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Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Mar 1898, p. 1

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*2! 1"“ art of S V n t 2“ xford Sh IA skirts. hh \V In: best value we 21 alt 5‘)(‘.,, 750. I o d‘, T’Uxul qua] I :it:” F33; 5’ - 503.... and II No. 6 I!) ui‘l. J. Mom.“ . H. .‘IcNi ce, J Ind. CLMM, w,- FUI 33335303 >3 loses 1t: 5 thin and McNie-cém 3D, T380110; and 56:14 :j‘; I .00. :ltOl'pl’OOf me, All exquisite :05! direct COG-HVCI’ vitality ”cutie-1:» Lydia B 101‘ it W if) VOLUME 31. Mr. A. A. Jordan. of Moaford, is President of the Ontario Educational Association and will deliver two ad- dresses. Rev. Mr. Mchgor will preach in Owen Sound on Sunday next. Mu, W. L. Kerr, of Saginaw Mich. reports times better over there under the new government. Special meeting for school children, Methodist Church Lecture Room. Friday, to-morrow, at 4:15. H. w. Mockler, Con. Knapp; Geri: Shire. W. L. McKenzie. Dr. Jamie- 3021 and F. W. Gokey, V. S. murk and Implements and House- 1m“ Furniture will be held at lot 289 r031. 19, Bantinck, near Crawford. on Tuesday, March 14th. Everything mus: be sold as the proprietor, Mf Geo. Sharman. has disposed of 1118 farm and is retiring lrom business. lizzgh MucKay, Auctioneer. t1» Mr. Jas. Stewart, a prominent bus- iness man and one of the oldest resi- dent: of Meaford, died laSt Friday. MR. Pearson, teacher in Mt'.Forest High School, will conduct the services in the Baptist church here next Sun- day morning and evening. A GRAMOPHONIC Concert will be given by Mr. G. W. Jones in S. S. No. 9. Glenelg, near Durham. on Fri- day evening the 18th inst. The pro- Ceecla will be applied for School pur- poses. Admission 106. and 5c. Every- body come. ‘On Thursday last the Directors of Na Durham Horticultural Society M“ a “1'30“": and decided from W110!“ tha \‘rm§nh.'- _..-...2--___ _ . Tm; following from town attended the funeral of Goo. Inglis at Oven Sannd on Friday last: Mr. and Mrs. _l.);wld Jackson. Messrs. J. P. Telfurd. CALL at A. S. Hunter’s, Middaugh House Store, Lower Town, for all kinds of seed grain, seed corn. grass sentclover seed, flour, feed, etc. The highest cash price paid for all kinds of produce. Remember the place. mm a meeting and decided from whom thus Society’s premiums are to We purchased. Members desiring to <0ntinue their membership 01' PO" 89m wishing to become members will do well to call at. once on Secretary Lwrsliue and arrange matters. n Jmnlating pair from the east m-rem town Wednesday to honor In: Jamieson’s election and becam. so mtoxxcated with delight that they , nging to 851119 (1.“ t‘lSH. L0 and behold! tOO, t 7 wt of axcitement was so great tha t ex newr nissed their robes U“ “iv :0: to Rob~Rov. They dis-“30y. cred ‘. at thev had the wrong nag. A5 “"9 Proper owner was talking of ar- xest .1 . none asking for particular! n this end of the line. And the or“ vame back. Matters were noon straightened 01“: 8111:15' ' ' (‘nvxxzmcrs mu SALE. â€" B;own and “him Le; burns Barred Rocks, \V. C. B. round»: Indian mime, BIack Spanish. and Bantams, :xIm l’ekiu Ducks. CHAS. \V. LAM}, Lamp C reek, Durham. 1’1“. J amieson's So intoxicated ‘ left about midx a horse and Ti DR. Parr’s mild and efiective small Liver Pills [or conscipation and tor- pidity of the liver, lbc. a box. Only at Parker's Drug Store. SEED COl{N.--TO arrive, one car of seed corn-Learnings Improved, Mam. moth Southern Sweet, Early Yellow Dent and Yellow Horsetooth. H. PARKER, Durham. Balsa in Tm: The Union revival still goes on. roads are 0’ D etting bare. your wood now. Two Girls to learn Dress- :)l)lV t0 Wm. Laidlaw. The Canadian Press Association meets in Ottawa on Friday and Sat-' urday of this week. Mr. Robt. Allan, of Edgehill, got acouple of his fingers nipped in a turnip pulper on Monday morning last. Part of one was cut 03. Mr. J. W. Crawford is now very busy in his miil here, getting out square timber and lumber for an ele- vator at Listowel. Already he has shipped about. half a. dozen cars on the order. MR. FRED. A. LEWIS, of Berlin, well known here as a. piano tuner. wishes us to annouce that he will be in Durham about the first of April to tune pianos. and attend to any ocher business in his line. On. Qaturday last a young man named Wallace, liying in the centre of Egremont near Robb, had his hand caught in a straw cutter and chopped off to about two inches above the wrist before the feed gear could be reversed. THE thirty-seventh annual meeting of the Ontario Educational Associa- tion will be held in Toronto on Tues- day, -Wednesday and Thursday the 12th, 13th and 14th of April next. Reduced rates will be granted to any- one attending the convention and be- coming a member of the Association, at one first class fare and one third, if more than 50 attend; or at one first class fare, if 300 or more attend. Tickets good till the following Mon- day. Standard certificates must be secured from the agent before start- ing. THE I. O. Foresters’ Concert on Tuesday night was a grand success. The house was full, the program exâ€" cellent and every number well ren- dered. Time and Space prevent a detailed account. The vocal seleco tions by J. A. Hunter and Archie Bialbraith and Misses Black and Mer- edith were of unusual merit. The Johnson Orchestra was just as charm- ing as ever. Miss Renwick, of Dro- more, has won renown as a vocalist before a Durham audience. Though a mere girl, just. in her teens, she is already a musical artiSt. Modest, unassuming and gifted she has a bright future before her. No one was more generously or genuinely applauded. Miss Richardson, Elocu- . cionist of Flesherton, was of course Ethe drawing card, and the masterful style in which she diaposed of a widely varying program show her to he rarely gifted in the interpretation of thought, both grave and gay. Her _ ing stage presence. peerless pos- saywee: musical-tome and clear ~iation are all charms. but her " .power is her ability to bury r (in personality for the time be- ing and forgetful of her surround- ings assume the life, character and thought of the author. "The Painter of Seville” was the best number. Mr. B W Meredith had the burden of the work in getting up the program and deserves credit for the suceeu achiev- l t Mr. Pat Darcy of this tow,n got word last week from his lawye1 in Michigan, that his suit against a wealthy Lumba1 Company with Mr. Biall ey as President, had been suc- cessful before the sup1eme Court of that State. The suit was for dam- ages received in the firm’s mill by which Mr. Darcy lost part of his foot. This has been a very long and tedious case, having been in Court no less than six times. The origin- al award was for $3000, but has been cut down somewhat and with the ex- pense of the various suits, will only leave a portion of that sum. Mrs. Alexander Smith, of Norman- by, near Varney, who has been suf- fering some time from a tumor, on the advice of her 111 :dical attendant, submitted to a surgical operation from which she died twenty hour afterwards. The remxins arrived at Varney on Monday, and were in- terred Tuesday in the Saugeen Ceme- tery, Durham, whither they were followed by a large concourse of sor- rowing friends and acquaintances. assembled to pay their last tribute of respect ‘to the deceased lady. She leaves a husband and two sons to mourn the loss of a devoted wife and loving mother. THE Cuaoxxcw joins the bereaved relatives and friends in extending sympathy under such pecu- liarly trying circumstances. Seed Grain for DURHAM. ONT» MAR. 101808 U Mr.’ We are sorry to record the death thegcfom’ :riead Mr Neil McKillop who and : dxed at his aunts in Ohesley. His re- iov-imains were interred in the Rocky Saugleeu Cemetery by; the Mnccabees. Lyman Caldwell left last. week on a pleasure trip. Dr. Jamieeon, M. P. P. is in To- ronto this week. Lawyer Masson, of Owen Sound, was in town Saturday. Mrs. John Scott, of Toronto, vis- ited friends in town last week. Mr. Will Smith left on Monday morning for British Columbia. Rev. Father Hauck, of Markdale, gave us a brief call on Saturday. Cicil Gun is visiting his brother, Dr. Arthur Gun, of \Voodstock. Messrs Bellamy and Thompson, of Flesherton, were in town last week. Mr J. L. Browne, Photo Artist, was in Toronto, Tuesday on business. Duncan and Dan McLean are bnsv hauling wood through here. 'l‘he‘v are prqsperous young men and many an onvnons eye 18 cast. in their direc- tion by the fair sex. v ‘v--‘ _ of our burg lately. M Clark, B. A., retmued l1 _ last 2':ch in time to po. “4:039. He also taught a few day 1 guy, G. who was busy in the hamlet“ of Mr Morgan. ,Malcolm * oronto M1. James Mchrty and his sister Janet. paid a visit to cor min), friends Miss Bradshaw, of Toronto. is the guest of her sister, Mrs. (Dr.)Jamie- son. Now that the election is over and the excitement subsnded, we will let our neighboring towns know how we are getting along. There are lonely hearts to cherish around here since the election, but they have the consolation of having the Government_in. Dr. Park spent a day or two in To- ronto last week on professional busi- ness. I nspector Campbell goes to Toronto on Friday to attend an Educational Committee. Messrs W. P, Crossley and Peter Henderson, of Flesherton, gave us a call Thursday. p. m. The subject for Thursday ev- ening in the Presbyterian church is “Forgiven and Know It,” and on Friday evening, “Mysteries in the Bible.” On Sunday next. Mr Mitchell will preach in the Methodist. church in the morning and the closing serv- ice of the series will be held in the Presbyterian chprch in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. F. Robertson and child. of Kincardine are guests of the former’a sister, Mrs. Browning. Miss Mary McArthur, of Toronto, is as present visiting her father, Mr. Chas. McArthur, Rob-Roy, Glenelg. Mr. Mitchell’s meetings in which the Metho-lists and Presbyterians have united, are being held in the Presbyterian Church, with good at- tendance. The closing Bible Read- ing will be given at, 3 p m on Thurs- diy. Mr Mitchell will give an illus- tra'eladdressto the young, in the M3thodist church on Friday, at, 4:15 Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Mail visited their daughter,Mrs. Arch. McTavisb, at Cedarville last week. Miss Richardson, of Flesherton, Elocutionist, was the guest of In- spector and Mrs. Campbell while in town. Miss Flora McMillan, of Toronto, after Spending a week at Mr. John Robertsons in town, left Monday for her home. Inspector Campbell returned Sat- urday after visiting schools in Mea- ford. On his return he addressed t1) Presbyterians at- Keady on his recefi trip to Europe. Mr. Arch. McDoug all and Miss Kate McDougall, accompanied by their cousin Kate. cf Petosky, Mich, returned on Friday last after several weeks visit among their many friends in Bruce Co. Miss Esther McCoskery left this week to resume work in Toronto. Miss Elsie McCoskery also left. to re- turn to Rochester, N. Y. DR. BROWN. L. R. C. P., London, England. will be at Dr. Park’s office for consultation on Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat on Tues- day, March 15th. PURELY PERSON A L. MULL CORNER. a...“ Mr Hugh McLean is laid up with inflammation of the eyes. Mr and Mrs McNab of Owen Sound are visting friends around here. Miss Clark was home Saturday. Mr and Hrs J Clark are visiting frignds in Saugeen. H will have‘to get a new coatto replace the burnt one. The Moss Lake correspondent informs us that. he is going to quit writing from that locality ard so we immediately seized the opportunity of giving you a short sketch ()fI the happenings in and around the “ Clifl’" . Perhaps by way of introduction it would be well for us to give the Readers of the Chronicle an idea of where Top Clitf is located. The name is given to our beauti- ful new school erected on the hill on lot. 39, con. 3. S. D. R. Glenelg, known as See. No. 10. on Mr. Joseph Hoop’s Farm in the year 1891 by the late Wm. Williams, Contractor. The old school house that served its dayand generation, stood about 40 rods west of the new one on Mr. A. Mc- Cuaig’s farm. It will be remember that the old school house was the scene of excite- ment in the early part of the summer of 1891, caused by certain sound or sounds of various tones. annarently coming from un- der the floor at times and in an instant the listener would imagine it was near the ceiling. We are not gcing to say much more about the matter but the mystery could never be solved even by the most sanguine who pretended to solve the prob- lem. We Will gixge the readers a short history of this school. This section was partly taken from section No. 2. D. R.. Gl'gsnelg, in the_year 1863. ' The first teacher who taught was a Miss \Vilson from Durham, then Miss Jones of the same place, the Misses McKenzie of Owen Sound (2 sisters), Miss Glendeuing Durham (niece of late Rev. Park) Mrs. Black or Mrs. McRae of Durham, Miss Gun also of Durham, Miss Wright ot Priceville (now Mrs. Patton) Miss McMillan of Price- ville, Miss Campbell, sister of our worthy Inspector and by the by we heard Inspec- tor Campbell telling‘ us that he taught for a week or two also. Mr. Wm. Campbell of Latona taught for 2 years also Donald Mc- Donald now of Allan Park school, taught for 4 years, Miss Marv Mcl’hail taught for 3years, Miss Annie R. McKechnie taught furtSmonths but tendered her resignation on account of the continuous noise going on in the SChOUl during teaching hours, her resignation being accepted. We may say here that Miss McKechnie was an excellent teacher. She was succeeded by Miss Maria Whitmore. now none but Mrs. Chas. Mc- Arthur of Durham and lastly our present teacher in the person of Miss Maggie Mc- Canuel who is entering on her 3rd year as teacher in No. 10, with much success. TOP CLIFF. Don’t Don’t Don’t Don’t Don’t REMEMBER It is just the same Priceâ€"5 Gallons: FOR 80c. MCFARLANMcm Poor Oil 1 Druggists Seedsmen. say our new ‘SARNIA’ 011:. is a poor oil just because vou: :have tested it with an oh) wick and lamp which are- clogged with chemicals and‘ impurities from use of poor' Canadian oil. fail, in testing the new oil... to see that the lsmp bowl is‘ _clean inside, and that a new wick is used, and a new' burner, or that the old one is boiled in soap suds and: made clean. mix “SARNIA” oil with inb- ferior oil and then condemné the “Sarnia” oil in conse~ quence. \Vhite is equal to American. Water White. IT IS NO'I‘.. But we claim and sell “Sat.- nia” Prime White as equal. to American Prime White, and IT IS. think “SARNIA” Prime accept any spurious imitnw tions for the genuine “Sat-- ’nia” Prime White. and N016181

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