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Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Mar 1898, p. 12

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e). Spring Term begins An. 41». Is Said a gentleman ; in conversation, re- ferring to t h 0 s e tronblsome thing'sâ€"â€" Corns. Farm Implements and Machinery. Noxon’s Binders, Mowers, Drills, Spring Tooth Harrows, best in the in the market. Guards, Sections, etc., for all kinds of machines. Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. Money to loan on farm prOperty at lowest rates. Conveyancing, Leases. Wills, Mort- gages, etc.. drawn up on short nOtice. Horses bought and sold. \Vaterloo Threshcrs for sale at ware- rooms. Patronage solicited. Orders for Sales may be left at THE Cunoxxcu: OFFICE. U} ‘9 er '1‘ o w n CENTRAL -vvâ€" -v'â€"â€"_ ”I“, blildflldllb have settled in Central Michigan. where they have bought first-class tanning lands at $5 to $10 per acre, on iong time and easy gaymenta Do on want to own a home You can sure] do it. We ofler you l0.000 acres to choose rom. Come and look lands over. We mute satisfaction Full at tio~ ours meiled free. Write 8. B. BOB N I), Hanger Land Dept, um Stone 00 , auxin", Niel. Kaiâ€"C'HiGAN r H“ IVI C after looking the country over ”an! Banach“ hays settled in Central Money to Loan at 5 and 5% per cent. on Good Secufity. INSURANCE Promptly Attended to. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. lower Tom Implement \Varerooms. . '1‘. ORCHARD, A Full Supply of CUTTERS and SLEIGHS at Prices that will surprise you. Variety of STONESâ€"Cooking Stoves, Box Stoves 3nd Coal Stoves. ROBES of all descriptions. ROOT PULPERS, c.. c. ! carry the Largest Stock of SEWING MACHINES and OR- CANS in Town and all away down in price. . T. ORCHARD. W. CALDER Sharp’s old Stand. â€"Licensed Auctioneer. Agent for GOODS. FARMS Durham. Age“ A Ennsenativn Ennventinn the Hanover Canveyancer, offers for sale 100 farms. and other proper- ties for sale or exchange at rock bottom prices. among them: The “ Teasdale ” Farmâ€"Lot 30, Con. '2, W. G.R., Bentinck. 100 acres. The ” Hall ” Farmâ€"lst and 2nd Divisions Lot 1, W.G.R.. Bentiuck, 100 acres. Lots 23116 3. Con 13, ulenelg. fiDacres. PROPERTIES of all kinds sold or exchanged. NOTES and ACCOUNTS collected on commis- sion. DEEDS, MORTGAGES and other writings carefully prepared. ALL B_USIXESS promptly attended to’in the quietest and most confidential manner. address HAVE been insrructed to receive application for loans on good farm properties at 57;, interest, pa able half yearly or yearly as desired. easonable terms of repayment to suit borrowers. Ap- ply to Oct. 4th, PEDIGREED BERKSHIRE BOAR at Lot 15, Con. 2. Egremont. Bred at. the Model Farm. Nov. 17th, tf. S. T. ORCHARD. GENTS “THE BEST LIFE OF HER MAJESTY I HAVE SEEN.” writes Lord Lorne about “ Queen Victoria.” Agents makefive dollars dailv. BRADLEYUARRETSON COMPANY, _ EN AND WOMEN WHO CAN \VORK HARD TALKING AN D Writing six hours daifx for six days a “eek, and will be content “i: h ten (10112113 \\ eekly, address NEW IDEA 00., TORONTJ. A FIELDS. A large cheap valuable book. selling likea whirlwind. Beautiful prospectus twenty-1i v0 cents. Books on time. BRADLEY-GARRETSON COMPANY, Luann), TORONTO. GENTS “GLIMPSES OF THE UNSEEN.” _‘ Fascinatin book. Sweeps the entire held of border and sub- jects. Evervbody orders. Marvellous lllustrations. .Pros )ectus $1. BRADLEY-GAR ETSON COMPANY. LIMITED, TORONTO. He is Lending Money. at 5 per cent., easy terms, costs light. ‘ / John Morrison. Lot 32. Con.‘3, N. D. R. Glenn-lg, on or about the Wt}: of August last, One Ewe. The owner may have her by pruvmp: property am paymg ex buses. JUHN MO RISON, Jan. 2lst. 1898. Bunessan P. O. AME TO THE PREMISES OF 4/ John Merriam, Dot {5.} _Cop.“3, N. D. R. Farm For Sale- EING LOT NO. 47. CONCESSION 2. W. G. R. BENTINCK, 100 acrm, one of the best farms in the township. \V’cllfenced, “ell watered, convenient to Church and School 2Q mxles from Durham. 80acres gleayed, 20 acres [naxdyvood bush, 7 acres fall wheat, 2 frame dwelling houses, frame barn and stables, and young orchard. Immediate possession will be given. Free from all incumbrance. Will be sold on easy terms of payment, For full par- ticulars apply on the peemises to L. ROBSON. Aberdeen P. O. FEWâ€"GOOD MEN FOR CAN- VASSING ON YEARLY SALARIES. THE LINSCOTT COMPANY. TORONTO D ELG, containing 100 acres. about 70 acres cleared. 9 acres fall wheat sown: seven miles from Durham: convenient to Church and School; Frame House; Frame Stable; Lo Barn; Well Watered; Small Orchard. 'ill rent or sell on easy terms to the right man. For further particulars, apply on the premises to W. N. McDONALD. Grey, incluuing a valuable water ower. brick dwelling and many elegiLle uilding lots will besold. in one or more lots. Also lot No. 60, (2011., 2. W. G. R. Township of Bentinck, 100 acres, adjoining Town plot, Dnrlznm. Mmtgages taken for money. Apply to Oct. 2nd. I an? Orelmré recently vacated by Mrs. H. J. Mnddangh ° Beautifully situated on Lambton SL. will be ofl'ered cheap or Rent- ed very reuombly to good tenant. For further rticuhrs apply to BEN. VABQER, on; _to --- _ -- A.__-_- Jan. 2lst, 1898. rl‘HE fiOUSE, STABLE, GARDEN March 5th. For Sale or To Rent. Jan. 27th. G'ENTS “ KEGNDYKEM GOLD but it is already decided that N the Townpf-Durham, County of EING LOT No. 19, Con. 52, GLEN- G. LEFROY MCCAUL, Barrister, Lower Town, Durham. For Sale I‘IIE EDGE PROPERTY. will be called to Wanted. Durhm'. 'uas.1‘..g_40xsoy. 6m H. H. MILLER Strayedo tf Lo ck Box '28, Hanover LIMITED. ’l‘onox'ro ‘0 "I VUVLV‘IuU' Rocky Saugeen P. O. JAMES EDGE. Edge Hill, P. 0, part purchase 'ié'xiah'tfi‘b} Mr. A. Lâ€"indsay Ens p'urchued a. dandy general purpose hom, good for'tho km or buggy or would 'u“ JACKSON. - . 3 Chang on be tho thus far I» Kuntm few days of last Markdale. Miss Bess Kennel of Swinton spent. Sunday with her cousins 1‘ Renwick. A number of our villagers took in the I. O. F. concert in Durham and report a good time. ’Mr. \Velter Lothian, who has put- chaseda house and smith shop in Orchardville left. last week for his new home. We wish Walt success. Mr. John A. Wilson has been re- engaged in the Durham Creamery Mr. Art. McKennel is now boarding with Mr. J. M. Findlay. We are sure it will be a deal more convenient. What think you, J? Mr. Thos. Henderson of Bambara Hall. and Mr. Will Isaac of Troglo- dytes Dwelling, Spent Sunday with friends in Bentinck. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Reid Jr. have moved to the village. We welcome them. Messrs. Dixon of Holstein spent Sunday with Miss Laughton. On the arrival of strangers in our village on Wednesday of last week, the villagers were alarmed by the sad news of crape on one of our neigh- bor’s gates. but when particulars were hastily obtained, found that the excitement meant Jamieson in and Morgan out. Never mind bro- ther, our turn will aome shortly. Mr. Art McKennel has procured for himself a horse. cutter and whip. We wonder if heintends driving to Proton or Mt. Forest, or will he sport the village girl. We rather think to Proton as he spent Sunday there. Weddings are the order of the sea. son as there has been two or three in our burg in the course of a. week. Miss JeanLester left. on Saturday for the Queen’s City after spending a month with her mother. Revival meetings will commence in the church here on Sunday next. Apia-social will be held in S. S. No. 1 Normanby on Friday night, Admission 10 cents. Alex. Griersou Auctioneer. Wm. Caldwell of your town is busy hauling ice. He likes the job, but likes somebody to load it. for him. Detective Pettigrew secured a vic- tim one day last. week in the person of a young home boy, who had taken a horse from Sandy McGregor, of Egremont and was offering it for sale. Bob took the boy and horse back to their homes and received 85 as a re- muneration. Will Hallidav and Lulu Dickson were the guests of Will and Lizzie Allan one day last week. Tom Petty has been swapping hor- ses and has parted with his pacer. The ice harvest is now on. E. Sirrs and W. Clark cut some eight hundred blocks this last. week and have as many more yet. to cut. The elections are over and every body is quiet again. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Little were visiting Mount Forest friends one day last week. A big hoe down was held at Jack Yaunts one night. 1am week. Every body enjoyed themselves, and came home well pleased. Miss Ida. McCalmon left on Thurs- day morning for Michigan. Mr. James Coleridge is again hold- ing forth in the academy owing to the severe illness of Mr. Dixon’s daughter which necessitates his pres- ence at home. Prof. and Mrs. Peal visited Mr. S. T. Orchard on Sunday. Mr. Thos. Lawrence leaves this week in company with his sister Al- ice for British Columbia, which is the destination of the latter, but Tom will head for the Klondyke after a little. He is an original wit, liked by all who know bin: and we wish him success. We hope he may may strike a gold mine as big as a gravel pit so that the fair one he leaves behind may take consolation in the thought of a golden future CORN ER CONCERNS. VARNEY. ’Vu“ V'vâ€"â€"_ week with friends in 1 Park Misses Long last Tuesday. . ' den and Mr. W. Long were rig left hand supporters and the Rev. Mr. Ferguson of Durham performed the ceremony. We extend the best wishes of the Corner peeple to the newly made _one. 1‘0 " ‘J mâ€"-â€". Anosher pleasant event ‘ place this week, the marri ADOLIIUI‘ Ficus. .uv v . ._ _ place this week, the marriage of Mr. John Ferguson to Miss Hess. A few ' ' ° ' the cere- ant on such events. young couple a long and happy jour- ney through life. _ - M. .L _1... ml“! the ney (:Hl'UuEu 1 Mr Frank s‘b‘i‘éids, who tilled the Baird farm during the past. year has renteda farm near Priceville from Mr. McKechnie and will take posse- sion shortly. plug IU‘IU" uuu Iv..- w- pect he will soon make a fortune and return with money to Burnett. Miss Mary Orchard of your town visited frineds round here last week. A couple of sleighloads of young peOple from Glenelg visited the Sirr family last Wednesday night, and amongst the party was Miss Esther McCoskery who is fast recovering from a Bicycle accident which confin- {ed her in doors for some months. ”DVâ€" Mr. Donald McCoskery leaves this week for the West. He is a strap- ping felloy?‘ and will do well. We ex- ___-I_- - 1-..“..«1: and The happy-go-lucky style of caring for hens is now almost a thing of the past and the hen-gratitude shown for the extra care is likely to bring about. a new order of things and more hu- mans treatment of these useful birds. Mr. Abraham Crutchley is preparing the material for a mammoth pig pen and hennery and Mr. Wm. Mountain is contemplating something similar. Messrs Will and Tom Matthews leave this week for the West. The :latter will remain in Manitoba while the former will go on to British Co- lumbia. Success boys. “~0.0-.â€"O‘â€"â€" Mr. Robinson, a farmer living near Mono Mills, last week got up on a straw stack to throw down some fod- der. He slipped OK the side, struck a barrow leaning against the Stack. and one of the teeth caugbt‘him, ripping a terrible gash from his ab- domen to his breast. Hopes of his recovery are entertained. The fourth accident and the first fatal one on the new Steel arch bridge work at Nxagara Falls occurred ‘ that any person or persons found fish- ing or hunting on any of the Lots mentioned below will be prosecuted as the Law directs: FRANK GRASBY Lot 1, w. MICKS, North half of 2, 1’. BLACK, South half of 2, C. GREY, Lot 3, D. HILLIS, 5.6, J. TUCKER. 4. B. CR1 l‘TENDEN, 7, J. LENNOX, 8, E. JOHNSON, 11, W. SIRRS, 12, S. CHAPMAN, 18, J. SHARP, 19, on the 2nd Con., Egremont. J. MATHEWS, Lot. 1, J. TUCKER, 2, P. BLACK, 3, R. MEAD, 5, 6, WARMNG T0 TRESPASSERS. on Can. '2, Glene . A. W. CRU’I‘CHLE . Lot 62. C. EU'I‘OR. Lot 66‘ W. MATTHEWS. 68. W. NIC HOL. 70, on Con. 3 Glenda. W.ALJOE, Lot 1. 2. 0031.4. Gin-01 M 12nd.13. a OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN R. MEAD, 5,6, J. McMEEKEN, 7, A. BAIRD 8 E. JOHNSON, 9,10, J. HAYS, 11, on (3011.3, Egremont. J ALLEN, Lot], Con. 20, Eg't. H. DENNET, G, A., J. McMEEKEN, West halt] W. LEE. East5landW, 52 J PA'I‘I‘ERSUN, East 52 \V. McMEEKEN, G. A., J. WILSON Lot] 1, G. \V. WILSON, 2, D. HAMILTON, 3, W. McFADDEN, 4, P. LAWRENCE, 8, on ()0n._2-21 Egremont. - A-.n.‘.‘ 6| Ulll' J. ANDREWB‘ L?» «2.. WM. N10110:} 66' s. RITCHIE 67. R. MATHEWS 68. G. MATHEWS, 69, 'r GRASBY, _ go. is to take VOLLET.â€"In Durlum on Saturd 6th. to Mr. wd Mrs. JOhu You} muaxâ€"Wnrrnâ€"On Wed nesdav the 9m inst.. Mr. Henry W 'm - . . both of Egremont. ) an to M155 “lute. Hâ€"At Guel h on §umlay March Sin-{Its}. Alena er Snuth uf the ”mfg; of Normanby aged 58 yea r... BAN-In Bentinck en Friday M Malian Mrs. McLean. relnct uf the We 1?? MOM“. mm m years. Interred u the Rocky Cemetery on Monday. VICARâ€"In Gleuelg. Pomona P. 3. _Mc Monday, March 7th, (Ilnistena, bel:.v(23 dau liter of Mr. tnd MraJolm Md" .395 two years. m Nobby Hats: COttOll Sh if‘ts, ’Q‘UH ity ()Xf'oldl Shining. 2 Navy blue \\ :uulum Coats,La1;re Capo. .1“ Sizes, Big Value $4 50 Four colors, LINGSt Lightest weight - 0‘. and Fopr styles In Black Slurts The best v: have shown at 505‘“ Cblors, Lion Brand Hat. WATERPRUQF [30:118. MARRIED. BORN. DIED. shape Sum) PEAI I Canadian Ben-1t plier. Also a h 0;“. John (301 Tue monthly ubont the usual (ow animals 1! Th. price. paid ”in fair day f: Ju. Sullivan so Bumstedler. Ax Auction 8 niture. picture: Nu. Jas. Cuth Normanby. on Torma, cash. J. In answer to ML? Mr. Johl meat agent he! assures us thnt. prospects were ad in this issul A Special dc Bounces Mr. known in this very low stat suddenly ill 0 Toronto on Fr' was telegraph A portrait ol Loamingtou, I Edmc‘mon, a] Globe. Anton; are those of II Alex. and Neil tor ure from Johnston [1381 of the Leamim ”Anon Tm: aum i an man’s, Dentin vary success! to u liuie ext urtising it, present were Forest. and e il taid n Spuvi and when No.1 “‘5"!!! going r} the Spring chi before the heal “103' had to di ornment to an 'Iiece 3nd co rA-nucx's 17th

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