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Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Jun 1898, p. 1

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the Grocery extra good valmsin‘h er handle any but 3001 ‘ our $2.00 and 82.25 M ’e are always getting lgsâ€"seasonable g. ' us for groceries. ork Beam, 3 lb 61 .nchor Salmon, 1250”? .oyal Club Catsnp, Very Fine, 15c. be Led Cross Baking Po: §lb tins, £45m 7 “ I‘weed Pants at! S’ SEOES I”! M 11R. Young, Grand Master. Of. the 0 0. F. mil visit Grey Lodge N0. 3*.hel‘e. officially on Friday ov’g ’Xt. June 2H). A full attendance brethren is recimested. " S as :1 “Ring to rem M 1'80 VF what he .6: M1 anon Misses e mount t fcrget nic will. be In Id at S. S. No. 9 1-..Lu' iii 0 5 SC hool, on Thurs. m. 30; h. \H zue invited. LOCAL NEWS. 5M The an m airof 3w. boots for your tJ. A. Hunter’s. town 1y I'upflil‘s are being made nigh House at. present. vines are being torn down by new ones. . to. of Glass Blowers or two in town His in; tlwir work. They )1"‘<_f«);.:mse the power of m u<.l\'cx-tisinug medium, ’ peddie their informaj- the streets and at. the (il'wxnvood of Glenelz. iil. has a fancy for Gal- ' Last week. he sold ‘mu‘ oh] steers for the nu of 5155. Mr. Chas. 'antiuvk was the pm:- hc knows how to buy. Mk. i821 pretty good fig- U‘mi'uu 00d feels that (i -.i!(.'\'ays are not, a bad f the Famerrs’ Instio imial in the 'l‘owash_ip . u!) \V'ednesday next, I 1:30 p. 111. All are in- sic Monday evening. tUse of Time. I' 9 I” _ il ) U correspondence receiv- this issue. Rutherford had a fine, wnt erected on their t1 phat, here last week. zuw and JOhDSCOu, 0‘ L‘f‘ ('untl‘aCt.. It the Races here on the M11 your while to see 1 honse, Baby Boy, It)!» Scott) go out 0 naco. .0. piper on his way to NM the S. O. 8. pic- =Lowu with some uf whom are in camp at of )tt left. this morning see his brother who [H 'm appendicitis. or To Rent.-â€"Pump :400'1 business. For mars ayply to David 1.: Battalion had a f on Monday nith n'n'xgh the principal 'H by the bund. The -.3. wvll, considering ‘- thuy hud‘to make «g cwiully Drum-major «iicln't'kuow he was “My awning. The» Niagara. on Tuesday :r LYcut. Galbraith, ding. in the absence n- 1'. We hope to hear 9m these noble young : conm'y. and in the that no harm. will while so unprotected. mg their absence t9 seat of war, and tho’ :asion to be custa- >f battle, may no MI i H. h, Reeve oquelph 1' uf Mr. Colin Blyth m budiy' gored by a Us been amputated. fiat} mentioned last. n Monday the 27th 1 of Tuesday, 'at mic. Ad, lUctS. I AMONG the birth notices: Reeve Sparling last week, Mayor Calder ;‘ this week, and now for the Council Mr. E. W. Edwards will address meetings in Durham on Saturday and Sunday next, under the auSpices of the Epworth League. \VANTED. -â€" '1 “o appxcnrices, at once to lawn d1 essmakmg Apply to Miss Hutton, Geoxge Street, Dur- 11am. Chief Constable Carson collared us on Monday for that dogntax. It’s all right, but what about the dogs that are out on their vacation. Miss Ethel Kinnee of Eatons store ,Toxonto, is visiting her sister, \Irs. ., Chas. Leavens The I. O. F. attended the Baptist. Church in a body last Sunday morn in~r when an excellent sermon was preached to them by Lev. Mr. Mc- Crlegor- â€"â€"Any person wishing the‘services of a boy for haying and harvest Can be accommodated by applying to Mrs. Ed. Lauder at the Durham Creamery. -Sugar Bargain.--~Call and get a barrel of Redpath’s Sugar from J. A. Hunter. It isdown to rock bottom now and is sure. to be higher soon. The bbl p1ice wills 9111'19pri ,e you. MR. Q. PETTIGREW bought a horse from G. Lawrence for $97. â€"FnEsn LIME FOR SALE.--At Lot 53 con. 3, Beutinck. Wm. Billings. 2 In view of the coming protest an- nounced eisewhere. Semecary W. L. McKenzie, “ishes all who have the subscription lists to return them at once together with the collections. l‘nm demonstration to be held here on the 111st of July bidsf air to be the best ever given in town. Secretaiy Black is a bustier. Credit to him will be due for the success of the under- taking. Everv horseman in Western Ontario has been notified and already a. number have signified their inten- to be present. Don’t fail to attend this demonstration on the First. Mr. S. L. M. Luke sports an intel- lectual hat. THE 12th this year is to be celebra- ted with hot fervor in Walkerton, where Mr. Clark \Vallace is to be present to talk on Orangeism. We don't make this announ einent to draw the crowd away from Duiham, where King William himself is ex- pected to appear in full uniform. The Durhamites, however, will have to get a move on if they expect to succeefl. So far, only- tâ€"he most meagre announcements have been made, while surrounding: towns, recognizing the power of printers’ ink, are advertising extensively. with fuil sheet posters and small hand bills. Go thou and do likewise and success is assured. Picnics. IRISH LAKE. \Ve regret we were unable to attend the Irish Lake pic- nic, and as no report has reached us we can only say that it is spoken of as a great success, socially and finan- cially. Rev. Fathes Hat ck is a push- er, and anything he undertakes is bound to tell. PRICEVILLE; The Sons of Scotland had a grand picnic in‘ the. Priceville School grounds on Tuesday last when the usual athletic games were heart- ily indulged in. Music {tn-:1 dancing formed an important part of the proâ€" gramme, but there’s nothing like the bxg pipes to stir up a. Scutchmau. As we have arranged for a report issue we defer further notice at present. ALLAN PARK.-l-'l‘he annual picnic A) ll [Jub‘ at. Allan Park was held on Satux'day when it is estimated that: about a thousmnd assembled to evjoy the sport; usually provided for such occasions. The proviflns were ex- cellnuc and showed th igh state of cullinery perfection to which the L â€"- nnA cullinerv perfection to which We Mr. Bert Gaming, of the narnston young lAdies, and older ones too,havn Review, gave us a. call on Mou‘day attained in that section Mr. 3.10- lost. He isa. member of tho; 3!“ Donédd, the teacher, sparcdpo paws Battalion Band whom hoaccoropames in drumming upthe event, and the to Niagara to camp fins and next large attendance shows :he result of week. ' his efforts. A lengthy platform pro- Mr Malcolm" McLeanmsttmaster gram was disposed of wthr,‘ Henry of Walkertou, accompanied by. M.“ ° ,; .A . ‘ . " ad'fought apnea» “(Ham bnténo'thIatth'GfMW Wk. ”“9“! mm 3f.8pfl|in3‘h99‘h 1b---- n-._.I -.°‘.’:.'§.A' In? ' - _._. no...- aka “0““ .â€" M‘.‘ DURHAM, ON’IX, JUNE 23,1898 of football was in progress in the evening as we left the grounds. ABERDEEN.-â€"On Fri-lay afternoon last an interesting little picnic was held at Aberdeen by Mr. Galbraith and his school. The afternoon was pleasantly spent in Mr. Collinson’s grove where a good program of speaking, singing, recitations. etc. Was given by old and young. Not being present in time we are unable to give the names of all who took part, but when it came to the eating we noticed that all were right ready for business, and the provisions u ere all right too, at least Malcolm Clark said so and he should know. The attendance was not large but all. in- cluding a number from Durham; en- joyed themselves immensely. Messrs. Ramage and. Malcolm Clark, B. A., were the principal Speakers, the lat.- ter reviewing the history of the School, and pointing out some pron- inent men, now holding responsible positions, who received their early training in the section. The section has a good record and may it continue to pros‘pcr. Councillor Moore was .in Owen S’d as a juror last week. Miss Maggie Queen, Spent; a, week in town, the guest; of Miss Jack. Miss Mary A. Ryan of Toronto is holidaying with her parents at Edge Hill. ' Mrs. Dass, of Stratford, is the guest. of Miss Annie Robeuson this week. Mr. R. W. Gardiner, of Mt. Fcrest, was in town a day or two this week on business. Mr. W m. McCalmon and his brother 821111., of Michigan, drove over to Flesherton Saturday on business. Mr. Chas. Parrot, who has been for some time in Toronto, returned home last week. Misses Grace and Agnes Vollet, of Hamilton, after spending a week in O. S. are visiting friends in town. Mrs. Waltprs and fumilyl ft, town Honda and will leside for a. tima in Palmmatou. Mrs. Kinzhing. of St. George. 13 visiting wiLh her sister, Mrs. J Bur- nett, up town. Miss A. Siegmann, of the Knapp House, is attending the Garrick Camp Meeting near Neustadt. this week. Miss Anna Burns. of Cleveland, Ohio, is spending her holidays with Mrs. Ed. Lauder, near the Creamery. Mis. Irwin and her daughter, Miss McNeil, pf Paisley, are visiting the former’ssistel, Mis. Gr. Meikle, in town. Mr. A. W. H. Lauder is the happy owner of a new ’98 model Comm bi- cycle which he thinks is the best in town. Mr. Chas. McDougal. of Lamlash. and Miss Cassie hnapp, of the Knapp House, Spent Sunday with friends at, Ayton. Mrs, MoGilvrav, of Flesllerlon, was in town Saturday on her\ way home from the Baptist Convention at. Paisley. Migs ’Tena McKinnon has returned to her duties at the Central Hotel, aftera. few weeks at her home in Gleuelg on the sick list. Mr. Henry Waite, of the Phoenix Dye WV'orkS and Knitting Factory, Owen Sound, was in town this week soliciting orders for work. Rev. Mr. McGregor attended the Baptist Convention in Paisley last week, and speaks Well of the interest- ing and profitable time Spent there. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, postmaster at Banks. Collingwood Tp., spent, a few'days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Greenwood at Edge Hill. Thomas .VVilloughby ESQ., Secre. h.” nf L- O L. No 460 was in town Thomas -VVilloughoy nsq., own:- tary of L. O L. No 460 was in town Monday dmt-ributin‘g bills and post.- en's fur their demonstration on the 12111 of July, in Walkcrt-on. ‘ Mr.,'Bert'Calkins. of the Harriston all on Monday week. PERSON AL. gent: eman “I suiiered for over three years from extreme nervousness, weakness and pr'ostxation, and until lecently could not obtain relief. A few months ago it became only too appa- rent that ext1eme nervous prostra- t1011 had set in, as I lost flesh and appetiterapidlg'. A tonic which I had been using seemed to do me lit- !tle good, and three of our medical 11nen 1110113111111ed1ne in 111' rent need 'of immediate and prolonged rest in :order to build up my nervous system ito its former healtln condition, giv- 111; me a 1'e1tificate to that effect. About this time by pure accident Dr. \Vn'd’s Blood and Nerve Pil1s were b1'101; 1 ht to my notice, and 811;;csted as the remedy I needed. I decided to try them, and on doing so a dc- cided change for the better took place at once. I have since continued tak- ing the pills, with continued and marked benefit and i11113-r0vement. My appetite has returned. I am gaining in flesh steadily, and my general health is now ,so good that. I do not hesitate to recommend these pills, and, in fact, have done so in many instances. Further I am sure that these resuits are due to the ac- tion of Dr. \Varsd’ Blood and Nerve Pills. and I have every confidence that they will do for others all that they have done for me.” We the undersigned certify that the health of the Rev. -R. A. Bilkey has for months-- been deteriorating, and that he is now suEering from se- vere nervous prostration. and ur- gently requires immediate and pro- longed rest. .‘I. w. McLAUGHLIN, M. D. A. BEITH, n. 1). L. HOLLAND REID, M. R. C. 8., etc. This Interview Tells :It. - A reporter called on the Rev. R. A. Bilkey. rector of St. John’s (Epis- copal) Church. BowmanVille, Ont., during the progress of achurch func- tion recently and was compelled to comment on the grentc ange for the better in the rector’s physical appear- ance since he had met him before. It is due entirely to Dr; Ward’s Blood and Nerve Pills, Said the reverend gentleman, ‘ This Certificate Brings Forth a Story. i Ramsay. f Morlock, FOR ( From Toronto Globe. ) TH E RTY D \YS BOWMAN VILL B, ONT. NEXT THE June 9 1898. , is to make room hr 3 f Large Shipment of , Read' wmade Cthfliflg’, ’5‘. which we expect ? shortly. \V e hm tally deemed to clear out every d01- lar’s worth of our Trim- med and Untrimmed Hats, Within the next Thirty Days. We are going to let the LOW P1 ices do the Work. The Reason of this sale 1 LEGE is worth winning. ENTRANCB and LEAVING Candidates for the next ex- amination have the chance this year. By - writing to the If you need health, strength and energy the pathway .is pointed out. This is a straightforward testi- mony to the worth of a medicine. It is not. a vain boast. It is a proven fact that appeals with irresistible force to all the brain-worried. nerve- tried and weak, debilitated men and. women of the land. A FREE \ ‘ .nm bL Stating name. address teacher school and which Examination, ail infurnmtinn about competitim will be clneerfullx furnished - Mentionthis paper. Address Dr. Ward’s Blood and Nerve Pills are sold at 500. per box. 5 boxes for $2, at druggists. or mailed on receipt, of price by the Dr. Ward 00.,71 Vic- toria street. Toronto. Book of in- formation free. Dr. Chase Cures Catarrh after Oper- ations Fail. Toronto, March 16th, 1897. My boy, aged fuurteeu, has been a «firmer from Uatarrh, and lately we submitted him to an operation at the General Huspiml. Since then we have resorted to Dr. Uhaae‘s Catarrh Cam, and one bux «,t'this medicine has made a prompt- and compiete cure. H. (3:. FORD, Foreman. Cowau Ave. Fire Hall. \V. H. SHA W. MESSRS. Pickeu fires. of Bentinck, sold thme horses 011 four-£1.13! â€"-*wo for $90 each to \11. H1) may, of 81111113. and the o 1131 to .\I1.Ul1;13. 31016114011 for a good mice. Twenty- Eight Gallons of Blood pass every 110111 tliiouwh the heart liver and kidneys. How vastly im~ pouant'itis that this blood :‘hould be pu1e so that these impmtant or- g .1118 me not ir1i ated. And 111%) how impmtunt it is that each of these 011111118 Should be stiong and he11l111y so that their work may be thorou r11- ly accomplished. Sloan’ 8 Indian 1 m- ic is not only a po .ve1ful blood p1: 1i- fier but a reconsn uctive tonic. $1. ()0 per bottle. Sold by all druggistr CENTRAl BUSINESS CUllEGE IGH GRADE BUSINESS COL- [. SHAW. â€"- â€"- PRINCIPAL. Yonge Gerard Sm, Toronto. SCHOLARSHIP OF T0 RON 1‘0. IN A N01632

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