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Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Apr 1898, p. 11

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#0.. nf‘plOflQ Fr“ N Elects o! W. mltmlon~llc n. Nit-- Friendly 1 I'lfl‘h ‘ht’ ”Q... 24.1: .‘t"I-:'.‘~‘£ of modern tim'o :ua \‘.‘.1~ :1 “Hut-1‘, Frank“! “"8 *} 1mm pinto-r. l’npo $51105 V. :f‘lu,\€"i :1 his, young d.’9 II msm» how-rt. Burns W“ ‘ an, Akin}. \\. :15 a sane. Mt beggar. [Jamal Defoe. Wu ‘P‘ «I to u 1103.212 113111111111.htm! *” .“1 “ “'Jt-tr. n bile Virgil I!“ f‘ *0“ 111:1. Jonson was. z RBMARKABLI HENDERSON, op ,t roux; commented 1-11.. I! " ’03. Hay"). thr unlicia’. w“ mugs. Km“; \mu'a author?” mar. and Keab’l lath-r stable. um: MEN OF 0'er DAYS- Q'H-nzou!» man is by no M“, Hen uwuyh‘ of guides to hapl’i‘ J' of passion take 8 walk 2 : )u:: may then M to .(m: hurting any 900ml ,. ,numli to be a sample‘ -.t of idleness. count the H'k; do this for one hour- HIP ' RiChmoici ' W50 run to H very tin tueuiiv-ine of the bra“- nw rhild of prayer. und [mu l'l' I"? ll at power giry sink and “- ': he. was aff'irzzdth; dil- tu IRSCI’ODtO "I? M be u as, shook that. 1' ”‘1 that the wont -14. F foal k..‘k .1 u unbtake don't. 1003 k» the reason of the m! and then look for- r Ira-tons of wisdom, m c-hnnged. The fu- d )0“ WM 'r ‘3' Improved undertaken 51 'ar as the ham. n'nd move about a lift}. to hia bed. At ”)5 n. the station mas- Jum‘tion. who no wonderful cure of us:- of the famous w! some time nine. remmmended Mr. l!r. “'illiams‘ Pink IN! to send for . 'nl'JP‘QOD “mold pet- mrxn consented and '1! for him a half tried a box. but ' lq- ‘ Hart, “9. how- rhvpms. and after w" ac boy having :(nlld b0 “Ck fix 'purtel‘ waited for g In a bhort ti. vrved coming all it drew up at “0 rmn beEng told ll. Flt-1‘8 mission stated “as correct, bk 1.. will} due to the Me Pink Pills. He said 'sefore he had hog. disease assumed . Pluralism u! a moot aging character. Th. 4:: me did their best lime succeed in al- ::n:l he would for: strength. But the user! itself anl he do than lmfnre. Bil 191’ to he permeato which sapped hi! tri. d ever 80 mt]! by doc-tors or an;- anrl neighbors All “calla-r an'l wvaker wl 0f lifP itself no r'n out. fnund it very ue ‘l' INNS. tnmtry 0110': and interest in you! ngwn use of Dr. Wil- Tu the Tribal). [I appeared a whom to 860 thP SYOI‘)’ 01h“ out. (PM quite .H def-a rtmentl (no-1‘. and I at- It another sup- uprove steadily. he regained xx-ressed it. "I m such Weathet Hctri ur {tar \\ ul In gm than tin! is {W Tilwi. um {hr following 1“! aip-s. One-third Hm mulled butter. 2 cuvs sugar. 3 «“1195 ““041 flour. 4 88380 1M}? mm: or (MM \\ ‘1"‘1‘. 2 heaping tea- lP-uns baking pmx'der, 1-2 teaspoon gram! nutmpg. Hakn in modem)“; own in .4th nm mo thick. in U937 1hr» inchns or mum wide. Leave it} minding to thml slightly after LIB-H muving {mm nvvn. ”an turn ‘1de dOWR 0n nuke “ward or sheet 0‘ brown paper. .4er! stiff. thick jelly on the undnr side and mii. The [inner the 3011}! Wt) 193% 11AM». il is ht melt. Cut “bravo-id. Prwscnea' ”lay he used for lhfi‘fiiKQg hf l‘uli (Mk6, \\ "b better sue- ca.“ *i)’ the nmu-w. Jam. chocolate 01‘ mil: (Mm. mixed with chopped 0.“?3. defy fulurv. Lay the roll on its 814“ cu :4 vim'n and rul in rounds with §tknif¢~ “hum Mge is of razor-like Cold fish tbroun away. Chem [mrmitted to mold. Lemons 33ft to dry. Fat put, in mrthen dishes. Tho musta rd 0 ruse. romaini was [04 m ' .1 not“ by Q Milk fro: INS. dog-fl lid“ on a 8 kmfu kwnums TM Sfiiveséxposed to the air. Pwmrvos owned. forgotten and left to smut Lamover veg» ‘5 {icon Hm'le. as “- the [WW INS hath}. “9‘0 an on I01 Stan 1!. Mt. a‘dver 89000" an Ten and mffe Carlo; left ou‘ Ti MIME,» Lin well. \fter they are shell- “Jim firm: [1 skins rubbed Off. and “)0 “13 ILUWJ. z'nvn siide them in 3 Pan . . ' ‘ ‘.\ Hux't' temperature is 3118‘: “Cm-~ynu '1' find what that. degree ‘3 "f“? You in.» Lurnml ~infevel'al ‘OtS-â€"- "‘hdn‘s of grand. swoet hut ter scat“?- M own- me. n is W9” to stir the n“’-‘"’*‘¢‘-I8immi‘.y that they may brown “My. \Vhwn [ha pan is taken from Lhown sprinkle the buttered nuts 313' “th “I“! [33,13 33“. and a very uuu‘zzu ed sugar. in *1 pct!" 095 1.. he r168 0‘3 ftfi )i .451,” Mt in dish-mus to diuolve and Sums red PI Can“! : lot it ma !.rausuTautiug ‘0 ‘th‘ ho“ [Made In the 80-0311“. “hiflh bu“! mmny’fiwilmmum 01mm“ .which ‘Mr and Grumman! “I hloom uld Mes. tit)!“ [12! j wa 261‘ m H MM 83 m boil With ”Dani and washt uhs utirrin“. 'U 0n» admits the beautiful and WWW hardy hydrangea, Pani" ‘ t1! tuttifmm. but not every 009 3'“ how wuiis‘ ix. may he managed made. M avume z wry desirable: (”if 'L S! rung plant down to the M in {he sprmg. \Vhen new shoots "'- t‘u'. away all but 000- W'mn ““9 WM aitout five feet. tall, 309 19-. 'r-m out the central. 81'0““‘3 It .u-M then make side shoots in Wm a handful, t ce-liko bulb '3‘ “1’! he. laden with use ”“33” )f mmt goods 19f? LIT‘I'LF. nnes allowmi to sour. .mn') mu 19ft Open to evap- p.13 usad fur holders. moi for ironing: table. used (or dish towels. and for wash rags. mu 111's ElVOI Sfflf eft W! FUIU' FLOW ER NOTES. ‘v‘ 'ouDl-v ’7 (in: size of a “ulna-tr r into void water; cut, v-urly cool. in ' cup L31. Tit-b milk. but. ; “51!“!le one-quarter mum; boil for twenty (-unstantly; beat for taking from the '61 it vook too gong. O was just bexore 1t 18 was HUB. CANDY. ‘ 1dy.-â€"â€"1'wo cups of a cup of cream or rich ‘ Hnglis}: walnuts, I w‘ .I‘_-‘ ’Mnnm.-Whvn you salt 8 for your \t'hist party, do the MIL. but. sugar them he £le f whim thTOWfl away. My nude and thrown 1f vinega 1‘ no)! 3 xiv-mectod. run» a. pound '0! I pnuntl of English halves and roll in \mwn away. cups of granulated xer a hut, fire; stir min-d add a quart fin»: pour on a ; (‘llL mto squares. I. ['2 .\ KS native shrubs whicb' 1'0“ I water allowed to flxpch‘eli in cans. ‘u «lnugh sticking rwmuining GP?!) to H'ks used in the left dry to fall Pr they are sue“- - -, ‘the fat. We all mean wgcum. .,__ nhhc-d off, ’ “nd the I hyshire. Ghnurkas, Gordons. ' t L001; at the (‘9 In?!” i , . ; emwmturéli: 51:; i gt. at. tho ‘Fridays’ hrs . . m. that degre}, i3='kllzed‘ and wounded .we had sxr. HM! waverrfl lots-mi The (mrdons ‘. ' ' *‘P-l Mute-r smHetJ 1" on the hub“ . \ m.” to stir the‘ rallied and came on agm t Hwy may brown? two was howled uvqr m t, pd!) is lake,” from ; 9‘3. and then see what. a number of the m... Whitered nuts ; (:hurkas and Derbyshlra men were hit. ‘Thvy had nearly ninety kilied and t‘ sail, {n - ' ° , ' d “ vexy ! wounded between them. That doesn‘t us funkod it. If 11. Our thirty:- 119 two ('bargo Mar. __ look as if any of ‘0], anybody WIVBd credit it was the . ha. Officersjwho leid the G§urkas and got the h ‘ - kiHed. . udge think is name was. 0 Hunt“! and fine fighting, man." The Northampton- ‘ ‘ ‘ “-‘w- nfnrios to m". Of- th_3t used to crack and molas- in fruit. Tm 11m. ed with large uteri flaws}. llko the h. dran and are t1 termed hand- . . > c-yâ€"I ~ .' 33m grab: Mb ‘6 ”0'11““ ‘34 symâ€" “h" 3°.“ 3'3““ Employer: Require and you will be glad to pull at! your 7“" "'“°P'°” ‘0 ”NW“ ”0‘ “DO- ‘Oat and 80 to work like a man. A famous English comedian has al- ”32831 M2?) the my“ $0?!” and if!“ 1 ways one peculiar clause in his con- sul) o 0 0 “our " w 11 ~10 dis 1g- ums the snowball, while the brigbtif’am H“ salary ‘3 “ranged ‘0’ "1 coral lwrries are very pretty ' slack and “bite, and in addition it is An amateur recommends this method} of growing froesias in the window:‘ Plant an inch deep in rich soil. Put. in the dark and in a cool place till they have sprouted, then bring to light and air. Keep the pots in deep saucers and fill them (the saucers) with hot water every morning. Warm the water used {or watering them. See that the drain- age is perfect. They require a great deal of water. 8.3 do most bulbs grown indoors, but they cannot endure a stagnant soil. News 1 )f 3. tracts if 3 more ‘ 3- ! and fi '2. men W s. 3 ed wh a- t the h. m . Amom If you want your lilac and weigelai} Lashes to blossom next season, don’t pruna them in autumn or winter. These shrubs need very little pruning, any- way, beyond cutting out dead wood or unnecesaary branches. but if; any is needed it should he done immediately after the plants have finished bloom- ing. If pruned in autumn or winter, the. bloom will he lessened. because both flower on the young shoots that start in spring. Two hundred and fifty acres of land have been secured at New York City for a. botanical garden, which will be modeled on the plan of the famous Kew Gardens at London. though it. will be many years before it, can hone to even 8““- in sight of those wonderful gard- ens. where are grown specimens of rare plants collected from all over the world. Even the wild flowers are subject to unions variations brought about. by hybridization. A plant of Lobelia car- «finalsâ€"a. flower famous for its in- tense redâ€"was recently found at Wyn- newood, P3... which had pale pink bloom. Pure white flower spikes» have some- times been found. The scarlet utmgon or 'Iurk’a capl lily is a. lovely flower that; should be: added to every collection. {It is a fiery scarlet. and universally voted “in regular beauty.” '11: is finer than the Siberian lily, being more thickly clus- tered and on a taller stem. 'It is said that, the hydrangeamhen grown out. of doors, permanently, has a. decided tendency to give blue flow- ers instead of the pinkish-purple-white usually found on it. !olcllcrs, Slrk, Wounded and Fin-Exposed Rem-I1 III-mun. Every transgort. arriving from In- dia tt Southampton, Engiand. inaud- o:- u num‘er of men who have been termh the recent frontier fighting. ‘ A correspondent of the London Daily News met the “Dim era" and some ex-E trams {10111 his intervimxs show that more than three hundred of the rank; Eaml fih- on hoard were time- expired E men whose servh e in the army has Pnd-: zed xx 111'9 they look strong and {it for Ethe hardships of many campaigns E Among these me about GM) of the: Dorsetshire and sevent) oi the North- amptonshire, who «ame unscratc had by- Ebuliets out of the fierve ”lirah fight- ing, and apparently none the. worse for their emosure. to the severity of winter on the frontier hills. '"here are i i E E was by no means child’s May in the 'g on the frontier, V 0th- ‘ o ! After Minding in detail cumstances under which 1 g officers and men were W011! son. The. eighty Dorsetshil ‘are now returning to civi! Dargai hero‘es, and very ; I‘ll-“ +n f EBOVV 1»ng HOIE AGAIN. .uur -- rcople " u so.“ an to .0. wmng to um um wives 'n Tommy... A famous En‘giish comedian has 81- “(‘03 no man can serve two masters.” Ways one peculiar clause in his con- His IdnLâ€"“ Is the wamr you 80‘ ‘t track. H‘is salary is arranged for in your boardingâ€"house pure 1” Egberfwâ€" black and white; a'nd in addition it is "No. there seems t be a lot of lek agreed that he shall receive a certain ‘m ‘t' ' number 0i bottles of champagne per MTB- Ferry-4‘ Are your new neigh- ' ' llore “131140-410?" Mrs. Terryâ€"“i think week, a f i 7 , lib 11d Cigars at me Jranda ad they am. The chizldrom have such 8“- (III a... nnnnnn n Another actor adorning the lighter stage has endless arguments with man- agers concerning his brougham. When the price to be paid for his services has been agreed upon. be always demands the addition of his carriage bill. In a London shop patronized by cus- tomers of. very good class a clause in the agreements provides that the as- sistants shall at: lunch time drink no spirits and eat neither onions or cheese. Likewise they are at? midday to abstain from smoking anything bu~t cigarettes. At many houses a daily shave is com- pulsory, this stipulationfalso being re- duced to writing. their hair when occasion requires to any shade that- is the rage. The juniors may also be directed to adopt a tint not fashionable, but which is calculâ€" ated to “set off” the coifiure of the “first hands.” either by contrast or otherwise. The firm. however, agrees to supply only perfectly harmless “stains,” and to hold itself resppn- Bible for any possible ill results of such application: a 1 L uâ€"v-.. “tr-"'"'-"' In an action for breach of contract two brothers "living in” at a big wholesale. house pleaded a novel de- fence. “'hen engaged they had express~ 1y stipulated that they should not. be required to flat cdld meat, and this rule had not. been adhered to. A - â€"-v _ Appreciating a distinct saving of ex- pense from having travellers who were also cyclists. a ” pushing” firm acts up I to such conviction. (‘oming across a1 smart man. who does not cultivate the ‘ wheeling art, he it}, if engaged, pledged to become a rider within three months. Business having fallen off in conseâ€" quence of the. inattention of a man- ager who was often inehriated, a ho- tel proprietor advertised for a man who was a strict. teetotaller. The. rara avis secured, a clause was inserted in the contract which he signed, provid- ing for his instant. dismissal if found ~‘ consuming alcoholic. liquors. The pledge was never broken. but after working; up the trade the manager left with a fortnight's takings. Wholesale Adullcrauen or Flour In flew-ml Departments of France -~ 0! Two Years' i E nun-MIMI. i Far the past two years there has :heen wholesale adulteration of bread §in many parts of France. notably 1n the departments of the Eure, Calvudos end of the Seine-l-nferieure, where- 'quanemus complaints have teen re~ veived from time to time by the police. E5".l'he deleterious matter mixed with {the fhmr with which this breed was "made was [withing 1633 than sawdmst redmced to a fine powder 30 as to- re- ? semble meal. ! MAKING BREAD WiTH SAWDUST v-VVT' A' man named l“essat. wlflo has. pre- sumubly, been making a large fortune by selling, in connivamm with millers, a mixture of sawdust and flour, has, been arrested. [,1 HO D 0"“? r (lfillttl lusu ..... WHh this deplorable "able by its pecul- most diffi- ' o be examined at: is going t in outer to find out if he has accomplices than his cus- in this extensive fraud, so the public health. _'NG’S PHYSICIAN. ng, who is nuted in as the only (‘hinese u"u.l\£ -'\' “v..- e station 3° .. , . ' \ on say my daughter loves you telegram ‘ . Saturday ‘ questioned the old man. “ I’m sure of anger 519- ; i-t,” replied tho young man. "Well. that Pes- ' well," returned the old man, lnnking‘ -1_IA_II_- ““nnl‘n’fi 2" of 24a W‘ Ila-v 3 NEW WORK FOR BRITISH SAILORS. done; . . Lozldfli A remarkable xlluatrahon of the keen depth of the distress that [’1'9'33'3 am- sand 9 -..... Hm Prpi‘ans who have been driven “I” “â€"â€" ‘ l. U“ vv w'vâ€" your boardingâ€"Muse pure 1" Egbertâ€" It In a Duane of tho Clue- â€"â€" “on III! .‘N‘?’ them seems t be a lot of milk be lore fruit Mr I. the Work"... In lb“ - and no.” I.“ Do lktabflihnd. Mrs. Ferryâ€"“Are your new ueigb- The annual mport of tho Ontario 23:8 “3114040 1" Mrs. Terryâ€"“I think Provincial Board of - . fuly 1:32.1163‘81013 chrldrem have such aw- ly he issue d The principal . . the report us Secretary Bryce 3 strong ”I aint 'ad a bite urda C ' E - ' ' o y. ap n. n . , ' thusxasuc Anglerâ€""Wrong bait. I ex- tmatmefxt. "f loonaumpuon. He points out that smallpox has been pact. T17 anorm.” . From Two Points of View..â€"1\Iinnie, stamped out. of existence in Ontario. ‘ l typhoid cases reduced one-halt. admirlng her new ring,â€"“Isn‘t it a. ‘ ant dear little thing ?” Jack, who bought it l but tubercular affections are on than 7"” Indeed it is!” ' t Jqu..." Yes, ancestors ““3le help: There are two objects in View; an 0 give a person social prestlge." Tom! attem t at healin those who have _u E8 . r 7 . . V p 8 O * mow”), “ponutheynaro wealthy {contracted the dread disease, and an From Two Points of View.--1\Iinnle. admiring her new ring.â€"“Isn‘t it .a- dear little thing i” Jack. who bought It J ack-" Yes. ancestors certainly 130‘? ‘30 Ewe a pelson social prestige. " Tom -”Especially when they are wealthy and one lives with them." "Say. What’s your business i“ “I‘m 9. burglar ; what's yours ‘2" “ Shake ; I‘m 111 the same line." “ “’ell. come onâ€"let’s take something,” Sunday School 'I‘eaohe râ€"“ Why ‘. Aunt Mariaâ€"4" Why, Johnny. what in the wofl-d are you thinking about 2’ Johnnyâ€"“pnly think‘igg‘ up things to -â€"â€"..J ‘IA (In “13611 I was 5. boy." Mrs. Higginsâ€"“ What wretched taste that Mrs. Wilkes has!” Mr. Higgins-â€" “ Yes. I met her down stairs this at- ternoon, and she was wearing that ughy Old 325 hat{ you thought you wanted." Tnnnrahln_â€"RiM-â€"-”.Y03, that's 01d Incural)lc.â€"â€"Bing-â€"-“Yos. that’s old} Spricgings. Hail-f a dozen doctors have‘ given him up at various times during his life." \Vingâ€"“ “’hat’ was the trou- ble with him 7" Bingâ€"“He wouldn‘t pay his bills.” ‘ “Vhad: did you think of that. cigar I gave you yesterday ?" " Not much. It cost me $4.” ‘ ‘How so 2" “ Why. it gave gny wife. the idea. that the gas was leak- : mg somewhere and she sent for a { plumber.” “ \Vhat do you: tbi Inik of that: schemei of an eastern magazine to get UP an; international language?" asked the : youngest boarder. “ I think," said the Cheerful Idiot “ that it ought to make a good deal Of iii-11k " Grandma used to ‘pirn. but no“ Grandma doesn t care to: I‘aIt is, wheeIH have altered so. Grandma doesn't dare to a Mi.ller--“Which Is right, ‘stop and ithink’ or ‘stop to think” Smith-n ”Stop tn think,’ to be sure You might easily ship to think \shile you ',were talking. but as to stopping and i avtually thinking, that. is another mat- I I i i i v The Cautious One-â€"“I wouldn't 80' to the Klondike. Already more money has gone in there than has been taken out.” The Sanguine 0119â€"“ You don't say 3 If the place is getting richer like that, I think I'll go as soon as T can." Wavaorn \Yntsnnâ€"“Here is one of these. story write rs who says in the pa,- pel‘s that genius is nothing but hard work." Perry Patettic-“Nnthin’ but. hard work '2’ And to think that I used to have a great respect for them fellers who could write !” -Uv -.___ “I understand that: you have been walled 10 another charge,” said the inâ€" terviewer. ‘ 'NO." said the minister. Who had been struggling along as tho tail end of the little chuwh debt. " by the Messing of Providenm this is a, cash situation that I take." Mrs. Green, who thimka of hiringâ€"â€" the least alarmed. She is perfectly honest. All (hp time she \\ as with me. I never knew her to take a thipgâ€" not even my advbce as should he. done." Manama-Jon eat so much candy it'a no wonder {on have a toothache. ' Johnnyâ€"I can't he the. candy. mam- ma. I eat candy with all my teeth. 3nd athore‘l only one that when. In the death nutice of an infant. puhlished in a South African news- paper. the parents of child. tendemd their hearty thanks to the doctor for the brevity 01' his hill; to one neighbor for the .lnan of clean sheets. to a second (or running for the and to a third for recommend- éfititudg 7 THEIR HEART} Vul.v vu-_-â€"-â€".c, . v I gnaw \_1p that I used to do JOHNNY'S VIEW. TH ANKS. it infant. effort: to save those wno um m an..." of contracting it. THREE LINES OF ACTION. There are but. three plain lines of: action for us, says the «report. 1. Fight by all our combined energy to prevent.‘ by education of the people and by legal enactment. every cause induo- ing to ill-health and thereby cons-um?- tion. 2. Remove the sources of im- mediate infection from the smelt and poorly equipped homes and the fabâ€" tories and workrooms of the working people. 8. Then build in every country homes for consumptivee. to which. in. ‘the early stages of the disease. they {may go, and by exact; treatment. ‘ abundance sunShine. of exercise. of rest. m' 3 tuin the fight, against the destructive Homes of the disease. have a. fair Echunoe of saving their lives to thein Hamities and the State, and at. the er threaten- I same time remove the dang ing those they love. 9 In plainer \sox'ds. there must be e I l i . . 9 t union among the various henevotent isocieties. counties. and the Province of Ontario to have placed in every county at Sanitarium. 5t “"1 A A. ‘ ‘0 ‘ “-e nrnn‘ i The sink must he run idwvfl-lling'a as are smul ;unclean. 10 other mm {roundings if their re a hoped for. i Then there must; he {Bryce is hopeful for 1 imvnt. Twenty years '- wn heapitals; now UK 3UHS. Twenty yea rs a iorphzmages and (me ”your; now them are 1 (and 14 of the latter. u|ium° DI‘JVV I. --, _ 7 5. That other cases are found in many instances to follow a. firSL case in a house. within a year or two. 6. That in the centre of the worst infected districts 'uf large cities some hmmus “ill year after year continue 6. That in the centre 0: un- nun... inl’vcted districts 'uf large cities 80m. mtusms will year aftor year continue free {rum the disease. SANITARY \VOHKROOMS. In another part: Dr. Bryon says:â€" meses and workrooms where. con- sumptives live. must he maintained in a sanitary vonditinn. and that constant. and thorough precautions must be taken with regard to expeotorationa and emanations of the sick in them. The sink must he rammed from such dwellings as are small. crowded. nnd unclean. to other more sanitary sur- mundinns if their TECUVGI')’ is to be Wnn In a Harry. A few days my». says one of me :c suMier “us return- § Somh :Gfirmun papers. ' O glng to the burravks of Ludv. xgsburg, Wurtemberg. from an excursion to Late. Fuddvmy asnmll vehicle. by a man in ('ivilian's clothes. appeared. . "May 1 no! mke the vacant. seat at your side, air?" asked the soldier. “I 23111 la“! [or drill.” ‘ "I'll be glad of your company." cam. the reply. The trooper took the seat. A few minutes later. looking 8.1. his swirls. he grew pale. "Pardon me," he went, on. “but might. i ask you to drive faster! [ have great (car of mycuptain. who is L a, strict. disviplinariun. If I am a min- ; ute late he will put me in the guard- ..\' 'V ”‘w v “The. Kâ€"-â€"- ha tracks." . . . ' "Verv well; we shall urnye In tune.“ The tiriver whipped up his {cum u: in a short time drew up beta-re the ca ,4: oi the barracks. . n- ! 1 LL‘ nn‘A;-r ”fhax'lâ€"k'v you. sir." said the soldlor in descending. - While the. son of Mars “as still how- ing his acknowledgment on duty at the armory ha guard 'tfv present A Kahli- Monarch “Ly at In? 3‘ II“): J “as- __.__ rd to pmsem. arms. The driver at vr‘ficle was the king of Wur‘ttvlt- Rom: WITH THE KING. ; agn. says one of ‘he Sou‘h era. a soldier “us return- burravks of Lud“ igsburg, :. from an excursion to It was near the time (or I. and he was in [ear of be- Fuddeniy a small vehicle. man in civilian's elutheu. must; he sanitariums. Dr. u] for 1h9il‘ m-vumplish- y years ago there were now thew are 45 hosyi- yea rs ago there were 13 [(1 (me home for aged m are 31 of We former 5. there must be a various benevolent and the Province of red in every count; “a“ u ‘OI‘.'I' “'h.

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