h‘ockaue at outwitted I tendons ar mew Mm t sibie she did. but until evidence comes of he Manila it would not be on her destination. '1 {g mum’s birthday,†is :i rommon Sny- iii; and so a goodly immhm‘ think. A \‘0:)' happy event of this kind took plum. in the pretty parlor of Mr. li'ï¬lmrd Jack on 'l‘ttesdnyat ‘3 p 111.. when hs Second (Hi.ll;.;ltlel’, Miss .1 11M. was united to Mr. Alex H :thvrford, of 'l‘m-onto. 'lev. J. l.“c2-,;:isou made the twain one and “his in the hampiwst mood. The l..;i_le is 01.0. of Zion's truest and ('erc'l‘CSl girls and is an artist in Lucy wutk and skilled with thi- l-‘tJ-lle. She looked :thonnie hride in h. 1' '~\'t'tl‘.lillg attire. Mr. Rutherford is one of Toronto’s twister house L'isi'prmtisrs and is :t limp fellow. 'l‘hiï¬ whale neighborhood unites in wish- in;r them a. life of pl'os;.iet'ity and t: 19‘» happiness. 'i‘he) l)Nf.1lIl)Ol'llOOd has receiveda li't‘l'illlt'. shock in the sudden death of Mr. A. Goodiellowof the mill and a happy home is left bereaved. . He tunic ill on Sunday, May 81h. and Dr. E45» was summoned. who did every t..ng that. medical skill could do. "i‘vns a btd case of appendicitis. I’m. Jamison, Park and he hulda cmnsultation and decided to perform an Opt-ration, which was done on Fluid) morning last. but it was of no avail. He gradually grew weak- er and pas ed quietly away on Satur- day night at. 11 p. m. Beforo his dc-ath, be settled his earthly affairs and expressed his willingness to go Deceased came to Travel-start three a nd a halt yeâ€: are and during his May here has built. up t splendid tmdo and bayou the regpect. and Mm: to make earth at 1 pm fact Elysium. Miss Kate Stewart, spout Sunlay with her John McNally. Mr. James McNaHy, with his I‘lnurteftn of h haw put in 1.30 acres 0| and ï¬nished early. The Bruce Herald in its last issue gin-s an articie in which it still shows faith in the. possibility of yet getting 11m Huron and Ontario Electric In spite of the vigilance of Samp- son and Schley, the Spanish Admiral. (.‘ereva, has got into Santiago de Calm and the blockade Of Culm is no Wonk: (l8 at all. Cereva completely outwittetl the Americans, and his in- tentions are, when Sampson sails LO lliet‘l him to sail round to the otlwr siz‘u» of the Island and roach Havana safely, or to vrush the small fleet of Schloy. The Spaniards on this oc- casion have), by strategy, won a march on the Americans. haw put in Int) acres or spring crop and ï¬nished early. '.l‘2.e “ boys†turned 18 acres 0f new ground ovorat Will Ee"\.\':u'd’5 1 1.)“ im: boo last. Thursday. but, then, they say it was like plowing in a The Spanish American war is get- ting awfully tame, Conflicting and contradictory reports are still in order It doesn’t seem as though much blood is to be shed. The ex- er. still goes on and the national debt of both countries will be enormously increased through, what many level headed and fair minded American people regard as a foolish indiscretion. pense, howev news WON! «curiosity 5 Though A given an ex he shows keeping out ish fleet. applwniug m green, tunes OI loreSIS robed in darkening foliage, all com- Line: to make earth at this season a pm fact Elysium. Miss Kate Stewart, of Dor'noch, Spent Stmlay with her sister, Mrs. John Mcxally. c ntidence of the public. It; religion he bdougod to the Society of Breth- Four American vessels \ shaken on Sunday last supposed to be an earth; DURHAM, May 26th,1898. A man who has [read all the war ws wouldn’t be quite as much of a flashy as one who believes it all. THE CHRONICLE. inlmy air, odor-mm with mingled fumes. lines of fruit trees shroud- iu Spotless white 01' docked in lvst pink, great Strutches of fields «In-Hing in green, mules of forests ed in darkening foliage, all com- .u to make earth at this season a ,I i‘is lucky to be) wedded on the. xz’s birthday,†is a common Say- ud so a goodly number think. TRAVERSTON. 1 Admiral Sampson hasn’t exhibition of his strength, 5 considerable wisdom in .ut of the way of the Span- .IcNaHy, of the 9th :‘tetto of huStling sons .30 acres of spring crop .7†of}. Q a.-:sels lying about West were bndiy last by what. is .arthquake. A doubly sad occurence took place in the family of Mr. 'I‘hos. Ferguson last week. Mr. Ferguson succumbed to the poisnous bite of a vicious pig on \Vednesday and on Friday his re- mains were laid to rest in Amos Cem- etery being followed by a very large concourse of sorrowing iriends and relatives as he was widely known and highly estemmed. As an evi- dence of hisp0pularity his first so- licization of public sullrage last winter placed him at the head of the poll as councilman. He was a Pres- byterian in religion and conseq' em 13’ Rev. Mr. Campbell preached the funeral sermon and conducted the services at the graveside. Mr. John The Rev. Mr. Clark will preach in the School on Sunday night. He more than a decade ago resided in O1cl1a1dville and held weekly meet- ings in the School. We will all be pleased to renew his acquaintance ONCE 111018. Mr. Will Sirrs commenced last Friday to draw cream to the Holstein factory. His route is a hilly one be ing in the new survey, tut there is lots of jelly girls along: it which will help to keep up his good cheer. Figargusor, son of the deceased, who shortly after his marriage in March last went to Manitoba, was sent for and arriVed on Saturday night only to tind his wife at deaths door. she hav- ing been taken ill with inflammation only a few hours before. She passed away on Sunday morning and on Monday afternoon her remains fol- lowed those so shortly gone bv fore. The family have the sympathy of the whole community in their doubly sad bertmveinent. Although he lived for a time in this part and was well liked, no per- son knew until your Buncssnn man mentioned it last week that Wm. Seatou was a light. among; the Grits, and. st range too. for everybody knows well that the other Satan. whom 'Ww hope is in no way connected with \\'iu., is their guiding: star. “'0 expected to have something genuine in the line of a ï¬sh story for this week. A party from Durham. amongst whom was a legal light to see that. everything was right... came out to Commissioner .las. Ailan’s ,to fish in his beavermeadow, but the boy who directed them forgot about. a small pool near the door and direct- ed them to the second body of water they came to, consepieully the ï¬sh. ermen pulled up at a black ash swail. an-l patiently dragged it hack and forth from end to end. The frogs. whicn on most occasions would have given the alarm, remained quiet and enjoyed the joke. The neighbors who witnessed their frantic movements- prO'luced by liquid refreshments- thought someone had fallen in and a search party was dragging for them, but when the ï¬shers discovered the pond had neither inlet nor outlet they struck for the barn and told the stable boy it was his mistake and "his treat,†bu: as farmers generally don’t keep that kind of remedy for mistakes they had to return with an empty basket and we're minus a ï¬sh yarn. Mr. Joe. Lennox was in Markdale last week and was invited back again to a wedding but business prevented him from going. There nu-rived this morning from ilavnilmn six dozen bottles of that Culelu‘atml medicine, Sloan’s Indian 'l‘uniu. This is not a patent medicine but a reliable renmdv prwsarihcd by three eminent doctors and dispensed by achemisr. Purifies the blood, builds up the svstmn, strengthens the nerves and regulates the bowels. Price 31 00, two-hundred doses. Get. a. bottle while it lasts. For sale by all druggists. Mrs. Jas. Tucker who has been at the bedside of her sister Mrs. J. Grasby returned home on Sunday night much indisposed. \Ve lmpe she may soon recover. The Rev. Mr. Loghrin, of Conn, preached in the School House on Sunday night. He but recently start- ed in the good work and is succeed- ing nicely. \V. H. Hutchins, ex M P. for North Middlesex, died at his hame in Parkhill on Thursday last after an illness of 18 months. HQ was a Con- serva'ï¬ve, and was defeated by. V. Rats, Liberal, in 1896. ren; in politics he was a broadmind- ed Conservative. and in home life he was a kind indulgent father anda loving husband. He was very popu- lar in social life, being genial and intellectual. His father, brother and sister came from Teeswater and were present at the last, while Mrs. Gcodfellow’s mother and brothers were over from Gorrie. The remains were taken to Dumam on Tuesday morning and taken by early train to Gorrie to be interred there. The heartfelt sympathy of the country Side is felt for Mrs. Goodfellow and her six fatherless children. CORN ER CONCERNS. A D-stinzuished V1sitor. †-pâ€"Q-Q.’ H Some of the maple washed their .slzeep last Saturday and report. the Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Boyd are Spend- ing a few days with their parents at Conn. 1‘. J. Hutton is engaged with Mr. Is um Hutton, of Normanby at. pres- Gut. Misses Bartmen and Blainey visit ed at Mr. T. G. Huttou’s lately. Arnold Noble has been engaged by Sandy Alexander for the summer months. On receiving: intelligence of the fatal injuries received bv his mother Mr. John Campbell, of Assiniboia, at once started for Durham but we are sorry to state that he did not- arrive until after the remains were laid to rest. A gentleman visiting f1iends here afewdays awo call ed to spend an aftc1 noon with an old friend of f01- me1 days, whom he thought to be now quite deaf. And strange, the friend labored under the impression that his visitor was tillicted in like manner. Cox'n'ersation was carried on most of the afternoon at a high pitch of voice, but at length the vis- itor’s voice grew husky. He asked his friend if he were very hard of hearing and was surprised to learn from him that he was fortunately not afflicted in that way. The friend then interrogattâ€"d his visitor about his dullness of hearing and was also surprised to learn that that sense was in no way impaired. The joke at the expense of each other was out. the amusing mistake rectified, and the conversation continued in a more comfortable key. The Shorter Catechism was the Rev. Mr. 'J‘hom’s theme in the Pres- hyterian church Sabbath morning dealt with under three heads, viz.: Its Makers, Merits and its Influence. Warden Richarlson attendcl a county council committee meeting 111 Owen Sound last \\ eek. Messrs. Harry Watt and Ed. Slo'm are visiting friends at Collinngood. Will Ritchie and Rob. Picken at- tended Christian Emleavor in Knox Church, Norn'lanby, one Sunday re- cently. They did’nt go alone. Revs. Mahan of this place and Fleming, (Presbyterian), of Maxwell, exchanged pulpits on Sabbath last. The Baptist. service in the evening is to be withdrawn, Mr. Darroch again taking up his evening service on the 4th line. \Ir. Rich: 11"(10Ltexxell and «1 lughter, Miss Alice, wexe the, guests of the [owner’s nephew, J. P. (jut-ewell, V. 8., part: of last week. Mrs. Lou. Ludlow, of Port Huron is visi’ingz her parents, Mr. and Mrs Sinclair, on the east back line. Mr. W. H. Flasher returmd from the General Hospital, Toronto. on Saturday but not, much improved in health. Miss Cole and Miss Kline are each spendng the 24th in Toronto. The former with her sister and the latter at the parental home. Mr. Ed. Paul. dental student. T0- ront, also gave us a call on Saturday on his way to visit, at the parental homo. Fevm'sham. \Ir. Flmingtpn who was visitinrr friends hme has mtumed to his home in Owen Sound. Mr. Jus. \IcClocklin, who has ieen for some time with M. Wilson, butcher, has purrimsed Mr. Chislet’s outfit in the ï¬sh business and will hereafter make weekly trips to and from Owen Sound. Mr. P‘IcClocklin has moved into Mrs. LeC‘rm‘d’s dwell- ing in the suburbs. Editor Irwin of the CHRONICLE. Durham, gave us a. pleasant hour on Saturday evening on his way to Hemlicote. He was accompanied by his dangliters Maud and Rim. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Strain are leav- ing this week to visit their sons at Minot. Dak., and Great Falls, Mont. Mr. F. Tucker has been engagei with theThornbm‘y and Ulnrksburg Band for a few days. Mr. \V. \V. Port, Merchant, Brigho ton, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Henderson, the latter’s uncle, this week. John Symonds, a young man of 29 summers, who has ,been living not very harmoniously with his parents on a farm at the Morey House on the Collingwood Road, was before A. S. VanDnsen, J. P., on \Vednesday afternoon of last week charged with aSSunlting his father, Matthew Sym- onds, who is an old man over 60. The evidence went to show‘ that at the table the old man had reinon- strated with his nnï¬lial son for hav- ing: been abusive to his mother, when the young man struck his father and knocked him off his chair. The Mag- istrate imposed the small ï¬ne of $2 and costs. in all $5.15, but before dis- missal gave John a warning and lec- ture which ought to prove salutary on his conduct for all time. FLESBERTON . BUTTON HILL '.~O 0.0 0-4 at10:300’clock in the forennon. being the time appointei for adjudication on the claims. Dated this 23th day of April, A. D. 1898. DUNCAN MORRISON. Master at Owen Sound said Cnnntyuf Urny the Solicitor fur the Plaintiff, ihpir (Ilzrietian and Surnzuncs. addresses and dewriptium. the full partic: - Ian's ofthcir (shians, ur liens, m' (ehm‘geq, (either special or otherwise) a statement of theirsecurities and the nature of the seâ€" curities (ifauy) held by them agaimt the said Estates or Hither hf them: or in default. thereofthey will be Lecenmturiiy exciuded frmn the benefit of the said Order for Ad- ministratiuu. PURQ Q" UAN'I‘ TO AN ORDER 0F '1‘ ll â€HR? 1! COURT OF JUSTICE made undu Rule 9“. in a. cause nf mm a- gainst. Umd et a}, the (frezliturs nf'l‘ [In M \S GADâ€, late- uf the 'l uwm Mp 0t Bonn: mhv in t' :eC 0' mtv of (-rev Partner, “.10 (‘ i( d on N :tht the 5th duvuf .p\ .ril A. H. 19 and aim thee“ (litms uf \\ IL) IA“ GAUU late of the :«ail I‘~0wu hi; ) uf Kounanhv in the Countx ut ï¬rm Farmer. whodied 0. i or about the 1:3“: dav of Hm. I}. D. 1891. are (mu: before. Every Creditor holding: any security ie to produce the same betbre me a t mv ( ‘hambers m the Court House at the Town of Owen Sound on the 3RD DAY OF JUNE, A. D. 1898, Potatoes. . . .pcr bag ...... Flour per «wt. ........ . “anneal per read; . . . . . . .. Chop per cwt ......... . . Dres:_~cd Hogs per cwt. . . . Hides. .. per lb ........ . . Sheepskins...†.. Turkeys per lb ...... . . . .. Geese mar lb ............ 0211th per Pair. . . . . . . . .. Chickem per pair. . . . . . . Wool 27th day of May,A.D. 1898. to seat] by nmt mmmid in G. LEI ROY \lcCAl'L. of the 'l‘mvn cf Dmhmu in Me L31idC011;fyl)fUrflyrthe Solicitor fn the â€"Fora cheap and stylish Parlor Suite, tablvs, chairs me. call at Shewell’s Furniture Show Rooms and inspect stock. Willie Alexander has begun his rounds on the cream waggcn this year again. Fall “'heat.. Qprimer Whoa Oats ......... Peas......... Barley ....... Hay .......... Butter ....... Advert water as being very warm though it was so early in the season. Eggs per (102. \pples. . . per 11:1 MRS. JOS. QUERIN, hotclkeeper's wife, at Ethel, 0nt., was troubled with Eczema of the Head and Face for about 9 years, and was so bad at times she could not go near the hot stove to do her cooking. Her head was one mass of scabs, and although she treated with doctors it kept getting worse. On hearing of Dr. Chase’s Ointment, she got some, and was delighted to ï¬nd the first application do her good. She used two more boxes of the Ointment, is now free from disease, can do her own cooking, and would not begrudge 8200 for the good it has done her. The most intractable and distressing skin diseases which defy all manner of treatment even the best medical skill»- are readily cured by Dr. Chase’s Ointment. HEAInEï¬ASS Er 83.33 Cf.) v‘m any; z. 3 43 a 1» mi" in 3" \ 4 \ $32.! é" A “I, 745 I, «W» w, 40. 0'. ‘- Q ‘Q ‘_ \\ 6:3 ï¬n" m Treated by Diferent Doctors. COULDN’T GU REAR THE STOW. gm. AV, QM. .w, ~ VI, ~ '_’- _.,:\!,;._ ' l O ,4 KW . - . '3‘ (4 Price 60 cent: a box. at all Dealers. or Edmanson, Bates Co., Tomato. Ont. Market Report. Cabbage, Caliiiouner Celery and Tomato. CLOVEi‘ Feed all varieties. Prices Timothy Seed. [Lam ORCHARD GRASS and mostly all other surts 0f grmses. SUGAR Beer, (humor, all the beat. MANUEL \VUR'FZEL: Carter’s Maummth lumg Red-4L very large mange}. Carter‘s Giant Yollu“. Evan’s Saw Log Mau- geL-an inmmnse crapper. GARTEN SEEDS in bulk and pa- pars, our own paper seeds, two for DC. ’ Fluwcr Seeds, PLANTS in Season. H. PHRKER, SWEDE TURNIP Seed. All the best varieties. (See our cata- lugue.) DURHAM May. 2.3111, 1898. CURED BY DR. CHASE. The Selection of Seeds is from the hm; p. American and Canadian Houses, :md Iii-hm“ ity considered) will compare ileum-“1,“- other dealers. ‘ ' 331333 333 833 33333. mm; )6 to 3 '3 90 DURHRH’X. 4x w>m to to I‘M“ [06 U) (In 00 ‘Vc Day b0â€! saiary um] um“ “re change either “1101'; a): 1'. men. \Ve guarantee :11; our 5'1 ".1“ “('0 furnish pnrclmsm's xvi-h cam from Govm‘nmvm 1:1: Stating Our Stock is fl‘w' H Jose Scale. OUR NURSERIES comm-ism (rmz‘ :4 and KrOWiug stock in 1mm- enablos us to sell at the cluwr‘ ï¬gure. “Succeed with Us who have Failed wi It will cost. you nothing to lea We can do far you. Don‘t write unleï¬s you moan ‘1“! VII“. proï¬table em plnymc Emery Stock Age Book Agents ! Agricultura! Imgjéeg “'6 We mm L Our Show all times f0} see our new ALSO Th0 Intoro‘t of J: â€liid interest. int IV: (NEG half 3010 Lot number fum u street in the van 'l‘HERE WILL M SALE 13 Y Hf 151 Thursday, 2nd clay of 1101151 at the hmxr of thrm n'vT by JAMES CARHLV KN A PP H OUS to 10H Jowcr Town , fattening 0:: Thomas’ Plumb} Land Plaster in Land Salt in “:1 Windsor and Se CORN. “no, (2:: YELLOW and m 'I'I {APE Fine G round Oil British (‘attlo thirty day: For further Show R0031“: 0 every 083’- p Flows, f Tum H z: Qr any one s-itiun and i “- rite 'ls. 'l need mbre men. paying work, wr furnish all su; have the large Dominion. mm W BIOBTGAGE SALE. 'zm Seed (.‘ur best vzu‘mmu: Amencan Corn nu PE. Carter‘s B Sowmg Rape. Cochrane’s Old 1 Stone 8. Wélliogton' momma. Ia m ltti 0R W : {33%} (l0 ru- Hk lx‘ flGSTflH, A U1" 0'01 ntc cram? EMS i. .U H JCE 00's. l8 In lawn cc-Mid dun Whatsâ€"9mm. loop. :1 mutant the Commercml ,ucas, Wight BARRISTERS, m NOTARIES, u .x ERS,ETC. V W and Residence †o! MgAllister'l l “we! Town. C ! m ! 0'01“.- AIRIBTER. Solicitor. 1 L. Gram «more. Lowe: Any amount of money to 1: n («m prop-fly. BARRIB‘IIR. Solicihr. Block Lower To“ u. nocy pmpm uttenc ed 1 L â€I. Registry omce 0d â€torsion DR. '1'. G. 110m: G. LIFRO Y Legal Dirac J. P. TEL. M isceltane‘ souCflA Court .S‘ICI pl“ I“