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Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Apr 1898, p. 9

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i W ’ ' 1-1111rges often brousl “ ‘ ‘ ‘11111. of the age. 191111 " ' fh" middle or wealthil 1' " ""‘it'ly is more beset WW 1' - Y 1 nh~1111 193 than ever bl 1' \‘ "-21 111111111111 “but “as {Om " -‘ 1 mi 1 masonable 111101116” * " 111 Niger afford 111 111111110 ’ â€" -‘ .11 1'1_111rt.s1bip. and so UN 1111111 11ccessity to :1 bad}! ' ‘ '1' 111' 11111111111 nature '13 1190‘ -: 11111 owasionalh :1 you! ' 1 .‘~1 1113 “01111111 break 11110“! ' : . 1 111 hurriels and get 1118"“ "pr". tn them. If both 31 ' MW 91' and suited to e“ -‘ 1141' 1'1 Lure and intelligti 1;”. (U‘tiallg (rum mere impull " " "3"!1 Hf 5011111 caste is not“ :1 1 L: J ~ rungiy to (.1110 general 1J3“ ' 7. 111111ra! order of 1111118" ~ 111911 and young “0“ 1 In '11 1erta'm extent 5“ 1 1 1 111 11m “111 prom andso 3/ ~ V majority of mankind A” '9‘" 11' marriage and the umxly “ EMU) 1 nation and oven 8 twang so 13 1101 intended to be a P 1 . .M ”111111131113 as a rule. ‘1'. ”at “I 11.111119111111111. It is 8 Inv° “GP 00: 0u111er [u 138:0an m or “If" meats should he wins ml! base. 111d affectionato Mogwl‘“ mm 1111.13111 11111 ”mi" ’11 has 1i1ugh‘1er to nab ‘ .11!” I 13 we first object to b‘ “ii 111 army: is not. flu I’m“ “all low. 'lbe 1iteraturo 0‘ 0'.” mm >111 against such a '5'“ Hundreds of the mat ”I“, 1nd dramas tear it b M 3“ nurse of true love at!“ “d: 101 it usually W b.“ 11111 the world app“ m nu. Marrying 'U’. Dr position is a m. d . nhat 11111111111111de “‘3 on flat marina-Ia." moilection o! ".37 “1‘3. Laxa- Liver PillscleanCoatod To: it Ir’li V 1' H M Tolls how Mr. W. Street, ( writes : .fl' I: ' "" fin: urinarywe‘ "e” to re st at night “'56- .___ A. n NURSE’S 8mm. \\ _-, was dro sical gnaw. : deal wit pain in ve been greatly b..% a: of Dean‘s Ki dnoy Pith." )W8 3 .. Mommas, . profs. the Corner of We] ass, Brantiord, Om r the Heart a. d Nerve Pill! rrvousne , Wonkness, 81 Ipitatinn, Throbbing, l 1638 or my condition wished Blood, Dual :tk Heart. she was on". u .u l Nerve Troubla. night : “ For the put film] i from weakness, Ohm palpitation of the = mneut would make '3. night I even fonndi r I gnt Milbnm's Ham I experienced great ll Hing their use the inn marked until now all“ gone and I am compll UIFE LTIES Aflansewative Convention 411101119? consignment 111' ‘ 1:.11l\' â€" 1111\111‘1 Palnt am 111 1111111 395101111137. \\._1.11-1~111.:1 to hop our Cus- {0:11.11'51111 '15 5111111111211. The E1?" 191333€3fi ILL K Tall and was. Mckifiifdfi‘s I'm: that the )Ogg A CANDIDATE 0 :11er m (h. 12:11 am mg of a large stock of BRING BINDERS and Mow- ers ~â€"'I“ue best in the world. N! auL Binders, Mowers am! Horse Rakes. “(HHS of various kinds. lurnip vaers, Scufflcrs and n .. Farm Implements. {KL-H.388. Buggies. Cbatham am} Snow Ball \Vagons, Etc. "v'ES-..A large stock of Mc- Clary’s famous Model Cook- in: Stoves. Fancy Parlor S‘OVGB, Box Stoves, 0081 Stpves. etc.. at prices that. “'1“ surnrinn rnn "Eu? W AWE RUUMS tl Ian“ made by the I‘izmnfzwturel‘s in :L “"11th no person my. and we are so]- umz fur less money my who? person in H- H. MiLLER 11 be called to ahead xll'uuns Sewing Machines 'IANOS and Organs. illi surprise 3on ‘9 “ UPPER TOWN. add nt' Silverware, 3 Steel Enamel LI excellent. me of those $1 1'0 Ml and other writings decided that '1‘ 0 W N 19 $1.30 Boiler. 30i1t'1’ for 32.20. s from 903. up, om be. up. lo Accessories in mid or exchanged. )“CCth on commis- (35:5 .\i (may. ms, costs light. ., Handed toiin the identml manner. )H. t ck 0f 'm.\' :38. Hanover \‘y' A S?! {USHES 211d Divisions {, 100 acres. 1r L’UOacres. h. r; , v “LV ' .1 ‘ that .any person or persoas 1'01;er fish- mg. hmmng or otherwnse trespassing on Lot No. 3, con, 1, N. D. IL, (ilenelg, with. 3 out my consent will be prosecuted according { to ,Law. . JOHN \V. IRWIN, Tenant. Durham, April 11th, 1898. 4 Laag zas’ 8a? ITOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that any person or nersnns fnnml nah, Fire Insurance attended to l’romptly in the Farm- ers’ Grey Bruce and in other good companies. JOHN LIVIfiESTUN, Agent, Selling at 0081: Lower Town, A Large Quantity 01' TWEEDS, PANTINGS, FLANNELa FLANNELETTES STILLtLEFT. C. L. GRANT, Silveste1 Seed Drills Fwst Wood Bindeis NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. and vaers, Rakes, Disk Barrows, S}‘>ring‘ 'i‘ooth Hm‘rmvs, I’Ioughs, single 8; ‘2 furrow. \walstock Wagons, Carriages of all kinds, Stoves, Sewing \fixchines, Bicyles, Em, Etc. Suits, Cash Store, lower Town. PRINTS, COTTONS, COTTONADES, etc Our Boy’s Suits are Ready Sellers, and no wonder. The Price does it! We have Suits just the thing for the boys from $1.50 up, while our Men’s Suits at $5.50, Can- not be beaten. We have opened up a. Large Assortment of La- dies’ Sailor Huts. They me 1;)eauties. (“all and see them. Cochrane’s Old Foundry. :‘SH GROOERIES Always in Stock. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, April 14th, 12998. - 9! Hats. also Durham. Likewise a petition from David Jackson, Thos. Lauder, C. L. Grant and five others asking that, a side. walk be built; from J. P. 'l‘elford’s lot to Jas. Lenahan’s lot on the easn side of Garafraxa Street. An application from Robb. Torry, Chief of the Fire Brigade, for the following supplies was read:â€"One Hook and Ladder Wagon, two pick axes, three electric lights and two lanterns. The Mayor read a petition from the undersigned ratepayers of the Town of Durham respectfully asking the Council to build a. pavement or side.- walk opposite their resnective pmp- erties zâ€"Con. Knapp, McFar‘aue Co., “’11:. Laidlaw. Parker~Elvidgeâ€"- That- the two petition’s presented to the Council an April 4th be referred to the Board of Works.â€"Uarr.ed ‘Kinneeâ€"â€"\V11itmoreâ€"â€"-That the le- quest of R. Torry be referred to the 'r‘ire and Light Corn” to report at the next regular meeting. also that the Property Com. 1c 01; after and repair the roof of the Fire Hall.â€"Cnrried. Council met April 4th. present~Mayor Calder, C Lock. Elvidge, A. S. Hunte Parker, David Kinnee, W more and Geo. Mocre. M last. meeting read and 0; adopted. Parkerâ€"\Vhit1nore-'1‘lxat all poles on Lanton, Bruce and Sa'ldler st’s be removed after ten days’ notice, and that the Mayor attend to it.â€"--â€" Carried. The following acc’ts were ordered to be paid: E A Dean, 4 (1’3 work on sidewalk. . .. $1 00 N, Ur J McKoclmie flour for Mrs B. 2 £0 Wm Mcwrison 25 0’5 wood for Market 2 75 \V A Anderson quarter’s. salary.... 8 35 Chas Brown gravclling, etc .......... 4 50 Hugh lcheau 1.5 days’ work ........ l 50 Geo Russell, salnrv .................. 17 50 Kilmer, Crawford McIntyre. light. 8 '37) Mrs. J. MCUi‘ezu'y, polling booth... 4 00 N Kelrzey, “ “ 4 00 J P 'l‘eifoi‘d, legal services ............ 2 00 J Kilmer, ac’t ........................ 2 17 J. 65 J. Hunters’ ac’c for wood to Mrs. Becker left over for further con- sideration. The Mayor made the {allowing notice of motion:â€"-â€"'1.‘hat I will at the next regular or special meeting in- troduce a Fire By-law to regulate the erection of buildings on Gara- fraxa Street, and {or a certain depth on either side of Said street. I At Streamstown. Edge Hill. the residence of Mr. and Mrs. ‘hristo- pher Williams, on Friday evening, the 8th inSt., the whole neighborhood to the numbe' of newly a hundred met for the purpose of congratulat- ing the happy couple on the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding day. .\'o more enthusiastic gathering ever took place in this locality. So much expression of congratulation. unzl of former kindnesses rendered, along; with song and story and instrumen- ml m'tsic by Mr. Wm. Johnston and hi3 daughters, who fairly excelled tl‘lellls‘t‘lvefl, their.manipuhttions of the violin are a long way out of the tommon track and will doubtless ere long brine,r them into a much coveted pronnnenee-wkept matters lively un- ‘il the time the ladies dished up the :eaztnd cut and passed around the tzakes, after which the younger por- tion at the gathering betoox them- [‘0 Mn. and Mm; (‘mus- TOPHER WILLIAMS, ADDRESS. DEAR FRIENDSâ€"We, your immediate zneig’inb or»: (109%? at this particular Cpoch in war life-*3 perird wiuqh comnarativeh' i'mv are permitted t0 Ginny: namely; the celebration of yum' Golden \\ adding. to re- init'e with you in having been afiorded the 'mchS “f againing £1) ‘80 remarkalfle an ....â€"- nun-‘1‘ I‘l’nl‘ G. "l‘ "1“ “IO l'k‘IIII-‘-~_ C(‘iChriitiOH ()f .Vulll' (juldeii fiVQddiilfl'JtO re- }..ice with you in in: \‘ilxg been afi'orded the moms of attaining to so remarkab’e an event. and 0f(€1)1'lgi’:li.ll|ltil)£ with um and wisllillfl! ymi m :cri my on this jubilee uf married lift; We embrace this oppor- .y the 111--m,10,\'f=-+“Y and the mure road- Hz. 1.- Mn“ “f the snc'al and neighburly vir wives to the enjoyment; of various LumSuments which they so well knew flow to accomplish and need not be further particularizpd. The presentation of thgffollowing tddl’PSS and two very haflfdsd‘hle easy :lmirs was probably the most inter- :sting part of the evenings proceed- 311:8. A MAOIOAL LIF1.8AVIR. i The most pronoguyced symptoms of a piration or fluttering heart disease are . of the heart, shortness of breath, weak or Irregular pu , lg spells at night. Basins, in region of heart. The brain may congested. causmg headaches. dizzi- ness or vertigo. In short. whenever the. heart flutters. aches or pn‘pitates, it is, divested. and it Me is valued treatment‘ Dr. Anew'rCure for the. dy yet discovered GOLDEN W BIDDING. Town Council. lour for Mrs B. .3 .' 00d fur Market 2 7 er’s salary.... 8 ’«5 g, etc .......... 4 50 5’ work ........ 1 f ................ 17 50 lclntym, light. 8 2?) alliug booth... 4 00 H H 4 00 'ices ............ 2 00 Al 1P Minutes of on motion \I embers Whii- tnes which we have all had many opportun- ities of knowing you to possess. Aid or counsel, by day or night. was never sought from you in vain. \\ e have all experienced with what willingness and alacrity such as- sistance has been rendered. The uratitit'a- tion which you seemed to enjoy in being en- abled to render us the help which we requir- ed inspired us with confidence at ail times to solicit that aid of which we stood in need. well knowing that our request would he cheerfully granted. You have aleo been characterized by your passession of that meat. exalted virtue, the virtue of hospitality. The wayfarcr was never turned trom ynnr dcmr, lmt alwa'cs had his needs snpplcd as far as you had the meam to relierehis wants. lndeml it may be weil and truly said of you that you kept your latch string hanging outside. “' Welnave an“? to rréqixest you to accept from our hands these chairs, as a small to- keu of our esteem. and regard as well also ““2 our appreciation of themany neighbor- ly acts uf kindness of which we have otteu been the recipients. It is our most hm”- felt desire that you may still be permitted ‘0 Ol'lOY many days uf mutual peace and comt‘m't. and when you repose yuurselves in these chairs after the labors of the day are Cuticludud, may yuualways experience that mtluymeut and harmony which is almost ““i“ “ally accompanied with four feet on the fender. REPLY. DEAR Funnies AND NEIGHBORS: The prmnptiugs of two grateful hearts mustrain us to reply to the verv kind wordy express ed by you in your :ldtll'cx‘s to us on this our Uohlen Wedding Day and also for the very handsmne gift with which your address is :u-conu.)nnied. But. words fail ns-to fully ex- press the deep gratitude which we experi enee from such an unexpected and uumerit- (rleclarution of your esteem for mi. and what. we feel to he the greatest, honor of our lives. Your gift is not only fully amirreriatml but >hu|l be faithfully and gladly [15011 as you desire, for as long as a kind Providence shall spureus we shall never forget 3% we repose thereon with Tom feet on the tender” to recount. again and again the great plea- sure which we experience in holding so much of the esteem and confidence of our neighbors. A short time ago {our Specimens of marl, Nos. 1 and 2 referred to in the letter below being taken from Wild- er’s Lake, and 3 and 4 from Mr. (jeo. Hopkin’s farms. little west of the town, were sent. to the Bureau of .\ irxes, Toronto, by Dr. Jamieson for examination, and from the following reply the matter may be worth look. ing into. as a paying industry in the production of Portland Cement may result. (Office of the Bureau of Mines,) 30th March, 1898. DEAR sz-The samples of marl forwarded by you were received this Signed on behalf :of the whole nesghbor- hood. CIIIIIS. AND ELIZA \VILLIAMS. Glenelg, AprIl 8th ’98. WW-“ ¢.o H CEMENT FOUND AT DU RHAM. 74$ wb ’11 .5, .a\ .O 70 J... 71 «\. "W?" Va. oqmtfl man. has. I I... '0’. [U71 .7 .\ ’74? There is no need of our telling We keep nearly Everything. Fancy trad- ing: Butter for Hardware. It’s not often done you any more about our store at present as you have nearly all been in to see it. It was well worth seeing: was it not? We have a daily average of new customers and we hope to see many more. If you will only come and give us a trial purchase we are satisfied you will decide to join the great majority and deal here altogether. CHAS. M OFFAT. Rum. Boron. QQO~‘CQQ Dyspepsia or Indigestion has become a fashionabic disease. There are very few ior di‘viduals who have not at various times ex- perienced the mi-‘erabie feeling caused by (indigestion. Nupcucdn dewribe the keen sufferings of the bodv. and the 393nm and anguish of mind endured bv the Dyswptiv. Dr. Lalumde, of 2236 Pine AVG... Maull‘eul. says, “When I ever run acrms (-ln‘uuicm <9! of Dyspepsia. I always nwascrilm Dr. (‘Iuhe'é Kidney-Livor Pills an my patients gener. ally have quick relief.“ The Most Prominent are Fashionable morning. Nos. 1 and 2 are mixer! with a largo proportion of peat an! clay matter, and would have links value as material for the manufan- ture of Portland Cement. Nos 3 and 4 are of good quality. and if n large quantity is obtainable it will no dovht prove useful for or went making. No. 3 appears to contain less earthy mm terial than No. 4. Dr. Jamieson. M 1’. P.. Durham. Out. Hunter’s. “Just w?» Goad as Scott’s and we sell it much cheaper,” is a statement sometimes made by the den ist when Scott’s Emulsion is calleg $013 This shows that the druggists themselves regard of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypuphos. phitcs of Lime and Soda as the star dard, and the purchaser who desires to prpcurc the “stanoaxd” because he knows it has been of untold benefit, should not for one instant think of taking the risk of using some untricd prcpa- [$5. ration. The substitution 4% fih of something said to be Be sure vou not SCOTT' S Fmvlsinn. So. that the man and 6:11 are on the “rapper. 50C. and $1.00. :11 druggists. SCOTT BOW'NE. Chemists. 'l‘m THREE lbs. Dates for 10:. at J. A. Ssafl’s 513255535953 ard preparation twenty- five years on the market, should not be permitted by the intelligent purchaser. “g ! somethin said to be iqst as g " for 1 stand- Yours very truly. A. BLUE, Uircc‘om us.» So. '2 s‘ As. .‘M 'lh‘ ‘\ VP, $0

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