West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Feb 1898, p. 9

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r at a 1:») a! Pallyâ€"II; M“ Him In!» Illa. Favour. -»':.:r: In 1115' X90918 may hgn ..._ ('till‘es 0f the aged North mar handing a pick-u. to ’ 9 of “3183 on the 000% ‘~ 3' mm to the Earl 01 Du~ iner in question. being (.5. h man. “ho. when the Pm“. . raf'Ul : ia'I. had Visited 3 my“. .Um“ my! shown his Royal M . us-srzuocs OFFER randzzmtt.o-râ€"(_) Th m“! Tum! .' can 3' :; bear to be an the ting! M’ mint!“ 30ma+â€"Why, ‘vause I of 1'. urse? If you want u put. you inc!» just $9 condétinn a; I am in ” d013- CE AND THE PIflK ts” Brunoâ€"Dr. B)!” In L-iI‘uLIy ardent mindcd- Lrs'. Jonesâ€"Indeed? Lrs. Brawnâ€"Yea; WIND 3 ad his advice about her II baby be acid ho a it 330d to ti“ O L TO AN INTERESTING “In. INCIDENT. ‘ €11 FORCE OF HABIT- ate pick (‘081 With th‘t. "f" :, yet there is 3.“ nvitlent which ha u. any publicity, but u s, Leing placed on rm \ characteristic of a. the miner. )urnam presented “0 1e Prince on tho m, in north just W. nformed the Heir ‘, miner had hogan, t forty years remind .8 pick Wlth WhiC‘ .h ~ked coal for an ha .hat in particular a «t had offered him a for the tool, which Cd- his being a labouring (-h the reverse of rich, en D6 "om teuow mo" K'lfi tel bv his “1"“. _- u '1.) the roan; W23“ '= Prince to 13 1 rung guns. riÂ¥103 :1 \V here the [net ; an )V did at U rviency 1 lemon honor .L uwept anything med Collins. “Ill“ re in order to on» mce as a prmt. 1y too glad if ya: mm condescend to nan :. " and 1 II nnot afford to W n that offered by veaâ€" HE PRINCE uy that pick,” u: making the old 101- ban 1. ” and I II 0111 min” tom > royal “bu.“ csts b01118 9 - It‘s. Prince _ “Pd 01 v erton statifl. n ho, after 9” Princess and w the royal ”It” rraon t0 3 M ' exclaimed“. our gift. K009 1 will send ‘0! e 388 .wn." r the old minor sed to " Hem Lt. General Sir .-n commanded 10885 of “‘1‘ at dinner at u!‘ likewise ei- und directions the bottom at Prince's ore-t. Prince's hm namely - Ear M. SHO W ROOM 3 4. BLACK. Iii O 'xltux' t1 Implements t0 1 {u nu! at, CHAS. MCKINMN’S agd Axes, 12:11 we are. selling close wast. ' “11 is stock can’t 1111111 in any 0the1 1.1 this pint Of the ELEMENT WAREHDUMS will surprise you: X FEW Williams Sewing Machines BELL PIANOS and Organs. \\'.\(’5(‘).\'S'. Buggies, Plows, Har- rows and a full line of III;LI.\'_ ORGANSâ€" A Large H) HHS -.-\ large stock of Mo ('luxjx’s famous Model Cook- ing Stoves. Fancy Parlor Stove-s, Box Stoves. Coal Stan's. etc., at prices that lwr Set â€" 1. 65 ml Gout Robe 7. 75 (Mlluns Canadian Coal Nil 800. I‘ ’I‘ITRS of the Latest Designs .md Best Makes. 11;: 0! a large W VI’PI‘IR TOWN ntx'V Dim» ml Di 41191110111: 0t soft-WP] .:1i(l;vVhiDSJ.'~15t[ ay :wk on hand to pick from [macs lower than ever. riru‘olo weather for 3;: in the woods is ml to continue for no we have secured Fresh Supply of I l l l‘ (WK UU 'iu Boiler, .x'lwl' button], $1.00 lzlmcl chum- a“, .r all kinds at Prices down. U11!) ,. -â€"- UPPER TOWN. vn! stock of and all Agri- W) 10 4c. to be All at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES Cash or Produce. Ill Grocerhs we have a (‘nmnlnte Assortment of Teas, Special cuts for next 30 days. THE PAGE WIRE PE Lower Town, ail emu; Show Roam Saturday Blmhmg. . Get full particulars and on )y of “Setflm's’ Index” and “Klumlike am{ Yukon (3.ch Finlds” than any Canadian Pacific Railway Agent, or U. E. McI’UERSUN. A. U. 1’. \ A ‘Q‘ Is via Canmiian Pacific Railway. L(}\VES'I‘ RATES. l’.-\S'1‘ES'1‘ TIME. ONLY THRUUUTI SERVICE. 5% TOURIST CARS m KLONDEKE AND YUKON GOLD FIELDS A ii Bazaadéa Pas-fingers travelling without should leave Taurus) 12:30 p. m. : T HE ON LY 3:?- 35337033 1213‘ 11.3 83‘439531‘4 5338513113381 \V iii 19mm. Toronto 9.001). 1n. (3' '1" ’{CS’UAY during MARCH :11 .»\Pi{1L.(px'ovided sufficient businms offers) and run vvâ€""_ Complete Assortment of Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Raisins, Figs. Currants, Spices, Etc. \Ve also keep a Full Line of T WEEDS, COTTON S, COTTON - ADBS, FLANNELS, FLANNEL- ETTES, Etc. ‘ JUST IN, A number of Ready-made SUITS, (Boys and Men’s) which we have purchased at Bottom Prices and offer for less than regular wholesale cost. Call and see them. Before thinking of getting any other kind. Call and see our Different. 313103 and prices and you will not, build any othex 1‘131‘CE. b: 'okeu down untidy Fences hom around their buildings or along the flout of their Fanns would do \\ (:11 to get particulars about while in 'I‘own. where we can Show you a LINE OF Who intend I111p10ving' H1111 f11111» 111' 11111011112 .'. :2" I u ‘ "Ki." '6- «13:9. T'E‘Li RS’ TRAINS Cochrane’s Old Foundry. TO THE HEART OF THE ‘f5:l 5)! I}; 3-K C H \V E E K 'm 'm m .'\CIFIC COAST <MIHPSFALLS ast line Purl 3.0 0..» 5] Biz“ g “Writlm 1t live stock 2:'-i0 p. m. same days. UU p. m.e\e1\ \l A RC H a nd ..... Durham . ". .Yc S for Beware of Cocaine. Tlios. Heys. Analytical chemist. Toronto, says: " I have made on. examination of Ur. Chase's Qatari-h Cure tor Cocaine and any of its compounds from 531m {cs purchased in the open market, and hm none present.” Dr. Chase’s Cawrrh [Cure is a cureâ€"not a drug. Price 25 cents. blower included. A few new home made cutters for sale. Can be seen at the old carriage workshopâ€"R. McFarlane, Sr. P Lowrie. G Belton. J Morrison, W Reeves, R Lamont, W Canlfleld, J McLuclllan, J Leversage, W Jites, J McDougall, G \Voolis, S l’eckover. UGillies, J 18165, H Hunter, J Hum- nlton, W Morrlson, N McArthnr, R Nichol, R Dodds, H Roberts, 1" Coutts, AROSS, J Sinclair, A Me- Ezachern, J Calder, T Watson, R Main, \V Eccles. A Henderson, J Bunston. J l-Iinuks, J Plester, R Aitken, JCampbell, W Adams. P Lotlnan, N Clark, A McDouzall, J McLaughlin. '1' Brown, W Moore, J Scott, J Eccles, J McQueen, W Mc- Meeken, II Dunnec. W McFadden, J \Vhitmore, I) McKelvie, T Hard- grave, J Weir, D McIntyre. W Watson, T Kennedy, E Harri-on. D Allan, Clerk HLmterâ€"McQunen-That By-Law No. 98 be filled up. with the name of James Swzmston as Assessorfialary $60, and read a third time, signed c. Carried. Swaustou was found to have a major- ity of votes, and was declared dulv clwcted. The auditors presented their re- port which was carefully examined by the reeve and council. McInnis~â€"-Ferguson -â€"That the an- ditor’s report as re: d be adopted. and order granted in their favor for $8 each, and that 200 copies of the same he 1)! intcd. Carried. Hunterâ€"Melnnis --That- the tender of C. Rainage, Durham to do the printing {or 1838 at $37 he accepted. Curried. McInnisâ€"«Fergugon -- That By-Law No 98 to appoint an Assessor he now introduced and read a first and second time. Curried. McInnisw-Hunferâ€"That we pro- ceed to elect an Assessor by ballot. The Reeve in the chair. Mr. David Allan, Scl'ntinee)‘. Carried. 0‘! the third ballot, Mr. James M ('Qu een â€"â€"-Ferguson ~Th at By- Law No. 97 as now filled be now read a third time. signed «5130. Mclnnesâ€"McQueenâ€"lliat Mr. Hunter be instructed to examine the sideruad at Lots 5 and 6, con. 6, and make the same passable if cost did not succeed the cost of $10. Carried. McInnesâ€" Hunterâ€"Ji‘liat Commis’r Ferguson meet the Commis’r from Glcnelg TWp . at Gmsby’s pond, and report to this council as some future date. Curried. Mcl'nnis“Fergusonâ€"That James Laughton be paid the sum of $5 {or culverts put in on sidei'oad between Lots 25-6 and con’s 18-9. let, by Mr. Lcith. Balance to be paid when cul- vertis complete. Mr. Leitli’s com. 750. Carried. McInnis--â€"Fergnson Jilin: Mr. Wilder be paid the sum of $91 for board of W. Williams for ll weeks from Nov. 11th 1897 to Fol). 17th 1898. Carried, Hunter â€"MCIllnls ~ -Tlmt By-Luw No. 97 for appointing patliniastea‘s be read a first and second Lime. Counci'i root Feb. 14th, minutes of previous meeting confirmed. Com. Ferguson reported that he had examined Re; ist‘ry O‘ffice. re Treasurer’s ‘s'ureties. and found them satisfactory. Cos: of Search 750. Hunterâ€"McQueen-«That foregoing reports he adopted and that Com. Ferguson be paid 750., cost of search. Carried. Hunte1‘â€"Fei°guson-T'hat Mr. Byre’s report re culvert be laid over for fur- ther consideration, and he to be asked to specify what kind of a cul- vert it was to be and where. Carried. EGR-E MON '1‘ OGUNCIL Carried. auditors presented their re- ICLE, February 24 111 1598. (1‘ lurried u-v. “I A\t "‘Lllk’A. Wilson Meuno Rody. J01111K111111r1:1', \Valter 13111111638. John \Veiiendafl. S1'.Dugal11 McDonald, Archie \Iu- Dougall, Alex. Hopki1k,Alexa111l111 15101111113111111'00112â€"Hen1'y (10' me}, Hemy R1:1ppe11tl1al,C0ns.101111111: Peter Ickler,1’0bert Laidlz11v,S1., John Leeson, John Henderson, Jas. 811113011 Harvey Boyce. Cons. 1:? 111111' 13:~-1)z1vidB:11'1011, Alfred Hoof James \V. Johnston. Cons. 6 and 7: Wm. Dobney, Adam Bauer. John Patterson, Henry Redford, George Redford, \Vm.1“nlton, Malcolm Mc- Eachern Cons. 8 and 9.;---Alex. The following accounts were order- ed to be paid-:â€"-i’oehlman Co $1.5( {or potatoes for James Smith, an int digent; John Peppler, $6.16 grave account; August \Vciidner, $1.7?) re 3 airing bridge con. 5; R. Leslie. $6.50 filling with stone at Me'l‘uvish’: bridge; Brown Bros.; 3?,90 book fox treasurer; J. C. Miller, $6.00 bal- ance on coflin to Adam Dice ; Cheques issued to indigents -for their second quarterly allowance. Jas. Smith 38: and S H. McEwen $12.00. Council adjourned to meet at Allan Park on the 25th of May next as a. Court of Revision. __ ‘. v The Collector was ordered to have 50 notices printed to have 311 1111001- [ecred taxes paid forthwith. On motion J. H. McMahon was ap- pointed Assesssor at a salary of $80. Met in Elmwood on Monday, the 7th inst, at 9 o‘clock a. m. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting regd and passed, BENTINCK COUNCIL. I’ATHMASTE IS. Oppertshnu fooy, John Kollokor, 313, Alexander rGroon. Thou. Ratio, Goo. Sherman, Goo. Fisher. Cons. 14 nod lbz-o Christian Holherg, John A. Grout, Frank Cronin, Oliver McCaslin. Alex. McGregor, Geo. Tolehard. Alexander Crawford. Fred. Last. Jacob Schaef- er, John Scnilling, Frnnu Shewell. Commissioners for Hanover : «alas. H. Adams, Thor. Poehlrnan. John Stone and John Frock. novxn KEEPERS. John McCallu m, Alex. Lexlinghmn, leorge Skene, Andrew Livingstone. l‘hos. Hutton, Wm. \‘Cemlorf, Hugel L‘yerman, Jumps Clark, Jphll Dods- vorth, Andrew Hustle, Henry G cirsel. FENCE VIEWERS. John McLean, Robert. Lmlinglnun, John \V. Smith, MathewCamp-“Hell, Wm. Hunt, James Park. Geo. l’nrvisa lohn Patterson. 'l‘. H. Francis. Wm. Irwin, Robt. Laidlaw, St, Thomas Clerk. _v__" Canadian elocutionists. The addition. :11 advantage of a full year’s training and practice with some of the best elocutionista. in London. England, will place her in the front rank. “'9 feel there is a treat in store for all who go to hear her. WE are pleased to learn that the l O F have secured, for a concert, the services of Miss Annie Richardson of Flesherton, who ranked high. when we last heard her, among ourleading Canadian elocutionists. The addition- al advantage of a full year's tmininu ( hase’s Qatar] 01' its C(ulpc thawed in tn nune preheat. (‘atf‘ 3.3: we 01' t PROF. HEYS M the Ontario School of Che mismy and I’lmzmacy. 8358: “I Lax a wade an examiuaiiou of Dr. A. W. ( hase‘s Catarrh Cure for Cocaine (:1: my of its ccmpounds from samples )1.»- blamed in thg Open market. uni tud Price 25 Cts. Complete with Biowcr. At all (lesion. M Elma-on. Ba; Tul‘UhLO. Ont. !i\‘ '5. {51‘ CART, Woodville. Ont mnvh 'nlevura to testitv .t tlfiâ€"crs of Dr. Chase‘s It. has cl-nzpletely curtd 1: tie head." nrfn NV! AA.

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