West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Mar 1898, p. 9

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Mr. Stephen Wescou, p N.S., found (Burdock Blood BM“... p1 wonderful blood purifier and . his experience as follows: Very much run down in m u employed our local PhYSiCian 'h ttended me three months, final y leg broke out in "liming w .ith fearful burning. 1 had a een running sores at one ‘3'; :‘rom my knee to the tap of my fun, All the medicine I took did u ~ rood. so I threw it aside and m B. B. 8.; when one-half the home“ gone, I noticed a change {0' better, and by the time I had finish“ two bottles my leg was Perfectly roll Bl 'ell it GRISTING AND SHOPPING Dill]. FLOUR, OATMEAL and FEEI THE SAWMILL ~ 11': NATIVI: INN?" I ‘ Monsoon" T905. '0‘ “P . (rowers as a rump: 053 There ore t 01 . w :L‘Th‘n Of ChC T“ m ’t’ ‘2: it up themselves ans! .n'cxagem thereby L.’ .[ 39111.56le I ‘b. ‘0‘ the, 1 man- 37‘3”“ Yeas. R. J.‘.-' 14" .“ I ‘u. ‘f ‘ .a.. .‘ o. .1 Huge stock of 'p‘ fT'I" ' " 4 “I...“xe'. BINDERS and How- ms â€"~ 1 :18 best in the world. .m Binders, Mowers ' _ -of various kinds. 1 m .n;. vaers, Scuf‘flors and : .1 1mm Implemunts. P“. . L~\:LE:I.\( ‘ ‘ ")r . . r. "’VHIS '1 HF». Buggies. Chatham “NJ ENVY}; Bull \vaflons- Etc' UNNING 50m U‘BER.SHINGLE3ANDUW alway on hand. \. G. .x I. MCKECHN. Punt? To. In TH: WORLD \\ OD IVIILLS Imfully Illustrated. hrs“! sac-mutlflc Journal, Wo‘fiZCLV. 1' ”aux month; Spe¢,-£:.IP!I c )8 us BATIK?! gent tree. «momma notice and anthems Merit Val -\ mericu -nne «endlnz 5‘ “‘9ch and 0090”” l‘v' :xx-‘cl‘tfliu. £1.30. Whether an _m\'e nIY Lmlenta‘ule. (‘mumu'fiu‘w‘xm lential. UMest. agency “WWW"M DEVIL'S. ‘ve have ‘ Washlngm P'Hi taken through Hm 3C0- .l fiance in the sclmmc mmgfil DURHA M The modern stand. ard Family Medi- cine: Cures the csmmon every-day ills of humanity. 361 Brian". New nuw prepared to do all kind! of custom work. FEHFECT_TEA Imbalmm ‘- W". mutant. \ I: 2‘12'0 J ust rewei‘a'cd for the ben- efit of house Cleaning, a Lame Stock of Our Stock of Enamel, Granite and T'im me is «griiutiiinn‘ CHI 3, v. hich we we wiliiig at \eiy 10w 1U. 'Ht ’o ‘ m. -‘ ’ .. ’71" " J." \‘W Nb Nb 4" V xmszasa $4 $53 ‘° :1 . “i. "_: GHiS. mama zsstirpcned, a case Of Lap Ruabers for Buggies. arrived. This week we have aaaea In our already large stock, A 7:. Load 01' Tools, such as . are 01"ch (heat Bar- glans til Sil‘verW(¢r e. ‘17 Which we intend selling at close figures. .’rices. .x'g‘e Stock or READY MIXED PAINT, ALABASTINE, PARIS WHITE, WHITING, CC;( “C have added SHOYELS, MANURE FORKS, HOES, ma, STOCK All those indebted to me are respect- fully requested to call at once and settle their accounts by CASH, NOTE, 0r PRODUCE. We need the money and must have it. CEIAS. McAB-THUR, Durham :12. T0W\ â€"â€" " I‘féfl. {8835.18 2 - UPPER TOWN. Gods! whips just E L ‘.‘ NOTICE. , Etc. Fire Insurance attended to Promptly in the Farm- ers’ Grey 6%: Bruce and in other good companies. JHHN Ll‘Jii‘iGSTUN, Agent, Lower ToWn, Special cuts for next 30 days. Complete Assortment of Teas, Cofiees, Sugars, Raisins, Figs. Currants, Spices, Etc. Lots N0. 20 and 21, con, 4, N. D. R., Ben- tiuck, without my consent will be prosecuted according to Law. ROBT. TRAFFORD, Allan Park. If-..‘_l_ in"; iMA A (1“ aflwflz $4429... 7%.; OTICE IS HEREBY GIVE that any person or nersons fmma fl. March QISt. and Mowers, Rakes, Disk Barrows, Spring Tooth Barrows, ’10ughs, Sf: ngle 8; 2 fumow Woodstock W gens, Carriages of {111 kiLdS, Uul'z'mgcs 01'1“ Ii Stoves, Sewing Machines, Biéyles, Etc., Etc. Silvester Seed Drills. Frost 85 Wood Binders {Shave received one Gross of Bmoches the like of which has never before been seen in Dur- ham for the moneyâ€"â€" HDTIBE T0 TRESPASSEBS. Brooches. JUST IN, A number of Ready-made SUITS, (Boys and Men’s) which we have purchased at Bottom Prices and offer for less than “’9 also keep a. Full Line of TWEEDS, COTTONS, COTTON- ADES, FLANNELS, FLANNEL- E'PTES, Etc. Worth double the price. Be sure and got one. A\ ‘ L K FARM m. 4, Cochrane’s Old Foundry. (3 w. A. Macmm. '1‘U BANK. 7/4 WVN'Wafi' ’AFWWWS§ -_--_‘._.___-V._ _ _ ___._. -â€"._.___..â€"_ '] wan-gun flagginw' 1 I) f: 1 , 4 l . i“ he hke of which has “ 1 '9. been seeninDur- f: i 6 moneyâ€" E - I ‘0 ‘ > cts. .‘. ouble the price. K 1 and {rat mm; (4 LOWER TOWN Durham. Mr. Bob. Pettigrew is likely to-lose one of his horses with inflammation of the lungs. It will be a big loss at this time of year. There was a meeting at the school on Tuesday night for the purpose of forming a. beef ring, so there will be plenty of fresh beef around this sum- mer. Mrs. Cuthbert and family leave on Wednesday morning for Washington city. We wish them a safe and speedy journey. Reeve Morice, of Normanby, was out recently looking after some of the washoouts that needed repairing. Ezekel Sirrs is assisting Adam Little this week in the Blacksmith shop. They are kept busy you bet. Mr. T. Loitch left last- week to visit his daughter Mrs. Myrick at Spring- brook. Mr. J. Karstedt has gone to Indianapolis. Those rails that were put across the side of the road are a stumbling block to some of the young men when they are returning home about midnight. Mr. Ed. Fee has rented the Cuth- bert farm for a. term of five years. Jack \Vatt passed through our town the other night pretty well loaded with girls, I mean. "luv a. many physicians without mg lasting benefit. Atew doses of Sou: can Rheumatic Cure wonderfully helped me; two bottles cured me. ”â€"E.y Errett. Mamckville, Ont. Thousand. of freed alums tall the cam. storyâ€"don't suffer an hour boson-22. For Sale by McFarlane Co. Miss Bell Gjerdrum has returned from a month’s holidays with friends at Owen Sound. Mr. John McCuImon has been under the weather this last couple of weeks. Bob Pettigxew sold one of his farm horses last wool: and got a good price for him, yet. he can ’t. cope with the old man. Mr. John Thompson has moved onto the Wm. Foe farm. ‘Ne wish John success in his new home. Quite a number of the farmers are busy ploughing this last week. A sensation was created in town on Saturday last when it became known that Messrs. A. Beecroft and D. Tal- bot, proprietors of the planing factory here had left for parts unknown. Lawyer Lamon of Dundalk came up on the noon train to take charge of the premises, and gave the informa- tion, that before the arrival of the early morning train at Dundalk, the two gentlemen called on him at his home and made an assignment for the benefit of their creditors. Eighteen men are thrown out of em- plonnent, who report their wages badly behind, and we understand many others here are sufierers. Mr. Phil Barnhouse left last week for Brandon, and Mr. '1‘. Wilcox leaves this week for British Colum- bia. Mr. Wm. Stexirart, who has been in the employ of the C. P. R. at Wes- ton, for the past year has returned to his father’s farm on the Toronto line. Mr. Robertson, 8 con., lost a large stack of hay, which was struck by lightning and burned on Wednesday evening last week. Dr. Sproule, M. P. Sundayed with his wife and daughter in town. Miss Breckenridge of Owen Sound is the guest of the Misses Richardson this week. ."w-. v“ 3‘] «1.. L'. H. Irwin of Protcn, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. John Mahan of this place. The bridegroam was assisted by his brother, Mr. Ir- win, while the bride was assisted by her sister, Miss Minnie Bellamy- Only immediate relatives of the con- tracting parties were present. The bride was the recipient of many use- ful presents. Mrs. Ranton of Niagara. Falls has moved to town to occupy her father Mr. T. Leitch’s dwelling The home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bellamy of this place was the scene of ahappy event on \Vednesday of last week, when their third daughter Miss Ida May was married to Mr. C. VARNEY. We feel sorry to report that Mr. J. C. Buchanan is no better. He is sinking fast. and no hopes are enter- tained for his recovery. Messrs. A. Dunlop and G. Buchan- an have each secured contracts for the carrying of milk to the Markdale cheese factory this summer. 0 A young girl in Montreal €738 bad- ly burned by the explosion of a coal oil lamp, which she tried to ex- tinguish by blowing it; out before retiring. Mr. John Holly has been ’on the sick list for some time but}: getting better. Mr. John Shannon left for Mani- toba on the 15th inst. He is intend- ing to teach school out there if he can secure a place. Yongo St. Fire Hall, 'l‘oronto, March 16th, 1807. (iontlemen.â€"I have used Dr. Chase’s Kidney-Liver Pills for Ililionsnoss and Constipation, and have proved them the best that l have ever usedâ€"“ill use nothing (also as long as they are obtainable. Re- maining yours, respectfully,__ Most of the farmers are starting to plough. A Toronto man visiting in Shel- burne a few weeks ago mistook the town band practice for an old fash- ioned charivari. This is hard on the band. but one of the Shelburne pap- ers is responsible for the item. A native of Ireland, landing at Greenock, wanted to take the train for Glasgow. ' Never having been in a railway Station before, he did not know how to get his ticket. Seeing .‘ ‘1\t‘.' ~A- _, _-.- "vuvv. uuv'ur, a lady going in. Pat thought he would follow her and he would then know how to get aboard. The lady, going to the ticket box and putting down her money, said “Maryhill Single.” Her ticket was duly handed to her and she walked 011. Pat, think- ing it all right, plunked down his money and shouted “Patrick Murphy married. ~ The {all wheat is looking fine at present. THE JOKE BECAME SERIOUS â€"It was rumored around Walkerton during the early part, of the week that the men who stole Carter Bros. butter at: Lamlash, last summer, had been dis- covered, and not only discovered but preliminarily tried and committed for Begins to look like apt-in" and the a. robins have put in an appearance. 11.4. 33* a :3" 6‘5 ‘7' \V; \‘ I ‘7’ x .5. 9‘ § 3? ’1‘? i857. l~-- b ‘93; \‘Y', A? o“. {- '(93 GENERAL NEWS *O”-~. 'VAfiDELEtI‘R. '. 'C. SWEETMAN. S. While stepping at the hotel. a very inquisitive old gentleman of the place approached Bearman and want- ed to know who they were. what their business was and where they were going. Fora lark on the old man. Bearinan told him that he had been arrested for stealing the Lam- lash butter, that Halliday had bought it from him, and that the third man was the constable taking them to Owen Sound jail. But here the fiche ended. The news Spread through the country like wildâ€"lire, and on their way back former acquaintances greeted them coldly, or refused to recognize them at all. Paisley got hold of it, so did Tara and other places and telephone messages for particulars have been coming in thick and fast from all over the county. Dcarmnn has shut himself up in the house, and refuses to be in- terviewed, and it is said he is seri- ously considering whether he should not bring an action for damages against himself for slander.â€"â€"Tcle- scope. triel. To ueertnin the truth of the rumor this ofi'ice squandered 15 cts. on a telephone message, and this is how the rumor originated. Three or four days ago. Constable Grey 03 Chesley, accompanied by Wm. Halli- day and Robert Bearman, of the same village, drove through the little vil~ Tells how Br. Chase Saved her Bay. MRS. A. T. STEWART, Folgar, Ont. sayu: “From the 7th of January to the 30th, we we_re up nigh_t 9nd dgy ytith 0x15 two little boys. empioying doctors and tryini every kind of patent medicine we ever card of. At this time we did no. know of Dr. Chase's Linseed and 'l urpen- tine until after the 30th. when our young est darling died in spite of all we could do. Sometime in Febtuary the doctor told us our other boy couldn't live tiil Spring. --â€"~_ â€" . _ _‘ _ "I t: ieddas once to get some. but none of the dealers here had it. A neighbor who was in Kingston managed to purchase two bottles which he brought straight to us, and I believe it was the means of savjng our only boy: An. A A . -3 W8 vâ€"vere ubofit discouraged, when 'I 36! my eye on an advertisement of Dr. Chase’s Syrup. -w~:--°'~_ v.. a “ One teaspoo’nful of the Syrup stopped 3.10 cough so he could sleep till mormpg. Out by is perfectly well now, and I would not be witln'ls Dr. Chase’s Syrzm of Linseed and 'J' =.11'p;.ntiue in the house." PRlCE 25s.. AT ALL DEALERS, or Edmunson. Bates 00.. Toronto, Ont. A MOTHER SPEAKS. Syrup of Linseed and Turpen- tine a P eeious Boon. .-.I\ "o\‘

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