West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Apr 1898, p. 9

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You need it to ban the ha, 5'» If your book’s weak__Do.% ’1“: will strengmen it. If a .“ Mes ~Dosn’s Kidney Pill. '13:: 1perimom in taking Dan" ‘33:] 1 hey cured hundreds of “flinch. ong before other kidney ping“; of, Mn. J an Row, 3.11"“ for nine years with umh’.%‘ buzk; rheumatic pains, 311d . z Rudder I]. SE?!“ .300 gm. H little relief. completely cured him, b.1113“ puns, and all tho other pun. um I)" ' bl” : )1: Thou. Portooug. flu v. i blacksmxth of Godench, Ont, m sickness and weakness 3:" my ‘9] mdstrongth. “ For the political}. '8? of at no Tho luv" «no. more Plug. * strokes of his hm. of urn: have been very wakmydd and disturbed by dreams, «1‘1 arose in the morning nun-OIL frequently vary dizzy and '- l nominal with a min um cam. H oyos, my memory was often MW had fluttering of the bean. WI sharp pain ‘hrongh it .3 timfl. I condition I was easily worrid I enervated and exhuustod. Two I began taking Milburn’l Hal. Ii Pills‘ since Shafi timo I h“. b‘ health and strength dtily. ‘ restored my nerves to . hulthy ‘ removed all dizziness and hurl now I sleep well 3nd derive rest from it. That Milbnrn’l Nerve lels are .good remedy hm net-u, Weakness, Hurt Trouble. 3"" comnlaints goes without I8 50 rt}. 5 box at all druggiltl or .I A: l“. = . Toronto, Ont. STRENGTH CAME BM Mrs. Ayer never auroral-«V; n ’«r great houao. 41’1”" “'33 0| I’e trilied hum reu P ECU LIAR FU} a'uliat. At tho (101 family inserts a announcement in t. g‘ympathy and anti mg urn" will ho a min hours on nil there- is placed a little 1 ered “ith a black cm on ' I Mark jar. Into thS W at Ameritans When Mrs: Patti?“ .ug‘nt/er, visited her m u as necessary to ”I" M0 for her ill ‘ fl" 1w for her m 5}”""" I Mrs. \,yer’s crownin “1 19 the dinner She K‘v rs \\ 111mm AStOT in Lrh mer)’ 8‘1“,“ b0“ U av were all dintingmshod' r “ore all her famous ELS outshone by 1101' he,” he‘ did. e‘xvreEtISEV po‘iblO N ' vifor‘t of time. 8110 PM] w may in the hands 01mm! ' hair-dresser. the dentist. ml {1 an! the great numb” 0“” ropol 1" Hg,- Lusinesa it in t0 :‘e the moat youth!“l 3""; Ls-rminmenta beanie m0” tac ular BOGUS PmmFIED lid everythin8__l’°'ibl’ . -A-fil in 1’53"“ Tgn Cases of Granite and Neel Lllz'uml Opened to-dny. Fara m G2: Men Tools, ALI r]\ I \* H.\\GEFORâ€" Ham mare, Tinware, Sil'sé'l Mire, Etc. Another consignment ut Rmuiy - nixed Paint, for ”NYSE null BIIGGY use, just ' V fll'l'i W301. It is a emmnon expres- siun m) the street that we are 5; Him“ more wheels thannil the other dealers DEEDS Lots ‘ -~~ UPPER TOWN ---- MPLEMENT WAREHDBMS ‘73.!â€" A Consewativg Convention Bicyde Accessories: a large sh “on the ) Runs, Sum 1t“ CYCLE 0m GRAPH! m. twether. Pncmxa RL 2:: TUBHG lenm Because we have the qual- ity and C'nmper than any other “"1001. EU‘U ‘JnxU‘GAGI‘IS ana OHIO! writings card u'nlv mm .a red . Iz'fw‘lflss pmmptly :jttenfled tolin the ‘ t catheutml manner. quictwt .llxd Mich address Exam RUBBER 00,939 DOZ. 0F EGGS WANTED! n13 lfiBK. {.. i: Landing: Money. ' (any terms, costs light. :. ‘.‘f‘:‘ t - Q ‘vâ€"0 ‘0... {fix “1‘ all kinds sold or exchanged. A Awnl'N‘l‘S collected on commis. V} _;"(" '.l'! ’1 ,o- ’ l"urn1â€"I.nt30 COILZ, W. lirrtfirzck. 1m 30'9“ . ~g.‘...y.-..»â€"l-t and 2nd Divisions “CH ‘,, Hennnck 100 acres. __v u surprise you; Williams Q, PIANOS and Omans. MK, will be cafled to M H YOOfm'nm. and other proper- ..r oxvhangeA‘at rock bottom mmng f U 19m MENT H. H. MILLER -A large stack of MC 3 famous Model Cook- zoves. Fancy Parlor 3, Box Stoves. 0031 5. etc.. at prices that wnmnt received direct. rumfzu'murers, such as rmul y dec- :1: id ed that .- '- UPPER TOWN. Mum and other writings ,vm- Canveyancer, NEVERLEMS, :r, 1m CEMENT, :z-‘u. CYCLE BALLS, u‘ Wmsans, PAST CLIPS, ()IL, Em. er KINNON’S Hoes, ETC. i CSHES all Prices SPADES, ,m-k Box 28. Hanover Why 2 guns. FRESH GROCERIES Always in Stock] STILL LEW. A few Ready-Made kFOR 30 DAYS, TO CLEAR OUT FOR NEW STOCK. A Large Quantity of TWEEDS, PAN’I‘INGS, FLANNEL FLANNELETTEa JUNN LIVINGSTON, Agent, Fire Insurance attended to Promptly in the Farm- ez‘s’ Grey Bruce and in other good companies. Selling at Cost Lower Town, Ladies’ Sailm Hats. 1 OTICE that any IS HEREBY GIVEN Person nl' “bran-no (A. “.3 o Suits, extra quality for the mone y - FAR 31m Silvester Seed Drills, Frost Wood Binders and Mowers, Rakes, Disk Harrows, Spring Tooth Harrows, Pioughs, single 2 furrow. Woodstock Wagons, Carriages of all kinds, Stoves, Sewing Machines, Bicyles, Etc., Eco. JOHN W. IRWIN Tenant. Durham, April 11th, 18%. 4 Cash Store, lower Town. «one: T0 mmssms We have opened up a Large Assortment. of La- dies’ Sailor Huts. They are beauties. (32111 and see them. Our Boy’s Suits are Ready Sellers, and no wonder. The Price fxom $1. 50 up, while 0m Men’s Suits at $5.50, Can- not be beaten. Cochrane's Old Foundry. also Durham. It is our painful duty this week, to chronicle one of the saddest events that has occurred here for many ,years, if indeed, ever before in the history of the place. Mr. John ,1'razer, a young man of twenty-nine years of age, son of Mr. John Frazer golf this place. left about eleven years gage for the States, and although a ~:constant communication was always ,kept up concerning his movements, ihedidnot return till Friday last, lwhen his remains arrived here by train from West Lake, Louisiana, where he was accidently killed by falling from the rear end of the van of a log train, on which he acted as conductor, and run over, dying in about thirty minutes. The remains “ere embaimed and forwarded to Durham by express, being about six days on the way. Interment took place at the Durham Cemetery on Saturday afternoon, in the presence .of a large number of sympathisers of the bereaved family. From letters received by the parents and friends here, we are pleased to learn that . the deceased was a genial young man, L industrious and sober, never touching intoxicants. His siSLers, Mrs. Hess, 'and Mrs 'l‘urnbnll, and his brother- in~law, Mr. Thos. 'l'urnbnll, of Ham- ilton. were the only relations from a distance who attended the funeral obsequies. His two other sisters, .\lrs. Wm. George, and Mrs. 'l‘hos. Corbett of Sault Ste. Marie, being unable to be present. The sincere sympathy of the whole community is shared, in their sad, sad hour of hereaVement, by the sorrowimg.r par- ents, sisters, and other relatives. Mommas . 1“" money. Am”! W N the Town of Durham, County of Grey, inclméng a valuable wate: mvar, brick dwelhng and many eiegiLle Knildiug lots will besold in one or more lots. Also int. N0: 60. 0.011.. 2. W. G. k. Township of Bezltmck. 100 achS. adjoining Town, plot, Durham. Oct. 2nd. Mr. C. C McFadden. who repre- sents an American Nursery, was around doing business in his line. He is a first class salesman and is greatly pleased with the result of his canvas. He informs us that he has ugood offer from a Toronto firm which he will probably accept. The firm will be fortunate in So uriug Colin’s services as their representa- tive in this section. For Sale by McFarIanc Co, Mr. James Gaston, merchant,Wi!kesbam, Pan. writes :â€"-I~‘or nine years I have been disfigured with tetter on hands and fave. But at. last I have found a cure in Dr. Agnew: Ointment. My skin Is now One by one the old pioneers are passing away. After a prolonged illness an old and reSpected resident of Glenelg. Mr. Angus McInnis pass- ed away on Friday. The funeral which was largely attended took place onSuuday to the Rooky Satu- geen Cemetery. The dynamite factory at Ironsides OXplOded Sunday night. and the shock broke a number of windows in Ottawa, six miles distant, besides shaking the parliament buildings. This is the third time in ten years thata similar disaster occurred at Messrs. J. A. McKinnon and Philip McKechuie, Teachers. spent their Easter holidays at their homes here and have gone .‘o’resume their duties, the former at Williamsford and the latter at Mom'sburgh. Dr. Agnew’_s__91:ntment, these works. OKIN DISWIS RILIEVBD BY OBI AP- PLICATION OF ' Mr. J. Corbett spent Easter at ‘home. Sorry to hear that Mr. Iolu. Dins- lmore lost a valuable horse last week. Mr. Thos. Turnbull, of Hamilton, returned to his home on Monday. Mrs. McCulloch is on the sick list this week. . Mré. Mills, of Durham spent East- ‘er holidays under the parental roof. Mr. Chaq. Reay left for Mount Forest on Monday where he has se- cured employment. HIE EDGE PROPERTY. ROCKY SAUGEEN. 35 CENTS. VICKERS. JAMES EDGE. Edge Hill, P. 0. How dear to our heart is the cash on subscription when the generous subscriber presents it to view; but the man who don’t payâ€"we refrain from description. for fear gentle reader, that man might be you. The piggery at the Humber, which has been siient and gloomy ever since the general massacre, when a warrior was slain whose memory yet lives, is taking on a sign of life. The interior and the exterior, pig pens. joists, outside pens and every square inch except the outside of the roof has re ceived a beautiful coat of whitewash. and Mr. Isaiah Werriner has decided to reopen the academy with fresh pupils, having killed the old ones. For this purpose he has been travell- ing through the country purchasing stock from the farmers.--~Toronto World. 0n the evening of the recent elec- tion some Durham hotel keepers opened their bars and passed round the booze quite liberally. For this freedom with the. law they were fined $530 each. These who had partaken sympathized with their hosts in this extremity, but the indignant. law stepped in and demanded of than something more substantial and hard to part with than sympathy. Over a hundred summonses were issued and served and as many, who had partaken of the inehriate glass on the Mr. Frank L. “'anzer’s house in Hamilton was struck by lightning during a thunder storm on SuLday night last. The metal pipes in the house were melted and the lightning set fire to the escaping gas. Peter Chandler, aged 69‘ years, hanged himself in a barn near Wood- stock on Saturday last. Mental derangement caused by physical in- firmity is the cause assigned. Old Men and Kidney Disease. Aged ersons tron led with weak hack, impair kidneys. pain in the hack and base of abdomen, scalding urine, with a small quantity of water at a time. a tendency to urinate often. especially at night, should use Dr. Chase’s Kidney-Liver Pills. You know the Dr’s. reputation, you know the value of his work, and that Dr. Chase would not. risk his reputation on an unknown and untried remedy. Every Druggist in Cana- da sells and veer mmends them. Burglars entered the general store «if H. T. Barker. Stratford, on Sum day morning last, and by rifling the tin and blowing the safe, secured about $8 in coppers. ’st? «w; 7a - 41?. 77“" «‘35! 0:11;. Vb“ 0: M4 71 v '2;\" 4V, .- 0 ’15“ N84 \Yb m. ‘ ”23$ 9:2? '. NI: 5? _ 114‘... I} .0.” .4... . dune .Q i? 04,. 31"! H .51 \x‘ Sf». ‘Ii's‘ Gentlemen should inspect our Nobby Tweeds. We do the Tailoring Trade of the Town, and will be pleased to show our Stock. We Guarantee a fit. No flt, no pay! 743'- DRINK KOLONA CEYLON TEA. We Will not bother you with figures éi this week for a change. We like a change. a): So does everybody, and that is the reason why =‘l we dress our large windows so often. “They are a. credit to any city store,” so they say. It takes time, work and thought to do cverythinn'. but our energy has been handsomely rewarded in the appreciation the public have shown us since we moved. N o trouble to show goods, and when we do show them you have abund- 33" ancc of splendid light to see them. ,% S '1.- "’ fika‘kfikg. QQ9‘~GQQ *3 ‘Wc flIWAYS Lead, Other; Follow’ MODERN DEPARTMENTAL STORE. Has been our motto and we have lived up to it without a doubt. Today we are doing nearly double the business that we expected to do in our New Store. Every week trade increases. We have been forced to add more counters in the store, and don’t you be surprised if you see us add to the building if trade still increases. Lower Town, Durham. N’; é”, “(a QM \V’ 4"; A?!» («V2 .3": «"3. >.-.v_c.=-o .‘5- a, ”TV-.bV‘ '-¢.c-o.-r-u am am am an am (vb 0.32.» a» 49.;- above named occasion, apparel bi fore the beak. made their Jew. courtesied and lel’ t for home singinx: “I‘ll never go there any hornyâ€".43.. eon Advance. ONE of the best design“ and most Inpvto-date electric light stations tit 'Canada is that owned by The 'l‘cromo Electric Light Company. The ma light station of this company was destroyed by fire in January of last year. and has since been rebuilt u:- tirelyof fireproof construction no inflammable material whatever being used. An interesting description of these works, accompanied by tin: half-tone illustratidts. appears at the “Electrical News” for Match just to hand, which also contains particulars of the Operation of the municipal lighting plant at Now Westminster, 5. (3., and tho. rnlt-s which have been adopted by the in- snrance authoritits of Canada and Germany to regulate the use-of acety- lene gas. The publisher is C. H. Mortimer of Toronto. A cough which seems to han on in spite of all the remedies whi° you have ap ied certainly needs energetic an sensible treatment. For twenty-five years that stand- ard preparation of cod-liver oil, has proved its effectiveness in cut- ing the trying affections of the throat and lungs, and this is the reason why: the cod-liver oil, par- tially digested, strengthens and vitalizes the whole sys- tem: the hvpophosphites act as a tonic to the mind and nerves, and the Iveerine soothes and eals the irritation. Can you think of any combi- nation so effective as this? Be sure you get SCOTT‘S Emubion. Soc M till Ian cod fish are on the wrapper. 50c. and Snoo. 1!! drunks. SCOTT 81 BOWNE. Chemists. Toronto. Persistent Coughs SGOTT’S‘ EMUleON 7‘3 ll . .71 N4

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