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Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Apr 1898, p. 1

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~ tinted, painted. Yum led, grained or. papa-rod, from In. ,1“, outside and m; it is used In“ , varnish and paper. but. rfinish alone for walls. In.“ t ;l and see our New “09].; 0f “'31! Paper .Vc can give you as Nice. ?a:tt«:r115 for 5 and 60. m we fm'mcrly charged 10 md 123M- f0?- litewash Brushes, broken. an! we st Drv ( DOJ fiber in Straw or felt an”: . . u e a hue stock, an} wnll bop! how you the Newast'su'b.‘ idnsn's Straw Hats. ‘l'llfl' £1 1‘ Qtuck of Fedoras is my than usual. 3§ARLANE 81 co. tion. In Children’sStnwsauu- AVB great. vahm ‘t 250-. 396’ 3‘“ In nfhnr «hams. "a .ho' ’C .Wflocklar l] ad 585’ .!.C K EVS HATS. ABASTI \Vhiti >l‘ In ing a firm a the ' itself. It hitch]. 'i: e, and in healthful abggutiful. It in “It“ other shapes, traw Sax lors {EL-LU, ONT. Euods kind. and 50:2. 9c., 500., and 75 and whitehu‘] ‘ il me of the mod- W has prompted or Felt HMS, " an) will be 9.9““ B :u rrer supply W e 11" 110W [1 '5 tk “ C ith t t 1?.3 line these. ookseilera nave a 9919”“ aw a m s. hi Stock 39 sailxr. acme In W tob .bout the W s are connzj' I” balcor flint. £338 OMS PERSONS interested in the manufaco ture ol Lu‘ter will do well to read a letter lrom John Dryden. Minister of Agrgculture for Ontario ('9) Nd Buy your mental-lam 18 ARo OCK at ex YE Id 'HE Bmmmm Wright of Owen Sound 3 been appointed License Commis- mcr fur North Urey in place of Dr. :L‘ullough who has resigned. ‘fliuun or herself “JV tllanl l) 151033 . \Vm. Alexander, P. S. Inspec- EPerrh for twenty-seven years, of In-lu id at hxs home in Strat- on'luesdny last week. LUC‘AIA NE‘VS. W. L H Leople .., bms an all wool black ; taj \lock ler’ 3. ..â€"-â€" .â€". m: (ULRT met Wednesday, ionison presiding. {1.5 . . tof May 19 coming round . The first Friday in the IS 51.111001 Arbor Day: and it is the chips in the SChOOl yard Brakred up, the cobwebs brush- “ interior, general "house- .' exercises indulged in. and tr_*’*Zsl'12xxnte(l m h“ ““"bnmfl n 3033301). W m r FEVER has been so preva. ,IXWP“ that the School had ad for two weeks. _- ,... -- luuteers of Co. No. 4, 3lst . will go to camp at London last week in June. sub. Ivshorton Police Trustees .‘ml to light. their streets. ,u'ham can do something to the darkness. las MES Au L'amfonl. a! 0! 11 19mm} to Mr. Rutherford, mu, for a copy of the ;' the County Council for H'I‘.?H. L'pper Town, is imâ€" 21' store and residence, by tEw veranda with a. modern .2d the addition of a coat of 'SH-x' liezulex‘ signing him- St?” "A Bunessanite,” says :illikS for the Buuessan 5»: more wzll appear soon.” ‘ wand time we have re- nks over our popular Bun- °s racy remarks. He has , MACKENZIE is putting to his residence. ? ? on he kindly w n fl...”â€" 3 art working on Jewel- new shop. Slocklex’s 84.00 Water- thing for April 8110 xers. uueé‘a Co. need not fear I]n:fi£i0!) in WalLPaper They have an elegant eedingly low prices. m kindly asks the boys to : gx'aum'ully and own to a This: is the least. they It's in fact the very thing :M do himself if by a“) should possibly commit an garden Seeds by the 02. rnicu H) ALLAN. of Tliornbury. fox-:1. has opened up a u the Mrlutyre Block. .zsed to city trade, and d to attend to the wants of Din-1m m and vicinity. liv H "junk Lenahau leave be surprised if Mr J s a milliner to his (19 m, (H we are informet. eps”iu that direction p and stylish Parlor chairs etc. call at My 6 Show Rooms fault, however. he ften enough. ' Hesherton Advance, {eeve of Artemesia, ution condemning the :xvas of such scenes L-l“itzsimmons fight. the situation very wring himself of a nee-n lines, set in lean Cash for butter and eggs law’s cellar. ¢'-§‘VJ-VIIIIIU ‘Iaa and private funds to loan on farm at o and 5.5 per cent, in sums and u to suit borrowers. The Mail and Empire, in order to furnish its readers with the most complete and reliable news of the Spanish-American War, has entered into an arrangement with the New York Herald and London Times whereby it will receive identically the same service as will. be furnished by these papers. More than twenty special correspondents will be em- ployed and a fleet of twenty des- patch boats IS already in commission. The facilities will be exclusive to The MailandEmpire. The Daily Mail and Empire andTHE CImoxwLE for one year for $4.50, cash in advance. Subscribe now. Weekly Mail 50c. Saturday Mail$1.00. Special reduc- tion if taken with THE CHRONICLE. Mrs. Wm. Hillis, of Bentinck near Hanover, died last Monday at the age ot 107 years. From the informa. tion received the deceased was born about the first af May 1791 in the County of Monoghan, Ireland. In 1848 she immigrated with her hus- band to Canada and settled in the township of Bentinck, about five miles from Durham where she resid ed till the death of her husband, 18 years ago. Then in company with her daughter she moved to the farm near Hanover where death overtook her. The aged lady always enjoyed good health never knOwing till about six months before her death what sickness really meant. She leaves a son, Mr. James Hillis, near Varney. and six daughters, all living within aradius of fourteen miles of Dur- ham Mr. W. D. Connor in town here is her grandson. The remains were interred yesterday, Wednesday. in the Sangeen Cemetery here. where the funeral was attended by a. good- ly number of friends, relatives and acquaintances. “We publish in this issue an ac- count. of the anniversary service of the Flt‘SinI‘iOll and Markdale Lodges of the I. O. O. I“. furnished us by our correspondent, Mr. Joseph Black- burn, whose budget each week in this paper has something in it wor- thy of the perusal of every reader. For want of space we are compelled some weeks to condense but we can never improve his items. Not only are local matters truthfully, and graphically depicted, but heavier ar- ticles are given not often attempted by local correspondents. Owing to the fact that for nine long years he has been an invalid, forced to keep his bed almost constantly for three years, suffering continuously from nervous trouble, a legacy of la gripp, and yet withal bearing his sufferings with calm resignation, all of which we know, naturally we feel an interest in Mr. Blackburn. By thus referring to him personally we do not wish to make any invidious distinctions between him and our cther correspondents, all of whom aredoing noble work. Mr. Black- burn is himself a member of the I. O. O. F. and is deeply in love with the Order. MESSRS. N. G. db J. Mckechme, our enterprising citizens and well known merchants, mill owners and manu- lllt'lkzuttuto, uuu u....‘,-_4 --_ , latrtttrers, are again this year making extensive improvements in the in- ;erior of their ‘creamery which last your they operated with so much satisfaction to the public. A large room has been fitted up for cold storage. The apartment being: con- strncted of five thicknesses all round of inch lumber dressed, and having between each two layers a. layer ol mineral wool, a non conducting,r sub- stance. Around the sides and from top to bottom are placed a nnmberof large zinc pipes in which ice will be placed to keep the temperature as low as necessary. We are told that in this air-tight compartment the ice will melt slowly and the quantity re- quired will not be nearly so much as one would suppose. As d'airying is becoming one of the leading indus- tries of our country and the manu- facture of a first class article of but- t-r an absolute necessity the profits of the dairy will depend to a great M ONEY-W “it"â€" of the dairy will depend to a great degree on the nature of the process in the manufacture of the article. We feel confident that Messrs. Mc- Kr-cbnie will so hnndle the Creamery that it will be profitable to them. #1103 and their petrenn. flu umus £0.10a11 on tarm property '02 per cent, m sums and upon terms .5. -le-nnnnr. MacKenzie has company 4mm. . McKechnie, our DURHAM, ONT.. APR. 28, 1898 at Laid- Mrs. Graham is visiting: frsends in Paisley. Mr. Abraham Cook, of Traverston, was a caller on Monday. ‘ Mr. W. Swallow left last week for. Buffalo to go on the boats. Mr. Alex. McDonald paid a business visit to Mt. Forest this week. - Judge Morrison presided at the“ Division Court: on Wednesday. Mr. Wm. \Vright, of Fleshertoni Station was in town Thursday last. ; Mr. ’I‘. H. Farr returned to Huron College, London Tuesday morning. Mr. A. F. Climie. Haniston 1egis- tered at the Knapp House Tuesday. Miss Calvert, Orchardville, visited her sister, M13. E. J. Hartford on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Pettigrew. of H01- stein, are the guests of Mayor and Mrs. Calder. Mr. James Allan, of 'I‘hornbury is the guest; of his uncle Mr. Adam Robertson. Messrs W. E. Buchan and R. Cam- eron biked it, to Owen Sound on Wednesday. M1. J M. Sutherland and his son, Douglas, left; for 1‘o1t, “111121111 011 Tuesday last. Miss Francis Havens has been en- gaged with Mrs. T1103. Jackson at Clinton for a time. Messrs. T. Blakely, J. Heard and R. J. Sproule, of Flesherton, were callers on Friday Jase. Mr. N. Horn, who has been in London Hospital of typhoid fever, is waiting at Mr. J. Darlings. Mrs. Archie McKenzie, of Buffalo, and her two children are guests of Mrs. A. McKenzie at the post Office. Mr. James Redford, teacher of S. S. No. 1. Normanby, adorned our sanctum for a. few minutes on Satur- day last. Barrister McKay of Owen Sound, and Mr. J. Elliott of Williamsford, registered at the Middaugh House Tuesday. Mr. Hugh C. McLean, of the J. B. McLean Pub. (30., Toronto, visited his lumber and other friends in town last week. Mrs. R. Gray, of Hamilton, who has been visiting her father, Mr. Robc. Cochrane returned to her home \Ved- nesday morning. Mr. Joseph Allan, of Thornbury, wasin town Monday and Tuesday visiting his brother-iu-law Mr. Adam Robertson. Mr. Robb. Marv. _ of “’alkerton, General Agent for the Manufactur- ers’ Life Insurance 00., was in town last; week on business. Mr. Avchie Brown. who Spent; over four yezus as a compositor in this office, left on Sutmday for Toronto, w hexe he expects to secule a position as a typo. Mr. John Purvis, of \Viarton, who has relatives at Allan Park, was a caller on Friday. He had been vis- itinghis brether, T. R. Purvis of Berkeley. Miss Mary McKinley, of Perth. Lanark Co.,who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. John Smith, here for a few days returned to her home on Saturday. Mr. Wm. W. \Vade, of VVelbeck, passed through town on Monday morning on his way to Kirkton where he intends to spend the summer. Rev. Thos Legato, of Maxwell, sou-in-law of Mr. Thos. Haskins, preached in the Methodist church Sunday morning, and paid as a friend- ly call at our sanctum. Monday to re- new an accma-iutanceship formed twenty-three years ago. Mr. George Russell attended the. marriage of his daughter to Dr. Lau- der in Toronto this week. The Dr. is a son of Mr. Thomas Lauder, Reg. istrar, and Mr. Russell is town clerk. The young couple are very highly spoken of here where they are well known. Congratulations. The above fare in- cludes admission to the “Canadian ” Town Office open at . for sale of Tickets on the Jam. B..GUN, Town Livingston sens the Goderich the lending wheel in the PERSONAL. ,4 0.. On Tuesday, last week the resi- dences of Mrs. Coflee, Mr. Creighton Ferguson, and Mr. Brutes, of 'l‘horn- bury, together with their outbuild- ings were totally destroyed by fire and the three families were rendered homeless, Total loss about $2000. Mr. Alister M Clark, barrister-at- law. died in Palmerston. Saturday, and was interred in St. James ceme- tery, Toronto on Monday. Thos. Woods, of Mount Forest was convicted before Judge IIcDougall, Toronto. of breaking into the cottage of Mr. John Halley, at Jackson’s Point, and stealing a numner of ar- ticles therefrom Woods was re- manded,asthere is another charge hanging over his head, of burglariz- ing the cottage of Mr. Robt. Halley. -â€"-Arthur Enterprise. “Mr. A. A. Jordan, of Meaford, the retiring president of the O. E. A.. is a man of ideas, as his annual address proved. Referring to the low salaries paid to teachers. he recommended as a remedy that the standard of non- professional teachers should be in- creased. and the age of entry into the profession raised to twenty-one years. Teachers of age and experi- ence were driven to the wall. and in- fants were imparting knowledge by new-fangled methods. Teachers" res- idem-es should be established throughout the country, and the grants to public schools increased. Mr. Jordan has set many people thinking whether it would not be worth all it would cost to place school teaching on such a footing that those who enter the profession will make it a life work, instead of a ‘lift’ towards their real occupation in life.”â€"-â€"Saturday Night. Squandered a Fortune. ,4- We often hear the expression, not- withstanding the fact; that those who use it are perhaps spending their money foolishly in medicines which only give relief without removing the cause. Sloans Indian Tonic cures heart. s‘omach, kidney, nerve and liver troubles-â€" because by purifying the blood, regulating the bowels and toning each of the-2e organs the cause of the disease is removed. Sold at all drug stores, $1.00 a bottle. z»; The License Commissioners met in! Holstein on Thursday of last week. and disposed of part of their l‘usinesa. As the law is not clear on some points- thc issuing of licenses in Dundalk. and Durham has been postponed tin- til advice be received from head- quarters. The License Arr (c. 50. 60’ Vic. R. S. 0.) specifies: “' "he number“ of tavern licenses to be granted in: the respective municipalities shall, not. in each year be in excess of the.- following limitations: â€"- In cities.. towns and incorporated villages re» spectively: (b) For each full 250 of the popu-- lation above the first 250 one tavern license but not more than three such licenses shall be granted for the first 1000 of the population. (a) For the first 250 of the popula tion one tavern license. (c) For each full 600 over the first 1000 of the population one tavern li-r cense.” Meeting of the License Commissioneu. The village of Dundalk has hither» to had three hotel licenses, but the census of 1891 showing the popula- tion to he only 691, the Commission- ers could not under the law grant a renewal of three, unless by a special census the town could show a pcpum lation of 750 or over. Again in the case of Durham section (0.) of the above limitations prevents the grant- ing of more than three since the pop~ ulation of the town by the 1891 cen- sus is under 1600. The decision here too was withheld for advice, the com-4 missioners viewing the matter from the standpoint that if according to sections (a) and (h) a population of 7.30 was entitled to three licenses, the difference between 750 and 1600' was too great an increase to necessi- tate the withholding of the addition- al license, and so the matter stands at present. Licenses in the townships where held last year were renewed. School Inspector Alexander of‘ Perth died at his home in Stratiord last week. Mr. Wm. Irwin B. A... Mathematical Master of Listowd High School. was appointed by the- Warden to fill the vacancy till the' June session of the Council. â€"â€"C. McArthur, Upper frown, is paying 90. per doz. for eggs, and the highest price [or butter. N01624â€"

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