, etc.. drawn up on short Otice. Horses bought and sold. Waterloo Threshers for sale at. ware- rooms. Patronage solicited. Qrders for Sales may be left at Tm: Cunoxlcu Orr-102. Upper 1‘0??sz fig rGAALN FAI my mafia-5:33;" Ilch a. wh eothey how‘s Inning t'o lapel and my me a tone FY01: an sure I do «moor “ "the co‘uhuy over a" “'3‘“I3 beve ee 0‘ in Central Ileh I. whe eghey We bought first-clan Inning daggto 10mm on long time and my mym‘e 0 on wnt to Own QIO‘Q 7 You pen sure, do it. We one: you [0.000 acres tachooee rem. Come and look nods over, We saute-austection Full panic. Liars mulled free. Write 8. II. BOILAN I). Manager Lend Dept . 1mm .1: c. . may, list. ‘A‘n FAR MS :0 ‘12 $101123 :0 Loan at- 5 and 5% per cent; on Good Seem-in. LT'SUR \NCE Pxompth Attended to. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. L933: Town Implement “'arei‘ooms. Cash Store, lower Town. C. '1‘. ORCHARD, A. Full Supply of CUTTBRS and SLELGLHS‘ at ij‘icesx th‘at' will ' équriso‘you. V 553$ y,“ oi = 3T0 VES -â€" Cooking Staves, Box ‘ Stoves and Coal Stoves. ROBES of all descripfiggg. RQQT PULPEBTSAQCH £0. I carry the Largest Stock of SEWING MACHINES and OR. GANS in Town and all away down in price. GOODS. STRATFORD. ONT. W.» CALDER, â€" â€"\ v â€"â€"-â€" {w21,' ' “"157 $larp’ 8 old Stand. â€"Licensed Auctioneer. Agent for ‘ahw- Agent Sheriff Moore of Owen Sound, writes to Mr David McNichol M. R? saying that the sittings of the High Court of Justice, advertised to be held for this county on the 28th inst, will be adjourned till the 7th of March, to permit of Jurors, witness. es, and others exercising their right to vote at the coming provincial elections. MCNAB-In Glenelg, on Saturday, Feb. 12. Jas. McNab aged about 84 years. SHARMANâ€"-ln Bentiuck, on the 12th Feb. Mayx Ann. wife of M12630. Shar- ‘ 11.--...) I .- fan: the Hanover Canveyancer, offers for sale 100 farms. and other proper- ties for sale. or exchange at rock bottom prices, among them: Tho “ Teasdale ” Farmâ€"Lot 30, Con. 2, W. G.R., Bentinck. 100 acres. Tho“Hall” Farmâ€"lat and 2nd Divisions Lot 1. W.G.R.. Bentinck. 100 acres. Lots '2 and 3. Con 13, blenelg. 203cm. Pnopnn'rms of all kinds sold or exchanged. NOTES and ACCOUNTS collected on commis- aion. DEEDS, MORTGAGES and other writings carefully prepared. ALL BpSINESS promptly gttenrlod toEin the quietest and most confidentnal manner. address n-- v -' ’v- v 1 application for loans on good farm properties at 570 interest, pa able half yearly or yearly as desired. easouable terms of repayment to suit borrowers. Ap- ply to Oct. 4th, 5m on :ionday A PEDIG REED BERKSHIRE BOAR at Lot 15, Gun. 2. Egremont. Bred at the Model Farm. Nov. 17th, tf. S. '1‘. ORCHARD... [j GEORGE, registered pedigrgeswbrgd by W. J. Shephardsou, Walter}; Fahs, Out. Second owner, A. and J. Sealey, Bunegsan, Out. Terms, two for snou _ CHAS. GRAY. J)», Nov. 16. 3m Lot-3, con. ‘Z.«Egremont. AGfiNTS “THE BEST LIFE OF ER MAJESTY I HAVE SEEN." xyritqg Lorgl ngrne about 2‘ Queen Victoria.” 1 I. W'r'i-‘in ' Six hours daily'for six days a week, amiwi‘ I be content with ten dollars weekly, address NEW IDEA 00., TORONT). A" gents wmake five dollars dmlv BRADLEY G ARRE' l‘SON COMPANY I ‘n...â€"--- r- mhnlxfit GENTS “KLONDYKE GOLD A FIELDS. A large cheap valuable book. selling likea whirlwind. Beautiful prospectus twentv-fi ve cents. Books on time. BRADLEY-GARRETSON COMPANY. ,__ LIMI'pBD, Toaox'ro. GENTS “GLIMPSES OF THE . UNSEEN." Fascinating book. Sweeps the entire field. of horde land sub. jects. Everybody urders. larvellous illustrations. Pruspectns $1. He is Lending Money. Gt 5 per cent. easy terms, cost: light. Glenelg, on or about the 20th of August last. One Ewe. The uwner may have her by proving property and paying ex uses. JOHN MU RISON. AME TO THE PREMISES OF _/ John Morrison. Lot 3:}. Cap. 3. N. D. R. I) ELG, contaimng 100 acres. about 70 news cleared. 9 acres fall wheat sown: seven milas from Durham: convenient to Church and Scl1ou.:Frran1e House; l'rame Stable: Log Ham; Well Watered Small Orchard. Will rem 01 sell 011 easy terms to the right ma11.l_“0r further partiutlars, apply on the pr emisg to \V. N. MCDQMLD_ 1 Grey. including a valuable wate: powar, brick dwelling and many elegiLle building luts will be sold in one or mnre lots. Also lot No. 60. ,con.. 2. W. G. i .l‘ownship of, baitinck, 100 germ}. adjoining Ppwn plot Durham. ’ ‘ .Mort-gagea. taken for part purchase money. Appsy to AA A 1 __ ____ \'G ()N YE ARLY SALARIES \H‘CQTT C()\IPANY, TORONTO })EING LOT No. 19, Con. 2, GLEN BIA} containing 100 acnes about 70 BRADLEY-GARRETSOX COMPANY Limficn, TORONTO. HAVE been instructed to. rpcgive 01‘“. ‘21:“. 18%. For Sale or To Rent. J an. 27th. ERKSHIRE BOAR, ROYAL N the Town of‘ Durham. County of Money to Loan. but it is already decided that EN AND WOMEN WHO CAN WORK HARD.‘ TALKING ANp FEW GOOD MEN FOR CAN EHB EDGE PROPERTY. . LEF ROY McCAUL, Barrister, Lower Town, Durham. For Service will be called to .. MILLER, Wanted. H- H. MILLER Strayedp For Sale DIED. mefiéfl vat ‘Lstont LIMITED. Touch 0 ’ 9 VII Ufiux‘s‘l Rocky Saugeon P. O Edge Himâ€"PI c. Bunessan P. O. At the Morgan meeting st. Bunes- san on Wednesday of last week very good speeches were made by Messrs. Binnie and J.McKechnie. MLLaidlaw spoke for Dr. Jamiesonand Mr.Young did very well for Mr. I‘JcNichol. The following lines handed us as we were leaving the school house gives all ex- cept. two addresses. These our re- nnuf- 5 THE Coxcrm'r. Some learned Liherals from our town Went out to shine in speech. To tell the Farmers how to vote. And farmers’ sons to teach. At old Rob-Bo their chargers stood. And six g Grits. and true. Got out and entered Learning Ball Their speaking to pursue. John A. the chair was asked to take. J. D. was called to speak. And told us of a surplus large And tall as old Pikes Peak. Be praised A. 8. and Harcourt too. And plagiarist. Geo. Ross; . Condemned the fellows who would think Of changing his “ Grit boss.” A farmer. You , but brave came next. He spoke out end and bold To show that Patrons taught us how To save our precious go d. He talked of salt at eighty five; Coal ml at fifteen cents. And thou ht that every farmer there. Would s ow his common sense By voting straifiht for farmer Dave. Our present . . P. P.. But not a word of railroad “ pass " Or "tenders" once spoke he. A voice was heard from near the door, When he said “garnishee.” And standing straight upon his feet Was legal riend . C. An answer he was bound to have; lie stood up straight and strong. Till chairman. John rose up and said : “Your chance will come ere long)“ The law was laid. and next Laid-law, Brave as a lion. bold. Came out and faced thehttle crowd And truth be plainly told. Of squandered surpluses he spoke Of Licensee and such. The Tnnber Question slightly touched. But for J. I). too much. The Healers. who the jobs did boss. Received much higher . Then all themen who_didp‘t‘lÂ¥o work _ Mn. Wm. Porter and Mrs. James. Bell of Hopworth ago iii-sizing {tion39 in this vicinity. Mr. '1‘. Bailey Opened his 1898 son- sou in threshing clover for Mr. John Brown. - Mr. Mow: 130111.131} has,_.purchand the propexty now Owned by Mr. H. tMchunland, the purchase price be- ing $1300. - “£13666 the heat of day. Convincing speech conviction brought, And all went home ere long, “Put Hardy out and Whitney in,” They sang both loud and strong. To say his "little piece” out loud. AJghn A. pallet; on J. C. k .d n strutting 1 ea peacoc pron, Stepped forth our LL,_U. . He tried to “roagt” the f‘corn cure” man The orator from town. Who spoke for “Doc? and Whitney too And 'fmid applause gent “down. An evil “spirit” thenâ€"did take Possession of his hoa'di' But when on figures he got mixed, Hg. fined the crowd and ‘saidl: ”The truth 111th11, snre‘as I livp I’ll not lead ~you astray ” But ere his story was hell told “Time’s upf’, called out John A. And sto. ping down into the pit, Tom awrenc'o cried, “Well done” And Secretary Jim was pleased And laughed at all the fun. And now three cheers for Good Queen Vic, We’ll all give ’fore we go. But one cheered louder than the rest, And closed the Rob-Roy Show. A number of our band boys drovq over to Ayton on Friday night 19.5: to assist Mr. H. Driscoll in his phonographic concert. A social evening was spent at Mr. All Redford’l on Friday night last. All enjoyed themselves in tripping the light. fantastic. Musicwas sup- plied bv the Adlam Bros. Where was Jack when the team ran off and lost his blankets? A pie social will be held here on Friday evening neXt, as a. supple» menu to the summer picnic. Miss M. McFadden of Egrempnt is visiting her sistu, Mrs. John Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. '1‘. Bailey are guests of Mr. and Mrs. '1‘. Brigham. Mr. Mc\lahan 15 appointed assessor for the township of Béntinck at. a salary of 880. The Morgan meeting on Friday last was very poorly attended. ‘.Mise Meredith of Durham is the guest of her sister, Miss Gertrude Aeredith. Ayonng daughter arrived at .1ome of Mr. Geo, Schram one last. week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barber of the Corner: viuired friends around hare one day last nook. Miss Tilly Brown left last week for Fergus, where she intends to remain for some time, Jack will Juel rather lonely,'gbut. 110er mind lack, there’s a. 9;de timepbming. Mr. Thos. Kennedy is in Hopworth visiting friends. AROUND TOWN. ALLAN PARK. ORCHARDVILLE. -FA!X~. the day ‘ Mr. Frank Adams of Dromore, evi- dently has not forgotten that there is at least one nice girl out here, as he makes frequent trips in this direction. Mr. C. L. Grant of Durham made a business trip to our village one day last week. Miss Mary Calvert is visiting Mt. Forest. friends at. present. Jim talks of going West in the spring. but we think he has been goo ing west all winter. The Durham Orchestra intended holding at concert in the schoolhouse last Friday evening. but the weather being unfavorable, they did not up- pesr. This is the second disappoint- ment, but try again boys. Mr. and Mrs. Thomss Paul of Orsngeville were the guests of the farmer's brothers, Messrs. Thomss and Henry Csldwell. Grumman»: :-â€"The general elections which have been recently announced will doubtless interfere with the work of the Farmers’ Institutes. l begto call your at- tention to the following clauses of the Act and Rules overniug Farmer? Ins'itutes. and respect ully request that you will do all in vour power to have these clnuses faith- fully carried out whenever meetings are held in your district. All political discus- sions and all refereqeeqto livelitical topics either directly or unit ect y, should be stadiously evonded at all Institute meetings. The Farmers' Instltu nre.nourpelitienl in the strictest» sense 0 "the word. Please ,see clause ‘35 of the Act and Rules, which , reads as follows :7“ No subject shall be pre- 1 sented at an Institute meeting or discussion p allowedtpi'fepoliticebor sectarian nature: 1. _|l____-J 3-- 1.2.. a..v"w. VI; w‘rvu-vâ€"wâ€" .â€" nor shall any speaker be allowed in his lecture. essay, or speech. or in any discus- sion, to adlyertise wires or schemes m which he has: direct or indirect flRiccuniary inter est. The delegates anio cens of the In- stitute shall see that theaexcrcises are not subordinaited to my low or...fnixolmls enter- tainm ntai; or to the .mgrandi‘zement of any indiyi .ua gzperty, or sect.” The attention of Delegates is called to clause 7 of the Rules Governing ‘Delega‘tes. VI-“UV U V- vvvv â€"vvv â€"â€""Long a eches, or those calculated to advertise t 0 property of the speaker. are contrary to the rules governinfi’ Institutes. Party lit} in any fog-m aha be avoided pages“; ngpea or yyhonpag-qn luqtitute work. I AI- T130 chairman of each delegation and the officers of each lustitpto are expected to see that nothing of ,tbitkind occurs. [astute speatkers aye expected to teach agriculture. nothing else.” Delegates are urgently requested not to discuss litical questions or politics in any form be ore or after the meetings. It is not even necessary or desirable for a delegate to make known his other political allewi- ance. ltis very desimlie to make the n- stitute system of value alike to all classes without any regard to politics. The attention of Secretaries is called to clause 50 of the Act and Rules, which reads, “ The Secretaries shall, when possible, reâ€" tain the manuscript of all papers read at meetings of the Institute by local talent, in FARMERS SURPRISES IN 7 BINDERWEAR’ Don’t-Jose sight ofâ€"the fact that if you want an OVERCOAT you can save money on it by buy- inggNow. H. W. MMLER. We’ve done well with underwear this year. So well that we are quite contented that you should take the balance at cost. At our regular prices these goods were, the best value we .ever had. At Cost they’re a snap for you. For Cash or Value. 500. line, three kinds, 43c. or per suit Men’s Shirts and Drawers, fancy striped Merino underwear, regular 90c. - - Men’s Shirts and Drawers, best quality, Scotch knit,lPrice $1.00,; for - Beystamb’s-WOOI Shirts and Drawers, 3 sizes, were 40, 45 500., Now 30, 35 Men’s Dragon's only, were 40c. a pair, â€"-- 300. Men’s Shirts and Drawe our famous A . rs, Clearing, Sale. ”QQQva Week order that he way. when required, furniq. the Superintendent with the same. Eng, Institute is requested to forward at mm m.“ such pars each year, which may in. Duh- lish M the Superintendent decides. Sec. returies or essayistu are net required tn r0. write pupa“ before sending them m u... Superintendent; forward them as Wad at local meeiiugu.". Secretaries My» huw nu. yet cmnpiia With this reguhitmu are re spectfully requested to do so at their mun”, convenience. NOTlCl-I.â€"At the urgent roqcm-t nf INS“ mtg workers in all parts of the l’rmim-o. iv. has been decided to cancel all "limilug. which were to have been held after a“. 19th of February. Therefore delegatfls we re. quested to cause Work and return In ”.05, homes at the close of the meetium m h held Saturday. Februerx 19m. 1898. In dimim where meetings. which are now admnim‘ are cancelled. and the local ofiicm‘u wish in hold sail meetim after the 2nd of March. if the secrenry will inform pm at ”nee when end where his [instigate desires to lluld moot. ' I will do ell army power to .SUDDIy‘ F. W. "Ohms, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Feb. 5“,, 080A! m BALE.~Second hand. in fin»: clus audition. Apply to Jan. H. (hnm‘ Durban. 3 Very truly. 750. \'()I1U Dr. Sm with an ac Nerf American THOUgh a 0!] CC family of grow we extend our l{l‘e little under H reached l1 and were nesday, in der such distressed sympathy Pub]! stove kl Sht wn Ill th good Co Record. mom . bu North Uak. to lemain f E'9‘1‘d,lud i {“de frou awn) “(NJ md otm utlma he na me of iews-Recmd Mr. \V. J. ‘4 IRS I“. dc arriste "3' (To IPSIH “aves c wristcr lausen ; )9. \VP SI init)‘ [OCH rm U t! l( he I HAN he TOH' Ithsin the hex him 1 i! a most dn'c do \\ i RI mm) INS ue H “'PI'Q Eaves Slortl l'( L()('.- th of \\ will OI] -0 \U In t8! :1 D01 U'Pfltl 1881‘ alcou SIV( 01H [HIS ll 11a! ll U villi 8| M [N ULIJ 1e W

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