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Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Apr 1898, p. 8

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A week or so after the departure of Lord Minster, Mildred suggested that they should, on the following day. vary their amusements, by going up to the convent, a building perched on the hills some thousand feet above the town of Funchal. in palanquins, or rather hammocks swung upon long Poles. Arthur, who had never yet traveled in these luxurious convey- ances, jumped at the idea, and even Miss Terry, when she discovered that She- Was to be carried, made no objec- tion. TheI party was completed by the addition of a newly-married couple of whom Mrs. Carr had known something at home, and who had come to Madeira to spend the honey-moon. Lady Flor- enve also had been asked, but rather to Arthur's disappointment. she could not come. l “'hen the long line of swinging ham- mocks. each with its two sturdy hear- ers, were marshaled, and the adven- turous v 03; agers had settled themselves in them, they really formed quite an imIOSing procession, headed as it was by the extra- sized one that carried Miss Terry, who complained bitterly that “ the thing wobbled and made her feel sick.” ' But to Arthur’s mind there was something effiminate in. allowing himâ€" self, a strong, active man, to be car- ed up bills as steep as the side of a house by two perspiring wretches; so hot as it was, he, to the immense am- usement of his bearers, elected to get out and walk. The newly married man followed his example, and for awhile they went on together, till presently the latter gravitated .toward his wife's Dalanquin, and overcome at so long a Separation. squeezed her hand between the curtains. Not wishing to intrude himself on their conjugal felicity, Arthur, in his turn gravitated to the side of Mrs. Carr, who was being lightly swung along in the second palanquin some twenty yards behind Miss Terry’s. Shortly afterward they observed asig- nal of distress being flown by that lady, whose arm was to be seen violent- ly agitating her green veil from be- tween the curtains of her hammock. which immediately came to a dead stop- "My dear Mildred. will you be so kind as to tell that man.” pointing to her front bearer, a stout, flabby indi~ vidual, " that he musr. nor. go on car- rying me. 1 must have a cooler man. it makes me positively ill to see him puffing and blouing and dripping un- der my nose like a fresh basted joint.’ Miss 'lerry’ s 1ealistic description of her '1:'eare1 s appearance, \\ hich was, toi sax the least. of it,l'1mp and moist, v as no exaggeration. But then she her- self. as Arthur “ell 1emembered,w:as no leather- .xeight. especially when, as ' in the present case, she had to be cart- ' 1-11 up the side of a nearly perpendi-i c-uJar hill some miles longâ€"a fact very . “ell exemplified by the Condition of ' the Learer. ~ My dear Agatha,” replied Mildred, I laughing, “\shat is to be done? Of. course the man is hot, you are not a ' reather-“eight; but what is to be done.” “ What is it '6” cried Arthur and Mil- dred in a. breath, as they arrived on the scene of supposed disaster. " But we can't. get another here.” “ Then he must cool himself; the oth- ers might come and fan him. I won't go on till he is cool, and that’s flat.” To this arrangement the aggrieved lady was, after some difficulty, per- suaded to accede. and the procession started again. Their destination reached. they pic- nicked, as they had arranged, and then separated, the bride and bridegroom strolling off in one directoin. and Mil- dred and Arthur in another, whilst Miss Terry mounted guard over the plates and dishes.” "He. will take hours to cool. and meanwhile we are broiling on this hot. road. You really must come on. Ag- atha.’ Presently Arthur and Mildred came to a little English-looking grove of pine and oak that extended down a gentle slope and was bordered by a steep tank, at the foot of which great ferns and beautiful Madeira flowers twined themselves into a shelter from the heat. Here they sat down and gazed at the splendid and many-tinted View set in its background of emerald ocean. " I don't know, but I won’t go on‘ with him, it's simply disgusting; he might let himself out as a watering- cart." “ I have it," said Arthur. ‘ Miss Ter- ry must turn herself round with her head toward the back of the hammock, and then she “on't see him.” “What a view it is,” said Arthur. “ Look Mildred. how dark the clumps of sugar-cane look against the green of the vines, and how pretty the red roofs of the town are peeping out of the groves of fruit trees. Do you see the great shadow thrown upon the sea by that cliff? how deep and cool the water looks within it, and how it spar- kles where the sun strikes.” “Yes, it is beautiful. and the pines smell sweet." " I wish Angela could see it.” he said, half to himself. Mildred, who was lying back lazily among the ferns, her hat off. her eyes closed. so that the long dark lashes 19.; upon her cheek, and her heed mating on her arm. suddenly surted up. . “ Wheat is the matter l” “ Nothing. you woke me from a. sort at dream. that’s ell ." " Thin spring I rémnmbor going with CHAPTER XLIII. her to look at a view near the Abhey House, and sayingâ€"what. I often think when I look at anything beautiful and full of lifeâ€"that it depressed one to know that all this was so much food for death, and its beauty a thing that to-day is and to-morrow is not.” “ And what did she say ?” “She said that to her it spoke. of immortality, and that in everything around her she saw evidences of eter- nal life." “She must he very fortunate. Shall I tell you of what it reminds me i” 1‘ \"bat :99 . “Of neither death nor immortality, but of the full, happy pulsing existence of the hour, and of the beautiful world that pessimists like yourself and the mystics like your Angela think so poor- ly of, but which is really so glorious and so rich in joy. \Vhy, this sunlight and those flowers and the wide spar- kle of the sea, are each and all ahapâ€" piness, and the health in our veins and the beauty in our eyes, deep plea- sures that we never realize till we lose them. Death, indeed, comes to us all, but why add to its terrors by thinking of them while it is far off '5 And, as for life after death, it is a faint, vague thing, more likely to be horrible than happy. This world is our only reality, the only thing that we can grasp, here alone we know that we can enjoy, and yet how we waste our short Opportun- ities for enjoyment! Soon youth will have slipped away, and we shall be too old for love. Roses fade fastest, Arthur, when the sun is bright; in the evenâ€" ing when they have fallen, and the grounl is red with withering petals. do you not think we shall Wish that we had gathered more 3" ‘If" ‘Ybu rs is a iflbasant philosophy, Milâ€" dred,” he said, strurglling faintly in his own mind aqainst her conclusions,_ ‘ wâ€"M But at that moment, somehow, his fingers touched her own and were pre- sently locked fast within her little palm, and for the first time in his life they sat hand in hand. But happily for him, he did not venture to look in- to her eyes, and, before many minutes had passed, Miss Terry's voice \i'as heard calling him loudly. On arriving at the spot, whence the sounds proceeded, they found Miss Terry surrounded by a. crowd of laugh- ing and excited hearers, and pouring out a flood of the most vigorous Eng- lish upon an unfortunate islander, who Stood, a silver mug in each hand, how- ing and shrugging his shoulders, and enunciating with every variety of movement, indicative of humiliation, these mystic words: “ I sup} ose that you must go,” said Mildred, xx 1121] a. shade of vexation in her x'io cc, and a good many shades up on he: face, “ or she xx ill be blundering do W11 for tea.” “ Mee washeeUppee, signora, washee- uppeeâ€"e.” - What is the matter now, Agatha 3’” “ Matter! whv I woke up and found this man stealing the cups; lcharged him at once with my umbrella, but he dodged, and I fell down. and the um- brella. has gone over the rock there. Take him up at once, Arthurâ€"there's the stolen proyerty on his person. Hand him ‘over to justice.” Now these sledges are peculiar to Madeira, being made on the principle of the bullock car, with the difference that they travel down the smooth. stone-paved roadways by their own mo- mentum, guided by two skilled con- ductors, each with one foot naked to prevent his slipping, who hold the ropes, and when the sledge begins to travel more swiftly than they can fol- low. mount upon the projecting ends of the runners and are carried with it. By means of the swift, and exhilarat- ing rush of these sledges, the travel- er traverses the distance, that it takes some hours to climb. in avery few minutes. Indeed, his journey up and down may be very well compared with that of the well-known British sailor who took five hours to get up Majuba mountain, but, according to his own forciblv told story, came down again with an almost incredible rapidity. It may therefore be imagined that sledge- traveling in Madeira is not very well suited to nervous voyagers. "(300d gracious, Agatha, what are you thinking about 3 The poor man on- 13' wants to wash the thimgs out.”_ “Then I should like to know why he. could no‘ tell me 350 in plain Eng- lish," said Miss Terry, retiring dis- romfi-ted amidst shouts of laughter from the whole party, including the sup'x‘osed thief. After tea they “all set out on a grand beetleâ€"hunting expedition, and so in- tent were they upon this fascinating pursuit that they did not note the flight of time, till suddenly Mildred. pulling out her watch gave a pretty cry of alarm. “ Do you know what time it is. good maple 3 Half-past six, and the Cust- ances are to dine with us at a quarter- past seven. It will take us a good hour to get down; what shall we do 2” “ I know,” said Arthur; “ there are two sledges just below; I saw them as we came up. They will take us down to Funchal in a quarter of an hour, and we can get to the Quinta by about seven.” “Arthur, you are invaluable; very thing. Come on. all of quick.” Miss Terry had at times seen these wheeliess vehicles shoot from the top of a mountain to the bottom like a balloon with the gas out, and had also heard of occasional accidents in connec- tion with them. Stoutly she vowed that nothing shomld induce her to trust her neck to one of them. “But you must, Agatha, or else he left behind. They are as safe as a church, and I can’t leave the Custan- oes to wait till half past eight for din- ner. Come, get in. Arthur can go in front and hold you; I will sit behind.” Thus admonished Miss Terry entered, groaning, Arthur taking his seat be- side her, and Mrs. Carr hers in asort of dickey behind. The newly-married pair, who did not: half like it, possess- ed themselves of the smaller sledge, determined to brave extinction in each here. I will come, too; itis time the y ou, other’s arms. Then the. conductors 3 name seized the rapes, and planting opednalf- 3 £212: ed foot firmly before them. awalte 6 signal to deli'fll'f...‘ ting" m __#__ I:I#:nrr Han u'haf. Vu‘l VI. 59’" av uN v.w.â€"_ Away went the little connul‘ial sledge in front like a pigeon down the wind; away they sped after it like an eagle in pursuit; crack went the lit- tle sledge into the corner, and out shot the happy pair, crash went the lip; sledge into it, and Arthur became conscious of a wild yell, of a green veil fluttering through the air, and of a fall as on to a feather-bed. Miss Terry’s superior weight had brought her to her mother earth the first, and he, after a higher heavenward flight, had alighted upon the tOp of her. He picked her up and sat her down again- st a wall to recover her breath. and then fished Mildred. dirty and bruis- ed. but as usual laughing, out of a gutter; the. loving pair had already ris- en and in an agony of mutual anx- iety were ruhlring each other’s shins. And then he started hack with arty, for there before him, surveying the disaster with an air of, mingled amuse- ment and benevolence, stoodâ€"Sir John and Lady Bel’amy. h 'VOI/ll w vuv AVEBV“ v-‘o “Let her go," shouted Arthur: and they did, to some purpose, for in a minute they were passing down that hill. like a flash of light. \Voods and nished like the them. as they clove it, flying down- ward at an angle of thirty degrees. and leaving nothing behind them but the sound of Miss Terry’s lamenta- tions. Soon they neared the bottom, but there was yet a dipâ€"the deepest of them all, with a sharp turn at the end of itâ€"to he traversed. “€32,th Si‘a‘fiiss Terry. mine the recovered umbrella,‘ “that man has {or- gotten to put on his 81198 and stpcklng on his right leg. He W111 cut his foo , and, besides, it doesn’t look respectable to be seen flying through a place with a one-legged Iag‘angufflnâ€" “"1 ‘ _‘-‘A.- ‘0 Had it been the Prince and Princess of Evilâ€"if, as is prohable, there is a princessâ€"Arthur ‘could scarcely have been more astounded. Somehow, he had always in his thoughts regarded Sir John and Lady Bellamy, when he thought about them at all, as possess- ing indeed individual characters and tendencies, but as completely “ad- scripti glebae” of the neighborhood of the Abbey House as; that house itself. He would as soon have enget'tezl to see Caresfoot’s Staff rerooted in the soil of Madeira. as to find them strolling about Funchal. He rubbed his eyes: perhaps, he thought, he had been knoek- ed silly and was laboring under a hallucination. No, there was no doubt about it; there they were. just the same as he had seen them at lsleworth, excepting that if possible Sir John looked more like a ripe apple than usu- al, whi'e the sun had browned his wife’s Egyptian {are and given hera last fin- ish as aperfect type of CleOpatra. Nor was the recognition on his side only. for next set-0nd his hand was grasmd first by Sir John and then by Lady Bellamy. “When we last met, Mr. Heigham,” said the gentleman. with a benevo- lent beam. “I think I expressed a. wish that we might soon renew our ac- quaintance, hut l Iittle thought und- er what circumstances our next meet- ing wculd take wax-e,” and he pointed to the overturned sle ”es and the prostrate sledgers. ”You have had a merr-iful esoape.’ chimed in Iady Boliamv cordially: “nith so many hard stones about af- fairs might ha '9 ended differently.’ ’ “Now, then, Mr. Heigham, we had better set to and run.that is, if Aga- tha has got a run left in her, or we shall be late after all. Thank goodness noLody is hurt; but me must find a hammock for Agatha for, to judge from her groans she thinks she is. Is my noseâ€" 0‘1 I leg; your pardon,” and Mrs. Carr stooped short. observing [01 the first time that he “as talking to strangers. “Do not let me detain you,. if you are in a hurry. I am so thankful that nobody is hurt,” said Lady BellamY- I believe that we are stOpping at the same. hotel. Mr. Heigham. I saw your name in the book. so we shall have plen- ty of Opportunities of meeting.” But Arthur felt that there was one question which he must ask l‘efore he went on, whether or not it. exveeded the strict letter of his agreement,\\'ith Phiiip; so, calling to 3511‘s. (fan that he was coming, he said, with ablush: "How was Miss Caresfoot when â€" when last you saw her, Lady Bellamy?” “Thank you for that news, it is the lest I have heard for some time. Good- bye for the present, we shall meet to- morrow at breakfast,” and he ran on after the others, happier than he had been for months, feeling that he had come a’E-lffitin within call of Angela, and as though he had never sat hand In hand with Mildred Carr. “And more lovely than ever,” add- ed her husband. . “Perfectly W511,” she answered,smil- mg. 4 . At breakfast, on the following morn- mg, Arthur, as he had anticipated, met the Bellamys. Sir John came down first arm)‘ed in true English fashion, in a tourist suit of gray, and presently Lady Bellamy followed. As she enter- ed dressed in trailing white, and walk- .) _‘ I ed slowly 111: {£13151} Vtgble, every eye was turned upon her, for she was one of those women who attract attention as surely and unconsciously as a mag- net attracts iron. Arthur looking with the rest. thought that he had never seen a stranger, and. at the same time, a more Impogihg-looking woman. Time L-) l M. - __.. -vv..- vv vmuu. 111.116 had not yet touched her beauty or im~ paired her vigorous constitution, and at forty she was still at the zenith of her charm. The dark hair, that threw out glinting lights of copper when the sun struck it, still curled in its clustering ringlets and showed wâ€"‘- wuv " no line of gray, while the mysterious heavy-lidded eyes and the coral lips were as full of rich. life and beauty as they had been when she and Hilda ypn Hegtzhnusen first met at Rew- CHAPTER XLIV. i same expression of qulet - - ’ 'ty and ‘power, of conscmus superlon' ' l' ‘- , that had alwals {‘5 'calm command tried to thunk ti ishsed it. Arthur wfigtl it reminded him of, and remem- ! bered that the same look was to be seen 1 upon the stone features of some of the Egyptian statues in Mildred’s museum. “How splendid Lady Bellamy looks!’ he said, almost unconsmously, to 1118 neighbor; 7---... mm: A M h- uwguwa. Sir John did not answer; and Arth- 111‘. glancing up to Icarn the reason, saw that he also was watching the ap- proach of his wife, and that his face was contorted with a sudden spasm of intense malice and hatred; whilst his little pig-like eyes glittered threat- eningly. He had not even heard the remark. Arthur would have liked to whistle; he had surprised a secret. “How do you do, Mr. Heigham? I hOpe that you are not bruised after your tumble yesterday. Good-morning; John.” Arthur rose and shook hands. .“I never was more surprised in my life,” he said, “than when [saw you and Sir John at the ton of the street there. May 1 ask what brought you to Mladeira 2” . “Oh! it is nothing very mqu.” answered Lady Bel'amy for him: “only he requires care. \Vhat a Ioveiy gur- den this isâ€"is it not? By the way, I forgot to inquire after the iadies who shared your trouble. 1 hope that they were none the worse. I, was much struck with one of thezm the wry pretty person with, the brown hair, whom you pulled out of the gutter.” After breakfast Arthur voiunteer- ed to take, Lady BeIFamy round the garden, with the uIterior ohjevt of ex- tracting some. information about An- gela. It must he remembered that he had no cause to mistrust that lady,nor had be any knowledge of the events whieh had recently happened in the neighborhood of the Abbey House. He was therefore perfectly frank with her. “My husband, Mr. Heigham.”strurk in Lady BeITamy, in her full rich tones, “had a. severe threatening of chest dis- ease, and the doctor recommended a trip to some warmer climate. I711- fortunately, however, his InhineSS ar- rangements will not, permit of a lung stay. We only stox) here three weeks at most.” Left to himself. Arthur remembered. that he also had an appointment to keepâ€"namely. to meet Mildred by the cathedral steps. and go with her to choose some Madeira jewelry, an und- ertaking which she did not feel (rom- petent to carry out; without his assist- ance. -'."\-v- - “Heafizil, sir, hethh,” answeyml the little man. “Cough, catarrh, Influen- za. and ali that’s damnâ€"{1h} inigrpal I" “Oh. yes, Mr. Heigham; it is quite a subject of converratiop in the Box- ham neighborhood. Angela Caresfoot is a sweet; and very beautiful. gir1,:.nd I congratulate you much.” “You know, then, of its conditions: 2" "Yes, I heard of, them, and thought them ridiculous. Indeed I tried, at Angela’s suggestion. to do you agood turn with Philip Caresfoot, and get him to modify them: but he would not. He is a curious man, Philip, and, when he once gets a thing into his head, it is beyond the power of most, peOple to drive it out again. I suppose that you are. spending your year of proiation here 2” “I have really very little to tell. She seems to be living as usual and looks well. Her friend Mr. Fraser has come back. But I must he going in: Ihave promised to go out walking with Sir John. Au revoir: Mr. Heigham." “I am sorry to hear that you are not well, Sir John.” "Oh, ‘Mrs.’ Carr. Yes, she is pret- ty.” “Well, yesâ€"I am trying: through the time in that way is slow work.” taken Up with the conversation of your friends that you forgot the time. By the way. who are they? Anybody you have told me about 1!" In the pauses of selecting the jew- elry. Arthur told her all he knew about the Bellamys and of their connection with the neighborhood of the Abbey House. The story caused Mildred to up- en her brown eyes and look thoughtful. Just as they came out of the shep. whom should they run into but the Bel- lamys themselves, chattering for Ma- deira work with a woman in the street. Arthur stopped and spoke to them. and then introduced Mrs. Carr. who, after ”I suppose that you have heard of my engagement, Lafiy Bellamy: ?" When he reached the cathedral, he found her rather cross at having bepg kppt waiting for ten minutes. “I thought you seemed pretty happy yesterday,” she answered, smiiing. Arthur blushed. “011,! yes, I may appear to Le. But tell me all a‘nut Angela." "It ié very ru'de of you." she said, "‘bpt 1 su-pposg that you were so One night when the Bellamys had been about ten days in Madeira, the conversation took a personal turn. Sir John and Arthur were sitting over their wine, they were dining with Mrs. Carr. Agatha Terry was fast asleep on a sofa, so that Lady Bellamy and Mil- .l--.) . ,_-_- -u-gwwvu LAD. bull. " “U9 GLUCI a little conversation, ask them up to lunch. After this Mildred and Lady Bel- Iamy met a good deal. The two women interested each other. dred seated .upon 'loungipgv-chairs. by a table with a light on I"... placed by an open window, were practlcally alone. :‘Oh. by the way, Lady Bellamy," said Mxldred after a pause, “I believe that You are acquainted with the young lady to whom Mr. Heiazham is enaaapd ?” ‘ d"""c '7'â€" to whom Mr. Heigham is engaged ?" She had meant to say. “to be married," but the words stuck in her throat. “Oh. yes, I know her well." "I am so glad. I am quite curious to hear What she is like; one can never put much faith in lovers’ ruptures, you "Do you mean in person, or in char- acter ?" a woman as over I saw, with a noble figure, well-set head and magnificent eyes and hair. Mildred turned a little pale and bit her lips. . To 80 Confirmed. “Well, Angela Cgrestoot. igus lovely ”I.-..â€" â€" â€" get ut it 805113 ruuuw .21 .. . .A (“‘23- JULAL-J :11 1 1 5m 10 Like LL >:;;'.; 'know it all, auyvgg. L. 4;. .2. wt ' {bund- Upper \1‘51 1' «i. ‘ coat, and you’il iux: -; :x- . 1 : ”1 caldâ€"SUUXCLLU.E; . ;. ~ .., ' r thimâ€"quiniueg hm; \ .1. .41»: ' ;k>' and red MW. x.‘ EOUt £113 red pepper. “$4.5 1 ""5" 1:” ~' i“) have a chill. own W 5 an inchâ€"uoâ€"clow it “u m '.'. .. i-Shut, the transom a gunman" ’inch. Ouch! Then-z swam; l . r z ,. up and down my aim“. 114.30" , Water 3 Not much. 3km u “£634”: 5A1“ if I've got LU WI" 1111 EWZ‘C . ‘1” like a soldier! I “:5: 3c 1» ooddbd to death. “14"" ‘ 1"}. fernal draught coming 1‘” U iCan' t you find my pu :4: . ' ' g: In my elbow nor w) U“ r "gt «tho bridge of my now ‘ w you'd. tn In an emergm; ‘ ‘ .-. :1 am you laughing at’ “1” dwiflu‘ do something? 1 5111905" 4 '. You'll be all right “ 1W“ ”‘5 41.5 ultimo. is paid! Uuth 1 “”5, “:1 coins to have a (it or 4 ' ~05" strataâ€"0h. you did send diet a a ‘ did you: Then 1 must be PM“ ' ‘ And a tamed nurse The“ 5 3‘1 Mrs. Hugs; now you can '31 tin room and beepupb'w g' Say. mung mu her 1 “or” 5* ottiroubmduchzrbey «1053 >335” In. is contagious. and l wouldn . W uhtmddsiokman. D00 ; gtwtooooontorfear 0“" ’0 OOd'by pr kiss meg clear away all dou‘: Milburn’s Heart at minds of the Blunt .~ “For several years ] Itant suflerer from 1101' the pain was so lUIL’HrL was almost crazy. I r my herd would burst. her of yhysicians. and tr but Without effect I Heart and Nerve Pills they seemed to suit m y v began their use. BFfm‘t very weak and debilitau times wake out of my tressed, smothering feel queutly seized with agr region of the heart. and muster up courage to 1;: for life. In this wretc- buru’s Heart and Ncrx rescue, and to-day I v.- thtt I am vigorous an .1. improvement is due ‘ remedy. mum's the word.” know now my time has That the trained nurse? man for the rest of m} Mr. Moggs succumbed In wife. {wring few of the re: stage of his will afford h “'llfll IIC‘ said In "F Snfl'rrlu', he u uu nave DaCK Ache or If ilou have Puffines; “names? or Swelling of the Feet. m If our rine conning Sedi any 3{dad 'or is High Colorxm‘ Beauty. in: If you havp Coated To,15m Nasty Taste I_n_ the Mouth, 3m Perhaps they're the Source health and you don't know it. Here’s how vnu can tell ;‘ If you have 63c}; Ache of L If you haw Dizzy? pells He adach Bad Dreams,- - Feel Dull Lyra ’ it. Weak and Nervou:. 1 hen Kidney Complaint. The sooner nm N: m 1: ”DAN'S KWNEY the more quickly \\ . \uur he. I’ll.“ Book that tells all about Doan’q Kidnvy Pills sent free to any address. Th: Doan Kidney Pill 60., Toronto, Ont. They've cured tlmu‘ sands of cases of kid. ney trouble during {In past year. If you an sufferer they cat cure you. “ THOUGHT m m wouw BURST.” A Fredericton Lady’s Ten-1b: Suffering. IOGGb’ MONOLOU U The re Cit we C 011's TRADE 1MPL pa 01' he

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