West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Mar 1898, p. 1

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'I'OS I Cof-Lbrzr Oil with Hypopha‘ bites of Lime and Soda “m zacti‘,’ what they want. I rill 13‘ mm, grow strong and h nil 2.11 winter on this splcndid {ad 001:. Nady all of than bccomc r$.an $3.16 of it. For tdolts who a are at vary strong, a p, .55 ," cums of tmtmult with i «33 fit: Emulsion for :5 mph '19” ; .j! of months in the fan will VF..." put them through thc a. ;\ winter in fist-clan coe- ‘iJ. ~ Glitz-Sn. Ask your data ,fi‘ DI 7‘3?" k5! acmg .0 am: .rt of the Dominion i0! interview we] Bug's about the mini hich to us were nnit. 01 :32 are not very robust and a 'a?m?i‘zg, builfiing and fat-forming bod-a-aezzething to be used for M r atria: months in the fanâ€"41m 9.; my} not suffer from cold. neatb 9 atmosphere, no nevor need“ g; ear an overcoat, yet at Vic!“ pare flowers bloom the you In“: had to use one owing to th. h dity of the air. The dificnlty h {ting a sufficiency of fruit in t“ rtlmrn regions is in his opinio‘ . olitlr camse of mortality. Ho thigh zit an essential, and with 3.. zit. batter imalth and greater long. it); would be assured. In a 1.. ya Mr. Ferguson will, in all put. ility be» heading a prospecting pm, .' Northern L’rit. Columbia or tot). 390 nugge nces have twenty-fl OD SIZCS we “112' third big stock 0‘ Trunks {I}? this Spring just tn hand. It“ you are going to travel, just remember that we keep the best 8:0"k of Trunks in Town. The. prices are from $2 to 35'.â€" 30 the new Canvasem'e" Cd Tami-:5; at $4. CanVQ d »@ren ‘3 4:13: 0 Hfllj‘fi a ~~ ;‘ ' .1 . :t’fl "M The tendonc nachmory is 1 lg where best. £242.31, 5'53! \I MB us 38] :tors and For am lountains and exhil: mphere. ] flffié’afi'fi"@ "Wen xne a‘swt this. get scm‘T's Emulsion. s...“- .331»! reports from I)“; my seventeen yeanin the ntains. owing to the dry, 93: hilamting charactor of Wm, he never needed to m the wrappa. ’mggisu; 50c. and 03.00. ‘ BJWNE. Chemists. TM region, 130 name}; Ii!) 8 bu uu-z mlvation Army Marine Band have billed the town {or an entertain- ment on Thursday evening April 11. The Advance agt. struck our devil for anotice and gave tickets to the whole Itafl. Some of our local societies wouldn’t be guilty of much more than this. Admission lOc. -â€"._._..______ SOHCE~NL Geo. Ferguson will Either 3 Lecture in the Methodilt “HIP." ‘ - h m, mL_- â€" v v v- Icuvu VIC V 05-51“ wheel is the {aeo‘i‘it-e again this year. Mr. Munro Sutherland of the Stand- ard Bank has bounght a beauty from Mr J. A. Hunter. Several of our fast riders and others intend to buy a Cleveland t. is year. â€"â€"_. Tux-3 Salvation Army Marine Band kn--- I 0l| - - D teats lac. MISS CL'LBmu’rscm cordially invites her numerous friends and customers to her Millinery Opening, Fliday and Saturday, April lst and 2nd. Don’t. miss seeing her fancy veiling. Show Room over S. Scott’s store, Lower Town. THE Junior Lacrosse Club give at. outertainumnt to-night, Thursday, {u the Town Hall. A good program 1:. said to be provided. The boys in- vnte everybody to come. See that vou do. Admission 10c; reserved . .I‘AL- ‘â€"- ° t a meeting in the §Iith3iilgt Church lecture room Mon 3. ~ inted the report of the commlttee apPO o 0 A ing discussed senatnm NOetino ° ”Wm tor sale or to rent. Any One ' e swamp and all certain limit. On the Mn. E. J. HARTFORD, one of our timber buyers, has been confined to the house for the past few days with 3 bad cold. IN North Grey Mr. James Gardiner has been appointed License Commis- sioner instead of Mr. James Stewart who died a few weeks ago. J. A. HUNTER reports heavy sales in Trace chains, Plow Lines and Gar- den Tools. WM, LAIDLAW has started aBicycle Livery- For rates by the hour, day or week see cards. EGG CASES-Call at J. A. Hunter’s and get the loan of an egg case It aims trouble and eggs. . Tonaccosâ€"Choice brands old Virginia. At Parkér’s 833:; Store. VOLUME 31. MR. BEXJAMIX MOORE recently pur- chased the old Methodist parsonage, which he intends to improve by put. ting it on a foundation near the from of the lot. If you are thinking of treating yourself to a nice comfortable tap buggy be sure and 366 W. Calder’s stock of these goods. FOR SALE-Three freshly calved young Jersey cows; 1 Jersey Bull; lGurusey Bull; '2 Ayrshire Bulls. Also Red Tamworth Hogs, all ages. CALDWELL BROS. Thins lbs. dates { Hunter’s. or 100. M. 1' __-_._ TASTY Groéeries cheap at MOCkler’. this week. See ad. _â€"____- INSPECTOR Campbell has treated himself to a magnificent camera, which he intends to use this summer for amusement and profit in photo- graphing the scenery in bi. inspec- torato. Btcnthsâ€"Thé celebrated Cleveland 3~Mr. Geo. Ferguson will a Lecture in the Methodist on Thursday evening. April 8 o’clock on, “Mining for British Columbia, Klondyko ska.” The chair will be occu- the mayor, Mr. Wm.Calder. on 15c. Proceeds in aid of the GREAT SCOTT. â€"-On Monday morning Mr. Samuel Scott, who was out for a drive with his niece Miss Mag. gin Scott, left the young lady hold- ing the reins while he stepped out at the postoofiice. Just then a bicycle came along and frightened the horse. Mr. Scott was knocked down by the buggy wheels, the bicyclist tumbled into the same hsap, the horse started on a run. and Miss Scott, now the sole occupant of the vehicle, pulled the lines, checked the animals speed, which she succeeded in reducing to somewhat less than forty knots an hour, and then jumped, lighting safely on Terra Firma near the Sta’n. The horse was now left free to do as he liked. and after climbing the hill west of the station he decided to give up the chase, and waited the arrival of his master, who towed him into dry dock to undergo repairs. The buBIUJVas somewhat damaged, but A farmer who brought a. dressed hog to town a few days ago and was unable to find upurchsser, complains of the inefliciency of our markets, and threatens to report the incident. We were unuer the impression that ready buyers were found here for all kinds of farm produce, and as this is the first report of the kind made to us we general. TWO volumes of the Encyclolmedia Britannica, belonging to the Public Library, are missing from the shelves. Any person knowing anything of their whereabouts, will confer a favor by giving the information to the Librarian. It is supposed that somebody borrowed them and forgot to return them. M. P’s. being present, Deceased was a brother-iu-law of Mr. Wm. Cliff of this town, and is well known throug- out Ontario as a popular journalist. Age 41 years. Miss Bhutto EC we, who has done ex- cellent work as a teacher in S. Grey, leaves on Saturday next to take charge of a school in Lacombe, Al- berta, N. W. '1‘. From her record as a thorough, painstaking and efficient teacher here, we have no doubt she will give the best satisfaction in her new field of labor. MR. FRED. A. LEWIS, of Berlin, well known here as a piano tuner. Wishes us to annouce that he will be in Durham about the first of April to tune pianos, and attend to any Other business in his line. ON Monday, Mr. W. H. Benton, second Miller to McKechnie Bros., received word of the death of his mother on the 12th inot., at Ham- merwick Mill, Stafiordshire, Eng., where she had lived for 57 years. The deceased lady was in her 80th year. MISS IIU'I‘TON, Dressmaker, begs to announce to the ladies of Durham and vicinity that she has again re- sumed businrss at her home on George Street. where she is prepared to attend to all orders in her line. 2 Mr. Louis P. Kribbs died in Ottawa on Thursday last and was buried in HOSpeler, Saturday. The funeral was largely attended, a number of SEED CORN.â€"-TO arrive, one car at seed corn-Leamings Improved, Mam- moth Southern Sweet, Early Yellow Dent and Yellow Horsetooth. H. PARKER, Durham. FARMERS! If you want to buy the best Drill in the market, buy the Massey-Harris Drill. In is sure to please you. Where can you get it? At Calder’s Implement. Ware Rooms. COCKERELS FOR SALE. ~ Brown and White Leghorns, Barred Rocks, W. C. B. Polands, 'Indian 'Game, Black Spanish. and Bantams. also Pekin Ducks. CHAS. W. LANG, Camp Creek, Durham. SEED PEAs FOR“ SALEâ€"300 bush. Canadian Beauty; 300 bush. Multi- plier. Also a lot of white Siberian Oats. John Cornish, Orchard. 2 A few good Cooking Stoves in stock which will be sold at cost, at W. Calder’s Ware Rooms. See them if you want a. cheap stove. SCRIBBLERS. â€"Three practice books, 200 p. each, for 5c. 3: Parker’ 3 Drug Store REMEMBER W. Laidlaw’s Spring Millinery opening on Friday and Sat- urday, April lat and 2nd COTTON Cashmeres, all inches wide, 150. a yard a EASTER Cards at. SCRIBBLERS. 110.130 the grievance in not FOR farmers The Weekly Sun is an excellent paper for the price. 500 a year. Its market reports are ac- knowledged to be the most complete and reliable given in the Province. Its Special articles on general farm topics are also of the greatest possible interest to the farming community. Above all else The Sun is strictly in- dependent and its discussion of pub- lic questions is fair and unbiased. You can get The Sun and CHRONICLE tiil‘the first of January '99 for 86¢. Subscribe not. Mr. John Williams, councilmanfiof Glenelg, and Mr. Donald McFayden of the same township, while attend- ing a ploughing bee at Mr. James Dillon.,s last week, took a run over to Mr. Thomas Brown’s fishery ponds and were delighted with the enter- prise shown by Mr. Brown and the way in which he is deveIOping the natural utility of his farm. The hen- nery, hydraulic appliances and other other improvements were carefully examined, and considered praisawor- thy and commendable. Mr. John Livingston had a num- ber of Farmers in town Thursday last after Sylvester Drills which were sold by him and his assistant Mr. D. Ferguson. There were twenty-two ordered and delivered in Durham on thatday. He also wishes to state to his customers that he wae not able to get his Binders, Mowers and Rakes in time for delivery on the same day but they will be on hand in a couple of weeks. Mr. Wm. Vallett. who has been in the employ of Thos. Swallow here for the past year or so, left Tuesday morning for Hamilton, where he has secured a. situation. Mr Thos Gilray, of Epping. Ex- Reeve of Euphrasia, General Agent for Brown Bros Nurserv 00., was in town a couple of days last week and gave us a pleasant half hour’s call. Mr. W. Leighton, who was for some time in the employ of Mucfar- lane 00., came up from Toronto on Saturday to visit 01d friends here. Mr J. D. Gunn, of the Middaugh House, spent a few days 1185 week at Rosemont visiting his mother who is seriously ill, with slight hope for her recovery. Messrs John and Angus Whittaker and Isaac Sergeant, of Flesherton Station, registered at the Middaugh House on Tuesday. Mr John Walters left Wednesday morning for Fort McLeod to work on the Crows Nest. Railway. Mr. Duncan Macfarlane. son of Mr. A. Macfarlane, blacksmith, left on Tuesday morning for Flint, Mich. Mr. J. Powley, Asst. Grand Sac’y of the Grand Lodge of Ontario, was in town a few days this week drum- ming up the membership. Mr. Emerson Kinnee has gone to Palmerston for the summer. Messrs Joseph Fitzgerald and Pat. Hamilton, of Berkeley spent. a. few days with friends in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Parker visited Toronto the beginning of the week. Dr. Mahan has been assisting Dr. Bennett in Rocklyn the past. ten days. Mr. James R. Gun of the Durham Pharmacy visited Toronto on business on Tuesday. Mr. N. C. Coutts of Leamington visited his parents over Sunday, re- turning Tuesday. Mr. B. Bott, of Kilsyth. visited his mother and sister, Mrs. E. Bott and Mrs. W. H. Benton, on Sunday last. M1 David MacFarlane, Merchant, of Caledon, spenta afew days last week with his father and friends in town. Mrs Marshall and children, and Miss Annie Robertson of Town are visiting friends in Mt. Forest for a few days. Mr John Kilmer was in Toronto this week. Mr Alex. Armstrong left; Tuesday for Sault St Marie. Mr W. Ballagh, of Mildmay, spent Sunday with his family here. Mr A. 8. Hunter went to Chatham on Monday on business. --.â€"â€"~.~ as A gentleman? who has had charge of one of our churches here for some months and who removed to another field of labor two or three years ago, sent a post card the other week to discontinue sending him The Post. We wrote him that it would he a pleasure to comply with his wishes when he sent us the amount he owed us for 104 copies of The Post, or in other words two years back subscrip- tion. Since date of his post card, the Rev. (?)-â€"â€"’s paper has been re- turned eachiweek marked “not want- ed.” We are not the only unfortun- ate who has sufiered from this class of men as can be seen from the fol- lowing which we clip from an ex- change of recent date:â€"-I rote you to stop my paper, i want you to stop iti am getting enough of your scheme to make me take your paper i state once more i don't want your dog gone old paper the post Mrs. has notified vou and she has got a record of it and if you don’t step the dam thing i will give you apiece of my mind. Stop that paperi haven’t taken one of them out of the ofes.â€"-Post. Everv election campaign has its humors and in Centre Grey this was exemplified even more than usual during the recent contest. The best story yet heard is related of one of the candidates who attended an oppo- sition meeting in Singhampton. He saw the place of meeting, as he thought, lighted up, and marching into the building took all his overcc at, laid his bag on the table and sat down. No other speakers making their pres- ence known he arose and remarked to the audience that it was time to begin the meeting, and if they would kindly elect a chairman business would he proceeded with. Imagine his horrorâ€"or rather what should have been his horrorâ€"when a gentle- man present informed him that he had actually got into a Methodist prayer-meeting Without recognizing the fact, although everyone present had their Bible and hvmn-book. The relator does not describe the candi- dates exit from that church; it is left to the imagination, which, however, can scarcely be too vivid.-â€"â€"Ex. WINDOW [SHADES Is now Complete. Come and see the New De~ signs. Are very much cheaper this Spring. See our New Patterns and get- Our Prices. OF N01621

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