rmd faithful t '- Ear 3 boxes for 01.2541] am a 00.. Toronto, Ont. W [DV‘DOPsIm Pric- 2k, Lead, there is hardlfi as death. The dock continuous atom iles, there is n00?! khan: below. While range. sud tin? we certainly will ï¬nd in the 803 light! 50 to 300 will bekill he first quarter 0! an example. One 3| K22 ship at the hon as a Japanese onisl It wounded one hull In the contain. _ error there is In the wounded. ‘ explained that in 1 close quarters the N 1 with so-callod W wounded can Mm" an the act'aon inst?“ tonuon can be 9““1 0‘ Persons killed I first twenty minu moment warned vo years. by t m,†marrim- HI to WW Lonlated that inn} 3 the world nine. f“;- eiplasivo wounded W9 3.! (ham-rs ;. .u: Ill-w. In a. Ship DON’T FORGET our stock of Sec- tions, guards and heads, rivets, etc. â€For {slhave onened up 3 Laundry in D1r'ham. I hem to announce that I 12‘. ,tv.epa1 el 10 do all kinds of Gent’ 5, 1.1111933 and Household Laundrying 1::119 very waest Rates. ‘éarafraxa St., Durham. ' 9 1.1er .\orth James Carson a. 1 R All Clothes Washed by Band. :MPUMENT WAREHUUMS ~â€" UPPER TOWN 5") great has been the Sale of Our HARVEST TOOLS That we have been obliged to order 6 Trial will convince you gas. Méiiï¬ï¬géii‘s 31mins; of a. large stock of DBERIXG BINDERS and MOW- ers~The best in the world. MAXWELL Binders, Mower! and Horse Rakes. CARRIAGES. Buggies. Chatham and Snow Ball Wagon8, Etc. STOVES~A1arge stock of Mo- Claryvs famous Model 0001b" in: Stoves, Fancy Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves, Cod . ' ~~ etc-9 at prices that E5. 33M“ Anuthe: [lat Load Chinese Laundry. vies. etc., at prices that 11 surprise you. '0 \\ xlliams Sewing Machinbl “S -- UPPER TOWN 'V b of various kinds. D Sowers, Scufllers and I‘m Implements. H5â€: Has the best Rockwell Drill in the Country. Can drill either Rock or Clay, any depth. W. D. CONNOR Also maker and dealer in all kinds of pumps, eSpecially the famous I. X. 1.. Roller Bowing, which eclipses anything hitherto in the market. The Cheapest, the easiest and the best. \W. l]. CONNOR. LOWER TOWN, BLOUSE SETS; The Place to get, them is NEXT THE BANK, Lower Town. We have them in all Styles Thgcheapest _way to remit W€ will clear out the bal- ance of our Ladies’ Sailor Hats and Men’s Fine Straw at the fol- lowing Low Prices: Ladies’ Sailors that were 750 for 600. u u u u 406 “ 320. Grant’s Ad Men’s Straw Hats, were 31 for iDUBHAM. ’k and Col’d woo! Serges @ 250., ° red Lustges (a snap) @ 30. and 500. a yd. OOOOOOOOOOOOOO , Double f0 Challies, in dar 1d Cashmere (black only) 12§c k colors only, ........ bc. ARE ALL GUARAN- A u'l‘ nnLORS. Large white Connterpaues, worm $1.50 for $1.0). Large white all lineu Table Covers, worth $1.75 for 31.40. Table OIL CLOTHS in white and col- ors, 45 ins. wide, 25¢. yd. Men’s TOP SHIRTS from 25c. up. SEE OUR LADIES’ OXFORD SHOES ' . They cant be beat. H o" It and Prices from 25c. to $4.00. Call and see them. W. A. MacFAHLANE. Money i5 by Dominion Express Order. For sale here. 2g tyds x 28 ins. K‘ .- QQ “ 3% 6‘ ‘6 H 6‘ H 42 t5 H 8‘ 6‘ H H H $1 00 H . HAVE TAPED 75c. I1:0c. pair. 25c 750. DURHAM. worth H H H 5‘ 20c. 75c. 400. tting contracts to the council. Clause 3 of the by- the class of supplies for which tenders are to be asked by the clerk; clause 4 provides that sup- ples of ice, fuel and the making of repairs and improvements to the county buildings and the providing offurniture be left to the County Property Committee; by clause 5 all medical supplies are to be purchased on the order of the gaol surgeon. A new standing committee is provided for in clauses 6 and 7 having special reference to roporting the regular quarterly audits of the judicial and criminal justice accounts to the countv council, The officers for the county council. elections in the coming winter Were appointed as follows : Division No. 1, Thos. Gordon ; 2, William Beaton: 3, George Russell; 4, George Hopf ; 5, W. J. Wardell; 6, John Irwin ; 7, George G. Albery; 8, Jos M. Rogers. Report No. 2 of County Property com. recommended payment of wood account of John Clark for S. Grey registry ofï¬ce; the conï¬rming of some accounts paid by order of the chairman in the interval between the January and June sessions, such as wood supply, Telford 00,, $112.51; ice supply by James Kanary, $20; flushing Bay st. sewer by the town, $33. It intimated that the county property committee had inspected the gaol before starting for Meaford, and they found everything in cleanly and orderly condition, the inmates being 13 in number of whom 10 were men and three women. classiï¬ed as follows: 2 criminal, 5 insane, and 6 indigent. The insane are being re- moved to P‘ovincial institutions as quickly as room can be found. The amount required to meet esti- mate for next year is $34,005, or a, rate of 1.704 mills on assessment of $19,956,000. The amount required from the municipalities is as follows: Artemesia $1942.56, Bentinck $2274.- 84, Collingwood $2317.44, Derby $1260.96, Egremont $2291.88, Eu- phrasia $1993.68, Glenelg $1533.60, Holland $1635.84, Keppel $1165.54, Normanby $2675.28, Osprey $1618.80, Proton $1697.18, Sarawak $385.10, St. Vincent $2419.68, Sullivan $2068.- 65, Sydenham $2095.92, Owen Sound $2794.56, Meaford $794 05, Durham $340.80, Thornbury $272.64, M arkdale $230.04, Dundalk $195.96. Printing accounts, $92.97, were pagsed: Road and Bridge com. were author- ized to investigate the matter of leading roads and report at next. session. Messrs. Sin 9:, BishOp and McDonald were appointed the new standlng committee re auditing. Mr. Sing chairman. It was decided to get the will of the electors in regard to home for aged and infirm at the next County Council election. A unique and pretty ceremony took place Wednesday evening. June 22d, at six o’clock at 328 Calumet Ave., Detroit, when the two daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Archibald McLellan were united in marriage; Miss Kath- leen McLellan to Mack Joseph Man- ley, of New York city, and Miss A1- ma Lanriston McLellan to Thomas Francis Stockton, a prominent young Lawyer, of Flint, Michigan. The ceremony was performed by Rt. Rev. BishOp Foley, and was witnessed by about 150 friends and relatives. The two young comples stood beneath a large floral bell of Marguerites in the alcove of the parlor, which was gar- landed with smilax, asparagus vine and Marguerites. Point, as Maid of H v- wore white Batiste over pink. Her bridesmaids were Miss Eva Cole, of Flint. and Miss Margaret McDonald, who were attired respectively in white ï¬gured organdie and white batiste over blue. . . Miss Eva Riccn, 1n orggndie over Maid of Honor to Miss en McLellan, and Miss Alla of Flint, and Miss Sarah Whitney, in gowns of white organ- die 0"" Bill? .394 lavender- respec- ciml'v. were Bridesmaids. Paterson , SATURDAY . By-laws Nos. 546, 547, 548 and 549 were ï¬nally passed. The clerk was allowed 310 extra for coming to Meaford. lively: I‘v' w'__v Council adjournéd {0 meet at Owen Sound on November 2131:. On motion of h'lessrs. Quance and Allan an expression of appreciation was tendered the peOple of Meaford. ’ letting contracts Mr. Stockton was waited on by his best man, Harry Bishop of Toronto. and Louis McPhee acted in the same Capacity for Mr. Manley, Messrs. Lawrence Bishop, of Toronto, Alex. McPhee, Adam Cochrane and )Lt. Curd fulfilled the duties of ushers. Areception from 7 until 8 o’clock followed the ceremony at which near- ly 800 guests were present. Mr. and Mrs. Manley left for an extended trip, after which they will reside in New York. Mr. and Mrs Stockton left for a honeymoon and on their return will reside in Flint. mines of Spanish lace and pearl, gar- nitured bodices, white tulle veils fastened with wreaths of lilies of the valley and orange blossoms, and car~ tying a bouquet of bridal roses. ,_ 2110 39M: brides were attired alike Miss Mary Calvert has gone to Winnipeg, Manitoba, to spend the summer with her brother Samuel. She went by the boat from 0. Sound. Mr. Wm. Brown left. last week for the West where he intends staying for two months, Tom McAuley has been laid up with the measles the last few days. How he will soon be better. Miss Eflie r"uck. of Mount Forest, w as the guest of her brother Abra- ham for a few days last week. Mrs. J. Queen spent part of last week in Toronto with her sons, Jas. and David and her daughter Martha. The Garden Party passed off pleas- antly everyone enjoying: themselves. There wasn’t. a very large crowd as quite a number went to Durham and did not get back in time to attend. Proceeds $10. Mr. J. Cornish, Sr., and Miss Mat-- tie Hopkins are the proud possessers of bran new organs, purchased from Mr. S. T. Orchard. By the appearance of his horse the other Sunday night Saugeen Jack must have a rough road to travel. Mr. and Mr. \Vm. Vollett and family were the guests of Mr. Geo. Schram last Sunday. Rev. Mr. Magwood preached his introductory sermon last Sunday evening. It. is hoped that his stay here will be one of proï¬t to both pastor and peOple. Miss Gertrude Meredith our pepu- lat teacher has gone home for the holidays. ORCHARD. Oil! of our young men have beg" to stray north since School closed. Its all right Jack but don’t get lost. John says he’ll get even with you {or taking his horse to go to Mt. Brown last Sunday night. Have You eve! sold We want to hear from you NURSERY STUCK ?‘ If so address the undersigned and you will learn something of very great in. terest to you. This means business and perhaps hundreds of dollars to you You may perhaps think when reading this that we intend to ask you to sell for us, but that is not the case. â€" - and to pay you for it, but don’t want fake answers, hence write us all nur- ticulars about 'ourselt so that we may know it is 0. Is. Remember all mm: munications are strictly conï¬dential. ; Peihamï¬mm 80‘ TORONTO, ONT.