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Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Apr 1898, p. 12

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‘X the Town of Durham, County of _ Urey, inclining a valuable water mwar, brick dweliiug and many GEegiLle liming luts will bemdd in (me or mum 5M. 3150 Int No, 60. com, 2. W. G. It. Oct. 2nd. *‘3 ENTRAL F R c; ENCH IGAN A \ flan}, CanadiansafCBYIOOIZlngU19 country 0Y6? have settled in Central Michigan. where they have bought firstclass firming lands at ‘35 to $20 per acre, on long timc Md «my payments Do you want to own 1'. 22 one ‘1 You can sure y do it. We offer you 1.9.906 acres to choose from. Come and look finds over, We assure satisfaction Full par 2 ic~ xars mailed free. Write S. B. 30R].Al\' D. tmgcr Land Dept , Wélla, Stone a Co , Sarina, lick. !; Merit Wins Successfié the Hanover Canveyancer, «Here for sale 300 farms. and other proper- ties fur sale or exchange at rock bottom prices, among them: The “ Teasdale ” Farm-Lot 30, Con. '2, \V. G.R., Bentinck. 100 acres. The “ Hall ” Farmâ€"lat and 2nd Divisions Lot 1, WALK” Bentmck, 100 acres. Lots 2 and 3. Con 13, ulenelg. Macres. fits. A!.~‘o l_ut N0; 60. com, 2. \V. U. It. {Ownslup ut Be’ntmck, 1(1) acresr adjuiuing I oxyu plot. Durham. \‘v'cllfcrwed, weil Watered, convenient i0 t‘hurch and School. 9-f- nnles fz‘t'nn Durham. 5-)aurm. cleared. 2'0 acres hmflwoml bush, 7 ucre~< full wheat. 2 frame dwelling houses, fi'nzne barn and stables, and ynnng orchard. lznmedinte pumezsiun will be gimn. Free man all. Incumbrance. Will be snld uneasy ternu.uf rmynent. For full par- thlars apply on the pcemises to L. RUHSUN. Aberdeen 1". 0. CHOOSE A CANDIDATE 31 Eve moms, on Garafiraxa 3:. Half- m use of ground. and waldo, upposite the old Cattle-yard Hotel. Also a guud Cum- sonaable cottage on Counteas Strmt West. rive rooms. a'hme reflar, first class water. tablaklmlf an acre 99' land, swan orchard. 1 KING LOT NO. 47, CONCESSION 2. \V. U. R. BENTINCK, 100 acres, ~_‘.‘:"_-"_f tlw_ best“ farms in the township. lg “.firEJhEQuuKEJJ'Eéx-n: For; ‘ in: -r2ic rs ap uly to m. "“ «31:0. memos. mm nmmm Max-{gages uoney. A m n Conservative Convention L'111191N5i111‘14, S. l). R. Glouelg. Lot 8 mnsists of 10030105. ‘1. acres cleared, well 1.111111111 \\1_ll f1:111?1‘:d,f1'ee 13' 11111 stone, 80 :1 nos lit to 11111 111111l111191vo19r01'1011 larg 11 1111111 l11111 1:, 111111k b11111,s111allo1flcl1zu1l. c1111â€" 1.:11i1-11t to. school 7 miles f1om Durham. 11111.3(‘l1111elg consists 11f 1'11 acrse , 30 cleared 13111111111:11211111111111] b11sl1.()lear title. Will :11 sold 1111 easv 11111114. 1‘ 111 {111111111 particu- L115 applv 1111 the 1119111ises to JOHN W HIT- 3:111:13, 1111111111, 1’. U. A111. 9111. 98 7111. i‘xomanrms of all kinds sold or exchanged. Songs and ACCOUXTS collected on commis- Slon. DEEDS, MORTGAGES and other writings carefully prepared. OAN AND INSURANCE AGENT. CUNVEYANCER. BUMMISSIUNER in H. C J. Collections prmnptly attended to. LOANS and Insurance effected without do- 1.47. (Jonmunynud l’nvute Funds to Loan .1: 3, 5i and 6 per cent. m sums and upon terms to sun hnwowers. 5: General Financial Business Transacted. Ol-‘l-‘ICEA door North of S. Scott’s Store. Marvin 5th. Q3: M He is Lending Money. at 5 per cent, easy terms, costs light. ST RAT FORD O\“I' This School does first class work in every department and enjoys-a lel'ge patronage. A \ o ‘ Commercial School of the high- est grade - none better in Can- ada. Students can enter at any time. Catalogues free. . BUSINESS promptly gttengled tolin the quietest and must couhdcntml manner. address ARM FORSALE. BEING LOTS a (fox :21 Eguwox'r, ANI)_301\_’ 31f GOOD ROUGH CAST HOUSE l‘IIE EDGE PROPERTY. ELL BRED DURHAM BULL, W. J. Elliott, Prin. .bl‘ but it is already decided that Lot 56 (3 J“. 2.Gi'euel;: 25th. 2t): For Service 3 taken for r-art purchase 1'13' w ‘ JAMES EDGE. Edge 11113., P. C} will be can-ed ta . MaCHERXZXE, CARDS. For Sale H. H. MILLER JAMES ATKINSON. )urham, Out Lock Box '28. Hanover The RA " MON D SEWING MACHINE always in stwk and. the best makes of ORGANS and PIANOS. BUGGIES.â€"â€"I carry full lines of the Tudhope and McLaughlin Buggies, Democrats, Carts (kc. These are bought 111 lzu°ge(uau*1t.les, frelght saved, and can be so (1 cheap. IF vmx are in need ofa Plow. Harrow. Gang .l’low or am'thing else in this line be sure and call. A man may use a wart on the back of his neck for a collar button; ride on the back coach of a train to save interes: on his money until the con- ductor comes round; stop his watch at night to Save the wear and tear; leave his “ i” or " t " without a dot or cross, to save ink; pasture his mother’s grave to save corn; but a man of this kind is a gentleman and a scholar compared to the fellow who will take a newspaper, and when asked to pay for it, puts it into the post-office and has it marked “ Refus- ed.”-â€"Ncrth and \Vest. MONEY TO L033 at. 5 and' 55% in- terest on your own terms of repayment. INSURANCE promptly attended to. ISSUER of Marriage Lincesesr OFFICE \VAREROOMS, Including Binders, Mowers, Drills, Rakes, Spring: Tooth Narrows, c. 'l‘heseare the best. machines you can buy and are made by a reliable Firm. \VAGONS.-â€"A car load of Adam’s Wagons arrive this week. For an easy running, well finished‘ Wagon nothing can excel these wagons. Infants and young children are‘peculiarly subject to this terrible disorder, and if not promptly arrested it will eventually become chronic. Dr. Chase made a special study of Eczema and diseases of the skin. and we can confidently reeomniend Dr. Chase’s Ointâ€" ment to cure all forms of Eczema. The first application mithes the irritation and gives the little sutl’erer rest. MY Warerooms are fully stocked with all kinds of MASSEY - HARRIS IMPLEME‘NTS CUFFâ€"In.- Bentinck on Saturday. April mm to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Cuff, a son. We want to hear from you Have Ynu 8‘13! said that any person or persons found fish- ing, hunting or utxerwwe trespassing on Lot Nu. 3, con, 1, N. I). R., Glenelg, with- out my consent will be prosecuted accorsling tujLaw. JOHN W. IR)_V’IN, C) OR 30 RECRUI'I‘S WANTED .. e for N0. 4 Co. of the 3lst Battalicm. .MmIicatim'xs tu be made to the Underaigned on or betore May 13th. A. D. UALBRAITII, For Sale A- by McFarlzme C0. I“GGS. FOR HATCH KG. â€"- Buff J Cochins, J. C. I-Iare‘s strain, 81.00 for 15 eggs. Apply II. HAM, Holstein. March, 30th. 2m W'â€" This dread malady lurks behind the most in. cipient head colds, and when the seeds of disease are sown steals away the beauty bloom and maker life pleasures a drudgery. - _...._ _ «r “nu-jinn” luau“- vâ€"r â€" __ . DR. AGNEW’S cirlmnnAL Powmm will cure the incipient cold and the most stub- born and chronic Catarrh cases. It puts back the beauty pink and sheds sunshine in its trail. “My wife and I were both troubled with distres» sing Catarrh, but we have enjoyed freedom from its distresses since the first application of Dr. Ag- new's Catarrlml Powder-49, acts instantaneously- gives grateful-relief in [0' minutes, and we believe there is no case too deeply seated to baflle it in a cure."â€"Rev. D. Borbnor. Bufl'alo, N.Y.â€"32 Durham, April 11th, 1898. Durham, April 28th, 1898. N‘dflSER‘l STUCK ? If smxddress the undersigned and you will learn something of very great in- terest to you. This met-ms busineSS and perhaps hundreds ufdullars to you You may perhaps think when reading this that we intend to 3181{ you to sell for us, but that i?! nut the ease. -â€" ~ NGTIBE Ti) TBESPASSERS. Recruits Wanted. Baby Eczema and Scald Head. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN and toopay you for it. but don't 'want fake answers, haw» write us all nar- ticul;.rs about yourseit so that we may know it is O. I\. Remember all cou- muuications are strictly confidential. W. CALDER, HS 81 SUMMER GOODS. LO'WE it TO\VN . Pelhgm Nursery 80. “1‘“ A \Ymn BORN. 5201103120,”. 0m Lieuteuailt. 'l‘enaizt. Miss R. Brander, who has been spending a few weeks with Priceville friends, recently returned to her sis- ter’s, Mrs. Campbell. Miss Helen Iaaac of Troglodite’s dwelling is Spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Baird. of Laur- iston. Mr. Alfred Iliuks sold $144 worth of cattle lzh't week to Mr. Sam. Neal, of Egre mont, mostly yearlings Mr Alex. McLachlan, of Michgganmaid his mother a short vi~it last week. dc left again accompanied by his wife who had been over for the last two months. “'6 expect the Rev. Mr. Blythe-39“. of Pricevzlie to. hold prayer meetings 1n our Schuol “muse-here occasionally during the summer months. tlrs. James McDUnakI. who .spent the most of the wmter-with fnends m Proton. returned tn .her own dwelliqg here last week. She IS quite happy livmgalone. . Fall wheat is beginning to h‘ ' ' 6 15h appearance. and will robably be a good crop after ah the spring rosts . Our school hem is well attended for this . Om' bell is silent yet for want of aotongue. but there are some prospects of It being attended to soon. _ ____---â€" 'V vvvaI. Mrs. Hugh McKiunou, of this vicinity, has received the sad news of her brother Malcolm's death in the N. \V. Territory from cancer of the stomach. M r. McKinnon gas filmnerly a resident‘of Bunnessau. D. ummn-w “ “ Miss Susie Snell visited her brother Joe of Wiarton lately. Mr. John l‘Jcl’lmil. who has passed his 70th yqar, can yet handle the plow and a team at yngmg horsqs like a buy of: 20 years. ll.‘ 2. __ _, . ,, __ ,_ .. ‘2... --.-v -. VVJ us av "y UGID. He is 3.. (int every tune, even at electrons he IS a grltt.) (int. Mr. Neil McDonald has engaged John McIntyre. 0t Pnceville, for the summer. John Stox‘xehouse is putting in the crop on 'l‘ezgcher D. McDonald’s farm on shares tins spa‘mg. .D' Bic-Nichol. Esq, ex-M. P. P "kitted Ins brother-m-law, Mr. Julm Nicho’l recent- ly. 110 IS lookmg halo and hearty after his I. DPAXQI + (f0 fe‘ Dave ”inks has presented his driving horse “Jack” with 3. ii no set of new harness lately with :1 Corresponding outfit. Dave is the happiest man in the vicmity, especialiy when youth and beauty is sitting by his side on a beautiful spring; evening. Miss Christy McPhil has returned home after a couple of mouths’ visit with fi iends at Stayner. ---., w nWIEIUIIII UL “11.11118ng. R.. Glenelg, and his many friends m out rmivetthe ad new: soxmsvfunx. Roports come from the young men who left for Alaska or Klondike that times are not all mild there, and that work is not easy to be found on account of? so many flocking in at once probably. Some of them will be glad to make their way back again. Those who had the promise of situations before leaving home are all right. Arch. McLean and Alex. McPherson have each secured good situations McLean is working with his brother and McPherson is foreman on a ranche. After spending the Easter holidays with their parents, Miss Eliza Wil- son and Mr Jas. Laughton returned to the O. S. C. I. We heartily wish them success. Mr. \Vm. Ramage lost a valuable cow lately. Cause unknown. Our enterprising harness maker is doing a rushing business this season. If it continues he will have to get a journeyman, Miss Mary Wells is working in Holstein vicinity at present. Our dressmaker, Mrsr Dri-mmie has engaged Miss Lizzie Hargrave, of Farewell, as an apprentice for the summer. Miss Jean Hastieis Spendinga few weeks with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hastie. \Ve are pleased to report that Mr. and Mrs. R. Long are still improving, also Mr. \V. Ecol-es, Sr. \Irs. Thus. 1611101 is away fur the hit \xeek seeing l1e1 111011161 who 18.;ick. Siei expected back this week. ‘Ve hear of some confabulation about an item in our last; budget con- cerning a party up east. If the cap don’t fit Boy's, why put; it on? Alex. McKcvhuie and his man. Thus I‘isheg are busy \woxkhng on Mrs. McDan- ab. ’5 tar m fm the last few days. Miss Flora McCaunel is away to Buffalo where she expects to : emam for the summer. Mm Wm. S-mail is engaged with air, Jas Geddes for Spring work. MissS .Col11d<re spent Easter holi- days with her paxents and has xe- turned to her school at, Heathcote. Mr. Walter Lothian, of Orchard- ville spent Sunday with his friends here. Our pedagogue. \11‘. Geo. Cushnie. wears a pleasant countenance owing to the fact that on the 17111inst., M13 C. presented him with a bou11o111;, baby boy. Many congratulations. The late rain put a damper on the seeding fora fewdays. Some have sown quite a qu..ntity, while others did.'not commence yet. The land was in excenent condition fur work before the rain, but new in low places it is quite .soft and unlit to work. Mr. John Wilson is booming his business. \Ve notice he has secured another load of new furniture. Mr. John Nelson is at present; Sufo fering from an attack of inflamma tion. We hope to hear of Speedy re- covery. Dr. T H. Sneath spent a few days of last week with friends in Barrie. Miss Lizzie Perry, who has been ill for several weeks. we are sorry to report, is no better. Mr. John A. \Vilson leaves shortly to commence operations in the Dur- ham creax‘nery. We expect to hear of some sorrowing friends, but never mind. .1. is a good “wheels-man.” att. TOP CLIFF. DROMORE. I Mr. Joe Buchanan had a runaway ;with his team when on his way home gfrom Markdale a short. time ago. ! Damage Slight. Mr. éete iicEwen visited our vicinity re- cently. Our amiable teacher, Miss E. Patterson, after spending her Easter holidays with her parents at Wiartun is again on duty. Miss Ida Myth, qf Normanby. visited Miss M. Hopkins during Easter vacation. Mins Charlotte Huttqn. is engaged in Hanover learning the Mxllmery. Miss? Georgina Armstrong who was visit iug frxeuds here has returned to Gait. Our School has a qeater appearance since the doors were repaxred. Death visited the home of Mrs. Quintin Campbell Wednesday of last week claiming as its victim Kate, the youngest of the fam- il , at the untimely age of twenty-four. . ' ‘ tough taken at such an early age her life . was such as won the respect and love af all ' who knew her. She was a member of the ' Presbyterian church and was always will- ing to aid' in any good cause. Deceased will be much missed. in the Union Sumlav School- here where she was an earnest teacher ever since it was formed. some eight years ago, until last summer when her failing health demanded a change of air. She went_tu “993339333393393399: Since the war cry on the other side of the line the citizens of Windsor and other frontier Canadian towns are fitting up for summer boarders. Manitoba, but finding her strength still de- clining she returned in a short time to her home here, where she remained till her death, _April 2min Much_ sympathy is. ex A western farmer who was taken in by the smooth talking shoddy man gave vent to his fieelings in the fol- lowing pathetic rhymezâ€"If there’s water in the river let me go and soak my head; I am full of prunes and sorry, and I wish that I were dead. I had madly, wildly fancied, that my leg no man could pull, but an agent came and worked me. and my eyes are full of wool. I have dared the green goods grocer, in his far 06 dis- tant lair; I have met the gold-brick expert, given him the Klondike stare; I ha've downed the huncosteerer with the old time sickening thud, but an agent came and worked ms, and my name is Mr. Mud. I have dogged the silly boomers with their Colonel Seller’s dream; I have scorned the touring faltir with his smooth trans- parent scheme; I have met the beg- ging pastor and dismissed him with a smile; but an agent came and work- ed me and touched me for my pile. It is hard to live and triumph over forty thousand tricks, hard to dodge the snares and pitfalls, o£ our modern politics; hard to spend your lifetime beating, those who pilfer', cheat and hog. and then to have an agent work you, pull your adainantine leg. )ressed for the bereaved ones, especially 1er “ilowed 11mtl1e1. The funeral which took place 011 F1iday to the New Saugeen cemetery was largelv attended sluminu’ the hi gh esteem 111 which deceased was held. All he1 bromhers and Sisters were .preseut except John who resides 111 Assiniboia. Last week’s rain stepped seeding for atime. Miss Gilray spent her holidays in Epping and Collingwood. School is in full blasc again after the hofidays. Mr. Geo. Warling has been nursing a sore foot for a few days, from coming into close contact with the business end of a barpet tack. Mr.. R. G. Warling has moved to the township of Ospley where he has rented a farm. Mr. John \Varl'inp; is again fireman for Mr. W Sloan of Eugenia. Mr. Robert Wright is still on the shelf from rheumatism. The Farmer’s lament. BUTTON HILL. VAN DELEUR. _,__.,, Orvâ€"4- DO YOU W Table Showing 8223 Amount of Fancy Ladies’ Sailar h All Paper pure! And Sehct from our ed stock what will b Pattern and Privo. room. Lib: Irv, PM! 01 pexs so! every qualm DRUG ST:>::::, LOWER TOWN, - {2; Readyzl‘v’iad Deducc 16, roll of paw: dinary door or \\ izl When you haw ; NO. Of Rolls you nice glimmc Cash Store, lower Tawn. ' O a Our Boy's ‘ ML: Ready Sellers; :11? wonder. .' 5310 2 does it! Wt 31““ just the (hint: fur i‘: flom $1. .30 up. w h 1 Men’s Suits at >~ u not be beat tm. We have opencd “P 3 Large Assoxtmem of L“ dies’ Sailor Hats. '1th are beauties. (full “ad see them. H :11 x1 i ROOM. Size of or J 13x14 ( 10x12 11x12 )5x16 15x17 12x13 1 0 0X10 14x18 14x16 8x10 7x9 t‘ H ‘6 H h 6t H 6‘ ‘6 66 H ed FREE OF C 6. H 0‘ H 6‘ H 6‘ 66 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 laSP cf H '05 1‘ rim l \ l )OV V0 fl New line Opened man’s. In. hams Buowu of G a-ohingling his reside .- lg. DAN. CAMPBELL, erected a new ’bus 11 mines on Garafraxa SI {ow ma BARf'AIXS I.\' has opened up thi Esa' Hate. the vex v 1 [ht at a. {:26 t leduc - wu-Ul! I work in t Incl-y will begin a g. the 10th inst. The mm to some defect ; c system the town mesa a. couple of nig‘ IE Annual meeti Institute. wh lheld on Honda 'pone'l till Mond JARTERLY Meeting 84 inducted in the Meth‘ :on Sunday morning meeting on Manda} wo o’clock. m. RANGE affix; finder press to h H. can now il.g0 Wound.” If] .. T. P. Slum. Eye L, will be at Macfur ou Wednesdav May mly. Eyes tested ‘0‘“. and glasses {i LOCAL N DAY Friday. Season ope ned‘ wet week so WHO“ 1 :1! TIME.‘ 7:30. M trout v av tN ll

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