West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Apr 1898, p. 9

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more quickly will ‘ y've cured thou- : of cases of kid- troublc during the t year. If you are ufl'erer they can you. wk that tells all ut 0030’! Kidney 92 sent free to any ress. !f you have Puflinesi'u‘Ro... “u Swelling of the Fat. ‘1- :f vour Urine conning M" j; 'kind‘or is High COIN d Inty. in if you have Coated Ton“ My. Taste in the Mouth, if you have Dill S OHS, d” Dreams. â€" ee 0mm 23k and Nervpus. Then ’00 H dney Complaint. ['hc \nom-r you start taking 13. 620. Donna? tells the I wkable story of relief from I restoration to health, um iv no; if; time hal‘ \t the trained um“? I for the rest 01m! ' adv ’9’: van sage! OGGN MONOLOGUE 0N GRIP- -A lice. it. good morninflj-m kiss me tom's melanin“ TYLH'” I.;‘3§\‘kl\' “H: Vnnr haultL QWSV' Doan Kidney Pin »., Toronto, Ont. THOUGHT m Hui woum BURST.” uâ€"wuwuung a quinine». rock c Fredericton Lady’s Tm Suffering. $I Ht mt 0500: .l Nerve I ed to an“ it use. I and dcbi me out 01 nothering eized Wifl all (10“th as to the“! [cart and Nerve Pills“. L' moat. saepticalz enl years I have been O” er from nervous headacho.‘ .s so Intense thot somotlflll crazy. I really thou h: : mld burst. I consul Lnians and took mmy rem: ts effect I notiwd mm Nerve Pills advertised, lll' l to suit my case. I got tho! .et rung se. Before taking them I d debilitated, and would..- out of my sleep with . db hering feeling. find I will» ri with agonizing painsil heart, and often could umge to keep up thomfi‘ this wretched condition ! . and Nerve Pillscamatofi‘ 0-day I state, with slum {owns and strong, and will is due to this 'M an; mg )l' [u] be alarmd Consisfing of was. M°KINNbN’S CARRIAGES, Buggies and Snow Ball Wa srovm . urâ€"A large stm nsung of a large stock of M's-«The best in the world. MAXWELL Binders, Mowers mu] Horse Rakes. 0U! 8T1} 0n III, u'zu buow Ball Wagons, Etc. int: Stoves. Fancy Parlor SiOVcs, BOX StOVBS. 003‘ etc.. at prices that Will surprise you. vV Williams Sewing Machine! AL PIANOS and Orgalls. :z‘: A CANDlDATE MS, -- UPPER TOWN. U) wk 0f Silverware, ,:-<r.~__~l Enamel and u mum): be sur- “mm Canveyancer, 301?;‘rms. and other rope:- r runnge at rock than 1.1' _ ' ..~.; “lilting 'Hen) : .. .2 1";grnh-Lc’lt39, con. 2, W. 'ivr'k- 1:10 arms. H. H.M:L1 )1 ll > V0. 8 Tim Boiler ‘: ml (‘oppel Boil endin‘: “0’39?- ‘hftsir" NN'IHS, COStS light. h an! he called to 3Q Wrin greys from Gods! MI 38103! 010%. :3 Convention add res :t! \ attended ttiin the ’ MU! .dential max‘uor. 3Uggies. Cbatham t .1141 2:111 Divisions mmmk, 100 acres. “much: Macros. and other writings 1d buying a zunl inspect ing‘ our Axes 3 some spec- doc 4 sold or exchanged. “licctcd on commis- 1; Box 28. Hanover J I» U (4V -)Iixed fly 0t Trace Lines and ":SHES, lcd that XS?! -}1.UE, ETC. 1 rapid- tO give 1', am almos STILLLEFT. A few Ready-Made kFOR 30 DAYS, TO HEAR OUT FOR NEW STUCK. A Large Quantity of TWEEDS, PANTINGS, FLANNELS, FLAN N ELETTES JOHN LIVIHGSTDN, Agent, Lower Town, Selling at Cost Fire Insurance attended to Promptly in the Farm- 018’ Grey Bruce and in other good companies. Mvvvâ€"v‘-“ ‘.lv--‘-.I‘ Hi0 h lgan. where they have bought first- class farming Mmds at $5 to $10 per acre. on long time and. easy payments D0 vou want to own '4 home 1' You can surely do it. We offer you 10.690 acres; to choose from. Come and look izmv'li, Over, We assure satisfaotion Full partim mars mam-d free. Write S. B. BORLAK D. Manager Land Dept , Wells, Stan: Go , Saginaw, Hick :ac ”adieu-.8 afterlBoang-gtlia cBu-nf'ry (7v?!- shave settled in Central 7.1;,3“. “1}efot!~ey haxe bought first (_ _las.s SHIRTS, which are much admired. Also, a fine lme of MENS’FANCY HEW PRMTS, HEW SHlRTINGS, NEW FlAa’mElETTES- U“ Well, perhaps not, but under Our Roof we have received and Opened up Suits, extra quality for the money IT WILL PAY YOU to see these and Mowers, Rakes, Disk Burrows, Spring Tooth Harrows, Ploughs, sing-lo 2 furrow. Woodstock W21 woos Carriages of all kinds, Stoves, Sewing ‘5 iachines, 13103103, Em, Etc. Silvo estel Seed D1 11h Frost Wood Binds] Cash Store, larger Tcwn athinl New FA Bi Fol Cochrane’s Old Foundry. goods. Undet the Sun.” also mwi‘; Durham . CI'S Mr. E. W. Sherman. proprietor of the Sherman House, Morrisburg, Ont. is known by thousands of Canadians, hence the fol- lowing statement from Mr. Sherman will be read with great interest and pleasure. “I have been cured of rheumatism of ten years’ standing in three days. One bottle of SOUTH AMERICAN RHEUMATIO CURE performed this most remarkable cure: The effects of the first dose of South Ameri- can Rheumatic Cure were truly wonderful. 1‘ have only taken one bottle of the romg ’t any sign of rheuma- l m stem. It did me more good than n heudoctorlng 1 ever did in my Messrs. Alex. Grierson and Wm. Calvert have invested in a dehorring apparatus and are giving good satis- faction. not to the cattle but to their owners. Those wishing to have their cattle deborned would do well to give them a trial. Mr. and Mrs. Medealf sundayed with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs Geo. Cuff. Some young ladies in the vicinity of Hutton’s Hill are wishing for pen- ny postage since the departure of the young men who went. west. Miss Hepsy Wright. has gone to Proton Station to keep house for her brother Jonn. A Marvellous Statementâ€" Ro- lief from One Dose. Megan's. Sam and John Vickers, of Hampdvn, spent Sunday at home. Mrs. Linda: y is visiting friends in Brant at present. Mr. John Potter lost a horse from inflammation lust \A'f ek. Mrs Margaret Pollock has moved into the school residence vacated by Mr. James Baird. She will have church. school, wager, and road all convenient. Mr Alek. Grierson purclnrsed a horse last, week from Mr. John Smith of Aberdeen He is quite delirious yet,,’the Trav- erston Goat. We feared the black bottle he was toting around among the boys. election night. would so: him blathering, but, that. he would continue it until he had wild imagina- tions, we hoped not. ‘ Some of our young men tcok a trip to Priceville one day last week to nee some of Glenelg’s fair uaes. who, we presume, so turned their heads, that. next mu‘niug some of them were found with their feet on the pillow. Mr. Thomas Livingston, Mt. For- est. sundaycdat home. . . . i It IS n. little more than ayear sxnces Mr. Mead had a severe tussel with 111' grippe, but last week it took hoid: for another round. Dr. Park, who! was successfuiin bringing him out? before, is again in attendance. and; his daughter, Mrs. L. Elvidge, isg adminmtering according to direc-i tions. Mr. Chas. Gray has been spending the last few days, which has been unfit for spring work, in making a change in his team. a small one for a big one, that will be good for a rush. The Hillis ranch, which has been a. noted place for some time back, on account of its interesting inhabitants, the last year excepted, has again got an inhabitant in the person of Mr. R. Hillis and family. CURES “THE WORLD One day last week. J. Vessie, with hi engine, out a monster pile of wood for J. Eden, about 73 cords 3 Jay being HS usual work. This beats the Vm'uey man’s wood cutters, but of course they don’t really run by steam, although there is so much puffing about them Rheumatism Banish- ed Like Magic. uonerry organ In this part has been great, and no doubt he will have even greater success in his new field. Mr. Joe Lennox. who has been as- sisting; his brother taking out timber near Marla-idle, all winter, has re- turned to his farming duties. Some of the Amos church members attended the induction services at Priceville last Wednesday, and were pleased with tho meeting, which re- minded them of the resurrection, when appeared the Skeleton, in company with another whohas long numbered prominently amongst the Farewells. CORNER CONCERNS uv n ‘- "“4 m. It (11 term: i (1 me more good ever did in my VICKERS. .7 McFarlane Co, If you like Mr Editor I will write a low items now and arraiu \\ hen I can and will start now thou )!1 times is gettin’ pretty busy. Every little place around seems to have some (119 writing from it. and no one 11'1iting {tomb Edge Hill a place wl11cl11s like a whale among minnoxw compmed to the 1651 of thmn. Mr. Alex Jopp left last week fox Owen Sound, to go on the boats twain this nummer. Some have started ploughing this spring already. but, we are having :1 met this day or two. Miss Millie Ector left last Satur- day for the North W'cst where she is going to teach. The Grip is roune again and many are still sick with in. M13. 0. Mafia! Mrs. Ritchie sr. and Mrs. Hewit have been very bad but thry are get- ting better. Mr. John Mofiat has been hauling square timber past here to Durham lor the last week. An act of parliament passed by the Laurier Government has put a bad check on Mr. Colin McFaydex‘x’s agronâ€" cy. It is a good job it was not a To. ry Government. that passed the Act or Colin would have been after them with a long Stick. George: Staples, Jr. is about all right. again and will soon be able to be about. Mr. James Allan has not been feel- ing well lately, but is getting better. Mr. “’11) Weir sold his far, cattle and did well on them. There’s going the road pretty April is the day 60 pr. \Vomen’ 8 Pat. Tip Oxfords . 75c. 24 pr. \Vomen’ 8 Nice Kid Button Boots, xeg. $2 .. -5. at $1_ 50_ Boys and Men’s Lacrosse Shoes all Sizes. 12 pr. Men’s Dongola Gaiters, reg. $1.75, a snap at . $1.50. This is all {of the present We buy Butter, Eggs, W001, Lard, Tallow, Etc. wâ€"o a.. 9-4 .-- MU LL COR IN ER. . A. HUNTER, EDGE HILL. £0 be a wedding 11p soon. The 8th of , I hear. Lower Town, Durham. Bony O’Mmua. ‘I. [ll he ud up Pm lct am an L0 (-9 (D (b H ~ ‘ “D .' . up 0 m 5 5 r barf-3%: .3 3333333 399- ‘333333339333333333 $1? x.- .5133 ”2’.“ ‘0 hu‘“ B \V ‘; J 0'”, 0. 3333333333? Will SCOTT are conscmp no. Will it :1 {6. VVhata then? Those sta ges, csyeci people. \Ve 1 gerated claim positive evici early use of Sec of Cori-liver . 1:- Hosvjaites of in these case positive cure t :9. In advaz ever, Where 3. Elm this wall. ly in search of employment, the (0*- mar to St. Marys and the latter to Milton. As thcv are energetic boys they will no doubt meet with succ 8". Mr. Albert Middleton is (‘Ilgvgfld in turning the sad at l). \Z.Qu:uz 379. We welcome to our midst, our nu! neighlors, Mr. Waudolt, of liauovu . no the Tisdale farm. and "ur. A. “'33- son of Gleuelg to the MnNichol (arm. Linseed and '1 urpenu'ne a! not only 3“?“ ular renudias. but are duo last knulm to medical science for the "fitment of ‘he nervous membranes of maaratory out . Dr. Chase conuiummlm! this \‘aluabk‘ t3 turf so as. to take away the \mpknant mates {4‘ linsvucfi and turpeqtigm. Mothers will find this medicine inn-Juana forchidren. it is so pleasant. to take :s.;u will p«‘..~ili\'ezy care. Oman. \VhoopiuJ Cough and chest troub‘m‘i. The Owen t struck lust; fail refusal re-vmp R. ()0. though K. {)0 Willi“ Fancy Colors, ar 50 Ladies Blouses each 200 yds. Crinkle Clotbgood 7c washers, reg. 100., at. 100 yards Roman Silks for Blouses. at . . . . 10¢. a yard 100 yds Silk, reg. 40c. ayard Dry Goods. 99: cure ccnsump‘cicn? Yes and no. W’EJ it cure every casc? No. What cases will it cure than? Those in their earlicr stages, cagaccialiv in young people. \Vc make no exag- gerated claims, but we have positive eviciencc that thc early use of 2333 339333333993$§9993m of C023 fiver oil with Impo- p 305;.1ites of Lime and 50:13 in these cases results in a positive cure to a large num- :9. In advanced cases how- 1:61, W here a cure is impossi- ble, this wail-{mourn 1-:de should be relief: upon to pro- long life: surprisingly. 311) 4.9. ., Ls Emglision SCOTT 8: BOWNE‘ Chemists, Toronto. 3 Owen Sound trader! wlm k last fall {or 13“. an aunt!‘ am sad reg-employment by Hm P. I . ). though it is mid munymn mg to return to work at the ohl of 1:330. 111 SCOTT’S EMULSION 50c. and st ’ammm 00. a}! dmgg 25c. 37c . (’3

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