West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Apr 1898, p. 3

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pg Invalid -- W!“ a. ”about kneltâ€"Dr. W] In» Boston '12! loath. l the Sydney. N.S., E my ”5 mur Cape firm if m» rvlief {.1 Robert Aunts“ - in Hurtâ€"Mr. Landorkin. INDY H‘l'USH. ”f fun! ()0 steam "at 3. I1 10 per 0?!!!” 01 (bl! Wang 01; tea; on Hootric rmds it ‘9 “W ’Ive Inn 8kg W Dd Gets M x :1: un- quite 3 NOW ”(131110“. a: w tour.” at the your in 6‘19“” 509' mix I» u h rs by using Sun“, 1’3 fur “dishing silvor. "H M '0“ that sonw’h I'M: Hm SEWSPAPERE tHV we! dig Powe r .t n- nfirm D ll ll LK MADE 1N FRANCE. '0‘. “’Zt)‘ my. will a article 'Ul I] nutter If: u Lhnadu | the Con! iim-overed k supply :n't sound It " is a j act-wary t re «Mend: r0 “Dill COST OF FUEL H «.3 ”Id deswndemy. I. f 1‘9") 31H. left ha:- I._ the British ilway Compafl’ .\' m m nds H somr a! I" am: a"!!! hrou the Hun-d. 1M England be in can .rv'a her bread frum AID- U'l‘ from Dt-nmark. her Lhuiulu, eggs and 0th“ .1” (‘untim-nt. andâ€"it h” -uv»rmlâ€"â€"nuw gets much .‘unulv from Franc!!- ll _,,. .. 159:) she left hot hm States. where lb. 5. Aha: friend's. thigh‘ ,f climate might belong here she was an.“ ; but w'wbout any in. In”: she crating“, nil she used to Spend part of every d3]. her sister's. Friend. th- Hamitiofl ,‘umpany-Ml ll the remark, a; out long m ml 8011118 0‘ the m.’ at 3:1 6 at drugm' frivn'l. of “be valuo‘ x’ink Pills. Misc 1!... tn give them a (,th mt sister to get h" . 3b» directions co". my take them. Auk, sh,» began to fool l» Lrits to return. and i. few weeks she walk“ post office and ha. ~-rgu.~mn continued tak- Hll she had used cl.“ ,. mu; completely to. 1 :uul happiness. 8. filn'l lwullby. “'hllclll run down in weight, -. she‘negan using Dr. Pills. was reduced to vegan-V 511 pl ‘untim-nt. andâ€"u. na- 'l'mlâ€"nuw gets much ply from France. Incl very warlike. ”A! » ’l proverbial phl’w- ry [u the {it nutrition ‘nJers of Britain, and Me complaint in Elf Hing dependent {0' m mnmtry it new cllr-flum to import isi'tn coffins 0‘ t” the latter tempor- an be verified by wt). 31.50.18 BOI- g'un. Muss; lb liqmrter. Sydney. of the mum £11800. Hurdwmi "nunâ€"u. 80 away EB ’ 159° 04 Dr! toem m mi Feb. 19th. 170 fishermen .of Whimmlis «.xnly made an average 1n- mo of 13. 1‘1. per week. - Mrs. \Vel‘stur. wile of Wm. Web- bter. master painter, mengfbty Ferry: committed Sliduidt‘ by {hanging “”361“ She had been in weak health. sham: Carupi:c-Il Smith. of Far!“- Imre walls a tum-all club "a concourse 0! album." nut "a SM, (If mortals 0‘ known improth-nw and melplessnesa." Andrew Mrszhlztn a lawmrer, who YESided at. 2 Marnbaamta Lana. was fav- ‘NIY injured at a building in 0011180 0‘ "'90th in Puluwlie .road, Glasgow. mun haying < ”my manner At KiMail 2 Kubrick )[0 was pastor t' note ww- There were sixty-five inches at snow nL. 1nml113f Hf ’lh‘n Nfflifi (m the 7th ud’s quoad 3361' “km smith-My i Mn! Iolemn “OD. What shsll I do! -..mg.pe(m1e will say I'm 3' to get (man-lie; and if I . they'll my I already 1'9- asgow .......... m 8 U) Messrs .EY 510! ETHiN A L FIRES. ' (”at the Caspian Sea there are 80“ ”eternal fires” so called by the "93- Whvre natural gas issues from grow} and has been on fire for power summit Of 'Bt of business until Ithe .19+ uriminal otffenqea were 1 no the oo-umty police of Mor- muses may Wm“ stea M'Cl' o wan-20b mg .OUSE 1'1 he 1" ELI rf a 1mm fmmd floating in t the esplaunwle. Greenwk. ntit‘iml as what of William ‘H. 21.} King street, Port- . flare Chance le w! to me memory 01 Rev. I‘f'i‘fl'n. wihau far 33 years law g; n m to a pmhlio debate I, of iailhness poetry. mumps will close their inss (wry Thursday at the third Thursday in mg died lanky, at “1° n Grnnrgrr. of St. Leon- acm v-‘unruhv. Ayr, was 23' 1H and died witthom 34 ' Seaman named H. Mo- lsrozty at Shields, clharged wlmi the death of an m fishing on w" ..., mproduotive- ectl’ic light 3 hunilwmne monument n a. quandary. If I 80 3'0 Ring. people will say Im t mlm, hopeful spirit lies Putnam's Painless Corn mam ruins. It makes no Hm flesh and is therefore 'rliwws promptly. 1 District [hard otter 1‘8 n quarryman, residing mi his irflt hand blown m; «m: :m unexploded \‘~'Iflr1‘.-:4,.ny quarry, he- ~srs. King. at Gltfen, fwd at. Glasgow last 3.3 to build Ska-tries two of “he Shetland m 1300!! closed: on I'Hmw Tablets. All Dr‘- .' 98313 N. G‘lfe_ 23°. 1V :fo night recently ere gathered inm‘ PERPLEXITY. sheen found cap- n'i it is feared its rs have resolved [mg of six days’ 'aitmness. a shop-- ‘urt Willam are w-ut deaths from 19-8 in the Lwhr in pie ate cochlea cxcuraiun to the x a n 13 Moulded LN ONE DAY. between '1. length dis- on the Tay Sport. They Zetland. 1131190ng 8» your Canada’s Greatest Medicine I. the Boat Opting fledlclno. In winter months the perspiration, so profuse in summer. a‘most ceases. This throws back into the system the impurities that should have been ex- pelled through the pores of the skin. This and other causes makes the blood impure in Spring. Bails. pimples; hum- ors and eruptions then appear or some more serious disease may take its start. Hood’s Sarsa‘pariia is the remedy for impure blood in allits forms,as proved by its marvelous cures of blood diseas- es. It is therefore the medicine for you to take in the spring. It eXpe!s all burners, and puts the whole sys- tem in good condition for warmer weather. i Hood’s Sarsaparilla Ia Canada’s Greatest Medicine. Sold by all druggisfa. 81; six for 85. Get. only Hood’s. Love may be weakness. butt ist knows its business. A woman has no conscience as far as a. man isn't concerned. Probably Joan of Arc was burned to death because she wore clothes like a When Impurities in the Blood Shogld Be Expelled. if a man can only ‘keep a girl hating him long enough she is pretty sure to fall in love with him. Whenever you accuse a gnarl of being jealous she says lot is because you have no conception of her real feelings. Hood’s Pills It's a Hard strain on a man tovhaave the mimister come to supper the same day he had to get the chim‘kers out of the furnace. You cam. always tell whether a man or a. woman runs the house by watch- ing at what age the youngest boy gets snapenders and what age the oldest: girl does her hair um. \Vhen two girls tell each other about thevr engagements they always kiss em h other, (all each other “Dear, " and then cry because they fee! so happy. Every wormm has her times when she wishes she dared act. the way she did when she was little and used to Inake faces and stick out her tongue at the neighbors’ children. lireâ€"DO ynu know that. I have never dared to kiss a. girl in my life? My [mishfumess is positively painful. Sheâ€"I Sbtmid say it, was. Nerviline is a jby 21130. No remedy in the world equals it. Neuralgiu and rheumatism are relieved almost in- stantly and minor ache-s and pains are cured by a single application. Nervi- line is sure to cure. I thought that she and you had ar- rangwl to 9101‘}: 01‘1u11‘1pley. Aâ€" J _..2'I....‘n.l Edie, cried the mother from the hall below, what's all that noise up stairs 9 It’s shocking! = 0. i-t's these two dolls of mini-3 mamâ€" Ham‘ord \_l_lm'[_ljj;es Yugo, balm». it txitm. no Hundred Do‘iara Reward {or any case of (iabarrh that. camot be cured My Hall’s Camrrh Cure. 1". J. CHENEY CO..1’r01 I . Toledo, J‘. We the undors‘gne . - . - 5 wears, and behave him " .ta. Tol'edp, inc directly 0 a sur- face: of the» system. ' . . n- .n TIrnanltfl. Teotimqnlglgjr00. “3157’s Catarrh Unre inc directly upon the; faces of tho system. by all Damaging. TenI * 4-.‘no D“|fl fl, Coylon A BACHELOR’S REFLECTIONS y all Uruzgum. . “mun-..“ Hall‘s Family Pills are the boat. Head 0009-â€" ”RIDE; “ A Thing of Beauty is a Joy.” MATERNAL TRIALS. A N OVERSIGHT. SH 13 AG REED. How’s This ? GU lL'l,‘Y. id the father solemnly, lalge that it was wrong by kissing that young nisinn' me not to? are the only' ills to take with Hood’s barsapurma. 9 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto twoâ€" faced acâ€" “_â€" . “av " Say no_mom, repliod the professor. Say no more. Such a. trifle is not worthy of a thought. I assure you. indicates that your liver is out of ord- er. By gently regulating the liver and bowels, Celery King clears the complexion, and keeps the. system in perfect condition. Use it and avoid doctor bills. 25 cents for one month's treatmcnt. At all dmggists or \Vood- ward Med. 00., Toronto, Can. INDIAN MOSQUITOES. Bicyclists in India are becoming pro- fane. Their chief enemies are the mos- Quitoee. which not only bite their limbs and bodies, but actually bite through the tires. "Quickcure" cures cuts of all kinds-2, or laéerated wouznds Oapplied 021er it prevents blood poisoning TELEGRAPH W I R ES. Telegraph wires will last for 40 years near the seashore. In the manufac- turing districts the same wires will last only 10 years, and sometimes less. YOUNG LADIES make $60 monthly working evno inqa for us- 6 vDIOS’man. shady. Dieaennt, '_i‘n-é; "(of “g, e ..plny1uem. stéa'dy. pledennt. proflmme. Send 15c. for sampler, 8Z0. lndepen. dent: Leticn 00.. 509 McKmnon Bhig. Toronto. FARMS free. ' H‘. MTSIMPSUX. Rea Financial Agent. Montreal, Que. MUSIC Miasin’.” wit-hmnfiivsfv. for 5 cents}, a’amps. ‘v| lab‘u Q "ll". l||"l' ' tun v- ,-. POPULAR ngum'é DEPOT, 20116563: 'Si‘ifiontreal. ENGOUGH SHORTHAND SCHOOL. Prac- , than} Reporting Methodx; in iividual in- -t"uct'wn. Special facili'm a for as‘evanood atu~ amuse. Termi on application for Easter 943301). B'Iz.:.n.\ger,A. C. BROCK, 14 King St, W.,'1" ronto. U E £0 ‘iemaxmmtamdmfi Botninion Line Steamehlps. Montreal .md Quebec to Liven-~01 in summer. Large and fast. twin screw steamshzi s 'Lahmdor.’ ‘ Van- couvcr.’ ‘Dominion,’ ‘Scutmnun,’ 'Yorkehire.’ Sn yerior accommodation “or First (.‘abin, See- on )3bin and Steerage nas.â€"ongcr9. Rama of pzl-Hflge~l“il‘8t Cabin. 352.50; Second Qabin, 331; Smemgq 8:32:50 t't‘ll uwiauds accordmg to .._lA-_ tn“-‘." 'u. , 'J“'|4-I.- w vâ€"â€" .-- _. . _ steamer am? berth. For all infornmtion apply to Local Agents, or luv“) 'l‘omzANum 8; (430.. Gen'l Agents. 17 So. Sacrmnvnt b‘r. Mammal. A4 {é-GNBUY'S IMPRWED UHRMG? I‘QPS - l __1_ Italian and Hybridsâ€"best Jueens All Bee Supplies-«best qna ity _.-, Weed Patent Process . " Foundation. "- Gould. 3mg)!” .t a: “mile . rantmm 1'. Go: 1. etc. ‘5‘. gRERALS TESTED inte to: prices 5:" MILTON L. HERSEY. 12. A. 80.. it; 16 St. Sacrament. Sm. Montrem. Que. vestigete thoroughly before buying. It speaks well for the Page that it ° now used on all of the leading rail- 18 ways in the United States. England and Canada. AL this time we have or- ders booked from Iaiiways in Canada flor 270 miles of om' fencing, all' to be shipped this season. And this fence is IHE PHGE WIRE fENGE COMPENY, THAT SALLO‘V COMPLEXION G001) JUDGES. IIIUII lllu- â€"_---_ Limited. WALKERVILLE, ONT. Agents wanted to introduce our Catalogue and terms. We will mail prepaid “ Dar'll be unggor l‘nn‘ nnn‘n ”Cnmng I AND ESTATES ‘mmght. sold . ! cxchang .ui Terms mailed SIMPE 702i Rem Estaw and 3 for to yo; ad.” in next issue. JUST WHAT IS NEED. E0 in ev ery family ‘ «first class tools. neatly packvd in wooden box, for repairing bouts, rubbers. hurncssam tinware. All thesetools are full and and prmtival, not mere toys. Full directions accompany each outfit. A reat money savor. Hun- fireds of thousands now in use. Delivered free within a radius of 50") miles of Montreal. Price$2.75. Send card for prices of our sew- ing machines, wind mills, pumps, guns, hardware. watches. c. The Bailey Donaldson co. 1 St. Peter 8t.. Montreal. always mmem. A L UVVOG Cash 0! )n' trade pyle “air ('0. Lrantrord. Can. W Wanted 916 The but in the world tad goes Imam. 33. 30. 40. 50 I No per pound. Blk wd and. Monsoon Tea 00.. 7 Weilluton St. W‘ Toronto. Ween out. your 1898 Pam FGI‘OO, Fenoeflmcount in bolt. "0 claim we have the beat and most practical {once on moth. our milm of it. in use at the Exocri. mental arm. Guehoh. Ont. Send for prices. Adda-u Toronto Picket Wire Fence 00.. 22.1 River St. Toronto, Ont. Established ALLAN LINE [loyal lllail Steamship 00., Montreal to Liverpool. Steamer: mi] from Montreal every Saturday morning on "rival of trains from Toronto and the West about 9 o‘clock. RATES OF PASSAGE Cabin 852.50 and upwards; Secon_d Cub!!! 834 and and $36.25' Steerage to vaerpoul. London. Glasgow, helx‘ast. Londonderry or Queenstown $22.99. and $23.50. -_._A ‘1‘ A“A'I'A‘ A- uwuubu vvu v...~.vv u. A reduction of nvé'“p'é'{}?ém. is allowed on round trip first and second cahln licketu. For sailings of streamers or other infonmation apply to any authorized agent. a. Bonnier. 1 King St. W. Toronto. or H. «B: A. Allan. Montreal. Unconditional Accumulative Policy on a Paid-up Policy after two years, or a cash value after five years. Rat“ und full information sent on application to the Head Office, Toronto, or to any of the Associa- tion’s Agents. SOLID and SUBSTANTIAL_PROQRESS_ is indicated by the 26th Annual Ro- vâ€"uuâ€" â€"â€" â€" _ port-Em“ 181;}, 'which will be found in another column. W. C. MACDONALD Actuary .l. K. MACDONALD, Managing Director. Maritime Provinces and Newfoundland:- F. W. GREEN. Manager. HALIFAX: A. ALLISON. Secretary. HALIFAX. Ontario and Quebec:- J. TOWER BOY! â€" - o A '9 ‘ft! "in“ Florida of the North-â€"~ Rest from snow and the Cold North. v The TRAYHOIIE is one of the longest established beach front hotels in Atlantic City. Homelike and cheerful and enjoys the continued pat- ronage of a quiet and refined class of visitors. Write for all information. Rates the Very Lowest Consistent With First Class Service. 7: Can‘tfigbgnl:Yififéiggl’ickling 8. Cucumber, LN! seen 9. Celery, Golden .,-eIf-Blanchinl 25‘ 10. Herbs, Sage 26 11. Herbs, Savory 27. 12. Herbs, Marjomm 308 13. Lettuce, NonpareiHCabb‘get 14. Lettucr, Uenvw Market ‘c‘ar ed) 30. 15. Musk Melon, rm“ early, Nutmeg 31 We will NOT ACCEPT AN ORDE the packets are NOT selected Address all orders to R at that prtccs where from the above list. This is a BONA l-‘IDB offer made to Introduce our Vegetable and Flower aeeds to new customers and which we guarantee to please you or the amount paid refunded and the Seeds glven as a present. At. these prices we can ONLY offer the varieties named below. Order by number. Buy what, you want. They are sent by mall post. pnld. Select; from the following llat: VEGETABLES. {‘73 XVMer Melon. l’ia‘gy gunfid v . onion, large rel at are «5 (Order by IsmnberJ 18. Union, Yell m Globe Damon 1. Be t, “131' s ,, round 19. Parsuip, Hollow Crown 2. no.2}... l'lg;::t:1.n.flat round 20. Radish. wrench Breakfast 3. {‘Allhitgth \aningxtadt 21- BWHSh. R03! Gem 4. Cabbage, Fniller's Brunswleb 22. human. Hubbard _ 5 Carrot, hwlf long, scarlet 23. Tomato, extra early Atlantic . ‘I . . 6. Carrot. (:uemmle mwrlct 24- 1 dmato. Dwarf Champ“). ,. . “aux..- nu 1.a11l;l)¢ Hotel Traymore, Madeira w_ That \OUI wife and family should be provided for in case of your death. It is also very important that m making such prosision you should more the most liberal contract that you can '1 he ls absolutely free from conditions and guarantee Providing this German is CUT OUT and sent to us with an order for 12 packets. we will include 1 packet New Giant Chil- ian Salpiglossis. rice 20c. Free of Charge TO . YBSGRIBERS OF THIS PAPER. 83 Steamers regattas 135.000 '1 on a. onfederatnon Atlantic City, N J and Complete 13:. Every not.“ I IIVIquw-uuâ€" --v‘â€"â€"-' Newfoundland:â€"- ! Manitoba and British Columbia:- 1). Mo- Luger. HALIFAX; DONALD. Inspector. WINNIPEG; 0. try. HALIFAX. l E. KERR. Cashier. WINNIPEG. J. TOWER BOYD. Superintendent, TORONTO; H. J. JOHNSTON. Manager. MONTREAL. PMVMGIAL Acmcx surf. Extended Insurance WITH EVERY ORDER HEAD owxca. TORONTQ. WHITE, Jr., Owner 6: Prom-feta!» 25. Astern. mixed 2G. Mignonette. we» 27. Pansy. mixed 28. Fotunia. mixed 2’. Nastu 'tiuma. tall mixed 30. 3W9§t._l_’°“o Flue mix A on)-.. m‘ EIFE ASSOCIATION 1.‘8T CHARLES, FLOWERS. OF THE -I_w-- - -v---'...' -7- Dtlrosx'i‘mr'ooovivvod 5: interest ".m'nm you y. stwrum Issued for money 110de for ""Ku‘é‘ mm '"iid’fii'ifapu" ' ".1: Bacon Debentures purchased. Information may be chained from. ad .9. plkntions any be mad. to G. F. R. Hanna, Genet-d Am Wings... (‘Icual J. Mann. General t. on- 000 701'. or tn ATLANTIC CITY, I. J. OPEN ALL THE YEAR. FINEST HOTEL ON THE COAST. Sun parlor 800 foot long overlooking ocean and beach osplanado. Vacuum steam heating system. Elevator to street level. Hot and cold, freah and salt water in all baths. Room on suite. baths attached. J AMES B. REILLY. Owner und Pm -_A_A lawman» 1m. WINTER RESORT. No. 5 Carrot. Halt bong Dam-o. VIM”!

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