West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Mar 1898, p. 3

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m. wonderful magi}? are never more striking, an they. wil! be i 1 {H1 (:RUPLVG MAGNETS. . [ml c-xavtly where the]. “Ni [i .n to {Lb “neck. and Wu. mm m... armored aides with, ,nt 5' io'kin; pr'er to make tin! mu I'm infusing inf‘idL’IIL i3 related by l Enz'ifih juu.rna?, lrut it mist" hi" HWH‘W‘ :13"qu anywhere: .\ udy “In; kept, poultry bad. 00’ M “erfi. some Andalusian '0'” m: 911) sawdhad ona killed toads“, u'? ('1 LJ‘OVP to to V8 to ' Rarhel. she said no {is aggrnt' " deny. woman who had been Wit’ I" nne Hale. what fowl is this? It “9 out m \Vhr-u all the magnets hue 5‘ in “(ml the work 01 tam“. m w-k u iii be begun. 0!: tin p0.“ n to he pmxerful hydraulic rm.“ Dam” machines. and these will “nrk on the lifting process. ting (”1th Will be attached t. m ting pontoon by means Of a ah." [tn fluid of a hydraulic lifting“. \. ins: a stroke 0‘ 12 feet. which Wild .9 :.n effective lift of 24 fnnf n-,.. ? an PffBCtiVO “It 0! 2‘ feet. a: .imulic cylinder on the mu. .uloi he connvcted “fit-h. all th. m.“ Li a balancing accumulator w." went any rope getting max. t... mrmul strain of 1m tons. When the rams have all made M ,1 stroke the lifting cables will 5. uuimnwusly held in pooitio- b, ans of hydraulic lifting Noah r5 mum will then be lowered 8M 3.. mr iift of 24 feet givon to tho WM [‘ this raw-ration will be remand .- i0 in a very Old one. Well. mum. replied aha. It” mm the-re :filtediluvi‘fl an? mm!» a special study of 8610’ ! ska-rue nf the skin. and we can 00? "‘D'lfi' rerommmnl Dr. Chile's Oil-V '0‘ U) vure all forms 01 Eczema- T. 'st apyl'u'ation soothes the irritatifl ‘1 Hues the little sufferer rest no n ‘ ’ will . upun if “hen the work of h ship bngins then the “8% hrukwn away from tbs hunt“. | UN...) and a new spot on tho It)" .3 I)E{|ye(i {L’r until a titm h“ :2 [Hi WORLD’S COIIERCE. Slum [N lift of 24 feet givon to the w w {13 (bpfi‘r’dtion will be repeated 3.. pntiunt work the great hub? s raised 30 near the surface . )w of hot being towed to M. water and then beached. . this will be the work of a m E time. but the consensus of adu- pinirm is that it can bourforn- \Vhpn it is considered that lb n cost to build no less an. ;.-z.mn,noo, it is worth the attempt \I ‘a'S'T R R Y H X PLAINED- Britain bull] “W I. 1'“. same way H zmu -xxD SCALD HEAD- x 4nd young children Ore 9" am jmt to this terrible dill” ! .f not promptly arrested 1‘ ntualh become chroqic; 2" AN IBINIENSE COST â€" wV- ..- 11 appears that ”13 mm- vnlztfl Of the leading .pOWQ‘” nin'.r nf this period Great 31" M the 1m with 0440.000.” France came next with 3‘39? {H'rtsz the United States not (300.!!00 exports; and German! L. 8129,0000“) oxwrts. T” tr 1996 are as follows: (31’9“ 5?.z73,¢m,000; Germany. 3973' iv. ['nitml States. $834.00),” 36 $0,000,000. tie leading statisticians 0! Jun-s Roche, has recently nun». interesting figures hear- he grow-Ur and expansion 0‘ s cummerco during the past :4. The object of the at» n devoting himself to “5! 0 expose the contrast unst- Pn Franco and German! i. " uf their foreign trade fl" )5 her armament is injnrot lpu ratively small~sized hob rr can readily be repaired: estimate of the cost d luttle ship by means 0! magnets shows that it “I less than 33!).000. so that went will be an imam“ 0: work is surcesslully con- imxing table the statisti- in what. extent the com- 3 of the ten leading 99“" obe have. grown in valui- figures set forth u was first suggested by expert the Governmell sufficiently impressed w a demonstration to b. model ship. the depth of ng capacity of the ma.- lingq being. relatively. base of the forthcoming "1 his was successful. (my the test of this non! ing a sunken battle ship Pen made by ttbo Gov- ,rities, and were it not was with which the ad- is take. up any new sug- er, feasible it may seal. night have been mind 81,618,999. M may; Dodd'n Kidney Pins are the one and only cure for Bright's Disease. Dia- betes. Rheumatism. Lumbago, Heart Fuiiuro. Blood Impurities, Urinary Troubles. DiseuSes of Women, and all othar Kidney Complaints. Flickâ€"Call him a n he doesn't know the tween 3 nocturno and Flack-You don’t mean hurry to get away fro: 5961: is terribly afraid lom l‘lerk Bannin- Tells of In CI"... The first “one Gave IIlm lellofâ€" Two Boxes (‘ured III-I [inure]! of Rh kidney Dlsem. Durn;:m mlrh~l£veryone in Durham; and htndretln of people who visit. the town [Jeriudicstiiy know Cf’H'. Bauman, {be genial clerk at. 'the Knapp Hbuse. All will be surprised to hear that he has had a narrow esrape. from a re- lentless enemy. {hunks to the assist.- Inco rendered by a good friend, how- ever he ewzlped safely. He tells the ltory in this style: ‘I'suffered fur a bong time with ter- ribly severe backavhe. caused by Kid- ney Disease. It was with the most ag- aniying pain, that 1 could sit down, and the pu'ml endured in getting up again was equa‘dy as severe. My life was be- lmg made miserable for 'these pains were present duxing the greater por- kids of the time. And Testifies to the Wonderful Efficacy of Dodd's Kidney Pills- DURHAM IS IN LINE the a citizen . 'Ot nuffin be proud 0 .country or We: M0 .Ve disr prerLl l V All Rightâ€"Out of war} again, a! f I tbmght thattOOId Skinflint ,3 Wu 3 lion! He d1d.aor.¢but Oi'll m {Hure urn starve to death for “flip Hf kilP'ln' alOiV6\ 801‘.‘ 39:. Version-Jakey Isaac;â€" e! x :15 it a disgrace tq fail id peez- ; and nut maka . anyding? Mr. “_~s---.\'o. Shakey; 1t vas better to‘ 9 {ailedl undt lost dan matter .to p. failmlt at all. neve H' HOS upon the heritage of a remedy )Sgl‘e, safe and painless. Put- rhiunleSs Corn Extractor never wer musex‘ pain nor the slight- ‘nm 'nr‘ the I 3'9 the \sox'ds that grace tha ”the. Hartford Rubber Work 3 Dulyvlfr tire catalogue for wn 0! 98.3de which is the DR? â€" eship 99k! .e (Nam 11 d . No risk in using Ludella Ceylon y n Price to unmatchablc and always the same. Imectorâ€"Bow old are you, “-1: Ednaâ€"You. will have to She always takes charge: of my the railway! x can}, r; Home “7“}? Tannin Twentieth Century r1 knovks at your door 11 see the words ”Dodd’s Ynu med not miss be- ' npgieming to respond to toms. Take advantage of you have neglected the H'IS’I‘ TO FACTORY. me De fhanks no and a. symphony. t mean it! And they ”215' from one another. afraid that the other exery day. On being the custom at'gentle- e lkmtor, your Old ‘9. he replied; as I Brown. I’ll toast her ’ane with cold. said ’10 flushing. said Jenâ€" llue blood. I Browneâ€"Allow me to re of returning. that I lorrowed the other z:""d - ' >t1e t W'sâ€"est, and the catalogue free. Ly. what is the dif- musician ! Why. difference be- 1.1.“; pleasure is Compimy3 an The man who had built up the new town and was showing a prOSpective settler about the place” pointed with pride to a pretty little church. just oompketed. ' St., Toronto. ‘1' should say not... replied the head man of the burg, with an air of injur- ed pride, the church belongs to me. Do you belong ‘to the church! asked the visitor. SOMETI‘H 1N4} FOR 30'1"” l NU. -Persons suffering from Rheumat- ism. Salt. Rheum, Piles, 'I‘etten (‘hil- Hains, Eczema, Skin Diseases, etc., who send a. two cent stamp (for post-o ' me and address. we will send a free sample of Tmask’s Mag- netic Ointment with a Ransom’s Cook ‘ranois U. Kabxle, 1:27 Bay We don't advertise for mere effect, but for business. \Ve know that.- if you are subject to cramps, that you should have a prompt, efficient rem- edy on hand; Nervilineâ€"nerveâ€"pain cuterâ€"has a wonderful and immedi- ate curative power. It relieves in one minute; it cures in five. Pleasant to the taste and the best known remedy for pain. Daniel Joihn, of Liberty. says :â€"â€"“My wife was afflicted with the piles for ten years or more, and 'have tried many eminent physicians, but receiv- ed no benefit until I was induced by your agent here, Dr. Beaver, to use “l‘rask’s Magnetic Ointment," and I can now say she is entirely cured with three bottles.” ‘ C. L. Root, Monroeville, sayszâ€"“I have been usin your ‘Trask’s Magnet- ic Ointment or bleeding piled-‘3, and find it helps me more than anything else I have tried.” All druggists sell Trask’s Magnetic Ointment. It is 25 and 40 cents for full-sized packages, and is put up only; by Francis U. Kama, 127 Bay street; Toronto. Judge Henry D. Barron, St. Croix Falls, says:--“ I have suffered severe- ly from pi‘les, and found no remedy until I applied Trask’s Magnetic Oint- mentf [t relieved me at once, and per- manently, to the present time.” Here are soxfie vol'urimfy and unsJo- licited testimonials we have lately: re- oeLved:â€" ( . 4 It alleys the inflammation immedi- ately, heals the irritated surface, and, with continued treatment. reduces the swelling and puts the membranes, in good, sound; healthy condition. The cure is thorough and peh‘manent. It In Foolish to Neglect any Kind of Pilesâ€"cure Them at the Beginning. ‘7 Piles are siniple in the beginning and easily cured. They can 'be cured even in: the worst stages without pain or loss of blood. quickly, surely, and com- pletely. There is only one remedy that will do itâ€"“Trask’s Magnetic Oint- ment.” ' “““ "fl" ‘”“" a 1 . ; . had set- out for England. “ I send yon, m“ at. ’1 “X ‘ my toothpicker. I thought to have giv- ~l 9 , 4 en M) to the duke whilst he was here, HOOd 3 Plus but it was not then at my hand. I send m it to him because when he was here I - THE TAS'. did see him wear a. pin to pick his She complied w teeth witha]. And I pray you to show to sing pOpuiar sc him that it has been mine these seven such selections as or two others of A prOprietorship in a toothpick of Then a sweet-fa seven years’ date would hardly be a center of the am recommendation nowadays. bIUShingly asked ,_.'_‘-v-v\- -v-l ”U“, “U gave [181' SlSter Elizabeth a cramoisre satin kirtle. Again, she sends a box with silver nee- dle-work in it for her "Sister Eliza- beth." and also worked a cap for her baby brother, and made his nurse, “ Mother Jacketm,“ a present of abon- net and frontlets which cost twenty ‘Most singular amongst the‘ gifts of the period, however, is that presented by Lady Lisle to Duke Philip of Bav- aria, after the Duke had visited Lord Lisle at Calais. ‘â€" â€" vwv-vv by Lady Lisle to Duke Philip of Bav- aria, after the Duke had visited Lord Lisle at Calais. " My lord,” she writes to her spouse from Calais after Lisle and Duke Philip In": Mu. ---L n-_ “- the throne of England. indicate that she was not without human kindness. Mr. Richard Davey. in his history of Mary Tudor. quotes from the princess's tionabefly as “ my' little sister." She sends her brother, afterward Ed- ward VI., a frock which she had em- broidered for him. and gave her sister L‘linnl--‘-‘â€" -L_ 'A TERRIBLE \VARNING. JUST TH E OTHER; \VAY. SIMPLE AT FIRST. wnnout human kindness. Davey. in his history of quotes from the princess's ve Expenses.” Mary had ROMOMDGI‘ How do you keep that big clock wound? asked the rural visitor as he passed the government building with a chance acquaintance. They haQe a winding stairway in the tower. She complied with a special request to sing popular songs of the day, with such selections as "Hot Time” and one or two others of equal literary merit. Then a sweet-faced old lady in the center of the audience stood up and blushingly asked if the lady would be kind enough to give them some of the unpopular songs of the day. Sun or OHIO. Crrr or TOLEDO. }” LUCAS COUNTY FRANK J. CHEM! makes oath that he is the senior partner of the arm of F. J. 011:1:le 8t 00.. doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid. and that on“ firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL- LARS for each and every one of CATARRH tint canneb be cured by the use of HALL'B Guzman CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in m presence, this 0th day of D;cember A. U. l . PM} A. w. GLEASON, {32 Notary Public Hall's Cstsrrh Cure is taken internally. and acts directly on the blo 2d and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. .1. 'C‘H gym 8c 00.. Toledo. 0 a-‘ J L_ h-___ Pmfl.m_fl.n. J. I). lager, Q. 0., I.P., Speaker of the Home of common of 0mm First VIoo-Prooflent-Dr. Oroflhyotokha, Supreme Glue! Rm Independent on" .1 forester; Second Vloo Presidentâ€"w. J. Douche, m. lhootor the Toronto Paper I’f’g. co'y. Commaâ€"J, u, m g” Is Canada’s Groatost Medicine. Sfld b a druggisto. 81; six for 85. Get only H00 '3. W. M. Ogilvie will personally conduct that party to the rich streams. He knows the country as well as you know your own town. He knows where discoveries have been made, and where new loca- tions should be sought for. He knows the best routes, the most likely creeks, and with his well- equipped party should win the millions. A few more shares will be offered to the Canad' ' Lublic at 20 Cents. Ogilvie has been all over the Klondike. He and his father are the recognized authorities on Klondike matters. He is possessed of all the information gathered in years of explora- tory work for the Government in the Klondike. N ow he gives the whole benefit of his knowledge and experience to the Gold Hills Exploration and Development Company of Toronto, leltod. Hood's Canaparllla Unequalled for Making Rich, Rod Blood. The necessity for taking a good spring medicine to purify the blood and build up the system. is based up- on natural and unavoidable causes. In cold weather there has been less per- spiration and impurities have not paSsed out of the system as they should. Food has consisted largely of rich, fat- ty substances, and there has been less opportunity for outdoor exercise. The result is, the blood is loaded with im- purities and these must be promptly expelled or health will be endangered. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the best spring medicine because it is the best blood purifier and tonic. It purifies the blood and gives vigor and vita ity in place of weakness and languor. That com ° ' ' ° Klondike. pany is orgamzing and flttmg out an expedltlon for the Hood’s CANADIANS ARE ALL ENTITLED TO A SHARE IN THEIR HERITAGE. Sold b DE‘iééié'EsZ'ébcT' " "' Hall’s amily Pills are the best. TIMELY INFORMATION. THE TASTE OF TIME. The Gold Hills Exploration and Development company, limited. are the favorite cathar- tic. All druggista 25c. The General Trout. company Bulldlng, Toronto. I "0083“)! Now Sarsa- parllla the Klandike LAKESIDE LEVITY. Offiver. shouted an excited man to a Chicago policeman. those fellows in that saloon just stood me on my head and .took away every cent I had! Thim boys it Pats'y'a, was the offic- er's comment. as ’he moved on, was 81‘- ways great at jokes. 01..., Enamored Youthâ€"Certainly. certain- lia.§.i£...3Â¥hinh Pom-nan" “nu-U -- . Old Crampsâ€"Well, I think it better be the Pay All Claims Company. They allow suicide. *1 L‘. 1 Va. orize Quickoure for old in the Head. Old Grumpaâ€"If you want to marry my daughter. young man, you must. firs} get your life insured in her fav- Montreal and Quebec to Liverpool in eummer Portlnd to Liverpool in winter. Large one" fast twin screw Itenmshipe ‘Lnbrndor. ‘Vnn conver,' ‘Dominion ’ ‘Scetem n.’ ‘ orkshlre. Superior accommodation for 'irlt thin. 300 ond Cabirtgnd Steernge passengers. Rate: 0‘ passe e- i at Cebin. 850; Second Cabin. 334 Steer go 2.50 and upwude moordinfl t= etenmer and berth. For all information ADM! to Loon! Agents. or DAVID Tonmxcn 8c (30.. Gen'l Agents. 17 St. Sacrament St... Montreal. The most fascinatihimigglo of the day. Agents wanted to introd 00 our MU I Catalogue and terms. e will mail prepaid “Hot Time in Old Town’ with music. ’for 5 cents. stamps. Have You seen It! I! Can You no It I I H A :l’hg Ngw 0. K. Puzzle I I I H “L- __ "" “'"' """""‘fi‘6§?'175"§§1“8fl K [ON DYKI Sold oucrywhere. Agents wanted. Send 200. for sample. 1'. SONNE, :93 Commissioners 5t.. - Montreal, Que. POPULAR mum DEPOT. go Mule 8t. Hontml. nunâ€".steo: (‘9‘ unit Rollo: Wm an 11.1! Boa-in (a. It Pugh? 8pm" and ram Grindo rl. Iii. Gino!» .M a 0.. limited. lrantfm. Mada. Weak Kidneys l The ”Jami“ on. E'Ex’zé‘u’EWm GELEBY KING Thousands testify to its cuntivo powers. Sold by all druggtsts. Large package, 25 cu. woomuu uwzcwn 60.. rouoxro. can)» OWWMO g a. u. “cannon. u.u.. lo. a Baum-0t. T 0NT0,0 . â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"°“ :2... p, THROAT Italian and Hybridsâ€"best ueens B All Bee Su pliesâ€" best qualt {Need Patent Process Cwutflied Foundation. "a.” 6001 lit-trio, flulr (‘ e. um [Pram 0rd. Can. EVE, EAR: NOSE A C‘HEERFU‘L PROSPECT. [ Follow the directions on .0 lucid. GELEn' KING [MANUFACTURED ONLY BY W P09“ IHE PAGE WIRE PENGE COMPANY. 65 cents per rod. For idluatntod a. vex-using matter nppuly to our load dealers or to us direct. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR Om man afterwards calla! on the road- runner, who wanted him to use than farmers, who would hug 3nd khan you and I have hot to have 25 mile. on my divhsinn.” Farm styles at from 45 to A short amp ago aver-u farmer: u the line of n big Itilmad robolhd against barbed Win and demand“ bou‘d fences. They compromlud OI the PAGE, first the company had and. BURNING OIL. ONSOON vou WINE-53:336.: M Catches Roadmastcrs. of each packet of Limited. WALKERVILLE, ONT. Royal Safety Royal Oil 00. .â€"See our “ad" in next Issue. VIIUUUIII IIIII “a “.00- - you wnlf‘fiave good tea.

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