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Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Apr 1898, p. 4

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E? it friun-is at Tum. . . Miss Clam Ramon )rft Monday morning to visit. her aunt. Mrs. W. H. Moore at Owen SJ. ..Lawyer Batsm) of Durham, and Mr. J. A. Thompqm, barrister, Tor- onto, eldest son of the late Hon. Sir Jeihn Thompson. were in town Sar- nrdny...Mm. McGirr of Ferarslmm is visiting her daughter, st. Goo. Mitchell ..Mr. \V.J. Bellamy is at. tending a mrtrimonial event in Not- t-urg this week. . . Mr. Thos. Powers of Kirkby. near Bowmmvillo, was visiting friend: here thin rock. . .Mr. 000. m.- 0! Chicago, formerly \ 4. Hi air of l’i‘nton Stu visited hmi bwfihr’l‘. W. Heaui...\113JA,i 1})qu Mia Armstiong son. and Missi Lm Almstmng visited friends in 'I‘mmm ..Mr. and Mrs. Slaughter am! Mr and Mrs. Linlsay visited in! S'i: 1‘ ) n no. .‘)hailie Richardson \\ asl in up from Woodstock College. and‘ Men in VanZnnt and F red Sn ain frmni PM L'dnle High School. . . Miss ROY of: Omngeviile visited her frienal. Missl Hattie Sullivan. . .Jobn Kingston was lmme from 'l‘ara...Miss McClocklin n: Durham visited her sister, Mrs. Mark Wilson ..Mrs. Ainsley and Mr. J.hn Flasher of Parry Sound. are waiting their brother Mr. \V. H. Fl. sher. who is many ill...‘.‘Jiss Sara Szrain has returned from visiting 'l‘hp <PX‘\'i(‘.OS in the churches here on Sahhttrh, were in keeping Vith the thoughts in connection with the day, \lr. Hnrlburt of Toronto occu- pgui tie rhptist. pnipit. and Re.’ 8 'J‘uim and \lalmn supplied their cwn p alpits. In the evening a Win: sar- vmp was «zixen in th. Methodist ch. )tr, .“ztil'rul :tn'l Mr. Richardson gave 8‘. wt atit’lres‘zefl. \Ira 'l‘rimhle’s and M. Richardson Cn'e Millinery Opening were spec- iM a‘i trawtions here last “Lek, a. b-1twihli «iislilay being: made at both p‘ mes. The Band was in attendance at th“ latter’s show-rooms. on Thurs- dm evenitu. and gave much cheer to the occasion. Holiday movements: Drs. Spronie a" l E. K. Richardson Spent Good F.'ida}' in town. . . Dr. Carter and A. M Hihqmi were in 'Poronm..Mr. Ben P mh of Glen Williams visited his h )th‘r. Mr. \th Petch... Mrs. J. \‘i. H in lemon visited her son. R. N... On the eve of leaving for Califor~ nia, Mr. J. E. Moore, who has been for a number of years, Superintend- ent of the Union Stbbatll School at. the Station. was presented with a purseand an address, warmly ex- pressive of the School’s appreciation oibis services, and regretting his removal from amongst them. An enjo able entertainment under the auspices of the Mission Band was given in the Methodist church on Friday evening of last. week, and was well patronized. Solos were given by Mr. Burnhonse, Mrs. Black- burn, Miss Zilia 'l‘rimi‘le and Miss Mabel Boyd. Recitations were giwn by Elia Barnhouse. Ella Karstedt. and a. reading by Mrs. Trirnble. ‘Argmnents for and against Missions’ “J3 81w n by a number of Indies, and 31:5. Henderson gave an excellent pulmr on "The Origin 311:1 \\'01'k of t‘n.‘ Missionary Society.” The p'lStOl‘ (‘t"“inUJ the cnaii'. Silver collection In a «leaps tch from Skaqway dated April 3. it is reported that one hun. dreillives were lost at Squaw Hill. in the Chilcoot pass, by three des- trnctive avalanches. 'lhe despatch says: A blinding snow storm was raging all day upon the summit, and as aconSeqncnce, many of those in the vicinity were making no attempt to travel. Thousands of people were encmnped in the vicinity of the acci- u-. at at the time and were soon upon th a scene, rendering such assistance as possible. 5000 peOpIe were at Work on the debris, and were only in each other's way. Thirty bodies in all \vvre recovered.” It is also reportclthat ten thousand tons of supplies are entombed. The slides have so completely filled the pass. that it will take many months of summer's sun to melt the snow and ice accumulated in the valley. The protest: are still pouring in. the number now having reached 56 In the case of Dr. Jmnieson, the Conservatives had a meeting here on Friday last, and decided to let the matter be fought out. The Dr. is confiileut the; no charges can be es- tnblished against him without the aid of extraneous s've-iring, in the face of which. and uuzler existing circum- stances, nn man’s positirm is ever safe. RepresmtatiVes from every part of the constituencv were present an'l the unanimous decision was to let the prosecutors have the benefit of the law in their enJenvor to estab- lish a case, DURHAM, April 14th, 1898. THE CHRONICLE. FLESHLf'RTON. Messrs. Scott and Hunter passed through our town one day lam. week with a couple of nacera. Don’t think Lulu and Barney could keep up to them at the rate thev were going. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Yaunt wore visiting Normanby friends one day last week. James Blythe isa lucky man this spring, as he does nut need to hire any help. A Male boy arrived there on Saturday morning, and intends to stay. \Ve saw in last, weeks paper where the, Corner man was doing some Muffin; about J. Vessie cutting wood. J. Carson and J. Eden have done better that that. in a couple of days, and no puffing about it either. Archie isbusy tramping corn this last few days. He Says it is the only way he can do away with it. Mr.and Mrs. Nexvery of Detrcit are .visiting the fcrmer’s mother who is not very well. Mrs. John Aldred was the guest of Mrs. Clarke, one day last. week. _ -v.’ -v--.'U\‘ LIIUIU - . . , James Spence. Clachan. Ont. writeeb‘] 011 Saturday mornlng, and “"3043 to had beans sufferer from Catarrh for 15" stay. yeags. .It became-(ghrou'ic and I had given .‘."5" Mchalmon of Mt Forest was . up (area ofmer bemg cured when ads-med ‘ by: iend to tr Dr. Chase’s Catarrh (mre. “smug has parents on ouuday. l at once star and am planned to mate Mr and Mrs. R. Eden were visitin Egremont friends one day last “'23 k. WiH Clark started on his Wheel to Mt. Forest, but when he got ab;ut half way, it broke down; and he had to hoof if. Mrs. Clarke has been in very poor health of late. The Rev. H. Caldwell preached to a large congregation on Sunday morning. Miss Maggie Vright of Owen Sd. spent. a few days with her/brother in the IIOHOW. Zionitcs were a happy pocple on Sunday. The church was crowded the ultaranil orgmi decorated with choice plants, and the Rev. Mr. Fer- guson gave an inspiring sermon. Many were the hand-shakes and re- unions. Mir Wm. Williamson of the 14th con. passed away on Saturday 1213:. after an illness of many \vemks. The remains were laid away in Zion’s acre on Monday afternoon. services b in}; comlucted by Rev. Mr. Hunter of Markdale. Since we last wrote, Mr. “’21:. Paiylor has had a. little girl added to his household. Miss Nellie McNully and a charm- ing; little Misc, Munshaw of Flesher- ton, eat their Easter eggs at the former’s home on the 6th. Mr. Asa Robson of HeSppler and Miss May of Owen Sound C. I. are spendim: the liolinlay week at the old home here. Both are brilliant and witty. Last week Mr. John Hunt received word that, his morher died 111 Eng- land at the ripe old age of 94. Few native born Canadians will ever at- tain such an age. The toughest of all timbermeu’ in this vicinity, Mr. John Jardine, ar- rived home from the Wichigan woods on the 9th. Few can handle the axe so well. Mics Ella C(‘ok left on Friday. to spend her Easter holidays in the Queen citV. Miss McConnel of Owen Sound, agent of the Viavi Co’y, will give a free lecture in Zion on the 20th inst. at3.00p. in Some of the youth avow they will don feminine garb and go. M1‘S.Asa Robson visited kinsfolk out here for a few daya lately. She will soon rejoin her genial hubby, who has rec‘rntly moved from Wiar- ton to \Volsely Man. Grunters (piggy grunters we mean) are a plentiful crop this Spring. Will Banks arrived home from the Algoma woo-ls on the 9th inst. He is going to remain at home this sum- mer. and everybody isgla-l. for Will is a favorite with everyone. His brother Jim left; for Brampton on Monday. Jimmie Davis has secured a position in Manito‘a at a. salary of $18 a month. Glorious Euster weather ! Students, te¢ caers sand holiday seek- ers specially grateful. \11. Hutrh Filth paid Taronto a visit on Fnidty. returning thfllday. A large gatheringof invited guests assembled at the home of James Dyce Flesherton Station, on Wednesday evening of last week, to witness the union in wedlock of his sister-in-law Miss Sci-phia. Yirrs to his brother, Mr. Andrew Dice. Mr. R. J. Sproule made a. sale last week of the Welsh farm, near the Irish Lake. of Osprey. was in town on Monday. ”Mrs. Sinclair of Erin visited her brother, Mr. Price Teeter of the west back line. TRAVERSTON. VARNE-Y. rHE DURHAM (.3HRONICLE, April 14th 88318011. The village is quiet. lately. The hotel is now owned and occu- pied by Mr. Geo. Sohram, and the iztcksmith shop by .‘dr. \ValterLoth- ian~both highly respected and doing,r a rushing: business. Miss V. Carmount returned to De- troit last week. Mr. and Mrs. David Queen and baby. of Toronto, spent. Easter here. Jim, get rid of the Grit. horses! Wonder whore Jack got the dough? The roads are improving, the frost 18 about all out; of the ground and everybody is busy with spring work. Fall wheat is beginning to look' 2'68" and shows little signs of injury kc. L‘__ I _ A - fl - -v-v-- .lr‘..." "V‘n. 1%“ “meat is beginning to look green and shows little signs of injury by the late frosts. ' There is a fair quantity of logs at Dodd’s mill but not so many as last Where Specialists 195:6. - Cured Catzu'rh. There is a great deal of wondering who writes this news. 0116 says it is Mr. Robt. Webber’s son Jas.. who resides in Normanby, is suffering from a severe attack ofappendicitis. We understand Mr. John \Vright, of Proton Station, was over to Dur- ham recently for the purpose of pur- chasing household furniture. Could a certain young lady eXplain? An. unusual occurrence took place one day reoently. A squirrel found its way into the school room, but be- coming alarmed at its new surround- ings, tried to escape and in so doing broke a couple of lamp chimneys. Robt. Hutton and Robt. lNob have gone to .‘viilton vicinity. Mia.» Cora Derbv, of Durham, waiting; on Mrs E. Aldrcd who very H1. A young son arrived at the home of K. Grierson just in time to help with the spring work. Mr. '1‘. J. Hutton, of Trinity Col- lege. Toronto, is home at present. Mr. Hurry Aldred has given up at- tending Durham school in order to help his father with the spring work. He intend?- to renew his Studies in the fall. “’9 always get Indian Summer but we never heard of Indian Winter un- less that is what we got last week. Miss M. Fletcher, teacher of Kil- syth and Miss Cassie of Rocky Sau- geen are Spending their holidays at the family hearth. Mrs Robt. \Vebbcr has been in Jgremout attending the death-bed of her father, Mr. Mead. The Gander and theG oat are evi- de ntly on the doxxn grade, if we may judg from recent Chronicle reports from their respective localities. Misses S Gadd and M. Morrice vis- ited their respective homes in Nor- mayby recently. Inspe °tor Campbell visited our School and made a very favorable re- port for the perusal of the trustees. Mr. R. \Vade has purchased an- other horse and now has three fine tea-tins. D. Stewart has la grippe. Miss Campbell, of Sydenham, re- turned home last Week. Mr. (J. Kersnbaum, of near Port Elgin, was back here and gone again. We are sorry to lose good neighbor John George but. wish him succeSs in whatever occupation he engages. Miss Sara Stewart. teacher at Lou ise is holidaying with friends. Mr. R. C. )o'rlett. of Atwood, was home for Easter. Mr Dan. McDonald left \Vednesday f0: Georgetowd to exchange muscle and labor for coin. He struck a good job that night. Success Dan. Skill and (Tenius axe not, wanting he 1e Neighbor A. F.8m11hhasmade an incubutm and has a 11in! batch in the cases. The mocheiless biood will a eagerly watched for. Toronto. -VI VQO'IVU Mr. Cris. Scheurman left Monday for Pike Bay. . Mr. Mack TJcDonald from Merrnt was home for Easter. . Mr. J. Park, of Durham, who 18 working the McFarlane farm, expects his Iaxnily up this week. We saw Alex. Griersan in our to“ n one night. last week I wonder if he is having an eye on some of our fair dungels. Miss Mary Wise of Align Psttk. is visiting in and around this Vicunty this week. paying Klondike prices for whiskey. 301110 paying as‘high as $4.60 for one glass. Pretty gteep isn’t it ‘ M iss Marjorie Campell is home from “"."‘ ... Hâ€"â€"â€" HUTTON HILL ORCHARD. WELBECK. H0.0H cure, 5nd 1 Dr. Chase given} lS Men Sncoecd with Us who have Failed with Othm It Will cost you nothing. to learn what we can do for you. . Don't wrize unless you mean business and want profitable employment. 111811.. ”We guarantee all our Stock.- We fun 1158!] purchasers with certifi- can: from Covet-amen; inspecmr, stating our Stock is free from San Jose Scale. OUR NURSERIOES comprise over 700 acres. and gmwmg stuck in large quantity gamblos us to sell at the closest possible any firy Stank A653 "ENS! Bow Agents! agriai mum: immemam _ . -_---_---- uvu .I"IMUHIU“‘I' Nzu'amy Stock Is my the Increase. “e need more-men. If you want steady, paying work, wrate us. “’9 furniah a3lsupp1§es free. We have tlaé largest Nurseries in the --- â€"â€"â€" vviv -' _ . Dominion. W e pa} I» ah salary and commission. We engage either “hole or part time 11“ Mr. W. J Sharp is in Toronto .at the On- tario Educational! Aswwimiou this Jx'cek. Mr. and Mrs. H Reid are the happy pa- rents of twin boys. Whu’ll be next ? Mr.J. II. Bnmnkpcut Easter with his pareutm at. Eastuu's Corners The Salvation Arm} Marine Band gave asacred Can art here on, \\'edues:]ay ev‘g. Miss McCunuel uf the Viavi Lu. gave a lecture to “Women only ” on Tuesday. Mrs. W. Main returned on Monday from Mooresburg where she spent the past month waitiu on her daughter, Tenn, wins ls seri- ouslyi l. Master Maxweil Brown retm'ned from Llstowel where he was undergo-lug treat- ment for bus eyes. Mr J. C. Allan, of London is vi<itiug his pa_r_ent:s_!1.er_q. . Miss Teua Orchard spout. Sunday in Lon- don, the guest, at Mr. and M rs. J. Orchard. Mr. J. E. Burrows of P ai file ' P. is spendinga few days “i111 his mother and other 1eL1tn 8» The following: \'i~°itor°~ are in town: Miss L. Rawu, c-ffiumh ”end. B. Ovans, of Mt. Farest and C. Campbell. of (Heuedeu at Mr. \V. S H('Il‘Si)lll';.','.S: Mrs. Dr. Juuenfi, of Mt. Formt, at Thus. Burrows; Miss M. Walton. South Bend. at l). (Imueron’s; I). Blyth, Mt. Forest, at R». Burrows. Mr. \V. II. S pence of \cxxblidge P. S. was the guestof Mr. Adam Uoupe lart Fri- dav and wasted in the R. T. at '1‘. concert in the evenirw. The R. T: nf '1‘. haJ a successful concert here on Friday evcmng last. Mr. J. L. L’yowne iilmmc from the Owen Sound Collegiate Institute. v’ V Or any one desiring to better their pn. mtmu and 1.;creasetlngn° lucnme should wrue us The oemaml for lmme grown L - A C_ 9 . ‘ ° “' I \Y.... J”.-- D samurai fimmemam Agents. ' gum! Stone 8. Wellington TORONTO. ’ HOLSTEIN. , 18915. Including Binders, .\!w-.w.'~. “‘1'"- Rakes, SP'I‘HIJ! 'rtmth Harv-V». A" 1 (2U 'l‘heseare the best unu-E i.» _ buy and are made by a r<~ii.:lm- l WAGONS.-A car Ion-1 of Adam“ “.‘gfms arrive this week. I .., 't l “3“}: running, We" finished Wagnu :zutulun an excel these \vaa‘uzas. BUGGIES.â€"I carry full “Mug “2’ {11“ Tudlmpo and McLaughlin “VIII“?- - anms. Carts 5m. TM» are human; in true unmities, freight ”mi-d, am an be d cheap. IF You are in need nfn Plow, Harpm’t Gang Plowm- auvthing also in tlus hue b0 Qm and call. The‘RAYuOND SEWING M ACIIINE “*‘3‘ in “00k and. the beat makes of ORGANS and PIANOS. 5' a“ 0“ Your own terms of ropa ymem INSURANCE promptly attended to- ISSUER of Marriage Linceses. OFFICE WAREROOMS. LOWER TOWN. MONEY TO LOAN at 5 and 51‘ ! Hay .................. nutter ........... . Eggs per day. ........ Apples. . . . per bag. .. Potatoes. . . .per bag. . ' Flour per cwt... . . . .. ‘ “anneal per smk ..... " Chop per cwt ......... 2 Dressed Hogs per cwt Hides... per lb ...... Sheepskins ........... Turkeys per lb ....... 60986 per lb .......... Ducks per pair ...... Chickens per pair... .. Wool ........... . .. . . MY “'areronms m'P {HUN with all kinds of MASSEY - HARRIS 1M PL]: “'0 have just receivml a of Sterling Bros. m h M. mam Shoes for Mon. “'0 Girls. Just the thin: 1' DON’T forget we sell 10!) Tea. at 25, .30 a b»! Black or mixed, in 11nd pox ads and half pounds. Come and see what a lot WARE we give for '91 LL)“ shipment just in. Shoes. New Goods. Fa“ Wheat ......... qorinr' Wheat ...... Oats ................ Poas................. Barley .............. DURHAM. 3(‘c. m Tartan Ginghams 36in. Cashmere in XM’} Iflack 1 40 In. B‘ack and Col.“ Serges Fancy figured Lnsti‘w BEAN 85 C30. Market- Rep ................... .................. DURHAM, Apr a su N GOOBS. '.I‘ ¢ T? )Ul‘t. UPPER V StOCKe wt»: 01? EMENTS TIN t0 t0 10 (I (ul 019° _- :- me fiance as .‘ failifl a he motioned I 81“ th‘t you n for there has b a check of mine. 1 prepared to “d be continua writing. but thing like such [knew of court a. fraud. I a with the mam also “ith SootL “You seem II [ mmrked. ati all the tank. I loss and not yd (orgeries the I: "Quite so. qd myself do not agittbes me is must have u (I body but a mu have so ganged count. It was flying the ml £50 remained. me very hone: thing hr that. the oehed " Mition on t. ”“110 has a “I have on]! "DO you In: "My dear I morning . It is mined it the no There

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