West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Apr 1898, p. 1

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[95.1ng mm H‘I’IGYIOS of millet. renting {UHF varieties Mm resting {our \arieties .1 clove". resting three \arietiea ofbock'm resting three varieties ofnpr' Ia variety of apring rye. W'~ I esti'. :g imu’ veretIes 0‘ “thy, Testing fix 8 varieties of oats. Testing four varIeties 0‘ peas. Tgsting three varieties 0f hung, Tex-ting five varieties of cerrou, Testing four varieties 01mm Iriety of sugar beets. u Testing two vgrietj” 0f 8' . Irieties of fall tIIrnIps, EM“ Tefling six varieties of corn. {eriah iur either No.1 Ol’ N0. 2% viii heseut by e X’Y‘ress. and for “ nthers by mail. Icing limited those w ho 3p 9 surest uf ebtaining the (105$th i: might be well for 3each .p ,‘ pecnlld CiIOIOO i0? ‘08? “10”“ fl” agrantcd. ”2:"!!qu "39.0“,” Read. “9' P9. In!!!“ mm'iate of mush 3 with mangels. ' v â€"-v-â€".- ; all the kimh to be disgribmd p. which have done exceptionally u the» trial plats in the experimonhl h. uOnt. of Cod-liver 0“, With H7?” phosphitcs of Lime and Soda. contains iust thc remedies to I I“ odd er. fithi: confimic day aha lay, passi‘oly wak aft“ mi? F‘crhaps you a: men too a- mustcd to slap. Then some 313% is 1"“?“83 _A11 M Beans and C; Guelph. . 21. 18%. ltural College, Mar ”ll lungs indicatcvthat you no nuifcring from nervous a- nustion. Your ma nod Fading mdyom blood a:- Our Special Blend CO 550m Out? M666! “'0 want your Grocery Trzulc. You can alwaj'3 buy just as good grocemfi here. as cam be bought any- where. and sometimes you can buy them a httle cheaper than anyWhe’e else. H" II] Met imlml lladfljfi: In flat oval tins. on the market, 1 01' 2 for 250. Best pack’s, 100. tins for 250. Java and Mocha. The cofi'ee we have sold at pnceâ€"-35c. 21 lb. mg four varieties of millet. {.mr varieties 01'ng {our varieties of clown, th ree varietiGS of buckwh‘ C. A. ZAvrrz, Director, tllr three n mums; am I" M BOWNE. C5035.“ mixtures of egnminoug main 85 SIZCS MS WP. 11' U 1‘ NS z-vlrmx; supper given last I 1w ‘5 L'zrrscn, in still v '1'31‘22'uh is spoken or P:_l>§‘:;l»l0 affair of tho ‘fil: l‘;)’1)l:11’l, liOWGVN'. In isfy lliscrawings on a .x. (wnTw, water, mustard '1 1m. will realize now how -;-:.;.I.. live and prevent the 1 luau-Mg sermons. This “l'l L‘Htltln M18. Carson, ‘0 is of llm community and an “law. for her name among“ l5 Illnilanahropists. The M" “as small but. all who we" enjoyed tlxemselven thor- XI 3‘ ‘ a rare chance for some ting: poets to work Ofl. whetricul gas. ll 0|! adle st (:01: ”You tion . 'xt host, couuibution .‘ '0' “ are very prett) . ms at J A Hunter’s. uf Glascott was .‘rd gave us a call. salt advertisement :t which led him. hbl'S, to come here Our merchants mutants, and THE as to say that all Laidlnw’s milli- lmeu made ‘and 1.3. not; imported as 1g himself Hugh wing to come from [:1 in Oraugexilln ,hiug Dahl Co’s mplete set of bur- bc tried at the as- fitness is offering 3 in cash prizes for trio: in songs. to be on" oiiicv not lutfil‘ .pril. The prizes ll xzulz has added a bone connection 1"; May :ous’r‘er t g the pro ['41th th is} P. P. l8 Riding an, 750 and $1 at \Vltl 1'. John George, muoch, has au- J ucKuy to sell by Farm Stock, Im- t'hOZd Furniture, “lllth. xents, It 11mm. ld y-ma sale reason able >f ) .-. bushel at Park $6 40L 3 con. f- Harden will 5:3 which pays Ianuary l‘JUU. ()I 1L 3 held in Trin- iuuy at 11 0’- ices on Easter \VS. M ful’ds at J A urm t1 fox t: =,41«ilz:almv.~" May the 8th i‘er the udvis~ c protest pro- St the return 'L’. P. All the iding are ear- tend. W. L. v\( W of (h H' I" [C Ll Hill H the dl do Clothing 116 it is 201“ hing print e 'L U p Durham 3 quket 18 U rand pnmerty mu terms has xst week r Palm- )l‘ villages product H .V 6: 'll ”IE Sullth ilows’ my 'a 1'5 alllt UH TOWN people will ter at J A Hunter’s. M 1: great shop. SEED PEAS FOR SALEâ€"300 bush. Canadian Beauty; 300 bush. Mufti- plier. Also a lot. of white Siberian ()gzts. John Cornish. Orchard. 2 Cncm-szLS FOR SAI.I«:.- Brown and White LeJmms, Barred Rocks, \V. C. Ii. P0111415, Indian Game, Black Spanish. and léautmus, also l’ekin Ducks. CHAS. W. LANG, Camp Creek, Durham. Mrs. Milne, relict of the late Judge ‘uilne, of Bentinck was found last Sunlny moining in an unconscious state in a field some distance from her home. It is supposed she sun-L- ed Into Saturday evening for water and lost her Way in we darkness. b‘lm died in about two hours. never having regained consciousness. THE Junior Lacrosse Club gave an entertainment?“ the town hall on 'i'hurs:;lay oveniug last Only a. short time was taken in in kings; the prepa- ration, but with the talent. always available in Durham a good concert can be arranged any time in half an hour. Mr. Jones was on hand with his gramophone, and in addition gave a humorous reading' and a vio- [in selection, ear}. good style. Barris- tcr'l‘olfurd, Mr. J. A. Hunter and Miss lilzicx are too well known as vo- calists to need any comment. Alli were l-Judly cncorcd. Miss Jessiel Laidlztw is one of Durham’s sweet. little singers. Miss Vina Nestor too has it pleasing, well trained voice {or a child of her years. Master Robbie Hughes pleased the audience with 11 couple effigecitutions and Maud lrwin recited one of her pieces. A luartette by \lefisre E. Buchan, T. Unison, W. A. Mucfarlane and John i‘»’1‘igl1t,J1‘. elicited much applause to which they responded by a repeti- tion of one stanza. Dr Jamieson, occupied the chair and in his opening remarks referred to the zidviSability of fostering in the young people 11 love for athletic training. He tho’t the bovs ShUUlt i be encouraged in the luudutilc‘ei"1t0101ise. The Slst- Banal. ion Band was in attendance and play- 21 number of selections outside prior to the opening of the concert. The. accompanists were Prof. Peel, Miss Vollett :11 (1 Miss Large. Proceeds about $1500. ic knowledge, Whici h advantageous thouszh to success. The subj< present time, an absox interest. not. only to but to the world at law ical features of the Ru 'lisil'ict. th- [H'UiilH-tl' cnir:mmi'isn:r.â€", of tlw uulil lwai'in}: (fin-ks; .‘Hlli ii)", unions IUCClICHiS of mining wow gl'nphicnlly Ll<;:.~:(:1'iliw(l I'lltl illit‘HBSi' ingly {.i‘vsnntvd. In turn the le (nor- (:1' unsoz'ined ‘ plm'ni',” "dozen,” "shallow ”and "hy :mzllic " mining, will to the previously lll‘SCliOullld in mining lure, the p:Ȣ_:i_ilizu'itiias and differences were i'eiulun-d cicnl‘ and intelligible. To intending prosiwct om manv pointers Wul‘e given, espe- cially in the solomion of claims that are likely to pro-huh) paying divi' 'inmls. Uonsiclomhlo aticnlion was given to the causes which led to the gold apposits in (fiPl'iilill localities. The Glacial ps-t'ioi haul its influence. and then it was that the huge g0nien nuggets hecnme embedded in the rocks and associated with rha qzmr: The tine gold found nmr the: surface was accounted for to some extent by the action of water and frost, ' their corrosive and disintegrating in- iinmxcvs upon the rock formation. In l ' ted. - Miners are kind hoavted and generous, and though iobked upon as tough and “uncivil there is nothing vicious in their nature. The attend aucekvaSImnH, but those who were pras¢nt enjoys} the lecture very much. Tums. SWALLOW improvements in always find good B iar ch-u'nctcrtstmn g: creeks and the, of mining were bad and interest- In turn the lmtur- plncur,” “deep,” y maulic ” mining, 4'!" “193131300le in it a c 1-: _V IE. -- Brown and Racks, \V. G. 13. Black Spmush. Ducks. CHAS. W. DURHAM, ON'R. APR. '7 1898 i9 making his barber Dominion l‘hu pins. 3.1mm tai n H, Mr. R. \IcGirr of Meaford was 1112 town this week. Mr. John Hewitson goes to Van-1 cOuver next week. Mr. J. Masson of Owen Sound was in town this week. Mr. Arch.Bu1'11et of Hopeville is. in town this vs 111211 Mr. 01111101131101: V. S. has re-' :u111ed f1 0111 Toronto. 1‘.1r Oli1er Wiggins 11.111111 Mount I' most on Sa111111ay1:1st.1 Mr. \V. R. Rm11bo11gh of Toronto is visiting {1ie111i1s in to V11. 1 1 Miss Sutherland of Strntford is the "nest of Mr. 1111.1 Mrs. .5. Scott. 1 Mr. Mark W1lson of Flesherton 1 Spent a day or so in town 111st 111.1111: Mr. E11.Br:1y of Pet1oiiz1 came up Tuesday, to visit f1iends1n Bentinck. Mr.Nor1n11n McIntyre Jr. is at. Flesherton Station. hedfast, 1111111 bronchitis. 1 1 I 1 1 i 1 1 Reeve Spnrling retuined Tuesday, :1ft1-r11 weeks sojou1n \V tn 111011113 111 St. M11111 , 1\11.Joh11Iackjr. 11.13hee11 011 the; Si ck list for the pant couple of We eks ‘ but is around again. M1'.\V111. Calvert was 10:11i11g tim- her 111 Flesherton last week for M1. McIntyre of Durham. Mr. James Lloyd, former‘y of Cl1uts",wo11h is engaged with shoe- maker (3111111111 town. Mr. Adam "obertsou was i11Guelph attendinw the funcml (If his fanhm, who died were last. week. Mr. J, E. Moore of {*‘iesherton was a caller on Friday last), as he was driving through to Hanover. Mm. Collier left. for her home in Guelph, after spending three weeks with her p;u'eiics, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Eva, and other friends. Mesms Langzhy Mc.;\11111n, A. M13 Milieu) and P6261 McA1thu1 of P1ice V1l.e were in tuwn 121 L week. Mr. and Mrs. Cohn I‘chougull were in Pricevillo on Saturday, attending the funeral of then nephew, Mr. Ar- chiu McArthur, son of Mr. Donald McArchur. Mr. J. Ausmar-, representative of the Toronto \\’ox'l«.,l was in town on WBJUBS'JJ)’ lust, mikingsome collec- tions and booming the pipe: , which is growing rapidly in popularity and circulation. Mr. Ausmau is quite a pusher, and if he doesn’t. succeed, it won’t be for want of wind. ‘uo Millinery Opening on Friday and Saturday was a grand success Crowds might be seen at the different emporimns viewing the novel. gnuzy and gaudy articles of head wear that are to be the prevailmg fashions of the season. Curious to witness the grand displays [has caused so much cmmneut, and elisiu'd such encom- and found the prupriat as be weighed one 1’: burn) to szttisfyt|1:.-;c:u ings of one of his 01 Sunday. Enquiringfu department we were 3] by Mr. LaiJIaW. who 3 [noun to Satisfy the; C;;2‘131\(3:'0LIS cmv- ings of o e of his customers over Sunday. I'lnquii‘inz for: the millinery liepanment wa were shown upsmirs by Mr. Lil‘ll'dAV. who put on one of hisbiandest election smiles for the occasimi. Here we were again in the midst of a crowd of admiring ladies (Hwy were admiring the milliuery) all talking spring bonnet. The sight was pleasing, the hats and bonnets pretty. and the artistic decorations showed the work of the dainty fingers of Miss Carson, who has charge of the 'lepartmeut. Here wereg’aean the "deck” hut which drew from the T he Pretty Milfiners. PERSON AL. Mr. Laid} mm or 2:1! 2:10;?!39. fashion loving maiden’s ex'claimations of delight. There was also a display of chiffon bats for the "tots," pansy hats and picture hats for the misses etc., etc. Just call and sea for yourselves. Everythzng here seemed a la mode Becoming somewhat composed, We struck out for .\ issCulhertson’s. and had the honor in this instance of im- ing shown to the immense showroom by the proprietress herself. Stainl- ing room was at a premium. The crowds of :ulmirm's were hvre using such expressions as ‘ perfect 1y lovely’ “ too cute for anything," " just sweet,” etc. The remarks cause-l a, little: uneasiness at first, but wlmn we found it was the ha's and bonnets the remarks were male about, we soon settled down to it no ".ntl condi- tion of tranquility, and begun to ad- mire the beauty of the surroundings. Oar knowle-lz-e of the miilinory art is not well developed. and as our vo- cabulary of milliucry phram‘OIOgy is somewhat limitezl we commund you to the milliuers themsvlvus for fur- ther information. An] now. laelivs. if you want anything in the. millinery line, Durham is lhe place to mum, and as ;,)ricnst.‘,1isyour am so exczze 1- ingly low you can well afford to put- ronize the whole three establish- Incnts. Class IV-M:1lcol1n McKmahnie, Harry Sn‘der. III-PeterMcfiillivmy, W. Newell, II. sr-~.-\1111ie ‘1IL‘HilliV 'ay and Rose Ewen, aeq , A'rlms Vessie. II. jr-â€"-Tcn:1 Neu'ell. Alfnul Mcliech- nie, “'ihie MCKPLhni‘u. II. partâ€" ‘c‘rank Collinson. Ella. Edge. 1. sr.-â€"â€" John NeWell. Noailie McGillivray. I. int.-â€"Rill:1 Dinsumre. I j1'~«â€"-G. Smith Ewen. Andy Vessie. CASSIE FLETCHER, Teacher. S. S. No. 11, Boutinck, for M trail. Class IV sr--â€" Lizzie Campbell, Charles Dunsmoor Laura Hutton. “fin-Win- uie Hopkins, 'l‘is Hopkins, Charlotte Woblier, Auuie Penguin. Stu-Ber- tha Morton, \Vellingron Hutton, Sarah Ritchie, Albert Noble. II srâ€"- Alfred Ashley, Lily Hopkins, : lice Lawrence, Geo. Hutton. Pt; II .vr-f 'l‘lios. Morton. Emo B-wor, l32>llu PM. ty, Seuath Noble. PL 11 jl'mliortie Downs. Elsie Patty. 8 int; [I upkms. Pt, I srâ€"Fio Cuff. Bertie Gulf, . can Milligan. Pt I jr~Jolm Pickon, A. Wells. Average attendance 48. BL- NORA PATTERSON, Teacher. Hnuor R M nf D urlmm School far )farph : Sr. V clams. . Lexie Andox'sun. May I? Maggie Caldwell, Walter McGrie‘ Kress. Jr V. .lm H ymlmzm, Bert Waiter Willis. Fwd Antlm'mn, 'I‘ZJ Donald. Sr 1V..Am:ie Lawrence, 3.1('})un;1|«1. Peter l.\)ill1|3§.{’.‘, \_\'_osle) Madam! Lat“, .‘crcxsto, was ant; ,xeu mu la. (Ex-£32133, \.".xi:h 35233941 l‘er Heurisg to m 3:: an extent 1.1:: an: “7-4 compl-szeiy u it; Vac-.3 3 action-s utilisation and she: tried many remcdies Mi cmxsufiai r. prominent spccluiiz‘a on ear: disgusts. but. dexircd no Lonefit. By a. happy circum- stance aim was led to use Dr. Chase’s Catarrh Care, and before she had com- nb‘rd 3 '93ch her baa-mug had with”); why AXU Gav ‘fY\ “L's . re armed. . . . . She persisted in the appheatzon of the remedy, so confidvm was she of ultimate cure, sin} by the time 12 boxes had been ‘ ‘ --Jâ€"L-l_ .-.....L-...2 SURE, nuu uJ w... v-_.._ -. . need her he; ring was completely reatorqd. For 3 months now she has been free 1mm éeafuess, and L0 emgncips.ted'suficrer was '13-- J ._ bw-”'}13â€".:, “‘5‘. 50.; v-.â€"--- ever more (Ir-lighted than Kira. Bim’ 5m On Sunday she goes t3 church and enjoys the service, a. thing she was unabie to do Left-re Dr. Chase’s Gama-h Cure gave her back be: hearing. Pass: 23 CENTS A 30!. ample” with Blower. mummawmammu Sysciahsts failed. W" A‘rmzt 8 years ago, 31:5. 131216012, of '11 53:13.44 m, 'cz‘cvto, was attapked with firings, \.'hich afi'ecf-ed Iver hearit-g to m. 5.21 extent that aha my! completely IU‘A 3 3 14-. can ; amiou-s nfiiufiOfl and she: Working“ 33' 011d SCHOOL R E PORTS. axi e \ndoxsun. May Hawkins {.1311 Waiter McU1ie. ”urn Iva Hyudmnn Bert Juckmr ’5 H"! C) . ;. "- ' .c‘ambt {Lula-d. 2. B. G. for March )lm McKmthnie. Harv} cyst 1 Tomato. cork C...‘ '1‘“ T283}! [3" z [OS ifirle i 1" ’ Our 1 lg i' mmg 5Emk suit WINE Is now a matter for serious; consideration. Let. us Show Sui YOU 0111‘ '12?! SUliifiu These are the new 0% thin i1 Canadian and Engli (321011,? for -30. The“Ahe;'.ede n’ ’Caliar, 200. each, 3 for 500. New Hat NEW TIESN NEW BRACES NEW COLLARS 339. ME? I Assortment of fififim‘ Our new Hats are the nicest lot we have had. Our “ Lion ” SUE .;W.Muckler '7 Is now Complete. Come! and see the Ncw Dc-- signs. V011. Are very nuch cheaper this Spring. See our New Patterns and get Our Prices. Hat, (London Make) in four co! 0:8, at ‘5..'..00 each. is a beauty In Fedora-x8 we are Showing 1 at 31-00, 31 line range, W o-Qno O-‘w-O W e OF HE‘S! Sfimfiiii- NO 162-23 Ll ' C( in black and colors, ‘25. $1.50 and 8; DO. \‘V {I 1‘ SPEQE NO SUIT as that: u rrant a 'iit. latest. [A

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