West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Feb 1898, p. 4

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Four years ago the Hon. Oliver Mowat admonished the electors of Ontario against the evils of having in Toronto. 21 government of the same poiiticalshnde as the govern- .‘iant at Ottawa. The Liberals and liile bound Grits, with one accord ,acreil upon, what they considered 3:119? a wise admonition and the zestit was a return to power of the 0:10! at Go vermnent, by a majority of .5 3mm over Patrons :ml Cansu: \‘atiVAs 30ml Ined. Thu {um entm'mln .wl then by 84‘ Oliver Mowm of :m unholy 'iar tween :wu friunllly govern- . {01‘6er lOwl-k' as it J the llleHC' 1' ” is Still f the ext, The action of the Government four years ago, as well as in the present: campaign, shows them to recognize a weakening influence which will re- sult in the dismemberment of the party. In a number of constituencies straight Grits have been withdrawn from the field to leave the way clear for recalcitrant (hit-Patrons whose chances of electicn seem certain. With the aid of sufficient Grit. Pat- rons in the House the Government will never be overturned. A Grit by any other name is still a Grit. we believe largely through the ac- knowledged integrity of Mr. Mc- Nichol himself l‘atll-“l' than through purity on the part of the machine Grits. Shortiy after the opening of the campaign we referred to certain machine Liberals who thought; of fixing Mr. McNichol, whom for a time they regarded as an,obstruction to Mr. Morgan’s election The “fixing” process has so far failed, Mr. Morgan’s meeting at Dromore was somewhat unique in the style of conducting political campaigns in Sou‘h Grey. a musical quartette from Durham having been engaged to wake up the audience when the usual tired feeling began to manifest itself. Mr. “’m Allan, Editor Ramage and others are reported to have taken an active part in the proceedings. “Let us have a clean election !” Mr. MeNichoi held a meeting in the School house, 8. S. No. 1, Normanby on Saturday night last. The audi- ence was composed almost entirely of Tory and Patron electors. The best of order prevailed until Messrs. Calder and Ramage undertook to speak in behalf of Mr. Morgan. The anticGrit feeling was so Strong that no one seemed anxious to listen to (iovemment supporters. IIUUUU, Ulutihllv s-uv..- .. manipulations of a scandalous pro- vincial gerrymander, reversed a tundameutal principle of democratic government. and gave us a minority 1' L116. Though returned to power because of a majority of Libemls being elect- ml, the government did not represent the popular vote. The small major~ ities received by a number of mem- Ivâ€" bers on the (government side of the house, brought about by the political Political meetings this week will be held by Dr. Jamiesou at Lamlnsh on Friday, l‘eb’y 25th and by Mr. McNichol at Lauriston, Feb’y 25th and Latcna. Feb’y 26th. The boon of the ballot is not all a blessing. The impecunious rogue under the Open voting system might sell his vote once, but under the shelter of the ballot he has the op- portunity of becoming a double-dyed scoundrel. DURHAM, Feb. 24th, 1898. Vote for Dr. J amieson. THE CHRONICLE. The remaining- week of the contest requires the utnmst Vigilance on the part of the SprOI'tL‘l‘S Cf Dr Jamie son. The enemy is exteiwwheie lyin;.,r in ambush to deceive the un. wary. From what we huye been able to learn from every part of the Constituency, the fight is changed so that now the battle wiil De \vu ire-1 etween the Gri . ~rind 'I‘ory candid-ates. 13 of the old time Liberals who professed to he supporters of Richoi. are going over to the biMr Morgan, and the re- weak will bezusecl with tell- if possible Deception “as 1 the last election and the this is just as rampant. 1:11 to be posses 01 of city.” but It: ts ‘edicton3.40 Mr. Morgan always tells the elec- tors of the interest the Ontario Gov- ernment receives every year and (inishcs up with this remark which invariably brings applause from his supportei°s~-“Now gentlemen who ever heard tf an individual or cor- poration receiving such a large amount of interest without having a nest egg somewhere ” (Grit applause). The Conservatives never tried to deny that the Ontario Government is in receipt of interest on trust funds held by the Dominion Government ever since confederation, but they are justly unwilling,r to give the Out- ario Government credit for provincial revenue derived from this source. These funds are held by the Domin- ion Government and .the interest is only paid over annually to the pro- vince, and will continue to be so raid whatever government may be in inner at Toronto. The principal from which this large amount of in- terest is received represents in no shape or form the earnings of the provincial government, but simply a provincial asset, of which the Dom- inion Government has, since confed- eration been the careful custodian. Majorities should rule, though majorities are often wrong, and will continue to be wrong until politics is purified of corruption, personal in- timidation, and political coercion of any kind whatsoever. For the sake of illustration let us imagine a con- stituency with say. 4050 votesâ€"2000 Conservatives and 2000 staunch Lib- erals, all of whom will vote along party lines, and against whom no amount of political trickery will cause a renouncement of party allegi- ance. The remaining fifty, we will assume, have no fixed political lean- ings but use their sacred right of franchise as aspecies of merchandise, purchasable by the highest bidders. These men are known, and the skill of the political manipulator is direct- ed towards securing their support. The election is won but who puts the candidate in power? Instead of rep-' resenting: the “free and independent electors ” he is simplv the creation of a floating populace representings nothing1npalt1cular1 The scandalous insinuations pro- mulgated from the Reform Platform, and through the Reform press. to influence the electorate on sectarian grounds against Dr. JamiCSon is a disgrace to our boasted civizilation, and a dngrace to the British fair play we wish all our citizens to en- jov. Notwithstanding all their efforts to draw from us a hint that might be construed into a charge against Mr. Morgan’s religion, we rejoice that not even a word has been uttered from the platform, or given eXpression to through the 'press at which they can take umhrage, so far as Dr. Jamieson or his supporters are concerned. The contest is being fought fairly on principles and not prejudices. Differences in national- it)r and creed are not issues in this campaign, and only an insane fanatic would attempt to rouse religious strife. by dragging into the mud of a political contest, a sacned privilege that belongs essentially to the in-i dividual himself. 1' The interest on the Trust Funds is not the only revenue of Out charge- able to the Consolidated Revenue Funds of the Dominion. By the terms of the British North America Act, of 1867, the Dominion stipulat- ed for the payment of an annual sub- sidy to Ontario of $80,000, and an annual grant of eighty cents per head of the population as ascertained by the census of 1861. This is another source of revenue outside the control of the Provincial Government and for the receipt of which they have no right to claim credit. I‘HE DURHAM1 ‘HRONICLE, February ‘24fh 1896 Mndepude t? e .Houso would st political mis- mssibility of l leaVHs an urn of Dr been 90 uoiawd uring one, nth .ark Evangelist Lowee held three a ervi- 089 in the Presbyterian church on Sabbath last. “Be sure your sins will find you out,” was the subject u the “tomato service, which wt!“ for non only, and there was a hard umber pangs. Tho special Dervi- Dr C‘u'ter Messrs Mitcwhell Rm- stedlar. End and \iunslmw drove over Saturday and Sundayed “ithf friends at. Menford. Mr Chas Munshaw has returned: 'home from Owen Sound Business: College. 2 Mr \V Buruho‘use went. to 'l‘oxonLo on Mondav to attend the f: ludl of his mothet-lu-law, MM \V tuna. The Misses McClure of Chatsworth are visiting Mrs A S Vaansen for a few days. :Mrs M Richardqon is visiting her daughter, Mrs I B Lucas, of Mark- dale. Rev. A1thur Browning of Toronto pIeached missionaiy sex moms in the \Iethodist chu1ch on Sun'lay. He remains to assist \Ir. “21111111 in Speci- al se1viccs . .\ r. Biuwning laboured 011 this circuit forty years ago and retains much of his old time vigor. Mr Dwid Pattersbn of 'l‘hornbuqx and Mr Stewart, Hooey ofCarcwrxght, paid M: and M13 Ne ill a. fish: last week. The remains of “Mrs. Madill Sin, who died very .~udden1y at her home near Eugenia were interred here on Sunday afternoon, her pastor, Rev. Mr. Thom officiating. Deceased was 78 years of age and was a resident of Artemesia for 48 yealgs. lav. John Malian, Rev. Arthur Browning, and Mr. M. Richardson. The deceased ladv will be missed. not only in the church where she worshipped. and has been an active member since coming to this place over twenty years ago, but. she will be missed by many old friends, and many others as well who can teetify to her numerous acts of kindness, for she was ever ready to minister with a svmpathetic hand to tnose who were in sorrow ordistress. Her esteemed husband, five sons and five daughters survive her. One son preached here about three years ago. The surviving member are: Rev’s R. H, of Greenbank. ind F. A. of Gorham, N, 11.; Dr. H. D. Toronto; C. J. of \Vabigoon: Edwin of Mani- towanning, Mrs. Rant-on of Niagara Falls; Mrs. Myrick from near Wood- stock; Mrs. \V. H. Moore of Owen Sound; Mrs. J. P. Stephens, Colling- A G. I wood; p I ace. After sover-l months illness borne wi'h the most cheerful Christian resignation, Mrs. 'l‘hos. Leitch pass- ed away in peace to her heavenly home on Thursday night last. Her remains were interred in the Flesh- erton Cemetery on Monday afternoon service heingconduzted in the Metho- dist, church, when sympathetic ad- dresses were given by her past-or, l The Nomination was held in theI Town Hall here on Tuesday last. The three candidates, Mr. Morgan, Mr: McNichol and Dr. Jamieton wereI nominated, and the speaking was‘ .conducted in the most orderly man- ner. Each candidate got an attentive ’ hearing and at intervals each receiv- i ed the applause of his friends andl lsupporters. Mr. Wm. Lawson actedl ias chairman and ably filled the bill.g l'l‘he speaking by each candidate was * done in a most courteous and gentle- l manly manner, and the absence of lany mean personalities makes the meeting somewhat unique among! political nominations. Each gentle- !man gave, 01' appeared to give, an‘ 'honest statement of his convxctions. . ' Mr. McNichol was the first Speaker and reviewed his political career! i during his term of oflice. Mr. Mora" Egan spoke next. occupying: his time in delence of the Liberal Government of Ontario endeavoring to show that their adminiStration was able. 900- i nomical and just. Dr. Jamieson on} rising was greeted with loud cheers} which showed that he had a large' number of supporters present. Mr McNichol, he claimed, was just as, good or bad a Grit as Mr. Morgan,} and showed by recalling his votes in t the House that he ignored some oil the planks in the Patron platforml and voted straight with the Govern-i ‘ ment. The strategies of the Govern-l ment to deceive the electors abouti the surplus he exposed as deception. 51 He also showed how the Govern ment . 1 staved off the payment of railway debts by issuing annuities extending, over a period of forty years. At the; time of Confederation the debts of: the provinces were assumed by the; Dominion and all started out free?1 from debt. Ontario had a surplus?C and also to her credit the Trust? Funds now claimed as a surplus by :( the Government. In a clear cut, 5 f: logical marshalling of facts he show-' ed the province to be in debt. He, also touched on the Timber policy’; a 1 and other issues closing with a man- ly appeal to the peOpIe for their sup-1 port on the first of March. 1 ‘ and Mrs. J. Eaâ€"Moore of this FLESHERTON . Mr. Thos. Gamey, Patron member of the Ontario Legislature died It his home near Maxwell on Sunday last. He was an honorable straigh} forward man. had a wide municipal experience. and spent one term in the Legislature. An ordinary cough or cold may not be thought. much ofat the time. but neglect may mean in the end a consumptive’s grave Dr. Chase’s Syrup of Linseed and Turpen- tine will not cm'e consumption when the lungs ale riddled with canties; but it will stop the cough, will cure cmnsumption'in its early stages and even in its last stages gives such reliel‘a': to be a perfeu Godsend tu those whose lives are nearing a close. The JamiesomMcNichol meeting at the School Saturday night was well" attended by Tories. a few Pat- rons and one Grit. The young man that started home with his best girl the other night and got swamped in a pool of water could be heard saying “ I wish she lived on the west sid.â€" of that water. The two young men who were having a good time one night last week and had to walk home felt a little tired the next day. You could hear one of them saying “ I bet you this will he in the Chronicle next week. I may take a dose of la; grippe out of this.” Everyaody was up at the nomina- tion last Tuesday. The whole three candidates are going to be elected, so the peOpIe say. The Rev. Mr. Humphreys. of Price- ville is going to preach in the church here next Sunday morning. Quinten Pettigrew sold a fine horse last week for about ninety dol- lars. Bob Pettigrew can’: cope with the old man in selling horses. He only got seventy dollars for a nice little pony but, lackingin style. John \Vatt drove from Fergus to Orchard. 40 mi (:8 in four hours and fifteen minutes. Who can beat it? Bob Soon, drove “Baby Rm" ’ thro' town at a 2-10 pace the other clay. Didn’t. some of our boys feel jeaious as they saw him flying through '3 The Social at. \Ir.Cla1k’son 1111?:21' nigflt last \1 .151 a wand success. 1’10- ceeds abaut $3 ves in this church are 203ng on with unabated intelesc, and many are nightly SBukiug their way to a better life. VARNEY. WWAK-u'mmm ; r-o 000 5.. Our St5‘leb‘ are 1110 :‘(L’ The Goods Y 11 ‘9. Egg. rs per dnz ......... ~ App}es.. “pm bag” Pomtoes [)8] bag 1‘ but per c.\t.. . .. ”Atmoal per had: ..... Chop per cwt ......... Dressed Hugs per cwt. Hides” . per lb ....... “been skins ............ ‘ Turkeys per lb ........ Geese per lb ........... Ducks pen pair ....... Chickens pex pair ..... “'e have just received a of Sterling Brc's. celviu‘; madt. Shoes for Men, \Yo (32 Girls. Just thething DON’T forget we sell "Sal; Ion Tea at. 25, 30 and Black or mixed, in lead pct nds and half pounds. Come and see what a 1m WARE we give. for 31 A") shipment just in. A. GBRIIIN. W001 . . . Dflflflfiffi. 36in. Cashmere in Navy Black 1: 40 in. Black and Calm Serges .' Fancy figured Lustres 300. and i Tartan Ginghams ew Goods, BEAN COO and best on the market. 34' cun save money by WU“; U“ goods. It is more 1.1mm; ‘ visit our store and exmnlx. our Inge and complete SM 1‘ " Silverware, Wutclw> Clocks, Flatware and Jewelry K \Vena "cit 111 (\11 line and evexv 151319.511 \‘J Diamonds. Pearls, 1111125 :11 other stones accm’dinfl 1“ ‘1 Sign, and will be {0111111 11‘ Nattiest and Most 51111111 ‘ ¢ GOO-18 on the Canadiux 2.1;..1111 “'6 have it in W Market. Hep-art. mrmu M, 1-: UPPER TOWN . Than to visit a mil opening. 'e b ilVS' I x'cwc.‘ I". “'1' U {IS devil beauty 15 atrikl mals. if such all sidered irrelev unfightliness monster of m Md." as Mt‘ intellis'ence an character. “'1‘ of note was no excuse: while he read thing had an i serious except derstand a jo this unmitiga new, be formed his beautiful Beauty of must unite be he assumed. worth and “it she is known. cease to please these qualities true that there ion on this point all her genius sciousness of h% have. «lechared t Witless I attain an dines pitit pulls upon compushments of I.;Ieauty if H this absurd do! that the woma with her credit was in the asc outreaching an» intellect of her are lmth to he Iain pass it 01 fairy tale rath " The woma heautifu mm finally ab! hairless; “'9 80‘ 3 V9 said he reply Hr ' r0111] ll soil nts M

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