West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Jun 1898, p. 9

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“V w '7' {Ham and N. - “'5 {the most “maxim“ hour from net-vocab.“ W." '0 ““0930 “1“ Mn: Which hadao absorbed his hand up to hie heed t a wet handkerchief round his forehead. re are the two other id Ponies of his c '0' \yere the ' n8 camel. If he had . have got to the wires Ilrfiti 1‘ Mortimer had said that miles they had tho hem” ' 1y had I 213 cauhol! And then. many mothering fooling, ma 1 “.1 raised with ogonizing pan“. 3 tho heart, 3nd often could an up courage to keep up tho In this wretched condition lurt 3nd Nerve Pills some» md today I state, with grain to vigorous sud strong, Ind .111 monthdnotothum nd an overpowering 1 hair under his nostrils. I hand to his mustacho. It 313 eyebrows. too? He Id them. His head no near to the dervish’a wk 'olling upon the ground 1 this was the effect 013 I of his own gun. “ have time to grow some More he saw Fleet Street lo cut perhaps was a motel utter. Was it enough to him from getting to the office at Sarrasf The only 8" “J I” u... '0 .5 -.V"- v - nk‘ smug sunshine Will) a 9“ : bent knee. as if no 001'" was still heavy ppm “‘ LI- h Lt happened to me!" tndi got cut on had. ] at! man _ by arms and »y 311 doubt. u to m .“-_._A i -- 313 1"â€" :er otthe rock! “" 0‘ bags of doom 313813“ Idem. and its fore""ro¢ had forgotten to cook his he haw that. it was not ran away. One got to beam, C“. him. Face bun O] tmr The quality of Ready- Mixed Paint (ground specially for our sale) is fast be- mmmg known. it will excel all {mgr paint in use in this section 1110 111.31 1: St P1100 in 0? sh 01T1'11111. 11' "11 he paid for any quantitv of A LARG \11”1 "101111-â€" 1111111111 1111111111111MS Our. " Summer 43> WM STAB 11' assm'tm't of Silverware, Granite and Tinware is wmething extra. V P-u’in’l' purchased the en- rayennidc-up stock of one 3. ,1“) best. Factories in Vt?‘ you want WHIP exa 1mm ‘2' no 3W. Méki‘fiifli‘i’s “L .0116 ---.\- and Horseâ€"Rakes. PLOUGHS Of varh different kinds of Cream us in stuck. 'ountry ‘Mi Sting 3 $33“??- Ready-made 00L AETED. {It FORK .>t‘ Wool. Custom and Spinning will t reasonable rates, I filCtDl'V. 1 :3 Assortment 3X8 11111 til see our stock of { hammocks. ; -- UPPER TOWN a First-Class inc our stock. SCYTHES, CRADLES SN ATHS, {EAPING HOOKS, MANURE DRAGS, POTATO DRAGS, 'I‘HISTLE :SPUDS, E'rc. 101 >lland Tweeds, Clothing. etc. , :‘md exam- and BLOUSE SETS: The cheapes§ Away to remit \Ve want to call your at- tention this week to our New Stock of Laces, Embroideries, Roman Stripes, Organdy Muslins, Striped Dimity AND OTHER M :XTERIAL __..~ uvnb VI. UUULu Aluerl. can Rheumatlcvcvnre Jere truly wonderful. 1‘ have only taken on. bottle at the rem: edy, and now haven’t any sign of rheuma. tlsm In my system. It dld me more good than all the doctorlnz I ever did in my llte.”-â€"26. The Place to get them is NEXT THE BANK, Lower Town. We have them in all Styles For Sale by McFarlane Co, GEEHI’S Ad Rheumatism Banlsh- ed Like Magic. Ladies’ Blouses. ooooooooo DURHAM. 3.‘ g‘xbo and Prices from 25c. to $54.00. Call and see them. W. A. MacFAHLANE. Money ié by: Dominion Express Order. For sale here. SUITABLE FOR H Miss 'x‘feir will hold the annual school pic-nic in Mrs. Barton’s grove on Friday, June 10th. The Allan Park band will furnish music for the occasion. Addresses and vocal and instrt mental music will be given. A good time is expected. The Smith Bros. have purchased a traction engine for this season’s threshing, so we may watch their smoke this fall. Mr. Thos. Wilson, of Louise visit- ed his mothex last week. Mr. Clark had another bee last week and got; his mill dam raised a few feet higher. Mr. Thos. Livingston, Mt. Forest spent the 24th at home. The masons have completed the stonework of Mr. '1‘. H. Lawrence’s barn,and are at present putting a foundation under Mr. Fred. Reay’s barn. Mrs. Aldred’s goose eggs as there wasayoung man got blamed for that a few years ago when he was going to the same place. Mr. C. Gadd and Nelson Eden have the contract of fencing all the com- mons around Mr. McGowan’s mill, Durham. They are hustlers, you bet. Eden Bros. have started the frame work of J. Lawrences’s barn. They are the boys that will soon huStle it through. Will Clark clipped Ezekiel Sirrs’ dog but thought he would not grease him till the weather got warmer. There is going to be a wedding in our locality some of those days. We will tell you mOre the next time. Jake Yaunt lost a valuable mare last week with inflammation caused by an over-feed of grass; We were pleased to have a call from ye editor one evening last week. The seventy-ninth anniversary of the birth (19 ' of Queen Victoria was duly celebrated liere by a garden par. ty in the school grounds in the after- noon and a concert at night in the Foresters’ Hall. Both were well pat- ronized. Mr. Wm. Chadwick, a former resi- dent of Artemesia, Sp: nt. a few days in the neighborhood recently. . John McCalmon w Mrs. Aldred’s goose eggs as there wasayoung man got blamed for that a few years ago when he was 0 oninn- 0‘ LL- Mr. George Richardson, of the 91b. is engaged e1ect1n «r a new dwelling- house for Mr. Robert \Vright. Miss Emily L. Brodie, of the town line Spent. a few den-s last week with her brother Ephraim and wife. Messrs G. \Varling and S. Gilbert burnt a kiln of lime last week. Miss Gilray and Miss Stella Boland Sundayed at Epning. Our postmaster, Mr. Gilbert, and blacksmith, Mr. Pritchard, have each improved thesr premises ly the erection of a now fence. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Langlill vis- ited Hanoser friends one Sunday lately. “' 7 Miss Hannah Fee visited Mrs. John Aldred recently. Mr. Chas. Lawrence intends 'rais- ing a driving shed this week. The Misses Gadd. of Normanby, visited friends here lately. Miss Mary Morrice visited her ' * - bylast. Sunday. .I, Mrs. Armstrong spent; we mm. with her daughter, Mrs. T. Moun. tain. Mr. T. J. Hutton Spent the 24fh. in Toronto. The framers are busily engaged at Mr. John Lawrence’s barn. We would like to know, (1) \Vhat dodge Bob was up to on Sunday night. (2) Where the new top buggy daynight. (3) Why M. is e other place. (4) If 11 used yet. was Sun Uracu ”Ill. -__ Cured of Eczema. that my daughter I do l-ere’oy certifv Grace Ella. pas cure of Eczema of severa. - fozzr boxes of Dr. Chase’s Y Ointment. . ' W. E. Thistle, ruggxst. liartland, N. \\ ltness. ‘ BUTTON HILL. VAN DELEUR. VICKERS. Q.O H John Boomer Hartland, John This spring has brought forth an unusually large number of tent cater- pillars on fruit tcees. In town many (ruit growers have been busy tie- stroying these worms, and it would be well if every one would do away with them wherever found. It is altogether likely other insect pests will also be too plentiful this season. Spraying of trees, etc., is now a ne- cessity in order to have a good crop and good fruit, and from the May Canadian Horticulturist we condense some very useful directions for ex- terminating the various kinds of pests. There are some insects, like the Apis or green louse. which can- not be poisoned. and in such cases coal oil emulsion is recommended. The. time is now past for first Spray- ings, but much good can yet be done by using the following direcnions : Second Spraying: Burdeax mixture and Paris Green (4 oz. to the barrel) when the blossoms have fallen. Third and other Sprayings same mixture at intervals of ten to fifteen days as long as necessary as no definite date can be fixed for the apple scab. Last year the scab appeared late in the Season and it was neces::ary to spray m u v. For pears, plums, cherries grapes and raspberries a sunilar treatment is reeum‘ mended. In raspberries the third spraying: should be done after the fruit is gadaered. Currants and gucmeberries, for worms and mildewâ€"First spraying : Potassium sulâ€" phide, Bordeaux mixture and Paris green as soon as the leaves expand. Second spray int; : the same ten to fifteen days later. For worms alon' lxelibure or Paris green will be effective. 'l‘umazo, rot and blight : spray with Borâ€" deaux mixture as soon as rot or blight ap‘ pears, and three times at intervals of ten or tifgeeu days; if necesgu'y: h Potato Blight and bee'tles : Paris green as soon as the beetles appear (one pound to 100 gallons of water. 2nd spra 'iug: Bordeaux mixture and Paris green when the pluuts are six inches high. Subsequent spraymgs Bordeaux mixture at intervals of ten or tif- teeu _(l_:1ys if uocessury. ‘0 ‘ I I ......... 4-. __ "W... - Cabbage: Pyrethrum applied in solution (one 0111106 to four gallons of water) 01' dust- ed on (one part to seven parts Hunt) for the cabbage worm. FORMULA FOR BORDEAUX MIXTURE. Copper sulphate ...... 4 pounds. Fresh Lime ...... . ..... “ Water ...... .. .. 40 gall-ms Suspend the copper sulphate in five gal- lons of water. This may be done by putting it in a bag of coarse material and nmnersmg it in the Water. Slake the lime in abuut the same quantity of water. _Then mix the twq same nantity of water. Then mix the two and a d the remainder of the 40 gallons of water. Warm water will dissulve the sul- phate more readily than cold. If the lime is at all dirty strain it. Use wooden vessels'. If the lime is. good the amount is enough, but to test use ferrocyanide of potassimn. If there is not. enough lime in your mixmre a dru of the test turns brown, then add more ime. S35 4!}. g"; 4!A- 41;, 9'1, w, 33% 4!, “‘-, ‘1. ‘l'u- ’13 ' '79? ’2’» ‘ “a? 745‘. ’. “ ‘ '1‘? ’m‘ '7.» r2 .9!» 1‘ ’4‘ a .J. 9 "7.5 s22. ’13“ <45. 2 Spray Your Fruit Trees. we cannot foretel how long it will remain at the price. We would advise you to sell in the Early Market. “’e have a Buyer on the Lower Town Cor- ner all the time, and a man at the scales. “The early bird gets the worm” is a true saying, and it holds good in the WOOL Lly Your Winter’s Supply of Blankets, Tweeds, Ya m, Underclothes, - Etc., from Our Tremendous Stock. Prices never were as LOW as they are now. MARKET. when the son-in~law of John Baker, Isaac Jam 8. meeting Harry Oaks 0.! the road used a rail anal assaultml and seriously injured Oaks. leaving, him unconscious by the roadside until found by neighbors. He is at present dangerously ill. The brother. Goo. Oaks, shortly after followed Baker and Jones to town and publicly, be- fore a large crowd of citizens pru- ceeded to assault Jones, and purposed doing the same to Baker but was an. able to meet him until to-day, when, on the public street, with a rawhide he assaulted Baker so badlv that ho is now under the doctor’s care and is a horrible sight. A warrant is out for the arrest of Oaks, and a much more serious charge mav be made against both parties. \Vhat makes the matter worse is that Oaks amt Baker are brothers-in-iaw. Clinton, Ont., May 218t.-â€"- \Vlint promises to be a very serious matten and probably a. murder case, and which has caused a very great amount. of excitement in this town. occurred here on Wednesday last between two well knewu and highly connecnul residents of Goderich TOWDSlllp‘ about two miles from this town. A family feud, existing {cr some time. between Harry Oaks and John lini- er terminated in a serious assault ruse, but. ’3 5.4» .123. 3V4“. his I4? I}? I.. . .' .". wuwfiszrn £74! Sr. Juan. 474 $4 94 S MR. CHAS. BAILEY. of Close Ave. Turontn, and Manager celebrated J cssup Sueol Works, Manchester. Eng., says; “ As aquick cough cure for funny u.,o,I consider Dr. Chase's Syrup of Lihrmod and Turpentine the most wondermt miv ture conceivabla. This medicine en :4 me of asevem attack of La. Grippa very Promntly. M wile would nub Cudbiucl‘ our child 88. e from cronp and (magma Without. this preparation 14 the hoax). “£88 £35 BRQRS' 72%}. T35: . Sold by all (finder. 21", or Eimsntom Butt! 3 CO» Toronto. Ont: fix,“ a #3:" \‘fl‘ \\ .‘8 “‘1’2 '4’"? '4‘; if? "1.". ""2:h‘ Na. 4 ‘73? s“ '0 .‘c 15?.” v.1: ($â€" t. is I l .0 a .s. .11 .... ..1.\ .1 00" a $71.0» 9", 7A" SI,» 0‘. (“P .Q I- 4.;

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