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Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 May 1898, p. 13

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m _________ MONEY TO LOAN at- :3 811.1553; in. A GOOD ROUGH C AST HOUSE. ? terest on your own terms of repayment. rvo room, on Garth“; St. Huf INSHRANCE promptly attended! to. am gawk 083:1 “bm‘wmitm‘: ISSUER. of Earrings Linceses. fut!» "gag-“gm:- sum ww.‘ 03mm; WAREROOMS, coals. at, “:30. h‘filfan ten of hnd,m:um:gz j LOWER 'rowx. wwmaӣ"~ w W. CALDER, “In. -â€" ---- ) Storey,nn Lambton Streak a. short ~tanco east of Dr. Jamieson's ; almost new, [00d stable. hard and soft water. Rent Womble. Apply to M$_AM’L_ pRCHARD, sa. h.._L-_ tn-_ ‘1 Kunghcast cottage containing six 201‘va good cellar. hard and soft water Stabie. orchard and garden plotâ€"half an gem inall. Rent low. Elermn AT THIS OFFICE. Durham, May 2nd. tf 1935. AIS!) ht X0: 60, '66:!” 2‘: Township of Bentmck, 1(1) acres Town plot, Durham. Mortgages. taken for part money. Apply w Oct. 2nd. -'.â€"--vâ€"--vv.“ JVV C.\JIUG‘ one ofmthe' be“ farms in the township. “'ellfcmced. well Watered, couvement to Church and School. 2% mrles from Durham. 5 Q) acres. cleared, '20 acre: hardwood bush, '1 acres fall wheat, :3 frame dwelling houses, tame barn and stable-s, and young orchard. Immediate lms:-e~.~'i0n will be given. Free from all incumbrance. Will he sold uneasy terms of payment. For full par- ‘iculars apply on the peemi‘es to L. RUHS( )N. Aberdeen 1’. O. ARM FOR SALE. BEING LOTS 8 CON ‘21 EGREMON’I‘, AND 3 ON 330neession 4, S. D. R. Glenelg. Lot 8 consists of 100 arres, 90 acres cleared, well watered well fenced. free from stone, 80 ' ere: fit to run machinery over. Good large 332k house, bank barn, .sn.al_l orchard. eun- mlent to sclmul. 7 nules from Durham. -- 3 Glenelg consists nf 54 acres, 30 cleared ant-e hardwnod hush. Clear title. Will §suld on easy terms. For further particu- «H's apply on the wemises to JOIIX WHIT- umm, DURHAM, I’. 0. * Apr. 91h. '98 7m. Durham. Mar. 30th [N the Town of Durham, County of Urey. mcluuing a valuable water may, brick dwelling and many elegible .uldmg lots will be sold in one or more 3‘. Agsn lat N0. 60, mm, 2. \V. G. Ii owushnp oLBentinck, 1(1) acres, adjoining nlI'|\ 1".“ ....L---_. LOAN AND INSURANCE AGENT. CUNVEYANCER. COMMISSIONER in II. C. J. Collections promptly attended to. LOANS and Insurance effected without de- lay. Lompanymul anate Funds to Loan It 5, 55 and 6 per ceut._ 1n sums and upon C ‘ _ terms to; suit borrowers. A General Financial Business Transacted. OFFICE-l door North of S. Scott’s Store. prices. among them: The ” Teasdale " Farmâ€" Lot 30, Con. '2, W. G.R., Bentinck. 100 acres. The“llall” Farmâ€"lst and 2nd Divisions Lot 1, W.(}.R.. Bentinck, 100 acres. Lots 2 and 3.. Con 13, Ulez‘lelg, 2(JOacres. March 5th. PROPERTIES of all kinds sold or exchanged. NOTES and ACCOUNTS collected on commis- 810". DEEDS, MORTGAGES and other writings carefully prepared. ALL BUSINESS promptly attended tolin the quietest and most confidential manner. the Hanover Canveyancer, afers for sale 1(1) farms, and other proper- ties for sale or exchange _at rock bottom CHOOSE A CANDIDATE if Merit Wins Success. WW A Ennsenvative Convention Mar. 95th. 2m or Sale or To Rent, {IGK HOUSE â€"ON '7' L4 A HALF W. L. MaCKENZIE, N _S.-\DDDER STREET EAST He is Lending Money. 0 5 per cent., easy terms, costs light. EING LOT NO. 47. CONCESSION 52.1w. 3;. R. _BEN'1‘1_.\'CK. 100 acres, . H. MILLER, BHB EDGE PROPERTY. ELL BRED DURHAM BULL, Lot56 Can. _2 Glenelg; but it is already decided that For Service CARDS. For Sale will be calf‘ed to . H. MlLLER JAMES ATKINSON Du: ham Ont address Luck Box 28. Hanover JAMES EDGE. Edge Hill, P. C‘, Part purchase ‘â€"â€"v“-- films in stock and. the best makes of ORGA\S and PIANOS. Inolvdiug Binders, Mowers. Drills, lakes; Spr'ng Tout}: hu‘rows, (to. 'I'hewaz'e the bent machines pm can buy and me made by a reliable Firm. WAGONS.~A car load of Adam’s Wagons arrive this week. For an easy running, we]! finished Wagon nuthing can excel the:e waxutxs. BUGGIES.â€"-I carry full lines at the T tzdlmpe and MuLaumziiu Buggies, Denmcrats, Carts Szc Them are bought. in large« munities, freight saved. and can be SL311 cheap. IF you are in need of a Plow. Harrow, Gang Pluw or anvthiug else in this line he mm and can. The BAX Pg! ON D SEWING MACHINE MY Varerooms are fully stocked Wizh all kinds of massgy - HARRIS IMPLEMENTS CENTRAL ‘ MICHIGAN FAR M 5 Many CanadiansafteflookmgMommym, have settled in Central Michigan. where they have bought first- class farming lands at $5 to $30 per acre. on long time and easy payments. Do you “'ant to own a home V You can sure} do is. We offer you 10.000 acres to choose rom. Come and look lands over, We assure satisfaction Full panic. ulars mailed free. Write S. B. B0]! LAND. Manager Laud Dept , Wells, Stone 00., Saginaw, Mich. that any permn or persons found fishâ€" ing, hunting or otmrwise trespausing on Lnt No. 3. con, 1. N. I). R., (ilenelg, with- out my consent will be prosecuted according t0;Law. JOHN \V. IRWIN, Tenant. Durham, April llth, 1808. 4 F1 (3110111119 J. C. “11185 strain $1.00 for 15 eggs. A11, 1} II. 11A.\l,llol:stei11. \1111011 “10111.2:11 26 OR 30 RECRUI'I‘S \VANTED P fm No. 4 (30.01 the fist 1’ attalizm. \pplications to be made to the U11dor~igi1ed 011 01 betore \lav 13th. A. D. GALBRAI'I‘H, MCINTYRE’S BLOCK. For Sale by McFarlane MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, MANTLES, Etc. MARBLE and GRANITE WORKS. No case so slight you can afford to neglect. No case so deep-seated that Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhal Powder will not relieve instantly and cure perma- nently. It has made marvelous cures, and enjoys the esteem and high en- dorsation of the medical profession. Woodville. Ont, Feb. 23rd, 1897. It ives us great‘pleasure to testify to the exec ent effects 0 Dr. Chdse’s Catarrh Cure. It has completely cured me of caâ€" tarrhiu the head. I praise it as an upâ€"toâ€" date cure. JAS. STUART. Harness Maker. ON Vx'ednesday last the steel steamer. Andrew Carnegie entered Owen Sound harbor from Chicago having on board the largest cargo of corn that ever entered the harbor. The load contained 230,000 bushels being the largest load that ever left Chicago by 4,000 bushels. The next largest load of 226,000 bushels was taken from Chicago to Bufialo on the steamer Empire City. Through exposure I contracted that dread dis- easeâ€"Catarrh. My case became chronicâ€"~in 10 minutes after first application I had relief, and in a short wlfile I was completely cured. W. LAVELLE, G.T.R. Brakcman,Annondale. Ont. 3‘ W turned, and is now in the Clerk’s ofice for inspection. --â€"~v-___- Dur:,lam April 28th. 1808. _._-â€"‘._ )GG FOR HATGHING. -. But! NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Recruits Wanted. Furnished on the Shurtest Notice and at Lowest Prices, Quality Considered. An Unto-Date Catarrh Cure. \VM. MCCALMON, £48 £1 SUMMER D URI-1AM Agent Lieutenaint. v“--, I'll“ an a ! 'number of the members of the coun- ’ cil favor the scheme, it is probable a; strip will be laid down this summer. 1 {To keep abreast of the times, soma- ,thing more permanent than the oldi Ftimo plank walks is an absolute noses- }sity‘ Once introduced, the work} Will he continued by dogmas; â€"â€"C. McArthurffipbef Town, is paying 90. per doz. for eggs, and the highest price for butter. Report of S. S. No. 9, Egremont.-â€" Sr. IV- Annie Black. Bella Allan. Jr. I\'â€"-- Bella McLaugiilan, Ethel Eden. Sr. IIIâ€"Herbert McLean, Bella Grier- son. Sr. IIâ€"Tillie Pollock, Edith Allan, Minnie Orchard. Janet Marsh- all. Katie Allan, Katie Black, Elda McLauglilan. Jr. Hâ€"Lizzie Griel‘son, Sarah Tucker. Part ilu'l'hos. Allan. Tillie Grierson, Aggie Marshall. Ma- bel Pollock, Mabel Mead. Nellie Al- lan. W. L. DIXOX, Teacher. Report of b S. No. 11, Bentinck, for April.â€"â€"Sr. IVâ€"Laura Hutton, Lizzie Campbell, Chas. Dunsmoor. Jr. IVâ€"Winnie Hopkins, Tis Hop- kins, Annie Petty. Sr. IIIâ€"Maggie Alexander, Wellington Hutton, Al- bert Noble, Bertha Morton. Sr. 11-â€" Lily Hopkins, Alice Lawrence, Dan Dunsmoor, George Hucton. Sr. Pt. II --'l‘hos. Morton, Senath Noble. Bella Petty, Douglas Mountain. Jr. Pt. II â€"â€"Bert}ia Downs, Selina Hopkins, Della Vollet, Maggie Petty. Sr. 1-â€" Jeau Milligan, Bertie Cuff, Alice Donaelly. Jr. I»~â€".lolm Picker), Earl \‘uller, Albert Webber. E. PATTER- SON, Teacher. I Honor Roll of Durham School for April.â€"â€"Sr. V~-Harry Kress. Maggie laldwell, Allie McIntyre, Alma [Hughes and May HOpkins aeq., Lexie 'Anderson. Jr. V.â€"Bert Mockler, \Valter Willis, Iva Hyndman, Nellie Sibley, Joseph Moore. Sr. lVâ€"Annie lLawrence, Cassie McDonald, Peter [Ramage, Wesley Hunt, Mary Marsh- ' all. Jr. IVâ€"Otto Knapp, Mabel Cam- eron, Wm. Brown,Shirley McIntyre, Jessie Laidlaw. Sr. III-Grace Bar- clay, SusieéMcClocklin, Vina Kress, Edith Grant, Mary Vollet. Jr. [IIâ€"- Lena Nester, Mary McKay, Mary Sharpe, Mamie McKay, Esdon Wolfe. Sr. 11â€"Annie McKay, Minnie Camer- on. Harry Vollet. John Lloyd, How- ard McDonald and Maggie MoFarlane aeq. Jr. IIâ€"Alice Ramage, Stella Jack, John McDonald, Karl Cliff. Frank Becker. Sr. Pt. IIâ€"Rita Irwin, Hazel Caldwell, Carman Aljoe, Harry Lavelle, Myrtle McDonald. Jr. Pt. II A-â€"â€"Arcln Davidson, Allan Robert- son, Eva Ferguson. Carl Brown. Fr’d Smith and George Lloyd aeq. Jr. Pt. II Belslay Campbell and Marion Gun aeq , Kate hester, Russell Currie, Bertie Caldwell, Charles Ramage. . Sr. I-Jemima Saunders, Effie Hunter, 1 Willie Campbell, Percy Daniel, Flora. McKinnon. Jnter’d~1rene Leavens, 1 Eva Bur-net. Jr. Aâ€" Ella Kinnee,1 Hazel Guthrie. Jr. Bâ€"Foster Saun- ders, Sadie Kress. In additicn to others we’ll give one of Sam’s old ones. He says that when he first settled in Glenelg about fifty years ago he washed his sheep in the Sangeen and was aston- ished three days after when he shear~ ed them to find two patent pailfulls of Speckled trout entangled in the wool of two of them. This is one of his modest stories, but in dealing with an incredulous, unbelieving public it is not well to start out with a statement that would hear on the face of it slightest appearance of an untruth. In those days, fishing in the Saugeen was fairly good. A number of citizens; AL â€"21‘ PRINCIPAL Allan, our great piscator- ial artist and famous Nimrod, caught ten trout on Monday morning before going to school. One of them tipped the scale at 1 lb. 12 oz. His two boys were with him and caught one each making a dozen in all. Jake Kress and John KeEly had a. heavy basket. each, but looked on their return as if they’d been in deep water after them. While Joe Burnett was fishing on Monday, all alone, he pulled a big fellow out. of the Saugeen about six feet long, and did it all “himself.” Jack Robinson stopped short when he caught forty-nine because the other fellow had just landed his fifty- first. The “old boys” won’t break the law. Mayor Calder says he caught a. nice basket full. but neither weighed nor counted them. The boys might get off easier during the season if they’d watch the mayor. Dentist Holt “ extracted ” a. lot 'of nice trout, but couldn’t boast of any monsters. D. B. McFarlane’a big fish was a pound and a. quarter. ‘ Charlie Leavens reports a. good catch; didn’t say how many. SCHOOL REPORTS. ‘H 09. Their Money Order in the Quick-1 est, Safest and Cheapo” we; cg rgmit mono}. Thursday the 26th day of May, 1898, at 7:30 o’clock p. m. Dated at Durham this 3rd day of May, 18%. GEO. RUSSELL, CLERK. NOTICE IS HEREBY" GIVEN. THAT THE FIRST ITTING OF the COURT OF mavxsum ' r the Town of Durham fur the year 1 _ will be held in the Town Hall, Durham. on COURT 0f REVISION MR. '1‘. Stewart, of Welbeck, wishes us to contradict. a report in Dornoch cor. to Review. He says he is not. able to put on his own clothel, let alone taking a situation on the C. P. R. boats. TE Canonâ€"cw for the belance or the year to new subscribers for 50¢. Spot cast in advance. This is the chance of your life time. ,Subecibe DOW. Every One Guaranteed. TOWN OF DURHAM W. A. MacFAHLANE. You nice glimmers for .3 and Gig. All Paper purchased from us Trimm- Ready=Made And Selrct' rom our choi. .- 3 ed BtOCk What Will be 5mm} Pattern and Price. Km» 11. room. Library, Parlor am: 1! U Pars 0f every quality. ‘s't mu DRUG STORE) LOWER TOWN, - I ‘n' When you have reckunmi the N0. of Rolls come to :E’GBS 0: 15X16 10' :2 2 1", 2.)} a ,15x17 12 2; g If. .32 Deduct 5 roll of paper {or mach or- dinary door or window extra. Table Bhowing Size Of Room Amount of Paper Regan“ 3. L. GRANT, Bash Stare. loin: Townx We have opened up «‘1 nge Assoxtment of In (1133’ Sailor Huts. T119." are beauties. Call and see them. our Bay’S 33.2%.? zm? Ready Sellers, and 1m Wonder, The Price does it! We have SHIN just the thing for tiw hays from $31-50 up, \Vhéie «my Men’s Suits at :;;,')..',:’p, L'zm- ”Gt be beaten. ROOM. 14x18 14x16 13x15 Size of 12x13 11x12 10x12 ed FREE OF L; 9x12 8x10 6‘ H 6‘ H 6‘ u H 6‘ ‘6 (X 9 £€ H ‘0 H ‘6 H 6C ‘6 ‘l 0‘ H RHAM. assort- V0 Rev. Mr. Burns. ed two excclh nc Baptist chprch on MoGregor had aha: Bantinck and (*3 leu UR. Strait}: Tent (20., was Saturday Inst J. A. Hunter, Hunter and \‘ AT ‘ meetinéi}? FROST 8L “'UUD I any time and see t before you think 0! Set up all ready I Livingston’l 8110! Town. playable condition. think are wisely ho in; of temporary Lope erathe summe see both sides of with annolithic wa 'Inl: sidewalks of the town too. ., FREVCH g Parker 3 ‘ D -Twsmv at 31.00 9" M58888. H6 0 operate th Inderstand [3.1” at the Tali: brick work new jewellery More and presents a hat: the brick fronts on We hope soon to 59 ments on the same Is your Baas are See G r: LOCAL I 1m Parker St a! ml. :2; lbs Inting ll. NO 8T0 au't . ureJ rm

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