West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Apr 1898, p. 12

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fl EB‘xmxssmxe z in n. 0 J. Collections pro mmly attended to. LOANS and Insurance effected without de- bw. Column y and Private Funds 1:.) Lnun MEL-.315 and 6 per cent. In sums and upon terms to suit burrowers. A flnueral Financial Business Transacted. OH‘ILJB l daur Nurth of S. Scott’s Store. V '39:; ‘7“ Q“ '3‘ ;\ KIN mite of the best farms in the township \{ellfcuu-d “all wateled, comeuicnt tc {huuhaml S, c..mol 23-, mile f‘mm Durhznu. KDacros chaired. 20 acute" lrz‘udmmd bum. 7 acre till “heat." .. tramc d selling hunses frame ham and stzrbl es and Vumw orchard Iummdutc posseasiun \\ ill be pica. F rcc irnn all iucumbmuce. \\ ill be 8an 4m (Hwy terms of payment. In! full par ti.w.,.£'.u's apply on the peomims to L. m ”SUN. Abeideeu P. O. Spying Term begins I: l‘SWGS EUR. HU\1‘Ui-i[f\'LS.--Bufi ; ( whine, J. C. Hare’s strain 31(1) for I?) 9. rm. Apply H.11A\1,Uulsteiu. March 30th. 2m ' ! ) Shroy, on L: drtauw east ut Dr guml stulne. hard party 3111).“ 1y to ‘)RICI{' IIO US 1.â€"â€"O\E 8: A HALI ‘ S. “"0‘ 11)) l 9)1“))I) 1H) Rf)nnf 6) CI 11111 {6R In Egrennnt, on Tuesday April 5th, _ ’98. - Winiam Mead. aged 76 years. The {\tl.€*}'nl win have his» late reddence on TE‘AU'NLU' April 7m, utb’o'cluck p. m. Friedman! acquaintances will please Mar 0 H ASSEY Including Binders, Mowers, Drills, Rakes, Spring 'l‘outh ”arrows, c. 'i'hweare the-best machines yuu can luy aml'nre made by a reliable Firm. W.\G§)NS.~A car load of Adam’s Wagon“ arrive this week. For an easy running, well finished “'3ng nothing can excel those waguus B Td<w‘iES.â€"â€"I carry full lines of the Tnduupe and McLaughiin Buggies, Deumcratx, (Tarts 6:0. The~e are bought in surge ( -..~m'ities, height saved. and van he so 4 cheap. [F you are in need ofa Plow. Harrow, Hang Plnw ul' unvzhing eke in tim lino be sure and ca'l. “in RAY ‘flOND SEWING MACHIN: ORG A") March 5th. Farm For Wale )SlNa'. LU'I.‘ N0. 47 L1)Nt)r.. SION ) 2. W. n. R. BEN'I‘JIHJK \, 100 acres, B nf the best, farms in the township t‘uf._(|l(tt,d \wll \\;;ter0(l, wmeuieut u muh and 8(‘m01.') -.-, mile hum Durlan 'erest uu ‘XSL' RAN ”0er To LOAN at ‘NJC RANGE promptly amsifdé [SMTER of Marriage Lincoses. OFFICE \VAREROOMS. REUOGXIZED throughout Canada as the best Commercial School in Ontario. Enter Now. \Vrite for Special Circulars. Durham "‘1 . urrtlay April I l rie .ds and acqu: accept tub nunce. HA VE been instructed tu receive apgtlicatiun for loans; on good farm parties at 5; interest, pavabie half rly m‘ ycariy as desire-‘1. Reasonable. us of repayment to suit borrowers. Ap- O...r./. >2 U _.Z.J.,Cm> Z0 5 HVQMZQ. _ GCZI§<>ZOEF suitable 1th, Haney to Loan. 8 8; 8838338 Q;Ua.'nfl GOODS. always in stock \‘V. J. Eiliott, Prin. M Y W Lot 56. U )u 25th. uu .LLF ROY \ICCAUL, Barrister Luwex Town, Durhzuu. STI‘A l‘l UR D, (NT 13's in stark and. the best makes of S S and PI.\ 2% OS. \\ are) ooms are fully stc with all kinds of (-HAR' LZIS DIPLEMT V . A fiacKENZXE, 2'1 3 0 To Rent. 3m ll 1 LUAN at 5 321.151. V0 our own terms u t rem; 5!) DUB [IA M BULL DIED. m Lambtnu Street, . a slum Hulmmeson’s ; almost new rd and sott water. Re“ YER TO W N .0 JAMLS ATKINS ON Dun. an. O carry {nil lines of the McLaughEin Buggies, arts Sue/11.9.1: are bought fiities, height aimed. and {5" prompt ly at twded to. and soft. water. lieu JV to r \ l L ORC H ARD, SR Ln. t1 V1 I‘Vi La He w! I\! {$23.41!}. U1 intam I.III '33,; In . repayment. Agent UC kc ()nt n44 DEATH OF MR. JNO. ROBERTSON FATHER OF MR. ADAM ROB- ERTSON, OF DURHAM. Manvof the citizens will be surprised tol hear of the death of Mr. John Robertson, the well known milkman. as uito a number never knew he was sick till Monday.'0n| Wedne~day at noon he was taken sick ; two 1 physicians were summoned. From the first . they held out. no hope,and the doceae‘ed pass- ed away on Mmday afternoon. Mr: Reh- ertson was of a quiet. unassuming dlSDOSK- tron, and was noted for his honesty straight- forwardnes and nprightness of character: he was a loving husband and a kind and inâ€" dulgent hither. lie was in his 33rd year, and was born at Calder. Midlothian, Seot~ land. on the 14th of Felr, 1826. In his early years in Scotland he and his brothers assist- ed their father in the manufacture of 1paper, and it was while delivering paper “at he became acquainted with Miss Elizabeth Wardlaw, of liathgate, to whom he was married in 1848. In connection with these early years it is worthy of mention that his sclmoltnate. Mr. Alexander Fleming. Pus- lihch. and the deceased in 18.52 marthed in the [)l'llcen'rilnll at, (“alder in honor of the pas- sage of the liet'sn'm liill. 1n lb52 his bt‘ntltel', the late Ariana it’ohertson, sr., who came to (,‘anada in hail-l, went over to see his father, who was ailing, but, by the time he reached the old honne-tead his father had died. The property was (llsptwml of, and John and his family came to Canada with his brother. lle tcanned for many years between Unelph and Hamilton, and was ulten entrusted with very large sums of money. Alter the railway was built, he teamed tor M r. James (loidie. Having a few cows on his place, he left teaming and went into the milk busi- ness, which he has carried on ever since. It tray he mentioned that it is only about a )‘Btlt' ago since or. and Mrs Robertsmi cele- brat..~d theirgolden wedding. The family ('H.l.\l‘~l‘i ot' the widow, seven sons and four danghtcrs The sons are Adam, Durham; John, Stt'tzr-tsville: James, lmcliport, lli,; C H .lohin UGUI' ’lhe funeral tuuk place on \\ edncsday .ii‘teixmun. and “as ver lz'ug‘e' y amounted byumm himulaaml acquaintances. The re:- \iccs ~\P.ecumlucied by Rev. £05515. Mm- tin and htmnuu. [He puiil)(3;n"els V. (‘1'.6 ' 'l‘ims. l)a\'.~i(l'en, J. T. Brii'L Uizur. 'liiain UBO.’10|’Y¢|HC8, i'i10>~.1)a\is and James Jnimstnu n im vx ere chosen by the deceased buiux 0 hi.» duath. Marnie} Guelph, and Mrs. Uh: Detrult. 'l'.he.dcceased all his life w: Retunnm‘. Mr. \V. Bailey is hired with Mr. P. Carr on the semi: line for three months. Mr E. Bailey is engaged for two months with Mr. S. Decble ou the second line. Mr. W. Livingston swapped horses with Mr. John Bailey Jr. and gave him a dollar to boot. Both got the best of the. tradn. Mr.~'AIex. Mervyn has twelve living lambs from four ewes. Mr. D. Ashley, of Walkcrton, was Visiting at Mr. '1‘.:Bailey’slatvly. Mr. Ashley has a fancy driver which he takes great pride in. He says he can Split ti.e wind with her. Opposition is the life of trade Mr. Wm. Livingston has turned out. one of the best cattle buyers 'ou the road. It is a pleasure to go into Mr. H’y Brigham’s stables so see the fine lot of fat cattle he has there. BK!!! DISEASEQ RELSZVED BY 0333 AP- PLICA?ZL{'£ CF D“. AGNEWSE JE’EEEI v . 19’5“ 38 GEM.- n 3: It 1a a marve‘lous cure for all such dis- gu‘ting and disfiguring diseases as Eo- zcma. salt Rheum, ’l‘ettcr, pizubers’ Itch, Scazd Head. Uzccrs, Blotc’nc- It cums all eruptions of the skin and makes 1: soft and White.-27. OUR. Nuzmenms cumprise mo, and grmving stuck in hm enables us to sell at the do figure. ' Hen Snozeéd with UI who have Faélai It wiil cast you nothing to we can do) for yo |. Don’t write unless you me and want mofimhln nrnnlrn (ELLE? -VEB IN | DAY 01' Sale by B‘Ichn'lzme Co gumwmtee all our Stark. f ante}; purchasers with certifi- cate from Govormm-nt inspector. statingpnr Stock is free from San Jose Scale. “It. 1 Shane a Wellington ALLAN PAR-K. (Guelph Mercury) wule “Mess you mean bu 'ant profitable em ployment. 5 -« 0C}. .‘~* 7‘!) «war all} acres. 1:: large quantity the closest possrbie Fa‘led with 0th on. '33 0r 0- learn munch .475. .___._. .-..â€"â€"â€" gDre 53 mgoodg". MW . t. 38‘. ‘le‘f‘ imbfi‘m vnut 1y re 3 ”Hum Patterns, ..... . r: m a . Fancy Light. Striped Silks in waist lengths - 350. Y 1 tl t S t l T V x , I“ . _ V ~ . 01v decm g; Plain Silks in all colors, guaranteed pure silk 30a. 0 1 ‘8 Slll S CO C‘. 1 ll l‘” l L‘ ‘ y I ‘ ' O 1' {Othhe $3} Fancy Plaid Silks in waist lengths . . . . 4530. BIO“ S PdlltS In U‘OOd 5““ 1;: 1 “‘1 | " mtgnana jg, I anm Bl wk and \\ llite Si lks in w aist lt nmlxs 4 m I Smock“ at . . $1 :1: 1 .'__‘.; ., l .' Mud p01 * x I; IS ~ J. i' “‘ " r '. $6 13m, S‘xllllelsil.si1}alle«:loxs -. . .. 500. and 60c Special \ ztlue in MS“ I'd: (lx \ . 5 “N that?) be 1‘ me 1* lgm'ed bxlks 1n \\ mst lengths . . . . 700. S k exxtu .33 mos So the \\'£‘t * I ancy SlxotS ilks in all colms 75 kt? ' 'Sted the {:9 mr:f:::::::‘:::wm“._WM~-â€"-â€".â€"____-___m, - ::-:‘__ _ m. g .hgtziu” /? ‘i I.) p ' “I (19 O O . gs") ,...-‘ 0 f3 w r . u v ‘mu 9 9 V1! 3 x. t V. z. w. Acts s wwm c: w ) \‘yyh- ,4. I.» . , ' , . i 0' IIS. 5 tea g RAMSAY 6: noRLG {FF/ uni? lthumxfi. v ‘ We’ve followed out our usual plan this year of getting our better quali- ties of Dress Goods in dress lengths only. In this way you get a dress which is unlike any other in town, and have three times as large an assortment to choose from. These Lengths are being picked up very quickly these fine days and you will do well to see them at once. 40in. Black Colored \VooI Serge Special at 28c. 40 111. Black and Navy only “ “ 350. Fine Black Lustres, Special at 300., 400. and 503. Fancy Figured Lustres . . . . 35c, and 40c. Fancy Figured Estamine Serges . . . . 30c. Fine French Twill Seerges all colors . 500. Fine Silk Finished Henrietta, black only 500. Fine Wool Soleil Cords, black and colors 5300. Plain Covert Cloths, light shades colorings 400. 50in. Sicilians, all colors, in 6 yard lengths 550 Fancy Figured Black Goods, 7 “ 60c Fancy Figured Colored “ 7 “ GOG Plain and Fancy Covert Cloths, 7 “ 550 Fancy Striped Dress Goods. 7 “ 50c Fancy Tweed Effects . . . . 7 “ 500 Fine Silk and Wool Mixtures, 7 “ 900 Fancy Light. Striped Siiks in waist lengths - 3:30 Plain Silks in all colors, guaranteed pure silk 30c Fancy Plaid Silks in waist lengths . . . . 45c: Fancy Black and White Silks in waist lengths 43c Fine Sm‘ruli Silks in all colors 500. and 60c Fine Figured Silks in waist lengths . . . . 70c Fancy Shot Silks in all colors . . . . . . . . 75c CaMcr’s Block, New Dress Goods. 1119 “-97 1.9.6393. Dress Lengths. “lmoney Salad is Fv’ioncy ffladz.” Siik . Parasols. ' *Iew gilksu New Prints. New Kid Gloves. New MILLINB’I DOC. 500. 500. 900. REABYMABE GLOBE Men’s Nav y Seme Suits \1 c I 11111 1 Men’ s 1 avy W Oul Suits, spcl 13:; Men’s Grey and Brown 8111111121 Tweed effects, special Men’s Scotch Tweed Suits, double breasted, . ..... Men’s Fine Grey Worsted Suits Boys’ S’ts grey Tweed siz. 24 to :1.) Boys’ Suits, 3 pie’s, short pants, :3; Boys’ Suits, do. $3.530. $4 am Youths’ suits good Tweed, long 19'? Youths’ suits, nice dark 'i‘m t. We've got a reputatim) 112w and we’re guing to keep it can fit you with any kind ‘ We can fit any sized mm price will easily fit your 1:41 the cheaper grades to the -â€"they are ail here and m: gin to tell about them all] are a few of them: Lower Town, Dari-122213. n was based on St. 1 "an I very appropri We mu set forth hr the ChEEf argumpn f9 murmur. EASTER.â€" Triuitv Church on re very largely attea 'nutly rendered. T. bely decorate-l with t It {or the occasion. II and sang the E nuts, anthems. carol! usicul portions of Iglican service with l Inch expression. Mr. ' the Western Univer listed the rector in it}: morning and even 1'. Ryan preached nu Wort of le to tell later, tlm mey expended, but a b uninformed. Mr. ll 9. great quantity a t he» difficulty in ac g A. RUNNER has a shipmant of rs and Rockers. B resurremion Mr!" meeting ”1100“ mp House. has latel some further chang Imeuts, Capt. lied icone Maya, and istian workers in t} No the deationist y be said of their m b they reach a l; i m the churches ofl ts. For the good ‘ ran the churches 03 ts. For the good t deserve credit. um (do more ss lupati itch and church peo; V accorded to then siderably greater t} Ling t? e wimcr and t curloads of \\'00« s'.ipped to Dundas tin. Preston and els cars of square tim aped from diflerent Point Levi, Queb h no to the old count ims from which six BE Snlvation Armv l Idon gave a musical 11 ball here on Thur: ._. The programme 39 and string ban ts. duets. etc. Tln K. Pectin was good "Ill 5 UCCC mu Oran ter Io I. J HARTFORD is pping timber, cat are timber, pole . The season’s o “Killian, an L In the e\ 186d on St. “'5' appropri Bet forth br ash prim? I} To wn . has latel and Le re p 5 ran: Mid 0!] 0rd “(I Inc he

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