West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Apr 1898, p. 3

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'DF'Livrs at, New Orbit!” 3’9 Wangv‘menu to ship fruit d (onto thus opening now ‘ hlcb bvretofore has b0. 0‘ '8‘”! by eastern fruit W rte are being tinge to W at---) wt "1" ab .\8“ union..â€" -â€" ”augments to ship fruit ten“! Pornnfn thus 0 nin DOW fh'h'h heretoforepohas‘m contra. firmly by eastern fruit ‘mportfl’; mm are being made to sm". ‘ be. Illinois Central- mam-d “” rn}: over its lines; CW“ “‘1'. nut. to he forwarded Iro- 9' md Chicago to Tow“ ,. Lmr e from breakinfiv ‘3 ' mrrnn. knack off the neck N f IL? mntvnts. The bro“ 9 have libel-Mas a cofla‘nfin .3. and the beat of theObI‘O vs more. 1.1 up work'UIB ‘“ 0‘ rut-tion. This extinfllilbOr 1' oroughly tested and b “I“, ‘ mm of prantical val, w- my "tured. ’ ' SUI 'THERN FRUIT :H': M‘. "an be ‘ v 1' ml easily. that. constant. ‘3 GREATEST p 08' mnds of nmonia. to ll ml na use 01 it hwi In th? rifle. :H though it must ms to the health oft the grinding, been!!! "k. whereas the g in a trough of mu . is iiune by means whee-ls. covered vi :r with an emery 'y wheel throws o“ a that gives the the work is carried inny appearance. The am! of dust given _ greater part of it um the workmen'SW revolving fan 09”“ n air ch'lnnel. man the benches so that! hahiy reduced to a most interesting «troll. full of queer {inns processes and itinns of the 90“" )n of industry. Shall also 113'. t‘) Ri‘e u n..- at then} Lrtly the lea] of ' lb'ytht': SULDB “'9 Ill L’k to the grindii finishing touch. pproximating to 1 sufficient for pII be. as may he H's in piping t m him F OIL of cold water ep down the Ipns the steel. t would snap 3 made to bend ) he tempered -‘A-.. r is finished it re blades and “c rossmecea" 1nd "springs," mm blade into IS :ar it 1st at been into 1 toned. a sort ”fly a l and wit I DO self of common t' I lammom‘w blue stee n to blade into nd permit ‘N 1mmhm Maw ll) und {Ben's an: 1 after; n3 0! 'u'ity ut of color. Jade, 3‘ :hnut a. gnu-III (“V n [amusing ture. A first-c’ass II ta a'wut 85,000,000. '1 nm ml oquisp for w mt many baloom, an if they might be USEt ts of a beseiged citV ' over an invadinz autumn dead'y effect. They might to be used to drag Mes». explosnr- Cover the cities ocr'uxvied by an OP' nut. Of course the n- mu id be con- idmble risk in snub an enterprlu. mess the balloons mulcj be properly timed. but the dirizi‘u e halioon i8 030 0: the in\'entinnsthat we may exyect to {it 031 losu'p BALLOON VS. IROXCLAD The use of the ba‘loon in v. ariar .15 OD? mre 319°“, ledS .xqu ne In tobe Empe rd; . p u ' 08.100113, an} : night be used 1 beseiged city \ m invading fl upon the “a: dead'y effect. ”CL. 01 we Hunk p'ayod upon 301) (If (hf Duke Of York ,;_:pe:u'ml in print before. is not fond of court when She is in retirement, ism, and had dismissed her who had withdrawn to an . , She was very much in- Mr favorite wsfimeknit- :or too Prime 0! “'a‘es, 2m!" emhoMmPnt of mis- 15 V I? mom" 3;!!! De vantuxed before the mm one house. There prox-eeded to teach him future King of Enghnd with the dignity of the a “at be. _A CC“ I ‘x' fist n AN am. it arly 800 .~:I.t(;na_~iunr says that for with the inhabitants Of require a flag as large * D019 500 miles 10112. tootha Wonder to the [ositi REACH MARS °| iIlt' PORTUGAL 5..” a hyped away ayed homey" with JU'Q‘ passed since n MPXioo. his inro- " Austria. always ws on June 19. but tragic event. :1er nvar Trieste, wnms occupied by 1 before [caving rpwn 0; Portugal 79's it is: the duty fiL-iai present to is valculated we miles an hour. u, Windsor Cas- tlresome care-3 a it agamst herl for :'he stole when ful nerve-pain innth‘ Nervi- e never-faring. and all nerve ll Pronurgionately it \muhl seem by th~ inhabi- witu which to NM and drop .mhips undvr- to his death. UNI' DAY. T d-trfpg A” DY“. t0 0 OX attenu- [ wedding or parties con- her another she is forc- rmca Will- rn lrnnalaxl Wou .d con- purposes a \Vh t0 turn will the near Victor- to use th? to- friends, go, :5 ct... George .Mu'llér‘who used. to iegd'tii; Bible quite through ewei'y fou'r yams, Hp died recently. Mr. Maller was t remarkable man. Beside/s presuming mnatantly in English. German and Frenz‘h be distributed over 250.000 Bibies and 100,000,000 religious books That pimple on your arm, those' eruptions. itching and burning hives, just as surely indicate impurities in the blood, which should have prompt and careful attentionas do boils, car- buncles, ulcers, ralt rheum and the sev- reest forms of acrofula. Hood’s ,Sarsapa- rilla cures 9.11 humors of the blood of every form and degree. As a spring The twenty-sixth annual meeting of the Confederation Life Association was held at the Head Office of the com~ pany. Yonge, Richmond and Victoria streets, Toronto, on fut-army, March 15, 1898. at 3 p.111, ‘ . - ‘ STEADY PROGRESS OF A HOME lNSTiTUTION. 28th RNNW-fi. WW??? Confederation Life Association LargeJncrease in Payments to Pollcyholders --lmcccot Collections In Advance of Any Previous Year There was a fair attendance of share- holders and policy holdeig. WM}.â€" W: H: Bezltty, Vice-President, was appointed to act as Chairman, and Mr. J. K. Macdonald, Managing Direcâ€" tor. as Secretary 1‘ I U ~‘-â€"__ MES;- the nfiafiuval formalities the fol- hming report and statements of the 3f: [aim of the Association for the year 1897 were presented. REPORT. The year 1897, like some of those which preceded it, was one that called for the exercise of much care and pruâ€" dence, both in regurd_to obtammg new _l| LL- ”LU, WU“ nu mug“-.. _ (IE insurance and in the investment of the funds. It would have been quite with- in the ability of your directors to have largely increased the volume of new business but it was deemed the wiser course to continue the conservative policy of the past, anrl do a safe, though moderate business at a reason- able cost. The policyholders and shareholders “ill note with satisfaction that while (‘IJ'U ”Who The poticyholders and sharehohlers “it. note with satisfaction that while an amount of new insurance was sw- t-urettstightly in excess of that for 1896, it was obtained, and the entire business of the association conducted, at it cost. actually less than for that year. The total applications received during the year were 2,161 for $3,332,485 of in- surance; 2,072 for $3,143,285 were apâ€" ‘ ' ‘° ° written; 85 for $182,900 were declined, and 7 for $7,000, ' ' te, were deferred. In- ' ,‘ the new busi- __-.... on 15:9 17') The There was afinim in cluullng uuuua uuuu.u...., -__ 0083 for the year was $3,168,172. The 1mm business in force at the close of. the year was $28,332,0051M'under 18,915 pulivies on 16.427 lives. ‘ -- A- “t ‘1”. nnhlntinn Ufthe In the matter OI pony) ' and annuitg business taken sim 2» Jane of 31-23 per assumed. at? annmty obligations, for f ken since December 31, 1895, l-..“â€" ls Canada’s Greatest Medicine, because it cures when all other: fail. Be sure to get Hood'l. -â€"flF THE- ac) bent. only has been Wfiy. He dealt in his long‘ca'reer wmh 125,000 orphans and spent on them in all nearly $7.000,000, yet he never directly asked any man for a penny. All the money that came in for the sup- port 01 his work he prayed for. If he This cure is characteristic of Hood’s Samaparilla. No other medicine effects such cures. No other hrs such power to purify the blood. The fetter is writ- ten by Mrs O. F. Chamberlain, of Glen Sutton, Quebec: “C. 1. Hood 8:” Co.. Lowell, Mass; blood purifier and tonic it is just what you want.‘ “Dear Sirs:-â€"My husband has been a great. sufferer from dysyepsia for years and was unable to‘ attend to any busi- ness. After trying the 1*)rescripti'msof several physicians with little or no benefit, he CONCLUDED TO TAKE HOOD’S Sarsaparilla. He used two bottles and new eats three hearty meals a day and. says he never felt better in his life. My husband's father, past eighty years of age, has been 8. great sufferer from rheumatism for over forty years. He was also troubled with his stomach, but he was cured by taking less than three bottles of Hood's Sarsax.)arilla. My Attention may be; called to the very Jargw. amount paid by the Association during the post your to its policy- hoiders and annuitanbs; and especiaily to the sum of aflsmpst $90,000 CASH l’hO‘n‘I'I‘S TO POLICYHOLDERS. The total payments including $8,031, the amount received for re-insurances, and whivh is deducme'd from the death riaims in the financial statement, were 3551 19752.62. 11; may also be mentioned that this Asso-iation since its organizatiun has paid a total of $1,034,214.74 CASH PRO- FITS up to the close of last year to its pozicybolders, om atmount equal to 43 per cent. of the total. death claims dur- img the medium). The financial statements herewith submitted exhibit the transactions of the Association and its condition on the 3131: December last. The audir‘ors have given strict at- tention to their duties, making their ihu stigations from month to month, and their report will be found ap- pended t0 the financial statements. A The directors are also pleased to re- port Uhut the field and office staffs con- tinue to discharge their duties with efficiency and diligence._ ALI {Lewâ€"Ei‘iébjtoff's retire. but. are eligible for r_eâ€"e_lection. __._ ...... A‘?r\ “A _,Ij___L Premiums, net. . Interest and rentso net. DISBUgRSEMEN TS. To Poinicylholders. Death claims, net $243,525 75 Endowments . . 93353 00 Annuities . . . 9,854 34 surrendered policies 66,993 84 Cash profi'ts. . 89,994 69 Expenses. salaries. commis- Total assets. . Total lialdlities. l 4 A}IL Isuvw- w... -._ _ _ -. ._ sinus. etc. . 206,411 10 Dividends to stockholder; 15,000 00 Balance. . . . .459.394‘53 TOTAL SURPLUS SECURâ€" I'I‘Y FOR POLICYHOLDâ€" ERS. . .. . . . $1,336,806 74 her 3lst. 1897, and have examined the vouchers connected therewith, and certify that the financial statements agree with the books and are correct. The securities represented in the as- sets (With the exception of those lodg- ' Government, amounting to $84,600, and those de- posited with the Government of New- foundland, amounting to 825,000) have been examined and compared with the books of the Association, and are cor- rect, and correspond With the scheduies and lodgers. The bank beiances and the cash are certified as correct. W, R. HARRIS,. n. F. SPENCE. Auditors. 'l‘nronto. Februmj 2:%Pd;‘1893. Toronto, February The Chairman, Mr moving tlm adoption mented on the very Pinefit up-ital Stock . Wâ€" P. HOWLAND President. J. K. MACDONALD. Mhnaging Director FINANCIAL S'IWAIEMENT. Receipts. -_-4A â€".-A ‘1‘ 'WJJ _,_ , Mr. W. H. Beatty, 1!) .tion of tpe report com- very mtgsfactory state is what housekeepers say about LUDELLA We suggest a trial. Lead packages. :5, 4o, 50 and 60c. s 330.800 74 . 1,000,000 00 . 86,237,689 28 . . 5900,882 54 . $931,561 02 . 252,966 23 $1,184,527 25 2"] 184,5 ’7 L5 $503,721 6:3 AN OPINION. 3119*! had the impression that she had as even) temper. H'Pâ€"It may N even; but it is on 8 rather high plane. ‘ little boy. three years old. had erupâ€" tions on his face. which the doctors culled eczema. His face became one solid sore. When he was lit months old we had to tie his hands to keep him from tearing his face on account of his great suffering. We gave him one bottle of Hoofii’s Sursaparilla and he has never had. as much as a pimple or a acre of any kind on his face or body since." Mrs. O. F. Chamberlain. of the affairs of the Association. and stated that the new business for the year 1898 showed a satisfactory in- (-rvase over that for 1897 at the same date. - ww‘vv Several of the poicyholders and su‘n-khoiders present _1:eferred in com- ‘-u.-vv‘--,-~ ‘â€" piiuwntary terms to the success which has attended the operations of the Assoz'ialion, and the report was unani- mously adopted. IA __--_- .Ov “â€"v v _ Resoéutions of tianks, which were suitably responded to, were 3380 passed to the Directors, Officers, Auditors. Medical Examiners, Field and Office Staffs, for their faithful services dur- ing the year. 1. L "'U All the retiring directors were re- elected, viz., Hon. Sir \V. P. How‘and, dexard Hoogier, Esq” W. H. Beatty, Esq.. Hun. Jas. Young, S. Nordheimer, Esq.. \V, H. Gibbs, Esq., A. McLean Howard, 1725.1” \Vafiter S. Lee, Esq., A. L. (_}00r‘erham. Esq., \V. D. Matthews, Esq.. Gen. Mitchell, Esq., Frederick \Vyid, [€qu J. K. Mar-donald, Esq. At a meeting of the new board he‘ud immediately after the annual. meeting Hon. Sir W. P. Howianrl, K.C.M.G., C. B.. was reâ€"elevted President, and Mes- srs. Edward Hooyer and W. H. Beatty, Vice-Presidents. It requires four years and four months (war a my at light to reach us from this nearest star. and yet. light travels at the rate of 180.330 miles in a second. AL this rate a first-class exâ€" press train. running at a speed of 37 miles an hour. would require a. con- tinuous run of 75000000 00 reach Alpha Centauri lt would take 250.000 years far a cannscn l'all. travelling at the us- ual speed of such. progecijles, to reach this same (Minn. which is our nearest mar neighbor, My son wants me to buy him a trol- ley linen and I think he would make a. a lawyer. In the one case he would out; people up. and in the other merely pull their legs. What would you sug- gest? I’d make a doctor of him. 'Dhen he can do both. fs conducted by. tight boots. Corn reaping is best conducted by Putnam’s Painless (‘m'n Extractor, the only safe, sure prompt and painless corn cure. Beware of imitations. What happened to Simpkins? He had a. dispute with a policeman. You know, Simwxins is Ivery quick at repartee! Yes. Well. the policemaq wasn't. Simpkins wiii -5361“, ‘in a week 06‘ man We offer _Op_o THE CAUSE OF THE TROUBLE. THE STARS’ RAYS. me llundxed Do lars Reward for ( ‘utarrh that cannot be cured lly How‘s This? ' Corn Sowing COMBINED. -, she' I V I ' lNDO-CBYLON TBA. In lead packets on] . Black and m' 12‘. on a All moors loop it {t 25. 80. «I. 50 3“ 00;: KOREAN PAPER. Korean paper is superior to that at either China or J apan. in hath of which amntxiea it is in demand fur umbrelln covers. roofing and as a substitute for window glass. Hartford Vim Tires MONUMENT TO POTATOES. 2A sevenvfioo/c granite monument in the upper Harz, Germany, has an im- tahlet inscribed: "Here in the year 1847., the first trials were made wit” the cultivation oi the potato.” An epicure says six (things are neo- esazu'y in arder to make home happy. The first is a good cook. and the othw five are money. Do not constitute a beautiful face. it the skin be covered with those unsight- ly pimples. By removing all impuri- ties from the blood, and regulating the digestive functions. Celery King pro- duces a clear. healthy complexion. One month’s treatment. 253 cents. At all druggists, or Vl'oodward Medicine 00.. To ‘cure Catarrh use vapors of Quickcure. Toronto Bergen. Norway, boasts of a paper church large enough to seat 1000 per- sons. 'l‘he building is rendered want- proot by a solution of quicklimo, our- dled milk and whites of eggs. HANDSOME REGULAR FEATURES MUSIC Missin'." with mua‘o. for 5 cents. om POPULAR M0810 DEPOT, 20 AIOXIO 3t. IND Mlltfiâ€" Stre‘. Galvanized, Rolls! and Ball Bearings, Iron l’umpn. Spravem. and Grain Grinders. coma. Bhap'oy 81 Muir 00.. Limited, Mumford, Canada. . __ --â€".....-- Montreal and Quebec to Liverpool in summer Pormnd mLiverpool In winter. Lsr‘xo'nl‘ hut twin screw Iteamuhipc ‘lmbndor. ‘ a couver.’ ' Dominion.’ “Scoumnnf 'Yarkshtro! Superior accomlmdation for First. Csbin. 3» and Cabin :nd Sworagcbgusongou. Rates of gamma-First Cabin. ¢ ; Forondflsbin. .3“ \. morass 022.50 and upwmdo A 1- ing to creamer and berth. For .n inform: I u I, to Loos! Agents, or Iuvm Touzaxq k 0.. Gol'l Agents. 17 St. Sacnment BL. Montreal. Established ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamship 00., Montreal to Liverpool. Dominion Lino Steamshjpg Steamers nail from Montreal evm'y Saturday morning on arrival of trams from Toronto and Cabin 362.50 and upwards; Swond Cabin 834 and and $36.25: Sheonco LU IAerpool. London, Glo, ow Belfast. Londonderry or Queenstown 322.0" mm “MW. A reduction of five percent. is allowed on round trip first. and sailings of steamers or other information apply to any authorized agent. a. Bonn-liar, 1 King St. w. Toronto» at n. a A. um. Iona-col. Ind 0800-- - 9 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto "Atarmer shouldbo ablo no 00ququ everything needed on tho torm."(8) N ha wants a wagon, buy a tow wall. spokes, hu-LI, etc. and make it. Hi! help support big twtnries.” The aver- age farmer will advise you to "tell that to the marines," but many of them listen to just. sudb argumems on the fence question. Are they wise ‘{ “’0 can sell you Page fence at from 45 to 65 cents per rod. For illustrated ud- vo'rtisinc matter apply M the loos! Jack at All Trades "RID! P“. dealer. a (0 u. dire HIE PIGE WIRE PENGE GBMPQFX, 1’. 3â€"800 our "8L" 3| iNERALS TESTED TO MAKE HOME HAPPY. WALKERVILLE, ONT. MILTON L. HERREY. B. A. Sc. 16 St. Sacrament Sn, Montreu. Que. , Canada. A PAPER CHIUIRCH. [7‘11” 7‘ Itiitvu vv U-v'v (‘atalogue and terms. Wv Wm mailJarofpaid “ Dar'll be anggol I mu 0. or 5 cents. mumps. un manor. 20 Alexis 8!. neutral. Agents wanted to {choline} ‘IY mw' I‘HE HUMBI Gmwby a ems Do yourow. 1 thlndnz ; 11 up no in: c h gh rm- edsewln mm hinrsat fact 37 pnc «131‘ 50 to 823. 90 dc liver- ad free within 50') miles of Month“. Sfind (0: special 02ml gu and t~r I I'll! IAILIY ”BALM! 00.. MONTREAL. 33 Steamers“ -_ Al fnr add one. Write [or pr .ou. next issua.

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