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Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Feb 1898, p. 12

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aha plo To alc 01' ha U I. U‘l ‘1‘va ----_ ( And are ofi'erel tn the pubiic with confidence that the instruction is thorough a' d the best to be obtained in this country. individual instruction: Students can enter at any time. , Circulars Free. The reason Why was because he were THE J. D. KING SHOES, Noxon-‘s Binders, Mowers, Drills, Spring 'l‘ooth Barrows, best in the in the market. Guards, Sections. etc., for all kinds of machines. Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. Money to loan on farm preperty at lowest rates. Conveyancing, Leases. Wills, Mort- gages, etc.. drawn up on short netice. Horses bought and sold. Waterloo Threshers for sale at Waive- rooms. Patronage solicited. Orders for Sales may be left at THE (Summons OFFICE. Upper Town, i; 9;: fianARMS saucer-look; n ,it 19 co :‘nu y over suave settled at ( enual gm) "as! payments Do von want to own a hoi‘mc 1' You can surely do it. We ofl'Pr you 10.900 acres to choose from. Come and look Sands ovc-z‘. We amure satisfaction F‘nll martin mars :zmiled frrr. \Vrim S. B. B0“ 31A 3'“. 13:19:53 Land Dept , Wells, Stone 1‘. Co , Saginaw, Mich. Michigan. where they‘llâ€"ave bought first class taming iauds at $5 to_§20 per acre. on_ 19!) g time Aloney to Loan at 53 and .33_. pm cent. on Good .3ecurity. 1531:" » \NL E Promptiy Attended to. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. ism! Town Implement Warerooms. ferring to t h 08 e t mublsome thing‘s-â€" Corns. s'mn FORD, 0m. UR CHURSES ARE PRACTICQL Cash Store, lower Tawn. J. Eliiott, Principal. S. T. ORCHARD, ’au'm Implements and Machinery. :1 Full Supply 0f ()U'I‘TERS and SLEIGHS at Prices that will surprise you. Variety 05 STOVES ~Cooking Stoves, Box Stoves and Coal Stoves. ROBES of :13 descriptions. ROOT PULPERS, c.. (to. I carry the Largest Stock of SEWING MACHINES and‘ OR- GANS in Town and all away down in price. . T. ORCHAR'D, W. CALDER, Sharp’s old Stand. â€"â€"Licensed Auctioneer. Agent. for GOODS. Durham. Brooches. CHOOSE A CANDIDATE the Hanover Canveyancer, ofi'ers for sale 100 farms, and other proper- ties for sale or exchange at rock bottom prices. among them: ' The “ Teasdale ” Farmâ€"Lot 30, Con. '2, W’. G.R., Bentinck. 100 acrex. The “ Hall” Farmâ€"let and 2nd Divisions Lot 1, W.(}.R.. Bentinck, 100 acres. Lots 2and 3. Con 13, ulenelg, Macres. A Bunsenative Convention PROPERTIES of all kinds sold or exchanged. NOTES and ACCOUXTS collected on commis- sion. DEEDS, MORTGAGES and. other writings carefully prepared. ALL BpSmESS promptly attemled to in the quxetest and most conhelentml manner. address HAVE been instructed to receive application for loans on good farm properties at 5:4 intereat, pavable half yearly or yearly as desired. Reasonable terms of repayment to suit borrowers. Ap- ply to _ . G. LEFROY MCCAUL, Barrister, Lower Town, Durham. Oct. 4th, A PEDIGREED BERKSHIRE BOAR at Lot 1:3, Con. 22. Egremont. Bred at the Mudel Faun. Nov. 17th, tf. b’ T. ORCHARD. GEORGE, re gistcred pedigree, bred by W. J. Shephardson, \\.1ltc1bbdl1s 0111. Second ow,ne1 A. .1111] J. Sealoy, Bunessan, 011:.Te1‘111s,t\\0fo1 $1. 00 Nov. 16. 3m GENTS “ THE BEST LIFE OF HER MAJESTY I HAVE SEEN.” writes Lord Lorne about “ Queen Victoria.” Agents make five dollars dailv. \Vrfiiqg six hours daily'for six days a week, ' 21:1 “111 be mutant thh ten dollars weekly, address NEW IDEA (30., TORUNT .1. BRADLEY- U \RREI‘SHN C()\IPA\'Y l LMI'I‘ED TORONTO fl FIELDS. A large cheap valuable book. Nllintr likea \xllirlxsiml. Beautiful p1nspednspwoxxtv-mpgents. ynqksopl time. I \SFEN. ’ 1‘33 (inating book. S1~eeps the entire field of bmdefland sub jects. Ex 01 . budV 016.1814. Mm velioas 1ll11strz1ti1111s. Prospet 1.11s :31. BR \DLEY- 1th PM“ COMPANY \ / John Morrison. Lot 32. Can. 3, N. I). R. Glenda, on or about the 20th of August last, Um) Ewe. The uwuer may have her by proving property and. ngy‘igxgex_p.,llses. I) ELG, containing 100 acres, about 70 acres clcared, 9 acres fall wheat sown: sevcnmiles from Durham: convenient to (Thurch and School; Frame House; Frame Stable: Log Barn; Well Watered; Small Orchard. Will rent or sell on easy terms to the right man. For further particulars, apply on the premises to W. N. McDONALD. Jan. 27.11;. If Rocky Sauszeeu RO. NEXT T0 BAXK. 1 Urev incluuiu" a \zzhmhle “afar xmar brick dwellmg and manv eleriv le {mulling luts will be sold in one or mule lots. Also lot No. 60. 0.011., 2. W. (x. R T ownslu p of Beutiuck 100 acreS, adjmning To!!! plot, Durham. Oct. 2nd. Hort-gages 7 taken for money. Apply w He is Lending Money. at 5 per cent, easy terms, costs f“ VASSING ()N YEARLY SALARIES. THE LIN SCOTT COMPANY, TORON'PO i BRADLE\'-G.-iRRE'l‘S()N CUM PAN Y, L1 2.111111), TORONTO. Jan. 2m. 1898. \XRIE TO THE PREMISES OF I have received one Gross of Brooches, the like of which has never before been seen in Dar- ham for the moneyâ€"â€" 25 cts. Worth double the price. Be sure and get one. W. A. MacFAHLANE. ERKSHIRE BOAR, ROYAL X the Town of Durham, County (.1 GENTS "KLONDYKE GOLD GENTS “GLIMPSES OF THE EIXG LOT‘No. 19, Con. 2, GLEN- -‘- Money to Loan. EN AND WOMEN WHO CAN _ WORK HARD._'I‘ALKIN(_; AND 'or Sale or To Rent. but it is already decided that- FEW’ GOOD MEN FOR CAN- 1‘ H E E DGE PROPERTY . For Service - H. H. MILLER will be called to Wanted. ARDS. Strayed- F'or Sale CI'IAS. GRAY, Jan, Lot3, con. '2. Egremont. Lock Box '28, Ilauarer paymg 1* ex muses. JOHN :‘IUJLRISQN 1.131; ml). 'l‘ol:('):~:'f0. Rocky Saugeeu 13.0. Bunessan 1’. part purchase light. Receiveci too late 10! last issue. Miss Kennedy returned to t Queen Citv on Monday. {Many w miss her smiling face Mr. James Laughton left this week to spend aterm an the O. S. C. I. “'3 wish him success. After Spending some weak: with. their uncle, Mr. .Txro. Wilson, the Misses \Vilson left for their home in Collingwood. A sleighing party from the village spent a very pleasant, evening at. the home of Mr. Sinclair, Yeovil. Mr.John A. Wilson has gone to take a. course in Guelph Business College. We see J. A. is keeping posted in this work, in which he took a complete course last winter. Vere You with the load that went ta Durham on Friday night. You! You ! Mr. John Benton waslaid up a few days this week. but is better. P. looks kind of glum this week. Guess Sunday’s drive tells the tale. Owing to lasc weeks thaw, the loads were not in excellence, but this week are reported to be an and. Miss .I. Kennell. shortly from the City, visited her aunt, Mrs. RON. Renwick last week, Mr. Geo. Lothian. we see, has a new tongue forhis cutter, and drives aSplashy team, but sometimes we see him with one pony. We judge the one is more handy on these sideling roads. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Wm. Lester is recovering. Mr. John Grasby’s usual robust health took a sudden change last Tuesday night and for a few hours his family were much alarmed, but heis all right again, minus a. few quarts of English blood. Mr. 'l‘hos. G‘rasby, who has been nursing the stump of a thumb which had been masticated by a vicious hcrse while engaged in delivering milk. in. 'l‘oromo, returned to his charge again last week. Mr. S. Lawrence let the job of bail dinwa lean to his barn and re- modelling his stablinrr last. \xeek. \11 Geo. \Ioore. ofyaomr‘ town, is the contlactm Mrs. Hamilton, of Michigan. is at present on a visit to her aunt, Mrs. Martha Lawrence. Last week she visited Toroum'. friends. A sleigh load of our young folks drove over to Varney on Friday even- ing, where the even: of the season (for that village) took placeâ€"the par- lor social at Mr. Clark's. They were all delighted with the evening’s en- joyment. Mr. Dixon, the School Teacher, is again in his usual health and push- ing busness. Mrs. J. Henry, of Shallow Lake. is visiting her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McMeeken. While returning home through our neighborhood last Sunday night Mr Dan. McAnliff’s team got too frisky, kicked over the tongue and ran away. Dan. keeps Spirited hon ses, well cared for and never allowed to do their best except on occasions of thiskind. Four occupants of the cutter escaped nnhnrt' but the Jig was not so for- tunate. Mr. and Mrs. \Vilson, of Stay.ner who have been visiting the laete1’. home at Boothville,.nccompanied by some of their frie1‘,1d‘s diove over to Mr. Samuel Lawrence’s last Tuesla) night where they weie joined b1" some of the neighbors aniwihled awe. afew pleasant hours in song and dance. (I) Mr. and Mrs} Geo. Fien have been on an extended friends here and at Winn-t9 their home in-Summerbery Miss Annie Middleton, of Berkeley, is visiting her sister Mrs. A. Crumb- ly at present. Mr. Jim. Elan added another barn builfiing contract to his list, John Lawrence, of Deminck, is replacing the one destroyed by fire last sum~ mer. Those present from this part at the S. S. Convention in Durham last: week were Messrs. Wm. Allan, John Allan. and J. W. Blythe.- The former deserves Special mention, not only because he takes unusual interest in the work, but he turned out on. the first day appointed when the incl-cm- ancy of the weather kept all, others away. We are sorry we do not know the names of all present, as we always like to give a correct account of all neligicus work, giving each one credit for theii share whether they are our personal friends or not. CORNER CONCERNS. DROMOREZ H OLSTEIN '. The)? Purpose spend- Geo. Fleming. who up “ {at-ton, left for .‘ar.’ ’- not. to the rill inga few days with Mrs. F's. sister Mrs Denny, of Norval, on ”w way. ' Miss Mary Main left. Saturday: morning for aiew days’ visit with Norval friends. Mrs. Thos. Brown accompanied ,by i her sister, Mrs. P. F. Thair. are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs Geo Miekleboro. of St. Thomas. Dr. Jamieson and Mr. D. McNichol the Conservative and Independent candidates respectively held a joint meeting in the Agriculture Hall here last Wednesday evening. The Dr. was the first. Speaker and dealt. with the political questions of the day in such a manner as,to leave a very favorable impression of him as 9. candidate. He has many warm sup- porters here and will ne doubt poll :1 better vow than incite previous elee- tiom Mr. McXiehol defended the questionable votes cast lzy him dur- ingliis term of olfice. There being no opposition speakers the meeting, passed off quietly. The “ Gleaners ” under the auSpices of the Grand Councnl of the R. '1‘. of T. returned and gave two entertain- ments last week. It is needless to say they were greeted with a full can be overcome in almost ail cases lays the use of Scott’s Emulsion oi Codâ€"Liver Oil and thc Hypo hos-t phitcs of Lime and Soda. hi]: it is a scientific fact that codâ€"liver oil is tho most digcstiblc oil in a:- istencc, in $GQTT’S 55%;;st it is not only palatable, but it is already digested and made ready for immediate absorption. by the1 system. It is also combined with " the hypophosphites,which supply a food ont’only {or the tissues of tlie body, but 1 6’ for the bones and nerves, 1 and will build up the child ; when its ordinary food} ‘ does not supply proper l N‘ nourishment. A r‘: I Be sure you get SCOTT’S Emulsion. Soc think. i I can and fish are on the wrapper. - All druggists; 50c. and $1.00., ' SCOTT BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto. l Grocer 1-65. “Salada” Tea Our Java and Mocha blend of Coffee at 330. a 11). None betterâ€"Few as good. You will enjoy it. Royal Brand Apricots, in one 1mm packages. Fine, large, clean fruit. 15w. < TWO for 250. ' \11 black 01 mixed, in pound packages :11 :3 1111). It’s great value. ‘8111111111”also at $3! 400. and 500, :1 lb. “Thistle” Japan Tea. This has 110 st?- 1391 101 250. 21 1b. 01 10 lbs. {01‘3227n Sunlight Soap dawn to 150. a box. , Rolled Oats. TILSON S Rolled Wheat. Gold Dust Cornmeal. Those are the finest Breakfast fonds on market and cost no more». than others. rs. F's. siutewi house each evening. The}, on the way. ‘ gone to Momore where they I :or‘gagiifilm‘. ‘f possible, a n nv . - .. !of R. '1‘. of T. fl%%\‘w Mr Thou. Main lemes for Um North West. It. alfords us much pleas» week to note the fact that, ). Healv has taken to himmr a in life in the person of 31555 lins, of Orchard ville. The. .4. was performed in St. Mun-l; Mt. Forest, on Monday, i ; Father O’Connell. \\ e. V's}; very prOSperous future Mrsx 'Bhos. Brown, who seriously ill during 151-» weekl is somewhat immu‘. of writing. Our wood king. W. '1‘. busy at present getting a s. will no doubt prove moth: self when a suitable mun-L itself. \Ve are to have a wars-1, shop in our vinage at 1;”: Cameron has secured pm: a Brown’s shop to open up in. N OTICE IS H ER HID that apy person or perm“. inn: or huntmg on any ufthe I,” below will be nrmocmod as. 1!”. FRANK (NM s IH'. WARh’IfiG T0 TEES? on (Yon. 3; Glenelg'. \V, ALJUE, Lot 1. 2. Con. 4, h”: Feb. 22nd. 1898. ' 3, W. HICKS, Kurt}; 1m P. BLAQK, 50:11:31”: 0. GREY. Lit .i. D. HILIJS. .3. c. J. TUL Kl' R. 4 IS. CRI'"!FP.NDE.\' a J. LENNON % E. JOHNSON, 11 \V. SIRRS, 1'.’ 8. CHAPMAN, 114 J.S”AR1’, , 1g on the 2nd ( 0n . i J.. MATHE“S, Lut l J. TUCKER, -. P. [’11 ACl\, v R. MBA D, {3. J. McMFEKEN 7. .BAll‘l) H“ J. c’()liNS()N, ‘3. “I. J.HAYS 1‘, J. ALLEN. LO! 1. (fun, '2”. l". 'H. DENXET, (i, .\.. J. MCMEEKEN‘ \\'0.~t 14411 1 \V. LEE. East i. lam} \\. 7: J. PATTERSON. flmt ’ '. W. ficMEEKEN, u. .-x.. J. “’ILSON, Lu 1. G; W’. WILSON, 1!. 1);.HAMILTUN, Ii. \\'.‘MCFADDEN. 4 1’. LA‘VRENL‘E. Y. J. ANDREWS. 1. WM. NICHOL. S. RITCHIE R. MATHEWS, U. MATHFAYS, '1‘. URASBY, on Can. 2. Gloneig. A. W. ‘RUTCHLEY, Lu: 0: C. EUTOK. Lat (31., W. MATTHEWS. 68. \V. NICHOL, A - 70, on_Cdn. 3. Egremu (m_ Cmg._ 22, ljfgrm Hf ut 33R? . SE27. \l l' “85 Week h U u .9 h VQ 1m "PM Couucii p 0. [)Ztl‘l Her )( IN H ll‘( Re \‘ as it cent of Spring in its lit crowd: . ~1ndlhein ntion of I Opportun “bull Stu Frank .\I Alllex‘ZCa lnry and fluted u" Dbl yea Order {1 Bulteric Dolmen: INS l'l It‘ll" HI mmited. 3:} Tomato. Out fly “1 Bun“ InCl ll WM]: ammndici her rvnzox‘ul a surgicul 0pc the latter part her illness watching ever concerning from tl.e xime even before. critical. On 5" )LUM HH‘S tlu I” mg earl 81‘. (M STUD 5 h. (‘1‘!(N ()Ul lends m was happy futur 'EI' 'l ‘0 )( Olll NH I't‘ll IAOCAI‘ of In m '00! \V n m Ml (fill ll ll \'I\ Ma u an ll IR (I U ll :\l Men )lll HS 11 I'Q . 1n ms! ‘|

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