West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Apr 1898, p. 4

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The British government. now heirfi 0;: friendly relations with the United 5'. ms and Spain. warns the Canadian pe-mle to preserve a strict neutrality in relation to the two belligerent on. ntriés. In view of this: the visit of thn Spanish Cox sul in Canada was purely undemonstrative. In the conflict between the United Smtos au-i Spain. the Americans have an immense advantage in being so near the base of Operations, and base of supplies. The distance is on'y about six hours’ run from key West, while the Spaniards are over 300‘) miles from Cuba. The neutral icy proclomations of the different Bumpeun powers, and the orders to Pies‘rient \ichiinley himself, had hr been ztliowod to exercise his better jmigmnnt. might have aVerted blond- Mimi by Inning; recourse to further lliplOinHCV, but the nation criei out for retaliation and the President it aims had to submit to the will of mu peotvle. The Americans are not. a tint on the present War question, the. adeption of measures instructing thv president to make a declaration 0' war being far from unanimous in the Senate and in the House. 1} H ‘5! mm :2 nav this week The employees of the Boot and Shoe Manufacturing firm of J. D. King-HQ: Cu, Toronto, are out on strike and the firm is making an effort to import, workmen from Lynn, Maisw'. Thu. question of an alien labor law prohibiting the introduction of lzihorm-s under contract was brought up in Parliament last week at Ottawa but in the discussion Hon. Wiifrid Lzmrim' omnwd not his mouth, though last year he was armed to 11.9. teeth to Combat the action of the American stringent artisans. Though the rank and file Liberal party in South G nounce the, protest proceeding Dr. Jamieson’s election. ye are a few heuclnnen, healers, sunkprs and blind pax'tizane asflwy avow themselves, k ‘thn ag‘tarmn to worry the D drive him out of politics. the S'un 3 report 1 .if'mn fora “saw Boyd and a Liher was the. stem-me editor has himsvl which the offer w “far with Spain was declared. at \Vushingmn on Monday. Though the O. S. Advertiser denies the Sun’s report regarding a pl'OpOS- Men for a "saw all ” between Mr. Boyd and a Liberal. the Sun reiter- ates the statement and says “the editm' has himswlf seen the letter in Wlllt’h the oll'et' was held Out.” He mm name the riding but has been re- quested not to divulge the fact. That obnoxious body saved 3 mil- 3ion donurs to the country On the Drummond Railway deal. but it was not satisfied to Stop here. The Yonkon pets of the government were frustrated by the “political banks” from getting 3,750,000 acres of gold lanl for building: 1:30 miles of tram- way, simply because said tramway could he provided for about a quarter of the grant. This kind of thing won’t do. The Senate must go. The Senate must. be rocted out to g've the Globe and 'I‘arte a chance. T u) ban! mesh 3 body of “decayed partizans” should stand in the way of progress. L.In H A dvspatch from Cape Verde say: u uh.» pmverful Spanisn fleet as nhlml there will soon sail to striiu )low that will open American eyes DURHAM, April 28th, 1898. 1H,: ”ably to m prizes in all, valued at $3.000” have Men captured by the U. S. THE CHRONICLE. hut \em he \’3 armed to H. to (zumbat the action of the an gow l “DIODE in passing 11L meusmes against Canadian H S. boats have sailed from g under sevmt ordnrs. pre- 0 Mcr kmle the Philippines, :1 battle is expected there the rank and file of the any in South Grey de- :p1'0198t proceeding against ~snn’s election. yet there henchmen, heelers, party )ape Verde say> humisn fleet as- con sail to strike zanQ,‘Wh0, S. 1'»; keep up Dr. and led from i Aft er some preliminary remarks immm the nature of the service, and ;(.ii8(12lilllillg any. advertising motive. L the speaker in part (for we must eon- !di-nste) Stud: I have chosen for my 51extto 1:.1y one of the 1epresenta ithC lea sons of Oddfellowship. viz.. iLove. 'i he b etnren piesent will he gparticularii familiar with the repre- §sentatiou of the man fallen among thieves. Let. us begin the parable. A la\\_\er questions Jesus to what he is} muld do to inherit eteinal life. ()ne of the most important depart- ments of a lawyer’s profession is to ask questions either to sustain or'to contradict evidence. "he lawyer, in the 25th verse, subjected Jesus to an examination. Christ directed him to quote the law on the question which he did. and summed it up briefly in the following words: “Love God and yourneighhor. Christ command- ed the answer and told him to put his knowlnige into actions, his the- ory into practice, his words into deeds and he should then live the spiritual, the heavenly, the Godlike. the eternal life. The lawyer, how- ever, suggested another question: Who is my neighbor? and Jesus proved to him that the Parthian. the Mede, the Elamite, the Samaritan may be one’s best and truest neigh- bor, and represented this by the Story of the good Samaritan. A cer- tain man. whom I think was a Jew, because Jesus made the Samaritan to help him, was tiavelling a very dangerous road called the “red way” because cf the many bloody massa- cres. was attacked by highwaymen, wounded and robbed. and left to die by the wayside. The point I want to make here, said the Speaker, is this. Here in this needy case is a Splendid opportunity for helping a pom feilow who is down, and who will embrace the opportunity for do- ing good. By chance, a priest came down that way, a chance op- portunity for doing good. The priest had no engagement that way, was perhaps going home from Jerusalem, where he may have been performing his temple. service. A peculiar coincidence happened. A man had b :en robbed and lay dying by the wayside. \Vould the priest take this opnortnnity for doing good. or lose it? God transforms chance coincidences into golden opportuni. ties for doing good. They come The 7;th anniverSir} of t-he In 10- ppudent Order of Oillfellnvship in America was observed by the 1N1- ges of FlnsherLOn and Markduhe. meeting held in the I. O. O. ' F.11all here, and afterwards ‘IIIX‘ChiflL: to divine service in tha Metnolist church on Sabhath morning last. The Rev. J. S. lIu..1p.)ries, who is a member of the o'der, was invited to preach the annivirsary sermon, and gave an intere tin; and prac'ical discourse, based on the Story of the, Good Samaritan as recorded in Luke 10; \Ve notice that. the Family Herald and \Veekly Star of Montreal has made proparations on a gigantic scale for xeportmq all phases of the war bet“ ten the States and Spain. Those who are lucky enough to he subscrib- ers to the Farmly Herald and Weekly Star must surely feel they are getting their doll:-1r’s worth many times over. ' tunity of shifting the responsibility to the federal Government at Ottawa as the proper function to deal with all such matters. The premier of Prince Edwmd Island, thinking to introduce prohibitorx legislation wrote to Mr. Mills for an Opinion as to the legal competency of the local legislature to enforce such a meas- ure. The following sentence from his reply. dated April 7th, may show the intention of the Government to Shirk the responsibility back to the local legislatures in case the Domin- ion plebiscite should carry. He says: "There is nothing to prevent any province prohibiting the sale of in- toxicents for cmisumption as a. bev- erage within the limits of the prov- ince if so tllSpOSfld.” The probable ii‘iterpretzition after passing the pleb- iseite will show the whole reSpOiisi- bility to rest with the proVinces. The Dominion plebiscite is to be submitted as a single issue. A few years ago. pit-biscites were taken in some of the provinces. but the Min- isters doubted the rights of provin- cial Governments to prohibit the sale of intoxicants. The matter was referred to the courts, and by the ititt‘n'pi'etation put on the decision. the local Ministries found an oppor- withdraw from all neutral ports, to both belligerents, will also militate againSt the Spanish chances of suc- cess. Moreover, up to the present time. prior to the formal declaration of war, the Spanish observance of international enmity, has rendered the latter country inaCtive in forcing: the war l‘lm captures reported to date. by the A neiirans were all mer- chant vessels, unarmed, and in most cases ignorant of the fact that war was in progress. FLESHL” RT 3N . «0 <00 *- Who says there are not a few pro- gressive people at. Pomona yet. Mr. \Vedding bells chimed early last week, the 20th inst... when Miss Minnie, eldest daughter 0t Mr. and Mrs. M. McGrath, Pomona, and Mr. Archie McPhee were united in mar- riage. the Rev. Father Hauck. their parish priest, officiating. Mr. John McGrath and Miss Ellie McPhee stood by them during the ceremony. A quiet wedding took place at the resi. dence of the bride’s parents, where the immediate relatives of the con- tracting parties partook of a bounti- fulrepast. The weather being un- pleasant, a contemplated drive to Durham was postponed. Congratu- lations. The remains of the late John Ryan of Irish Lake \V-J re brought; to St. John’s Church, where service for the dead was held, e’er his interment in East Gienelg (:emeterv. A large number of friends attended the funer- al, to pay the last tribute of respect to the departed. Blushing Johnnie of the Scotch- town lowlands will be wont to sing " "I‘was 'l‘eu O’clock one Moonlight Night.” 850. hould the gate be lock- ed, will he be able to scale the new picket fence erected on the 4th ? Mr. J. Maher completed a team by purchasing another one at: J. Darcy’s sale. He has leased A. J. Neil's farm and is rushing in some crop e’er he begins his season's framing. Mr. John McKinnon, whohasbeen ill nearly all spring, -isl able to be out and enjoy the sunshine once more. His recuperationwas slow. by reason of age. He is said to be 80 years of age. and was attended by Dr. Jamie- son, his family physician. No Klondike for Archie, Frank. The, apostlc’s corner has attraction enough to keep him from going far- ther ‘~\’est, Do n0t let the Captain side-track you Frank, or you may have to sit on the fence and see them go by. Mr. John F. Sullivan recently pur- chased Lot 1 Com. 1 Artemesia, for- merly known as the Welsh farm, and is busilye ”1'34 putting in a. crop thereon. The, mission of Oddfeliowship is nct Only to visit the sick relieve the distressed, bury the dead, educate the orphans, but it seeks to elevate the churactex of mam; it seeks to im- hue him With proper conceptions of his capabilities for gooai; it saeks to enlighten his mind; to enlarge the phase of his' affections; in a. word, ii’s aim is to leui man to the cuitiva- t-ion of the true fraternal rela‘ii n egg-Md by the great Author of hia being. In conclusion, the Speaker briefly referred to the origin and work of ()dtlfellowslnp. In the United States it’s birth-place, itis very strong, and in Canada it has a Strong foot- 110111.111 the province of Ontario there are nearly ' SOsubordinate lod- ges. having ammnbt-rship of near!) 60000 According to the last annual report of the Grttnd Lodge of Ont., tlieie has been paid for sin k benefits oxer $.30 000. for the relief of widows and. orphans over $11,000. for bmy- ing deceased brothers over $6000, forsnecml relief nearly $3000, for nu: «int; Siljk brothers and lnge sur- geon’s fees over $0000, making a total of over $80,000. Liv‘: U“|lv‘..--v--Uv einnity a subterfuge for holiness, but to whom “ Ptu'e religion and un- deiiled is to visit the. fatherless and widows in their affliction. and (0 keep himself unspotted from the world." The trues: kind of life is helpfulncss in service, and this is among the first principles of our or- der. But a certain Samaritan saw the Opportunity, grasped it,-and A. suddenly upon us and as quusluy disappear. The priest and the Le- vite, here, both lost theiopportunity and the man was left by the wayside God help the Christians and to die. Societies who are in any way repre- sentitive of this spirit of selfishness and nnconcern; and God bless those who have some sonl. still who are not all badges and official garb, and who live in contradistinction to the counterfeit, and to Whom religion is not sanctimoniousness, neither sol- enmity a subterfuge for holiness, but to whom “P.1re religion and un- deliled is to visit the iatherless and widows in their affliction, and to PO“ " .L' .H!I\TA ‘O' .â€" 114 and as quick] V at 10:1)00 clock in the fnrenmm being the time appointai for adjudication on the claims. Dated this 25th day of April, A. D. 18%. Plaintiff, their Christian and Surname» addreeses and descriptinne. the full ['13 rtticn lars of their claims, or liens, 0r cnarges. (either special or otherwise) a statement of their securitim and the nature of the 89 curitiesfit‘any; held by them against the said Estates or either of them: or in default thereof they will be pet'eitiiittiriiy excluded from the benefit of the sai Order for Ad- militstratiun. Every Creditor hoidiug any security is to produce the same before me at mv (#hani-nhors 1n the Cour-t Huuse at the Town of Owen Sound on the 3RD DAY OF JUNE, A. D. 1898, to send by poet repaid to G. LEFROX MCCAUL, aft-1m 'iiown of Durham in tin said Cn'mtyof Urey. the Solicitor fur th' l’iziintiff, their Christian and Surnamp. URSUAN’T TO 'AN ORDER 01' THE HUGH C OUR'I‘ ()F JUSTIC} made nmlsr Rule 944. in a cause of ”add a gainst 33...! et al, the Creditnrs of'I‘HUMA 5 uA U1) late of the Township of Nurmanb; in the éounty of Grey, Farmer, whu died on 0r about the 5th day of April A. l). 1889. and aim the creditors of WI L Ll A M (i A U I) late ofnhe .«aid 'I‘owns‘hip of Normanby i.. the County uf Urey. Farmer. who died'on or about the 15th day of Way. A. D. 1894, are on or before the 27th day of May,A. D. 1898 I *0 Km} I] I‘\\ ”n ‘f Y1rr Advenisament for Cteditms. bowel and kidney diseases. Sold at all drug stores, $1.00 for six weeks’ treatment. a formula which is a medicine pre- pared by a Hamilton firm and called Sloan’s Indian Tonic. Il' isa reliable and pleasant remedy for stomach. Three of the most eminent Amari- can docurs, in a series of articles outlined a tonic treatment caicuiated to curv a vast number of diseases. Their suggesiions were embodied in as well as useful. Among the other improvements alreadv coutemplmcd is the erection of a fine frame barn with Smile enabling mu‘lorneath. He has let the framework to J. Maher. but we are not sure who got the stonework. M. K. Benton. ’eisi said, made a very successful hit at tinibering last winter but is now husilv engaged, assisted in no small way by his osmimahh: life partner. pllrlllng work on the old homesteau. A new picket fence is being built around the house, which when oomph-tn) will be ornamental if“ 216/4 \v :. ,4 4n? o.\\ I? n... a!» .Uu‘fl' Qkpwo \\ 7/ I’mflNuo "Kr/.1 )4. Want» ’3. V. “ ~71 "ZN" {kW/00 5...? .‘lf' .‘ I“ ‘. M H. PERKER,‘ GARI‘EN SEEDS in bulk and pa- rs, our own paper aeeds, two or 56. Flower Seeds, PLANTS in Season. Cabbage, Califlower, Celery and Toma to. CLOVER Seed all varieties. Prices Timothy Seed. llAHV. ORCHARD GRASS and mostly all other sorts of grasses. SUGAR Beet, CARROT, all the best. MANUEL \VURT'JCL: )arter’s Mammoth Lung Redâ€"a very large mange]. Carter’s Giant Yelhm. Evan’s Saw Log Man- gelâ€"uan immense croppefl SWEDE TURNIP Seed. All the {n-st v‘arieties. (See our Cata- ogue.) A Consultation Held T. R The Selection of Seeds is from the boar ‘ American and Canadian Houses, and 5,3] I ity considered) will compare fawn-1:1” other dealers. d ’ 5 DU) NC LAN MORRISOV. Master at Ow en Sound onupauy OVOI‘ is building the Beaver DURHAM. men. We guarantee all our Stovk. We furnish 'purchasers with cate from Government m stating our Stock is {rev {NW Jose Scale. OUR NURSERIES comprise me I and Ifmwiug' stock in large ‘1' ‘ enab as us to sell at the (time-4 I" figure. Hen Bnooeed with Us who have Failed With ‘ It Will cost you nothing to learn “’6 can do for you. Don’t write amass you mom: W find want profiuble em ploymem- ('0 5“ r 'm Daminion. ~Ve pay both salary and comm \Ve engage either whole of 1“” 5-" nnies tn matvh. (300. a du Whips at all prices. (h. .d I SALAUA CEYLUN TEA (a 25 QT any one desiring tn 1m: :.-:- “mm and immense their inn": write us. The demand fur Lu»: Nursery Stuck is ml the inw‘“ need more men. If yuu “an paying work. write m. We furnish all supplies hr“: A e have the largest NUI'SH‘HL‘ Men’s '1 OP SHIRTS {rum SEE OUR LADIES’ ()XFUI before buying. They can: Best Ladies" Shoe brewing OUR PRINT.Q ARE ALL TEED FAST Ct )LU ’Iursety Stock Agents! 300k Agents! gricuIIIIraI ImpIement Iocms' Miscellaneous. Apples. . . .per bag Putatues. . . .per bu Flour per cwt... .. Oatmeal per fink .. (Shop per cw! ....... Dressed Hogs per < Hides... per lb... Sheepskins ........ Turkeys per lb. . .. (£9050 per lb ....... Ducks per pair. _.. Dress Goods “’1 vol Fall Wheat. . . Quriur Wheat Oats .......... l’eas. . . . Barley. . Hay. . . . Butter. . Eggs no Inickeils par pair ,{l nun nun” "U OUR CURTAI‘JS ALI EDUES YELLOW and \\ hite nips. RAPE. Carter 8 13.03 5045ng Rape CORN. One car of s. can Seed (7 .r n best \"31 imios. :x Amcr' wan L urn 1m a bottle. regular 15 and :3 21 (mlv, Crystal Table Sub 8 in. Im. Cut glass Fruit l5" Large white Cmtntvrpanos. $1.50 for $1.00. Large white all linen Table ( worth 81.35 for $1 40. Table OIL CLUTHS in whitv a 01's. 45 ins. wide. 2.30. ,\’ ”0th mm "whim-m Chalhes, in dark coiul Daub!“ 40 in. RH: and (‘ul' Fancy Figural Lu BEAN 85 CC. ‘3‘ yds x :28 in per (1 Stone 85 WellingL TORONTO. 1'01”: ‘ r] {e I - R0} .4 cm 11 DURHAM ‘6 x 50 per cwt it' \V Pa ve stexc 9'! use“ "Well. Peter. how pictumfl" 83“ " Pl“ Hrs. Dart. drying her tbs kitchen. Her u (we. .11 proclaimed meat. and. $08611“ bone and smart drel anon her the soon a: The big man 100‘“ wistful look. which a embarrassing. for I mdy the supper. “Lana." he said. tn hot and leaning over b. flying as how I l and for here. or Lh: comfortable, butâ€"1' mount. has. it I c: laddened by his g1 ”mohato the winds tohis bmast with a} and her; she Lore Itood, panting in t heavy tootstep soun “one: outside, and u «Had out. “Is Peter{ 1'!» pair stood loo lid. With I. brokem§ m turned away an â€"""_c “No. lacs, you ain't! couldn't it you tried must tell it. The hone I loved you, Io it is. and I can' You use I can't ? tumbled with passi «W't tell how I've M I've hungemd { 4‘1- Your twp c “Wk-your face is i (Of-I ‘love you," Th5 girl's pale (w and hat eyes diiaw in her agitstion. “Going to leave an we've been such good what lave Dick or lbould so “my; ' her voice. and the 1 chin warned him [bu at hind. and he 5pm toward her. "I've attended you "filling. not seeing IlAh "3d the; In“; ’1" "“5 “Litâ€"i 1 l . V V i ) I' I g. f" i I '0 ‘ ’l l f in; ‘ .’ ' I '3» I 3 I It I la; I t it" , t5; 1 I l I s .I l O . II : ‘ i I l O l i i l a . l I 4‘ ‘l . ‘ . l i i . i . z 1' t ' THE CHRONICLE. ”a: 6953. withdraw from all neutral ports, to ' sudd both belligerents, will also militate against the Spanish chances of suc- Moreover, up to the present en] ti on us and as quickly y The priest and the ROI vite, here, both lost theiopportunny and the man was left by thewayside to die. God help the Christians and disappear. I. ' o ’0 ‘ ~' to the formal declaration . , r 7 J8, time. prior . . ~ . . - w . UURHAM: Ai’rll 20th 18 of war the Spanish observance of Socraties who are m Ilmyf‘IalIfisrhetIl);SeS 94$ The Selection Of Seeds IS from the host Brit: i It 1 lodded W” . ‘ . ' - , - - - ‘- t, 0 se . ‘ - , _~ :5!) _ -. . - s * ' ’ " ” lintenmtlonal 09ml}, ““5 ”endeared “mm“ 0f ”“5 SWG {bless those 5% American and Canadian Houses,am1 pm.“ 3 y “earl? p (or he The Senate mus‘ he FOCTed 0“” to the latter country inacrivein forcmgr and unconcern; and 0* .11 'h are Sig . r ~'dered) \Vlll COD] ‘u‘e f. . I (milk ”It 1"”ng i “me it,» Globe au-l Tal'te a chance. the war 1‘hn captures reported to who have some soul. .5“ “b0 dl rm If) COllbl pt (ll ()1 tilily Mill 4 f m. lodgng' T m héll st‘eli a body or “decayed date. bv the A neiiraus were all inerâ€" not all badges and SIfiCIIIIIItiIllIIff) Ifiie 97‘ng OtllCl‘ dealers, d his IIhIIzIIt ' ' ‘ ' I he "“3 , ? ~~ ' - Al liti most \vl‘o live in contra istinc 1 4/, 1' ;i as iarttzuns ’ should stand in t chant vessels, una1 incl, , ant . i . . .7". . ,y . ‘ . r , v. . . 88 n, . -<I)f prowess. cases ionorant of the fact that war counterfeit, and to \\ hom r'egfiIIIfnsoIls ‘3” GARI‘ElN bEEDSleIlIletlIIIllECItIlnd £36 . 115:???“ and “hue lIlt‘led T~ “poet in which 3 I I " ~ - .. . Uriâ€"C . r 0w" 1 7 ‘ ‘ S, - .s‘, qr. . It * . . - . . not sanctiiuoniousnessi net e '1? r“- 0“ s , . . deeming " ' loflrebs' ‘ 7 Fl wer beetle ‘ . one ['6 a. . l \\ as ”l D o . ' r holiness A, Of 00_ U . 4' , 4‘ . . ,Q ‘7“ \ y ' Tnat ol noxious body saved a mil-l ** a: emnity a subterfugevfroion 'tud un-i 74% PLANTS in Season. l! R l151‘);‘,;S«'rllllԤqrhplliu...‘. lf'.‘l\'t';]~\‘~|_'\, ~ “no, and that u ad 1:0“ dull-it‘s to the country on the _ _ .7 , _ b but to whom l’.iie 1911,. ’1‘ d 93/.- Cabbage, Calitlower, Celery and , \ ) . h ' 7- - . ate Gurney . l j, .W, V de-tl i,” it was, The Dominion pleblst‘lte is to e deliled is to ViSit the father ess an i, Tmmlm l (01,3. ”new,“ ”MM, ‘ ‘0” us g B i ht (fl Drum'nom ”1‘ I‘ ‘ I r‘ , l‘ -. :l ‘t.' a sinole issue. A few . - '- ffliction and to edi- . . . . , , .- - . can SDI-ll t‘. m. . . eyes. rg .. iiJir-d m M01: 1,”... ”mien .mi.ttt .s 7 F . unions in then a . .1 CL()\ lull seed all \aiietics. Pines , I)“, V ..- ' . ,_ . wing fling ll'Ot ‘ial « - it“ (E til” (,0, (‘l‘lllllt‘lll “.Oro ' years “go. plelSClieS “’Pl‘e taken .1“ ktep hilnself unspotted fro"? the ég’é Timothy Seed. ”AHV. i A.;lerictollllllltl'l‘l‘;l,1.‘i.-‘. !;'I‘!Il‘- :1‘ w door and Ta 88 IIOH Ion i’fIlI Jtli I‘iho‘tital li-n-lwi‘dsome of the provinces. but the Min- world i. The trues: kind of life is S, ORCHARD GRASS and mostly all, i I ‘ 1 “’ “"“WF- flower“ struggled to t. . -.y i ' e .i l A At \\ _ , . . _ . ’0‘ .. ,V ft ilsfl a.“ _ i.\ .. -3” ”,0 1”.“ of “01,1,isters doubled the, rights of provniâ€" lielpfulntss in service, and this is '3)“ other sorts tifgrasses. ‘l .n- m a box on the ['1‘0 from Ltt‘lllnL-j} " I. _. _.v .. _ i ciul Government‘1 to pl‘OlHlHt the union" the first, principles of our or- gas SUGAR Beet, CARROT, all the best. . .. ~.. . . . . ndow curtains lqnl ftIll' hllll‘llll‘.’ 1,)“ ”111i 5 (l lldlll l . . r ' v 7' b ’ . _‘ . l I:\ I ‘ ‘ Y ' )rw . ‘ ‘3‘ ti I‘lllG/(lltlllllll (lll (“1.1 1‘, “Hi“, neat \‘l l . l llt‘v: l"\'€i 5"“! t1‘lilii\\-1)-ll§ille Of llltOXlCillllS. rllU matter \\ ab (let' But a certain balnnl'llall SRW! éa" Bl‘.\('l.JL \\ [2 1‘1 [ISL :1 a'lrltl h '} Brifi .h ("n‘l' \‘Yi ( . . W» ' h“) " I I ' I l‘I‘ “* I I I l I ‘ . ‘ . (v 1 _- v'.- r F 1 t ‘. i;~- :‘ v3“, . . “"-‘ i ”ml 5 . ., . . .mrlrcferred to the courts, and by the the 0, oi-tunity grasped it, . and ,3 Mammoth L‘mn .R” 3‘ X“) pm“, i.,., ...:,,, r “at: “u k “under-(ll could be ifr-“ividé‘tl {“1 “hm” “ ”1"”. ’ l- . . . - 1h) deci°i0n H) ' - .:, b . 't ga’s large inangel. barter s (-iant . I ‘i- (dun. “11 do 100 of ii“) gr-int This kind of thing!“In";llmll'ftfoll pl” ,9“ 1" ° ' gave bandages. Oll. “Ule' 8'” ’ ‘(2’ Yellow. Evan’s Saw Log Mau- ,1 'I‘lioiiius“ Phosphate. ”113ml“ enough {01 I I I t to 00:1 .\linistrics Ollllt an oppor- r . money. himself. and went credit IOI'l 27ft? gelâ€"Jan immense 0"”l3i'mr- , Land Plaster in Hair“. vi - . ~t tr ‘ won‘t IIOI IIIII senate IIIuII IIIOI tunity of shifting the responsibility what more might he wanted. This :‘l” SWEDI‘} 'l‘lTRXlP Seed. All the Land Salt iii l’i‘l"\ taxed as he Dubbed ”III II * II . to the federal Government at Ottawa Oddfellowship enjoins. This is some :9: best varieties. (500 our Cata- \‘i'iiid ”'r and s"‘|.'*+,y"_”. i", . . opened the door- 11 Though the rank 3W1 ill“. 0f the as the proper function to deal with I thinrr of infinite love. of strongmanâ€" 71K“ 10mm.) W ‘ ‘ . win x, ‘,‘ Can‘mHV wipingt j Liberal l'm‘iy in south (IIin-I’III iii” SWI' “1“”“3' The premier 01"hood? of ncitrliborliness, and in it, :53? I I)rll¢s-,O‘it.‘l 'l'WI' I tiny mat. ho “(‘11 new”... it... ”on s" atomic line against ' [)plllt'e Edwuitl Island, lllllllilllg’ to: the heathen tIIlie enemy put to shame, :32 H P RKER :25: n; ( i... ': kitchen Dr. .itiiiiivsimI" t'lt't'il‘I’ll- 3"“ ”my" ; introduce i-roliibitori legislation i the two temple men. God grinds ’15; 0 9 UK (Wifiiliillf. - «4 \‘here's Dltk f' M are a few lit-tit-liiiivn. lit‘t‘lPt‘S‘. NH." 3 wrote to Mr. Mills for an Opinion as I out. and tests and [10119015 character $13,: ' the artillery “”011“ s,.,.k,,,.fi. mp1 hliiid It:ll‘ti'/.:tll~‘. who. ' to the local ccn'ipvtirncy of the local by happcnititrsin life. What a. llltlll' $15 DURHAM. t. "Be'S' got some a “9" “-" “"0“ ”“i'm‘ih'I‘I‘ hop “p ll"‘~"““"”"’ '0 ”m“ “CI“ “ “““5' her of puophiIare living a miserable sizes}.Nesiestastas’estesrestesteste:t-‘es‘es'est's’es'estews->3»..w..t,.t’t kin a bit," he an ll?" “filth”! to “"""'V H” U“ and . lll'e. The following sentence from self-hood lil a house of their own ’1???»'uvairciraivuR’av'tir"i-‘"it"c‘n"In‘fl'i"I'l'i"70"m‘7t‘~"ia~”vn‘"v.5'. 5.5. imi‘ b“ his reply. dated April Til), may show the intention of the Government to tlrivc him out of politics. * =i< pendent Order of (,)i1‘lfl‘ll)'\\'silll' in .ii'iszins. ‘liu: suit: Sick brothers and lodge Stir-5 and pleasant rmiietly for blll ding, hermeti willy sealed against. ~ vn’m-‘ngr. 1...... the br eozes of the mountain, stoninv'li. making a, bowel and kidncv dist-uses. Sold at: econ’s fees over SilctJ‘O, in an armchair liefo gazed apprmingly ‘ The girl's pule face 4‘ . . ' I ‘ ll" , . - .'. . . .- ’ ( ’ ‘- in ~. . F1 - 1'... :iillS“UI" ma . Thom-h the 0, >4. \|Ii\'t'l‘l!St‘l' (lPlllC‘S‘ slink the. responsdnlity l)d(.l\ to tilt. where life may be connected t, up the M. Iv. Beaten. tis said. mam, .i very ltaal'livt ELC‘K-i'I'I, clogr Ith wooden ,.. . ' ,, '. . .. . , . - .. ' ' . ~‘ .- A' - e 1, .. “In.“ WIN" “12min”: u ,,,.L,,,,.,5_i local h hlsldtlllt‘s in case the DOllllll main, the llVlll‘J (Nd. the 1edggtnnp‘: , successful hit at llllll1(.llll;:]lttht “llliLl __ paper. I sls ‘lun‘ ‘ I I - u . .. I - . imiI i " H ‘ ' ' i -; r '- ‘ . i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . I t , v I ' I ‘7. 47 i/ 1 " ‘ Al v \ . 55 I 7‘ I‘ Wm! {M a “,1“. all ,, i,,.,,\.(.on .\lt. , lu'l: pltliis. itt should t,.tll_\ . Ht. 5. y s. cross. ’I he prodigal 1't‘I)l€b€llbthllle .but. is now llllSllV cii,i.i,_t {hrlhlt .l l)! MM“. ,1, ;. ‘ .1, \ were spot t _ “1‘01 ilord MM a Iilllt’l'ill- the. Sun 1.91m]- " 1 here is nothing; to pievent any people's relation. 0,. want of relation l in no small nay by his cstnnaliie llft‘. l'I.lll “1”,,” .............. , , was as bright ash - ‘ . . ,' , . “ “ w. _ .. w ‘ . ‘ ... ,. _ ' , . .'. , ‘ _ ‘ H . ) . ‘ ' mpg tl .- stat. went and sul'S “3“". mm m‘ L ”Dimming 1h.” 5‘11" 0f 1” to Hod. “ (rive me the pOlthll 0f : l’M‘l'Ll- l'“- 1“”; “0' “ 0” ””3 UM kin-iii}: \\ lent ....... “cell. It?“ I. "“ ‘ I I . ,, ' I I n. i w A. - in . - l i r- 7 .‘ ,1 ~ ‘ I . in . 1 I , v ., ' 1 (,‘tllliil' has liiil‘i‘uilf seen the let tci ll]: fOXlt..l.l.>‘lpl tonsiiiiiptnon AS a 1)“ goods that fulleth to me. ’ 'lliey , lioinesteau. A new‘ [)l( kit fentt - is “H“. ____________ ; pictures?’ and a plat which ”H. on“. was pt 1.1 out.’ He i erago \‘t‘llill'll the. Intrus'of the IlJI‘lIlI ”“11“,,” toigetlier, and go on to i being built alIOllllildilG house. which l‘onx... . .4 Mrs- Dart. (11‘) mg her mm “mm ”It, ”1,“: 1,.“ has been re-i lllt-(i if so utsposnu. llie 1110):; ll... sellishnessandl‘tllll- They cut 1110,11,, when oomph-t. dl will be, ornamental llarlt-v ............... the kitchen. 1191‘ tn rims,“ “U, m ,1,._.uigc the fact” lllt't-lplt‘ftlflCll afici passilni: t it p oi -sel\‘t:Sf1‘Olll ”m Stipf-lltfz of (wind, 01’!th \\ ell as usefut. Among the other ””3, __________________ . _ . H her reflnt‘il accent. ant 2.: * :ist-ito \I,-lll show. the who e .lcslionsi- llt‘:l\‘t'll. and of brother man. illllpl‘OVt‘lllt‘lllS already cotiteinpiti.ctl lilllll'l‘ IIIIIIIIIIII fee a“ proclaI ed * 1ibtlity to rest. With the provtnces. In conclusion, top Speaker brieflv l is the eroirtion of a line frame barn l“ r , l“ r ‘1 v a ' l “)6!“er , ,,, r .i. ,‘ ”7 7 fl ' -' . . 'L‘J“ .‘ . t. . A 'l 'zc mm l0)"“‘* 0‘ the 1")“ anal . . . . . l-cfpn-W} to the min-in and work of l With stone staliling underneath. lo Amid“ pm. 1,...“ went. ‘m ’ .. . . . .. firm of I D ! \‘(3ll0lil‘f1t‘li’tl the l‘uinilv Herald ’ ' ' ". ,, . . l . i. . i“ . W I I I I « house and smart drel MIN” NINIIMI‘IHH ”I ' I I II 1 \" ‘l \‘t f ‘1 it 1 l i()iltlf(‘ll0\\'~'lll[) [ii the Lnited mates l has I“ the frame“ or to '1' M‘dlm- [“l-‘JW‘V ~- 1'“1 l-;.,: ~ -- . .. i . ,. .. x . .. ~I‘l}! in}! \’ t :tl‘ 0 .. on "‘u ins ' ‘ " ' ‘_ 7 , . .~ . . . . . :i lulu" a; to. 10v Unit». di ‘ ‘ out 01“ u 1 t x. t‘ . “2- “ tl it’s bir'li-plavc, it is very strong, l but we are not sure woo gOt the 3'1““ li‘ r IIIiIIlI - - upon her the 5C0”) I . ’.. ' . ’I ' 2 ‘ I' ‘iil, '21 l S (l 1 fl "1"“ l' .31.!“ k I I1 I ' ' l .' quI‘. t" I ‘i i . . _ ' . h‘l'l'i" “”‘l H”? m ”I IS mum”: MI I in w Imi l h n i I II II II and in Uana in it has a SLl‘OllLl' f0ot- l stonework. in,” .l...l KI ._ ‘ neighbors- . ‘ - - p- in frO'Yll \‘i‘in . for rep-grunt: :ill pdnscs (if the war ', ' . :l “'l' l’('1 k -"-- , . - , l k effort .o itiiiiiill W’- W“ ,." ‘1 l 'ibl ,“HH ”Hg. 1,“ ”Hi g , tin Those hold. In the province of Ontario “~- 0 <-â€"* 1,11,“...1i;,,,_..,...,.(.,,,'__ , The big nun 0*) 64 n ' .' , t - w-x ; -. " '_‘ ,‘ Ii ’.,'1 - i . -. _- . .1 .' . - . - ,ilns; l‘ll'I'1lllI5IlI)ll ”I (”I 2”“ I IJOI.‘ “l llt‘ ll (i,\. (llf‘ll‘ ll. “I llt "llll ‘( l‘ll) there are nearly {LIUSUllOl‘tllllt’lle lUd- A constlltltlon Hald. illitlvs lit‘l' ll! ........ . . “labial 100k, “11le SI! .. tl - llll‘tI‘ltlt'llOll ol‘ 'UU? ' ‘i‘d. ‘ .' 7" ‘w -" ‘ . . . - , - .‘ ‘~ It'sl'Ilh ..... . . h“ l'l”l”l”',"'" H 1t \ l l ”,th i We, 10 1}“. 13.1mm. 113mm .md Weekly ; giis‘. having ainuinbi-rsliip of neat 13: Three of the n.o.~;t eminent Alnt’ll- ,,.ll‘l‘r‘,}"v“' ‘ r lb emlmrrassmg. for all l "‘_‘ I“. . lilIi I \‘z_‘ t, a ( . . I ‘ . i _ . 7 ‘ _ ._ , ,. . . ‘ it. _ .' ......... it wit ‘> ”H | l ‘0‘ “ , 5 .. " p . __ , , , , . ., . . - let) (-00 Accoi'ilin-r to the lust :innunl i can doctr 1'», in a sci It’s Ol {llllt'lt'b t , \ ,, .1. p mad" the supper. ; 1i, , ii'itili’lll in"! \\'(‘t‘l( “t ()Lfawgp Still llltlni. blllt‘l) ft‘t‘l tllt') are gt’illllgl V "‘ , » , , ‘ H l“ 1’” ”-; ~~~~~~~~ . . I'll, ”1 ‘1 It _ ll \Vilfl‘l l ' lllt‘ll‘ (Lynn-‘3- won]! lll'tl‘y times report (if llle (IlILllld Lodge Of 01%., I Otttllllt‘fll it tonic ll‘tlutlnvlit Cuit‘ulittetl Did-ks iii-r iiitii'... “Laflfi " ll? Bald. iur ‘. ~ ._ . -~i;,~'til1 on. .'n . , - . k - 4 . 7 - - ,,: . , .- .. _. ' 2"” l“ [m “I {II 1 .. his mouth lover liliei'e has been paid for sick benefits. ! to our.- a vast number of diseases. .( nit-Imus pit tun 5 her and leaning m.” i -i I ' i-"‘ 111- tI ' ' w ' "1' \ I ' ' . . : ' ‘ ' ‘ 7 ‘ ' v . ............ v ’ [Hm I” ”l H i l H“ i1‘in( 1 {)6 “v ‘*‘°'Oe-r-â€"â€" lover reflux). for lllf' l‘t‘l‘if‘f ofu’nlons llieir suggestions were Olllllt’btlll‘tl 111 “”"l be saying as ll’AV I h .i r. .. ":l' to 'us i . W t, _ 7 ~. .- .. .. , - - 1~- . ‘ ‘9'” ’1“ l 3"} ,‘ ... ".7 f ,7): FL JSHERT )N. and, orphans over Milan). for buiy- l a let mula which is a lllt‘tlH‘lllO pre-. ~ . 1) ‘tha ~ - .- lv't-flt to t and,“ tlir .H . ioii o tn» .. , : , . . . ‘(li ? . ~ - . .. i cared for It r9. 01 . H “I in ”NR,“ ,: â€". iill,‘.{ deceased brothels OH‘l amid), I litll‘tttl by a llitllillit)“ firm and cut 1‘1 f t tl lul II \ rm; 'l‘l l ' .t.. .i. .. . ..r _ . , ' . , . . . :iie. J â€"- "HUI i II III II ‘ I .2 H V.I ‘ v-‘ IIIi ’I‘hp Tfith alllllVOl'S “'1" 0f the [”19]- llUl‘ S‘Jf'fllill relief llCitl'ly $J000, lIUl lhluflll S llltllzl“ I‘UHEC, It is it l‘t"l|.tl)lt‘;~ com or . .NilIl'.'_Lt"l'. lllt'.t>lll't‘5 ilgtillbt L’klll(tltlilld: - t another, “185, ll lea | l A nit-rifts. l 4.3,. was observed by the. lid-l >‘I ‘ was of . _ . . ‘ d ,h l'llvsliortt‘n :iiitl Markduie, “t” “-"“' ”W“ “'i‘” “I“ a" meeting iteiti in the 1.0. o. F. inn Ilyi‘wl‘ml‘m “H Mim‘h‘v' lhvre. and Milr'lWVHl’tlS :iiurcliintr [O >'I it i Service in the lletnollst «A 'uivino S. t'i‘ ..- iii-v J, >1. llu..iphri~s, who is u {A}. liuV'g lll.(Il|‘I¢‘Iill‘11‘IlllI) the. l. I . . f illl‘flllllt‘l‘ of the 0- tier, was inVitcd to f ., jtiistri-ssrd, bury the dead, 'l‘i ii i.r'/~s in :=ll. vuluml at $5000.- (‘lllll'fl1 on Subl atli morning last. i “"3 orphans, 1”“ ” 5991‘s to 01‘3“”: total of 0‘.'t'.t‘ $30,000. The, Hut Only to visit the sick all drug; store ‘. $1.01; for six \Vct-ks’ niiss on of Uddfellowship is! treatment. relieve the l 7. v . . . . T.it:( . P. i. c: r. ' . l d "‘ educate, r 1 till” in} is Jllll in,, ;a new iron l)l'i'l;:"' over the Pit-tutti :liiver :tt 'lIhm'nliul‘)’. mum" wrr WM 5. 7‘ , bue him with proper ('Olltit‘pllC‘llH‘ of . ~~ the clizii'iictct of man; it seeks to imâ€" and her eyes dilated in her agitation. ”Going to lcute us we've been such gt od what haw Dlt'k 01‘ should go away i a: * . '. . III . llll.‘f\("ll the ltllllth 1‘s;u‘\' 501-1130” and , llla‘ (.‘tlliztbdifiefi for ',’,D') i; it Sr‘UliS l!) 1 :i X -Ii In? ‘OIUIII (IIIII. IIII‘I I {run [' \‘ limit»: new sti'lul from . . ‘ ' _ l . . 7 . _ 7 . . . .. h , .V, 7 chm warned him that " ' ‘ l r . sutvn an lliful'fl IlIl-v and pl‘uO‘lt'ul i “lllli-illt'i’“ “‘5 mind, to enlarge the l I, \ I ‘ t ha d d h i . -,. \i', i. (-l'-u'l.‘. l'lt?-‘ ‘ _ ' -‘ - .. . , , _ . h » .. ; a ,- » ; ii “I A I‘Ii‘l! i tI .‘;| Pb ”19;” . dzst-o'iisc. based on the storv of the ? l'llt’e‘t‘ Ur his “fictid‘r’ll‘; ”1 d “ ON, I .133 a ml .1 to“ 1:11:11 V bPM” ~v :ii» " xi ,._a..i--, 1" «owl-f3- . . . ‘. J- :..-,. -. ,. l .. i,, i. - . 'ut r. I“ H U ”ll I - ‘ . t , l ‘llt l‘t’ inUtl hiiiiial'ltau as recorded lll Ltllit' ,t' H -‘ 'U’fl 15‘01‘4‘ 111“” l0 ['1‘ cu"“'“' l 01'“ (‘l‘lf'lIllI' \ kid. if ,t . . .... , t :j 7-)..jturt. i : ‘. . _ ,_ ._ ‘ ‘. 4 ,. ‘ q - U, :l. in » l A“ l‘ l ‘ it): 33“?” ' =t-ion of the true fraternal tel-a it n I i-.lH-l- \ C “1 labs. you d( H“ ‘\ ‘I'Il‘I' ,1 i Af;9y some preliminary remarks ‘ t‘slglltJtl ID) the {Zl'c’ltb r‘atliilol' Of lilo: nggr‘VflI Iii“ lju‘us‘ II II v - .z ‘- L3 (69,) ‘ IIt‘ V l 'illl'dlt the nature of the serVice, and . bed)" I Dress GOOdS~ hisagitation l > V -\ .1 Â¥ .. .7 I _ ll ‘9’ O‘Il e Sa‘I-‘i lI ' .“ . . ‘ , _ . ‘. . ' â€"â€"â€"~r .7‘ GO. .-<'~â€"â€"â€" _____ ‘1““r > , . u ’ . A l l-l t i llftilll \ ix”, Itlwt {. ttist Lilllllllg any advertising motive. PO“I'I' \TA 4m“ lll‘l- .1“, H ,3 . , _ Ive offended you. .. .. t .: is: isâ€" b. , , . ,, « . - - . , p -. flu? lll llt)\\tl ll 1 i .u L I fancy 1.1%”..4 11., .H.» ‘ wilfully. not agelng . ‘ _l .1 i ‘ ..‘:l . .".| st-ii t l- -l but» u .it stoii st... to sttint - tlt’llSt‘l >‘lld2 I have chosen for my 1tr-xt to-luy. one of the representa- *** EthC‘ lessons of Oddfullowship. viz.. The Spaniards and Americans have i LOW:- 'l he 1) ctprcn prrsent "'1” lJ-‘t: l‘or llll't'i’! yo is i particularli familiar With the rcpre-l w“ t'itsmHS have suffered pin-iii)“: Stfllitliltlll of the man fallen aniongi flit't'it‘lilt‘fi' :l[ llltt‘ lltllltlS of lllt‘ Sll'vtill-i [llltht‘S Let us begin the parable! in.“ {Unfit Stan‘s during this i A lawyer questions Jesus to what he should do to inherit eternal life. me (Hi but no decisive steps; One of the most important depart- wm.“ ”in.” .\ ,uym-ipm excuse was inents of a lawyer’s profession is to m), m h-«iid. The 3mm“. was blown 5 ask questions either to sustain or‘to tip in Havana liui brr: an in vrsliga- é COllll'a‘lICt evidence. The 18'\v376r$ in l l . . . . . tnc speaker lll part tfor we must mmIl a blow tliit: will open .\n1cl'icun eyes i l Hilly gone to war. atrds , 1i rind t‘lllllltt‘il the right to pt'OleCt, uns. l l chased Lot 1 Con. l Arteiiiesia, inerly known as the Welsh farm, and: is busily engaged putting in a crop thereon. l enough to keep him from going fur- ther West, side-track you Frank, have to sit on the fence and see them go by. Mr. John F. Sullivan recently pur- ,1 fOl‘- Chaliius~ in «lurk cui . UUR PlilN’lIF .llfl’. TERI) l‘IAS'l‘ (‘I ll.‘ t. ‘ Y)‘DI.llll‘tIi|l41‘”~l}l|§l"t‘ . I; :‘tl l. it‘ll“ "No, lass, you ain't couldn't if you tried must tell it. The here I loved you. in! to it is, and I can't youeee I can't? H. trembled with passio .\’ lilou lit: 1' Ariliie Frat .. Beta troubled oi: and on with point Miscellaneous. .. . , [V1 0. r. [it IL IO . l I N .I .. ,gIII ; in mygbaek caused by pinstl atlon. I . - ._, -........_- . lin'tl'III” ho“ l He 1“ ‘1: US[ v 3 (30' net 1““ attraction, tried several kinds of pllll 1 ad seen Large white (',,-.,m,.,.[,;“,..._ 1; “i \e. hungered ft advertised and to put the truth in a. hut- Slfif) for $l t“. Large Wlllit- all linen Il:ill‘lt" " Worth $.35 tiir S‘l i" , 1 Table 0“. (‘LU'l‘llf lll \\l_llI-‘ .' 'w - ore. 4:3 ins. \\ltlt‘_ :dt‘. ‘ MOHIS 1 Ul’ .‘lllli'lIS it ill L" shell. Dr. Chase's Kidne -Liver Pills are the only Pills that ave proved effectual in my case. JOHN DEVLIN. Unlonvillc, Ont. Do not let the Captain 31' you may Your face com workâ€"your {nCA‘ is v for I love you." Maddened by his g1 Icruples to the winds to his bml. “ith a‘ U.“ {Uiiowttl showing that the ex~§t11025tll verse, subjected Jesus to an Mr. John McKiniion, wholias been! D" ChasesK.~L.Ptlls are :12?! ‘ ‘ , ‘ . , ‘ V,” “My. 2?“ her; she tore 1 pl stun was PXltll'llitl ; Spain was ac- ? examination. Christ directed him to l ill nearly all spring. -is able to Le; “9‘3““ "1 “1° “'0’“ ““3 ° 1" ”Efi’c‘f‘lx'”bulc-i-“IHL-‘l.ln‘:j\tl ' 0°51 immune in {i v - . . . I A '-‘) ' (r. . 3“" he . ciiso-l f insulting the Jungle. and the 3 (Not? the law on the question which : out and enjoy the sunshine once more.l stipatlou, Stomach Troubles, Back B l 1'. .2, 1,; ~ i'l- 3 OER???" 80m“ stivt-i-iiiiii-tit was rushed into var. l he did. and summed it; up briefly in l His recuperation was slow. by reasonl P8138. Rheumatism. and all 131006 0‘“; IIIlI ““I ‘ 3"“ 1’“ II‘il'f. filled (“tuna ‘3“: 3' r r . .. 7, , .7 . 7 . u . ' J (7“; - ' .' ‘ _. ‘ ,1.“ American tieet. left hey \Vcst. l the fOKlfilNlll‘: Words: Love God i of age. He is said to be 80 years of! Disorders or Impurities. ’ a "l“ (I. rob“ If‘ )1 '1' , . .n The pair Stood 130:; Ft 1., i,“ on “may incit‘iiing last ‘ and yourneighbor. Christ command- I age. and was attended by Dr. Jamie-l ONE PILL A DOSE. “I.““IV (V'l’l‘ll "j“ j ‘1; . h, 13¢ With a hmkenh an \‘ll div liulit. Shortly they sight- ; ed the ans-aver and told him to put ! son, his family physician. I 25 CENTS A BOX film If"- Cut 8‘13.“ l'“-” 1’ IO! turned away am, 9,: a smmich lunilier vessel. captured , his kllOWl-wlge lntO actions, his tlle- \[1‘ J Malier C011] leted a tea- l 'I o . 'Hnlo" tll malt-ii, ‘llll'. a (Na 1 “roam . _ . _ . . _ a . . . J . [l .n I) l “,h. ll _. n‘ (. v ‘1 .. , , H ‘t hm in ,. “Him.“ m“- res stance be]ngl0l'_v into practice, his words into. ur pg- , l . , t J D- . M] _ ipsata Plltvt- " “ , . ‘put 5 the, . . ' - . l 1‘ (1 l 1 id } _ Ip cranng dnot iet one a . atcy s S“ aUA Clil'l (i\‘ 1,pr ..-, .15,“ 1,, st for their da ' offs-rel, and towed her to lxcy “ est. it set a an 16 S 101‘ her: live the1 sale. He has leased A. J. Neil's farm i . .. . . .. . -~ . ‘ I spiritual, the heavenly, the Godlike. a the eternal life. The lawyer, how-i =ever, suggested another question: Who is my neighbor? and Jesus gproved to him tliat the Partliian. the ;;\Jevle, the Elamite, the Samaritan f may be one’s best and truest neigh- ‘ibor, and represented this by the Story of the good Samaritan. tain man. whom I think was a Jew. a»: )fi Pics‘r‘teut \lt-liinli‘y himself, had in lirti‘ll aliowt-d to exercise his better judgment. might have aVerted blood- snwd by havinz ivooiirse to further tliiiloinacv. but the nation criel out to i'ctaliu:ioii and the President it swms had to submit to the will of tin. twat-lo. The Ame‘icans are and is rushing in some crop e’er he begins his season's framin'r. town lowlands will he wont to sing " "l‘was 'l‘eu O’clock one Moonlight _Night.” c. led, will he be able to scale the new . "Wile Midst Rule 944. ill a cause of ”add a. ipicket fence erected on the 4th ? . " BEAN co. Blushine Johnnie of the Scotch- ldvellisamtnlitrflefi'ilti . unsmm m my (mm 0,. funny Stock Agents! 'rincniton occur or .iUsTici 300k Agents l hould the gate be lock- 1 gaiust ix‘atid et al, the Creditors ofTHUMA h I no unlit. filled Peu for idle ta 3": he had resolve t 1““ Chum out “lobe ' . atofmtorltppea“tutti a i nit oti the tin-Sen: w‘ur question, the adoption of measures instructing tlt- president to make a declaration of war being far from unanimous in; the Senate and in the House. | The British government. nowbeitg'l by the wayside. 0.. friendly relations with the United i to make here, said the Speaker, is 5: UPS and Spain. warns the Canadian l this. pawl? to preserve a strict neutrality splendid opportunity for helping a in relation to the two belligerent l po .r fellow who is down, and who (‘0 ntries. of the Spanish Cot sul in Canada was - itig purely undeinonstrative. In St.-.tes and Spain. have an immense advantage in beiu, so near the base of Operations, base of supplies. only about six hours’ run front hey â€".Wcot, while the Spaniards are over 3000 miles from Cuba. ity proclamations of the difierent European powers, and the orders to i not; I i because Jesus made the Samaritan ;to help him. was tiavelling a vervlJOhuIs Church, ldaugez'ous road called the “red way’n l the dead was held, e’er his interment! because of the many bloody massa- lm East Gienelz cemeterv. icres, was attacked by highwaymcn, i wounded and robbed. and left to die * at: at The point I want Here in this needy case is a In view of this. the visit l will embrace the opportunity for do- good . By chance, came down that w-iy. a chance Op- parish priest. officiating. It: * * portunity for doing good. The priest McGrath and Miss Effie McPheo stood l the conflict between the Uiiited,h"d.n° “Wagefm'” that “MY- WaS by.them during the ceremony. A the Americans' pernaps gomg name from Jerusalem, qmet wedding took place at the resi~ " l where he may have been performing dance of the bride’s parents, Where l his 'emplt’ service. . the immediate relatives of the con- A peculiar coincidence happened. tracting parties pat-took of a bounti- A man had been robbed and lay dying ful repast. The weather being un- by the wayside. Would the priest pleasant, a contemplated drive to take this opportunity for doing good. Durham was postponed. Congratu- or lose it? God transforms chance lotions. I coincidences into golden opportuni- Who ca . . _ ya there are not a to . ties for darn; good. They come grmive people gt Pomona ll: 1;: and The distance is The neutral A cer- _ t at)“ late in 'r ~ ~. . ' .aemSl «.01 ushet The remains of the late John Ryan iii the .ozuitfi of IItIriréIgIIitiiiIiinzi T‘flfi‘ffiiigg gflclllllll’al 'mplemem A08 7, his chd'fibeel, Who . of Irish Lake w. re brought to Sig, l 0n 9r about the 5th day of April 'A, l). 1339 Qr any one desiring: tu_ by?" “ "'iilruzi‘, with h where service for 1 anti also the creditors of WILLIAM (ii’tUU t-‘llinn and increase their tinY ' i. .. h“ .1“de t Ough .‘late ofthe said Tt)‘.\'ll"lllp of Norinanbv i.. write u-"- 'l 11“ 59"”1‘” f‘." j ' * in.â€" M of ’ eter ”88! the County of Grey, Farmer, Wllodied'oIn or Nursery Stock is m, mp lllt'i'i'fthnuiV “at dbl] Outing A largelabout the 15th day Of Way. A. D. 1894, are need inoremcn. 'lt you “4W ‘ ‘ M “it “trying 1 number of friends attended the funer- on or before the paying work, write mu m It the end al, to play the last tribute of respect , 27th day Of May A.[) '898 We furnish all supplit-s ft». .q d" WI'Wgtlg-n 4"" t0 the 9 'al‘ . , ’ . ' ' \ . N. lI‘ ‘lIiL’I‘I 4‘ ‘ en . a .II ted . {to “e"dJW Dost grepaid to G. LEFROY We gave'the largest ‘1 bi ‘ when. hung Wedding bells chimed early last I McCA‘LL, ofthe own of Durham in nu Ominion. .. , 'caiofl W Chou“ 0‘ I weak, the 90th ins-13.. when ,‘lisst?j‘lld. L9""‘¥"€ Ur‘ey._tlie Solicitor for up ‘Ve pay both salary and (IO'IILiiIdnie c [0'18 .1: k th Minnie. eldest daughter of Mr. and ! Maggi; diidIdesICi'iIiitIfIiIiliI :lIIdf biprnai‘nes, we engage either “‘11016 0‘ l“‘“ “ u'.‘h'°hh um“, ‘ - - ° 0 . ie - , . llrs..\l. McGrath, Pomona, and Mr,llars oftheir claims, or liens, oi'I mill-£25: men. ‘ 1’ 'I “N etch Archie McPhee were united in mar. i (either special or 0therwise)a statement 0} We guarantee all our Stout. ,. .r'it' 'N by u. a priest riage. the Rev. Father Huuck, theirlilliiitigi‘ill‘;Ԥ3,£§$ the tnhiiture of_the the We furnish purchasers with .. ”0;, “I . - . -' 8m ' - ‘ -- ,tllh‘i". M" John i said hstates or either of them: oIiiIiiiIItIlIeIfaIulLt Cate from GOI e1 nmcn min >al‘ thereoftliey will be peremfmriiy excluded stating our Stock is fret' i. from the benefit of the sari Order for Ad- Jose Scale. ministration. 7m act?“ . - . . OUR N nssm 8 rise over fiery creditor holding any security is to “(j izrowifig-csmpk in law“ pr hIIIIII‘ the same before me at '“V (tliamhers enables us to sell at the clmc III I a Court House M the Town of Owen figure. . 331) D bound on‘ me Hen Succeed with a. who have Failed wzth 0‘3.” - It will cost you nothing to lea" at 10:1” o’clock in the foreman. being the we can do for you. ‘ "4W5 élI'iIifruappommi for adjudication on the Don‘t write unless you mean t and want profitable em ployxnfm 9““ this 27th day of April, A. n. 1898. . ton DUNCAN MORRISON, Stone We} II 09 L ' ' . “we: at Owen Sound ' Tonoxro. . â€" In“; ’1" "“5 “Litâ€"i 1 l . V V i ) I' I g. f" i I '0 ‘ ’l l f in; ‘ .’ ' I '3» I 3 I It I la; I t it" , t5; 1 I l I s .I l O . II : ‘ i I l O l i i l a . l I 4‘ ‘l . ‘ . l i i . i . z 1' t ' THE CHRONICLE. ”a: 6953. withdraw from all neutral ports, to ' sudd both belligerents, will also militate against the Spanish chances of suc- Moreover, up to the present en] ti on us and as quickly y The priest and the ROI vite, here, both lost theiopportunny and the man was left by thewayside to die. God help the Christians and disappear. I. ' o ’0 ‘ ~' to the formal declaration . , r 7 J8, time. prior . . ~ . . - w . UURHAM: Ai’rll 20th 18 of war the Spanish observance of Socraties who are m Ilmyf‘IalIfisrhetIl);SeS 94$ The Selection Of Seeds IS from the host Brit: i It 1 lodded W” . ‘ . ' - , - - - ‘- t, 0 se . ‘ - , _~ :5!) _ -. . - s * ' ’ " ” lintenmtlonal 09ml}, ““5 ”endeared “mm“ 0f ”“5 SWG {bless those 5% American and Canadian Houses,am1 pm.“ 3 y “earl? p (or he The Senate mus‘ he FOCTed 0“” to the latter country inacrivein forcmgr and unconcern; and 0* .11 'h are Sig . r ~'dered) \Vlll COD] ‘u‘e f. . I (milk ”It 1"”ng i “me it,» Globe au-l Tal'te a chance. the war 1‘hn captures reported to who have some soul. .5“ “b0 dl rm If) COllbl pt (ll ()1 tilily Mill 4 f m. lodgng' T m héll st‘eli a body or “decayed date. bv the A neiiraus were all inerâ€" not all badges and SIfiCIIIIIItiIllIIff) Ifiie 97‘ng OtllCl‘ dealers, d his IIhIIzIIt ' ' ‘ ' I he "“3 , ? ~~ ' - Al liti most \vl‘o live in contra istinc 1 4/, 1' ;i as iarttzuns ’ should stand in t chant vessels, una1 incl, , ant . i . . .7". . ,y . ‘ . r , v. . . 88 n, . -<I)f prowess. cases ionorant of the fact that war counterfeit, and to \\ hom r'egfiIIIfnsoIls ‘3” GARI‘ElN bEEDSleIlIletlIIIllECItIlnd £36 . 115:???“ and “hue lIlt‘led T~ “poet in which 3 I I " ~ - .. . Uriâ€"C . r 0w" 1 7 ‘ ‘ S, - .s‘, qr. . It * . . - . . not sanctiiuoniousnessi net e '1? r“- 0“ s , . . deeming " ' loflrebs' ‘ 7 Fl wer beetle ‘ . one ['6 a. . l \\ as ”l D o . ' r holiness A, Of 00_ U . 4' , 4‘ . . ,Q ‘7“ \ y ' Tnat ol noxious body saved a mil-l ** a: emnity a subterfugevfroion 'tud un-i 74% PLANTS in Season. l! R l151‘);‘,;S«'rllllԤqrhplliu...‘. lf'.‘l\'t';]~\‘~|_'\, ~ “no, and that u ad 1:0“ dull-it‘s to the country on the _ _ .7 , _ b but to whom l’.iie 1911,. ’1‘ d 93/.- Cabbage, Calitlower, Celery and , \ ) . h ' 7- - . ate Gurney . l j, .W, V de-tl i,” it was, The Dominion pleblst‘lte is to e deliled is to ViSit the father ess an i, Tmmlm l (01,3. ”new,“ ”MM, ‘ ‘0” us g B i ht (fl Drum'nom ”1‘ I‘ ‘ I r‘ , l‘ -. :l ‘t.' a sinole issue. A few . - '- ffliction and to edi- . . . . , , .- - . can SDI-ll t‘. m. . . eyes. rg .. iiJir-d m M01: 1,”... ”mien .mi.ttt .s 7 F . unions in then a . .1 CL()\ lull seed all \aiietics. Pines , I)“, V ..- ' . ,_ . wing fling ll'Ot ‘ial « - it“ (E til” (,0, (‘l‘lllllt‘lll “.Oro ' years “go. plelSClieS “’Pl‘e taken .1“ ktep hilnself unspotted fro"? the ég’é Timothy Seed. ”AHV. i A.;lerictollllllltl'l‘l‘;l,1.‘i.-‘. !;'I‘!Il‘- :1‘ w door and Ta 88 IIOH Ion i’fIlI Jtli I‘iho‘tital li-n-lwi‘dsome of the provinces. but the Min- world i. The trues: kind of life is S, ORCHARD GRASS and mostly all, i I ‘ 1 “’ “"“WF- flower“ struggled to t. . -.y i ' e .i l A At \\ _ , . . _ . ’0‘ .. ,V ft ilsfl a.“ _ i.\ .. -3” ”,0 1”.“ of “01,1,isters doubled the, rights of provniâ€" lielpfulntss in service, and this is '3)“ other sorts tifgrasses. ‘l .n- m a box on the ['1‘0 from Ltt‘lllnL-j} " I. _. _.v .. _ i ciul Government‘1 to pl‘OlHlHt the union" the first, principles of our or- gas SUGAR Beet, CARROT, all the best. . .. ~.. . . . . ndow curtains lqnl ftIll' hllll‘llll‘.’ 1,)“ ”111i 5 (l lldlll l . . r ' v 7' b ’ . _‘ . l I:\ I ‘ ‘ Y ' )rw . ‘ ‘3‘ ti I‘lllG/(lltlllllll (lll (“1.1 1‘, “Hi“, neat \‘l l . l llt‘v: l"\'€i 5"“! t1‘lilii\\-1)-ll§ille Of llltOXlCillllS. rllU matter \\ ab (let' But a certain balnnl'llall SRW! éa" Bl‘.\('l.JL \\ [2 1‘1 [ISL :1 a'lrltl h '} Brifi .h ("n‘l' \‘Yi ( . . W» ' h“) " I I ' I l‘I‘ “* I I I l I ‘ . ‘ . (v 1 _- v'.- r F 1 t ‘. i;~- :‘ v3“, . . “"-‘ i ”ml 5 . ., . . .mrlrcferred to the courts, and by the the 0, oi-tunity grasped it, . and ,3 Mammoth L‘mn .R” 3‘ X“) pm“, i.,., ...:,,, r “at: “u k “under-(ll could be ifr-“ividé‘tl {“1 “hm” “ ”1"”. ’ l- . . . - 1h) deci°i0n H) ' - .:, b . 't ga’s large inangel. barter s (-iant . I ‘i- (dun. “11 do 100 of ii“) gr-int This kind of thing!“In";llmll'ftfoll pl” ,9“ 1" ° ' gave bandages. Oll. “Ule' 8'” ’ ‘(2’ Yellow. Evan’s Saw Log Mau- ,1 'I‘lioiiius“ Phosphate. ”113ml“ enough {01 I I I t to 00:1 .\linistrics Ollllt an oppor- r . money. himself. and went credit IOI'l 27ft? gelâ€"Jan immense 0"”l3i'mr- , Land Plaster in Hair“. vi - . ~t tr ‘ won‘t IIOI IIIII senate IIIuII IIIOI tunity of shifting the responsibility what more might he wanted. This :‘l” SWEDI‘} 'l‘lTRXlP Seed. All the Land Salt iii l’i‘l"\ taxed as he Dubbed ”III II * II . to the federal Government at Ottawa Oddfellowship enjoins. This is some :9: best varieties. (500 our Cata- \‘i'iiid ”'r and s"‘|.'*+,y"_”. i", . . opened the door- 11 Though the rank 3W1 ill“. 0f the as the proper function to deal with I thinrr of infinite love. of strongmanâ€" 71K“ 10mm.) W ‘ ‘ . win x, ‘,‘ Can‘mHV wipingt j Liberal l'm‘iy in south (IIin-I’III iii” SWI' “1“”“3' The premier 01"hood? of ncitrliborliness, and in it, :53? I I)rll¢s-,O‘it.‘l 'l'WI' I tiny mat. ho “(‘11 new”... it... ”on s" atomic line against ' [)plllt'e Edwuitl Island, lllllllilllg’ to: the heathen tIIlie enemy put to shame, :32 H P RKER :25: n; ( i... ': kitchen Dr. .itiiiiivsimI" t'lt't'il‘I’ll- 3"“ ”my" ; introduce i-roliibitori legislation i the two temple men. God grinds ’15; 0 9 UK (Wifiiliillf. - «4 \‘here's Dltk f' M are a few lit-tit-liiiivn. lit‘t‘lPt‘S‘. NH." 3 wrote to Mr. Mills for an Opinion as I out. and tests and [10119015 character $13,: ' the artillery “”011“ s,.,.k,,,.fi. mp1 hliiid It:ll‘ti'/.:tll~‘. who. ' to the local ccn'ipvtirncy of the local by happcnititrsin life. What a. llltlll' $15 DURHAM. t. "Be'S' got some a “9" “-" “"0“ ”“i'm‘ih'I‘I‘ hop “p ll"‘~"““"”"’ '0 ”m“ “CI“ “ “““5' her of puophiIare living a miserable sizes}.Nesiestastas’estesrestesteste:t-‘es‘es'est's’es'estews->3»..w..t,.t’t kin a bit," he an ll?" “filth”! to “"""'V H” U“ and . lll'e. The following sentence from self-hood lil a house of their own ’1???»'uvairciraivuR’av'tir"i-‘"it"c‘n"In‘fl'i"I'l'i"70"m‘7t‘~"ia~”vn‘"v.5'. 5.5. imi‘ b“ his reply. dated April Til), may show the intention of the Government to tlrivc him out of politics. * =i< pendent Order of (,)i1‘lfl‘ll)'\\'silll' in .ii'iszins. ‘liu: suit: Sick brothers and lodge Stir-5 and pleasant rmiietly for blll ding, hermeti willy sealed against. ~ vn’m-‘ngr. 1...... the br eozes of the mountain, stoninv'li. making a, bowel and kidncv dist-uses. Sold at: econ’s fees over SilctJ‘O, in an armchair liefo gazed apprmingly ‘ The girl's pule face 4‘ . . ' I ‘ ll" , . - .'. . . .- ’ ( ’ ‘- in ~. . F1 - 1'... :iillS“UI" ma . Thom-h the 0, >4. \|Ii\'t'l‘l!St‘l' (lPlllC‘S‘ slink the. responsdnlity l)d(.l\ to tilt. where life may be connected t, up the M. Iv. Beaten. tis said. mam, .i very ltaal'livt ELC‘K-i'I'I, clogr Ith wooden ,.. . ' ,, '. . .. . , . - .. ' ' . ~‘ .- A' - e 1, .. “In.“ WIN" “12min”: u ,,,.L,,,,.,5_i local h hlsldtlllt‘s in case the DOllllll main, the llVlll‘J (Nd. the 1edggtnnp‘: , successful hit at llllll1(.llll;:]lttht “llliLl __ paper. I sls ‘lun‘ ‘ I I - u . .. I - . imiI i " H ‘ ' ' i -; r '- ‘ . i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . I t , v I ' I ‘7. 47 i/ 1 " ‘ Al v \ . 55 I 7‘ I‘ Wm! {M a “,1“. all ,, i,,.,,\.(.on .\lt. , lu'l: pltliis. itt should t,.tll_\ . Ht. 5. y s. cross. ’I he prodigal 1't‘I)l€b€llbthllle .but. is now llllSllV cii,i.i,_t {hrlhlt .l l)! MM“. ,1, ;. ‘ .1, \ were spot t _ “1‘01 ilord MM a Iilllt’l'ill- the. Sun 1.91m]- " 1 here is nothing; to pievent any people's relation. 0,. want of relation l in no small nay by his cstnnaliie llft‘. l'I.lll “1”,,” .............. , , was as bright ash - ‘ . . ,' , . “ “ w. _ .. w ‘ . ‘ ... ,. _ ' , . .'. , ‘ _ ‘ H . ) . ‘ ' mpg tl .- stat. went and sul'S “3“". mm m‘ L ”Dimming 1h.” 5‘11" 0f 1” to Hod. “ (rive me the pOlthll 0f : l’M‘l'Ll- l'“- 1“”; “0' “ 0” ””3 UM kin-iii}: \\ lent ....... “cell. It?“ I. "“ ‘ I I . ,, ' I I n. i w A. - in . - l i r- 7 .‘ ,1 ~ ‘ I . in . 1 I , v ., ' 1 (,‘tllliil' has liiil‘i‘uilf seen the let tci ll]: fOXlt..l.l.>‘lpl tonsiiiiiptnon AS a 1)“ goods that fulleth to me. ’ 'lliey , lioinesteau. A new‘ [)l( kit fentt - is “H“. ____________ ; pictures?’ and a plat which ”H. on“. was pt 1.1 out.’ He i erago \‘t‘llill'll the. Intrus'of the IlJI‘lIlI ”“11“,,” toigetlier, and go on to i being built alIOllllildilG house. which l‘onx... . .4 Mrs- Dart. (11‘) mg her mm “mm ”It, ”1,“: 1,.“ has been re-i lllt-(i if so utsposnu. llie 1110):; ll... sellishnessandl‘tllll- They cut 1110,11,, when oomph-t. dl will be, ornamental llarlt-v ............... the kitchen. 1191‘ tn rims,“ “U, m ,1,._.uigc the fact” lllt't-lplt‘ftlflCll afici passilni: t it p oi -sel\‘t:Sf1‘Olll ”m Stipf-lltfz of (wind, 01’!th \\ ell as usefut. Among the other ””3, __________________ . _ . H her reflnt‘il accent. ant 2.: * :ist-ito \I,-lll show. the who e .lcslionsi- llt‘:l\‘t'll. and of brother man. illllpl‘OVt‘lllt‘lllS already cotiteinpiti.ctl lilllll'l‘ IIIIIIIIIIII fee a“ proclaI ed * 1ibtlity to rest. With the provtnces. In conclusion, top Speaker brieflv l is the eroirtion of a line frame barn l“ r , l“ r ‘1 v a ' l “)6!“er , ,,, r .i. ,‘ ”7 7 fl ' -' . . 'L‘J“ .‘ . t. . A 'l 'zc mm l0)"“‘* 0‘ the 1")“ anal . . . . . l-cfpn-W} to the min-in and work of l With stone staliling underneath. lo Amid“ pm. 1,...“ went. ‘m ’ .. . . . .. firm of I D ! \‘(3ll0lil‘f1t‘li’tl the l‘uinilv Herald ’ ' ' ". ,, . . l . i. . i“ . W I I I I « house and smart drel MIN” NINIIMI‘IHH ”I ' I I II 1 \" ‘l \‘t f ‘1 it 1 l i()iltlf(‘ll0\\'~'lll[) [ii the Lnited mates l has I“ the frame“ or to '1' M‘dlm- [“l-‘JW‘V ~- 1'“1 l-;.,: ~ -- . .. i . ,. .. x . .. ~I‘l}! in}! \’ t :tl‘ 0 .. on "‘u ins ' ‘ " ' ‘_ 7 , . .~ . . . . . :i lulu" a; to. 10v Unit». di ‘ ‘ out 01“ u 1 t x. t‘ . “2- “ tl it’s bir'li-plavc, it is very strong, l but we are not sure woo gOt the 3'1““ li‘ r IIIiIIlI - - upon her the 5C0”) I . ’.. ' . ’I ' 2 ‘ I' ‘iil, '21 l S (l 1 fl "1"“ l' .31.!“ k I I1 I ' ' l .' quI‘. t" I ‘i i . . _ ' . h‘l'l'i" “”‘l H”? m ”I IS mum”: MI I in w Imi l h n i I II II II and in Uana in it has a SLl‘OllLl' f0ot- l stonework. in,” .l...l KI ._ ‘ neighbors- . ‘ - - p- in frO'Yll \‘i‘in . for rep-grunt: :ill pdnscs (if the war ', ' . :l “'l' l’('1 k -"-- , . - , l k effort .o itiiiiiill W’- W“ ,." ‘1 l 'ibl ,“HH ”Hg. 1,“ ”Hi g , tin Those hold. In the province of Ontario “~- 0 <-â€"* 1,11,“...1i;,,,_..,...,.(.,,,'__ , The big nun 0*) 64 n ' .' , t - w-x ; -. " '_‘ ,‘ Ii ’.,'1 - i . -. _- . .1 .' . - . - ,ilns; l‘ll'I'1lllI5IlI)ll ”I (”I 2”“ I IJOI.‘ “l llt‘ ll (i,\. (llf‘ll‘ ll. “I llt "llll ‘( l‘ll) there are nearly {LIUSUllOl‘tllllt’lle lUd- A constlltltlon Hald. illitlvs lit‘l' ll! ........ . . “labial 100k, “11le SI! .. tl - llll‘tI‘ltlt'llOll ol‘ 'UU? ' ‘i‘d. ‘ .' 7" ‘w -" ‘ . . . - , - .‘ ‘~ It'sl'Ilh ..... . . h“ l'l”l”l”',"'" H 1t \ l l ”,th i We, 10 1}“. 13.1mm. 113mm .md Weekly ; giis‘. having ainuinbi-rsliip of neat 13: Three of the n.o.~;t eminent Alnt’ll- ,,.ll‘l‘r‘,}"v“' ‘ r lb emlmrrassmg. for all l "‘_‘ I“. . lilIi I \‘z_‘ t, a ( . . I ‘ . i _ . 7 ‘ _ ._ , ,. . . ‘ it. _ .' ......... it wit ‘> ”H | l ‘0‘ “ , 5 .. " p . __ , , , , . ., . . - let) (-00 Accoi'ilin-r to the lust :innunl i can doctr 1'», in a sci It’s Ol {llllt'lt'b t , \ ,, .1. p mad" the supper. ; 1i, , ii'itili’lll in"! \\'(‘t‘l( “t ()Lfawgp Still llltlni. blllt‘l) ft‘t‘l tllt') are gt’illllgl V "‘ , » , , ‘ H l“ 1’” ”-; ~~~~~~~~ . . I'll, ”1 ‘1 It _ ll \Vilfl‘l l ' lllt‘ll‘ (Lynn-‘3- won]! lll'tl‘y times report (if llle (IlILllld Lodge Of 01%., I Otttllllt‘fll it tonic ll‘tlutlnvlit Cuit‘ulittetl Did-ks iii-r iiitii'... “Laflfi " ll? Bald. iur ‘. ~ ._ . -~i;,~'til1 on. .'n . , - . k - 4 . 7 - - ,,: . , .- .. _. ' 2"” l“ [m “I {II 1 .. his mouth lover liliei'e has been paid for sick benefits. ! to our.- a vast number of diseases. .( nit-Imus pit tun 5 her and leaning m.” i -i I ' i-"‘ 111- tI ' ' w ' "1' \ I ' ' . . : ' ‘ ' ‘ 7 ‘ ' v . ............ v ’ [Hm I” ”l H i l H“ i1‘in( 1 {)6 “v ‘*‘°'Oe-r-â€"â€" lover reflux). for lllf' l‘t‘l‘if‘f ofu’nlons llieir suggestions were Olllllt’btlll‘tl 111 “”"l be saying as ll’AV I h .i r. .. ":l' to 'us i . W t, _ 7 ~. .- .. .. , - - 1~- . ‘ ‘9'” ’1“ l 3"} ,‘ ... ".7 f ,7): FL JSHERT )N. and, orphans over Milan). for buiy- l a let mula which is a lllt‘tlH‘lllO pre-. ~ . 1) ‘tha ~ - .- lv't-flt to t and,“ tlir .H . ioii o tn» .. , : , . . . ‘(li ? . ~ - . .. i cared for It r9. 01 . H “I in ”NR,“ ,: â€". iill,‘.{ deceased brothels OH‘l amid), I litll‘tttl by a llitllillit)“ firm and cut 1‘1 f t tl lul II \ rm; 'l‘l l ' .t.. .i. .. . ..r _ . , ' . , . . . :iie. J â€"- "HUI i II III II ‘ I .2 H V.I ‘ v-‘ IIIi ’I‘hp Tfith alllllVOl'S “'1" 0f the [”19]- llUl‘ S‘Jf'fllill relief llCitl'ly $J000, lIUl lhluflll S llltllzl“ I‘UHEC, It is it l‘t"l|.tl)lt‘;~ com or . .NilIl'.'_Lt"l'. lllt'.t>lll't‘5 ilgtillbt L’klll(tltlilld: - t another, “185, ll lea | l A nit-rifts. l 4.3,. was observed by the. lid-l >‘I ‘ was of . _ . . ‘ d ,h l'llvsliortt‘n :iiitl Markduie, “t” “-"“' ”W“ “'i‘” “I“ a" meeting iteiti in the 1.0. o. F. inn Ilyi‘wl‘ml‘m “H Mim‘h‘v' lhvre. and Milr'lWVHl’tlS :iiurcliintr [O >'I it i Service in the lletnollst «A 'uivino S. t'i‘ ..- iii-v J, >1. llu..iphri~s, who is u {A}. liuV'g lll.(Il|‘I¢‘Iill‘11‘IlllI) the. l. I . . f illl‘flllllt‘l‘ of the 0- tier, was inVitcd to f ., jtiistri-ssrd, bury the dead, 'l‘i ii i.r'/~s in :=ll. vuluml at $5000.- (‘lllll'fl1 on Subl atli morning last. i “"3 orphans, 1”“ ” 5991‘s to 01‘3“”: total of 0‘.'t'.t‘ $30,000. The, Hut Only to visit the sick all drug; store ‘. $1.01; for six \Vct-ks’ niiss on of Uddfellowship is! treatment. relieve the l 7. v . . . . T.it:( . P. i. c: r. ' . l d "‘ educate, r 1 till” in} is Jllll in,, ;a new iron l)l'i'l;:"' over the Pit-tutti :liiver :tt 'lIhm'nliul‘)’. mum" wrr WM 5. 7‘ , bue him with proper ('Olltit‘pllC‘llH‘ of . ~~ the clizii'iictct of man; it seeks to imâ€" and her eyes dilated in her agitation. ”Going to lcute us we've been such gt od what haw Dlt'k 01‘ should go away i a: * . '. . III . llll.‘f\("ll the ltllllth 1‘s;u‘\' 501-1130” and , llla‘ (.‘tlliztbdifiefi for ',’,D') i; it Sr‘UliS l!) 1 :i X -Ii In? ‘OIUIII (IIIII. IIII‘I I {run [' \‘ limit»: new sti'lul from . . ‘ ' _ l . . 7 . _ 7 . . . .. h , .V, 7 chm warned him that " ' ‘ l r . sutvn an lliful'fl IlIl-v and pl‘uO‘lt'ul i “lllli-illt'i’“ “‘5 mind, to enlarge the l I, \ I ‘ t ha d d h i . -,. \i', i. (-l'-u'l.‘. l'lt?-‘ ‘ _ ' -‘ - .. . , , _ . h » .. ; a ,- » ; ii “I A I‘Ii‘l! i tI .‘;| Pb ”19;” . dzst-o'iisc. based on the storv of the ? l'llt’e‘t‘ Ur his “fictid‘r’ll‘; ”1 d “ ON, I .133 a ml .1 to“ 1:11:11 V bPM” ~v :ii» " xi ,._a..i--, 1" «owl-f3- . . . ‘. J- :..-,. -. ,. l .. i,, i. - . 'ut r. I“ H U ”ll I - ‘ . t , l ‘llt l‘t’ inUtl hiiiiial'ltau as recorded lll Ltllit' ,t' H -‘ 'U’fl 15‘01‘4‘ 111“” l0 ['1‘ cu"“'“' l 01'“ (‘l‘lf'lIllI' \ kid. if ,t . . .... , t :j 7-)..jturt. i : ‘. . _ ,_ ._ ‘ ‘. 4 ,. ‘ q - U, :l. in » l A“ l‘ l ‘ it): 33“?” ' =t-ion of the true fraternal tel-a it n I i-.lH-l- \ C “1 labs. you d( H“ ‘\ ‘I'Il‘I' ,1 i Af;9y some preliminary remarks ‘ t‘slglltJtl ID) the {Zl'c’ltb r‘atliilol' Of lilo: nggr‘VflI Iii“ lju‘us‘ II II v - .z ‘- L3 (69,) ‘ IIt‘ V l 'illl'dlt the nature of the serVice, and . bed)" I Dress GOOdS~ hisagitation l > V -\ .1 Â¥ .. .7 I _ ll ‘9’ O‘Il e Sa‘I-‘i lI ' .“ . . ‘ , _ . ‘. . ' â€"â€"â€"~r .7‘ GO. .-<'~â€"â€"â€" _____ ‘1““r > , . u ’ . A l l-l t i llftilll \ ix”, Itlwt {. ttist Lilllllllg any advertising motive. PO“I'I' \TA 4m“ lll‘l- .1“, H ,3 . , _ Ive offended you. .. .. t .: is: isâ€" b. , , . ,, « . - - . , p -. flu? lll llt)\\tl ll 1 i .u L I fancy 1.1%”..4 11., .H.» ‘ wilfully. not agelng . ‘ _l .1 i ‘ ..‘:l . .".| st-ii t l- -l but» u .it stoii st... to sttint - tlt’llSt‘l >‘lld2 I have chosen for my 1tr-xt to-luy. one of the representa- *** EthC‘ lessons of Oddfullowship. viz.. The Spaniards and Americans have i LOW:- 'l he 1) ctprcn prrsent "'1” lJ-‘t: l‘or llll't'i’! yo is i particularli familiar With the rcpre-l w“ t'itsmHS have suffered pin-iii)“: Stfllitliltlll of the man fallen aniongi flit't'it‘lilt‘fi' :l[ llltt‘ lltllltlS of lllt‘ Sll'vtill-i [llltht‘S Let us begin the parable! in.“ {Unfit Stan‘s during this i A lawyer questions Jesus to what he should do to inherit eternal life. me (Hi but no decisive steps; One of the most important depart- wm.“ ”in.” .\ ,uym-ipm excuse was inents of a lawyer’s profession is to m), m h-«iid. The 3mm“. was blown 5 ask questions either to sustain or‘to tip in Havana liui brr: an in vrsliga- é COllll'a‘lICt evidence. The 18'\v376r$ in l l . . . . . tnc speaker lll part tfor we must mmIl a blow tliit: will open .\n1cl'icun eyes i l Hilly gone to war. atrds , 1i rind t‘lllllltt‘il the right to pt'OleCt, uns. l l chased Lot 1 Con. l Arteiiiesia, inerly known as the Welsh farm, and: is busily engaged putting in a crop thereon. l enough to keep him from going fur- ther West, side-track you Frank, have to sit on the fence and see them go by. Mr. John F. Sullivan recently pur- ,1 fOl‘- Chaliius~ in «lurk cui . UUR PlilN’lIF .llfl’. TERI) l‘IAS'l‘ (‘I ll.‘ t. ‘ Y)‘DI.llll‘tIi|l41‘”~l}l|§l"t‘ . I; :‘tl l. it‘ll“ "No, lass, you ain't couldn't if you tried must tell it. The here I loved you. in! to it is, and I can't youeee I can't? H. trembled with passio .\’ lilou lit: 1' Ariliie Frat .. Beta troubled oi: and on with point Miscellaneous. .. . , [V1 0. r. [it IL IO . l I N .I .. ,gIII ; in mygbaek caused by pinstl atlon. I . - ._, -........_- . lin'tl'III” ho“ l He 1“ ‘1: US[ v 3 (30' net 1““ attraction, tried several kinds of pllll 1 ad seen Large white (',,-.,m,.,.[,;“,..._ 1; “i \e. hungered ft advertised and to put the truth in a. hut- Slfif) for $l t“. Large Wlllit- all linen Il:ill‘lt" " Worth $.35 tiir S‘l i" , 1 Table 0“. (‘LU'l‘llf lll \\l_llI-‘ .' 'w - ore. 4:3 ins. \\ltlt‘_ :dt‘. ‘ MOHIS 1 Ul’ .‘lllli'lIS it ill L" shell. Dr. Chase's Kidne -Liver Pills are the only Pills that ave proved effectual in my case. JOHN DEVLIN. Unlonvillc, Ont. Do not let the Captain 31' you may Your face com workâ€"your {nCA‘ is v for I love you." Maddened by his g1 Icruples to the winds to his bml. “ith a‘ U.“ {Uiiowttl showing that the ex~§t11025tll verse, subjected Jesus to an Mr. John McKiniion, wholias been! D" ChasesK.~L.Ptlls are :12?! ‘ ‘ , ‘ . , ‘ V,” “My. 2?“ her; she tore 1 pl stun was PXltll'llitl ; Spain was ac- ? examination. Christ directed him to l ill nearly all spring. -is able to Le; “9‘3““ "1 “1° “'0’“ ““3 ° 1" ”Efi’c‘f‘lx'”bulc-i-“IHL-‘l.ln‘:j\tl ' 0°51 immune in {i v - . . . I A '-‘) ' (r. . 3“" he . ciiso-l f insulting the Jungle. and the 3 (Not? the law on the question which : out and enjoy the sunshine once more.l stipatlou, Stomach Troubles, Back B l 1'. .2, 1,; ~ i'l- 3 OER???" 80m“ stivt-i-iiiiii-tit was rushed into var. l he did. and summed it; up briefly in l His recuperation was slow. by reasonl P8138. Rheumatism. and all 131006 0‘“; IIIlI ““I ‘ 3"“ 1’“ II‘il'f. filled (“tuna ‘3“: 3' r r . .. 7, , .7 . 7 . u . ' J (7“; - ' .' ‘ _. ‘ ,1.“ American tieet. left hey \Vcst. l the fOKlfilNlll‘: Words: Love God i of age. He is said to be 80 years of! Disorders or Impurities. ’ a "l“ (I. rob“ If‘ )1 '1' , . .n The pair Stood 130:; Ft 1., i,“ on “may incit‘iiing last ‘ and yourneighbor. Christ command- I age. and was attended by Dr. Jamie-l ONE PILL A DOSE. “I.““IV (V'l’l‘ll "j“ j ‘1; . h, 13¢ With a hmkenh an \‘ll div liulit. Shortly they sight- ; ed the ans-aver and told him to put ! son, his family physician. I 25 CENTS A BOX film If"- Cut 8‘13.“ l'“-” 1’ IO! turned away am, 9,: a smmich lunilier vessel. captured , his kllOWl-wlge lntO actions, his tlle- \[1‘ J Malier C011] leted a tea- l 'I o . 'Hnlo" tll malt-ii, ‘llll'. a (Na 1 “roam . _ . _ . . _ a . . . J . [l .n I) l “,h. ll _. n‘ (. v ‘1 .. , , H ‘t hm in ,. “Him.“ m“- res stance be]ngl0l'_v into practice, his words into. ur pg- , l . , t J D- . M] _ ipsata Plltvt- " “ , . ‘put 5 the, . . ' - . l 1‘ (1 l 1 id } _ Ip cranng dnot iet one a . atcy s S“ aUA Clil'l (i\‘ 1,pr ..-, .15,“ 1,, st for their da ' offs-rel, and towed her to lxcy “ est. it set a an 16 S 101‘ her: live the1 sale. He has leased A. J. Neil's farm i . .. . . .. . -~ . ‘ I spiritual, the heavenly, the Godlike. a the eternal life. The lawyer, how-i =ever, suggested another question: Who is my neighbor? and Jesus gproved to him tliat the Partliian. the ;;\Jevle, the Elamite, the Samaritan f may be one’s best and truest neigh- ‘ibor, and represented this by the Story of the good Samaritan. tain man. whom I think was a Jew. a»: )fi Pics‘r‘teut \lt-liinli‘y himself, had in lirti‘ll aliowt-d to exercise his better judgment. might have aVerted blood- snwd by havinz ivooiirse to further tliiiloinacv. but the nation criel out to i'ctaliu:ioii and the President it swms had to submit to the will of tin. twat-lo. The Ame‘icans are and is rushing in some crop e’er he begins his season's framin'r. town lowlands will he wont to sing " "l‘was 'l‘eu O’clock one Moonlight _Night.” c. led, will he be able to scale the new . "Wile Midst Rule 944. ill a cause of ”add a. ipicket fence erected on the 4th ? . " BEAN co. Blushine Johnnie of the Scotch- ldvellisamtnlitrflefi'ilti . unsmm m my (mm 0,. funny Stock Agents! 'rincniton occur or .iUsTici 300k Agents l hould the gate be lock- 1 gaiust ix‘atid et al, the Creditors ofTHUMA h I no unlit. filled Peu for idle ta 3": he had resolve t 1““ Chum out “lobe ' . atofmtorltppea“tutti a i nit oti the tin-Sen: w‘ur question, the adoption of measures instructing tlt- president to make a declaration of war being far from unanimous in; the Senate and in the House. | The British government. nowbeitg'l by the wayside. 0.. friendly relations with the United i to make here, said the Speaker, is 5: UPS and Spain. warns the Canadian l this. pawl? to preserve a strict neutrality splendid opportunity for helping a in relation to the two belligerent l po .r fellow who is down, and who (‘0 ntries. of the Spanish Cot sul in Canada was - itig purely undeinonstrative. In St.-.tes and Spain. have an immense advantage in beiu, so near the base of Operations, base of supplies. only about six hours’ run front hey â€".Wcot, while the Spaniards are over 3000 miles from Cuba. ity proclamations of the difierent European powers, and the orders to i not; I i because Jesus made the Samaritan ;to help him. was tiavelling a vervlJOhuIs Church, ldaugez'ous road called the “red way’n l the dead was held, e’er his interment! because of the many bloody massa- lm East Gienelz cemeterv. icres, was attacked by highwaymcn, i wounded and robbed. and left to die * at: at The point I want Here in this needy case is a In view of this. the visit l will embrace the opportunity for do- good . By chance, came down that w-iy. a chance Op- parish priest. officiating. It: * * portunity for doing good. The priest McGrath and Miss Effie McPheo stood l the conflict between the Uiiited,h"d.n° “Wagefm'” that “MY- WaS by.them during the ceremony. A the Americans' pernaps gomg name from Jerusalem, qmet wedding took place at the resi~ " l where he may have been performing dance of the bride’s parents, Where l his 'emplt’ service. . the immediate relatives of the con- A peculiar coincidence happened. tracting parties pat-took of a bounti- A man had been robbed and lay dying ful repast. The weather being un- by the wayside. Would the priest pleasant, a contemplated drive to take this opportunity for doing good. Durham was postponed. Congratu- or lose it? God transforms chance lotions. I coincidences into golden opportuni- Who ca . . _ ya there are not a to . ties for darn; good. They come grmive people gt Pomona ll: 1;: and The distance is The neutral A cer- _ t at)“ late in 'r ~ ~. . ' .aemSl «.01 ushet The remains of the late John Ryan iii the .ozuitfi of IItIriréIgIIitiiiIiinzi T‘flfi‘ffiiigg gflclllllll’al 'mplemem A08 7, his chd'fibeel, Who . of Irish Lake w. re brought to Sig, l 0n 9r about the 5th day of April 'A, l). 1339 Qr any one desiring: tu_ by?" “ "'iilruzi‘, with h where service for 1 anti also the creditors of WILLIAM (ii’tUU t-‘llinn and increase their tinY ' i. .. h“ .1“de t Ough .‘late ofthe said Tt)‘.\'ll"lllp of Norinanbv i.. write u-"- 'l 11“ 59"”1‘” f‘." j ' * in.â€" M of ’ eter ”88! the County of Grey, Farmer, Wllodied'oIn or Nursery Stock is m, mp lllt'i'i'fthnuiV “at dbl] Outing A largelabout the 15th day Of Way. A. D. 1894, are need inoremcn. 'lt you “4W ‘ ‘ M “it “trying 1 number of friends attended the funer- on or before the paying work, write mu m It the end al, to play the last tribute of respect , 27th day Of May A.[) '898 We furnish all supplit-s ft». .q d" WI'Wgtlg-n 4"" t0 the 9 'al‘ . , ’ . ' ' \ . N. lI‘ ‘lIiL’I‘I 4‘ ‘ en . a .II ted . {to “e"dJW Dost grepaid to G. LEFROY We gave'the largest ‘1 bi ‘ when. hung Wedding bells chimed early last I McCA‘LL, ofthe own of Durham in nu Ominion. .. , 'caiofl W Chou“ 0‘ I weak, the 90th ins-13.. when ,‘lisst?j‘lld. L9""‘¥"€ Ur‘ey._tlie Solicitor for up ‘Ve pay both salary and (IO'IILiiIdnie c [0'18 .1: k th Minnie. eldest daughter of Mr. and ! Maggi; diidIdesICi'iIiitIfIiIiliI :lIIdf biprnai‘nes, we engage either “‘11016 0‘ l“‘“ “ u'.‘h'°hh um“, ‘ - - ° 0 . ie - , . llrs..\l. McGrath, Pomona, and Mr,llars oftheir claims, or liens, oi'I mill-£25: men. ‘ 1’ 'I “N etch Archie McPhee were united in mar. i (either special or 0therwise)a statement 0} We guarantee all our Stout. ,. .r'it' 'N by u. a priest riage. the Rev. Father Huuck, theirlilliiitigi‘ill‘;Ԥ3,£§$ the tnhiiture of_the the We furnish purchasers with .. ”0;, “I . - . -' 8m ' - ‘ -- ,tllh‘i". M" John i said hstates or either of them: oIiiIiiiIItIlIeIfaIulLt Cate from GOI e1 nmcn min >al‘ thereoftliey will be peremfmriiy excluded stating our Stock is fret' i. from the benefit of the sari Order for Ad- Jose Scale. ministration. 7m act?“ . - . . OUR N nssm 8 rise over fiery creditor holding any security is to “(j izrowifig-csmpk in law“ pr hIIIIII‘ the same before me at '“V (tliamhers enables us to sell at the clmc III I a Court House M the Town of Owen figure. . 331) D bound on‘ me Hen Succeed with a. who have Failed wzth 0‘3.” - It will cost you nothing to lea" at 10:1” o’clock in the foreman. being the we can do for you. ‘ "4W5 élI'iIifruappommi for adjudication on the Don‘t write unless you mean t and want profitable em ployxnfm 9““ this 27th day of April, A. n. 1898. . ton DUNCAN MORRISON, Stone We} II 09 L ' ' . “we: at Owen Sound ' Tonoxro. . â€"

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