West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Mar 1898, p. 3

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f?" thQ-f an}. DhjCCtlon to my "yiu'; sits. Miss Maud?" Miss Man ' I «Jeni-wrâ€"I think that he’d ya. ,1: pa}! the-m in instahnents.” I «fun I; think the membersofm urvh u oulll he Willing £0 a“ ‘l M p50 3111 give to tbfi Mt.” H Hardly, hwy ”Light. be persuaded to 50!] n. 'ou Mamatrate. who has ““1, tOka t. himself a wigâ€""I think I'v. been 1. Prt' 1"» fare on a aimihr charm" “I- rderly Primmorâ€""No. yer “III“ ’ha hut ‘ beak ’ I was up store In. BIAâ€"headed old cove." Another Question.-“ no utun' a'nedd of hill.” H pally think he‘ll out at P \‘t'r‘x {(upular. . b Ur ruzl‘ um reds are the shades In th Eur, surfing with coral and 89".. 1111 uni m-xt comes an exquisite 6“. gade knu.~.n as nourpre. “'atermel". Ink and rose pink are also quite Pm” Ifmt, as \s P“ as a couple of rich P“ lush rwis and three or (our 65°?” nts. Reine and Jacqucminqt b2: Mass Unshingtonâ€"" I h “ski. should like to boom ’olinis‘t. “'hat in tho flu o Herr S]evewsklâ€"â€"“ 1...; I on: One Anuther-â€"-“ I'm-- kc 1e muntzme. I should know u me again among a million.” "Oh. oh !" mnaned Mrs. Week; vb as aut'fwring from a decayod Infill. why aren't people born without.“: '? like to know?" “\Vhy. my M. whim»! the husband. “do you hp '11 to knrm any one that wasn‘t?” Mike~â€"“ How old are. you. Pat 7” PI. "l‘hzrty-sivin next mont’.” Milo- ‘I‘vn' {mist be older than that. W“ 9n: yu 'zorn .’" Pat-” In 1861.” m ' I have ye: now. Sure. ye: told - If? pol it f( H w me my 16 rm a vomfii'nation with h- nmjur‘ty of women do adbefl i' usiwn uf the moment. it is pick » :.- ahle to relieve their min!” attain of uncertainty. UP “ 'Pewnt moment it has been (”15‘ r: 510.“! with any degree of 00" .nlsl “mm color would be}!!! than: this spring. but it b t I: -_it first in preference stub H14 sayrng that “ There i5 3.9“- "4 under the sun" is 00113!” ' l as (any looks over and 038m... l'l'o-x‘v-nl shades of the new all?" r mi of the fifty-six shades ol- lm». that ranks as second 3" “as immensely populfl' ' yurirs ago under the 11809 d 11‘. (mil ol'the {ittyaix 5118399 9" to us from which “'0 “to, 0" “hi3 Pight are DO‘V. and “x.“ are lllll“; so it can easily .110 W from this that blue is 80m to ,- prime favorite. 11h (lei-Madly a rehab 0‘ I” Ml? the rolors shown {01' fl” i'ertainly are. either taken 99" y or in combination. '0'! at“? Muir conception. The dud” 0‘ promise to be very Mum" "I“ wining nll the W8! from t. know u as Daillo. “11’th the da- («.1195 which were presented it I have to be identifiod wt. here next time T" inquired II. "No. sir." replied the but Not unless you swear 0!! i Jutin’w. I should know “I. 01‘ s have something mugh by no m0: ‘ .‘Jiisflmi 'b'e 'uaed effm'tw (or the no‘ ts» tin years 830!" L3 3 pair of twin sun”. 1 dress 30 exactly alike tilt 11L to tell which is Hi. ,xhirb Miss Martha. 0.. said to Harold: “I don't , wan tell your two auntiu i that‘s easy enough.’ to- i. “fur Auntie Mary loch ] more alike than Aunti- ASH IONA BLE' SHADE. mymrtant queation in tho » average woman just at L». new Spring shade. Will ins: or otherwise? To tit is fashion's slave. the at- 5 question is a vital one; an sensible enough to (a! wssifinle to the fashionablo wt have it becoming it 1! web importance. while ‘0 \\ km “ears the color which .t. irrespective of the N33!- LODS M.â€"Adm ITO!" now '10 y matter of indiffer- ’espch 3w luv V"' n with the (‘31.. 14 they are val" they prom‘” ” Bit dar.” t0 sell 3“ proceeds in v" H"? 3h. Irious ‘qutpm 41111th u V ‘ a I a"Hess (om '1 Ed landed SOME BIG PENSIONS. England is relieved of the payment of $15000 a year in pensions by the re- cent deaths of Sir Henry Havelook- Allan and of Viscount Combermero. mm in surces-l in to the nrst Viscount who was Sir Stapleton Cotton, and. receil'e‘i the pension for services in the Peninsular war. When the Duke of Wellington dies a yearly pension on ”0000 will end, while 365,000 a year will to saved to the nation at the death of the present holders of these titles: Visrount Hartlinge (for services in indie). Baron Search ((‘olborne, for Waterloo). Baron Keane and Viscount cough (for services in India). Baron Raglan (for Waterloo and the Crimea), Ind Baron Napier of Magdala (for= “minim. Pensions of seem to uni heirs of the Duke of Schombeng. 1 William [H's General. of $10,000 to the ‘ mt'CCSSOIS of Lord Rovlney. and .25,- w0 to all to whom the title of 1531'} Nelson shall deer-end nil] continue to he paid indefinitely. When Viscount Wolseley and the late Lord Alcester (Sir Frederick B. Seymour) received 3 for their military services in 1885 It was understood that the system of long-continuing pensions would be A MT. FOREST CASE. DOWD Jam-y blame famed Ill-I Much Sum-I'll. â€" In a Manuela Friend. Dodcl'l Kidney Pills. Well In llh Au!“- uco â€" Saw Io In as Well as Ever He Was. Mount Fureat.-â€";\ 1110M. din-inn no. ’1'. James Paddon. Viciously. saulted by a Fierce Assailant. and yous! 5mm! 45mm!- “The ponsoqupnr'es was that. the second 1d pip! gunmats had no share in f fun at all. for a rather queer reg- n_ Keppel’s shells in a. very few ,unds so smnahed up thfi embrasurea the Danish forts that they could n are the wading gunhoat for the 91118 of dust, or stand to their m .113 under the iron hail. The forts mere P uilt of mudJ and it L ‘ ” dried in the hot sum of Egypt, The ronSequenr-e was that the sec- d and third gal'nlbats could not ef-a ruaf‘y fire. by reason of the in- m ity of anything on which they 1:4 have laid thvir gun-s. They did 42 a few shells into the thick of the nuft. Put mommy did little execu- n x. it}: them. Me the clutchm of t not before he had injuries. that! caused 43. Mr. Paddon’s ass ne of the age Kidnq friend. that render». in" P0 ld’s x} 01! Suffered f. 110“ .he ( ing$ wh: Kidne y Disease pre- 1t the end would ‘omplaint were prompt- he Mean to use. Dmld’n FMâ€" madv an one of our well- zens herefiemntliy. The Vio- . FIRING GUNS :ney Pills alone. Times” for disease tr» always busy. r victims. But 1 man a way of ~ad2y forms of dis- Hâ€"and of resisting u-cessfully. Dodd’s imam, a'nd the at- rmined and vicious aid of a staunch m's assailant.â€" was 9. Kidney Disease. ‘Pndered such valo- Kidney Pills. ire so_ld by all ever, he manag- ms of his assail- 9 had sustained 'aused him great m. on receipt )rPdlCine Co. may I marry ‘hg eve'r did Dodd’a K‘id- and they n. 1.4umâ€" Speedily Disease, ODCO. Pn- ASv It .070! Mb to I". “m“ 1. Lo“ Pack“ “’ ‘- l. HOUW\ â€". _ , , Smtorâ€"Yes, sir. I’m not foolish en- 011.311 to expect perfection. Fatherâ€"You know that my daughter is a finished elonuiionist ?. _ W'h-y do you mrsilst in' calling Mix- er, the lawyer, Old Necessity? Because he knows no law. fl A plaster made with “Quickoure" Spread over the nose, will suppress coldl in the haed in a surprising manner,. owmg touts reducing inflammation of the mucous membrane. To yourself and your Creator to keep well. In this enlightened century. with so many excellent remedies at our command, no man can be excused for neglecting to maintain his system in perfect condition. Your 25 cents refunded if Celery King is not the best regulator and tonic for the bowels, stomach, liver and kidneys you have ever used. Note the improvement it will create in your complexion after ten days' use. Large package 25 cents at all druggists. A sample package sent free, by sending address to Wood- ward Medicine 00., Toronto, Canada. Pure baths and «layâ€"03mm order; Sold by all duals“. Largo pastas”. 25¢. WOODWAID ”8161313 00.. 7030'“. ”ADA Dolefulâ€"Probably the fate of the missionaries who were sent there. Soulfulâ€"I wonder what suggested the name of the Sandwich ISIands? -â€" â€"â€"vâ€"-.I--u-v “VL- IJPCS for enéh "and Jory ease of CATARRH that cannot la cured by the use of HALL’S Cnnum CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. sworn to before me and subscribed in m presence. this 6th day of D.cember A. U. l . A A. w. GLEASON. {3:3} Notary Public Hall’e Cemrrh Cure is taken internally. and not. directly on the nlmd and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonwe free. “I". Jaclmgymy 00.. Toledo. 0 RA!) \ Sun: or 0310. CITY or TOLEDO. )u Luau! COUNTY FRANK J. CHENL! makes oath that he in tho Ionior partner of the firm of F. J. 0erme a (30., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid. and that said firm will an the mm of ONE HUNDRED DOL- LA .8 for each nnd evarv one of (Yunnan “Quickcure” warmed and dropped from a spoon into the. ear. will cure caracha. It acts like a. charm. . How can a man tell when he is real- ly in love! . Wellâ€"4. man is really in love when he thinks he. doesn’t eat or s‘leep. Every one is surprised at the rapid- ity and effivacy with which Nervilineâ€"- nerve-pain rareâ€"relieves neuralgia and rheumatism. Nerviline is a specific for all nerve pains and should be kept on: hand by every family. 'â€"â€"v '- Vv" Sol .bg‘Drlig guista. 750. amily Pills are the boat. Mr. Gaddâ€"I saw y’r husband on the street yesterday. He looked very sol- emn, I thought. Has he got religion? Mrs. Gabbâ€"No; it’s only dyspepsia. ~W~ uw,‘ Uppusue L113 Its appearance ap- . SHE USED THEM ALL. How many words are there in the English. language. In?! I don’t know,, ask your mother. IVILLING TO OVERLOOK IT. Is Canada’s Greatest Medicine. druggis'a. 81; six {01-05. Gen a -, ' and nourishing. It over languor and depression so general w It is difficult for the I just itself to the change warmer weather. That i Sarsapari'lla. is needed wonderful to see what 1:] dicine can accomplish son. It 911313 9.11 6--..â€" LL ‘ ' APPROXIMATELY NAMED. Are You Ready for the 0!! Weather ango to Humor Hpqq’s Sarsaparilla An.island, it is annuunced‘ in Paris, Is buddenlynapgeared on the north- nn‘b AAâ€"â€"-L ISLAND FROM EARTHQUAKE SERVED COLD. HEART DELUSIONS. Topics of the Day HIS SOLIEMNITY YOU DAVE IT of Sold by all 1y Hood’s. --v- V Borneo; oppgsite til-e Its appearance apâ€" I. £0 .tthq earthquake act 08.311 , promptly and etfoctive y. 25 come. Chang. from cold to this» great Ina- b at this sea... ”.. impuritibs ' near Ku- . island is It meas- _by 50 in 322.50 for $50.00 Bicycles, 1898 Models. Write for cat8108ue. Power Cycle 00., Indianapolis. Ind., U.B.A, '"D mu...s¢«1,(‘a‘nnlud.fiol "a 3 .1113 39m 38. Iron Pam swam-o. and. 3“!” -_’_..“.‘.’.'.‘.' ~33! POPULAI mono Imam 51L ‘c'aft‘fiéid'iind‘ terms. â€" We 11 mail prepaid ‘ Hot Time in O a Town " with music. {or 5 en“. stamps. MUSIC Agents wanton w lubrouuws u r MUSIC Cataloguo and terms. We wil mail pro aid “Dar'll be angger Missin’." with mumo. or5 cents. mam g, POPULAR MUSIO DIPOT, 20 Amy 8t. antral. sacs, "NOE, Finalâ€"We can cut your 1898 fence accountjustin half. We claim we have the host and most practical fence on earth. Four mi] so! it in use at the Ex ori- mental Farm, Guelph. Ont. Send for pr cos. Address Toronto Picket ero l'onoo 00.. 221 River St. Toronto. Ont. 'vâ€"viwâ€" ranted ‘5 buy one 'iho | || v I don. Inautmcflble Lamflm 0‘. running} along gr! 6!“ tum Wm. mum yontfio #‘Ck.o on sell the. nd dwowmmaflyoatho Wm“ ' ”.mk. £2: IUIU La]. UUU- .Itvvu.--v~ tugs, TorontO. done by ourhfih}. Metal Ceilin' 3. Corâ€" “ices, etc. Estimates furnlnhed for work comple e or for materials ship‘cd 30 am art of tho country. Phona 1936 c. DUTHIIJ: N , Ado aide Wldmer 8t..,Toronto. o o I: | N c and Sheet Metal Works. R ROOFIVG SLATE. in Black, Red or Green. SLATE BLM‘KhOARDS (We mpply Public and High Schoqla. Tgrnntql. Rooting Fglt, Put“, I‘oul Tar. etc. . R09} INE’EI‘} See how Cwy Bulld- -‘n‘ “‘31:”..- (‘nn Love Your- self. 25-31 William 81., Toronto. Phone 1120. Montreal and Quebec to Liverpool in summer. Portland to Liverpool in winter. Large and fast twin screw steamships ‘Labrador.’ ‘Van- couver.’ ‘ Dominion ’ ‘Scotsman.’ ‘ Yorksb'ro.‘ Superior accommodation tor First Cabin. oo- ond Cabin and Steerage passengers. Rates 0! passageâ€"First Cabin. :50 ; Second Cabin. .34: Steerage 822.50 and upwards according to steamer and berth. For all information apply to Local Agents, or DAVID Tomuxcn 8c 00.. Gen'l Agents, 17 St. Sacrament St" Montreal. C. P. R. has cut the railroad rates. We have cutthe prices : - of our Wind Mills, Pum 3, Sewing Machines, Guns. l. cycles and Hardware. Send for prices before purchasing and save money. The Bailey Donaldson 00., MONTREAL. Applications wili b3 {BENâ€"£56 Xi'an offices of the Lompany. J. HERBERT MASON, Managing Director, Town to. , r _ _ --â€"..- ‘vv- v- uo--- vvu- nu cunuxu Its Directors to make advances on fiea Estate. without delay, at low rates of interest. and on the most favoxable terms of repaymvnt. Loans ra‘ ted on Improved Farms and on Productive own and City Properties. Mortgages and Municjpul Deben_t_1_n_'ee Purchased. HE AD OFFICE-TORONTO 8T., TORO) Branch Officeâ€" WINNIPEG. MAN., AND VANCOUVER, 13.0. 90minion Llne steamshlps CANADA PERMANENT LOAN 8: SAVINGS COMPANY Butter. 83p. Apples. Fruit. kc” to ‘I’IIII DAWION OOMHISSION 00., Limited, '. of West llarkot and Dolbom It... TORONTO. mucus excmmgeu. send for t u. p’éii'oifiimy a 09., e1 Kin: VI» Tom HE HAD-1:12) TACT. And 80 Arizona. Ike shot the plogist? Dmggiatu 'uhâ€"d'b'oiliii ii '95?“ 16'qu; The worst Bore. Bruises, Outs Burnt. Emeline. Bill Dlsor ere, Sore Throa , Group Rheumtlam, lame-eel, Piles! end all externn and Internal affections charactenzed by wrun- IA'I‘ION, new to its influence 0.: if by magic. It is a purely vegetable preparation by a regular phyncian of eminence, nnd its success has been marvelloun tn the moat obstinate cases. Sold by h_.__:-L_ ___1 “-_Q.,A_ -L n- __1 An . Magnetic Ointment. C 5".” u "nukes? APPnvoi"?3'A m 2 gm,“ “é Impossible to detect from real . - Warranted to retain their lustre. mduce these marvelous stones, we will send or gaubetagtial gold filled mounting. either Rim .m: Broucn or Eiyrings on receipt of One Doila Li- mm-.. u-._--__' .. -- -_ end for cw The ample resources of this Com m enable glplre‘ctpr‘a to mgke advanogq on ea Estate. $8 $2 mfi fl“ ence. Etievcmt would have no- thing to do with him; declaring that he wished to-be condemned to death, till the lawyers explained that no jury could bring in a. verdict i ' ' capital punishment unless a. defense was made; whereupon Etievant accept- ed {his services. ' Subscribed Capital. . . . . . . . . .55.000.000 P"d.up c'plt.100000000000000 2,000,000 Assets .......... ........ 11,400,000 AD OFFICEâ€"TORONTO 8T.. TORONTO rgria?! ruin Grinders. Mull - 6... Limit“, Inward. mu. TRASK’S SAYRETA-KORA mum nod Gold pm. awn: --_ A-Aâ€"L- F Paris policemsn and others... 113-8 fpund out a g to Alexi. 0t. loom Harrls Buys Scrap. ‘V I”. stones, we will send one set in mounting. either Ring. Stud, 1: receipt of One Dollar. Any hanged. Send for catalogue. ., 61 King VA. Toronto, can. 1.1mm; CRYSTALs, nuns: MARK, Rona C 9l2 phrén- recent- Rates the Very Lowest Consistent With First Class Service. The TRAYMORE is one of the longest established beach front hotels in Atlantic City. Homelike and cheerful and enjoys the continuum pat- ronage of a quiet and refined class of visitors. Write for all information. Florida of the Northâ€"Rest from snow and the Cold North. Cabin 852.50 and upwards; Socond Cabin 83‘ and an! $36.25: Steerago to L' London Giasgow. Belfast, Londondorry or Quooniiown 922.50 and $23.50. A reductirn of five per cent. is allow round trzp first. and second cabin tiokota. For sailings of summons or other information apply to any authodzed agent. It. Bonrlior. 1 King St. W. Toronto. Steamer. sail evozy trains from Toronto o’oiook. The most (“cinemas puzzle of the (by. HOW 1‘0 REACH KLOIDVKI 801d every where. Azems wanted. Sand 20:; for sample.1' 80“": 193 Comatssionen 5t" - Montreal. Que. -- -wwâ€"U... I WL‘ I“ Is put up by specialists, 25. 30, 4o, 50 and 60 cts. All grocers, in lead packages only. flaonou soon Itm canVoulIoltUH The Ngw o._l(._l’_uzzlolllll “A I“--. .-I.A2-- _A SURE I You are served better by a medalist thu ' a jack of all tradesâ€" Hotel T raymore, Removes Dandruff in One Week. Cures Itching of the Scalp. Prevents Breaking of Hair. Stops Falling Out. POSITIVELY anows HAIR. “adorn and Oomplot- in Every net.“ “HAIR PRODUCER” \ 31.00 per Bottle tu- mmu. or a. / Hartford Tires. Vim Tires . . . BRANCHES : Windsor Hotel Blockâ€"Montreal; Winnipeg Rubber Cor-Winnipeg. Office Opens at April at Halifax. RATES or PASSAGE mm was and mu, “W "1: Ohms. on. Atlantic City, N. . 8. WHITE. Jr., Owner 6: Proprietor. Saturday op arrival at and the “Cat about!) 33 Steamers a :g atin 135.000 Tom-s . ur- mn WIDIIAU am nu. u. JOHNSON, WINTER RESORT- 5510 not {LON TEA. , 4o, 50 and . If you want 50mm i-Hustrstod 0,de lng matter, and a. descriptive priou list, apply to our local de‘lerl, or H us direct. IHE PAGE WIRE PENGE 60M", ask your neighléora, your friends i; other countries, evorywhoro. 80m 0‘ them will have used or «on the Pig. -â€"i.t. is the universal fence. We don’t send out 3 lot of cut and dried "testimonials.” Such things urd not proof. But if you want to hunt what is thought of the Pop fencing. wv-vvv. "_ vâ€"u ‘-' logue. Its worth waking for a road tlm gamut.“ and repair“ fr... TORONTO TIRE OO. Limltod I Adolnlu'fl. l, TOM UR factories are first-ch90. We cannot afford to pay firsbclass men first-class wages to make second or third class oods. “’c won't make a cheap, in erior product. “’45 bur. competition enough now from unre- liable tires without adding to it our- . A post card will brt you our c.“- scwes loxuo. It'fia worth w tin; for. W WALKERVILLE, ONT. J. L. NICHOLS 60.. u Rucunouo w.. m. ». See our "ad." in next lune. Ii EmPLOY ED. m... WILLARD,

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