West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Jun 1898, p. 12

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7a . . ‘ n angerlt Wms buccess. Ks /‘-« CE”:_\J7I?J/ /; 2/: 1* / 4)” // (JV/K. [47/ “V w 19$ vvnrk enjoy (Nun! es”: ada. thne. .luraéoa 473.7. .7; . .74 «.4. 8 ' ‘HE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SHUT H GREY FARMERS’ INSTI- Baztc will be held in the Town Hall, Durham, -â€"--().\'â€"- At one p. m., for receiving officers’ reports, the election of officers, makixig preparation fur meetings of the ensuing year and trans- acting tin usual business of the Institute. All are cordially invited to be pres-em. be- wme members and {waist in the proceedings. Now is the Time to Buy ! TEASILHJ} FARM: Lot 3‘1, con. 2. \V. G. R” Bentinck, will be sold for little more than Mr. ’l‘omdnle paid fur it, and since then a $1000 briqk dwelling has been built and other improvements made. W 1TH WHEAT W. J. YOUNG, President. Sauth Grey Fatmgrs’ Institute.“ 17111111 at Lamlash Tp p. of Pen- ti111-k,1macres iess pdmbably ‘ acres 51111101}; close 111L11m11p15h \iliage; “ell i111p1'med;w1ll~ell at a meat ba1gai11 or trade. A100A1'111 FARM in gmd settlement in Bentinck for, my 3850.51101111} bring far mum. HOUSE. f1 ame stab} e and good lot at Allan l’:1rk..‘.111stgi\e this away if I can’t se. lor Made it ufl. 15115113 (7111111 1; HANOVER P1101’ERTIES for Sale or tn exchange for 1.11111 property. ZIOXEY AT 5') PER CENT. F111 11. Marine Life and A01 idem Insurance. Votes and Accuums 011113111311. 012131111 Tickets 11,1rf1ale. AL“ 11'» 111011111. hever neghgent. ' ‘ after lboki'né the country (Wet “an, e“amanshave settled in Central chh “where they have bought first-class farming . at. $5 to 5.10 per acre, on long time und easy! " meats. Do you want to own a hon , You can sure do it. We offer you A 0.000 res tochoose rom. Come and look lands over, We assure Satisfavtion Full partic~ wars mailed free. Write S. B. B0}! LA ND, Hunger Land Dept , Wells, Stone co , Saginaw, Mich 13‘XRM FOR SALE. .BEING LOTS 8 C().\ 21 EGI’ F. ‘JO\ 1‘, AND? r().\' t‘uneca-aion 4 S. D. R. Glenelg. Lnt. P n-nwifls of 100 ”(918%. $0 acres cieared, well s Mend wall fencnl free fmm stune, 80 « re» sit. to run mm hinery m er. (mod large In 1.- -!\ hm; >0. bzu L barn 51: all orchanL cm) «en-inn. tn sclwnl. 7 n. ihas fmm Imr‘uam. Le»: a “hawk r umsist. ~ nt 04 :w'm 30 uncured 1." 1:31.? 9 haulm» {I hi hi]. (, 192 "H ””9. Win In mid om euv terms. Fur further [articu- Lpply on the premises to .1011): \V HIT- _ DUB *L~,W_1’- 0. 9111. '98 "Km. CENTRAL MICHIGAN Many Canadians .5 “(310! Dmm' 00‘ 4. 2nd. ......... 'WI Stablé 'brclinaaflzvxâ€"nd garden plot- half an acre in all. Rent low. E NQU um AT Tins OFFICE. Durham, May 23:11.“ Rogmzlzcmt cuttage containing six {002117, gum} ce_lhr,_hardand snft water uesday, June 7th. 1898, A Fve rooms, on V(}arva‘f:r;xa St. Half an acre of ground. 200d stab le, 0 ite the old Cattle-yud Hotel. Also a ppos gmd com- fortable cottage on Countess Street West. five rooms. sumo cellar, first class water, sable. half an acre of 11nd, small orchard. ac. Will rent or sellon ens . m . further particulars "2?ng ’ ' mm For ‘lrn-uâ€" Aâ€" â€" [N the Town of Durham, County of Grew, im'lnning a valuable water mxvar, brlvk dwelling aml many efogille raildiug lots will bfiNalll in (me or mare uts. Also lut No. 60. cm:., 2. \V. G. R lqulSlllDOf Beutiwk, 100 acres, adjuininp l'own plot. Durham. Mnrtmgey lulu“: for Dart purchase " 0A" A\DI\SL 1{A CE AGENT. t i) CON\E\ANCER. ()Nl MESHONER in H. C J. Collections prunipliy attended to. DANS and Insxuancu etim .ml without (18- .v. Companvund Pm .110 Funds to Loan :5, 5:}. and 6 per ce it. in sums and upon teuns to suit bunouers. . “moral Financial Business T ransacted. OFFICEâ€"l dour Nurth of :5. Scott’s Store. W. L. NIacHEINZIE, And other grains and produce following Land M UST Increase in price, so that If you want to buy either a farm or vil- lage prruperty call on H. H. MILLER. The, Hanover Conveyancer. He lmk the following places which for speci- al reasons must be sold at once at any reassunabie price that may be offered : Ipril 13th. W. J. Elliott, Prin. or Sale or To Rent upon ROUGH CA’S'PfibUSE [HE E DGE PROPERTY House to Rent? SADDDER STREET~EAST, A H. H. MILLER, The Hanover Convey: neer 3. ypoy u) CARDS. For Sale FARMS :0 efi‘m-tml without (18- ’n\'ato Funds to Loan t._ m sums and upon {of pa rt purchase JAMES EDGE. Edge hill, 1’. GEO. BINNIE, Secretary. it, i[- IKIN DSSIASIB RILIIVED BY 08' PLICATIOH OF It is a marvellous cure for all such dil- gustlng and disfiguring diseases us Be» name. 531: Rheum, Tcttcr, Barbers’ Itch, Scald Bead. Ulcers, Blotches. It cums all eruptions of the skin and makes 1: soft and whitc.-â€"27. The following lines were written bl: Kev. T. Watsen, of Uulborne formerly of . ‘leher- ton Baptlst Church, and appeared In last week’s Advance: We praise the Lord of earth and heaven. ‘ ‘1. ".- v-..“ n--"' " V â€" C O I. 0' To one Just passed wnthm the van. Gladstone recelve's Ins heart’s request, And nuw enjoys 1115 well earned rest. From early life to gnanhood’s prime For Sale by McFarlane Co. " '1’.'|‘.-._v .-'V.â€"v_ __ _ _., . W hose prmmsed mercxes never fall, For all th_e grace and wxsdom Hwen A 'I‘hehpsflxrdbhth lie bravery h‘uil : Hm later life was made su_xhlim_e_ _ _ "‘1‘11'13‘311131 '(ieéii; iiigfii‘redpy faith in God. In thought and act, by voxce and pen He lived to help his fellowmen. So large of heart; so cigar in mind How widely known is Uladstxme’s name ! P rum worker’s bench to nmnarch’s throne All hearts delight ins worth to own. The fm'emo-gt state<mzin of his age, And so unselfish m his aim, So tt-nder, _t‘uu)x_z.ghtiul true and hi ml Beloved by men of every land, His name upon the deatizicvs page Shall everumre unmrnislied stand. “is tank completed is, laid down : “The grand old man" has won his crown. g-.." M Q.. H"â€"~â€"- Tux-3 Anniversary service of the Christian Endeavor Society will be held at Hampdeu to-n10rrow,1“riday. A model consecration service, follow- ed by refreshments and a program. MCKIXLEY~ JAm n R- \t Turml‘o on May 24th, by the IU.’ . ‘h. ’illtPiSUH. Ut Cnuk’s Church, "l‘umzxtn. at the Resiâ€" dence oftizc Uzi-130’s sister, Mrs. Hoyntun, Mr. McKinley, 0f Tnl'untu, to Miss. Minnie Lauder, cf Durham. RELIEVED IN I DAY THE Sawyer M will give an e: grader here, on Don’t Fail to see .â€"â€"â€"-â€" DIED. DIXONâ€"111Egremom on F rilay, “av "”11 \\ 111 T1103. ., $011013”. and \115. W L. Dixon, aged U y 0:115 and .1 months. cwmpri iug Sum-1:, American and Canadian hmuiu and “whip. 20'; (liacuuut on Mar- ‘ :3. Nu Agcutw (uzthivinJ. A“ Work warranted“ Ruiiwm‘ farcalluncd pmchas- warm-mmd. 91's who call a. w. GARDINER, isfiéRSLE arid GRM‘JETE DEA‘LEH, 01“ 3101'qu 1* ormsx‘, DURHAB MARBLE and 33.53%in WORKS. The fullowipg ljnos wego written bf Rev 11"\'L' 11m 1‘ 11L11 1151 1>1\'11135, 11115 111115, Etc. McflN'J‘YRE’S BLOCK. BUGGIES.â€"I carry full lines of the 'l'ndlmpo and McLaughlin Buggies, Dancrats, Carts 8:13.. 'i‘hese are bought in iargoquan‘ities, freight saved, and can be will cheap. IF you are in need ofa ['lmv. Harrow. Gang Plowor anything else in this line be sure and call. The RAY NONI) SEWING MACHINE ORGAXS and PIA N 03. 1110111111112; 11:.‘181‘8, \l1",11.1ers b11116, 1123110., 'p.i111r ”1110111 1111110115, c. '1110121‘118 the 110st. 1111101111108 you can b 11' 11111! are made bv a reliable Firm. ‘1VAGU\S. --A car 101111 of Adam’s \\ axons :111 ix 0 t11'11.~1 11 pek F or an easy running. “ell 1111i 11911 \\ .1'1'1111 110t'1ing ‘2111 e.\'( 1.11 the 9 “11:11:13. MY Warerooms are fully stocked with all kinds of MASSEY - HARRIS IMPLEMENTS MONEY TO LOAN at :3 and 55370 in- terest on your own terms of repayment. INSURANCE promptly attended to. ISSUER of Marriage Linceses. OFFICE . WAREROOMS, L0‘VEB TO'NX. always in stock and. the best makes of AS'E‘LIE LAI’GEJSI‘ S'I'OCK IN _()..\"I‘.§RU_) In >:I :I,I:I:I‘ I‘IIQII, Furnished on the Shortest, Notice and at Lou est Prices, Quality Considered. “’31. MCCALMON, W. CALDER, 35 CENTS. (300338. at Gladstone. the b' mp. THE Sawyer Mfg. Co. of Hamilton will give an exhibition of a road grader here, on Friday June 10th. Don’t Fail to see it. 2 “A. Swindle,” is the name that ap- pears over the office door of a Stl’llg- gling lawyer in the city of Vancou- ver, 13. C. A friend suggested that he write the first name in full, think- ingit would look better and sound better, but when the distressed law- yer tearfully whispered that. his first name was “Adam”, the suggestion wasn’t pressed. SOME of our exchanges last week had an original (‘9) article on “The Rights of Bicyclists ”, and had it not been that. the same original article, with the same introduction, appeared two weeks ago in this paper we would copy it for the benefit, and informa- tion of our readers, giving credit to the authcrs who seem to have been simultaneously inspired. A WOMAN full off the G. T. R. train while it. was running at a high rate of Speed near Golstone on \Vednesday night. \Vhen the train reached Golstone a section man and a. doctor were sent back with a lorry to pick her up. She was found s1i2htly in- jured but still able to reach a farm house. She was driven to Goldstone but declined to give her name. A ('iabolical act was perpetrated 1n the Campbell House sheds on Satur- day night by some dastard who scat- tered grain mixed with large quan- tities of Paris green over the shed floor. It is suspected that the object was to kill pigeons, but whatever the object was, it is'to be hoped that. the guilty partv will be found out and punished severely. â€"â€"Chatsworth News. ‘ ON \Vetinesday of last week, Jas. and Andrew Williams, sons of Mt. Benjamin \Villiztms, of the G. T R. here. met with what might have been a very serious accident. While the family were out, the young cauns took it into their heads to go fishing and began hunting around for a sup-‘ {13' of tackle. In the search they came across a can of gunpowder. hid- den away on top of a cupboard. Tak- ing this (inside. they put- it under a pail with a quantity of oily tow, set tire to the mixture and waited to see it fizz. It tizzml, but unfortunate-1;; for the boys they were too near the base of Operations when the explo- sion occurred. The younger lml got his hair burned and face scorched. wvhile the older brother,- the chief : manipulator in the grand pyrotech- inic display. got a scorching about the Mace and hands. BOLh hoys escaped ‘well, and while nursing their wounds they’ll have time to congatulate themselves on the good fortune of their narrow escape. The lesson should be a t'arr‘ing to othc-r boys but it’s hnrrllt' likely it. will. They’ll soon be able to go fishing again. “ Say friend, you’ll either have to keep me over night. or sell me :1 Ian- tern.” These were the words used a few years ago in addressing a pros perous farmer in Southern E'tphra. sia, by a [I‘IH't'llOt who had yet twenm ty miles to drive one of those awful- ly dark nights we sometimes experi- ence. "Well stranger, I ain’t goin’ to do neither; you may bag; on that; perhaps you’ll be able to hang out just ahead there where you see the. light in the window,” and the trav- eller drove on to try his luck once more Reaching the house by the roadside. he hailed the proprietor, a humble farmer. in the same words used only a few minutes before in addressing the great agrarian 10rd But. the reception was different, a new clitne was entered, a transition from inh-‘stxitalbarbarism to an at- mOSphere of humanity had been made ina few short moments, and the be- nighted stranger felt. that once more hestuek civilization. The imtn‘omptu response was, “You can have juSt which you like. You’re a stranger to me. I’ll sell or lead you a lantern if you say so. but you surelv wouldn’t think of going further this awful night. Better let me put- your horse away. .\ou can put up with "pot luck” for one night, and there’s aspare bunk you can tumble into till morning all right. The importu- nity of the generous little farmm was exactly suitable to the tired feel- ings of the weary traveller and the proffered hCSpitality was cheerfully accepted. A heavy rain came on and not till the next; afternoon was he able to_get away. But to this day l t "Jim Irwin,” the cattle dealer, has not. forgotten the free. generous, hos- pitality of John M. Davis, the recent Patron candidate for Centre Grey. He h-sn’t forgotten the Other fellow either, but remembers him, only as an example for comparison when wide contrasts are needed. MONEY-W L MacKenzie has company and private funds to loan on farm property ‘t 5 13ml 5} per com, in bums and upon toms tu amt barrowars., The first sitting of the Court of Revision for the . Town of - Durham was held in the Town Hall here on Thursday evening last, May 27th. Members present: Wm. Calder,'Robt. Bull, Geo. Sparling, David Kinnee, Revision having made the Declara- tion prescribed by statute, proceeded to try the foilowing appeals : Mr .I. ;A. Hunter appealed 101011.1" ofhis mother; C. A. Batson for R. Mc-I Gow;an Gr. L McCaul for Robt A1-I ‘nh ‘ Sparlingâ€"Bullâ€"LThat a reduction of 325 be made on Lot 1V. part of A on Garafraxa st E., and $20 on Lot East of A on Garafraxa st]. E , Kate Hu n ter’s propertyf-Carried. Bullâ€"Kindeeâ€"That assessment on residence of Kate Hunter be sustain- ed.-Carried. rvSparlingâ€"Bullâ€"That R. McGow- an’s appeal he laid over until next sitting of the Cp_urt_:â€"â€"Carried. ‘ Sparlingâ€" â€"â€"Bullâ€"â€"That a leduction of 3100 be made on the property ass ’t of Robt. Aljoe, jr. ., Lot 23 Garafraxa st. “7.â€"-Can'ied. Sparling--Bullâ€"That a reduction uf $100 be made on the assessment. of Lot 3, Wm. Hunter’s survey, Garw fraxa st. W., C. 11ch thur’s property. ~Carried. Bullâ€"Kinneeâ€" That a reduction of 3100 be made on Lot 24. Garafraxa st. 13., the pl open ty of Allan McFar- lane. â€"-â€"Carried. Kinneeâ€"Bullâ€"That this Court ad- journ till Thursday night, June 2nd, 1898.-â€"-Carried. Bullâ€"Kinneeâ€"Jl‘hat the assessm’t of Hy. Parker on Lot. 24, Garafraxa st. “7. be sustained.â€"Carried. Mr. Wm. Edge, of Edge Hill, 11:11 the misfortune a few days ago to lose three head of cattle under very peculiar circumstances. They had been out feeding in the bush. where they took sick and two of them died almost instantly. Though some sus- pect they were poisoned, Mr. Edge is inclined to take a more charitable view of the case. and attribute their death to the eating of poisonous weeds of some kind. mu Bzaodg :ooaaaeoeasaasoooeoaeoaeaaoaeooe or Loo-Liver uu wan Hypo- phosphites of Lime and Soda is peculiarly adapted to correct this condition. The cod-liver oii, emulsified to an exquisite fineness, enters the blood direct and feeds its every corpuscle, restoring the natural color and giving vitality to the whole system. The hypophosphites reach the brain and nerve centres and acid their stren gthâ€" ening and beneficial effect. If the roses have left your checks, if you are growing thin and exhausted from over- work, or if aée is beginnin to tell, use 5 OTT’S Emu - -‘A‘ «$666Geeseoeoeoeeeeeeeoeeeoe«so 5H-) )11 a bUWle. Uh- miste 'l‘nrrmto 669$ (éfiéffié-Ta- 6666’“ céi‘ £8861 0 THE UNDERSIGNED has Opened in Durham, 3 New Tailor Sh (2p in the McIn- tyre Block, Lambton ESL, and is prepared to receive Orders for Clothing} which - he -will make up in the most fashionable styles. Fine Art Tailoring a ‘ Specialty. Call and give him ' A Trial. Lambton an, app. Middaugh 116m. :aaeasmmwasw â€"‘- Where the blood loses its intense redâ€"grows thin and watery, as in anemia, there is a constant feeling of exhaus- tion, a la ck of energyâ€"vitality and the Spirits depressed. EQMQGQGQQS‘ of Cod-liver ‘Qil with Hypq- Scot ’s Emuision SiOflo Be sure you get SCOTT‘S Emuision. All druggists; 50c. and $1.00. SCOTT 8: BO'WNE. Chemists,Tnmnto. Strictly Pure. LOWER TOWN. This is the when it’s hard 5 get anything to appetite. DRUGGISTS DOC ma Exp...“ 7,..." ’ I‘L FARLA ‘ ‘3 PA P. R., Ocean Steamship Upper Lake Tickets to all points at lowest rates. Come to us for an? informatmn. prominent sheep raisers.‘ LOMBAI-LB FLU BASPBB RLLILS BLACKBERRT}. Royal CafS' Patterson’s “Cafe de L1: 31:1 3-» Finest 1 Cofiee in pretty” «:vl1ss .2'1 :5 Fresh "SArA 10‘ Tl 1”- Black or Mixed 95 30, 4 The BEST P ALIxAbL T PEACHES ‘1 FEARS J Prime Septe Fme Mixed I’iv‘h‘: Extra Evap'd M"li “Golden"L Finnau} PARIS GREEN, HELEBORE, COPPER SULPHATE and other Insecticides for sprayin .1 1:»111‘poses. fa H‘éG '1’ ‘3va Fines ELLBRS ()1 L 1111. am; hhofiSuC C'spmin of N‘ .34 will he succeeded b Gdbruth. > A neatly executed Lithdguphed cover, of Fair to be held in Lon-Jq to 17th has reached this At the meeting cf the oil on Monday evening mad for the buildin olithic sidewalks. v commenced at once. The 'lhrble busine bunt. two additional 1 work this week, and M raping in the orders. -_..â€"-â€". .â€" 1'50 following repxcs the “embodist Church .Tho residence of MI Vfcil'.-Pomont, was SM! “108 .lut week durin thumb: storm and :he ' For the accomodatiou theltdies of the Math will furnish din_ner in t‘ fihm. on Tuesday. PM in aid of the U Flllml. of Hampdcz, Tho ceremony was p1 J‘r. Ferguson int Sn”)! immediate re Tho Farmers’ Grev Instance Company no balling: against ste and lightning. on Wediesday 1m brilliant mm law the whole be much} :‘Olth East q It! that half past I Ming. . As it reache “occurred folio “h. loud thunderix evening. expWon 6 cold by a lc Amyc LOCAL 3 quiet Weddin‘ JOHN LIVE Durhal crtvmgs fuller re Hunter.

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