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Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Apr 1898, p. 1

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ll! :1, Durham. right \‘3 fame to m Us ~80 m “that. Mn. Robt Calm intereste ct team 1 Monday Hal I fish h' $6 bumâ€"- IZIRUWHI Sound Sun is blown”: LL ‘i'iick results from advertising ljiifiiv'fifin ('xmnple of a COW 119‘} “59.01111: a high price " aftt‘l‘ f“? V wiper” containing Hmwzirvd. \Ve haven’t wt of the. authenticity of ’{RiOXm'hL Such resulm are of ”WWW omtux'rence with all gOC‘d (AWN. but for genuine, down- ' 'lc I'rsulzs the {olioxxing . it“ hoilow: Aftcrn .. “Win for three days for a I\. i i he anxious owner gave £03m for an ad . just as we were "in” "‘ to pre55‘- We immediately set k at it, but b More that ad. was ”18 jtibilant form of the ushed in to tell us bovine had return- .Y domiciled in he! is no fish yarn ; I! 11 round for it. Was safe] 0. This P’OOf ca \1 VI sil‘ an ch .) Godm'ich Bicycles 80“] last byJuhn Livingston. Get. his mom: bcfure buying elsewhere. firs; H he the [Us It 0118 :d to postp :18 fall '1 \Muson, ofBentinck, has hum to Ml. Geo. Nowell w l‘ctll'L‘u. ll \\ 83 n gstOll sells the Goderich J, leatlill" wheel in the . SNARE, of Rocky- Sau- .:u- «was that gave birth umbs, triplets in every , A “muting of all those 1: w ettmg up a good crick- {he season is called for ht rm 8 o’clock m Ualder’ 8 ”'86 H OI ll _3 Fair day, and 8 (“8- at that. OS vs 11: prml istance will (-'xsrl.r.s. salesman in $.3_\' Morlock’s stcre ofywu's, resigned H8 Hack to accppt a more in Brandon. Janitoba. 'mxing a number of the m l’rvsbyterian church exm'vss their kind feel- :wl joy and sorrow, b8- :u'ture for the West. rltizcu I‘Pgl‘ets '0 109. xis many “hands rejoice he is buttt'l‘illg himself In 1051ng Mr. Castles, amost estimable citi- rl member of the Presby- ur and eggs at Laidâ€" WILLIS . and :1 valuable adjunct Wen-inn choir. In his itms he won the confi- public. who for years pormnity to test his II M keys fastened with M this office. Jonzs peritl Ill ll IS W H H has started a u. and is prepar- uplc of Durham 1 kinds of fresh \\ Ill confer a. fa- !) trouble If they uf comers and t be anxious to print, but. your 'he um'n are in a and in many Bum'een filling a six~inch plank. has shrunk, the )1 lmivs, IL is difo without. putting 4, and a. frequent (‘thh n, exu'aca- see matters should Some one will uC )UE Harris is reportâ€" a ten (lunar fine mm for selling li- '.~' pull for Suemg iul out. and no :1 with him [or Easter (I strict integrity. . in wishing him ear au‘ter holidays ar the execu- lmrs' Associa- c the Conval- A [.1 IAN, Sec’y. Highest Cash price paid for at. A. S. Hunter’s, Mid'laugh Store. Lower Town. â€"â€"â€"_. SERVANT Gum WANTED.â€"Ont can do general housework and ing and do them right. Apply t '1'. G. HOLT, Durham. MORE! -W L MacKenzio has company and private funds to loan on farm property at 5 and a per cent, in sums and upon terms tu suit borrowers. Rev. Mr. Savage, ofiauelph, took charge of Rev. Mr. Kitching’s work at Varney and Ebeneze'r on Sunday. He lectured at Varuey Tuesday even- ing and at Zion last evening, Wed- nesday. MR. ED. HOY’S horse took First in Mildmay in his class, as heavy draft and the diploma for best heavy horse on the ground. He took First at Ayton in his own class and the dipio~ ma. against six competitors. MR. Con Knapp. of the Knapp House, has purchased a hundred acre farm, generally known as the Wil- coxson farm, from Mr. Thos. Lauder, Jr. The purchase price is about $4,- 500. As Mr. Knapp has done two and a half hours’ ploughing he can now rank as a farmer and begin seed- ing at once. When Mr. Green. a Toronto trav- eler, left, on a three weeks’ trio, his wife was a yellow-faced {surged-out looking woman. When he returned he didn’t. know her. Her eyes were bright and her skin clear, and she Walked differently. Sloan’s Indian Tonic did it. $1.00 a bottle. Sold at all druggiats. SECRETARY Gorsline of the Durham Hor‘ticnltuial Society wishes to re- quest the membexs of the society to call as soon as possible for their pre- miums which are now on hand at his residence. We may say Mr. Gorsline is an imlifatigah‘e werker for the good of the society and we trust the members will not impose on him bv leaving their premiums too long on his hands. Ixsrucron Campbell. as we an- nouncod some time ago. purchased a photographic camera, and during his spare hours now may be found de- veiomng pictures from negatives picked up on his rounds. He has ul- ready a nu mber of fairiygootl prints and we long we may CXpect to sue him hang out his shingle. Prof. Browne, artistic photOgrapher, Speak- ing to us a feW days ago said, “He’ll master tho business if he takes it is head to do so,” and he has taken it in his head. Ox Thursday last, abgut noon. the residence occupied by Mr. Arch. Mac- Keuzie, Buffalo, son of Postmaster MacKenzle here, was totaliv destroy- ed by lire which originated in the ad- joinin; house, and spread with such lightning speed that nothing of value could be saved. A telegram announcâ€" ing the loss was received in re in the evening; by his father who left; next morning for Buffalo. There was only a small insurance. “'6 extend our sympathy to the sufferers. 11‘ was Saturday evening, the peace- ful closing of an uneventful week ihe sun was sinking in the west, the twittering birds had gone to rest and no sounds were to be heard but the carolling of the trons lulling the the weary laborer to the land of nod. Father and son, each with a hoe on his shoulder were plodding their weary Way homeward from the poo’ tato field, discussing each others virtues and speculating on the char- acter of the sermons to which they would listen neX't i'norningfâ€"butsud- denlv, in a moment. without sound or sign they w. re face to face with the enemy. Their celestial ccgita- tions at once assumed a belligerent cast. “Do or die" was the watch- word and at once the bloody battle began. Nothing in history so appal- ling has been recorded since the days of Nero. The father waded in and one after another in rapid succession the enemy fell before his unerring blow, t ntil thirteen'bloody forms lay dead and dying at his feet. The younger here, not to be outdone by his father, and possessing greater ri‘glllty, now that his blood was up, ladded seventy-four to the number lkilled and mortally wounded. But lthe awful carnage didn’t end here. lNext morning during the canonical hours a relief eXpedition in search of their fallen comrades was attacked by a few scouts and twentyothree more fall before their deadly aim. 'l‘hoy were lizards, so the boy said. DIDN’T KNOW uxs WIFE. DURHAM, 0m. APR. 2.] 1898 D.â€"-One who m _ _ tat ##mfimmmm Postmaster MacKenzie is in Buffalo. Miss Ada. Whitmoro visited at “Mr. W. Scarf’s last. week. Miss Lewis, of Mt. Fcrest, is the guest. of Miss Orchard. Mrs. A. McLachlan is recovering from her recent illness. Miss Wilson of Harristcn visited at Mr. Laidluw’s last week. Mr. W. A. Tucker. of Flesherton, was in town Tuesday on business. Miss Lena Wolfe is at. Mt. Hope visiting her grandmother. Mrs. Poole Mrs. Perrin, of Toronto, is visiting: her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Innis, in town. Mr Kexchner of Hanover, and Mr. J. Duke, of Paisley, were in town Sunday. Rev. Mr. Isaacs of Holstein took Rev, Mr. Ferguson’s work here on Sunday. Mr. Thos. Farr of Huron Cpllege, London, preachedin Trinity Church on Sunday. Mr. C. P. Raison. of Buntin Gillips (30., Hamilton paid us a business call last. week. 3112.12.33. Mathews. baker, of Mark- dale, spent a few days with friends in town last week. Mr. J. '1‘. Evans, former G. T. R. operator here. paid friends in town a visit. last week. Miss Blanche Hunter returned on Saturday evening from a few weeks’ visit in Toronto. Mr. Gvo. McDonald, who was last week reported ill from appendicitis, is recovering ucely. Mr. Geo. \V. \Voodland, who has been in Toronto for some time, re- turned to town recently. Mr. John O’Donnell. who has been in the vicinity of Duluth for the winter, is home again. Rev. Mr. Ferguson took charge of Rev. Mr. Isaacs’ work on the H01- stein circuit Sunday lust. Mrs. Ross, of Port Huron, is visit- ing her brmher. Mr. John Mitchell, and other friends in town. Mrs. McTammany, of Mass. is via- iting with her sister, Mrs. Lockwood Elvidge; in town at present. Messrs D. McQuaig and R. Baker of Walkerton attended the impromptu Assembly here on Friday evening. Mr. Philip McKechnie. schooi tea- chat at \looresburg, nczu' Chesluy, “as vi 'iting {ii-c uds here last week. Mr. W. McCalmon, our new mar‘ ble man. was in Hamilton, Guelph: and elsewhere on business last week- Miss McCseary, teacher of the Jr. Dep’c of Aytou school, returned after Spending the ‘holidays with her mother. Mr. Burney Galbraith of Chats- worth, brother of Arch. Galbraith. teacher at Aberdeen, was in tcwu last week. Misses' \llionant Frankie Hug, hes Annie McKenzie, and “35er Jonn Vollett Tom Coliinson. John Sii ley, and Joe Firth retumed to Owen S’d Rev. Mr. Nichol of Toronto, whois visiting in this vicinity, preached in the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening last. Mr. Straith. of the Owen Sound Tan. 00., was in town last week on business, and sold awnings to a couplu of our merchants. Miss Amie Meredith. teacher in the Junior Departmen: of the l‘imnlieriey School returned in time to resume work on Monday morning. Miss Gertie Meredith, teacher of Orchardville returned to her duties Monday after Spending her holidays in town with her mower and friends. Mr. Geo. Fvl'm visiting his broti son, hexe fox 9": Tue aday mo: niz umbia. \lessrs. Mark O of Markdale. wi families spent 9 Saturday or. a v vicinity. mmwmmw Personals fl Gertie Meredith, teacher of lville returned to her duties ' after Spending her holidays V 1 with her mother and friends. re for . v momiugto Briilish Col- r]: and Will. Armstrong with their wives and t some time in town on a visit to friends in the Miss Grace Willis is visiting htl‘ grandmother in Owen Sound. Misses Leila Warmington and Mary Sharp of Durham were the Easter guests of Musses Nellie and Maggie McAuulty. of Holstein. Mr. Thos. Turnbull came up from Hamilton on \Vednesday of last week to attend the funeral of his brother- in-law, Mr. Frazer, who was killed in Lousiana, while working on the railway there. Mr. John McDonald, who has for some time been employed in Owen Sound, returned to his home here last week accompanied by his brother Neil who has been in the hospital for some months past. The latter. we are pleased to learn is improving in health. CARPET Warp. all colors, at Mock- ler's. Have you seen Laidlaw's millinery. Largo Hats at small prices. Two Tandems will arrive this week for Laidlaw’s Bicycle Livery. \V. Laidlaw has a few kegs of No. 1. Fish left. \Vill be sold cheap. Roht. Maxwell of Hepworth, while mentally deranged, committed sui- cide on Easter Snuday by swallowing two or three ounces of carbolic acid. The day previous he was rescued from an attempt to drown 'himseli. Not- withstanding the vigilance of his friends, he managed to lake the fatal dose which caused death in about ten minutes. He was an active mem- ber of the Presbyterian church. Tim school rCOpened on Monday last with a. full staff of teachers and ghouselull of youngsters. The fine weather is bringing out the little tots who have reached the legal age of five years and whose parents will be relieved by having them cared for at the town nursery. The Jllll‘iOl‘ do- partments of the school are. we un- derstand, uncomforlahly icrowded. and the teachers don’t get 100 much pay either. Our school is wellequip- ped. and does: excellent work if the results may be taken as a criterion. The dear teachers may think their lot. a hard one. but they’ll reap their reward by and by. What a glorious consolation! Orvâ€"«m..â€" Tmc pupils of S. S. No. 8 Arteme- sia. contrary to law however, pres- enteil their teacher, Mr. J. L. Wood. with a beatilul Oxford Bible, just be- fore the Easter vacation. While we congratulate the recipient of such fu- vors, we trust the moral precepts contained therein may find lotlgment in his heart, pilot him in the path of righteousness and enable him to con- tinue to eXercise the teaching of the Golden Rule: “ Do unto others etc." FOR hea-lstones. monuments and other articles in marble and granite our town will no longer depend on small p‘aces like .\lt. Forest and Flesherton. Mr. Wm. McCalmon, of Varney. has just brought in a car load of tuonumen‘s and slabs which will be worked up {or all who may be in need of such. Though we do not wish the introduction of such a business here to increase our mortal- ity we are glad to see the develop- ment of industries that will be of material benefit to the place. A first class marble cutter will be in charge. .We wish .\lr. McCalmon success in {his undertaking. good wishes of a host of friends" wln gpredict {or him in due time no mean ‘prominence in the fair city.” THE following clipping from a Chi- cago Daily will be of interest to a number of our readers :-It is learned with general regret by the many friends and acquaintances of Dr. Jchn A. Conkey that he has com- pleted ariangetnents to locate per- manently in the beautiful city of Indianapolis where he will leave for shortly. The Dr. in his relations with the public, has always demean- ed himself as a gentleman, possess. ing business probity and sagacity. while dashing and fascinating man- ners coupled with a fine presence, ’won for him a leading place in the social firinainent. He also enjoys a ,press influence that many more pre- itentious would not have any hesi- tancy in accepting. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, having the distinction of being the only one member taking the “First ” with Mayor Carter H. Harrison. He will be banqueted belore his departure by the Kenwood “Just We” Club (I wrzich he has been an active member, and carries with him the esteem anl 15101624

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