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Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Apr 1898, p. 12

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5-2 Merit Wins Success. Ks OW") // DAN AND INSURANCE AGENT. 1 CUNHelY ANGER. {JD-{MISSIONER m H. C J. Collections pn mptly attended to. i. ((1.35 and Insumnce effocmd \sithout de- Ln. Companyand l’iiulte F unds t.) Loan and 0 pm we at. in sums and upon tcr ms to suit birn‘meus. A (laneral 1* inaucial B isiness Transacted. ()i-‘l-“IUE- 1 (1903' North of :5. Scott's Store. “is, 02 HAVE been instructed to receive application for loans on gond farm properties at 57:, interest, pa 'nble hatf yeariy or yearly as desired. {casonable terms 0! repayment to suit borrowers. Ap- ply to G. LEFROY McCAUL, Barrister, Lower Town, Durham. (kt. 4th, $ARM FOR SALE. BEING LOTS - 8 (,‘ON 21 EUREMUN’I‘, AND 3 ()3 l‘mxeessiun l, S. l). R. (ileuelg. Lot 8' consists uf 100 acres. :0 acres cleared, wel; watered \mll fcncml, free from stune, 80 acres lit to run machinery urer. Goad large brick house, bank barn, shall orchard. Cnn leieut tn .~ch0ul. 7 mile" from Durham Lot. :5 (ilvnelg consists ml 54 acres, 30 cleared balance Izardmml bush. Clear title. “il: be Milli cm (9353' terms. Fur lurthcr particu l;;l'sa|)ply on the prcmiros to Joux WHIP- :xoam, DURHAM, 1’. U. Apr. 9J1. "J8 7m. ' h’lUK HOUSE â€"()\Ew 9' X H \Lr Stnrev, on Lambtmn Stuct a short di tame east uf Ur. Junn' lesnu’ s . a ‘n lust new, a 0d M: Ma. haul and suit “attl' Rom Ic'zbmxabk. Apply to ‘ SAMLQRCHAP D SR. “ - -- V ‘HE HOUSE, S'l'ABfE, GARDEX and ()rcharcl reventlv vacated by Mrs; H .l. .Iiddzzugb: Beautifully situated on Lmuhton at" will be nfi'ervd cheap or Rent- eoi may reasonably to good tenant. For lumber articulars apply to Bus. VARXBR, urtu Durham. M RS. T. JACKSON, a. Clinton, Ont Iany canadiansafierlbukhliâ€"rthecm.ntry (WH- have settled in Central fllchlgan. wher 1y have bought first class farming lands at. 0 $10 per acre. on long time Ond easy payments. [)0 on want to own a home '! You can surety do it. We offer on 10.000 acres tachoose rom. Come and 00k lauds over, We assure satisfactior Full panic. mars mafled free. Write S. B. BORLAN I}. Image:- Land Dept , Wells, Star» a C»: , Saginaw, Eich GOOD ROUGH CAST HOUSE. I’ve rooms. on Garafraxa St. Half an acre of ground. good stable, South of the dd thrane Foundrv. Aha a goud com~ {unable minute on Countess Street. West. fixermms. stnne tell-1r, first class water, Stable. halfau acre of land. sum” orchard. to. Will rent or sellmx any terms. Fur further particulars applv to GEO. MjGU’I'ON. A .I ‘A... PEINGh LOP NO. 47 CONCESSION ) 2 W R.I)EN1‘ION(3K 100 acres. mm uf the bést. farms in the township “'t'llfr-ucvd, we" watered, Convenient. tn Church and fichuol. 2.1., mile? frum l)_m:ham I, -- ... --- _-- - - . mm nf the best farms in the township Wellfumtml, well watered, convenient to Church and fichuol. 2.1, miles frum Durham 8-3 acrm. clean-d. 20 acres lmnlwuml bush, 7 acrw fall wheat. 2 frame dwelling houseS. frame burn and amblm, and young orchard. immediate [lanai-inn Will be given. Frm from all ix.cmubrm;ce. Will be snhi onemfy terms of payment, For full par- ticulars apply on the pecuiiscs to L. ROHSHN. Aberdeen 1’. 0. CENTRAL MICHIGAN [any Canadians Hale You eve: said la up! to hear tmm you 31:11:31 .3th. 4 GUS 10R. HA'l‘thAb Buff 1.0anth J. C. Hares strain, $1.00 for Sagas. Apply 11. “AM, Holstein. 1131.113111]. 2:11 Mar For Sale or To Rent. Durha m, Mat. 30. h. A I)?“ ‘3“). NURSERY STUCK ? M oney to Loan. ELI; BREU DURHAM BULL. Lut 56. (Mn. '2. nguplg If so address the mule: Signed and you will learn numbing of very great in- temst to you. 'l‘IJx- means bzbiness and perhaps lmmlx «ls ufxlollnrs to you Ynn may perhaps think when reading this that we intend to ask you. to sell for on, but that is not the case. -- â€"- 25th. 2m and to pay yon for it. but don't want . oanswers, hence write us all pur- ucuhzrs about yourself so that we may know it is 0. . Remember an cem- muuications are structly confidential. J. Elliott, Prin. g: For Service For Sale 6m ARDS. Pelham flugm (:0. -An‘ -‘ FARMS .L'x $13.5 A‘I‘KINSQN. Durham, Unt t! Durham. 13. O. Miss Annie McLean left last week to visit her sister, Mrs Weir of Port Credit and also friends in Toronto. I. .V-- Mfrfiléwhead and kin left our neigh- borhood for ()rillia. Miss McDonald, of Crawford visited the corners lately. Mr. George Putherbough has gone to Georgetown for the Summer months. Rev. and Mrs. Little hzive been visiting members of the congregation recently. A number If our young folks took in the social gathering whiclfiwas held at M r. John Hewitsm’s a few evenings before his de- parture for Mnnituha. As Mr. Hewitson is an earnest Christian Endeavor and Sunday School wurker he will be greatly missed, as will also his sister whopcmmpanied him. Mr. D. McQuarrie pilgglnased a. fine new barrow from Mr. G. Mcluuuon. Messrs. Grierson and .Calvert passed through here latelydehormug cattle. Miss Mary Fletcher of Dobbmtcm. Miss Cassie Fletcher of Rocky Saugeeu, and Miss U. Putherlmugh from Wodehouse spent their Easter holidays at home. Mr. Malcolm Clark 13. A. spent, Easter in Toronto. The ladies of the W. C. '1‘. U. have been informed that. iepmts are cur- 1ent. that they are responsible for the infonnations which resulted in‘ the trial, and in some cases convict tions, of parties for illegz 11 liquor drinking on the night. of the election. No me111he1 of the Vi. C. T. U. furn- ished one of these inforinations. though they see nothing criminal or blamewmthy had the\ done so, or in anyone giving i11fo1matio11 to the .antborities on violations of the law. SHELBURNE can boast of Chicken thieves in additicn to their other 10- cal celebritips. Thirty-two earthquake shocks were felt throughout California on Thurs- day the 14111. Prof. Staddinp; starts this week from Stockholm in search of Andrea. the baloonist who \vaslost some time ago. He is believed to be in the Klondyke region. The case against Samuel Shaw of Minto '1‘p., for having an illicit, still on his premises, the seizure of which has been referred to, came up befure Magistrate Lewes at Palmer's-ti n on Friday last. Shaw was fined $100 and sentenced to one month in jail. The case against his brocher, John Shaw for the m imf'ucture and sale of whiskey was dismissed. DIED. SHAVERâ€"4n Hamilton. April 5th, after along and painful illness, John B. Shaver, aged 73 years. Deceased was grandfather of Mrs. E. Milligan of Durham. ~93. Brooches. MCINXIS-fin Glenelg on April 15th, Angus Mclnms aged 7‘.) years. MCDOUGALâ€"Iu Glpnelg. neanmveriton. on the 17th Apnl, Arch. McDongal aged 72 years. MILLIUAN-â€"In Durham on Tuesday April 12th, to Mnand Mrs. E. Milligan, a sun. 'l'ORRYâ€"Iu Durham on gum: day. April 16v tn Mr. and Mrs. R. Towy. a daughter. For Sale by McFarlane ()0. A DENIAL weakness. These delicate organs being overtaxcd be- come suscvptiblc to head colds, influenza, hoarsczxess. tickhn: in the throat, sneczo tug, dropping in the throat, pain over the eyes, dry throat, etc"; all these are forerunners of Catarrh, Asthma, Tonsilitis, and are but stepping stones to more serious mm lications if neglected. DP... AGEE‘X’S ATABRHAL POWDEE is powerfuLP: vainless, harmlgss nndquipk-acting, and m “1 cure a! such troublesâ€"relieves m :0 minutes. Actors, Singers, Speakers “ I can bu: reclaim Dr. Agnew’s Catarrbal Pow- der a wonder ~11 medicine, uticularly fur singers and public speakers. M so f and wife were both subjccts ofTonséiitls an Catatrh, and never found anything to equal this great remedy for quick action and curative qualitiesâ€"it is a wonder worker. I heartily recommend it to my brether professionals." Al. Emmett Fostell. Aetor, New York City.-3x THEY DIDN’T DO 11'. 1 have received one GIG-38 of Brooches the like of which has never before been seen in Dur- ham for Kim money-â€" 25 cts. W01 th double the price. Be sure and get one. NEXT 'ru BANK. M ULL CORN ER. W. A. MacFAHLAWE. r BY THE mum? or Tu» W. .'1‘. U. M 0.0 B ORN. Thousands of actors. ubllc entertainers. s’mgrrs, eczur- ers, preachers and readers are tormented wiL'u throat FIR: 3, {which has ~\ seen in Dm- ‘ -0. S. the price. at one. ylgag :5} 5* *3 :4 1% E; B- J-ll KATE CAHPBELL. Miss Kate Campbell, daughter of Mrs. Quinton Campbell of Bentlnck, died Tuesday night, afteralingering illness from consumption, aged 24 years. We are unable to give par- ticulars this week. Funeral on Fri- day at 2 p. m. Mr. Geo. Matthews, a pioneer of, Glenelg, died at his home, Lot 68' con ‘2, early Wednesday morning. aftera prolonged illness extending through the whole of the winter. Deceased was about 6.3 years of age, W honest, industrious and respected: Heleavesa widow, six sons, and; two daughters. The sons are; An», drew, in Montana, Thomas. Mani-i toba, William in British Columbia»; and Robert, ,George and James in: the vicinity. His daughters are: Mary, who is still home, and Mrs. John Lawrence of Glenelg. The re- mains will be interred in the Durham, Cemetery to-day, Thursday, at 2 pm. JOHN FRASER. The account given of the death of! Mr. Fraser by our Vickcrs Corres-l pondent is peculiarly sad, but from the letters of the superintendent oil the Company in which he was em~l ployed. as well as the letters sent by an intimate friend to a sister of de- ceased. Mrs. Hess of Hamilton, and which We were permitted to read. ‘t-he surviving relatives have the cor.- "solation of knowing that, with his associates, he was regarded a sober and‘industrious young man. The ; superintendent Speaks very highly of him from an acquaintance of near- ly two years. part of which time he acted as hrakeman and latterly as conductor. 1 i â€"__â€" â€"- I J ON Thursday last Mr. Robt. Gray of Hamilton, son-in-law of Mr. R (,fmzhrzme of this town had an ad- ditional sorrow added to his list by the death (If his infant son, Robert. a little boy of six months. The child was only ill a short time when death ensued. The remains were brought to Durham and interred in the ceme- tery here on Friday last. Only a few weeks previously a sister of Mrs. Gray, Miss .l. Cochrane, died at their home and the remains were brought here for interment. Surely Mr. Cochrane and Mr. Gray are, having: their cwn share of trouble and the sympathy of the people goes out to the distressed families in the sad be- reavements the-y have so recently been compelled to endure. Tim CHRONICLE extends sywnpnthy. GEORGE HENDERSON. Mr. Geo. Henderson. of Hemp-Jon. Normanhy, one of the 011 pioneers of the township, died at his home, Lot 25,011 18. on Monday morning last at the age of about 63 years. The deceased had been ailing for about five weeks, we are told, lrozn some urinary tro ble. He was a hard working, industrious man having settled in the township many years ago, carved out for himself a com- fortable home in the wilderness and accumulated considerable property. He leaves a wife and tvn children to mourn hieloss. He was a Presby- terian in religion and a strong Re- former. 'l"he remains were interred in Hampden Cemetery on \Vednes~ day, yesterday. at one o’clock. being: followed to their last resting place by a large concourse of mourning friends. OBITUARY.-â€"On Friday last. April 15th. there anSed awav one of the earliest settlers of the township of Glenelg in the person of Mr. Angus McInnis at the ripe age of 77 years. Dece sell was a native of Ross Mull. Scotland, and came to Canada when quite young. settling on the third Concession, Gleneig, north of Glen- roaden, About 50 years ago, when what even to-day is one of the rough- est parts of the township, was all woods, rocks and stones. He was always restiected by all who knew him, a consistent member of the Baptist Church and-a genuine Scotch Reformer. He leaves a widow, fcur sons and tluee daughters namely. Robert, John and Donald McInnis of Manitoba and Peter who still resides on the old hometead. The daugh- ters are Mrs. James McGilvray, Mrs. Neil McGilvray, Glenelg. and Mrs. A. Lynn 6! Keppel. A ROI-l . MCDOUGA LL. l Axorumt 01-1 settler of the Tp. of Glenelg, Arch. MCDOUgall, who had lived for about 40 years on the 10th con” near Townsend’s Lake. died on Saturday night last after a lingering illness Deceased was a native of Argyll, Scotland. He leaves a widow and one daughter, Mrs. J. Hewitson uf B‘entinck, who have the sympathy v "'1'" ‘ "-7 mi all. Mr McDonngall was a mem- iwr of the Pu‘shyterian church‘s Liberal in politics and universally likad and respected by all who knew GEORGE MATTHEWS. ROBERT GR AY. ANGUS MCINNI‘. L34: I CHESLEY refuses to have a celebra- tiou on the 24th of May unless the ‘ hotel keepers contribute 850 each towards the funds. They have cox- fiented to give 830 each but the con.- 3 mittee won’t accept. the ofier. --C. McArtbur, Upper frown, is paying 90. per doz. for eggs, and the highest price for butter. THE Dundalk Herald says: Mrs. McMaster of Osprey is getting her third set of teeth.” Are the teeth false or is it, the story? We never knew the Herald man m be guilty of a vicious lie. i THE Scenic representation of the {Corbett Fitzsimmuns fight did not mareiinlize in Markdale, Flesherton or Dundulk. The .Uundalk Herald says: ”We doubt if they would have ’liada. baker’s dozen to witness it. Public sentiment in this cominuniny won’t tolerate exhibitions of this kind.” Iss’T it time your last years’ sub. was paid ?.. All abuse 3 full Qeur «1' more behind will be charged at credit rates, $1.50 a year, but. to give another chance to the lew delinquents two dollars forwarded at once will be received as full payment. for two yrs. Please remit. THE English Church congregation worshipping at Egremont School House, 2nd Com. held their annual veStry meeting on Easter Tuesday evening. Rev. Mr. Ryan selected Mr. Wm. McFadden as his warden for the ens-.ling year. The Congre- gation elected Mr. James Eden their warden. Mr. John Lawrence was elected delegate to the synod. Charles Rolston, a farmer, about a mile from Walkerton. was driving home yesterdav afternoon, his horse took fright at a bicycle and ran away. Mr. Rolston and his son were thrown from the wagon. The father died shortly afterwards without recover- ing consciousness. The son will probably recover. Rolstcn leaves a widow and several small children. “We have in our office a copy of The Alaskan, bearing the date of Mar. 2lst. printed as b’kagnay by Mr. O. W. Dunbar. "The paper is certainly an insignificant afiair compared with the papers we are so accustomei to seeing in this country It is a four page daily. each page measuring about lelGinches, with 4 columns on each page. The modest price is 100. a c0py or 250 a week. Though favored with a very liberal advertis- ing patronage, no one person seems to occupy a very large space. The advertising rates are not. given, but we presume they are preportionately hig h The general make up is neat. We areindebted to Mr. Philip Eva {or the favor. and tender our thanks. When a man is small enough to take a paper for more than a year without paying for it and then send in a note refusing it, or, what is worse Still to get the postmaster to do his dirt! workfor him by sending a ”Refusal Card ” which costs him nothing he is too mean a “varmin” for us to have dealings with. We hope there are not many such characters living, but that two or three are still to be found we have proved on straight evidence. A subscriber has a right to discontinue taking his pa- per if he wants to, but an honest one will pay up all arrears before doing so. Vle are not doing business for the mere fun of the thing and no one has any authority for thinking We are. Anyone in arrears and wishing to quit, should have the honor to pay up. Thwatlinedwithlflceis A Young Lady Cured of Long Standing Catarrh and Ca- tarrhal Sore Threat by Dr. Chase’s Catarrh Cure. Miss Anna. A Howey, of Eden. Ont. says that she guffered f_rom Quart-h _f_ur tex'l years used a number of remedies advertised, but was always disappointed in the result. Last tall she Buffy-ed intense pain in her head and her thro‘st was lined with ulcers. The. doctom called it Catarrhal Sore Throat, but did not cure it. She saw that Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure was being high} y recommended. so pmcured a box from 0. Thomson, druggist. Tile-on- burg. Out., and commenced its use. Soon the ulcers cleared may from her throat, the pain in her head ceased. She says that Dr‘ Chase's Catarrh Cum does not pauae‘ distross or sneezing yrhen being used. and is the most enactive catarrh remedy she ever tried. Mr. J. D. Phillips. 5 Justice of the Pewe.declares that he knows Mm Howe, and her mother. end can vouch for the truthfulness of her statements. pneumonummmnam. m 88 «nu. ma with have. Alabastine should be used on every pan “1 ‘ building, t9 he whitened tinted, pamtgd‘.‘ varnish: 1 ined or. pawn)» Mn floor 3,2333% an? m} 2‘ :8 M We Call and 1500 0222' \‘ew Stock of \\ 2222 P: m. We can (rive \ -222 2\ \ice Patterns for.” , 22221 2313‘. we formerly (212222142321 12] and 12:},0. fur. ALABASTINE Whitewash £1 u"; :98. fARIANEfz‘jO M0 .1 Our Success “1' h v . ' "o I ' Good tune to buy lnczse. and I not broken, :1an we mu» ;1 splellh Ielection. In Children's Straw Sailx we have great value at 233-3. 5'" ‘nd 500. In other shapes“ “‘8 5h“ 256., 300., 430., 506. , an In black, black and white; Ladéessg Bhildlens St tzaw nu. some pretty things at Olll‘ St00k Of Fula'n'ue. ter than usual. KEEN’S HATS. Either in Straw or Felt H.119 htvo a. fine stock, and WM ky- p I to thaw you the Newest :7.“ 9’" UV"- â€" .â€" Sixteedâ€"Fubionable Tints and Win; H.W.Mncklgr . sak Baum Dm 1:2 ’3. last season, 11w: us to buy a Iargw supply this year. We are now showing a Splcnrxliil rangi‘. The prices are of H: c mod- est Dry Goods kind. SM’LUfi SW55 \Vhitingz DURHAM, ONT WALL commie. and 50c . supply EH ' 1’ ~ L CU “7 her“ d H: ‘h‘t cradle 6078' Dn'IMON J udfle M0” WE are indebceé Catlin)" printer, f' minutes of the C January session. Su‘te. tablvs, Cl Shewells lumit THE 1' have. doc Surely I) diuipate flr Wm. Ale tor of Perth fox died of typlu id 8 fcrd on 'luesday PERSONS interel ture of buzter wi letter from John Agriculture for C outside ’compet 1 this year '1 he stock at exceedil Huntsman Wri has been appoinu dancer for North McCullough who You needn’t be A. Hunter (“1081 ptrtmental stone hoia taking “stoI Mu. JAMES A: lute of Brandon ttilor 51:0,) in 1 It. Allan is use will be pleased u °‘ the PGOple of ; A Rochesterâ€"1 '9“ or herself " “Natty thanks I” last week’s . ,Chl‘istoe9 h. ‘ commuui culibitiun on on -For a ze Sui Mrs. Burnett LOCAL acfarlane ’oluuteera n, will g0 19 last W86 ded to .' ”ham 0 the darl FEVER t S‘O( COURT isou prl , \IM to his Cllt Schoo M ock -arde ‘ . ' ran ll of N rto \V

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