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Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 Jun 1898, p. 12

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.51 " '3‘: 4. ” 4t 9' Mime Timetany! And other grains and produce following hid MUST increase in price, so that I! you want to bu either a farm or vil- Iago prropertyca l on H, H, MILLER, The Hanover Conveyancer. He has the followinieplaces which for speci- al reasons must sold at once at any reasonable price that may be offered : TEASDALE FARM: Lot 30, con. 2, W. G. l R., Bentiuck, will be sold for little more than Mr. Teasdale paid for it, and since1 thena $1000 brick dwelling has been‘ built and other improvements made. ] HASBACH FARM at Lamlash. T . of Bern; truck, lOO acres, less probab y 3 acres; .suld oil; close to Lamlash Village; well improved; ml'. sell at a great bargain or trade. A10) ACltE FARM in good settlement. in lleutiuck for, say $850. Should bring far more. MOUSE, frame stable and good lot. at Allan l’urk. Must give this away if I can’t sell or trade it ofl. 25mm Cuowu Hmovmz PROPERTIES for Sale or to exchange for erm property. 1110me AT :3 may, CENT. fling, Marine, Life-and Accident Insurance. Aotes and Accounts Collected. ()ceau Tickets iorosale. ALWAYS PROMPT. hover negligent. WITH WHEAT A1333. 8 CON 2t EGREMONT, AND 3 ON treession 4, S. D. R. Glenelg. Lot 8 consists of 100 acres. 90 acres cleared, well watered wull fenced, free from stone, 80 acres fit to run machinery over. Good large lrivk house, bank barn, small orchard. cun- veuient to school. 7 miles from Durham. Lot- 3 Glnuelg Lunsists of 5-1 acres. 30 cleared iahuce hardwood bush. Clear tithe. Will Is 9016 on my terms. For iurthor particu- firs apply on the promiass ta JOJIX \Vlm“. .038. _D_URH_A.‘-l. P. O. FARM FOR SALE, BEING LOTS 5 o fl Fve rooms, on Garat’raxa St. Half an acre of ground. good sta ble, opposite the oltl Cattle-yard llotel. Also a good com- fortable cottage on Countess Street West. five rooms. stone cellar, first class water. ltablo. half an acre of land, small orchard, ate. Will rent or sellon easy terms. For hrtlter particulars apply to . bLO. MIGHTON. April 13th. Durham. P O a3 w. J. Elliott, Prin.§ fimmw mmwwms II‘HAT SPLBNDID 8 ,ROOMED i» gait “than. I BRICK RESIDENCE 0n Bruce street 3; storeys high. Haul and soft water, 200d cellar and every convenience. Quarter of an acre of land, geod garden, bearing fruit trees. etc. Rent reasonable or will sell at a bargain on easy terms of ayment. Posses- sion given July lst. Farglrtller particulars ap’ply to GEO. BIND, Durham. . nne 6. ’98. tf MONEY-W L MacKenzie has company and private funds to loan on farm property a: 5:31] 3 pa com, in sums and upon terms June '2, 1898. OAN AND INSURANCE AGENT. J CONVEYANCER. COMMISSIONER in H. C. .1. Collections pmmptly attended to. LOANS and Insurance effected without (16- lay. Company and Frigate Funds to Loan at 5, 13¢ and 6 per ceut._ m sums and upon “‘OR BALANCE OF ’98 FOR 8. S. V0.11, Bentinck, '2'nd‘ or 3rd class ceitificate, male or female. A pplimtiuns stating salary {\ill be received In _tlie 3m retarv up .0 the afternoon uf Satmdav June...) "" ..o. Duties to commence on Aug ..15 THUS MILLIGAN. 890*; Y,_ I - 4t.nr\ IN the Town of Durham. County of! Grey, hwmgiug a valmblo water, war. buck dwdling and nuuy clogging; aiming lots will be sold. in one or man; ts. Also lot No. a). com. 2. W; G. R": ownship of Bentinck- 1mm“. manhum -_.- ___v_--- uu;u Q! I Ronahenst cottage containing ,ain- 3.1mm] collar, hard and soft water ‘ able, orchard .nnd anion plot-half an. mun". Rent low. Ind...â€" u-_§§9"‘“§.“ THIS 032103. term-s to suit borrowers. I General Financial Business Transacted. Ol-‘FICE- 1 door North of S. Scott’s Store. -..-__ J : BHGGIES.â€"I carry full lines of the * ‘u-“--__-_...~.___-_ Tudhope and McLaughlin Bu £93, 1‘ BL LDGE PROPERTY‘ Democrats, Carts 8w. Theseuebfifight in largtu uzmtities, freight savect, ant! N the Town of Durham. County of can be“) d cheap. Grey, imamu'iug a valuable water, H“ You are inneedufa Plow. Harrme'ang m war. buck dwoliing. and nuny ologiuog Pluwor anvthiug else in this line he 11sz In? twill 13. 111. in 011% on; mic; “170 and can. u- .w 0 ’0.- - «on» 2. 4- 1".- ‘ c?Tl|e RAYMONDSEWING MACHINE 23:2’3faoggflfmck’ “3““ '8. 1550311108; always in stock and. tho beat makes of Mortgages. taken for M ”rum. ORGANS and PIANQS; O For Sale or To Rent. Apr. 91h. ‘98 . 7m. W. L. MacKENZIE, ,anapDDER 3mm mgr. 99001101103 CAST HOUSE. Teocber Wanted House. to Rem. H - H- M I LLE R , The Hanover Conveyancer For Sate JAMES EDGE. Edna Hill. P. 0 Durham P 0,'O.nt. Priée, S. S. No. 1. Egremont~ Class IV. Everett Hoy, Mary Hceflin. Sr 111â€" Maggie Brown. Sarah Brown, Emi- ly Edington. Jr. m.â€"Lizzie Brown, Lizzie Mcllvride. Maggie Cripps. Sr. II.â€"-Michael Garvey, Willie Troy, Josie Pinder. Jr. ILâ€"Annie Hoy, Sarah Edington, Lizzie Pettigrew, Pt. II.â€"Ida Barbour.Mary Douglas. Ida Hoeflin. Sr. Lâ€"John Hoy, Nellie Douglas, WiIlie Brown. Av- erage attendance 53. GERTIE MERE- DITH, Teacher. MC AULIFF FOG ARTY On Tuesday June 7th by Rev. 1 athel Hanck, Mr. David McAulifi to Miss Hannah bogarty, both of Gleuelg. BAIRDâ€"In Egremont on Sunday. June 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Arch. Baird twin boys. HAVENS- In Egremont at the residence of Mr. F. Grasbv on Thursday. June 2nd, Thomas 1.1., son of “1'. and \IIS. Frank 1131 ens, of Durham, aged alyears. HAMILTONâ€"In Egremont, near Holstein, 0n 'I‘hursday, June 2, Mrs. John Hanul ten, aged 64 yea1 s. HENDERSONâ€"At Ham pden 011 Sunday, June 51h, \\ n1. Ilendeisonaged 83 yea1s. ALDREDâ€" 111 Benunck near D111ha1n, on Monday Ju11e6 1896, Mary Jane, be- loved wife of Ezekiel Aldxed aged 74 yea1s and 6 months. SMITHâ€"At the residence of hm so11,CT1arter, i11 Durham 011.1t11rday,June4th, Rebt. Smith aged 88 yea1 s. VOLLETâ€"In D111ha111 on Friday June 31d, Grace Douglas, relict of the late Chas. Vollett aged 65 yea1s. WAIT-At Pricex ille 011 Saturday, June 4th, Francis Wait aged about 82 years. For Sale by McFarlane Co. ‘u‘. v AAAAAAAA v J v maulâ€"JV; .l lU‘J-VJ‘ comprising Scotch, American and Canadian Granite and Marble. 20;; discount on Mar- ble. No Agents commission. All work warranted. Railway fare allowed purchas- ers who call at the Shop. MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, MANTELS, Etc. The most pronounced symptoms of heart disease are paipitation or fluttering of the heart, shortness of breath, weak or irregular pulse, smothering s eiis at night, gins in region of heart. 42 brain may congested, causing headaches, dissi- ness or vertigo. In short, whenever thg heart flutters, aches or paipitates, it diseased, and if life is valued treatment must be taken. Dr. Agnew'a Cure for the Heart is the only remedy yet discovered which will aiwa s ive relief in so minv ates. and cure a so Menuâ€"fl. DURHAM MARBLE and 88:13le WORKS. MARBLE and GRANITE DEALER OF MOUNT FOREST, MCIN'I‘YRE’S BLOCK. _- v vualo' .-‘ tom: on your own tomâ€"s bf? emymout. INSURANCE. promptly attended to. 1888 EB of Marvin-go Linceses. » OFFICE WABEROOMS, MY 'Warerooms are fully stocked with all kinds of MA§S§33§ - HARRIS IMPLEMENTS Including Binders, Mowers, Drills, Rakes, Spring Tooth Narrows, c. 'l‘heseare the best machines you can buy and- are made by a reliable Firm. WAGOXS.â€"A car load of Adam’s \Vaggns arrive thOis week. For an easy running, well finished Wagon nothing can excel these wagons. MONEY T0 LOAN at 5 and am a... ‘--M. An. ‘IA.-- A---_ A- A. saunas m so MINUTBB- Furnished on the Shortest Notice and at Lowest Prices, Quality Considered. AS THE LARGEST STOCK IN ONTARIO TO SELECT FROM. R. IV. GARDINER, \VM. MCOALMO N, W. CALDER A unmou- UPI-“V“: GOODS. MARRIED. LOWER BORN. DIED. Council met as a Court of Revision at Allan Park on 25th May; members all present,_the Reeve in the chair. rv- râ€"vâ€"v'___' On appeal the following reductions were made in the Assessment Roll : Matthew Baker, $50 ; Ann Lawrence, $100; John Cain, $50 ; Robert Ewen, $100; Thos. Clark, jr., $100; James R. Ledingham, $150; Wm. Hewitson, 3200; Oscar Schreiber, $100; John Dirstein. (2 places) $150; Valentine Bauer. $100 ; Henry Willis, 3-100; J. McIntosh, ('2 places) $200; Herman Kemkes, $200; Wm. J. Ledingham, $100; James Milne, $150 ; 'l‘hos. Bai- ley. 850 ;Edward Acton, $50 ; Francis Caeton, $250 ; Peter Ickler, $50 ; Anna Barnes, $20; N., G. J. McKechnie: $100; Wm. Fishleigh, $50; Thomas Flannigan, $50; John Clarke. 3150; Alex. Beatonh‘. 8100; John Walker, 3300; G. McKechnie,‘ $50; John Pot- ter,$50. qu "L'MVIJUV- I-C. vu-vwxgv .llu \UV“ â€"vv â€"â€" â€" Petitions received from D. Knechtel and 70 others asking grant for bridge on Dar- ham road, Hanover, referred to Mr. Devlin; from Thos. Elliott and 40 others asking grant on hill, con. 14, lot 5; and trom Jas. Anderson and 33 others asking grant ot 340 on S. L. 10, eon. 15; both petitions referred to Mr Eeslie. _ - â€"â€"_ wâ€"v'g I‘v-vw' The following accounts were ordered to? be paid :-â€"$2 for each polling place used at‘ last local election, $10.25 to A M Rutherford for assessor’s stationery, 750 to lhos. Richards for delivering telegram t0 the reeve, $84to Wilkinson Plough Co for .12 scrapes, $2.50 to Mr McUregor for re air- ing culvere, $5 to John (h‘ant for on vert. S L 5, con 10, $3 to Alex. Stewart hlhng washouts on Garafraxa road, 33 to Thos Scarfe culvert on Garafraxa road, 83 to M McKechern repairing culverton con 6 and 7, $2.63 to Henry Geisel repairing culvert on townline B and B, ‘54 to J Mc’l‘avrsh repairing washout at McTavish’s Bridge, $3.53 to Goodeve and Brigham for cedar, $2.75 to GOO Cuff for culvert on Durham road, $10 to '1‘ Finnegan for culvert and gravelling con2and 3, S D R. $5 to S B (.‘larke rent of hall, $18.50 to Frrnk \Veis and others repairing culverts and filling washouts in Division No 3, 31.57 to Wm Herd lumber and work on bridge S L 40, con 1, S D R, 322 to Wm Smith lumber and spikes and work on Kennedy’s bridge, 35 to Henry Eidt for lumber, $1 to Henry Metcalf for work on Eidt’s bridge, $1.25 to Wm Scarf repairing railin on bridge, con 2, .W G R, $1 to Frank fierby repairing railing on bridge west of Durham, 43:; to Uibsmr lollinsou repairing Aberdeen bridge. The rceve was authorized to [say Arch Hunter as soon as the re mine to Mc- Ke_nna’o_bri_dgc were (:‘Hlllr'lei('\l.. -.n h There bein no further appeals the court adjourned an council met for the transac- tio_n_ of gqperal bugiueg. ‘ 1!- ___- BY-law No 3 allowing the Knechtel Furniture Co to cross Market St wrth thexr track, and By-law No 4 closing S L 15, con 14",mwere duly passed, p “ A ____ AuJA-CAJ ‘A --v- w- "wv-U-‘Hw' The roll was ordered to be receiyed from thgaqussor andphqqpe issged for 111‘s sa‘xlaryj. The fux'thCrv co‘mitlezahun of Fire Pro- tection Bylaw was l..i.l mm txll next meeting. The ()0 Treasurer was requested to re- ceive supplementary list of " No Effects." The treasurer was authorized to borrow money to pay for Hanover commuted statute labor until collected. Township and Lng'rosséd bookâ€"Carried. “We, the members of the Township Conn.- cil of Egremont in council assembled have this day to mourn the loss by death of one of our number in the person of Mr. 'l‘hos. Fer- guson, who (16 arted this life on the 18th mst., and we nereby extend our deepest sympathy to the bereaved widow and sor- rowful family of our deceased brother, and pray that the Giver ofall good will comfort ard sustain the bereaved in their sore afflic- tiou and supply them with every needful blessing.” Melnnisâ€"McQueenâ€"That \V. ‘Vilder be aid the sum of $21 for 14 weeks’ board to CV. Williams, beiufi amount due until May 26th, 1898.-â€"Carrie . Messrs. Durrant, Orr and Weir. as dele- gates addressed the council respecting the condition of sideroad atlots 9021, con. 16; also a petition presented by Alfred Tucker srined by W. L. Dixon and 27 others re s: eroad between lots lé-lfi, con. 2121. ‘ Iiun‘ter-j-lflcQueenfâ€"That Mr. McInnis The following â€"g_i'${liisvvv\vere made on roads: $1 each on divisions Nos 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and $40k: Elmwood. Council met May 30th. Minutes of previ- ou§ _1n_ceting _s_us_tained. MelInllis;'-Dl('Q«1ee11Â¥~That the tollowing resolution of condolence to the widuw and family of the late Thus Ferguson, Esq.. be suitably framed and forwarded‘ to the be- reaved family, and that the same be signed by the members and office bearers of the Township a_m_1 umrosscd in the minute 40.43%. 2' d; t.â€" ".1.“ reâ€" 1' it e"nu! Jalvfl t «31111 as!» “complain than 50c. in lieu ut' we ch ’3 statute labor Mclnu sâ€"McQuegnâ€"Thgt Mr. Bfown‘ he psud Cliéfor rep. sidewalks.-Carued. Melanin -â€" NCQueon â€"- That D. 'Huntor have :3: W1}, 13:ng built om; the, crack at Council adiomrned to meet in Dornoch on Monday, lst day of August next. uum That the Court of Hairdo; Edi)! axe and tho roll as finally revised be 3409M.â€" 11unterâ€"McQueeuâ€"-'l‘hat Mr. McInnis have the sideread at lots 20-21, con. 16 put in proper shape for travelling, and. that he alsu examine sideruad between lots 1516 Con. '20- 21 and have it repaired if found necessary. ~Carried. v“: I IUWO Members of eourt subscribed to the neces- sary declaration alter which the fol-lowing appeals against too high assessment were examined and disposed of as follows : Alfred Tucher no change, D. Allan, in, reduced 350; D. McKelwe reduced 8100; Robt. Ed en no change °, F. Doupe reduced~ 810): Gr. Cal- der not exempt; Jas. Gordon reduced 8200 : J. Findlay no change on manse; Thus. Gordon no change: __ nu l . McQueenâ€"Huntqrf'l‘hat we now form mto a. Upurt of Rgavmon with the Reeve m th9_cllanr.â€"Carrled. ._ vâ€"wâ€" -nv The following additions were added to the roll: Juo. Drewey, tenant G. A. 6; Alex. Liversage F S. 28,7 7;.J. E. Gleaves, tenant E. +16,15:Jas. Banddo. W56, con 3: W. (1rd‘b$d02‘ con. WKr or do 24, con. 'e-lsondo Waist-15.0011. 2, A Calder; M. F. 21, con. 21; Jas. Ford, M. F., N. 16, con, 22. Au therewu ”no more changes to bemude on Roll moved McQueen-Mc- b luuif Thatll th e _l ou_rt of R;\ iciou new rise BENTINCK COUNCIL. EGREMONT COUNCIL. dame of Dr. Sneath, DrOmore. was 11 in by-law 101, am} the same part phrpughout‘ \y‘erq ‘inserted in By-hw J 2--) “A-.l:..~ Uul Ulla-Ivar vvv- v â€"â€"___ , _ - both passed the third reading. Mchueenâ€"Mclnnisâ€"Thnt J. A. 14th be pai 81.10 for post cards and printing notices to pathmasters.â€"Cartiod. EcInnisâ€"McQueen-That the assessor be paid W on salary-Carried. Hunter-McInnisâ€"That Robert Brown be appointed commissioner for Holstein on the same terms aginst yeah-fcqr‘ried: . ’ u 9.- Baltic WI‘W a“ l-IJU va-u â€"_'... McQueenâ€"Hunter - Tha't'Mr. Mclnnis in- spect the road at lot 17, con. 12 and report at negt meegngof c'g‘qnqilCâ€"Ca‘qig‘df- ‘ L “I! ”CAI! IJWVUJI-B v. vau-u-â€" .___ _ McInnisâ€"Hunterâ€"That Mr: McQoeen be instructed to repair the approach at the bridge on Proton townlme near Cedarvllle. -Carried, --_ â€"- _ n. O n.‘ ‘ _ V“. I IV“ McInnis-Hunterâ€"That Edwin Sitver .be paid $3 for puttinf in a. culvert on baselme at con. 5-â€" Larrie . . Mr Schram paid 01 into conned for umber received. ' Council adpumod to meet on Monday, J une 27th. D. ALLAN, Clerk. Composition on Editors, by a. 80th Boy. An editor is a man what edits a paper. Some editors use a pen to edit with. but some use a sissors. Lots of editors get news from scribes. Some editors are Farisees. Nearly all editors lie. An editor that can’t lie aint no good for an editor. An editor should like gossip. Women would make good editors. but editors must keep secrets. An editor never has any money. Once an editor got ten cents and it made him crazy. An editor never expects pay for his paper. Lots of people never think of paying an editor. When an edit- or gets a free ticket he has to give a dollar’s worth of free advertising in advance. Sometimes an editor gets wood, and some drink whisky. An editor that doesn’t d ink whisky is a dry editor. Some that do are dry next day. Most peOple know how to edit papers better than editors do. If an editor asks for pay for his pa~ per the fellow he asks is likely to get mad. It’s cheaper to borrow from some one else. Some editors are not afraid of men. I once knew of a woman what frightened an editor and made him crawl under a table. This is all I know about editors. Lmhm Stn 0gp. Middm‘h Balm. THE Roman Catholic picnic at Irish Lake will be held in Sullivan’s Grove on Thursday. June 16th. opened in Durham, 3. New Tailor Sh op in the McIn- tyre Block, Lambton 88., and is: prepared to receive orders for Clothing, which he will make up in the most fashionable styles. Fine Art Tailoring a Specialty. Call and give bin) _ A Trial. .4 ! LOWER TO‘VNI ' Than P1 mts, for mam purposes, and yet at a 10“ price. We refel to our line of C otfcm C aslzmcres, in plain colors. These goods are ex. tra value. Soft cashmere finish, 40 in. wide, at 150. TAN SHOES. Strictly Purcfi H.W.P€iaakier A Splendid Line of Youth's and Boy’s Tan Shoes Sizes, 11 t0 :3. The most serviceable shoes for Summer Wear. DRUGGIBTS BOO KSELLEBm M’FARLANE 8160. Our Ten-Cent Prints are meet. ing with (Quick Sales}~ PARIS GREEN , HELEBORE, COPPER SULI’HATE and other I usecticides for spraying purposes. to all points at rates. Come to any information. IS very highly recom- mended by all who have used it. '1‘13’ :1 p: ”ukagc. We also keep Millers (all Old flum 1tc mth prominent sheep wise! ~ f the money. we OlFriday lust .\ Med tt our sanctl riouicy in clove {Opacimens with V9. six, seven Doctively. The 3' hi! danghter, J us, Who after 9: rfrieuds. here, aunt. Mrs. Ja “Hearted clover Iii” be no surpr} ting married t1 fore the year is . Fritlnâ€"giy evening. They t Nita“: on June 21%. M‘. “'11). Lynn, Of ‘5 while on his way to atten pic-nic had a runaway by "'“ H‘mwn from his but! Iligbfly cut. Tan Roman Catholic Irish Lake will be held in have on Thursday. June Tun volunteers of Um may are callpd for drill A PIE SOCIAL will be [lampden School .House Mu. JAnES Raxwx while milking on Sn Last became sudden}; and died in a few mi :0an who was adv Lava t husband an zlevon children, seven hughtera, all grc wn Lgood pragram is Emission 10c., to 1 ho“ buying pies; l: 'eedu to be applied 1 'unds. All cordially Two Rev. Gentlemm mute "doing” [Le ! :olioctiag money to lg ndnchoo! in Kurdist N'flnld like to quiz (1 than their eastern 1101 r001 011 Inability to um nude 9.116 inn IIIOIIId profiilos LOG AAL A E \V made to is booming a | Works. It \\' as re, arms ll DE out news adu to I] U 1n Quasi dram “xi n he

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