West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Jun 1898, p. 3

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t on me ladder w. an m“? , but when you hug cum” top. where do you think th. II'.‘“ ‘-. n . IVA-n )“ - Ch. "I... at me." ejaculated Mrs. V“ T»- ussey. all." said the hostess, “9mm. , and the moralizing hum [tun an.) Newnbam my he a” $13”. but for my part! that fin: mmote the welfare ani imam. devotees. And to conJem woman viernu apinsterhood it surely Jamming their chances 0! law. m the genzrral scheme of things” u‘ my part." interposed LadyBot- igb an irresponsible shrug of her Jeri. “(all it degrading if ya but I wont! rather pun on th hrqg’ of Hz» mares! of me! tin: 1mg” ptO“ [as about {actorieand ng d0“'n peoplg's ”81m in W yes. at the glorious resent degradation of‘ xist, where they win :- poait'mn in the wotld will he Show 1: him": Din which pas-moth show. it iahr M that he had m his pocket too- mentary ticket tn the circus. L'kâ€"i he'd that she Woven ran Tangutze. Tomâ€"Must!» alb- VJ. Hedi} ' ' A no; . as, ' Hm“? ”1110“?de lots 0‘" (mum 'd nth g .uestâ€"W’oll. 1:; 33 of emancipation." will wish you good “team" Miss Peck. snapping the duo! serviceable golf cape sevenly. “I In» to) speak on the ‘ Regeneration Tan.’ at 3.15." ix‘n't she funny T" bullied Lady v as the door closed behind In! hen llamlaat said: But I have that mo 1'0 a. but when ya top. where do will land you ?" " It wiH land us with a steam 1i Lâ€"L)n,: you u ”nan ‘3 80"“ b’JV. do you, W‘r-v- Scrap 0f Am‘ont 1W0 Ul'lU’.’ ----- "nan. . »..'7tiD~it the dynasty. Inc» settled dawn on 01' mums. said Ha Were unwrepa .ml the other. But mfawtiun in ref! M ungreparpd now as '9 Eawn had the [3131. and to makO ‘3 l SUD” won a I) {311111 Divan-- " old 3 Children ma’am 3 Ethel (aged five. Mrs. Call, 1 I k“. ll SPRING SMILES. of some you f Anvxem unke)' look? L :Iskad her to give u yea,‘ and she said sh. SOD 'f‘ Jvu.uunk m. sawed use b.» 3: “BSWemd m! o. 11k}; cold “eel in grams gmlwhfla um 9f womn m 13'“ wfll take their r.\-I .I A ’a lx‘lt prompt tad pilo- [ never had 3 Histofl: lt’S £00 The -~ --- Bacall WI] ‘ . (Jainl‘fsiblr. “1 his band are the cut- About " . a rustlâ€""rs of six years ago and .. B'll ”year 380 Butch ” Cassid , .L.‘ {1}.- . . FergusOn, one of his {art I have broadened their ed lieutenan , dashed into theta:1 o I, [111}. 0 o . ”"8 Lht'Jin'T-umd their numbers. It 0f Pnoe m broad daylight»: held up th ; till‘i ‘ t"' ' . '_ , paymaster of the coa file Lttaat to say that the leaders rode off with 88000 belfoggmtzhaemcrgt? ‘ {,0 ‘U r r ‘ o v‘ F. ”nonuuq taut has 000. men at of bandstanders realized what had ha: {at .,: (all. 'i‘ituil' depretlattons are Boned. This 18 but a sunyle exploit :rz'i an. 11.) WWI. before reached in .Bank trobbers are but side issue '15 a H.‘ v . . l f frontier crime. All the "are?! “‘ .. grand Chief occupation of cattle-steal .yo C. t-Ol'dilc to ‘hem. lhey tug. If a Vi ,.. . . of the vast territOl‘y "UT-SW38 murder is regarded as altrn . , , fa . ‘ 3011: «in ““ i'.'l._.. t- - fessi ’ \ ‘ 5" - tbow' m-«rate, taxing 1n, as,f Ogalb dllty. to be cheerfully gm ”L huh i' '. ' ' d. st inaccesâ€" Orrne ' “t they are BOt given to wan * ”‘9 “imam an mo to“ Slaughter, in several instance: sji.‘ . J ' ' fl {hmoughly familiar their strongholds have been disarmed , , . . ,, ,0 dismounted and sent home i'fc m iiS‘ rough phas..s. A . . . ' . . n instance of this kind occurre: Hdn t'f [twill .. .5 mutter .1.“ f. rues are suhodivtdcd into five ‘ just an“. the raid of the coal Company ‘ . DM(§,“H.L,1;,,1 by its own lead- ' at Price. Two deputies traced. Cassid) 3fJZ:. ‘ ~~ ’ " ‘ ' .99 ' ' ° u . “qr, (‘aastdy as tnu supreme. [ou- and} I‘guson to their 1311‘ at Robbers Roost They were full ' 24 h l , - . -' ', "z ‘ ' 3 {1'01 - . ’ . 'J ‘ ours )9" er Ltwmhm no“ plattu .111} (on. thtnd. and their appnoach was known m, 6:711'94'137 5““1‘”! “9331”" ”“9“de i long before they arrived at. the narrow tgreicentral Wyoming south-westerly ‘ trail leading up Into the rendezvous. h north-western Colorado. and t 33::qu (Iva: in 0a joVIal mood and he . . t‘ the. Arizona linef 7 AW: 1 at it noulzl he more fun [2,; and almost n to Capture the deputies and make sport tiarautiing and murderous bands (9011- I of than than to kill them. 80 hi acted a?" {heir raids with restraint. The ' accordingly. f of l‘veutt -k run into the mil- The deputies were about half way {it is ‘ ‘ ‘ ._ .1 .ql l ‘ . 'UP the trail. When, just. at a bend tuttitanchmenttre ntttuetu ant (FIV' around a sharp point of rocks, they carat cf msirtess. anti. the officers of heard the sharp command. “ Hands ‘ w are >O\\(’l'lt53- - to 13 ft”) c .,., here the varâ€" Half a dozen guns were staring them fitre are 1 amp W ’ ° . f in the facets not. 20' paces away. The de- w 'ItD’tS make their headquarters, Duties realized that not try obey meant W jwhit'h is well nigh maccessxlile ’sudden death. Iip nent their hands. “W, m the iandits th-qmelves. Two i Cassody stepped up to them, roaring t' . 'with Ian hi‘er. ”:9“... Wu famous are ‘Rohhers’t g _ , H n t “ You’re a couple of fine dubs to come amt “ Hole 111 (h? “ ‘1“- lhe and catch peat-.eattle citizens, ain‘t you?" in“ is in :‘outh Central Utah, on . he cried. “.Gimxne your guns. Here, ”m, Hgth-le River, a few miles;Buck," calling to one of his men, (.1 . .t l.-'.' (tn-en River: The latter it . “Search these tenderfeet, and if they (I. thrifilé it! 4 2»; t.‘.\ u; 5t,tUt;'\\h--‘I‘P in that wild, I have got any tobacco youycan keep it.” Mimi} district to the northâ€"west! The outcome of it. wtasOthat the de- titugt‘l‘. \Vy. 'putiee, relieved of everything but their ;:.~ miter calms are located; in Tet- 4 clothing, were bound hand and foot ti run. near the eastern border of ; to their horses, conducted to the foot {Still and south of the Snake River; ; 0f the p'aes and sentatmut their husr- i.r.v;er5tring.~: in South-“'estern \Vy- lness. To add to their discomftture a tug. Lear Colorado, and about 50 i rudely scrawled note was: pinned on the “east of tar I'tah line, and s t)l"(‘a‘4t of each, which read ““0 are Fri-:5 Park. taking in the northâ€"wes- ; deputy sheriffs sent out to capture Toff. titer of («data 20. and the north- ‘ Butch” (‘assidy and his gang. \\ hen ~.~:.. t‘l‘Iit-n of I ta'u. It is. not de- f found send us home." D d the most a ” and“ inner is in E the San Rafae “:1 of the GI" Men away 5‘ “Q “f ”untr- lCe “Nagâ€"£51) OUTLAWS. '63 over a. the Hindi W)’ can only be reached ? deep and narrow} gorges» and rugged peaks and he wildest recesses 01 the .ain. In many places the “My s are composed of men rw-klwss and (14.>s_!‘erate .g ;.('t°usz(ame:l t0 devds of 'M' a murder is commit- mman stat-es or a con- frum a penitentiray the Amvl'lf nors of Colorado, Utah, “'33 Idaho. recently met. in non-- Ievise means for executing us Butt-h Cassxdy and his or years have rendered tile 5; unsafe in certain motions zr States. war a narrow shelf Of landils along the face Elva: haw been drilled Se utclose p-ursum dy- l-lzwetl and the trail fare, of the Cliff into ‘ thus l‘affliing all [:ur- )1 "cs 1; Are extwrminute them st which state the g» lips, but it is ~s the. line in Col- 0f Terrztory at The];- 'c the lemon; of Four all ‘1“.f“. n. “nijnher tubi- hUCHlng up." ‘1” ‘ Uiht‘r forms of 3, gnu; closely u a, rhain extend- ' Hull‘s. Between min-.2 is I:-.:zix=.t;.:1in- u: .1 wurivm and ('ilisaling {he (30- mom hands when . than usual mug- (r (‘ ht to thé' iaét MR is both a ren- v places where fifty officers at S Fm” armed to mking l in the \Vest iiil" Hickok, “£ng a raid band of his mg- Failons are so superstitious that 1‘ hey do not like to trust themselves on a Ship which has a. corpse on’ board. The Shipping agents therefore enter sueh freight on their manifests as ”statu- .TO make your boots shine, rub them with a slim of an orange. When nearâ€" ‘3'”1'3'. hI'iis'kly polish with asoft brush. Lead packages T0 CURE A CULD IN ONE DAY. Tum Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Dm- uists refund the money if it fails to Cure. 2'». is rut. up into small farms, and the land IS \ory prolific. The (shxef products are sugar and arrowroot. Some contemptibie thieves drained an artificial pond me: if Mountain Lake Park, Cumlerla ni, Md., and stole all the big fish, Ivaving the small ones to die for lack of wut9r. Are, that your temper will improve, and you will enjoy walking and skat- ing in real earnest once that, sore corn is removed. Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor never fails. gives no pain and will relieve you in twentyâ€"four hours. Give Putnam’s Corn Extractor a trial and! be happyi When a. poor girl who is long and lanky suddenly acquires wealth, she at. once becomes divinely tall and grace- ful. A baseball crank would be valued a a'aéving lunatic if his enthusiasm ran 11) any uther channel. the th a.‘ meal 111:: nznger has came to thank his stars “11911 they leave him an}; of the box- office 1e<eipts. About all the use smne mhn have for the golden rule is to measure the conduct of others. A dash of 1mtry in umzzn’s nature seldom prompts him to Eva-he his hair unvut. A man occasionally says nothing and an .s wood, but no M'omunwun do it, N0 book ever xx ritten is quite as real- istic as a “ell-filled pocketlmok. M err-5s travels so slowly that 130v- erty soon oxeriakes it. There is a lot of grey-haired people dyeing to get warned. Lm'e, fire and a. bad cough. are three thing“; that. cannot be bid. Quickeure for all pain 150.. I’n‘dton‘ss causes the joints in life’s journey. Nearly all of the inland of Barbadoes iron slaughter. In several instances “foolhardy officers who have invaded their strongholds have heen disarmed. dismounted and sent home. ’ this kind occurred Just after the raid of the coal company at Price. Two deputies traced. Cassidy and Ferguson to their lair at “ Robbers’ Roost." They were fully 24 hours he- hind, and their appnoach was known long before they arrived at. the narrow trail leading up into the rendezvoue. Caesidy was in a. jovial mood and he conceived that. it would he more fun to capture the deputies and make sport of them than to kill them. So h. acted accordingly. The deputies were about half way up the trail. when, just. at a bend around a sharp point of rocks, they heard the sharp command. “Handsi U!) :9 o _- ..-.... vwW valore the crowd of bancstanders realized what had hap- pened. This is but a- simple exploit. Bank 'robbers are but side issues with them: merely incidental to iheir gran-d chief occupation of cattle-steal- ing. If a Victim resist, or an officer der is regarded as 21):!‘0- to be cheerfully por- are not, given to wan- ton slaughter. In several inzstancps foolhardy officers who have invaded their strongholds have keen disarmed, dismounted and sent home ' m on than wxll forays and take pnde’ 11: their as- sonatxon mth About a year ago "Butch” Cassidy rgusan. one of his trust- into the town D9 any operation that x. ises adventure and financial rewa never overlooked. Trains are heh express companies and banks are bed, and even individuals, when In to have money in their possession relieved of thur possessions in road agent style. VFL POINTED PA RAGRAPHS. The Probabilities ‘mn that prom. l reward. is re held up, \Vith flavot. ap- New $50 wheel for $25- adie’s IiGYGlGSmr Genta’. Will he tent or in- spection on receipt of $1, whicb will be allowed i wheel is retained. Single ordouble tubetiros 33.50 pair. Manger}; 933563 V9950 ”Judge: There are world. and a} ’U‘PS ' PEI Writ Threeâ€"fifths of the Spanish soldiers in Cuba. are under twenty-five years of age. Over 300,000 people in Massachusetts are dependent upon the cotton mills for their living. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that. there is at. least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all it. stages}, and that is Catarrh. Hall’zv Catarrh Cum i4 the only positive cure known tn the medical fraternity. Gaunt} being" COIIntizutionul dis- ease, requires! ~. (Onsli usional treatment. Hall'n (lawn-h Cure ist xken nf ernally. actingdironnly upon the blood and murOna surfaces of the system. thereby destroying the foundation of the di- awe, and giving the 'a‘ient. strengtq by building up the constitu: on and assiszing naturn in doing its work. fl'he proprietors have H0 much (with In its (uramve powers that they ot'br 0: o Hundred Dollars for any came that, it. fails: to cure. Feud for list; at 363timonials. Addrses F. J. CHENEY 8: 00.. Toledo, 2‘, Sold by “margins, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Quickcure for Ulcerated teeth, 150., 25c.. 50c. waiters are tipped to bran-'13 of champagne. ning at Elk Point, S. D., and one of. them fell on a. boy and killed him. En .‘s’Ioscow 3:31) sg'euimvns of wines were anuiyzed by expert chemists. All but. three of them were found to Le Endul‘iuurs decoctiuns, The application of Nervilineâ€"nerve- pain vureâ€"which possesses such mar- vellum; power over all nerve pain, has prowi a remarkable success in rheuâ€" likai'ifiul asn'l nmrulgia. Nerviline acts (:1) Ln»: Ilt'l'z’fi-‘s, soothes them, drives pain (mi and :30 gives relief. Try it and 1‘- A--.-â€"â€"' ,7 Only one-third of (hp. world’s po than use brawl as a (laiiy artic fund. J'uily One-half of the 1:60p the world su‘mist a-hiefly on rice. Quickcure for Swollen face, 150., 250., The new oxygen treatment for wwuuds is regarded by the medical pro- fession as of the greatest value and as a distinct. ad mum in surgery. Not only does it bring- abeut healing in caves that seemed hoyeiess, but the new Lkin is \vhuily unlike scar tissue; it its soft, thick, smooth, fair, loose, warm skin, not ridged 0r seamed, and hardiy to be distinguished from heul~ thy structures. V quite two invh-es of shoe leather in a. year. A pair of boots that would “last a. lifetime” would consequently have to be provided with soies from eight to nine feet thick. Before rain, snails crawl upon leaves. If the rain is going to he iight they lie on the outside of the l and heavy they get on the under side. A shoemaker says we wear away quite two invh‘es of shop. lmnl'mr in eaf, it long In some of the New York hotels the Wt”: payé‘ 13" Two mufes were struck by light- 1": Canada’s Greatest Mee druggiszs. $1; six {01'255‘ Quickcure for cuts. 150., 250., 50. Quickcure for burns, 50 I I)“ cured by thus medicine. Th a[wily write that thexr cures are due to Hood’s Sarsapamlla. Read this: “For a long time I was troubled w‘ - {um and imnnrn mnn .. ese peoyh- conv Enced. Cure Yourself of Rheumatism. $100 Reward $100. ODDS AND ENDS. 51,061) breweries in the amt 25.000 of them are in REMEMBER L LULLL me wound wou1d ls recommended Hood’s d I used three bottlvs I recommeni Hood‘s all effected as I was.” In 52 1'2 Ternnlov 9" Tc.- ' 731 1’ 3' are the only pills to take with Hood’s Sarsuparillu. mood. About 51 and {ny blood “ Medicine. NPW fifPS. Write QUiCko II'N RON. Toronto. "push” certain x‘yorld’s populaâ€" Tea Sarsa. Danna Teraulay St nu pug. Lrtic 1e of 1:601:16 of rice. D scro- 3 year was in GBf‘éBUY'S IéiPRUVED CRRRERGE {UPS Montreal and Que! cc tu Liverpool in manner. Large and fast mm anew tit-uulzhipn ‘lmbmdor.’ ‘ Van- couvcr.’ ' Dominmn.’ ‘Scnbsznxan.’ ' Yorkshire.’ Superior accommodation .or First Cabin, Sec- ond Cabin and Heel-ago :msrcngera. Rates of passage-Fx‘rsr, Cabin, $52.50; ficc0nd Cabin. $31; Slecmgo 822.3!) and onwards according to ateamer and berth. For all information apply to Local Alumna;g or luvm 'l‘omuncnc 8L Uo.. Gen'l Agents. 17 ht. Sacrament. St... Montreal. Icmirsien Line Steamships. 25-31 W“?! x-xwuub Iu uau. we cmun we have ihe bfkt- cum. most practical tunes 0;: (M'h. Fouv my] 50'. 1t 11) nee at. the Expen- nentn! Farm. Gnelvh Ont. Send for prices. .\dll mu Toronto Picket Wire Fence 00.. 321 River St. Taronto, Ont. Fenee,Fencc Leas Year- sea”. ' . â€"â€"â€"-v"u UICI 'g'ee. _ II. M. SIN-ll 1‘ financial Agent, Mon face. II. M. s ' . courting slumber. A "S ° ' Seneca, Kansas. was tending the silence of the night by \x-arbling, "deep, My Ikarest, Slap," When a weary next door neighbor stuck his head out of the window ‘and shouted, "Dunnd if I wouldn’t lik to: but it’s no go whiÂ¥e I have to lis- - ~â€".:â€"-â€"--,-I=~w“m~tr.:m 8H5? mam mam Butter. Eggs. Apples. Fruit. kc" to .II- - but it i: Tris/mega! MAKEQ KNITTING Removes Dandruff in One Week. Cures Itching of the Scalp. Prevents Breaking of Hair. Stops Falling Out. Butter. Eggs. Apples. Fruit. TH! DAWSON oommsszou 00., of Want Mamet and 12mm..- c. rum P‘ODUOHH'Z mmmms. Mlllo. Mill. . Hal Barri5:em,etc..rvmov ADDRESS CIIURCII‘S A!"!‘(‘)-VOCB INSTITI‘TE. 9 Pembroke St.. Toronto, Canada. CURE CBARANTEED. ”BITIVELY GROWS HAI‘ AND ESTATES bought}. sold . n1.-. -» ._ -‘ , Toronto. Phone 1129. up .We can cut yout1898 Fence ’ 4' accuunt in half. We claim um most pramiqnl knee on to Wose Bld .~. R101 mond Bt.,W.. {roam Harm Buys Scrap. 505’. Run ' E‘JiaélJTAJ real, Que. rmmmumm. RBLLIB TOPS have met, with such universal fa- vor. that other manufactureu are now making interior imitati- one. Insist on having the Uonboy make as imitatxons are never as good as the genuine. received the high- est. mvauh at the “’an {1's Fair 1893. LOONBGY'a PATENT CREELMAN [3333, Georgetown, Ont. TING IS FOR YOU-â€" C the our fun]! from hand h I I to foot with our mailt-d 93?. ”’ MONEY MAKEB Prices only 835, $20 830. '0' TYPE‘r'TTL'QS WRITE I”. JAMES B. REILLY. Owner and Prop. ATLANTIC CITY, I. J. OPEN ALL THE YEAR. FINEST HOTEL ON THE COAST. Sun parlor 800 foot long overlooking ocean and beach esplunmlo. Vacuum steam heating; sy:tem. Elovatox to street. level. Hot and cold, fresh and salt water in all baths. Rooms on suite baths attached. round trip first and second cabin ”the“. F pniiingn or “teamera or other information app to any authorized agent. 3. Bourlier. 1 King St. W. Toronto. or B a. A. Allen. Montreal. 'A reduction of five por cont. is allowed 2% 1 Steamers sal‘l from Montreal every Baturdax morning on arrival of trains from Toronto an the Won-3L about 9 o’clovk. RATES OF PASSAG- Cabin 852.50 and upwmdu; Second Cub] $34 and and $36.25; Steerago to Liva- London, Glusgsm, Beli'aet. Londonderr o Queoquwp $22.§0_ a nd $23.50. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamship 00., Montreal to Liverpool. Establi shed 31. QHARLES, or to Pa|d'up cap"" .................. . 2, ' Assets .............. . «.333: Had Mice-Toronto St. Toronto. Branch offlooo Winnipeg, Nan. Valium. I. DEPOSITS received gt, interest payable t. yearly. Incamruula issued for money deposited (or three or five years. Mom" ADVANCED on Real Estate u low rates or interest and on_ta_vpra_bh opndluons. '-“_‘ ‘. A _ __--'_ vwâ€" wâ€"u v” .3- V VI -v.‘ VVIIW _ Lina Mortgages and Municipul or “gt-60) Debentures purchased. Information may boobtainod from. and ap- plications may be made to G. F. R. HARRIS General AgonLWlnnl CESAR]: J. MALANI, General out. couver. ‘vâ€"V‘ vv‘v' Ii I " " ' ' " " RUQFIIN‘H SLATE. in km Red or Green. SLATE BLACKBOABDR (W. l $ I’uinc and High Schools. Turn to). R00 us Foltfi’fich‘ Coal Tar, etc. ROOFING TI .1! So. am 0:138:31; Ings. Tor ‘n'o. done by omfix). 0N Com-c. piope. 995x Estianfites Inmiah for work oomph m- m- R o 0 F | H G and Sheet natal mm. H1u\ca yet {Knot MONSOON CANA DA PERMAN ENT MACHINES. ? lfnot. dmp a card for um' I THE MQNSOON TEA C Loan and savings Company. INCORPORATED 1855. “$53513 TESTED “r Gem. cm. Wt!“ (or was. MILTON L. HBRSEY. B. 5. 8c. 16 3t. Remnant 8 Montreal. 6‘0. J. HERBERT msou. Managing vigour, OLD AND RELIABLE ambushed 1872 WINTER RESORT. t,dr0p a card for sun placket. MONSOON TEA C 7 \\ ellington St. W., Toronto. H‘ LK)‘\ ‘. ”Steamers a. iUST WHAT IS NI” 0 In ovary hmflyoflflm club took. neatly packed ll woodon ban, for repalri book. rubber. hum-nun “own. All daemon-a full If)“ and mowed. n more ton. Pu ! diroouo accompany a and?! at money nvu. un- rods of away ‘I now 1. nu. Dchvered (too with. s radius 0! 500 mil" 0‘ Montreal. Price 8175. Son and for prices of OI! IO" in; mu‘hmea. wild fill“. pum . m. 12st Into 0. 0. TM why Donald-on“ amerau grozatin 135.000 ' ans. . 1‘4 If

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